【從哲學解構故事】#2|尼爾:哲學解說「上帝已死」 (中文字幕) - Duration: 8:48.-------------------------------------------
NF#1.9 Чувство страха Как избавиться от тревоги и состояния страха - Duration: 14:21.-------------------------------------------
El cáncer de páncreas ¿puede causar pancreatitis? - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
4 ingredients Nutella Cookies (简单巧克力饼干) - Duration: 1:43.turn on subtitles for instruction
100g sugar
1 egg
140g plain flour
250g nutella
mix until it become dough
roll into ball shape
flatten it
bake for 15 mins (180°C)
Thank for watching!
Машинки Мультик ТАЧКИ Маквин застрял в Лизуне Гонка Новые Мультфильмы про машинки 2017 для детей - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
MAJOR LIFE UPDATE for Cory & Marie - Duration: 6:14.- Hi everybody! - Hi guys
This is probably the most awkward video we'll ever make in our life.
Maybe the most depressing video as well.
Are you ready?
Yeah, don't be surprised... we're smiling cause it's awkward.
Mmm hmm
So we decided to make this video because there are a lot of you out there
who don't know what's going on with us in our personal lives.
So of you do, because we did announce a few weeks ago on our Facebook page.
about what was going on.
Yeah, so we're making this video for those of you who don't know.
So we're officially announcing that we've ended our marriage.
And... but!
We're still really good friends. That's the great take-away is that
we're still going to be really tight friends and supporting each other.
And still being in communication and stuff like that.
Yeah. Today we went for Moroccan food and then we
went to the Gu (District) Office to register our divorce, so I mean...
-And now we're in a park. -And now we're making a video in a park.
So, you know... hehehe
- Yeah. - Things have been really
amazing in the last 3 years and there have also been some difficult things that
we haven't been able to share with all of you because it was very private.
So for some of you, it will seem like a very big surprise.
For us, it was just like a slow, steady decline.
And now we're about here.
And we're hoping to go up, but maybe we can't do that together.
We won't go into any further details, we just wanted to let you guys know
that the channel is no longer "Cory & Marie"
it is now "Feed The Cory"
And if you want to learn more about that, I'll explain it in a different video.
But, don't worry, you can still follow Marie because
she also has a YouTube --- I just got hit by a nut.
Is there a squirrel up there?
- Dropping stuff? - It's a sign. It's a sign from above.
I, actually in the last 3 years, I've come to really enjoy making content for all of you and
although I will mostly be starting from the beginning
I've decided to continue on making videos.
I have a YouTube channel that I started in 2006 that has some of my
old adventures from when I was living in Jeju.
And my plan is to revive that channel.
I recently went to the [Seoul] Vegan Festival and I made a video about that
and that's going to be going up soon so if you're interested in seeing that
please Subscribe to my channel.
And I will continue to vlog about things that are going on here in Korea.
About veganism, about sustainability, about the Start Up world here in Korea.
So there will be a variety of topics and I would be happy if you would be willing to join me.
Definitely subscribe to the channel, and your Instagram also.
She's always posting amazing photos of food and cute things and awesome Korea stuff
Wow, I wouldn't describe it that way but... hahaha
-Very interesting things on Instagram. -You do look at my Instagram, right?
Yeah, so, it's... that is going to tie in with your YouTube.
- It's good. So check it out! - Yeah.
This is not the end of our relationship with you.
Instead, you just get double the amount of videos.
Yeah, there you go.
If you look at it positively, right?
So because we're starting this new chapter of our lives
I've decided to leave Korea and start a new life in Vietnam.
We went there 2 years ago, and it was a really beautiful country
the people were very nice, the food was amazing
and so I just kind of wanted to get away from Korea for now.
It's not permanent. You know, I will come back.
My entire mom's side of the family is Korean and they all live here so I'll be coming back from time to time each year.
And of course I'll meet up with Marie and stuff like that so
you'll see us in each other's videos in the future.
So, I guess we're going to expect a lot of amazing food videos from Vietnam
and other South East Asian countries as well. It will be pretty exciting.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to showing a lot of walking around videos
in the neighborhoods and alleys in Hanoi, which is where I'll be living.
And I go there June 10th. So very soon.
Very soon.
I would just like to thank all of you for being so welcoming and
loving to me, in the channel.
You know, I wasn't an original member [of the channel], Cory and I started doing it together as we started dating.
I was a little shy, you know. How would people perceive me...
But I found that most of you were very enthusiastic, very friendly, very supportive and
I really, really appreciate that.
So thank you so much for all the love.
And now you can channel that love to her new channel.
-Or not-so-new channel. -Yeah.
My old, but incredibly inactive, previously, but now soon-to-be restarted channel.
-Yes. -Which, the link, you'll put it in the description box right?
I'll put it here too. And in the description box, and like...
even up in the corner, there, in front of your face.
Your hand is in my face again. hahaha
-It always happens. -True to the end!
I was going to say, I think I have like 120 subscribers right now.
and I don't even know how I got those ones so
if you could support me, I would be very, very appreciative of it.
Like once again, thank you so much for all your support.
And we hope you continue to follow us with what we're going to do in our lives.
-Love you guys! -Love you!!
*kisses kisses*
*heavy sigh*
Sorry, a bug landed right there.
Our hands are the same.
hahaha Okay, uhmm....
Uhmmm.... uhhh... what do we say?
There's like a horsefly... ahhhh
You OK?
It's a horsefly.
ゴミ袋から発見された子犬は頭部外傷で脳卒中に…【涙腺崩壊】 - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Message des Devs : la colonie lunaire Horizon (VOST) - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
Новости от разработчиков | Лунная колония «Горизонт» (русские субтитры) - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
Benarasi | বেনারসী | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle - Duration: 1:53:10.Wow! Wonderful!
Oh! Mr. Gokul. Come. Come.
Please be seated.
What's your matter?
Landlord Gokul Mitra is here
What shall I do if he is a landlord?
Just listen o her.
Do you know how big a landlord he is?
Entire Motihari is his.
Come on get ready quickly.
You have to go with him.
There will be dance and music
Come on hurry up now.
I won't go.
What do you mean?
I've been dancing since evening,
Oh no! This girl doesn't
Aunt, please give me some respite today.
Stop throwing tantrums.
Their car is waiting.
I knew a girl from a decent
..will try to escape some day.
If they could they
I can't do it anymore.
I can't do it anymore.
Spare me. Spare me.
Hey you son of a king,
What are you doing?
I act regally just once a week.
It makes me feel
You've done the right thing.
How did you come to know that I'm here?
I went to your mess
Your room mater Mr. Rajen.. - Yes.
..he told me.
What's this? What's this?
Won't you get a haircut? - No.
Then do you want to
Listen, get a shave. - Sure?
Okay, give me a shave.
Why are you searching
Not suddenly. Yesterday we
Which theatre will you watch?
We'll go to Minerva to watch 'Michael'.
Will you go home now? - Of course. Why?
Come with me to my mess.
We'll have lunch and then go
Are you crazy?
Will mother spare me if I don't
That's right.
Well, give me a head massage.
"How long will you make
Why do you suddenly wish
Wishes don't happen suddenly.
Everyone has to move around.
Come on give me the newspaper.
Why are you so late? - Yes, I'm late.
It's all because of my friend.
Oh yes! The guy had
Is this today's special menu?
They've kept the lunch
Everything must've become cold by now.
I'm not destined t have hot food.
I'm not born with such good fortune,
Get married now and then you'll enjoy
What about your rail job interview?
Nothing has happened yet,
If I get the job then
Then don't accept the offer.
You are fine here.
Get married and start family life here.
Where is the girl from, dada?
Is she from your native
No, I'm not interested
I don't have any shelter
You've started sleeping the
No, I wasn't sleeping.
There is a limit to acting regal.
Do you know what the time is?
Come on, sit. sit.
Are you both going out?
Yes, we are going out to watch theatre.
What? I thought I'll play with him.
I've already bought
Which play are you going to watch?
Michael, the biography
What's special about his biography?
He had embraced Christianity.
He had married a British woman.
The girls of our country
..why should he marry a foreign girl?
Scandalous affairs.
Are you done? - Yes. Let's go.
Hey, wait. Let me get a
Get a betel leaf for me. - Betel leaf?
Which variety do you want? - Sweet one.
Give me a tobacco.
Here is your betel leaf.
Light it.
Write is against my account. - Okay.
What happened?
What are you staring at?
You didn't have these
No, I mean, the woman who
..looks very familiar to me.
Do you know what kind
This is the locality of nautch girls.
How can your friend be here?
Come on let's go,
Pity. Pity.
Someone like Gobardhan is
Out, out brief candle.
Shame. Shame, brother.
What kind of poem have you written?
Sister-in-law has started crying
Can you tell me why it's not proper,
I'm digging my own grave.
What's wrong in writing
Come on, show me. Show me.
Stop a while, traveler.
Should Mother Bengal
As a child takes repose
Even so here in the Long Home.
On the bosom of the earth.
Enjoys the sweet eternal sleep.
Poet Madhusudan Dutta.
He was born in the land of Jessore.
His father is known as Rajnarayan.
I'm hungry after walking so much.
You may say anything but Mr.
Why shouldn't he cat well?
After all he has
To play the character of
But, Vidyasagar is no less.
What would've happened
They preached widow
..we take the pride of
We can't even think of it.
And Henrietta..
Hey Ratan, what's wrong with you?
You didn't say anything were silent all
What's the matter?
Look, I was thinking of
She looks very familiar to me.
What are you saying?
You've really made the
Give two.
You are thinking of
Take it.
Well, I don't understand how you'll
The girl resembles
What? Who is Sona?
When we used to live
..I was very friendly with a girl.
W used to always play
Our families wished that we get married.
Actually, she was my only playmate.
"I've corrupted my mind.."
"..for my corrupt lips."
"I've corrupted my
"I've corrupted my mind.."
"..for my corrupt lips."
"I've corrupted my
"Hey man.."
Father, Mrs. Ghosh had come.
She will not be able
Her younger daughter is very sick.
She is not destined to go to Kolkata.
Father, I've heard that people river Ganges
We'll visit Kalighat too.
An opportunity like
Kolkata is always crowded.
It's overcrowded during any occasion.
Sona! Sona!
Aunt. - Yes? Ratan. What do you want?
Where is Sona?
She was here.
Go and check where she is.
What are you stealing and eating?
I may eat anything.
How does it make any difference to you?
Don't you feel ashamed of
Over-smart girl,
Mango fruit leather?
What? You won't give me?
Aunt, come and see, Sona has stolen
Look at the girl. Look at the girl.
I can't keep anything
You've ruined everything I have.
You've ruined everything I have.
What will I do with this girl?
What will I do with this girl?
Why did you beta the girl?
I didn't beat her without any reason.
The girl has made my life hell.
I won't go to Kolkata with that girl.
I don't want to do
I don't want to take
It has hurt you very badly, isn't it?
Come on, have guavas.
Well, are you all going to Kolkata?
You didn't tell me anything about it.
With whom shall you go? With grandpa?
Are you going to Kolkata? - Yes.
There is a solar eclipse
So, I'm taking them there
I'll also come along with you all.
Will you get permission to go?
Yes, if aunt tells mother she'll agree.
Fine. See what happens.
Aunt, please go and tell mother
Okay, I'll tell her.
Come on change your clothes
Come on take your mother
Come with me.
Don't wander around.
If you go anywhere you'll
Don't go anywhere.
I'll come back soon.
Wait. Don't go anywhere.
Will you have jalebis (sweets)?
Where will you get them?
Look, a man is eating it;
We shouldn't wander about.
Grandpa has told me not to go anywhere.
Coward! I'll go and come back soon.
Where will you get money to buy them?
Look, I've money.
Don't go anywhere.
I'll come back soon.
Come back soon.
Sona! Sona!
Sona! Sona!
What are you saying?
Didn't you get Sona back
We searched her a lot. - Strange!
I think she got drowned in water..
We searched here there.
We would've at least got her dead body.
Then someone must have
Does the girl you saw in
She looks exactly like Sona.
It may be possible that her into this business.
Yes, that's not impossible.
I've heard that such things happen.
Look Montu,
Yes. Come with me.
What are you saying?
Does any decent man go there?
Moreover, there is danger
Even then I'll go there.
Well Ratan, suppose she isn't your Sona?
I'll come back.
We'll think of it later.
Let's go and have tea,
I'm not feeling well.
I want leave today.
Will you finish your
That's urgent.
I've finished the drawing;
I'll leave now, sir. - Okay.
Give me a cigarette.
Which one?
"Why do you think that
"..that you don't have any complaints?"
"Say that you don't love me."
"Say that you don't love me."
"Say that you don't love me."
"Say that you don't love me."
"Say it, say it, say it."
"There is a smile on your
"There is no more tumult."
"Tears have dried up."
"All my sorrows have been burnt down."
"We are not used to cry."
"We are not used to cry."
"We are not used to cry."
"We are not used to cry."
"Away from your destination."
"It's good that.."
"It's good that there
"It's good that there
"Say that you don't love me."
"Say that you don't love me."
"Say it, say it, say it."
"Say it, say it, say it."
Very good. Very good.
Very good. Very good.
Very good. Very good.
Prashanta, won't we enjoy another dance?
I'll go and call her. - Okay, go. Go.
Who are you?
Whom do you want? Oh! You want Benarasi?
Come inside. Come inside the temple.
What happened?
You have become silent.
You are doing great.
Who are you? - I?
I'm a honeybee.
My name is Prashanta Sarkar.
I'm a broker of jute,
Well aunt, Hirachand is waiting
Where is she?
Has Mr. Hirachand come?
Where is he?
What happened?
What's the matter?
Hirachand is waiting for
Come on. Come on.
Let him call me.
Am I a doll bought with money that
Yes, you have to. You've to.
You've to dance as long as
If you suffer from arthritis like me..
..then no one will call you
So, I suggest that you earn
Come on. Come on.
What happened?
Well, I was saying won't
Yes, yes, sir,
Please go an sit, I'll be back soon.
Very good. Very good.
Banarasi, you know that you are my..
Okay. Let's not discuss all this.
Look at it once. Look at it once.
How is it? Do you like it?
It's my idea.
Well, I was saying that take this money,
I'll give you more money later.
Well, I was saying that won't
Take a look at it once.
How is it?
I hope you like it.
Come in. come in, sir.
I know that you won't be
Come and sit.
Why do you feel shy?
Come inside, I'll go.
Prashanta, get up. Let's go.
I've met her. Let's go.
Your.. what's your name? - Benarasi.
Why? Don't you know?
I know that name.
What's your actual name?
My actual name is the same one.
Why? What do you want?
Stop. I've some work with you.
Who are you?
What sort of question is this?
I told you that I'm a nautch girl.
Look, I won't dance anymore today.
Please don't disturb me.
Do you recognize me?
Who are you?
Do you remember Ratan
Are you Ratan da?
Why have you come here? - To meet you.
How did you know that
Yesterday I saw you enter
Did you recognize me
You haven't changed much.
No Ratan da,
Her life has completely changed.
The day she was stolen
Grandpa.. how is grandpa?
Mother? And what about your mother?
None of them are alive.
Your Sona is also not alive, Ratan.
She is a nautch girl of a brothel.
She sings and dances for money.
Men stealthily come to visit her
It's not right to see her
Ratan da, why did you come here?
Why did you come to see
I don't understand what's going on.
What sort of behavior is this?
I heard that you forced
Oh no! She is crying.
Hello! Who is he?
Look, since Hirachand has
Aunt. - Yes.
He won't give any money. He is my..
Oh! So, he is someone close to you.
So, you've come to share her sorrows?
Get out. Get out, I say.
Sona, I..I.. - Oh! He is showering
Sona. I.
Ratan da, go away from this hell.
Go away from here, Ratan da.
Why are you still standing here?
Here you must pay and
Why are you crying?
We are happy souls.
Try a little and this guy
Then you can have good
Don't cry. Please stop crying.
What are you saying?
So much has happened in this short time.
Keep it here.
I must admit that you are courageous.
So, you went inside straight away.
What if she had not been Sona?
Then I would've come back.
Oh! This is the reason that you've
I heard from your mess
You've bribed Mr. Rajen to
There was no other option.
People ask various types of questions.
Well, you've escaped narrowly.
Never go there again.
No. I've to go there again. - Why?
I've to get Sona out from there.
After going there I've realized
You feel that she doesn't
Where shall you go with her?
Ashram? Why will they
Why will the aunt let her go?
Then I'll keep her with me. - Very good.
He doesn't have a he is getting someone else.
Are you crazy?
What will say about
What if I marry her?
We were supposed to get married one day.
You were supposed to
Look Ratan, anything can happen
Which society will accept her?
What if I go away to a
Look Ratan, don't act crazy.
You won't earn anything
That's why I went and gave
I'll go somewhere else.
Stop planning such things.
If people find out the truth
I'm not afraid of scandals.
People try to save an injured
She is after all a person I know.
Fine. But think carefully
..otherwise you'll have
No. I've thought about it a lot.
I can't leave Sona here
Will her entire life be ruined
Will she agree to go with you?
I'm trying to do it.
"The dews cried and so did the stars."
"Come now, come now."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"The dews cried and so did the stars."
"Come now, come now."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"My breaths cry, my paths cry,
"My breaths cry, my paths cry,
"My destination is lost,
"Come now, come now."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"My wishes cry,
"The place I mistook
"The boats are in slumber
"Come now, come now."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"The one who is going away, come back."
Why are you standing here?
"The night is crying
I knew you would come.
I just want money and
Go and sit in the bedroom.
Go. Go.
"The one who is going away, come back."
"My eyes kept staring
"Which raga do I sing and for whom?"
"My eyes kept staring
"Which raga do I sing and for whom?"
"My unfulfilled wishes
"Come now, come now."
"The one who is going away, come back."
"The one who is going away, come back."
Very good. Very good. Wonderful!
Why just one dance?
The beautiful lady performs here.
There'll be dance performances
Dance lady, dance.
I can't dance tonight.
Why? Why? What's wrong?
Spare her today, sir.
Spare her today, sir.
She can't dance tonight,
Oh no! The bird has flown away.
What will we do now? Let's go.
Yes let's go. - Okay.
You've come again?
When did you come?
Why didn't you come to that room?
I don't like all those stuff.
If aunt finds out that you've
She brought me inside
You've paid money to meet me?
Sham! Shame! Shame!
They won't let me come
Why do you come here daily to meet me?
What do you want?
I've already told you.
I want to take you out of this hell.
What will you do with me?
I'll take you with me?
That isn't possible, Ratan da.
A person who has entered
Of course she can.
Moreover, you haven't chosen this path.
I'll keep you with me.
What are you saying?
That's not possible, Ratan da.
People will say that
No society will accept me.
What if we go to a place
But, how will you introduce me?
My.. as my wife.
This isn't possible, Ratan da.
Why isn't this possible?
We were supposed to get married one day.
But that Sona is no more.
She is a prostitute now.
But, I can't rest in
I can never forget that you are
No. No, Ratan da.
No one, no one will
Everyone will leave you and go.
One day you'll treat me as a burden.
Fine. If you don't have faith in me,
But, leave this business, Sona.
Leave this place.
I didn't want this life.
I wanted other things in life.
Husband, family, children, love.
I wanted to live like a human being.
I didn't get anything.
Montu! Montu!
Who is it?
Why are you standing down there?
Come down, I've some work. - Coming.
What's the matter?
I came to you with some work.
Are you going to office?
Yes, I must reach by 9. - Oh!
What's the matter?
There is no good news.
Well, I..I..I..
I want some money. - You need money?
How much? - About 20 rupees.
Do you've the money? - 20 rupees?
I don't have that much money.
I've 10 rupees.
How come you need money?
I'll tell you later.
I've to go to office today.
I'll also go to office.
What's the matter?
It's evening.
Come on, get ready.
People have started coming.
What's your intention? Tell me.
Won't you perform even today?
You had little fever
I feel very weak, aunt.
You and your tantrums.
I can't run this business
Padma! Hey Padma!
Teach her singing and dancing too.
You can't sit and eat here free of cost.
Where were you all this while?
Come on sit and learn to sing.
If you run away from here
Come here.
Do you remember the song
You don't like to sing and dance.
What were you doing all this while?
What do you've in your hands? Show me.
You were playing with dolls?
Where were you playing?
Go and play.
Run away from here.
Aunt will scold me.
Hide under the stairs and play. Go.
What's this? When did you come?
A little while ago.
Why are you lying down?
Are you sick?
I had fever but I'm much better now.
Why aren't you speaking anything?
I..I didn't have enough
Don't come here.
I've told you many
Yes. I'll not come here again. - Why?
I've taken up a job at Anuppur.
I'll go there in a couple of days.
Won't you say anything?
What shall I say?
Sona, please come with you.
I'll take you with me
Say that you'll come with me.
Don't increase the trouble
We'll go from here
I'm not destined to be happy.
I'm not destined to be happy.
They've kept me captive here.
How will I get out of here?
We'll run away, Sona.
What happened?
Why did you send her
And you are conversing
You've come a long time back.
I don't like all this.
Come on, teach her to
Are you scared?
Open the nose ring.
This one? - Yes.
Why? - It doesn't look good.
Where are we going now? - To Kalighat.
Uncle, uncle, letter for you. - Letter?
My ticket? - Here you go.
Ratan Mukherjee?
Brother Montu, I've finally
When you'll read this
I've Sona as my companion
I've married her today
Don't mind that I couldn't
I had to hurry up as I
I wish to show you how happy Sona is.
My joining date is date after
New place, new life, new society.
I hope we'll earn a place
If we don't get a place in this society,
I'll leave now.
I don't have much time.
You can understand that
I've no one to seek blessings from.
You are my only friend
I know we'll get it.
TT sir, give me a full
Here is the money.
Give a full ticket and a half.
Whose half ticket do you want?
Oh! Is she your wife? - Hmm.
Why do you want half
Give me full amount.
Good boy.
Ramratan listen, take care
Where is the new colony?
Are you Mr. Mukherjee? - Yes.
Mr. Jenkins was mentioning
I'm the station master
She? - She is my wife.
Oh! Why have you made her wait outside?
Shame! Shame!
Hello. Hello.
Why are you standing here?
Please come in.
My quarter is over there.
You can go and rest there.
I'll tell Ramratan to carry the luggage.
Haven't they allotted a quarter for us?
Yes, they have but you've arrived
..for you to manage meals.
Don't worry, we'll manage something.
You'll manage? How will you manage?
It's difficult to find
You won't even get a grocery shop.
If you want anything
What? How do you all manage?
We manage everything from
That happens once a week. Tuesday.
Please come with me.
Please have a humble
No. No. its fine.
Ramratan! Ramratan! - Yes, sir.
Take this key and lock the room.
Do something.
Please carry their
You are hesitating without any reason.
Whenever anyone comes
They've to accept my hospitality.
I'll never spare them.
Please come.
What happened? Come.
We hardly get to meet
I've been living here
When I've got you all today
How many Bengali families live here?
There are few Bengali families
All of them live in the colony. - Oh!
Is the colony over there?
Take left and then take
It's a nice place,
Shefali! Shefali! Look who has come.
I mentioned them to you.
Take her inside and make arrangements
Just see, I forgot to introduce her.
She is my wife.
He is Mr. Mukherjee and she is his wife.
Take them inside.
Please come inside.
I heard of you this morning.
Please come inside.
Ramratan, you've to do something.
You need to go to
Buy groceries for them.
Why have you come here? - To stay.
Will you stay with us?
Where will you go?
You haven't gone to sleep yet?
She is troubling you.
She was playing with her doll.
She is over smart.
You haven't worn vermilion.
The vermilion box
I'm unable to find it.
Why did you wear kohl instead?
Wait, I'll give you.
Are you newly married? - Yes.
How did you understand?
I can see that you are not habituated.
You must put vermilion on me too.
When did you get married?
On 2nd? 2nd of this month?
But weddings don't take place in
No, 2nd of last month. - Oh!
Where are you?
Serve lunch, it's quite late.
Please wait,
How many people live in this colony?
There are many people right now.
Work is going in full speed.
When the work first started
And do you know where
In tents. - Is it? - Yes.
Then doctor came here, Jenkins came
Fine. Let's go right now.
Shall I go? - Yes, let's go.
I'll also get the chance
I'll also see my quarter once.
What will they do?
Forget about them.
They are busy chatting at the moment.
We are free for at least 2 hours.
There are hills around this region.
Yes, there's no way
The old houses that
..the people who work
Yes. New quarters are being built now.
A gentleman names Udayan see over there is.
He is a very good man.
A man named Mr. Rao lives
Your quarter is a little away from here.
Let's go and see it.
Here is the construction site. - Okay.
Well master, what has brought
I came here to meet you.
Please come with me.
Listen. Listen. Let me introduce him.
He is the new draughtsman here.
You've to do something, brother.
Well, introduce me. - Oh!
He is Nagen Sarkar.
You have to do something for me.
It's time for a train to arrive.
I need to leave now.
Take him to Mr.
I'll leave now. - Okay.
I'll meet you over there. - Yes.
I need to make arrangements
Will you be able to go back? - Yes.
Don't worry, I'm here. - Okay. Okay.
You never come here.
I don't get time to come.
Come on Saturday. Okay? - Yes.
May I come in, sir? - Yes, come in.
Sir, Mr. Ratan Mukherjee,
Please take your seat. - Thank you, sir.
When would you like join?
And how do you like our place?
By the way, have you come alone?
No sir, I've come with my wife.
That's good.
Where are you going, Mukherjee?
He just went out. - He went out?
He called me. - How can I say?
Listen. Listen.
Give me a betel leaf.
Here you go.
Well, the betel leaves prepared
They are very sweet.
It's because of this betel
I was wandering around for
What do you say, Mukul da?
Character. Well, one should've
Look at Rattan, he is feeling shy,
But this is his character.
Hamilton sir used to say this.
Gone are those days.
They'll come back, grandpa.
You are right.
No one knows where someone
What do you say? - You are right
Just look at me.
I never cheated anyone in life. - No.
But, I got cheated.
The bank went bankrupt
Well grandpa,
..and so it went bankrupt.
Please shut up.
Have you ever heard of
Otherwise why would I land
This is too much.
Our sir will feel
There is no jungle here now.
There was jungle in the past.
Tigers, bears and snakes
But now he has cleared everything.
Rattan, you are smiling?
Mr. Singh had killed a tiger once.
Ask him.
Did you kill a tiger?
He has killed three.
How big as the tiger?
How big? - 10 feet long.
Mr. Singh, day before yesterday
You've increased it
Don't you get any other place
Well Mr.
Give my payment.
Something went wrong with the bill.
It was coming from the head office but
..snatched it on the way and
Here you go. Checkmate.
What? Checkmate?
It's not so easy, doctor. Checkmate?
No checkmate.
Why? Move the bishop. - Right.
Do something. - Shut up.
I'll make this move.
How can you make this move? - Why?
Place it this way
If you hadn't made the last move then
You are in trouble. - Shut up.
I'll cancel the previous move.
Okay. Okay. Once more. Once more.
I'll leave now.
One more game. One more game.
Doctor. - Yes.
Please visit my house.
Come on, play.
How can I play with you?
Come on play.
Come on, play.
No. play one more game.
What happened, brother? Are you leaving?
Yes, I'm leaving.
I'll leave now. - Okay.
Come in.
What's going on?
Are you playing? - Yes.
What are you playing?
What have you done? What have you done?
Why? What happened?
Grandpa, Mr.
Oh no! you could've told me before.
I just took bath and came out and
No. No. - No. No. well, Ratan da
Sprinkle water of the holy Ganges.
Sprinkle water of holy Ganges?
From where will I
Do people live in this jungle?
There is no temple here.
Well brother, if Mr. Jenkins had sat
You won't understand.
He is an outcaste.
He has no religion. Characterless.
When he gives you the
Everything I do is for my stomach.
It's the character of my stomach.
Well, what can I do?
I take the money from his hands
I throw it into the water tub. - What?
I scrub it clean
What a character, grandpa?
Grandpa, you do the right thing.
Money has no character.
They've spoilt my evening.
No. No. they do all this
How can Mr. Jenkins come here?
Nagen is joking, it's his character.
The master is here.
Come, brother. Come.
Come, sister-in-law.
Go straight inside to the kitchen.
Please take your seat.
Are you fine? - Yes.
Are you organizing the rice eating
That's the reason I'm here.
You and sister-in-law must.
Listen, I've something more to say.
My wife was talking about it.
Sister-in-law must take
Will she be able to manage?
That's my responsibility.
You too have to do something, brother.
You must go to the
Tomorrow is Sunday.
Fine. Just give me the
Well brother, I'll definitely go
..let me inform you.
You must have lunch at
Of course, I'll go. Of course I'll go.
But you know brother, that I don't have
But you have to come.
Nutu, I've told your wife. Please come.
I'm a food lover and I'll
I'll come with my family.
When will you come, Nagen?
I'll be there from morning,
Let's go. - Yes.
Arun, Nepal, are you coming?
They'll definitely go.
I'll leave now.
Please come early day after tomorrow.
Okay, brother. - I'll leave now.
I'll have to go and
Where will you go?
I've to invite Rao and
I've to invite everyone.
Make the list. - Of course.
Don't worry, leave it to me.
I'll keep everything ready.
Please visit again, sister-in-law.
Well, the marketing list of Mr.
Do you want something? - No, it's fine.
You are always busy
You've just one holiday in things for everyone.
Well, don't you wish to
Someone must do the shopping.
Who will do the grocery shopping
You can see that nothing
But, why do you always
There are other people in the colony.
Everyone wants to spend their
Why have you taken this responsibility?
Don't you have anyone in your family?
Why? You are here. - No.
Then why don't you want to
You avoid me throughout the day.
You don't stay alone throughout the day.
You help other people.
What can I do?
So, I spend my days
That's why people praise you.
No one ever takes
Let it be.
I don't want such praises.
Sister-in-law! - Is it Nagen? - Yes.
Take this.
Such a beautiful moyna (bird).
The bird will talk.
From where did you get this?
A porter caught it.
He was working in section number four.
He brought it and gave it to me.
Keep it. - Really?
What do I give in exchange of it?
What can you give me?
Make a hot cup of tea for me.
I'll give you.
I'll also find a beautiful wife for you.
Please spare me.
Is it ominous to get married?
No, it isn't ominous to get married.
But how will I get
Why? Don't you like Chapa?
Oh no! Why are you speaking
She is a small girl and you are..
Will you give me a cup
I'll get a cup of tea for you.
Listen, I'm going out. - Okay.
Keep this.
It'll be served as evening snacks.
Knead dough,
Sister, take this. Your bowl.
Oh! Please come in.
Why did you come to give this to me?
You could've given it later.
No sister, I didn't return it
After eating the sukto
..he doesn't want to have anything else.
Please tell me how to make it.
What are you saying?
You are exaggerating.
No. No. everyone praised the food
..the other day. Please..
Aunt! - What happened?
Mother is not well.
She is in severe pain.
What happened?
Why is she in pain?
She is in labor pain.
Have you informed your father?
Father is in office.
Whom shall I send to inform him?
Grandma told me to come and tell you.
Okay. Go and call the doctor,
Come quickly. - Yes!
Lakshmi, finish cooking
I'll go to Chapa's house.
If you need anything call me.
Will you go? - Yes, let's go.
Let's go, sister.
Is there anything? - No.
Is there anything for me?
Madhu, is there a letter for me?
What's the matter, brother?
Are you involved in
You get 3-4 letters every week.
I'm not fortunate
It's elder brother's letter.
I need not read it.
He definitely needs money.
He is the only person in
Letter? - Yes.
Who will write to me?
There is no one in my family.
There is no one in my wife's
Yesterday your wife
I haven't such good
Our boss Mr. Jenkins was praising
One has to praise her.
She is just like Draupadi.
Do you understand Madhu?
Actually character is important
Nutu da, just now I met Mrs.
She told you to go home at once.
Why? - Your wife is not well.
Brother, I'll go now, please..
Nagen. - Yes.
Is Nutu's wife pregnant again?
This is the sixth one.
You know Nutu da's character.
Well Mukherjee, why is your wife there?
Isn't Nutu's mother at home?
She must've gone there to help them.
Brother, show me your horoscope once.
I want to see how you planets
If Jupiter is not in favorable
That's the character of Jupiter.
This is character.
I don't think anything will
I'll come after some time.
Please arrange hot water.
Don't worry.
I'll come after some time.
Anything to worry about?
They've fallen sleep.
Go and feed them.
I'll do it.
You haven't eaten
No, It's fine.
Have something, sister-in-law.
Please do something for me. - What?
Go home and give your brother the keys.
Tell him that I may come late,
Please eat something,
Daughter-in-law, please come inside.
Come in.
Chapa. Hey Chapa. Chapa, wake up.
Wake up. You've a small brother.
"It's Holi (festival of colours)!"
"Come and play with colours.
"Come and play with colours.
"Come and play with colours.
"You may or may not come.."
"You may or may not come.."
"..but come and play with colours."
"Come and play with colours.
"Come and play with colours.
"Today is the festive occasion of Holi."
"It's Holi!"
Aunt. Aunt, please come outside.
This isn't done.
I won't play holi. Go.
Ratan da! Ratan Da!
Hey! Wait. Wait.
Ratan da!
Let me see. There you go.
It's Mintu's turn now.
Don't wipe it. don't wipe it.
Where is sister-in-law?
Smear colours on her nicely. - Oh no!
Where is Ratan da?
Ratan da!
Rattan da, won't you come out?
Come out. Come out.
No, brother. Please.
I've cold. - I too had cold.
I've to go to office tomorrow.
Won't I go to office tomorrow?
Please, don't.
Won't you come out? - No. No.
Come out, I say.
Check if he has mud in his hands.
Come out. Everyone catches cold.
Come out. Will you come
No. No. Don't come inside.
Let me see.
"Come and play with colours.
"Come and play with colours.
Who is it? Ratan? - Yes, brother.
Please wait, let me go to the verandah.
I can't wait.
Do you need something?
I've run out of potatoes if you can..
Why can't I?
I've to buy my grocery.
I also have to buy rice
Parts of Nagen's harmonium
Let it be. Let it be, brother.
I don't want potatoes.
I don't want potatoes.
It's more than enough that you asked me.
No. No. I'll get your
No. No. it'll get touched.
It's more than enough that you asked me.
Okay, I'll leave now. - Okay.
Bye, brother.
I don't have any relation with them.
But she is too much.
Enmity. Enmity.
Why? Who has become your enemy?
What's going on Mrs. Mukherjee?
Oh! Please come in. come in.
How is the child? - Alright.
Come in.
Lakshmi! Put out the clothes
Have you heard what Jenkins has done?
Why? What has he done?
It's a scandal.
The wretched fellow's wife
..from porter's families.
The other day he has kept the
..Kalu with him throughout the night.
The girl got married some time back.
When the girl's husband found
We never heard of such scandals before.
No. That's because the make arrangements for him.
He is on leave now.
So, the man has got caught manage things for himself.
But, aren't the office employees
What can they do?
Be careful.
The man has become
It'll be nice if brother-in-law
Don't worry,
The man is doing such things
How can he b stopped?
Everyone is subservient to him.
Everyone is quiet because
Well Mukherjee,
Yes. When did you come?
I think you came in the morning. - Yes.
You could've told me.
I come here every Sunday.
What shall I say?
My daughter has fever
There was no medicine at home.
So, I've come here to get Barley.
She can't eat anything now.
Give me a packet of tea.
Continue shopping.
We'll go back together. Okay? - Okay.
Meet me at the station. Okay? - Okay.
I'll go now. - Okay.
Sir, money.
Will you give me the calendar?
Please give it to me.
Stop the trolley.
There is blasting.
Let's go. Let's go.
Porters died in yesterday's accident.
He died? - Yes.
The doctor said that he'll survive.
What can the doctor do?
He was destined to die in this manner.
That's true.
Well, Mr. Jenkins is calling you.
Me? Why did he call me suddenly?
Ratan da, sign this paper.
Sign? What's this for?
Why? Don't you know?
A petition is being sent to the
Who gave you this idea?
What will you do if you lose this job?
Why? Didn't sister-in-law
Sister-in-law? - Yes.
What will she say?
She is angry with Jenkins.
Sister-in-law told us that the
Has everyone signed? - Yes.
Well, some people are yet to sign it.
Get it signed by everyone
Come on.
Why did you come so late?
Did you go on line visit even today?
What work do you have there?
Nagen was saying that
Get my bathing water ready.
What happened?
Why are you so serious?
Tell me what has happened.
Has anything happened at office?
Why are you worried about
Why? What has happened?
What can happen?
Have you told Nagen and Nepal
..apologize to the leader of porters?
Yes, I have.
I am not the only one who has told them.
There are others who
What's wrong in it?
Why do you have to advice people
It doesn't mean that the man will
..and we'll sit quietly.
No, you won't.
If I lose this job
Even after so many days
You are still afraid?
Do you know why I'm afraid?
Do you recognize it?
Where did you get it?
I found it hanging in a shop when
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't tell you because
Oh! Okay, you hate me a lot. Isn't it?
I don't' hate anyone.
I'm not speaking of anyone.
I was asking about myself.
It's almost time for
No. I won't go today.
You said that you don't need anything.
I may not need anything
They may need things
Yes, come in.
You didn't go to Katni today?
You fell sick as soon as
Sister-in-law the
There won't be any veneration. - Why?
No one is giving any donation.
What? Everyone promised to contribute.
Yes they had promised but I've no one had made any contribution.
What's the reason?
The veneration won't take place.
It's much better to do.. - Theatre.
Are you all ready to contribute?
Fine. Here is my contribution.
Are you crazy?
The amount you'll get after selling it
..will help us to organize veneration.
We'll manage.
What are you saying?
Are you crazy?
What will we do with bangles?
Come on, keep it. Keep it.
That's my contribution.
Sister-in-law. Sister-in-law, listen..
Sister-in-law.. - Sister-in-law..
Oh no! Ratan da go and
The police will catch us
Will she listen to me? - Why?
Why won't you organize the veneration?
People are not contributing.
How can we organize the veneration?
No. No. Listen to me. - What?
Take your wives along
Go on rounds.
People will definitely contribute.
It's not a bad idea. - He is right.
Do something. - Yes, tell me.
Go to Katni and finalize
Shopping? - I'll do it.
Then we can try again.
So, it seems that the veneration
Of course it will.
Three cheers for sister-in-law.
Hip! Hip! Hurray!
Glory to Goddess Durga!
Glory to Goddess Durga!
Glory to Goddess Durga!
Come, let's distribute the oblation.
What do you say, grandpa?
Has everything happened properly?
Yes, yes, everything will happen.
She'll give you.
Don't touch. Don't touch.
Wait. You'll get it.
Slowly. Slowly.
Give me. Give me.
Yes, we'll give you. Stand in line.
Wait. You'll get it.
Move backwards. Move backwards.
Move backwards.
Wait, I'll go over there.
Give me a banana. Give me a banana.
Sir.. - Yes.
..someone has come home.
Who has come today?
Is there no respite even on festive
Someone from Kolkata has come.
From Kolkata?
Let me go and see who
Yes, there may be good news.
Ratan da!
Doctor.. - Yes. - ..are you going?
Yes, I'll go and see who
Who are you showing your character?
I'm from a family of musicians.
What? Prashanta, you?
You are right, Satu da.
What's the news?
Why did you come here?
Wait. Wait. Wait.
You've asked several
Why won't I?
We've met after such a long time.
I'm coming from Lucknow.
I was on a trip during
I thought of doing some
Business and here? - Yes.
Wait. Wait.
Ramu, get a chair for me.
You know that I'm a medicine broker.
The region of Chota Nagpur is my region.
So, you can understand.
But, you sold insurance before.
That's a side business snow.
Come on, we've organized veneration
Sit. Sit.
You are troubling me.
Okay, forget it.
Of course.
Satu da,
Arrange some grape water. -Grape water?
What do you mean? - Alcohol.
Oh no! Oh no!
I can arrange brandy for you.
Do you think that
Well, I'll arrange it.
Make arrangements for me to take bath.
Come on; put this inside your mouth.
Why didn't you participate
How can I go leaving
I'm better today.
Lakshmi is also at home.
You should go.
I'll decide later.
First put it inside your mouth.
Slowly. Slowly.
Get it down.
What happened?
Mrs. Mukherjee is never late.
It's almost time.
Chapa was sent long
I heard that her husband
Who is this gentleman?
He is my friend Prashanta Sarkar.
Oh! Hello. Hello.
Let me introduce him.
He is Ambika Chakroborty,
Janardhan, get a bench here.
What is your opinion
Well, it's quite good.
I heard that you've
Whatever you are seeing
She is a real character.
Sister-in-law, why are you so late?
Come on, start.
Why didn't you start yet?
How can we start without you?
We were waiting for you.
Come on start now. Okay?
You should be the first one.
Sister-in-law, why are you delaying?
When will go for immersion?
Who is the lady in
She is Mrs. Mukherjee.
Mr. Mukherjee? - Yes.
She looks like pour Benarasi.
Sonagachi's prostitute, Benarasi Bai.
What nonsense are you speaking?
I'm not speaking nonsense.
She used to sing wonderful thumris.
She is the wife of our draughtsman Mr.
Mrs. Mukherjee? - Yes.
You are talking of her?
Then I'm Lord Prashanta.
Who are you? Who are you, mister?
Who are you?
I maybe anyone..
..but if you speak about the lady in this
What's happening?
Please stop. Please stop.
I'm from Baghbazar,
We'll show you.
I'll also see and I'll prove it.
Hey, Nepal, come here.
Come here.
You are trying to gather
Okay, I'll also show you.
I'll prove it.
How are you?
I've met you after a long time.
I'm not feeling well;
Well, do you believe me now?
What a scandal!
What's the matter?
Who is Benarasi? - Mrs. Mukherjee.
Once she was a famous nautch girl.
Nautch girl? Shame! Shame!
Oh no! What am I hearing?
I had doubts on the very first day.
The newly wedded bride didn't
Oh no! Such a terrible thing.
She had entered my kitchen.
Don't speak such things about her.
If she wasn't present wouldn't have been alive.
I was destined to live and so I'm alive.
What happened?
Why did you come back early today?
I've got caught today.
What do you mean?
Prashanta has come from
Who is Prashanta?
I beg of you, please go away from here.
I'll tolerate their insults
Please go away from here. - Sona..
I don't understand anything.
I.. feel confused.
What do I do? Tell me.
What do I do?
Go away.
I'll tolerate their insults
They know everything now.
They know that your
Be quiet, Sona.
Please be quiet.
Don't get restless.
If you get restless what shall I do?
You go away from here. Go away.
Why will we go away?
We haven't done anything wrong.
Who is it?
What's the matter? You are here?
Aunt, I came to seek your
The goddess hasn't been immersed yet.
Nagen da,
All of them have left.
I won't go, you may go. Go.
You didn't go for the immersion?
I don't feel good, aunt.
Everything seems haphazard.
I heard they'll go to Mukherjee's
Let them go, I'll break their legs.
No one will go there.
I don't know what they'll
They'll never stay well.
Well aunt,
..won't the person
That's actual humanity.
There are no humans in Anuppur, aunt.
There are no humans in Anuppur.
Why? People like you are here.
Grandpa, Nagen da, let's go home.
What will you sit and do here?
Let's go, son.
You are right, aunt.
Brother Nagen,
Come on,
I didn't meet you after the immersion.
It's fine. It's fine.
Did you visit Mukherjee's house?
Why are you all here?
Come on, let's find the truth.
Forget it. You need not find out.
What do you mean?
He is living with a prostitute
Thankfully your friend had come here.
I doubt if they ever got married.
Shame! Shame! Such a shameful incident.
Such a hateful incident.
It's fine if you don't come
You've left no stone unturned.
All of you've done everything
Please go home and come and
Please let them live in peace tonight.
Sona, stop!
Where are you going alone?
Look at me?
Let me go. - What are you saying?
Where will you go alone?
I don't know.
I can't show my face to anyone.
You want to leave me alone and go?
I haven't come here to live alone.
Ratan da. Ratan da.
Lakshmi. Lakhsmi, where are they?
They went away..
They went away? Where? - I don't know.
They went away just like this.
They didn't take anything along.
They didn't.. didn't take anything.
Developer Update | Horizon Lunar Colony (EU) - Duration: 6:47.Welcome to another Developer Update. I'm Jeff, from the Overwatch Team.
We've taken you to a lot of places in Overwatch.
We've taken you to King's Row and Ilios and Hollywood.
Today we're taking you someplace very exciting, to the moon.
We've heard a lot of requests for more maps and more story
and we're very excited to bring you the Horizon Lunar Colony
because we feel like we're delivering on two promises there.
1. It's another great Assault map.
We really felt like the game needed another Assault map.
We're playing around with some really fun elements in this Assault map.
For example, both the attackers and defenders, on the first point that you're
trying to capture, will have some interesting high ground options.
It's not the world's best high ground for the attackers.
But there are some good situations that we think heroes,
like Widowmaker, will have some definite good opportunities
with the high ground there.
We also are trying some different things
on the latter point of the map as well.
There's a really neat high ground approach and defender high ground
scenario that you can set up, on that Point B.
We're really looking forward to seeing how teams approach.
The Second point, the second capture point, also has
a number of low ground and flanking options.
We know that sometimes in a map like Hanamura it can feel
very restricted, where a team approaches that final point.
We're hoping that this map that takes place on the moon
will give you some more options approaching that second point.
2. Now the other thing that I know everybody is excited about...
When you talk about the moon you have to instantly talk about gravity.
Because we know that there's lower gravity on the moon
and we start to think about "How might that play in Overwatch?"
We explored a lot of different options for the moon map.
At first, we had low gravity on the whole map
and we felt like it sort of turn the game a little bit into a gimmick
and while it was fun for a little bit, it broke the game in some ways.
While fun, that took away from the competitive nature of Overwatch.
And the solid feel of the game.
But we didn't want to get rid of that altogether.
As you're approaching Point A on this lunar map
you'll notice that there are some airlock doors off to your right,
if you're an attacker.
Now if you go out those airlock doors, don't worry.
For whatever magical reason, you can still breathe out there
and you won't instantly implode.
We've enabled the low gravity on that section and we think we've
struck a really good middle ground here,
where it's a rare out of the way flanking route.
But it will allow for some of those cool players-story moments where
the low gravity is enabled and you're out there on the surface of the Moon.
You'll have a lot of fun playing around with that.
I know that there's some of you who are thinking
"But Jeff, you just said you played around with low gravity
on the whole map and it was fun for a while but felt like a gimmick, let us try it!"
Well of course we're going to let you try it.
When we add the new map we're also going to be
adding an Arcade card for you, for at least a week.
We might keep it around longer than that.
It will enable low gravity not only on the Horizon Lunar Colony map
but on all of our maps.
You can play on low-gravity all over the game and
experience that and form your own thoughts
on what you think is awesome and maybe what you think
is kind of ridiculously broken, yet fun at the same time.
We will also be adding gravity options to the Custom Game system as well.
You can use the Custom Game browser
to find new and fun uses of altered gravity too.
Hopefully all this will be a lot of fun for you.
I said there were two elements to the
Horizon Lunar Colony map that were interesting to us.
One was all the gameplay that I've been talking about
but the others are the story ramifications.
As some of you know, Winston grew up on the moon
and he got his name from a famous scientist named Dr. Harold Winston.
We hope to tell more of this backstory through the contextual storytelling
of the map—the things that you run into, the areas that you'll explore.
If you're the type who's paying attention to detail and you watched the
animated short that we called "Recall," you'll even be able to find Winston's
room in this map—when he was a little baby scientist, growing up.
You'll be able to find his space. You can read the computer screens
to learn more about some of the other scientists.
In some of the other spawn rooms you'll see the spacesuits
of the scientists and you'll pick up on some of their names
and you'll either even pick up on some names and some potential mysteries
of some of Winston's peers, some of the other gorillas
that were also part of the Horizon experiment.
We hope to show all of this.
The attackers' spawn room takes place in the exact spot with the
giant telescope and the huge bay doors that open up and show planet Earth
that you might have remembered from the animated short "Recall."
We really tried to capture a lot of these moments
and show more of the Overwatch universe,
which didn't just take place on Earth, but on the moon as well.
We think it's going to be a fun map for many many different reasons.
We hope you have a blast trying it out.
If there are gameplay issues and it's not working correctly,
I hope we proved with Eichenwalde that we will go back.
We will adjust the map as needed.
When you, as a tremendous player base, get your hands on this map
you're going to show us things that we never were able to discover on our own.
We're anxiously awaiting, not only watching what you guys do with the map,
but playing the map along with you.
And lastly, in closing.
Remember that in space everyone can hear Torbjörn scream.
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