Hi Josh.
Congratulations with the 100 subscribers dude!
but I do not have 100 Subscribers...
Yeah, I know.
lmao outro (I think)
[Poor travel香港] 元朗高水準創意點心!$99蚊二人飲茶🍵!千島醬脆皮蘿蔔糕、3.6牛乳奶凍太陽蛋、京蔥香煎叉燒包、原籠蔗糖馬拉糕!一哥點心 - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Junior Squad | Top 20 Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Songs | Baby Videos For Children By Kids Tv - Duration: 25:51.Finger Family!
Finger Family!
Who's there in finger family..
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mamma finger, Mamma finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Finger Family!
Finger Family!
Who's there in finger family..
Grandpa finger, Grandpa finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Grandma finger, Grandma finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Uncle finger, Uncle finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Aunty finger, Aunty finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Cousin finger, Cousin finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Finger Family!
Finger Family!
Who's there in finger family..
Outbreak Company Tập 10 - Chỉ là đổ súp lên người thôi mà ?! - Duration: 24:12.-------------------------------------------
Examples of Black Humor It's Awful to Laugh At [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Latest designer anarkali Kurta anarkali kurti suit flipkart in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:34.Latest designer anarkali Kurta anarkali kurti suit flipkart in amazon shopping online dresses
Tough Mudder Berlin-Brandenburg - Offizielles Eventvideo | Tough Mudder 2017 - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
LGBTQ100人のカミングアウト!僕らはひとりじゃない! - Duration: 9:54.-------------------------------------------
James Spader Has Some Questions About Late Night's Restroom - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
[日字幕] EndTimesNewsReport:ラスベガス銃撃レポート際し、YouTubeが私のチャンネルを攻撃 - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
Japanse comedian#志村さん - Duration: 5:06.-------------------------------------------
Domhnall Gleeson Thinks Pooh Jokes Are Hilarious - Duration: 6:08.-------------------------------------------
South Korean companies warn North Korea to stop operations in Kaesong Industrial Complex - Duration: 0:49.South Korean companies who used to run factories at the Kaesong joint Industrial Complex have
called on the governments of South and North Korea to allow them to visit the facility
in order to check on the equipment and assets they had to leave behind.
This comes after North Korea indicated through its news outlets that it has restarted operations
at the factories... without the South's consent.
Although Seoul has not been able to confirm this, the South Korean companies held a press
conference on Wednesday warning the North to cease operations there because the equipment
does not belong to them.
The companies said they will make an official request to visit the complex, but the biggest
hurdle will likely be getting permission from Pyongyang.
The complex was shut down by Seoul in February 2016, after North Korea conducted nuclear
and missile tests.
Video for Kids Jetpack Joyride Animation Children - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Outdoor Playgrounds for Children Arcadia Park Playground w Nursery Rhymes for Kids and Children - Duration: 2:56.Outdoor playgrounds for children at Arcadia Park playground with nursery rhymes for kids and children
Bennett's Playtime
*nursery rhyme songs play throughout*
Choose one of these fun videos to keep hanging out with Bennett
Click his super sweet face to subscribe
And make sure you hit the bell icon, too
We hope your day is happy, and we'll see you next time, here on
Bennett's Playtime!
Our First Poor Figure - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite #1 {TheEagleYouTube} - Duration: 12:47.Text: Yes, you did it!
Wait a second, game!
Game: ???
Game: Why?
Game: O...
Game: Ok!
Thank you
Hi guys on the web, I'm The Eagle and I welcome you on my channel.
Before starting I must do some specifications:
Number 1: I don't speak English very well, and I can make some grammatical or pronunciation errors.
In that case, please leave a comment and say me where I make some mistakes.
Next time I will try to avoid the same error. Thank you.
Number 2: I will divide this new series in two different types of episode, depending on the mission that I will do, if I will hunt a boss or if I will do a secondary mission.
Secondary missions will have the same format of this video.
Number 3: This series will not have the webcam.
After that, we can start ;)
Game: So...
Game: Can I go?
Yes, Yes. You can go, now.
Game: Oh...
Game: Ok!
Ok, at start the game showed us an amazing opening and then we have choosen our character, that I called fancifully "eagle" and I did it similar to Connor Kenway…
... More or less.
Homer: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
We waked up in a little house after an accident on the mountain caused by a great bad yellow dragon,
... that tried to make fly us, but the experiment failed.
Then we get back to re-sleep, fuck up what's around us.
Then the game make us understand that we are on a village that we didn't know before now, with an unnecessary and boring cutscene.
Oddly we could get up at midday.
You understand this is a video game, usually if you want to sleep Sunday:
At 8:00 the bells ring;
At 8:30 someone call you by phone;
At 9:00 someone use a drill… Every Sunday!!
At 10:00 pass the ambulance;
At 11:00 someone use an hammer… Every Sunday!!
However, I don't know why but when we get up…
We had a shield…
And a sword…
Left the house we known our savior, the ex-hunter of this village that we had to replace…
Wait a second…
You're saying me that…
A wyvern injured you...
I'm an hunter who had to replace you...
And for this reason I was coming on this village...
When the dragon tried to make me fly and you saved me down the mountain?
Ok, we made a poor figure before arrive…
However the hunter is gentle…
He gave us some weapon, but we will take our arm at the end of this episode.
Then we known:
A trader;
A pig… W… Wait!
A traveler-trader;
The annoying elder who will send us to pick herbs in a volcano, what?
A cat that sell weapons? What the...
A weapon and armor crafter. He is good;
The manager of our farm.
Wait… We have a farm?
Oh, this farm!
Here we can:
Mine ores… W.. Wait, M… Mine ores?
Make our horticulture. Good a normal thing that we can usually do in our farm;
We can also capture bugs;
Hide something giant…
Ok, maybe it's better to not investigate.
And, last but not least, we can fish.
Then we reached the beginner hunters school, and only because we are the best, we choosen to make the most difficult training:
We will hunt the Giadrome!
As it should do every good hunter, we emptied the supply chest.
Then we killed innocent animals to farm some materials
*To farm some materials*
To find other preys, we entered in a cave and climbed up the mountain.
Suddenly, as we were about our own events and we were killed some Antekas because...
Because yes.
The Giadrome found us.
But we are not stupid, and after we had falling asleep it with throwing knifes…
Ehmmm, yes!
It was very funny.
Our training finished, and the elder said us that we are ready, so a lot of herbs are waiting for us in the Volcano.
It's time to leave our items in the chest at home, but we discovered a sad thing:
All the Popo and Anteka we killed was died for nothing because we cannot keep with us all the objects we are farm on the training.
I'm sorry, Bambi.
Then we combined Potion with Honey to get Mega Potion and Bitterbug and Honey to get…
We are the greatest hacker ever!
It's time to choose our weapon, and in this series we will use the bow.
I will make also other series on monster hunter and I will use a different weapon on every series.
So we went in the gathering hall, our personal café, where we got drunk and we fallen asleep.
And also for today is all.
If you liked the video please leave a like, subscribe to the channel and activate notifications.
If you want, you will find my social pages in description.
From The Eagle is all, see you next time!
GALATASARAY | 11 EKİM 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ PART 2 | TANER KARAMAN & ALTAN AKSOY | Youtube - Duration: 11:48.-------------------------------------------
National Assembly seeking to vote on constitutional revision proposal next May - Duration: 0:50.The National Assembly is planning to draw up a proposal by next February to revise the
According to a bipartisan committee formed early this year,... the plan is to have the
bill ready for submission to parliament by next March and ready for a full floor vote
in May.
The amendment will focus on limiting presidential authority,... as part of efforts to root out
corruption and share the president's executive power with the prime minister.
The committee is expected to speed up discussions in November,... after the National Assembly
is done with its audit of government bodies this month.
They plan to hold public debates on contentious issues,... and take into account the voices
of constitutional and governmental institutions.
If all goes according to plan,... a referendum is expected to take place next June in tandem
with local elections.
La nueva inversión de Kiko Matamoros que promete darle mucho dinero - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
What is Your Definition of Success? - Duration: 6:10.Hi, and welcome to the Leadership Done Right YouTube channel.
One of the main goals of every leader is to be successful.
Success comes in many forms.
Completing a big project, helping an employee improve, hitting a budget target, meeting
customer needs, or implementing a new procedure within the given parameters are all forms
of success.
There are also many other forms and definitions of success depending on your situation.
One important aspect of success is that success is in the eye of the beholder.
What one person sees as failure may be a complete success for someone else.
Likewise, the opposite may be true as well.
I've seen many cases where one person is successful in a specific way and that causes
the next person to feel they have to have the same success in the same way to be successful.
Don't trap yourself with this mindset.
Your skills and abilities are different and unique to you.
And, your situation is often different and unique as well.
Therefore, you should not determine your success based on the successes of others.
Success is unique to each situation and circumstance.
Success is dependent on expectations.
When you reach your expectations you feel successful, but when you don't, you feel disappointed.
So let's consider expectations.
Expectations must be set correctly.
Sometimes we set our own expectations and sometimes others set them for us.
Regardless of who sets them, to be successful they must be based on YOUR abilities, not
the abilities of others.
When expectations are set by others, do everything you can to manage those expectations so they
are accurate.
Success and expectations all relate to goals.
Our goals are created because we have specific desired outcomes, or expectations.
If we reach that outcome we feel we are successful, but if we don't, we feel we are unsuccessful.
For example, if someone sets the goal to be a millionaire, it is probably because they
have the expectations that they won't have to work as much, they can buy that fancy car,
they will have more peace of mind, or there will be some other benefit.
If they reach that goal, they feel successful.
If they don't reach their goal, however, they are disappointed because they didn't
meet their expectations.
Just like everyone else, I have always had expectations for myself and goals to be successful.
During each phase of my life success looked different from previous times because the
situations and circumstances were different.
I have also had goals and expectations set for me by others.
Sometimes they were realistic and gave me a great deal of happiness, while other times
they were frustrating.
What's important is that we do everything we can to embrace our goals and expectations
to make them a reality.
I am a firm believer that no matter how hard the task, there is almost nothing that if
you set your mind to it, you can't accomplish if you work hard, have the appropriate resources,
and give it your best shot.
When I was in grade school all the way through high school, I struggled with reading and
was never the smartest student in my class.
My grades were just average.
As I got older, however, I realized my two biggest strengths.
They were my work ethic and intense focus.
I realized I didn't have to be the smartest person, instead I could work hard to make
my goals a reality.
When I started college, I set two goals for myself.
The first was to earn a degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA, and the second was
to maintain straight A's in all my classes to graduate with a high GPA.
Now, these were high expectations because I barely got into college.
And, if I got less than straight A's, I would've felt disappointed.
To reach my expectations, I changed my behavior and daily activities.
These goals required me to dedicate my life to school and do all I could to perform well.
I couldn't take my education lightly since I wanted to get straight A's.
I knew I had to give up time with my family and friends, but I felt that these goals were worth
my time and effort.
With that in mind, I began to work hard.
One semester after another, I continued to make sacrifices.
I also spent long nights at school at times.
There were only a few times when I was working for my engineering degree and MBA that I didn't
quite reach my goal of getting an A. I was pretty disappointed those times, but I felt
a great resolve to improve and do better.
Overall, I felt like I was very successful in college.
My main two goals were to get straight A's and finish both the mechanical engineering
degree and MBA programs and after years of study, I completed both programs and had almost
all A's.
In life, although we may not complete every goal, if we do everything we can to meet our
expectations and be successful,
we will be much better off.
There is a common saying to "Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
In order to be successful, set big goals and properly align your expectations.
By setting hard to reach goals, you may fail a time or two, but you will be much better off.
I'd like to finish off with a few viewer questions.
What is your definition of success?
Are you reaching your expectations and being successful?
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Well, thanks for watching this video.
If you enjoyed it and would like to watch more great videos just like it, please subscribe
to the Leadership Done Right YouTube Channel and check out LeadershipDoneRight.com.
Also, please like the video and share it with others!
Until next time, go and be the best leader you can be!
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