SLİME YAPIMI YENİ - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
"Si Miskin dan Si Kaya" (Short Moral Film) - Duration: 8:45.- Looks like its gonna rain.
- Yeah, we should play quick.
By the way, did you bring the basket ball?
- I don't have the ball...!
- Hanzo!
- I left it at the third house, c'mon.
Having five houses you just don't know where the ball is.
- Yeah, its fine, man. Anyways, I have no time anymore.
- Yeah, see you later. Bye.
- *sniff* *sniff*
Argh!! Something smells like broke in here.
Wait... Hey, dude. You need some cash?
Psych! Get a life bro!!
Aw, snap. Now its raining...
- Hey, bro! Bro!
Bro, hey..!
- Yo!!
- You think you're funny??
- Wha..?
- You think you can just do that to people, huh??
- What's up with you, man??
- You--. You think that's funny? Imagine if you're in his situation.
- (scoffs) I'll never be in his situation, man! Look at me, I'm rich as (BLEEP)!
- Say it again! Hey, hey, hey! C'mere, say it again! Say it again!
You wanna know what its like to be in his situation?
Watch and learn.
- Ugh... What the frick happened..? Where's my sweater, man??
Well, I still got my pants, but--.
- Timo! Bro!!
- Aw, what's up!!
- Ha ha!!
- That's supposed to be me...
- C'mon let's get--.
- Ahaha--.
Uhh... Hey, do I know you?
- Do I know you??
This is so weird...
My house... My house..!
- 911?
- (Both) House intruder.
- Argh..! My undershirt!
- Get over here!!
- No..! No!!
- Come back here!!
Hey, hey, hey!!
Who are you?!
- Damn, we missed him, bro! We missed him!
- Where is he??
Its him..!
- We finally found you dude!
Sorry about the fiasco in our house that was totally our fault.
But don't run into random people's houses, its not your property, you know.
* E P I C B R U H M O M E N T *
Here, you need this cash? You don't look too good.
- Thank you, man... But, why..?
Because you gotta have some empathy sometimes. You need to know what its like to be in the person's situation.
- Exactly(?)
- Damn, son...! I wish I could be a better person like you!
- It's alright. Do something good with that money.
- Yes..! Thank you! I will!
- Bye, bye!
- Goodbye..!
- You look familiar...
- Hope you have a great, day, man.
- Ew...
- So, that's how it works, huh..?
I swear to God, I wish I was a better person...!
...what the (BLEEP)??
What the heck just happened??
Hey, dude..?
I am so sorry for what I did to you before; and, this is for you.
- Damn, thanks, man...
- I'm so sorry about before...
- It's okay.
- Yeah, man. Have a great day, and use that money for good purposes.
- Oh, thanks..!
- See you, man.
- See you...!
- This is bad. This is really bad--. You're not supposed to be here. man!!
You're supposed to run the other way..!
- Huh... So that's how its work, huh...
- *drops bottle*
- Dammit!!
- ...supposed to work huh~.
...I swear to God, I wish I was a better person..!
- Ya DO?!
_ Anyways, motor, motor.
- That's right! You keep walking!!
এই কটি দানে মিলবে শনিদেবের কুনজর থেকে মুক্তি | Predictions in Bengali by DR SHREE SUBRATA। - Duration: 5:52.DR.SHREE SUBRATA
The effects of SATURN
Поздравление для настоящих мужчин! 23 февраля! - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Desus and Mero Had a Run-In with Police While Interviewing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in D.C. - Duration: 3:41.-This is very exciting.
You guys have a new talk show. I can't wait.
One of the things you've said is you don't want guests
who are just on to promote their project.
-That's right. -I would like to note
you are on my show right now promoting your project.
-That is true. But as a -- Listen, as a father --
-The answer to that is we are hypocrites.
-And also, as a father, I will say, "Do as I say, not as I do."
-Okay. Gotcha. -I mean, just 'cause we're
in the pocket of big tobacco doesn't mean that we sold out.
-Oh, you've already sold out to big tobacco?
-Yeah, bro. Phillip Morris --
-Kids, keep smoking those Juul pods.
-You know what I'm saying? Juuls, bro!
Can't be cool without a Juul!
-Bing! -Very exciting. You have --
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on your show.
Also from the Bronx, which is really exciting.
And you went down to D.C. and shot a little with her there.
You went and visited her there.
How was it being with someone
from the same place as you in D.C.?
-Well, the wild part about that was apparently
the Capitol Police do not have a sense of humor.
-Okay. -You can't just be walking down
to the White House, be like, "Yerr," and not get shot.
So we had to tone that down a little bit.
-There was a lot of, "Uh, do you have permits?
Do you have a permit to be here? Do you have a permit to shoot here, sir?"
-Also, I don't know if you've noticed, since, you know, we've upgraded the networks,
my man's got a little heavy with the jewelry.
-Had to go through the metal detector six times.
-No. Did you feel like the Capitol
had changed Ocasio-Cortez, or did you feel like
you guys brought the Bronx out of her when you were there?
-We definitely did.
-Definitely brought the Bronx out of her.
She just leaned out of her office door and delivered
the heartiest "Yerr" I've ever heard.
You know what I'm saying? -Did other people --
Because those are pretty close quarters.
Were other people in the Capitol a little --
Could they tell you guys were there?
-Well, what's funny -- I did not know if most people know this.
Mike Pence has a brother that's a representative.
And surprisingly, we're filming in front of his office,
and all of a sudden, the Capitol Police comes
and asks us for a film permit.
-Yeah. I wonder why. -Really?
-Hmm. Ya snitch. -He's like,
"Desus and Mero are here. They're gonna slander me.
-"Hey, Mike, they're here. Tell Mama."
-Tell Mother. Tell Mother to call."
[ Laughter ]
-There is so much -- -Shout-out to nepotism.
[ Laughter ]
-There's some -- You know, there is some criticism
from within the halls of Congress
that, you know, Ocasio-Cortez is shaking things up.
Did you feel that? Do you feel like she's having an impact?
-You know what it is? It's because Congress is just so old.
It's, like, antiquated old rules, stodgy.
-Stodgy old dudes. -And then you got a New Yorker.
And you know us New Yorkers.
We like to be very frank and very straight,
so they're not used to her.
She's a little rough around the edges,
but I think she's getting stuff done,
and it's making them a little nervous.
-One of the things that...
[ Cheers and applause ] She was working on --
You know, she was not a fan of the Amazon deal.
Amazon has now pulled out. How do you guys feel about
Amazon pulling out of this New York deal?
-When you say "pull out," it's triggering for me,
'cause I have four children.
-Okay. Gotcha.
-He's thinking a whole different type of pulling out.
-I apologize.
-I was like, "What do you mean by that?"
-Withdrawn. Withdrawn. -Thank you, thank you.
-I'm not mad at them pulling out the Amazon deal.
And it's not, like, because I love New York
and I'm worried about, like, the culture and the community.
Jeff Bezos has too much money,
and I'd like to see him take the L.
-Okay, gotcha. -Humble him.
Listen. You got $133 billion, man.
Relax. -$170.
-Oh, wow. It's up to that now?
-It is up to that by the last time you Googled it.
-Exactly. We don't need another Amazon Center.
New York is crowded enough as it is.
-Yeah. -You know.
It bothered me, though, because I like Amazon Prime.
Like, I just ordered a panini maker
at 2:00 last night for some reason.
But I can get around that. -Okay. You can make it work.
-I ordered like four air purifiers. I don't know why.
-They're like, "Do you want them on Thursday?"
You're like, "Hell yes."
-I was like, "Do I want a strawberry holder?
Of course I want a strawberry holder."
-And I'm not waiting until Monday for it.
-[Bleep] that.
আজ কার বাসায় গেলাম আর এতো মজার মজার খাবার খেলাম !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
Women's History Songs for Kids (the Dora Milaje vs. the Dahomey Amazon Warriors) - Duration: 3:23.The Dora Milaje hold it down like...
Female bodyguards protect the king at all costs.
They go hard to the core like...
Truth behind the crew is out in Africa.
The Dora Milaje hold it down like...
Female bodyguards protect the king at all costs.
They go hard to the core like...
Truth behind the crew is out in Africa.
The Dora Milaje are a troop of female soldiers from the fictional country of Wakanda.
These skilled warriors guard King T'Challa based on the comicbook the Black Panther.
He depends on them for the nation's defense and for his survival and protection.
The all-female group was first introduced by
Christopher Priest - the first widely known, Black comicbook writer - in 1998
when he worked on the Black Panther.
The "Dora Milaje" means "The Adored Ones"
and are recruited from every tribe within the nation
in order to maintain the country's peaceful union.
The Dora Milaje can be compared to Amazonian characters like Wonder Woman.
The only difference is that there is truth to
where the Dora Milaje come from.
The Dora Milaje hold it down like...
Female bodyguards protect the king at all costs.
They go hard to the core like...
Truth behind the crew is out in Africa.
The Dora Milaje hold it down like...
Female bodyguards protect the king at all costs.
They go hard to the core like...
Truth behind the crew is out in Africa.
The real-life Dora Milaje are the "Dahomey Amazons" -
that is what they were called by the French.
But to their own people, they were known as "Ahosi" or "Mino," "Our Mothers"
as the word translates.
Skilled with knives, spears, and guns, they were a well-trained army.
No men were allowed - it was comprised of women entirely.
In the 1600s, they lived in Africa.
Real warrior women, they kept it hardcore with rigorous physical training.
They endured extreme challenges to join the king's guard.
They climbed walls and built up their endurance when they went to fend for themselves in the
wilderness for days on end.
Even after weeks in the wild, they kept their shine on - clean clothes, clean hair, everything
When they walked on by, their people applauded.
Some believe that the group began when the Dahomey King invited a crew of female hunters
to join his troops after being impressed by their skills.
Another theory still explains that men were not allowed in the palace after dark, so women
became the guards.
Either way, it showed that African women took charge because at the time
Africans had a system which allowed women to
advance and achieve on the strength of their talents.
Dahomey Amazons hold it down like...
Female bodyguards protect the king at all costs.
They go hard to the core like...
Truth behind the crew is out in Africa.
Dahomey Amazons hold it down like...
Female bodyguards protect the king at all costs.
They go hard to the core like...
Truth behind the crew is out in Africa.
【Hana】Quase 8 anos no YouTube - Parte 2/【ENG/日本語 subtitles】 - Duration: 10:15.Hello!! Welcome to the part 2 of my video:
"Almost 8 years on YouTube"
In the first part I talked a little about my beginning in this website
and in part 2 I will talk about the genre of videos I meanwhile started making
That's it and I hope you'll like it
So months after I've put my first video
I uploaded my first song cover, you can see it here
As singing is something I like to do
I started uploading song covers
and YouTube is a great place to receive criticism and tips on how to improve
and... I think that I've improved a little since then
So... I think that it was, is a positive experience
Back then in the odottemita and song cover's world
there were a lot of tumblrs and pages that did gossiping
about the youtube dancers and people that did song covers
Actually I never was very featured
in those sites
but I was not really very active on YouTube
I had school
YouTube is a hobby
so of course I concentrated more in my studies
and in things from my private life
but that made me not to have a big audience
because I could put a video each month
but then only 9 months later I would put another
People in YouTube prefer someone that,
and it's understandable
They prefer someone that puts videos more frequently, and in a certain period of time:
There are youtubers that all the fridays upload a video,
every saturday they put a video out
and it makes sense, it makes more sense
in my case you never know if I will upload something again
if I will ever put something out again
It's always a surprise
Some years later I started having an interest in other type of videos
and there was a time where I loved watching vlogs
It was a thing I loved to do back then
I would go on YouTube, search "vlogs" and then watch other people's lives
and I also wanted to make vlogs but the thing was
my life wasn't that interesting to make weekly vlogs
so when I went to an anime event I decided to make one
It was this video:
Right here
It was in an event back in 2014
I uploaded my first vlog
and I was super happy
because it was something I really wanted to do
then meanwhile I went back to the song and dance covers but
as I don't have much time to learn the dances
and to train the songs
because of my life schedule
I couldn't put as many videos as I liked
and then it came a time where I was a little...
thinking on how can I build a public to my channel, how...
What's my goal with YouTube
Do I want to keep doing this?
and in October of 2016
maybe a little more early
I started to be aware that there were people doing reactions of Hello!Project MVs
I knew that kpop reaction videos existed
because I watched some channels
and since there wasn't many people doing that
The people that inspired me to...
Don't fall
I started watching reaction channels
because I knew kpop reaction channels
and I even followed some
but from Hello!Project I didn't know almost nothing
The channels that
gave me inspiration to start doing reactions were actually
Vince's channel and Chiima's channel
Watching their videos made me think "I want to do this too"
since in the world of jpop
Hello!Project was the agency I liked the most
and I thought that it could be a way of practicing my japanese since
I am learning japanese but I don't have no one to practice, to talk in japanese with
so as a way of
practicing I started to make H!P reactions in japanese
So in October 2016 I decided to film my first reaction
Back then I even thought of only doing that video
because I never imagined that it would have the attention it had
I uploaded the video
and I received a lot of comments
it had a lot of views
and I was happy, of course. One gets happy when they notice that people are liking the content they are making
I started making more reactions
but when you have more attention
it's both for the good side and the bad side
so I got a lot of positive comments and some negative
I also go some criticism
and I understand where it comes from but it also made me more
anxious while recording videos because
I am not fluent in japanese, I am just learning
and it's obvious that I will commit mistakes
and I am really thankful that people correct me in the comments
and that they give me tips on how to improve
but there was a time where
making videos in japanese made me very nervous
I would record the video
and I would be thinking "Is this correct?" "I wonder if this is not correct"
"This is not right" "Ok, this is ok"
Then I would start the editing and be "Argh I made a mistake here"
"I can't upload this" "I don't want to upload this"
so I started
"hate" is not really the word
but putting out reactions made me very anxious
and then people kept asking me
"Why don't you make a reaction of this?", "Why don't you make a reaction of that?"
"I miss your videos"
and I felt awful because I wanted to record but I had that hurdle in my mind
always thinking...
"It won't turn out well..."
"This is not good..."
I don't want to upload something that isn't good because
I am a perfectionist
and I get anxious if things aren't...
I mean not perfect but... how I want them to be
It's impossible to reach perfection...
nothing is perfect but
I... I like to have things right
I like to do things correctly
and knowing that they wouldn't be
made me not want to put videos out
In my last reactions, I remember that I would record them
then edit them
and I...
I would put the video
and wouldn't even care to check the comments
because it wasn't something that made me happy anymore
It wasn't something that I wanted to do because of all that stress attached
I like to record those videos but
back then in the middle of that whole stress I didn't feel like recording
this is a hobby, it's for me to have fun
so why am I "suffering" so much with this?
It didn't make any sense
So I decided to make a pause, because in the last months
even since last year
it was a very complicated time in my life so I didn't even have the
peace of mind
to record videos
Reactions are also a type of videos that
need to be made in the moment
The problem with reactions is that they are videos where you have to film, edit and put online very fast
you have to put the video out while it is still fresh
so that you can have attention in your reactions from the public
because if it's a thing that is not so recent, it won't have as much attention
so you won't have as many views
and for me
editing a thing so fast was a problem
I would record in japanese
and then I usually make a lot of cuts in the video
editing, putting the video, the background music and then uploading to YouTube
but I also had to write subtitles
as my japanese isn't perfect
I usually put subtitles in japanese so that I can be understood better
then I would also add subtitles in english and in portuguese
because I wanted to reach a bigger public
that couldn't understand japanese but that they would be able to understand with the subtitles in either english or portuguese
For instance, if I had a free day
I would record the video in the morning
edit and then in the afternoon
after waiting for the video to render and for it to upload into YouTube
I would be the rest of the afternoon until night putting the subtitles
making subtitles
is a thing that takes a lot of time
and it's tiring too
and doing that everytime a music video came out was tiring for me
It doesn't mean that I will stop making those videos
because after doing this pause
I feel with strenght to do that type of thing again but
maybe not as fast as I used to
I want to take things with more calm
and not being in that rush
doing all the editing
it was really tiring
and going through all that trouble and then not being proud of the video is a little...
it's not good... it's just making for making
Part 2 ends here
I will upload part 3 soon
It will be the conclusion of this little series
Thank you and until the next video!!
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