This video is brought to you by Easy Roller Dice!
They have a new kickstarter for their Metal Dice of Ancient Dragons.
Click the link in the description to check it out.
Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Today we're discussing Sembia, which lies to the right of Cormyr.
Sembia reminds me a bit of Amn, in that money is important, and merchants hold quite a bit
of power.
They are not at the same economic level as Amn but their priorities align perfectly.
Sembia has changed since 3rd edition being overtaken by the Netherese during 4e and returning
to an independent nation by 5th edition.
Sembia is a young country, settlers from Chondath arrived in the Sembia region and gained independence
when the Chondathans were unable to hold on to the colony because of Cormanthor Elves
during the Battle of Singing Arrows in 884 DR.
Sembians gathered together and formed a merchant council that elected an Overmaster to rule
in seven year terms.
By 913 DR the country of Sembia was official, with rulers and their armies in place.
One of the Overmasters named Kendrick had a son named Miklos that spent most of his
life as an adventurer in the Sea of Fallen Stars, the Moonsea, and the Underdark.
Calling himself the Silver Raven Miklos makes the merchant rulers nervous with his negotiation
skills, ability to wield a sword, and powerful magic.
Miklos once returning to Sembia formed a personal army of 200 loyal Sembians to improve the
overall image of Sembia abroad.
To gather information, retrieve magical treasures, and accomplish missions.
They are known as the Silver Ravens.
Miklos sees his army as a reaction or counter to the Harpers that are not well liked within
Miklos prefers his Silver Raves to be like him, True Neutral with loyalty to Sembia.
Sembia is very lawful which is unlike the pirates of the nearby moonsea and other lawless
thugs in the area.
They observe and adhere to contracts and laws, often finding loopholes to exploit while still
being within the rules.
Their government is a Plutocracy, which in this case means a
merchant's council with an elected overmaster like I mentioned earlier.
They are a land of wealth with the grasping drive to earn more.
Despite it's lawful citizens Sembia is home to secret cabals, cults, and other dangers.
Everyone is looking for an edge in this cutthroat market.
The Sembians, also called Semmites, that live in the larger cities look down on the country
folk, and folk of other cities.
Consorting with pirates isn't permitted although it might be a lucrative corner if you
could somehow redefine your pirate friend as a nobel business partner.
The countryside of Sembia is rich farmland.
Orchards and vineyards cover the area to the south and livestock take over the northern
Normally within the realms farmers are taken advantage of by other merchants, but Semmite
farmers have strong business skills and often get fair or better prices for their exports.
The capital of Sembia is Ordulin, where politics is nearly as important as economics.
It's a relatively new city, as it should be because Sembia is a relatively new kingdom.
The city is laid out like a great sunburst, with a central core consisting of three great
buildings and roads radiating out from it.
The center of city is the Great Hall of the Council of Sembia.
Here the nations rulers live, who are the great and powerful merchants within Sembia's
Sembia would rather make a deal than go to war.
Despite this they did have conflicts with the Dalelands and the Elves of Cormanthor.
Then there was a civil war in the mid 1370s that tor Sembia apart.
It was during this time that the Netherese reappeared on Faerun and took advantage of
the political climate within Sembia.
By 1380 Sembia was under the thumb of the Twelve Princes, also known as the Princes
of Shade.
By 1400 DR Sembia was fully absorbed into Netheril.
The Netheril who were gone from Toril for centuries used Sembia to remake it's economy.
Utilizing their sea ports for trade as well as their soldiers to protect and workers to
build the Netheril up.
Many of the Sembian merchants welcomed the Netheril because it filled their pockets with
large amounts of coin.
Also the Shadovar, i.e. the Netherese, were able to help Sembia with long distant trade
by navigating through the Shadowfell to far reaches of Toril.
Literally trading everywhere, and sometimes secretly with other realms where trading with
Sembia was outlawed, such as Cormyr.
Early on there was a resistance to Netheril rule but that existed only for the first decade
or so.
Through money, assassination, and magic the Shadovar (the Netherese) took control of their
Sembian subjects.
They didn't wipe out the resistance, but soon it was only capable of petty acts of
terrorism within the city.
Using Sembia The Shadow Empire of Netheril strengthened their hold on parts of Faerun.
Sembia outright invaded the Dalelands.
The nation of Cormyr aided the Dalelands but Netheril brought their forces to Cormyr forcing
that Kingdom to fight on two fronts.
But Sembia was pushed back thanks to the elves of Myth Drannor that came and fought back
against the Netherese.
The returned Netherese fell around 1484 DR during a conflict with Myth Drannor.
Without Shadow Empire control Sembia returned to being an independent economic power within
Trade with warring neighbors was restored thanks to Sembia distancing itself from the
Netherese way of life.
Reminding trading partners of the long and mutually profitable relationships they previously
You can find more about the fall of the Netherese in the Sundering Series of novels published
by Wizards of the Coast.
The Netherese empire rolled a natural one on their attack against Myth Drannor, but
that won't happen to you with your new set of Metal Dice of Ancient Dragons from Easy
Roller Dice.
They've got a new kickstarter featuring their metal dice in Silver, Gold, Bronze,
and Copper.
Each die has unique dragon esque numbers and Easy Roller Dice even sent me
a few prototypes my way and they look fantastic.
The Kickstarter is already funded so you are guaranteed a set of dice if you pledge, but
they do have lots of great stretch goals to unlock such as Dice Cases and new designs.
Check out Easy Roller Dice's Kickstarter "Metal Dice of Ancient Dragons" today!
Link in the doobly do.
Sembia is a great place for some political or economic focused campaigns.
Have your PCs arrive by ship using their newfound wealth from adventuring to purchase goods
for trade within Sembia.
Perhaps they will have to deal with assassination attempts for encroaching on another's economic
They could weed out all the lawless rebels and become a true merchant king of Sembia.
Thanks for watching everyone, thanks to my patrons on Patreon that keep these videos
I really value and love your support.
Please give the video a thumbs up if you feel so inclined and I'll see you all next week
with another video.
For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Lore - Sembia - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Dlaczego podróżujemy po świecie - Duration: 2:40.
We live in a very busy world
People are still moving, they are in a hurry, they are running
sometimes they don't even have time to eat breakfast
They say that time is money but for me time is freedom
We are so absorbed in life that sometimes we don't see the other person
the world that surrounds us and in which we live
Maybe it's a technology problem that is constantly evolving
or maybe the rush that surrounds us or the group of people we are with
I don't know, but life may look much different
The world is not black and white
and people on earth are diverse and we should enjoy the life we have
Fortunately, I know different people who think differently
They live according to their own rules
We call them hitchhikers, hobos, travelers
People who follow their passion at all costs
adventure, for discovering the world and people
It doesn't matter how much money you have and what country you come from
or what religion you believe
The most important is that you belong to people who share passion
Passion for life, discovering and fulfilling dreams
It is said that twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Maybe travels are not the only antidote for happiness
detachment from routine but there is something special in travelling, something that attracts a lot of people
Maybe life is about being nice, helping people and having fun
What if not? That's okay
I don't know about you but I'm happy when I put my thumb on the road
I meet strangers on my way or when I'm in a tent and fall asleep with a smile on my face
you only live once
Why not take advantage of this life?
Ratna Antika - Gak Kuat [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:11.
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Dulhe Ka Sehra _ By Arshad Nawaz _ Urdu Song - Duration: 1:53.
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Dulhe Ka Sehra _ By Arshad Nawaz _ Urdu Song
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How to Make a Rubber Band Gun - Duration: 3:13.
What's up everyone, in this video, I'm going to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my channel
by showing how to make this rubber band gun.
But before I start, I want to wish everyone a happy new year.
Also, I realize that I'm making this video late and that my channel's actual birthday
is on 18th November.
Let's get to the making of the gun.
I'm taking this stick and cutting a little notch at the end.
After that, I'm going to cut 3 small hooks in the other stick.
These are the parts for the trigger.
I cut some sticks off-camera and the measurements and quantities for each stick are on the screen.
This is where you will need your glue gun.
This is how you are going to attach the sticks to form the gun.
Now, I slightly modified the gun while I wasn't recording.
I trimmed around the trigger part to make the gun better and also added some tape in
this notch area.
Also, I designed the trigger so that it can be removed from the handle to be modified
if I ever need to modify it.
Before ending the video, I want to tell you that I realize I haven't been uploading frequently
but you might've noticed that I put a comment on my channel's discussion tab which reads:
"I know that I've not been uploading any videos for the last 8 months or so, but more videos
will be coming soon because I have my winter vacations and you can expect regular uploads
from 23rd February, 2019.
I know that's a very specific date, but I'll give everyone an update later."
I'm not going to tell you everything right now, but what I can say is that you can expect
videos every 4 days from then until 3rd June, 2019.
There will hopefully be a video on each channel and the video on the tech channel should release
an hour after the one on this channel.
This is because of a plan which I made back around September, 2018.
That's it for now.
Thank you for watching and I'll see you later.
How to Make Girls CHASE YOU! (Ft. RSD Derek) | How to Make A Girl Like You - Duration: 5:57.
Yo yo, Based Zeus here and today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make a girl chase
But since this is an important topic that I wanna make sure you guys master, I recruited
some help.
I got my boy RSD Derek to come by and drop some knowledge bombs.
Hey, this is Derek from Real Social Dynamics!
Zeus, thanks for inviting me on to help out your men!
Let's jump right into it.
First and foremost, the #1 thing you want to signal to the girl is abundance.
I've talked about abundance before but for those of you who don't know I'll give
a quick refresher.
Abundance basically means 'plentifulness', and you want to signal to the girl that you
have a plentifulness of hot girls to choose from, plentifulness of badass shit in your
life, and overall a life that's awesome and worthy of having.
This abundance of good shit in your life will show the girl that she's not the only thing
in your life and that you're not gonna become some needy overzealous little bitch who's
constantly gonna seek her approval.
Once you signal abundance, the girl will be vying for your attention, as opposed to you
competing for hers.
I noticed years ago, that men always end up with exactly the quality of woman, that they're
willing to walk away from.
The price you pay when you need the attention of a particular woman, is: well, you can never
have her.
-One of the most pragmatic things a man can do to indicate abundance to a woman and thus
a lack of neediness, is to simply engage in irreverent humor.
When you feel comfortable enough and entitled enough to speak freely about the things you
think are funny with no fear of rejection, girls often get very attracted to you.
Sure, some won't like your sense of humor, but the ones who do, will for sure chase you.
When she knows you're one of those rare guys who isn't needy or desperate to impress
her, then she has to have you!
#3 Assume attraction.
This is exactly what it sounds like.
Basically, you want to assume and treat the girl like she's already into you.
Assuming attraction is a really good way to interact with girls overall because it prevents
you from acting in approval-seeking ways and increases your confidence level subconsciously.
Not only that, the way you will begin to act when you assume she's already into you will
make her perceive you as more confident, assertive, and dominant in the relationship…
All qualities that will draw her to you and make her want you even more.
It's extremely important to be a strong leader and expect compliance.
Women don't stay with men who don't know who they are, or don't know what they want.
That's called a LOSER!
Nobody wants any additional uncertainty or indecisiveness in their lives.
If your woman of interest wanted to be with a little bitch, she would just become a lesbian.
She's looking for a man who is sure of his identity and masculine strength.
Women are often desperate for a man to lead her down a path of better ways and brighter
When she meets a man with a great plan, she's often more than happy to follow his lead.
#5 Challenge her in conversation to get her to qualify.
Now by challenge her, I mean using phrases that force her to qualify and prove herself
to you.
Shit like, "Are you flirting with me?"
Or "I only talk to blonde girls so you better be pretty awesome to make up for it."
Things like this will challenge her and force her to qualify herself to you in conversation.
This is a pillar of teasing and flirting with women, and the easiest way to do it is to
use one of these qualifying statements.
Another great way to accomplish qualification is to elicit congruence tests from the girl
sometimes called shit tests.
I really enjoy making fun of political correctness, or challenging mainstream belief systems with
Basically mocking whatever she would have seen in the news about how we are supposed
to behave.
This is another way of demonstrating leadership and irreverent humor.
When a woman challenges you on the points you're making fun of, and you stay firm
in your position, she knows you're not the type of guy she can push around.
This is the quickest way ever to create massive attraction and build compliance with hot women.
#7 Use the push-pull method.
Push-pull is a tried-and-true classic technique, basically, you compliment a girl and then
pull it back by adding an insult or taking the compliment away.
An example of this is is to jokingly say something like: "You're cute, we'd make a hot
couple, too bad you're not my type."
This creates a flirty back and forth dynamic between you and the girl and allows for that
sexual tension to build up nicely.
I use this method in almost everything I say to a girl because it's the most effective
tool at building a sexual vibe that makes the girl wanna chase you.
Zeus, I really like your simple breakdown of Push-pull.
Some guys really try to overcomplicate that concept.
Although it's extremely potent, it's also just flirting 101.
When you're a man who knows who he is, knows what he wants, and isn't willing to veer
off his path to pander to a stranger, this is such a breath of fresh air to a woman.
A rare opportunity for her to meet a confident man someone who might want her, but certainly
doesn't need her, she won't want to miss out on the adventures she could have with you!
-She knows another beautiful woman would be excited and delighted to take her place.
And that's it!
In summary: Signal abundance
Assume attraction Challenge her and get her to qualify
And use the push pull method
Now it's time for me to go bang some Playboy models, any last things you wanna say to the
guys before I teleport you back Derek?
Zeus, as you know: Pimpin is real, If you want to know more about me and how I can help
you improve your dating and sex life, please take a moment to add rsdderek on your IG and
YouTube, that's R-S-D-D-E-R-E-K on IG and YouTube I've got MANY hours of fantastic
content that will help you achieve and exceed your current dating goals.
Zeus, thanks for having me!
Awesome, I'm gonna go have that orgy now, in the meantime, make sure you guys go follow
Derek on his instagram and YouTube because he's ALWAYS posting tons of valuable advice
that will certainly get you laid.
Zeus out.
Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Voices in My Head" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:07.
DEEP TOUCHING VOICE in The Voice | Winner's Journey #15 - Duration: 13:54.
The Voice of Holland 2018 is...
... Jim!
Who are you? - My name is Jim.
I'm 22 years old.
At the moment, my gap year, in which I travelled a lot through Europe, is ending.
I travelled with my camper.
My camper is 35 years old and I built two solar panels on it.
It has a shower and you can cook in the kitchen.
So, it's great to drive this camper.
Why am I auditioning for The Voice?
You know, I make music for people and on the streets and...
... for me, The Voice is that but then bigger.
I get a chance to make my voice heard.
Unique. - What you're doing is unique.
It's not normal. I heard it right at your first note.
The only thing I want to say, and I don't say this very often...
I REALLY want you in my team.
That's the only thing I want to say.
- Wow!
I almost already believe you can be a finalist.
I really think that. - Thank you.
I promised myself to follow my guts...
... and my guts told me before the show to go with Anouk.
I think you're amazing! - Thanks.
Really amazing. You actually don't need me.
You would also get there without me.
One name...
... Jim.
You know, this stage and those people are meant to be for you
Really, I actually want to see this every day, the whole day.
I think it's really beautiful. - Thank you.
I really sat here with goosebumps. I also had a lump in my throat...
... and for someone like me, with some sort of a black soul, ...
... it's quite a achievement.
Let's look at the points the coaches gave you.
This is what they gave you...
- Wow! No no no!
What a challenge!
For me, it was also a 10.
I never saw this before.
You're of an international level.
I really mean it.
Well, I thought it was amazing!
I'm also really happy that you dared to do something new.
Especially because this is also something you can do.
So you can also make a pop song your own.
You also don't lose your identity as a singer...
... and that is not for all people. Not all singers are capable of doing that...
... but you can do that.
It almost sounded like he needed to vomit.
It was just too low.
My parents walked in and that was very strange.
I really didn't expect that.
What do you think of that?
Really great and a kiss from Anouk, nothing I want more.
I already knew he made beautiful music. Now more people know it.
I'm gonna pick up Anouk, to ride her around in my camper.
So, this is the famous camper?
Well, I think it's really cute.
I love you Jim! I love you!
Well, I think it was amazing.
The Voice of Holland 2018 is...
... Jim!
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