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Before Evolution There Was Involution - Duration: 7:50.Before Evolution There Was Involution
Charles Darwin developed a theory of evolution, which changed the way we understood our place
in the world; but he neglected to mention the involutionary arc.
Before there is evolution, there is involution.
The Involutionary Arc of Ageless Wisdom
The ageless wisdom teaches that the involutionary arc is the term that applies to the first
part of the evolutionary process.
It covers the path of descent, or the coming down of spirit into ever denser matter until
it reaches the lowest point, the point of densest concretion.
We call the latter half of the process evolutionary.
It marks the ascent, or return of spirit to its emanating source, plus the gains of the
evolutionary process.
Spirit is the electrical reality of �life� itself.
The consciousness of man must be fully awakened before one can ever understand that great
energizing something of which the other types of energy are but expressions.
Involution and Elemental Natures
The lives of Spirit that descend in involution until the lowest point of densest matter is
reached are called �elementals.� Nature itself is composed of them for no entity anywhere
can separate itself from the �boundless all.� Although �elementals� is a generalizing
term, a better use of the term would signify beings arising from the first in and of the
seven elements of nature before other and more advanced evolution came into manifestation.
The names of the classes of these elementals are too numerous to mention.
We call these nature sprites, faeries, the sylphs of air, the undines of water, the salamanders
of fire, the gnomes of earth, etc.
When the elemental lives reach the densest element, to wit: the mineral kingdom, then
they will be ascending on the evolutionary arc.
We call these �devas�.
The church calls the devas, �angels.� These lives gradually evolve from the mineral
kingdom to the next kingdoms, to wit: the vegetable, animal and human kingdoms and then
to the three superhuman kingdoms until they return to their source: the �one life.�
This is a picture taken on 10/15/12 by NASA of what appears to be an angel going towards
the Sun.
It is estimated to be twice the size of the earth.
Who Guides the Universe?
The whole universe is guided, controlled and animated by an endless series of hierarchies
of sentient beings.
Thus, each performs its mission.
They vary in their respective sizes and degrees of consciousness.
Some function as elementals, some as hierarchies of angels or devas.
Their size, however, can be twice the size of the Earth or more.
Some exist as gods, some as rivers of lives vitalizing galaxies, solar systems, planets,
and all the kingdoms of nature.
Evolution means the unfolding, the unwrapping of what is within.
In all cases, elemental beings are �unconscious god-sparks.� Divinity is as much at the
heart of every elemental being as it is at the heart of a god.
But until that core of divinity evolves into manifestation, so that the entity is thereafter
governed by the spiritual flame within as an ego or soul, it is said to be without a
spiritual soul.
As a human being is composed of all the great elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Ether,
thus the elementals which belong respectively to these elements, feel attracted to a human
being due to their co-essence.
That element which predominates in a certain constitution will be the ruling element throughout
the life.
For instance, if an individual has a preponderance of the earthly gnomic element, the gnomes
will lead him toward assimilating metals�money, wealth, and so on.
Elemental Legends and Lessons of Involution
Many beautiful legends and stories exist about the elemental.
Some of these romances or stories have even described the union of human beings.
These are ensouled entities, beautiful and in some cases mechanically wise, but nevertheless
�soulless,� elemental beings of the cosmos.
(As an instance cf. the mystical legend Undine, by De la Motte Fouque.)
The elements of the cosmos are seven, not four.
Four are manifest; that is, possessing a form, a vehicle or a body;) but there are also three
higher or formless classes.
Consequently, some of these elements composing the very fabric and structure of the universe,
are spiritually, vibrationally high, and contrariwise, some of them are very gross and material.
There are also those of an intermediate character; and the elementals that spring from each one
of these elements partake in each instance of the character of the mother-substance out
of and from which they are born.
We understand elementals properly as the unevolved life-atoms of the several cosmic elements.
The medieval European writers alluded to these beings, also the mystical and initiated writers
of other countries, under different names.
Involution and the Master Initiates
What originates these life-atoms from the cosmic elements?
They are �thoughts��for thoughts are ensouled energies; thoughts of the super-gods;
thoughts of the gods; and thoughts of the daimones; (godlike beings) of the heroes;
of men.
Every thought is an ensouled energy.
As nature divides into seven cosmic substances, all classes of beings can trace their origin
back respectively to one or to another of these seven mother substances.
The Tibetan Master, D.K., took his Fifth Major Initiation in 1875.
He worked through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey, dictating to her using mental telepathy.
They wrote about twenty books together.
He also suggested that the best way for a human being to evolve, is through �study,
meditation and service.�
Therefore, for those eager to evolve more rapidly, I offer three pages weekly online
of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings known by Pythagoras and Plato.
And it is free; this is my method of service.
If you have interest in expanding your consciousness, and moving beyond involution
to evolving, you can contact me
through my website.
Mônica se Apaixona por Cebolinha e é Salva - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
NICER Mission Overview - Duration: 2:06.[music] Coming soon to the
International Space Station,
a multipurpose mission leveraging
X-ray technology to uncover
mysteries of the universe.
nearly impossible to measure the
sizes of neutron stars directly.
They're only about the size of a city
and very far away.
They're very interesting in the sky to
to study.
It's matter at the cusp of
becoming a black hole.
NICER's 56 telescopes will
make observations, enabling scientists
to determine how rotating neutron
stars - also called
pulsars - are put together.
What we're really interested in doing with NICER
is understanding - um -
really what the size of a neutron
star is. Cause once we know the size of the
radius of a neutron star very precisely,
then we can put constraints on
the density at the core.
And once you have an idea of what the density is
at the core you can constrain nuclear theories that
describe how the particles at
the core of neutron stars interact with each other.
In addition to
probing neutron stars, the
two-in-one mission will advance GPS like
navigation of spacecraft
throughout the solar system and beyond.
The embedded Station
Explorer for X-ray Timing and
Navigation Technology, or SEXTANT,
uses NICER's observations
of pulsars to demonstrate this
potentially game-changing technology.
It's goal as a technology demonstration
as part of the NICER mission,
is to try to turn the "G" in GPS
into "Galactic."
We want to use pulsars - this particular
type of neutron star that spins
hundreds of times a second that emits this
atomic-like clock signal for us
to receive. And so we observe
multiple pulsars and stitch together a solution
by looking at those precision timing
signals from those pulsars to construct a
spacecraft orbit determination solution.
benefit existing and future NASA
missions and will further
expand humankind's understanding and
exploration of the universe.
Uống 3 Thìa Này Cận Thị 5 Độ Cũng Khỏi Hẳn Sau 7 Ngày 100 Người Thì 99 Người Chưa Biết - Duration: 6:19.-------------------------------------------
Organize Craft Supplies With Picture Frames - HGTV - Duration: 1:14.[music playing]
Virgoun - Surat Cinta Untuk Starla Cover Masya - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Le 71 invenzioni più incredibili di sempre - Duration: 8:10.-------------------------------------------
Verwechslung [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:58.You're so good!
Good boy!
DIY an EMOJI Popsocket for - Duration: 10:39.-------------------------------------------
Fidget Spinner Challenge! Family Fun Toys for Kids - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
தனுஷ் கூட நடிக்க……….? ரகசியத்தை உளரிய நடிகை! | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
In bizarre statement, Hope Hicks says Trump has a magnetic - politics - Duration: 2:25.In bizarre statement, Hope Hicks says Trump has a �magnetic personality� and �treats
everyone with respect�
In response to a report by The Washington Post that details President Trump�s tendency
to be demeaning and his condescending backhanded comments toward members of his staff, White
House spokeswoman Hope Hicks issued a statement about her boss that showered him with exaggerated
compliments, to say the least.
�President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious
to those around him,� the statement said.
�He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room
of three or an arena of 30,000.
He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect.
He is brilliant with a great sense of humor .?.?. and an amazing ability to make people
feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible.�
Many have defended Trump over the years, yet Hicks�s detailed defense was remarkable
for its combativeness and cult-like specificity.
The internet did what the internet does best and made a jest of the bizarre statement about
the president.
Critics have blasted Hicks for the statement�s obvious absurdity, including Callum Borchers
of The Washington Post, who wrote that �the most jarring thing about her characterization
of the president is not the inaccuracy; it�s the sudden rejection of Trump�s entire political
brand.� Some compared her statement with North Korean propaganda about leader Kim Jong
It has become common for the White House to issue �alternative facts� about Trump�s
In a press briefing on Tuesday, press secretary Sean Spicer said that Trump has a �fairly
unbelievable� relationship with the Germany�s chancellor, Angela Merkel.
The relationship doesn�t seem to go both ways; over the weekend Merkel said that Europe
can no longer �completely depend on others,� alluding to Trump�s apparent refusal to
combat climate
change internationally.
Mondtanz / ELECTRONIC MEDITATION - Dadola #1, op. 69 - FULL HD - Duration: 4:49.What's up?
What's up?
What's up?
What's up?
Yes, I have not, but if I had it, I would do it.
What's up?
What's up?
What's up?
What? What's up?
今日のまころん。 - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Space the Final Frontier - Duration: 0:41.It only feels like a few months since we graduated college
I know it feels like we were just there yesterday
Wes what happened?
Learning Sea Animals 🐬 Animals for Kids 🦀 Toy Collection 🦈 Nursery Rhymes 🎼 Learning Colors - Duration: 5:10.Learning Sea Animals
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