Secret MidOne • Ember Spirit • 1000 GPM/XPM — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2
Nissan 370Z buying advice - Duration: 7:11.This is a fun car with a classic layout.
When you ask people about a sporty Nissan, they say Skyline or GTR. Nowadays there's only the GTR.
This 370Z... The Z-Series was introduced in the late '60s.
It may have more heritage. It's a very classic layout with the engine up front and rear-wheel drive.
It has a pretty coupe line. I like that.
It's an experience. The naturally aspirated V6 engine has a nice sound.
This may be old-fashioned nowadays. The 370Z is still being sold new.
However, it's fun. The balance is great as well.
This one has an automatic transmission.
The available manual transmission makes it a classic sports car.
The lines are all correct. You don't have much choice in engines.
The normal one and the Nismo both have a V6.
ENGINES gasoline
Not many 370Zs are for sale on Marktplaats; only a handfull.
Its predecessor, the 350Z, is more common. It's older and cheaper.
This car shares some technology with the 350Z.
Prices start at 20,000 euros and go up to a little over 30,000 euros.
Only coupes are for sale at the moment.
A roadster exists as well, but it's not for sale second hand in the Netherlands right now.
PRICES minimum, maximum
If you want a roadster, check the roof. It's known to wear in some places.
This has often to do with calibration. You can watch our special convertible video.
This may be a strange problem for a modern car, but there's rust.
The paint quality of the 370Z isn't great. You can see paint bubbles or stone chips.
There are a number of spots to check. The rust prevention itself isn't very good.
You can check places like the edges of the roof and around the door handles for rust.
Self-healing paint was optional. It will have less bubbles, etc.
It can solve small scratches.
The gas springs of the trunk lid may be annoying.
They were weak in some model years and can't lift the trunk lid properly.
You can order different ones. It's annoying to push it up yourself.
I think you shouldn't walk away for this.
The V6 sounds fantastic. It's especially loud with a different exhaust, like this one.
It's thirsty. This is something to keep in mind.
Modern, smaller turbo engines are more economical.
Speaking of fuel: there's a strange problem with the 370Z.
In fast right corners, like on a track, it'll suffer from fuel starvation.
The fuel won't reach the engine because the tank doesn't have enough partitions.
The design isn't great. The fuel flows to one side and the fuel pump can no longer reach it.
This can be solved with a different fuel pump, but that's an expensive solution.
You can also make sure the tank is full. The problem occurs after 25% of the fuel has been burned.
A problem with the manual transmission you can't really help:
the clutch's pressure plate can die spontaneously.
It doesn't really warn you beforehand. The clutch pedal won't come back up all the way.
This gets worse every time. You can't help it; it simply needs to be fixed.
It'll be quite expensive.
Another thing: the rear differential from the first model years can make a whining sound.
Not everyone will mind, though. A new differential fixes it.
The differential has cooling fins. You can check if it has this diff.
Finally, the electronics. The ignition has keyless entry and keyless go.
You can keep the key in your pocket, if it works.
If it doesn't work, especially when starting, you can't solve it by inserting the key somewhere.
There's no ignition.
This often happens in the first model years. The car dies and won't do anything.
You can get in and out, but that's it.
The ignition will have to be replaced.
We found this car at ASNV in Nuenen.
There was a nice line-up, but I chose to drive this one.
It really is a fun car. It has a special color.
A 370Z is special.
If you're looking for a second-hand car and want our help, or if your company has a nice car for sale
of which we may shoot a video, please send an e-mail to
Subtitles - Maru's Text Support
BOKOESAM over SEKS, POEPEN en WIET! | Vluggertje #18 - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Before Evolution There Was Involution - Duration: 7:50.Before Evolution There Was Involution
Charles Darwin developed a theory of evolution, which changed the way we understood our place
in the world; but he neglected to mention the involutionary arc.
Before there is evolution, there is involution.
The Involutionary Arc of Ageless Wisdom
The ageless wisdom teaches that the involutionary arc is the term that applies to the first
part of the evolutionary process.
It covers the path of descent, or the coming down of spirit into ever denser matter until
it reaches the lowest point, the point of densest concretion.
We call the latter half of the process evolutionary.
It marks the ascent, or return of spirit to its emanating source, plus the gains of the
evolutionary process.
Spirit is the electrical reality of �life� itself.
The consciousness of man must be fully awakened before one can ever understand that great
energizing something of which the other types of energy are but expressions.
Involution and Elemental Natures
The lives of Spirit that descend in involution until the lowest point of densest matter is
reached are called �elementals.� Nature itself is composed of them for no entity anywhere
can separate itself from the �boundless all.� Although �elementals� is a generalizing
term, a better use of the term would signify beings arising from the first in and of the
seven elements of nature before other and more advanced evolution came into manifestation.
The names of the classes of these elementals are too numerous to mention.
We call these nature sprites, faeries, the sylphs of air, the undines of water, the salamanders
of fire, the gnomes of earth, etc.
When the elemental lives reach the densest element, to wit: the mineral kingdom, then
they will be ascending on the evolutionary arc.
We call these �devas�.
The church calls the devas, �angels.� These lives gradually evolve from the mineral
kingdom to the next kingdoms, to wit: the vegetable, animal and human kingdoms and then
to the three superhuman kingdoms until they return to their source: the �one life.�
This is a picture taken on 10/15/12 by NASA of what appears to be an angel going towards
the Sun.
It is estimated to be twice the size of the earth.
Who Guides the Universe?
The whole universe is guided, controlled and animated by an endless series of hierarchies
of sentient beings.
Thus, each performs its mission.
They vary in their respective sizes and degrees of consciousness.
Some function as elementals, some as hierarchies of angels or devas.
Their size, however, can be twice the size of the Earth or more.
Some exist as gods, some as rivers of lives vitalizing galaxies, solar systems, planets,
and all the kingdoms of nature.
Evolution means the unfolding, the unwrapping of what is within.
In all cases, elemental beings are �unconscious god-sparks.� Divinity is as much at the
heart of every elemental being as it is at the heart of a god.
But until that core of divinity evolves into manifestation, so that the entity is thereafter
governed by the spiritual flame within as an ego or soul, it is said to be without a
spiritual soul.
As a human being is composed of all the great elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Ether,
thus the elementals which belong respectively to these elements, feel attracted to a human
being due to their co-essence.
That element which predominates in a certain constitution will be the ruling element throughout
the life.
For instance, if an individual has a preponderance of the earthly gnomic element, the gnomes
will lead him toward assimilating metals�money, wealth, and so on.
Elemental Legends and Lessons of Involution
Many beautiful legends and stories exist about the elemental.
Some of these romances or stories have even described the union of human beings.
These are ensouled entities, beautiful and in some cases mechanically wise, but nevertheless
�soulless,� elemental beings of the cosmos.
(As an instance cf. the mystical legend Undine, by De la Motte Fouque.)
The elements of the cosmos are seven, not four.
Four are manifest; that is, possessing a form, a vehicle or a body;) but there are also three
higher or formless classes.
Consequently, some of these elements composing the very fabric and structure of the universe,
are spiritually, vibrationally high, and contrariwise, some of them are very gross and material.
There are also those of an intermediate character; and the elementals that spring from each one
of these elements partake in each instance of the character of the mother-substance out
of and from which they are born.
We understand elementals properly as the unevolved life-atoms of the several cosmic elements.
The medieval European writers alluded to these beings, also the mystical and initiated writers
of other countries, under different names.
Involution and the Master Initiates
What originates these life-atoms from the cosmic elements?
They are �thoughts��for thoughts are ensouled energies; thoughts of the super-gods;
thoughts of the gods; and thoughts of the daimones; (godlike beings) of the heroes;
of men.
Every thought is an ensouled energy.
As nature divides into seven cosmic substances, all classes of beings can trace their origin
back respectively to one or to another of these seven mother substances.
The Tibetan Master, D.K., took his Fifth Major Initiation in 1875.
He worked through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey, dictating to her using mental telepathy.
They wrote about twenty books together.
He also suggested that the best way for a human being to evolve, is through �study,
meditation and service.�
Therefore, for those eager to evolve more rapidly, I offer three pages weekly online
of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings known by Pythagoras and Plato.
And it is free; this is my method of service.
If you have interest in expanding your consciousness, and moving beyond involution
to evolving, you can contact me
through my website.
Sandpoint Tiny Home (200 Sq Ft), Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 1:48.SANDPOINT TINY HOME (200 SQ FT)
Clementine - The Walking Dead Cosplay - GamePlay 2017 + Sous-Titres FR/EN ! - Duration: 1:50.I'm Clementine
My parents are dead...
I hate that I've lost so many people
But it's made me stronger
I learned to take care of myself
This man... found me and took care of me
His name was Lee... he taught me how to survive
He told me to find a group
He taught me how to shoot a gun
He saved me
Lee: Part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about...
Lee: Even if sometimes... That means hurting someones else
Clem: I'm scared, Lee...
Lee: What can I tell you to make it better ?
Clem: That you won't leave me
Lee: Come here, sweet pea...
Lee: I promise !
Clem: Lee...
He got bitten... protecting me...
And I had to kill him before he turned
It was my fault... I just...
Sometimes people die because of me
I'm alone...
Everyone I know is gone...
It's just me now
Sometimes you have to do bad things if you want to survive
We've all had bad experiences
I miss Lee...
Episodio #1183 Manos frias un aviso del Sistema nervioso - Duration: 7:59.-------------------------------------------
Ukraine: Russian Aggression and Western Ignorance - Duration: 16:49.[Voice-Over] The images of the Maidan revolution went around the world in February 2014.
Millions of demonstrators went to the streets all over Ukraine.
They demanded an approach to the European Union and the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovitch.
In December 2013, much to the surprise of the international community,
he went back on his election campaign promise to sign an association agreement with the EU.
[Gunshots, shouting] After months of demonstrations state security forces violently beat down protesters.
And at least 80 people died.
As a result, Yanukovytch fled to Russia.
[Danya Lubkin] Our revolution was about fighting dictatorship.
[Andrey N. Ilarionov] It was not an issue of whatever nationalism.
Because there were Ukrainians,
Uranian-speaking Ukrainians,
Russian-speaking Ukrainians,
Russian-speaking Russians.
Moreover there were some Georgians, who came from Georgia, Belarusians,
and some Russians who came from Russia.
to Maidan to defend this cause against the corrupt government.
[Maryan Zablotskyy] To me, the most surprising moments of Maidan were the most tragic ones.
When people were actually shot at and still did not step back.
[Demyd Maiornykov] The people started to believe in themselves.
And the mentalities have been changing.
They realized that they're capable of implementing reforms.
[Voice-Over] In the wake of the protests, Ukrainians destroyed statues and symbols of the former Soviet Union across the country.
[Crowd cheering]
[Danya Lubkin] It was so obvious for younger people that it is weird
to have a monuments of a person who actually killed Ukrainians as well.
It's like having a monument of Hitler inside of Poland, for example.
[Demyd Maiornykov] So that was a true spiritual moment, but of course
having so many dead people is still very painful.
Even if you walk down the Maidan now, you will see a lot of places from the bullet holes.
[Tom G. Palmer] The Kremlin lost their man in Ukraine. They picked someone too greedy.
They could have still had their influence there.
But he wanted to be as rich as Putin.
But you can't do that in Ukraine.
There's not all the oil money.
[Voice Over] Russian state media was quick to claim that a coup d'état had taken place in Kiev.
[Tom Palmer] That was no coup. The president abandoned the country after signing a political agreement
for new elections and a peaceful resolution of this dispute.
He left.
So it was no coup. The president abandoned the country.
A second thing: There was not a fascist coup, a nazi coup.
Although: There were fascists and arguably even Nazis in Ukraine.
But these are not the people who were involved in forming the new government.
There is simply nothing to that.
But it is very effective to portray this as some kind of fascist government.
They do not have a nazi government in Kiev.
But that is what you would think if you only listened to RT, and Sputnik, and other Kremlin state propaganda.
[Danya Lubkin] When Yanukovytch resigned there was huge celebration.
But afterwards there was coming to all an understanding that we had a war right now.
We would wake up in the morning, pick up, play TV, and it said there was Russian helicopters on the Crimea.
And then in some months there were the Russians in the Donbas catching our cities.
[Andrei N. Illarionov] They removed Putin's puppet Yanukovytch from power.
That was enough.
That was why according to Mr Putin those people should be punished.
[Voice-Over] To maintain Russian influence in Ukraine, Russian troops landed on the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea
and began to occupy the island, whilst the Maidan riots were still ongoing.
On March 16th 2014 the annexation the Crimea by the Russian Federation was confirmed in a questionable referendum.
Most international spectators maintained that the 96.77 percent vote to join Russia was a result of manipulation and intimidation.
[Mikhailo Lavrovsky] There are a lot of people in Crimea who really want to be a part of Russia.
But it's not 94 percent, maybe 55.
[Tom Palmer] It's impossible that 97 percent would have voted to join Russia.
This is completely obviously phony. and at the point of a gun.
But had there been an authentic referendum, it's not really possible to predict what would have happened.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] An election is unpredictable.
If they are free.
If they are free, they are unpredictable.
If they are predictable, they are not free.
[Voice-Over] The war also escalated in the eastern Ukrainian territories around Donetsk and Luhansk.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] The long term aim of Putin is very clear.
He wanted to control Ukraine through these "republics".
[Tom Palmer] In Donetsk, Borodai, the prime minister, was from Moscow.
[unclear] Igor Girkin was from Moscow.
Both of them connected to Konstantin Malofeev, who is one of the cronies of Putin.
And a big advocate of rebuilding the Russian empire. He's very clear and outspoken about this.
So this was not just a indigenous movement of Russian speakers.
This was very much influenced from Russia, including all the people, the weapons, the arms.
[Danya Lubkin] This a real war, real ongoing war.
Like every day. every single day someone is dying and some one is displaced.
We have a lot of refugees. Like three million are displaced right now in Ukraine.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] It is important to know that the operation against Ukraine was under preparation by Putin for at least ten years prior.
Or eleven years prior to the actual attack.
[Voice-Over] The Kremlin's plan for the invasion of Ukraine can be tracked back to 2008.
For example, "Operation Clockwork Orange".
A landing operation, in which crucial infrastructure of Crimea, airports, ports, and key points in the road network, would be taken by the Russian naval infantry.
Another piece of evidence:
Russian army combat medals engraved with the date February 20th, 2014.
One day before the then President Yanukovych actually left Ukraine.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] It seems to me , this was a long process.
But at the very end it's absolutely clear: Both, Crimea/Sevastopol and Donbas are occupied territories.
And sooner or later [they] will be returned back to Ukraine.
Just no doubt.
After the second World War there was a very important principle of international law:
Inalienability of international borders.
[Tom Palmer] Borders do not change because of conquest and annexation.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] And it had been formulated and signed in many, many documents.
And Russia is one of the participants of all those documents.
[Voice-Over] Illarionov's assessment that Russia will return the Crimea appears rather unrealistic when taking a look at Russian media.
They maintain a strict anti-Western and anti-liberal line.
[Tom Palmer] When you turn on Russian TV, it looks like you have a wide array, like Germany or America.
All these different tastes and talkshows and spirit mediums on TV and whatever.
They're all the same.
They all are broadcasting the same view. All of them are under control of the state.
"Russia has a unique culture, standing alone against an entire world of enemies against them."
And that one man is holding them at bay.
And that's Vladimir Putin.
[Danya Lubkin] Russia is always trying put out information that we will surrender in five days.
Like: "Your people are fighting for nothing, you will be dead and your country will be under Russian occupation."
[Voice-Over] Russia's rhetoric and military aggression against Ukraine are also problematic in a historical context.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, the US and Russia, as the USSR's successor state, guaranteed the sovereignty of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine in the Budapest Memorandum.
In return, those countries abandoned their nuclear weapons, inherited from the USSR..
Russia often justifies its aggressive foreign policy with the growth of NATO after the communist collapse.
[Tom Palmer] There was a big movement for unification and one of the many questions was:
Will this successor stat will be a member of NATO or not?
East Germany was not and West Germany was. So what about the unified Germany?
There is evidence that there was some discussion with Gorbachev, head of the Soviet Union at the time,
that NATO would absorb or come to include the eastern part of Germany,
and the unified Germany would be a member of NATO, but not go further.
Move forward and the Soviet Union collapses, and the Baltic countries become independent. So there's no Soviet Union, no treaty with it, but possibly a personal understanding with Gorbachev.
2004 seven from the former eastern bloc, such as Slovenia, joined NATO.
I don't think it could be interpreted as an aggressive move towards Russia.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] There was not a single word from Moscow.
Something that Moscow would disapprove or say: "Okay we don't like it."
[Tom Palmer] People went and [unclear] said: "We were promised NATO would not extend further."
I don't think that that's well substantiated. But there was discussion in 1990 about this question.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] It is very well known that in the year 2000, 2001, 2002 Mr Putin several times said both privately and publicly:
That the purpose of the Russian government is to join NATO.
[Voice-Over] Ukraine is not the first country that has been attacked by Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Moscow has used its military also against Chechnya and Georgia to consolidate its power.
As the war in Ukraine continues, it presents great challenges for the government and the population.
The initial euphoria about the success of the Maidan protests has been replaced with a sobering reality.
[Danya Lubkin] After Maidan, we thought that everything will be changed dramatically and drastically in a short period of time.
But we see that our government is not really so fast-changeable.
[Maryan Zablotskyy] Ukraine is now officially by far the poorest country in Europe.
[Mariia Chaplia] And these people who are in power now: They are pretending they are making reforms.
The problem is that they want to get money from the EU. They want to get money from the US.
And that's why they pretend they are doing reforms.
But they are doing reforms just for the reforms, not for the change itself.
[Maryan Zablotskyy] The problem is that we are still living in a quasi communist society, under which government redistributes almost 50% of GDP through taxes and puts a burden on almost every imaginable type of economic activity.
[Mariia Chaplia] I think the situation in Ukraine is, honestly speaking, becoming worse every day.
[Voice-Over] Not only Ukraine has economic problems.
The decline in oil prices and trade margins is steadily worsening the situation for the Russian economy.
[Tom Palmer] Maybe in about two years they'll be broke. They'll run out of money.
Just as the Soviet Union ran out of money. while this is going to provoke a crisis.
One way to deal with that is to do something dramatic that builds up the Russian nation and rebuilds the Russian empire.
And there's nothing like conquering territory or "recovering the Russian lands".
[Andrei Iliiarinov] I think the number one target today is definitely Belarus.
[Tom Palmer] I think the Belarusian government is aware of this, shutting down the Sputnik broadcasting in Minsk and so on.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] Belarus does not belong to any alliance. This is very attractive for Putin.
In his concept, Belarus is a part… Belarusians are a part the Russian people — along with the Ukrainians.
[Tom Palmer] Just as in the 1930s, the national socialist regime used the German diaspora in Poland, the Baltic and elsewhere as a justification for their imperial expansion, we're really seeing the same playbook.
[Voice-Over] An indication of this is the freshly deployed 1st Guards Tank Army.
A large mechanized army stationed on the western border of Russia.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] And the location of all these units, all those tank divisions of the 1st Guard Army…
Oh, big surprise. All of them on the highways leading to Belarus.
[Tom Palmer] After that, the scenario starts to get even more scary.
A much bigger invasion of Ukraine.
Attempt to go through Mariopol, Odessa, take all of the Black Sea coast, maybe even go take Kiev.
That would probably be very bloody.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] The Ukrainians really improved very substantially the quality of their own troops.
Their ability to fight, their spirit is very high.
And that is why I don't think that Putin would organize a new large scale advance on Ukraine.
Small skirmishes: Almost definitely.
[Tom Palmer] After that it gets even more bloody and terrible because now we're talking about the Baltic countries.
[Andrei Iliiarinov] It's quite risky. Because NATO is a sleeping dragon, but still a dragon.
[Tom Palmer] Now you have this big gambling. You roll the dice: Will NATO respond or not?
[Andrei Iliiarinov] So that is why it is rather hard to imagine that Putin would risk so much for almost nothing.
[Tom Palmer] Putin is not going to retire and go live in a country house or some place.
He'll die in office.
Once you're in the t position you can't just retire. Because whoever succeeds you will imprison you.
And so he knows that. Well, he has to do thing to constantly replenish and renew his popularity.
And war is a very good way, as politicians all over the world have discovered for millennia.
[Voice-Over] A dead-end situation.
Apparently, economic or military measures cannot fix the basic issues.
All that remains is hope that thing will turn out for the best.
[Demyd Maiornykov] One cannot say that corruption has been completely eliminated within the country.
But the [unclear], as police for example, it's way much less than it used to be.
[Maria Chaplia] It's very hard to change the mindset. I truly believe that it's almost impossible.
And only this new generation, which was born in the independent Ukraine can change Ukraine.
[Demyd Maiornykov] I can see lots of youth activists working in this field and fighting for their rights, implementing some reforms in the country.
Even though they're young, they have passion, they have energy. And, yeah, it makes me happy.
[Maryan Zablotskyy] To me, the European Union brings one of the greatest freedoms that has ever been.
Freedom of movement, free trade, freedom of goods and freedom of capital.
This single market is the biggest freedom are that has ever been created.
And I do not understand why some countries want to leave it.
[Mariia Chaplia] We have to forget about all these problems between our governments and after all we are al world citizens.
We have to find a common ground.
[Tom Palmer] I would like to see much more trade with Russia.
I think that a better approach rather than punishing Russia trough sanctions is to say:
"You wann come here. We can arrange visa for your travel."
Open up our opportunities so Russians don't feel bottled up and surrounded by enemies.
[Maryan Zablotskyy] The more freedom you have, the more wealth you have. That is a proven thing.
You can always put any sort of liberty index, either "Economic Freedom Index" or "Ease Of Doing Business Ranking" with GDP per capita and see a very strong correlation.
[Mariia Chaplia] What they have tod is to focus on internal affairs.
And make Ukraine such a powerful and prosperous state that people in Crimea and eastern Ukraine they like to be a part of Ukraine.
A very Hungry Shibe - Duration: 0:57.*hunger makes shobe an aggressive*
*excited bork*
(does a drill to release energy)
*barks out of excitement*
*sniffs food*
*tries to desperately steal the food*
(shibe is a confuse)
*gives a paw*
(shibe is sick of this shit)
*hungry bark*
*patiently waits*
*owner gives command*
*intense eating*
Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ Chick Lexi: Jak Na Krásné Řasy - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
Mônica se Apaixona por Cebolinha e é Salva - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
GEFC - รวมฉากฮาๆ เมื่อคนโง้ ทําสิ่งที่โง้ จะ จะเกิด อะไรขึ้นEP3 - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
NICER Mission Overview - Duration: 2:06.[music] Coming soon to the
International Space Station,
a multipurpose mission leveraging
X-ray technology to uncover
mysteries of the universe.
nearly impossible to measure the
sizes of neutron stars directly.
They're only about the size of a city
and very far away.
They're very interesting in the sky to
to study.
It's matter at the cusp of
becoming a black hole.
NICER's 56 telescopes will
make observations, enabling scientists
to determine how rotating neutron
stars - also called
pulsars - are put together.
What we're really interested in doing with NICER
is understanding - um -
really what the size of a neutron
star is. Cause once we know the size of the
radius of a neutron star very precisely,
then we can put constraints on
the density at the core.
And once you have an idea of what the density is
at the core you can constrain nuclear theories that
describe how the particles at
the core of neutron stars interact with each other.
In addition to
probing neutron stars, the
two-in-one mission will advance GPS like
navigation of spacecraft
throughout the solar system and beyond.
The embedded Station
Explorer for X-ray Timing and
Navigation Technology, or SEXTANT,
uses NICER's observations
of pulsars to demonstrate this
potentially game-changing technology.
It's goal as a technology demonstration
as part of the NICER mission,
is to try to turn the "G" in GPS
into "Galactic."
We want to use pulsars - this particular
type of neutron star that spins
hundreds of times a second that emits this
atomic-like clock signal for us
to receive. And so we observe
multiple pulsars and stitch together a solution
by looking at those precision timing
signals from those pulsars to construct a
spacecraft orbit determination solution.
benefit existing and future NASA
missions and will further
expand humankind's understanding and
exploration of the universe.
Le invenzioni più incredibili di sempre - parodia Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Nummer klären von heißen Zwillingen | Frauen ansprechen auf der Straße #3 - Duration: 8:46.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Satellite【Starset】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.Darkening skies Coming this way
Falling behind Into nothing
But if you lead I will follow A thousand miles away
I will be your Apollo Alone in outer space
Satellite Shine on me tonight
I will be your gravity I will stay and never leave
My satellite Are you here tonight?
Shine your light and set me free Take the darkness out of me
Shine on me
Shine on me
Blinded I wait The end is forming
You are my fate Give me warning
If you lead I will follow A thousand miles away
I will be your Apollo Alone in outer space
Satellite Shine on me tonight
I will be your gravity I will stay and never leave
My satellite Are you here tonight?
Shine your light and set me free Take the darkness out of me
Shine on me
Shine on me
Far across the emptiness I walk the night And search the silence in the dark you left
behind I seek the stars above the worlds to be the
guides But they are pale against the light in your
In your eyes
And I won't suppose to know why you walked away
But I can feel you pushing through beyond the space
So send your energy to me and I'll push through Send your signal home and bring me back to
Satellite Shine on me tonight
I will be your gravity I will stay and never leave
My satellite Are you here tonight?
Shine your light and set me free Take the darkness out of me
Shine on me
Shine on me
7 SECONDS CHALLENGE | MUSICAL.LY | KISSING (eng subs) - Duration: 8:14.Hello everybody. Kubo is here with me today!
We are gonna do 7 seconds challenge. Where is it gonna be done?
At the Ice Rink...
At the ice rink of Vladimir Dzurilla and...
The point of the challenge is that we will give tasks to each other which needs to be completed within 7 seconds.
What will the looser have to do?
Well, let's kiss our trainer on her cheek!
Well….you mean more times? Or just once?
No, let's think of something else…
No! If we do not complete any task of the challenge, we have to kiss our trainer on her cheek.
Ok, let's do this... As you wish…
We can start then.
So, Kubo, you give the first challenge…
You will run over there, where the heater is….There is a fire extinguisher…
So you will run there and say "HOLA, HOLA, HOLA"…Aloud.
Three, two, start!
You did it, great!
Good, so I have a challenge for you. Let's go to the gym.
You will run to the dressing room to get one spinner.
Bring the spinner here
and do a trick with it or just turn it round.
Ready, steady, go!
Well done! You did the challenge
Your task is to close these three doors.
This, this and this one.
You come here in the middle and you will turn round and round…
Three, two, start!
Have I done it?
Yes, well almost not, but you managed it
So for this challenge we will need a mobile,
and your task will be,
will be to make
Three and four, go!
OK, challenge completed!
Quite successfully.
Well, I will give you something really challenging in turn.
So far, it is 2:2, let's go to the third round.
The next task will be!
You have to run... Climb up here….
Do leg raise three times
and you have to say "JUPI" each time when your leg is next to your head.
Three, two, start!
One second...
You didn't make it!
Didn't I?
It took you 8 seconds…
Am I gonna have a punishment?
My task for you will be…
Here, at this place...
Take off your shoes!
Run into the dressing room, put on your other shoes, come here and... That's it...
Ready, steady, go!
You made it in 8 seconds!!
Even though I was counting quite slowly! So??
You got punishment, too...
This can't be good!
Don't you like the idea of punishment?
The task will be:
do butt spin three times
and then do this three times:
Three, two, start!
You did it!
You have to go to the reception,
And there by the doorman you have to say or scream that "I've got lost!"
Ready, steady, go!
I've got lost!
But he hasn't seen you!
One guy saw me...
And looked at me like "what"?
OK, You did it!
So let's go to the final round…
Here is the shoe… Lift it up...
Do you wanna transfer the smell, don't you?
Go here and here and there...
to here...
and say: I smell the best!
Three, two, start!
I smell the best!
Challenge completed! Super!
Go to the hallway… From here!
And in the hallway scream:
"Paula Mandelikova, I love you so much!"
Three and four, go!
Paula Mandelikova, I love you so much!
have I completed the task?
Yes!!! She must be happy… You completed it! You are the best!
So, we both haven't completed one task...
So now, we have to kiss our trainer on her cheek.
Coach, we did challenge and our task for not completing the challenge is to kiss our trainer on her cheek…
Who are you gonna kiss?
Well... Three and four, go!
I forgot to tell you,
leave me some comments with new challenges or tasks
and we may make a second part with your challenge tasks!
And if you watched the whole video, give me like
or leave a comment and above all share this video.
Thanks Kubo for cooperation… And for such good tasks. That all for now...
Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ T-Chic: Jak Na Krásné Řasy - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
Panama Children / DIY / We sew a headpiece with our own hands with SvGasporovich - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
DIRT 4 Pre-Order Pack [PC, PS4, Xbox One] - Unboxing PL/ENG - Duration: 2:02.This is the pre-order for DiRT 4.
It's two weeks from it's release date,
and in Poland we can buy this edition in Media Markt and Saturn stores.
It costs about 8€, it also gives is discount for Day One Edition of the game
for a month from game's release date.
Inside this box we will find a T-shirt with DiRT 4 logo.
We can see the image showing the T-shirt,
on the back we have information about the game.
We also have full view of the shirt, information about the size.
And information on how to recieve the discount for Day One Edition.
OK, let's open the box and see what's inside.
OK, this is our T-shirt, orange coloured.
DiRT 4 logotype on the front.
Unfortunately, back is plain, as are the sleeves.
So if you are a fan of DiRT and you're awaiting the release
of DiRT 4, you can get yourself such pre-order set and keep this nice T-shirt.
This was the unboxing of pre-order edition for DiRT 4 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
If you like it, you have two weeks to get it from stores,
and then a month to get the discount on the game.
So if you've enjoyed the video, don't forget to click thumbs up,
and subscribe to our channel.
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