Dark Subliminal Suggestions
by Edward Morgan
In order to understand the System of Programming and Control � and even more so, how to escape
the Matrix � you have to understand the power of subliminal suggestion. The world
is full of dark and negative subliminal suggestions designed to influence your attitudes and inner
feelings � and therefore your actions. That�s how programming and control works. It�s
the constant subliminal drip-feed of fear, negativity, and the rigid intellectual opinions
of the world around you � all designed to influence your conscious and subconscious
human mind.
There is no way to maintain the quality of your own consciousness � without being able
to neutralize the dark and negative subliminal suggestions of the outside world. You have
to be able to neutralize the messages of fear, negativity, and the rigid intellectual opinions
of the world that disempower you � and counter them with opposite messages that empower you.
You also have to understand that negative subliminal suggestions may not necessarily
sound negative. �Positive-sounding� messages can conceal dark motives and agendas. Programming
is a very clever and deceptive thing. Things are not always what they seem. Many things
are the exact opposite of what they seem. So, you have to be clever and perceptive.
You have to look past the positive and negative sound of things to perceive the hidden agenda
behind things. You have to remember that the world of ego is the facade of the White Shadow,
and you have to look beyond that facade to perceive what is real, what is not, and who
is telling lies.
The world of ego uses �positive-sounding� messages to gain your allegiance and support.
But using �positive-sounding� ideologies to achieve dark economic, personal, or political
agendas is still a negative thing. It�s called brainwashing and manufacturing consent.
It�s called a con-job. And the world uses �negative-sounding� messages to gain your
allegiance and support by inducing fear and then selling you solutions and the Illusions
of Security. The backside agenda is always control, greed, and profit � all at the
expense of your liberation.
And while you may think that these dark subliminal suggestions come only from corporations, institutions,
and political agendas through advertising, media, and the mainstream news � the reality
is that the dark subliminal suggestions of fear, negativity, and rigid intellectual opinions
come through the very mouths of the people around you. Because even if you are wise enough
to turn off the television, it doesn�t necessarily mean that your family, friends, and co-workers
are. Just because you discipline your own emotion and mind � doesn�t mean the world
around you does. Just because you neutralize your own shadow traits � doesn�t mean
that anyone else does. This world has very little discipline � and even less perception
of these things. And just because you may have no hidden agenda � doesn�t necessarily
mean that others do not.
The world is born into the System of Programming and Control � the Evolutionary Path of Ego
and the Rigid Human Intellect � and the world is raised to sustain that system � oblivious
to the fact that it even exists. The world is living in an illusion. And people are so
accustomed to the Illusion, that they will fight and die to protect the Program. Every
single person that you see is a potential Agent of that System � because every single
person that you see is influenced by that System. The System breeds servants, dominates
the collective human consciousness, and becomes a self-regulating and self-sustaining program
executed by the very people within it.
You have to look at people with a soft eye. You can�t judge people too harshly, otherwise
you are just projecting your own darkness upon them. If you fall into anger, fear, negativity,
or rigid intellectual opinions � then you are the System of Programming and Control
itself � which is exactly what the system wants � minions. But you do have to pay
attention to what people are doing and saying, so that you can neutralize potential dark
influences. And you have to be able to do it silently within your own mind, so that
you don�t create conflict with others � because people think that their fear, negativity,
and rigid intellectual opinions are normal. And the ego considers anything that contradicts
it to be an attack.
The programming of the system is an onslaught of constant messages and dark subliminal suggestions
that degrade the quality of a person�s consciousness with doubt, fear, insecurity, negativity,
and rigid intellectual opinions. As long as you are powerless � you pose no threat.
You have been subjected to dark and negative subliminal suggestions from the day you were
born. It�s all designed to influence you to accept beliefs, ideas, and opinions without
question. It�s all designed to steal the inner power and perception to determine things
for yourself.
When you are young � you are too young to know. When you�re old enough to know � you�re
old enough to know better. When you�re old enough to know better � you are too old
to do anything. It�s a total subliminal mind-job that perpetuates limitation, restriction,
and control.
And everywhere you turn, someone is always interjecting their fear, negativity, or opinion.
Why? Because the Arrogance of Ignorance is everywhere. Self-importance is a subjective
delusion. The world is so self-centered that they post their petty little lives on Facebook
� and the world is so arrogant that they actually believe that the entire world is
reading about what they had for lunch. �What? You don�t know about that? I posted it on
Facebook.� � And so what? The world of ego is so arrogant, opinionated, and self-absorbed
that they seek your attention � but have absolutely nothing to say. Just random snippets
of worthless drivel. Someone�s always bitching about the weather. Someone�s always giving
you someone else�s medical report. Someone�s always whispering more emotional drama, gossip,
and mind diarrhea into your ear. Does any of it actually contribute to or enhance the
quality of your consciousness? No.
One. There is no way to maintain the quality of your consciousness and transcend the invisible
fields of programming and control without first neutralizing your own fear, negativity,
and rigid intellectual opinions. You have to discipline your mind into Silence and Stillness.
Calmness. And you have to process and transform the programming within your subconscious mind.
Two. There is no way to maintain the quality of your consciousness and transcend the invisible
fields of programming and control � without being able to neutralize the dark and negative
subliminal suggestions of the outside world. You have to be able to neutralize the messages
of fear, negativity, and the rigid intellectual opinions of the world. You have to use the
Power of Negation to contradict any disempowering suggestions � and reinforce your own stance
with something empowering � to where fear, negativity, and rigid intellectual opinions
are denied access from your conscious and subconscious mind.
Three. If you cannot neutralize your own fear, negativity, and rigid intellectual opinions
� and if you cannot neutralize the dark and negative subliminal suggestions of the
world around you � then how can you possibly contend with the unseen etheric energies and
mystical forces?
Beneath the surface, there is a silent communication of etheric energies, thought forms, and vibrations
that have the ability to infiltrate a person�s conscious and subconscious mind and inject
dark and negative subliminal suggestions. Once such things enter your mind � it�s
hard to tell what are your own thoughts from what are not. You have to be able to call
their bluff and neutralize their influence. And the only way to do that is to have a disciplined
mind in the first place � Inner Power and Perception � to where you know how to neutralize
fear, negativity, and rigid intellectual opinions � to maintain an Inner Calmness and Stillness.
You don�t want to dwell on any of this. You don�t want to fall into fear, negativity,
and rigid intellectual opinions about it � otherwise it�s just another trap. But you do have
to understand it. Because there is no way to transcend the System of Programming and
Control � without being able to neutralize the dark and negative subliminal suggestions
of the outside world that are all designed to influence your attitudes, inner feelings,
and actions � to enforce limitation, restriction, and control. Be free.
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