Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

President Moon Jae-in delivered his New Year's address today,... where he pressed hard on

ultimately bettering the country's economy.

He also mentioned the situation with North Korea, pledging that he will continue with

the denuclearization and peace process laid out over the last year.

Our Blue House correspondent Shin Se-min reports.

President Moon Jae-in's proposal for the brand new year of 2019... is to build a nation in

which everyone can prosper together.

In his New Year's speech, President Moon urged the creation of a new economic model for South

Korea,... saying the country's economy right now faces the challenge of persistently slow


His plan for the coming 12 months... is to improve the lives of the people across the


"In 2019, I will do my utmost to help the people of Korea see the results of our policies

in their lives.

I will work to make this the first year in which people's lives improve evenly, and in

which we overcome inequality."

The president said he will call for interested parties to make compromises and concessions...

so that economic growth can be felt by everyone -- something he said will require patience.

On the issue of job creation,... the president also promised to build 30-thousand smart factories

and to create a regulatory sandbox for new businesses in the IT and communication sectors.

On his drive for ultimate peace,... the president promised to do even more... and to cement

the gains already made.

"The peace we enjoy now is still temporary.

In the new year, the government will do its best to turn this stream of peace into a big,

irreversible wave."

He said through the ultimate denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,... the country can

open up an era of peace and prosperity.

Connecting that with the economy,...

President Moon said,... will link countries to the north and the south of the nation in

a peaceful and prosperous community -- that includes Russia, Europe and Southeast Asia.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Pres. promise to make new year, where all peoples' lives improve evenly with no inequality - Duration: 2:23.


保護された子猫達が心配で、自ら捕獲器に入ったオスの野良猫【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 保護された子猫達が心配で、自ら捕獲器に入ったオスの野良猫【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:06.


Welcome to Everybody's House I 모두 하우스 – Ep.2 [ENG/2018.12.31] - Duration: 54:40.

One day in 2018 at Incheon Airport.

10 exchange students arrived in Seoul

from various nations around the world.

(10 exchange students)

Let me tell you about their nationality first.

I'm from Madrid, Spain.

I'm from Canada.

I'm from France.

I'm from the Netherlands.

Why did these 10 strangers

choose the unknown land of Korea?

Because I wanted to discover Asia,

since I've never been here before.

As far as possible.

So all the universities on my list were in Asia only.

I've always been with Lee Minho.

He's my favorite "oppa."

My first choice was Tokyo.

But I didn't really know why.

"Would you go to Seoul?"

And I was like, "Yeah, yeah, of course."

These strangers from 7 different countries

will be living together in Everybody's House

in Yeonnam, Seoul.

With this man.

(Fluent in English)

We're not sure whether long hair suits him

but he's fluent in English.

Yes, hello?

Huh? He's Korean.

I have a foreigner friend...

Just who is this man?

I'm pure Korean.

I went to elementary, middle

and high school in Cheongju.

- In Daejeon? / - KAIST.

(Graduation photo is to be used for times like this)

There are also two people to teach

the house members on how to get by in Korea.

They've lived 37 and 38 years exclusively in Korea,

Kim Donghyun and Moon Seyoon.

They thought they'd just be happy in Korea.

Frightening things start to happen.

It's a taste that's beyond your imagination.

Red pepper paste and silkworm rice rolls.


You can't stop eating once you've had it once.

The temptation of the raw instant noodles.

The sound that puts them at a loss for words.

The curse of 4.

The Everybody's House members

that enter the black hole of 10.

Will the members be able to

safely continue their lives in Korea.

Everybody's House.

(A day in October without any fine dust)

(It's quiet as usual here)

(They start to report in one by one)

(Louise takes something from the kitchen)

What are you guys doing?

TV drama.

You remember this snack?

Yeah. Did you crush it before?

(Instant noodles?)

Korean style.

- Raw instant noodles. / - Raw instant noodles.

Without water?

So cool.

(Shake it)

- It's good. / - Okay, take one each.

(It was a new discovery for them)


Don't hurt yourself.


(Calm down)

(Using her feet this time)

(She steps all over the instant noodles)

It's going to be too...

Yeah, that's why I told you to calm down.

(It's good)

(Traces of the broken noodles on the floor)

(Getting something ready)

Like this?

No, no, no. So like this.

You turn it.

(What are they going to do with the tape?)

Listen up, guys.

Pull this out like so.

(A tip which Seyoon taught them)

Wrap it around like so.

(That's very clever)


(Very basic cleaning tool)

(I'll clean up every speck of dust)

Korean mothers clean up

hair on the floor with this.

(They're using Seyoon's tip)


It's working.


(They start the drama)

Okay, let's go.

(The mega hit "Descendants of the Sun")

And then?

We're going to practice the pronunciation.

The teacher?

I'm going to be the girl.

Oh, now you're the girl? Okay.

I'm just going to watch.

Song Joongki. It's your turn.

What's your blood type?

(This is tough)

Just try it.

Just try it.

(Complete jiberish)

Okay, again, again.

What's your blood type?

(Still very wrong)

(It's improving)

Your ideal type.

Your ideal type.

Do it again.


(They move onto the next drama)

Want to eat with me or kiss me?

(What is she saying?)


(Louise is so funny)

Do it again. It was too long.

Want to die?

- Want to die? / - Want to die?



(Bad at Korean but their acting is passionate)

There are three bears in one house.

"In one house."

"Mommy bear."

"Is thin."

Is thin.

Something about the weather?

Yeah, "eomma" means...

Oh, no, it's not about weather.

It kind of sounds like it.

Weather is "nalsi."

"Nalsinhada" means skinny.

- Okay. / - Skinny.

Mother bear is skinny.

"Mother bear is skinny."

Stereotypes, huh?

What a sexist song.

You want to try?

(Ready to sing)

(The music begins for the "Three Bears Song")

(Ready to party)

- Oh, it's karaoke. / - It's like a karaoke.

♪ Three bears in one house ♪

- ♪ Daddy bear is... ♪ / - Too fast.

♪ Daddy bear is fat ♪

(What are we listening to?)

(What is he singing?)

You sort of managed to read it anyway.

The rhythm changes too much.

It's too fast.

(They try again at half speed)


(It's nice even when it's slow)

(Get ready)

♪ Three bears in a house ♪


(He's figuring out the tune)

Okay, it goes up.


It got me there.

♪ Mommy bear is skinny ♪

♪ Baby bear is so cute ♪

♪ Shrug, shrug, very good ♪


Fat. Yeah, Pablo is fat.

("Fat" and "skinny" added to their word list)



(Devin's learning Korean through sayings)

(Totally focused)

"On a nose it's a nose-ring."

Literally means, "On a nose it's a nose-ring.

On an ear it's an earring."

Okay, everything depends on

how you apply to the situation.

(Sounding out each word)

(Absorbed in studying Korean)

"A case of black hen laying white eggs."

"Birds of a feather, flock together."

Crayfish sides with the crab.

Okay. That makes sense.

(Busy learning Korean)

(The members have all gathered)

(What's going on?)

(Louise has smelly feet)

Lift them up.

(Suppressing the smell)

(I'm not really smiling)

I'm so happy because last week I got my result

for my Korean exam.


I got a 99 over 100.

(Round of applause)

(Lane got 99 on her Korean exam)

You also took a Korean exam?

Yeah, it went well. Like the basics, you know?

11 out of 20.

He had 7.

(Flustered, embarrassed)

(Jill tells on him)

(Stefan fails to trick them)

(Come on, Jill)

You learned about

onomatopoeia and mimetic words, right?

Have you heard?

Mimetic word or...

Yeah, we practiced a little bit

but I don't really remember the songs.

You know the dance?

Crawl, crawl.

- Crawling... / - You got this?


Shimmying, that's it?

What was the serpent thing?

- Slither, slither. / - Slither, slither.

(A mysterious dance)

Like the sound of animals.

For dogs...

- Woof, woof. / - Woof, woof.

A dog makes a sound like that here?


Woof, woof.


In English? Bark or ruff.

But I'm sure, dogs cannot make an "f" sound.

Maybe "w."

Do you really sound like a dog?

We write "woof, woof."

- But... / - How do you pronounce it?

Woof, woof.

(No way)


(What kind of dog sound like that?)

What about in the Philippines?

It's either "ruff" or...

Actually that's the best one.

(That's enough of the dog sound)

Now it's November, right?

The university entrance exam.

Yeah, I've heard about that.

Maybe it's like SAT, something similar?

I don't know about Americans but here in Korea,

the university entrance exam

happens only once a year in November.

It's one exam for different universities?

- One single exam for... / - For every university?

So if you fail or if you don't like the results...

Then you can take it again,

then that means you have to wait till next year.

Do you know someone that already failed?

Oh, a lot of people, many.

Everyone has the same test.

It's called the Baccalaureat.

Basically, that's to just assess your level.

Just to say, on a national level,

if you're able to do basic stuff.

What I read on Wikipedia.

The Korean version...

It's getting easier.

We don't have an exam, so you can just start it.

But people start it and cannot follow.

You know what I mean?

Even top universities?

Yeah, we don't. In Belgium, we don't work with...

Because it's cheap also.

How much? I'm just really curious.

I think Belgium is the cheapest for universities.

I'm going to say in euro first.

- It's 900 euro. / - 900 euro per year?

- More expensive. / - It's more expensive than us.

- Oh, really? / - Yeah.

900 euro? Wow.

But for a year? Two semesters?

- Yeah, two semesters. / - That's really cheap.

300 euro for French university.

- 300. / - Yeah.

- University fee? / - Oh, my God.

Private universities, even some public universities,

they can be as much as $70,000 a year.

Why is it that expensive?

How much do you pay in Korea?

Public universities like SNU, maybe per year,

I think I heard it's around 5 million won.

(That expensive?)

- Why? / - So maybe like $4,000.

Private universities like Yonsei University,

per year, maybe 6,000 USD.

But now, it's more.

I'm receiving scholarship

from the Korean government.

- We should've asked for it. / - Yeah, me too.

I didn't know.

(The night deepens with talk about educational fees)

(A new day begins)

(Autumn in November)

(They're living out their lives in Korea)

(So busy)

(Devin is headed to school)


(He's discovered someone)

(Mr. Moon)

Oh, hello.

Where are you going? Where?

Convenience store.

Convenience store? Why?

- School. / - School?

You haven't eaten yet.

Want to eat together?

- Okay. / - Okay, where should we go?

How many convenience stores?

How many?

How often do you go? Are you a regular?

(Trying to calculate)

20 times.

- Really? / - Yeah.

I really like it.

(Devin has around $680 in allowance per month)

(So he uses a convenience store often)

Oh, no.

I was looking for mulberry milk.

They don't have any more.

- Disappointed? / - Yeah.

(He doesn't give up)

(Looking for purple milk)

Why do you like convenience stores so much?

They just have anything I need.

If I don't know where to eat, I can just come here.

And check it out.

- Wow, they have it? / - They have it.


I really like it.

You go 20 times a day?

That's amazing. Over here?

Okay, go.

I'm hungry.

Go on in.

Go on in.

- Go on in? / - Go on in.

You've learned well. I should go in first.

Follow me.

(The gourmand enters the convenience store)

So hungry.

Chips here.

Let's eat something delicious.

Devin, you can speak in English now.

- You can speak English now. / - Okay.

This is my regular convenience store.

I come here on the way to school, all the time.

This is my regular convenience store

that I visit on the way to school, all the time.

This is your course.

You always stop by.

Okay, let's have something good.

Delicious, choice.

(Mr. Moon is excited)

This is good.


Honey. Honey bread.

(Honey stuffed bread is added to the cart)

Let's take this.

Choose a drink you like.

(Mulberry milk)

Milk, please.

I've never seen this.

They have mulberry flavor now?

You like this?

How can you just bring yours? Mine too.

- Oh, for you? / - Two.

Come on, buddy.

Mulberry? Banana?

Mulberry. I have to try it out.

Goodness, thank you.

We can eat over there, right?

Let's hurry.

We're going to enjoy

this delicious black bean noodles.

This is an incredible taste.


Mix it.


There's more noodles. Good, right?

I got a lot of cotton.

Cotton? Come on.

(Lost for words)

A lot of cotton.

Good to have lots of noodles, right?

It's nice to have a lot of noodles.

That's good.

Life is so easy.

Isn't this great?

I'm alive.


What is she saying?

Smells good.

So you're saying it smells good?

(A big bite)


How is it?

- It's good. / - Good?

(He can't stop eating)


You're taking two bites...

You eat once, I eat once.

(We should take turns)

Back and forth?


This looks so good.

(He even adds an egg)

(Finally gets his first bite)

(This is mukbang)

(Can't help but smile)

I definitely can't do that.


(Using the translator again)

Are you full?

I'm full.


Are you full?

Are you full?

You call me?


Are you full?

(You need to raise the end)

Are you full?

What does he think of me?


(Let's just wash it all down with mulberry milk)

(Meanwhile, back at Everybody's House)

(They're preparing ingredients for rice rolls)

(Lots of ham)


They always put something I don't like in the rice rolls.

I don't know what it is, I think it's the yellow radish.

It's sweet and it's not good.

Think about what to put inside.

Only these things is a little bit boring.

We can put some different things.

Last time, I also put smoked salmon.

Oh, yeah!

Fries, we can put fries.

We can put live octopus.

Yeah. You can put live octopus in. Why not?

Or mango.

It must be good.

Actually, mango is very good in sushi.

(Going to buy the ingredients)

(Jill heads to the mart)

Salmon, please?

(Looking for salmon)

(The employee understood)

(She finds the salmon)


Thank you.

(She even finds some shrimp)

Mango? Mango, please.

- This? / - Yes.

Okay, thank you.

What are you making?

I'm going to make rice rolls.

Rice rolls?

It's a special way.

Maybe Western way?

You can come and try too. It's going to be good.

Maybe, you could...


Thank you.


(Dongryeong cooks some kimchi stew)

Do you want to try?

- Yeah. / - What's the sauce?

I want to see how you do it.

Just water, kimchi and meat.

Water, kimchi, meat?

You want to try?

- Can I try? / - Yeah.

It's really delicious.

(What do Louise and Lane think?)

Good, right?

It's good, right?

It tastes like grandma's cooking.


We could just cook this here. It's super easy.

Super simple, right?

You could sometimes.

What do we have to do with that?

With what?

The rice rolls and...

(What is that?)


We will put it in.

Burdock is a vegetable.

- Hey, it's very simple. / - Hey, girls.

- Okay, there you go. / - You've arrived.

I bought really special things.

(Special things, mango, avocado and salmon)

With what we have here,

let's make our own rice rolls together.

- In your own style. / - Yeah.

Be creative.

We are already.

Yeah, I know.

Jill, you've got really great ideas.

(I'll add some ham)

- Put less filling in the fish. / - Avocado?

Yeah, a little bit.

I'm going to put in mango.

Oh, okay.

What is that?

Sometimes I eat mango with rice.

- Really? / - As a meal.

Okay, I will show you.

You need to press with your fingers here.

(Jill suddenly gets up)

(She brings something)

(What is that, Jill?)


Okay, I'm trying chili paste.

(Ham, mango, cucumber, red pepper paste)

(Will this taste okay?)

Let me check in the fridge.

(Just like a hyena on the prowl)

Oh, yeah.

Did you find it?

- Yes. / - Go for it.

- You don't like it? / - No, it's fine.

What is that?

Special kind of meat.

Meat? You think that's meat?

(What is this meat Jill took out of the fridge?)

I'm going to do one half, okay?



(Her rice rolls are beyond imagination)

- I don't know what it is. Insect? / - Yeah.

- This is like... / - Silkworm.

Silkworm? What is it in French?

(She explains in French)

It's pupa. Pupa of silkworm.

- Pupa? / - Before they become the...

Okay, right.

They become the moth.

Never tried it before.

Lane, Have you tried?

Yeah, I tried it. It's really good.

Yeah, it's good.

- I don't like it that much. / - No?

(Should I eat it?)

(Should I not?)

(She deliberated for a long time)

(Small bite)

(What is this taste?)

(Her friend finds it so funny)

(They continue to make rice rolls)

What is that?


(She adds garlic on top of silkworms)

(Just the thought grosses her out)

I like garlic.

I want garlic too.

Oh, my God. It looks so good.

(She tries to roll it up)

What did you put?

(A suspicious smile)


(Let's just smile)

(Will it be okay?)

My sister always tells me,

"Oh, Jill. You always make crazy things."

But in the end, she's like,

"Oh, actually, it's really good."

At least you don't lack self-confidence.

Did you make this one?

(Louise and Lane focus on their rice rolls too)

(They add shrimp as well and roll them up nicely)

(Finally, it's all complete)

(One-of-a-kind special rice rolls)

(There's no guarantee they taste good though)

(Gourmets should change the channel)

(They eat with kimchi stew)

I'm trying the crazy one.


Wait, it's huge.

(It's too big)

So, how is it?

(It's pretty good)


I like it.

(They're all satisfied)

(Something makes her laugh)

You're really going to taste the silkworm.

The thing is, I like it when I'm eating 3 or 4.

But when I have to eat a lot, I can't.

I love it.

(They dig in)

It's really good.

Can we make this every day?

- Oh, Ines. / - Ines.

- We have enough. / - Come here.

Let's go. Dinner is ready.

What a good timing.

(The hungry victim joins in)

Which one did you try? This one?

Somewhere there.

Can you guess who made it?

(Profound meaning)

Yeah, it's not really convenient to eat.

Is this one of the crazy ones?

Is this one of the crazy ones?

Avocado and...

(Ines checks the ingredients)

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.


(It falls apart)

Just open your mouth. I know you can do it.

- It broke before. / - It's Jill's.

- It's Jill's. / - Good?

(Full of expectation)

(What is this flavor?)

This one I like it a little bit less.

Little bit less?

- You know why? / - Why?

Because of...

- Silkworms. / - There's silkworms inside.

(So funny)

No, you can...

Ines, it's okay. We all ate it.

You could've waited for me to eat it. Oh, my God.

It's not that bad. We were all like...

- Alive? / - No.


Okay, I'm sorry.

No, no, no.

(The silkworms are coming)

(Eyes are trembling)



You know what, I did not actually want to see it.

Yeah, that's what I told you.

- You don't want to see it. / - It's good to eat.

(The friends that join them later ate the silkworm too)

(A clear blue sky)

Can I at least know where we are in Seoul?

I don't even know if we are in Seoul.

This is Itaewon.

- She must know Itaewon. / - You know Itaewon?

- Yeah. / - We are in Itaewon neighborhood.

Okay, that's why I kind of knew where we were.

So, what are we doing here?

That's a secret.

- Secret. / - Oh, come on.

Elsa can't eat pork.

She can't eat pork belly?

What will we do?

She's eating it with bean sprouts? In a wrap?

It must've been tough for her, with the smells.

It must be tough for Elsa because of the food.

Korea is a land of gourmet food.

But I think you will see soon.

Oh, my God.

Do you want to check it out?

(Oh, my God)

(What did Elsa get shocked by?)

(What could it be?)

(It's a cheese shop)

No, because...

- You remember I love cheese? / - We've got to go.

- You love cheese? / - Really?

(Very excited)

Looking around the supermarket with Elsa.


Buying things for this week.

What are you getting today?

(Have you heard of cheese shopping?)

So this is cream cheese for my bread, in the morning.

Because I eat that in the morning.

I want cheese, like French cheese.

You know, the perfect French cheese.

How much do you miss French cheese?

- So much. / - Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. So much.

In France, I eat that every day.

- Oh, you like cheese? / - I just wanted to show you.

Are there any cheese you recognize here?

Do you know any cheese here?

Everything. It's from France.

- They're from France. / - I think so, yeah.

Really? They're cheese you used to eat at home?

- Yeah. / - That's what she says.

I eat that all day.

Every day.

If we look around in there,

she'll get homesick.


Because it's the thing that I miss the most.

I really love cheese.

(Is that so?)

This is what we're here for. Come on in.


(Making happy dolphin sounds)

That's amazing. Oh, my God.

I think I'm going to brag to everyone.

No pork belly today.

No pork belly today.

Yeah, no. This is only cheese.

Are these samples?

- Like a trial. Maybe we can try. / - Okay.

Let's try it.

Are they the same? I think they're different.


So delicious.

- This is gouda. / - Gouda?

This one.

(She knows it right away)

Is she right?

- Is this it? / - Yes, that's gouda.


You're like the owner here.

I wish. This is my dream.

I heard you like raclette.

- Raclette? / - Raclette. That.

Oh, this?

How do you pronounce it?

Go again.

- Raclette. / - Raclette?

- You got it. / - Raclette.

It's kind of like German.

This is really typical in France.

You eat that with potatoes and meat.

And it's like hot.

Like a fondue.

It's like a fondue dip.

Fondue is kind of different

because you have meat or bread.

And you just put it in there.

Elsa's getting talkative now that she has cheese.

Your day, your way.

Elsa, you choose.

Thank you.

I want this one.

- All of them? / - I want this.

I want to cook something for you with this.

Thank you.

Let's go and pay for this.

Yes, add that too.

This is goat cheese.

One more? Okay!

Add it. Double up.


(Am I trembling?)

You've bought quite a lot.

- I'll tell her to come here often. / - Yes.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

- Bye. / - Let's go back home.

Let's go.

(Let's quickly go eat cheese)

(Loud shouting can be heard)

(A taekwondo dojo)

(Theo and Samuel are here)

Come this way.

(Samuel who looks like Leo)

(And Theo who looks like Thor)

(So similar)

You're here to learn taekwondo?

- Yes. / - Taekwondo?

We want to learn.

For me, personally, it's because

I'm curious about this traditional martial arts.

- In Korea? / - In Korea.

It's the sport I want to learn because

it's part of the culture.

They like Korea and they want to learn taekwondo

because it's the traditional sport of Korea.

(Is this how you do it?)

(While he fools around with the kid)

(Black-belts suddenly rush in )

(Looking around)

(A loud shout)

(A 540 roundhouse kick)

(Simultaneous spinning kicks)

(My goodness)

(Loud applause)

Did you see the power?

- In the scream. / - Every time. Screaming...

(Shouts of concentration)

When they were doing the demonstration...

Every time they stopped, the floor shook.

It's like, nothing moved but there was an earthquake.

(Samuel and Theo are in love with taekwondo)

Switch feet.


(Unfamiliar with their first kicks)

(They learn through observation)

(Donghyun is watching them train)

They're learning taekwondo.

They've learned the basics.

(Theo has decent form)

(Samuel's struggling)

He punched like this.

It's not like you're bad at sports

if you don't have a good kick.

They're unfamiliar with taekwondo kicks.

They can be good at other things but not this.

(The taekwondo kicks aren't easy)


It's so good to see Stefan.

(Stefan with a manly aura)

(He gets changed into his taekwondo uniform)

(Time for Stefan to learn his kicks)

(Okay, I got it)

Jump and...



Like this?

(Easily gets it right)

That was good. One more time.

Kick up high. Raise your knees.

One more time.

I'll have to take Stefan around with me to train.

The Korean and Stun Gun training method.

I'd better make a man out of him.

(Donghyun unexpectedly discovers a gem)

(A few days later)

(Mr. Kim is exercising in the early evening)

(We don't know what he's really doing)

Wow, Baekho.

- Everest! / - Baekho.

You're training?

Yeah, I need some training.

I don't need muscle training.

I want your brain training.

- Brain training? / - Korean.

- Okay, okay. / - Korean, okay?


- Hwa... / - Hwa.


- Subway. / - Ah...

- Help me. / - Help me?

(He can only vaguely remember)

(Look at my mouth)

(Help me)

(He helps him out with his fingers)

- "Dowajuseyo." / - Okay.

Very important.

What's it in English?

"Word!" Very important word in Korea.

"Please help."

I think you like Korean style training

and martial arts.

Today, I'll teach you Korean style training.

- Okay. / - Let's go.


This is a very easy mountain to climb.

Okay, okay.

- Steps. / - Did you see?

(Where has he taken Stefan?)

(A free, open gym)

(Let's sweat it out like real men here)

This is bad.

This is called "kkeokkuri" in Korean.

- "Kkeokkuri." / - "Kkeokkuri."

(He tries it out with confidence)

- "Kkeokkuri." / - "Kkeokkuri." Okay.

- Slow, slow. / - That's right...

Oh, slow?

Okay, good.



Okay, okay.

If you want to stand, but you don't have power...

You're out of power. No power left.

And you need someone else's help.

What do you do?


I would call 112.

- No phone, no phone. / - It hurts.


- Do... / - Do...



(I need to remember it)

(Look at my mouth)

(What did Mr. Kim teach me?)

(I know I heard it)

(I know it)


(Stefan, you can do it)

(That's right, I remember)

Please help me!

Okay! Friend.

- What happened? / - Okay.

(Phew, I survived)

- Hello. / - Hello.

- Weightlifting. / - Weightlifting.

It's heavy. Are you okay?


Wow, you're amazing.

(This is nothing)

Oh, sir.

(You're amazing)

I'm 79 years old.



Wow, you're 79?

You're amazing.

- No, no, no. / - Try it.

- Okay. / - Okay.


(It's a battle of pride)

1, 2, 3.

You're really good.

7, 9...


You've learned it wrong.

Where is 8?

Oh, 8. Right.

(He forgot the 8 from wanting to win so bad)

- 8, 9. / - Okay.

- Chip. / - Chip?

- You want some chips? / - Chip?

- 10. / - 10.

- Okay. / - 10.


- Thank you. / - Thank you, sir.

You're so healthy.

Thank you.

(The gentleman leaves)

(They spot another machine)


We've exercised our legs a lot.


We used our legs a lot.

- We have to stretch. / - Stretch.

Stretching your legs.

You go and ask the lady.

- Grandma. / - Grandma.

- Stretching your legs. / - Stretching your legs.

- Please teach me. / - Please teach me.

Big sound.

- Grandma, hello. / - Hello.


- Please crush it. / - Please crush it.

Please crush it.


You just asked her to crush your leg.


Don't ask her to crush your leg.

(She understood and teaches him)

(This is how it's done)

(He stretches his long legs)

- That feels good. / - Like this?

(Thumbs up)

Does it feel good?

It's good.

- It feels good. / - Okay.

It feels good.

That's "oh, very nice" in English.

Very nice.

Very nice.

- There's the arm spinning device. / - Teach us that.

Okay, okay, okay.

I can speak German.

(The lady knows how to speak German)

You know how to speak German?

I lived in Germany for 4 years.


- In Cologne. / - Cologne?

It's been a long time since I've come to Korea.

50 years ago.

I'm from the Netherlands.

(Feeling left out)

Is this how it feels?

(Just saying whatever to fit in)

So you can speak German?

I used to be good at German back in the day.

I was a secretary in Germany.

I've forgotten it all now.

You're so good.

I can only speak a little.

I hope you have a good trip

and settle in well in Korea.

Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Have a nice day. Thank you.

(Thank you for helping us out with the shoot)

(Only the street lights brighten the darkness)

I saw your video.

And I really want to learn the elbow.

- Elbow? / - Like the spinning elbow.

Only do it inside the gym, not in Itaewon.

- No Itaewon. / - No Itaewon.

(They head to the gym to learn the elbow)

(Warming up first)

- Stretching. / - Stretching, okay?

Oh, say hello.

(Samuel and Theo came to visit)

- Okay, nice to meet you. / - Hello.

You can't speak Korean?

- A little. / - A little?

- Little. / - Okay.

(They change into gears)

You look like a boy but you have a lot of...

(Chest hairs peeking out)

Wolverine inside.


- Do Taeho. / - Taeho.

- Do Taeho. / - Okay.

- Son Samho. / - Son Samho?

Samho, Taeho, Baekho.

You're trained in taekwondo?

- Yes. / - How long?

One time.

One time? Good.

(Starting with kicks)


(Aim well or I'll hurt)

(Taeho goes first)

(Mr. Kim flinches without realizing)

I'm scared he'll kick my hand.

(They're fascinated to see a UFC fighter like this)

I'm scared.

Okay, sorry.

Sorry, sorry.

This should do, right?

With this.

Is this okay?

It really hurts if you kick here.

I'm scared.

(Full power)

I'm scared.

(Kicks the mitt into the distance)




(Good job, bro)

Wow, so strong.

(They start proper training)

You don't know this?

(The tap ball improves coordination)


(It's not about hitting it hard)

(Samuel's scared of the ball)

You have to count in Korean.

English doesn't count.

Korean's okay.

Okay, go.


Go again.

1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4.

4, 4, 4.

(What was that?)

(Samho doesn't know 5)

(Baekho is next up)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...

(What's after 7?)

(Pointing out the mistake)

8, 8.

- Okay. / - And you?


1, 2... In Korean.

(Let it slide)

Korean, okay. Korean, Korean.

- You do it in English. / - Okay.

My English is very good.

1, 2, 3, 4... Okay, okay.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

13, 14, 5... What was it?

15, 16, 17, 18,

19, 20.


Okay, okay. Sorry.


Let's all do it together.

Let's go, Korea!

Okay, thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

(8 p.m. Yeonnam)

(They return with bags full)

Let's put these up here.

Oh, my God. You bought buffalo cheese.

(Too early to get excited)

Tonight, we're going to eat raclette.

- Look how happy she is. / - She's so happy.

She looks so happy.

Thank you.

It's nothing.

- I'm rich. / - She looks so happy.


Devin, have you eaten?

- Yes. / - You have?

What about you, Louise? Have you eaten?

Yes... No, no.

No, no.

Why did you say yes first?

So you can eat twice?


(This is the proof)

What should we begin with first?

I need Louise for that.

- For preparing. / - She needs Louise.

You need Louise's help?

(Full of confidence)

- Here, cut this in small pieces. / - We need to cut this.

- And then... / - Tomatoes in half, I think.

Yeah, half and three-quarters.

(Check out the gourmand's knife skills)

(So neat)

(They're cutting up the ingredients rapidly)

Winnie, you can distribute the cheese

in a beautiful way.

- Like a circle on the plates. / - Okay.

She wants me to plate it nicely, right?

- In a circle. / - She wants you to plate it well.

(No problems with the decoration)

(They're finally ready to eat raclette)

(With fresh beef)

(And various vegetables)

(When cheese is ready)


(Hold up)

(When it comes to raclette)

(They use a raclette grill)

You can see it's really melted. You see here?

The cheese becomes very melted.

Healthy cheese, slowly, very nicely.

(Very appetizing)

(How will the students heat the cheese?)

Or maybe... Can we use this?

Yeah, maybe that's good. A small one.

(They use the smallest frying pans they have)

Show us how we're supposed to eat it.

(Grill the ingredients first)

(Place the cheese in a frying pan and then on the grill)

(Heat it until it bubbles)

Listen to me.

The cheese is ready.

The cheese is ready when you have bubbles.

Okay, you just put cheese on the potatoes,

and you just eat it like that.

(So appetizing)

We pour it over?

Pour it on, pour it on.

Pour it.

- Thank you. Okay. / - Okay?

(Enjoying the raclette)

Oh, my God. This is so good.

We needed 100 packs of cheese.

From what I see...

(How exciting)

Oh, my God. This is so good.

This is so like when we go skiing.

- Yeah, like skiing. / - Skiing.

(Elsa has a taste too)

(This is it)


(Savoring it)

(Mr. Moon focuses on the flavors)

(It's good)

(She can't stop eating the food she longed for)


It's a lot saltier than Mozzarella.

(Even Louise, who hasn't had dinner, enjoys it)

(They're all in love with raclette)

She's eating from the bowl.

Devin said he'd eaten already.

(Even Devin, who had dinner, enjoys it)

- Good quality cheese. / - Really good quality.

I have to take a picture for my family.

This is really weird.

(She wants to send pictures to her family back home)

Are you feeling homesick?

Yes, a lot.

Are you reminded of your mom's cooking?

Do you remember the taste that your mom made?

Can you stop saying that? It's painful.

Cry, cry, cry.

This food and the cheese reminds you of home

in France?

- It's what we eat in the winter. / - The cheese.

Yeah, it reminds me more of winter vacation.

When we go skiing, we always eat this.

Bread and cheese.

Bread and cheese.

Really basic but I miss that bread.

Can I take the last one or someone want...

Yeah, you take.

For you, Elsa.

- Yeah. / - All for you.

(Elsa gets the last piece)

It's nice because Elsa's eating well.

(Seyoon feels proud)

Sure! It's cheese. How am I supposed to not like it?

Elsa too?

- Also for you, it's okay? / - Really? Then...

You know what to say after we finish the food?

Thank you? For the cheese.

It's tasty.

Thank you for the food.

- Thank you for the food. / - She just said it.

- Thank you for the food. / - No, he said it.

- I feel like the schoolmaster. / - Right?

Repeat after me.

Thank you for the food.

- Thank you for the food. / - Okay.

Thank you.

Mom and dad, I really miss you.

I hope to see you real soon.

We'll get to meet soon.

I only have 2 months left now.

(They're able to withstand the loneliness)

(Because they're together)

Everybody's House, the next episode.

The members head to the countryside

to learn more about Korean's affection.

Hold it. How much have the members

improved in Korean?

Strange letters that are unrecognizable.

They also get a practical lesson in Korean.

I can do.

They solve quizzes

and bridge a 70-year age gap.

You pick it like this.

Will the Everybody's House members

get a proper understanding

of the Korean affection?

Find out in the next episode of Everybody's House.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Everybody's House I 모두 하우스 – Ep.2 [ENG/2018.12.31] - Duration: 54:40.


President Trump tweets he is also looking forward to meeting North Korean leader, while.. - Duration: 2:30.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un gave his highly anticipated New Year's speech yesterday, in

which many were hoping for a sign that there might be a breakthrough in North Korea's negotiations

with the U.S.

The State Department decided not to comment on the speech, but President Trump said he

hopes to meet with Kim Jong-un. Lee Ji-won has more.

In response to Kim Jong-un's New Year's speech, U.S. President Donald Trump said he too looks

forward to meeting with his North Korean counterpart.

President Trump on Tuesday evening, tweeted the comment together with part of a news report

that says Kim Jong-un is ready to meet President Trump anytime.

He referred to Kim as someone who realizes that North Korea possesses great economic


Trump's tweet also included the part of the report where it said the regime will not make

or test nuclear weapons or give them to others.

This follows the North Korean leader's New Year's speech early on Tuesday, where he said

he is firmly determined to denuclearize.

But Kim also said, should the U.S. not keep its promise to the world, and only urge the

North to take measures, Pyeongyang will have no choice but to find "other ways" to settle

peace on the Korean Peninsula.

And in making a peaceful and prosperous peninsula, Kim said efforts for multi-party talks should

be made to change the current armistice agreement to a declaration to end the Korean War,...

and have South Korea cease all military drills with "other foreign sources."

Kim's New Year's speech was long awaited by many around the world as it was hoped to provide

a breakthrough in the current months-long deadlock in the denuclearization talks.

But the U.S. seemed to be careful on its evaluation of the speech.

A U.S. State Department spokesperson,.. speaking to Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency on the condition

of anonymity on Tuesday said the U.S. declines the "opportunity to comment".

While such a response is uncommon, some watchers say that the temporary shutdown of the U.S.

federal government may have been a reason for it.

Meanwhile, major U.S. media outlets reported on how the deadlock still continues.

The New York Times said that the nuclear negotiations are back at square one, as the North's demands

are not that different from before the summit.

And the Washington Post cited a senior analyst who said that the U.S. should move decisively

in the new year to find out how far Kim is willing to go towards a verified cap on his


Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Trump tweets he is also looking forward to meeting North Korean leader, while.. - Duration: 2:30.


saints row IV | THIS GAME IS CRAZY - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> saints row IV | THIS GAME IS CRAZY - Duration: 15:24.


Innovation, competitiveness & future readiness emphasized by Korea's conglomerate heads for 2019 - Duration: 2:23.

The heads of South Korea's top five conglomerates have laid out their visions and strategies

for the new year.

They'll be dealing with challenges like slowing growth and rising trade protectionism.

Kim Ji-yeon reports.

The buzzwords for Korea's top five conglomerates to kick-off the new year are innovation, strengthening

competitiveness and future readiness... as they face a variety of uncertainties.

At 'Digital City,' Samsung Electronics headquarters in Suwon, Co-Vice Chairman and CEO Kim Ki-nam

celebrated the company's 50th anniversary since its founding.

He laid out Samsung's vision to become one of the most advanced IT companies that lasts

a century.

He said the company must overcome obstacles by creating a corporate culture of learning

from past failures and encouraging challenges... calling it crucial to the development of the

next-generation of goods and innovative technology as well as nurturing new industries.

In his new year's speech, Chung Eui-sun, Executive Vice Chairman of Korea's largest automaker

Hyundai Motor Group, called for changes and innovation in how the automaker thinks and

operate... saying they're the game changers in the global market.

Chung said the group plans to launch 13 new models in the key U.S. and Chinese markets...

and strengthen operations in emerging markets like India and Southeast Asia.

Together with its affiliate Kia Motors, they're aiming to develop 44 hybrid, all-electric

and hydrogen fuel cell electric models by 2025... and want to sell one-point-6-7-million

units of the models each year... as part of its "clean mobility" strategy.

The CEO of Korea's second largest chipmaker, SK Hynix, Lee Seok-hee emphasized turning

risks into opportunities amid falling global DRAM prices and fears of an end to the semiconductor


Through innovation, Lee laid out plans to bring the company's market value to almost

90 billion U.S. dollars in three years.

LG Group Chairman Koo Gwang-mo emphasized "consumers"... saying providing goods and

services that change consumers' lifestyles and to do that faster than anyone else...

are the standards LG should pursue.

Choi Jeong-woo, Chairman of the country's largest steelmaker POSCO, called for perseverance

in the face of rising trade protectionism.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

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