Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

What is the future of marketing

influence a few months ago made me

a magazine interview intimate

klee magazine to discuss the

Future marketing of influence

why in today 's video I'll

tell what I said is interview

Now yes if you want I'll let the

interview with the link below

directly in the description of



Hello my name is juan merodio and

well come again to the channel

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all digital marketing tricks

about entrepreneurs start now himself

suscribiéndote a mi canal para no

perderte nada ni flores eres alguien

capaz de generar movimiento en otras

personas de manera natural y basado en

la confianza que generan o ese

movimiento implica generar una

credibilidad respecto a lo que dice o lo

que hace

obviamente hay muchas acepciones no pero

personalmente creo que todos somos

influencers en cierta medida antes la

influencia estaba en manos de muy poca

gente no concretamente sólo aquellos

que tenían acceso a grandes medios de

comunicación lo que limitaba a muchas

personas que podían aportar gran

contenido con la introducción estos

últimos años de los distintos canales


la figura del influencer se ha

democratizado pasando de ser no sólo

los celebrities y no a las personas

normales no que generan una mayor

confianza por la cercanía que

transmiten a las personas

me atrevería a decir que cada vez los

celebrities a las celebrities barril

perdiendo capacidad de influencia ya que

éstas se repartirá con más personas

que están en la red y donde no sólo

influye el que tiene un millón de

seguidores sino muchas personas que

aunque tiene un volumen bajo pero es muy

segmentado hace un nicho de mercado

determinado y eso es lo que genera la

real confianza

muchas marcas han visto el potencial de

los influencers y están haciendo

realmente un buen uso de ellos no

aunque todavía quedan otras muchas que

lo ven como un canal más de puramente

publicidad soltar blal el producto o el

servicio por soldarlo en lugar de pensar

que la real eficacia de los influencer

se basa en generar contenidos en el

contexto adecuado esto es importante y

de una manera no intrusiva muy comercial

se hablan de categorías influences pero

no hay nada que podamos decir oficial no

personalmente creo que los influencer se

pueden dividir por sectores y por redes

sociales ya que algunos pueden ser muy

potentes en una determinada red social

que ha trabajado muy bien pero no lo son

en otras me preguntan también si se

influencer es una profesión no y el

problema es que mucha gente ya lo lo ve

como una profesión no pero real

no lo es o influir seres alguien experto

en algo que genera poder y movimiento lo

ahí y credibilidad de la gente aunque

sí es verdad que a veces como en el

caso por ejemplo de youtube es

españoles como dulce vida sucede lo

contrario no es experta en nada se hace

influencer y a partir de ahí se

especializa pero la realidad es que es

como esperar a que te toque la lotería

no sólo le llega a algunos pocos y no

creo que es el camino más acertado

sería influencer no es una profesión

por lo tanto si no es el resultado de un

duro y un buen trabajo de un profesional

en un sector concreto cuando un cliente

llegue a preguntas sobre la

contratación de influencers siempre les

digo que la figura del influencer es

válida para empresas de todo tipo y

tamaño es decir una pyme puede usarlo

lo que deben hacer para ser eficientes

es primero debes genera el llamado mapa

de influencias que va a permitir

identificar a las personas que pueden

generar atracción hacia tu negocio en

una determinada localización y para

cierto público objetivo

a partir de ahí debes definir los

recursos que puedes invertir en ello y

en función de eso ver aquí influencers

contactar esta elección es importante

ya que una mala elección en esta parte

significó una pérdida de la inversión

y una falta de resultados

existen riesgos por supuesto riesgo

siempre existen como en todo lo que el

mayor se basa en la mentira no en

intentar cubrir un mensaje como natural

cuando en realidad es pagado una de las

metidas de pata no que más me me gustó

dicho una manera fue la que realizó

hace algunos años el tenista david

ferrer con la marca samsung cuando

twitteó desde un iphone diciendo que lo

estaba haciendo desde un sancho

respecto al futuro del marketing de

influencia yo estoy seguro creo que

será masivo no creo que junto al auge

de del uso digital

este tipo de herramientas de marketing o

sólo es un micro punto de lo que

llegará a ser en los próximos 5 10

años donde gran parte de los

presupuestos publicitarios y de

marketing se van a derivar apoyar a

personas que hacer que tu producto tu

servicio a los potenciales clientes

te ha gustado el video si es así dale

me gusta y quiero hacerte partícipe de

él por lo que dejan los comentarios con

el hashtag marketing de influencia

si crees que las empresas deben

colaborar con influencias para vender

más sus productos y servicios entre

todos los comentarios de los videos del

mes sortear en mi curso on line de

estrategia de marketing digital valorada

en 995 euros por lo que cuanto más

convenientes en mis videos diarios más

oportunidades tendrás de ganarlo así

que deja tu comentario ahora mismo

For more infomation >> El Futuro del Marketing de Influencia y los INFLUENCERS - Duration: 5:29.


100 abonnees - Duration: 0:15.

Hi Josh.


Congratulations with the 100 subscribers dude!

but I do not have 100 Subscribers...

Yeah, I know.

lmao outro (I think)

For more infomation >> 100 abonnees - Duration: 0:15.


【龜狗受不了了】隊友是怎樣 - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> 【龜狗受不了了】隊友是怎樣 - Duration: 5:55.


Range Rover 2018 | Design - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Range Rover 2018 | Design - Duration: 2:06.


[Poor travel香港] 元朗高水準創意點心!$99蚊二人飲茶🍵!千島醬脆皮蘿蔔糕、3.6牛乳奶凍太陽蛋、京蔥香煎叉燒包、原籠蔗糖馬拉糕!一哥點心 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel香港] 元朗高水準創意點心!$99蚊二人飲茶🍵!千島醬脆皮蘿蔔糕、3.6牛乳奶凍太陽蛋、京蔥香煎叉燒包、原籠蔗糖馬拉糕!一哥點心 - Duration: 4:22.


Hairstyles Tutorials Compilation 2017 ✔‬ Amazing Hair Transformations! - Duration: 10:01.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Hairstyles Tutorials Compilation 2017 ✔‬ Amazing Hair Transformations! - Duration: 10:01.


Kusum Dola episode-412 "10-October-2017" full episode review Star jalsha serial #KusumDola Bengali T - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Kusum Dola episode-412 "10-October-2017" full episode review Star jalsha serial #KusumDola Bengali T - Duration: 2:37.





Junior Squad | Top 20 Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Songs | Baby Videos For Children By Kids Tv - Duration: 25:51.

Finger Family!

Finger Family!

Who's there in finger family..

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mamma finger, Mamma finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Finger Family!

Finger Family!

Who's there in finger family..

Grandpa finger, Grandpa finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Grandma finger, Grandma finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Uncle finger, Uncle finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Aunty finger, Aunty finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Cousin finger, Cousin finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Finger Family!

Finger Family!

Who's there in finger family..

For more infomation >> Junior Squad | Top 20 Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Songs | Baby Videos For Children By Kids Tv - Duration: 25:51.


Salim Anarkali - A Modern Day Epic | Bakkbenchers - Duration: 4:25.

What is it Prince Saleem? Finding a Princess for yourself

Yes Bro dududdin

I have spent most of my life fighting in war.

The dancer chicks that comes in court, Daddy won't leave them

Now everything depends on this app

Prince Saleem?

Our King has so many scholars in this kingdom

Why do you need this App?

Go to Birbal.

Damn Bro dududdin..

These are all forever alone people

I told that Birbal that I need a Bae in my life

That Idiot gifted the whole Bay of Bengal to me

Like that only I said to Mann Singh one day to go and check out a girl

That Idiot went with army & checked her whole house instead

These elders know nothing Bro dududdin

They think Netfix & chill as Netflix and chill indeed

If I depend on these guys then I also will have to spend my life time singing breakup songs like Tansen are right

Your daddy is the only one in the court who's getting some action

Wow! What a piece!

Check her out Bro dududdin


She is amazing looks like carpet matches the drapes

What are you thinking about Prince? Send a Super like

Are you sure Bro dududdin?

Yes Prince Saleem

Go...on now don't think much just give her a super like

Wow Babe Superlike!

I knew it! Uploading a butt pic will definitely get you some.

Prince Saleem....

Prince and all haa

Score my Gold Digger

But Babe

He is a Prince

Why will he accept me?

Don't worry Babe

His dad is very Liberal

He only did the first inter religion marriage in our country with Jodha Bai

But I have heard, if these Kings like anything, they cut the hands of the creator

If they like my something...then

Listen Babe...This Saleem

He is not like his dad..

See..Take a look at his status

Wow you guys share a similar mutual interest..Tansen

Now come on message him & go to meet

She's not yet here man

I am a Prince Bro dududdin..

If someone spots me waiting for a chick

What will they think?

Listen Prince Saleem...This is how an epic love story begins

One Prince & one servant chicks love

I can feel it bro

This is going to be epic

What? Why did you let her go Prince Saleem?

What about the epic love story?

What's the use Bro dududdin?

You know my Dad's nature

He would have buried Anarkali in the wall.

& then I only had to revolt against him

Who wants to waste this much time?

YOLO Bro dududdin

For more infomation >> Salim Anarkali - A Modern Day Epic | Bakkbenchers - Duration: 4:25.


Outbreak Company Tập 10 - Chỉ là đổ súp lên người thôi mà ?! - Duration: 24:12.

For more infomation >> Outbreak Company Tập 10 - Chỉ là đổ súp lên người thôi mà ?! - Duration: 24:12.


Examples of Black Humor It's Awful to Laugh At [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Examples of Black Humor It's Awful to Laugh At [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:24.


Latest designer anarkali Kurta anarkali kurti suit flipkart in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:34.

Latest designer anarkali Kurta anarkali kurti suit flipkart in amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> Latest designer anarkali Kurta anarkali kurti suit flipkart in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:34.


Tough Mudder Berlin-Brandenburg - Offizielles Eventvideo | Tough Mudder 2017 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Tough Mudder Berlin-Brandenburg - Offizielles Eventvideo | Tough Mudder 2017 - Duration: 3:18.


DIY How to make kanzashi ribbon hedgehog (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #404 - Duration: 3:28.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make kanzashi hedgehog.

I made this video by request from my viewers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut a ribbon into pieces. 4cm x 2.5cm.

Take a piece and fold it in a half.

Cut off the top corner.

Burn the edge...

...and press it (to glue it).

Fold the sides to the middle.

Burn the edge...

...and press it.

We need about 80 petals as this one.

Cut strips out of bright ribbon. About 7cm x 0.6cm.

Apply glue on the end of ribbon strip. Glue it to an egg.

Glue the second end under the egg.

Add another strip. It should slightly overlap the previous strip.

Glue more the strips in the same way.

Next, glue a petal on the opposite side.

Glue next petals close to each other.

Finish about 2cm from the bright ribbon.

Now, make a second row in the same way.

Glue the petals on the sides in the empty places.

Glue the petals on the top.

Hide the ends of petals from the last row under a piece of bright ribbon.

Glue the eyes...

...and a bead under them.

Glue the mushrooms to the petals.

And it's done.

Hedgehog is a nice looking decoration.

You can use it to create an autumn composition or a centerpiece.

If you don't have a styrofoam egg you can cut a similar shape out of styrofoam or floral foam.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make kanzashi ribbon hedgehog (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #404 - Duration: 3:28.


從今天開始幸福到盡頭!親手完成最想要的白色婚禮|夢幻婚禮 #1|Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 從今天開始幸福到盡頭!親手完成最想要的白色婚禮|夢幻婚禮 #1|Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 3:10.


Where to go in Fukuoka? Nakasu Island Yatai Street Food Stalls! | Japan #5 - Duration: 8:59.

- This... Is this edible? - Yeah, it is.

Leftover veggie.


- F***. It's not edible. - Why not?

- It tastes terrible. - It's raw.

Yeah, but it's terrible.

- Are you going crazy now? - Yes, I am.

I just want to get on the night bus and sleep now. I can't take it anymore.

Hi guys, so right now after eating our awesome ramen at the Ramen Stadium.

Back in the Canal City which is over there, the colorful building over there.

And right now we just walked a long way here.

This is what they call the Nakasu Island.

Here in Fukuoka, Japan.

Right behind me, it's one whole street of food stalls.

Which they call it, Yatai, in Japan.

This is the river.


-Yeah. - It's drizzling now. - It's drizzling.

This is the Nakasu Island and of course...

Some beautiful flowers over here.

- Very beautiful. - Turnips?

I will let David choose which...

- What she... what she? What he... - HE!

What he wanna eat and...

- Are you ready? - Let's go!

It's freaking full.

It's just full. Fully packed.

And by the way, do you know that in the morning right...

- This street is empty? - Nope.

- The stalls will move away. - Ah. - In the morning.

- So all these are they illegal or... - No they are legal I think? - Ah. - Yeah...

Should be. I mean... Yeah should be, should be. I'm not too sure about that.

You know I'm a Singaporean right?

If it's empty then forget it, you want this?

Nah, this is a barbeque tent. I don't want fish.

But looks like all the tents are having the barbeque. - Might have foods as well?

Do you wanna try this one?

I'm fine with any. It's up to you.

Either the food sucks or...

There is no one in there.

Maybe more will join us when we try it out.

Let's just wait. Wait here.

- But it's raining... - It's actually not very expensive!

Something, something barbeque. Five for 700 Yen.

Something, something pork ribs for 650.

Pollock roes, 900.

The roes are expensive.

Pollock roes are fish eggs.

I think so.

There are actually tons of pretty girls here.

F***ing lots of them. Japanese girls are something.

- Uh, two persons. - Two? - Yeah.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Ah, my GoPro is safe now.

This is great, which stall is it?

- That stall? He gave one to me too. - Oh, thank you!

They are actually very nice.

They will actually give us, provide us...

Borrow us some umbrellas.

Oh and also the menu.

- Ramen, normal kind, beef kind, Char Siu (Roasted Pork). - Oh okay.

- This sold out. Sold out. - Okay.

Beef tongue.

Fish eggs.

Yakitori (Chicken Skewers), 6 pieces 1 set.

Beef Skewers, 2 pieces 1 set.

Beef intestines, 2 pieces 1 set.

Guang Dong Zhu, Oden. 5 pieces 1 set.

Guang Dong Zhu.

- So it's Taiwan's Guang Dong Zhu? - Yes.


Oolong tea, orange, coke.

Beer, soju.

Lemon soda, grapefruit soda, whiskey soda.

- Japanese Sake. - Okay...

Thank you.

- He's fast right. - Yeah, he's fast, really fast.

- Share. - Okay, thank you.

- How is it? - It's good, it's good! - Awesome right?

I'll have some noodles.

I think the noodles are about the same as the ones we've tried just now.

No significant differences. But the soup tastes different though.

Feels good.

Look at this.

Feels good. Really good.

I finished it. It's good.

It's raining now so... yeah.

Actually, I'm quite full already.

We had a 900 dollar, 900 Yen noodle.

We have a, 400 right? Because 2 pieces so it's 200 each.

- No, we need to get 2 sets. - So it's 400 per set?

So two sets for 800.

So yeah, another 800 dollars worth of beef.

I think it's here.

Oh just like that? Is it skewers?

Thank you.

Oh, 2 sets.

So this is 2 sets.

This is a set for 200.

It's 100, 200...

- Oh no, 200... - 200...

So it's 200 per stick.

It's 2.50 per stick.

Let's give it a try now.

Let's try it and see if it's worth 200 Yen. Alright?

- Are you ready? - Yeah.

Let's eat.

Oh! 200.


Look at the beef.

Check this out, guys.

- Definitely 200. - Yes.

We're dead.

How should I ask for the bill?

How do you ask for the bill in Japanese?

I don't know.

Eolma... (It's Korean.)

Now I know why they ordered so many plates, because...

Because the portions are very small.

I think these are like appetizers.

Yeah, but still, I think I had cenough already.

- Is this edible? - Yeah, it is.

Leftover veggie.


- F***. It's not edible. - Why not?

- It tastes terrible. - It's raw.

Yeah, but it's terrible.

- Are you going crazy now? - Yes, I am.

I just want to get on the night bus and sleep now. I can't take it anymore.

So, this is the place. The stall, that you can see on top.

This is the stall.

At the Yatai stall right, they have some rules and regulations.

So it's not possible for you to go in and " I want to order just one.".

They have a minimum requirement for each customer.

Minimum which is like maybe if you are alone, you need at least one noodle.

Or maybe if you have two customers, 1 noodle then you'll have 2 other side dishes or something, three more. Something like that.

Quite a good experience, and the beef...

The beef is really really good. It's very delicious but then it's...

It's for the rich. Poor people like me can't afford it.

It's a little expensive.

A little? What little? It's very expensive.

The next episode we'll be heading to...

- Hiroshima! - Yes, we'll be heading to Hiroshima and that's exactly what we're gonna do later.

We're gonna take the night bus and go to Hiroshima, so... yeah.

Actually, to you guys it's like one episode later, but then actually when we cut here.

- Then later we'll be starting the next episode already. - Yeah, I know that.

Next episode will be in Hiroshima and we'll be staying there for two days.

Stay tuned to my channel!

I am Bolin Chen!

David Lim!

We will see you next episode!

You'll definitely have to spend more. So...

Then when you go there and they'll force you to drink some coke.

Okay. And, drink cola, please. Drink.

- We have to get it. - Oolong tea, orange, coke.

That cost like crazy s***.

You know buy coke in Malaysia how much or not?

- Anyway... - 50 cents?

What? 50 cents is for 5 liters, you understand?

Nah, just 2 liters.

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