Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 1 2017

how to grow long and thicken hair naturally and faster

For more infomation >> how to grow long and thicken hair naturally and faster | hair growth treatment 100% works - Duration: 5:04.


Light's Champions - Official Trailer - Duration: 2:51.


The icy, barren region of Northern Azeroth.

A cold and hostile land,

This is not a place any living being would seek out freely.

Yet, here we are,

For the sake of a friend.

Docking at Valiance Keep!

I'm looking for someone, I was told you could help.

I'll need more information than that.

His name is Bridenbrad.


Last I knew he was headed to Icecrown.

The Alliance is preparing for an assault on the Scourge gates.

I just sent another regiment there,

If you go now, you could catch up with them.


I know where they're headed

I can take you there if you want me to.

How do we know if we can trust you, dwarf?

You don't.

We have been assigned to scout for Scourge activity,

Now get ready,

We're headed for Icecrown!

Death surrounds you in these lands,

If you're lucky, you won't have to become part of it.

The Light does not abandon its champions.

It was a bold move, Gredash.

Too few have survived.

Why are you so eager to defy me?

I will not have any blood pointlessly spilled under my command!

Have you grown weak, Garm?

Was it not you who taught me to fight the Alliance in the first place?

I have not grown weak,

But I realize who the real enemy is.

Feast my children,

Feast upon the flesh of the living!

There are still people alive down there, at the mercy of the Scourge.

I will do what I can to rescue as many as possible.

Do you think he made the right choice?

It's not a choice I would have made.

Every moment spent here,

Is time that could be spent searching for Bridenbrad.

You are the entire reason we are here,

"Sorry" cannot make up for this, Emeric.

I am aware of my actions,

You would be wrong to think that I do not regret them.

I will make the Scourge suffer for what they have done.



I feel darkness encroaching.

What little light there is...

Is fading.

For more infomation >> Light's Champions - Official Trailer - Duration: 2:51.



For more infomation >> NGƯỜI PHÁN XỬ TẬP 21 | TẬP 21 FULL HD BẢN CHUẨN | PHAN QUÂN RỜI PHAN THỊ - Duration: 30:19.


Bhai Manjeet Singh Jee Dayalpur - ਮੈ ਬਉਰੀ ਮੇਰਾ ਰਾਮੁ ਭਤਾਰੁ - Amazing Kirtan - Duration: 56:41.

ਮੈ ਬਉਰੀ ਮੇਰਾ ਰਾਮੁ ਭਤਾਰੁ ॥ मै बउरी मेरा रामु भतारु ॥ I am crazy - the Lord is my Husband. ਰਚਿ ਰਚਿ ਤਾ ਕਉ ਕਰਉ ਸਿੰਗਾਰੁ ॥੧॥ रचि रचि ता कउ करउ सिंगारु ॥१॥ I decorate and adorn myself for Him. ||1|| ਭਲੇ ਨਿੰਦਉ ਭਲੇ ਨਿੰਦਉ ਭਲੇ ਨਿੰਦਉ ਲੋਗੁ ॥ भले निंदउ भले निंदउ भले निंदउ लोगु ॥ Slander me well, slander me well, slander me well, O people. ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਰਾਮ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਜੋਗੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ तनु मनु राम पिआरे जोगु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ My body and mind are united with my Beloved Lord. ||1||Pause|| ਬਾਦੁ ਬਿਬਾਦੁ ਕਾਹੂ ਸਿਉ ਨ ਕੀਜੈ ॥ बादु बिबादु काहू सिउ न कीजै ॥ Do not engage in any arguments or debates with anyone. ਰਸਨਾ ਰਾਮ ਰਸਾਇਨੁ ਪੀਜੈ ॥੨॥ रसना राम रसाइनु पीजै ॥२॥ With your tongue, savor the Lord's sublime essence. ||2|| ਅਬ ਜੀਅ ਜਾਨਿ ਐਸੀ ਬਨਿ ਆਈ ॥ अब जीअ जानि ऐसी बनि आई ॥ Now, I know within my soul, that such an arrangement has been made; ਮਿਲਉ ਗੁਪਾਲ ਨੀਸਾਨੁ ਬਜਾਈ ॥੩॥ मिलउ गुपाल नीसानु बजाई ॥३॥ I will meet with my Lord by the beat of the drum. ||3|| ਉਸਤਤਿ ਨਿੰਦਾ ਕਰੈ ਨਰੁ ਕੋਈ ॥ उसतति निंदा करै नरु कोई ॥ Anyone can praise or slander me. ਨਾਮੇ ਸ੍ਰੀਰੰਗੁ ਭੇਟਲ ਸੋਈ ॥੪॥੪॥ नामे स्रीरंगु भेटल सोई ॥४॥४॥ Naam Dayv has met the Lord. ||4||4||

For more infomation >> Bhai Manjeet Singh Jee Dayalpur - ਮੈ ਬਉਰੀ ਮੇਰਾ ਰਾਮੁ ਭਤਾਰੁ - Amazing Kirtan - Duration: 56:41.


Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE MODS - Duration: 13:29.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will make a short review of Some JOHN DEERE Mods You Will See this mods in action at my next videos.

First JOHN DEERE PACK JOHN DEERE PACK Includes 8R Old 4955 8R New 7270R

8R Old 2 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 3 Design Setup 50Km/h Max Speed


4955 Front Loader 3 Engine Setup 2 Wheel Setup 46Km/h Max Speed

8R New 2 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 3 Design Setup 50Km/h Max Speed

Problem At Zavazie Whell Setup What does it mean ZAVAZIE??/????

Flying Tractor

7270R 4 Wheel Setup 305Hp 50Km/h Max Speed

This 8440 Did not work DO not Download

JOHN DEERE 9470 R V2.0 470Hp 38Km/h Max Speed

JOHN DEERE 8400 2 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 42Km/h Max Speed

Remove Add Fenders R KEY

And Two New John Deere Weight


This is an old mod but I think to show if You didn't know that exist And The JOHN DEERE SELF MADE WEIGHT

Extra Night View

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE MODS - Duration: 13:29.


🎧АСМР/ ASMR/ Триггеры/ Triggers/ Фокусы/ Tricks/ асмр фокусы/ asmr tricks/ Асмр сон/ ASMR nikinice - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> 🎧АСМР/ ASMR/ Триггеры/ Triggers/ Фокусы/ Tricks/ асмр фокусы/ asmr tricks/ Асмр сон/ ASMR nikinice - Duration: 7:55.


Beyond The World Of Maya. (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 1:08:11.

For more infomation >> Beyond The World Of Maya. (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 1:08:11.


Bhai Davinder Singh Jee Gurdaspur - ਤਖਤਿ ਬਹੈ ਤਖਤੈ ਕੀ ਲਾਇਕ - Amazing Kirtan - Duration: 45:39.

ਤਖਤਿ ਬਹੈ ਤਖਤੈ ਕੀ ਲਾਇਕ ॥ तखति बहै तखतै की लाइक ॥ He alone sits on the throne, who is worthy of the throne. ਪੰਚ ਸਮਾਏ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਪਾਇਕ ॥ पंच समाए गुरमति पाइक ॥ Following the Guru's Teachings, he subdues the five demons, and becomes the Lord's foot soldier. ਆਦਿ ਜੁਗਾਦੀ ਹੈ ਭੀ ਹੋਸੀ ਸਹਸਾ ਭਰਮੁ ਚੁਕਾਇਆ ॥੧੪॥ आदि जुगादी है भी होसी सहसा भरमु चुकाइआ ॥१४॥ He has existed from the very beginning of time and throughout the ages; He exists here and now, and will always exist. Meditating on Him, skepticism and doubt are dispelled. ||14|| ਤਖਤਿ ਸਲਾਮੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤੀ ॥ तखति सलामु होवै दिनु राती ॥ The Lord of the Throne is greeted and worshipped day and night. ਇਹੁ ਸਾਚੁ ਵਡਾਈ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਲਿਵ ਜਾਤੀ ॥ इहु साचु वडाई गुरमति लिव जाती ॥ This true glorious greatness comes to those who love the Guru's Teachings. ਨਾਨਕ ਰਾਮੁ ਜਪਹੁ ਤਰੁ ਤਾਰੀ ਹਰਿ ਅੰਤਿ ਸਖਾਈ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੧੫॥੧॥੧੮॥ नानक रामु जपहु तरु तारी हरि अंति सखाई पाइआ ॥१५॥१॥१८॥ O Nanak, meditate on the Lord, and swim across the river; they find the Lord, their best friend, in the end. ||15||1||18||

For more infomation >> Bhai Davinder Singh Jee Gurdaspur - ਤਖਤਿ ਬਹੈ ਤਖਤੈ ਕੀ ਲਾਇਕ - Amazing Kirtan - Duration: 45:39.





It might sound unbelievable, but we�re currently living in an era that�s birthed the disclosure

of some very sensitive information.

So sensitive that despite all of the evidence, it�s still hard for many people to think

about, let alone accept.

And that�s the fact that there are now dozens of governments who have confirmed the existence

of UFOs.

We�re talking about mysterious objects performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics.

Apart from having both visual and radar confirmations, there are hundreds of military officers from

all ranks, politicians and academicians speaking out and providing evidence that suggests some

of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial.

One of the people responsible for this movement is Dr. Steven Greer, MD and founder of The

Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI),

who has been on a mission for decades to shed light on the fact that we�re not alone,

that we�ve never been alone, and that an ET presence is currently engaging our planet

and the human race.

This person has been able to organize and bring forth hundreds of military whistleblowers

with verified backgrounds, who have given some shocking witness testimony.

Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one example; here is an interview Dr. Greer conducted with him

over a decade ago.

Another example would be former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who confirmed that himself

and Greer did in fact have multiple meetings within the Pentagon about this issue.

One thing is for sure: Greer has some interesting connections that have allowed him to do what

he does.

He�s known as the father of the disclosure movement, for one person to bring forth hundreds

of defence employees is quite eye-opening.

Out of all those who support him that come from different fields and verified backgrounds,

Dr. Greer has amassed a great deal of credibility.

Being in contact with, and referenced by astronauts, colonels, generals and more who have agreed

to participate in the disclosure movement is what gives his project a special kind of

credibility, because all those who agree to an interview do indeed come from where they

say they do, within the military industrial complex.

Never before have we seen such a large gathering, all with verified backgrounds.

Which is why, when he conducts an interview where the name remains anonymous, it�s that

much more interesting.

Sure, we can�t verify this person�s identify, but the hundreds of others who have been a

part of his disclosure project, as well as all of the big names who have verified multiple

stories from Greer, it�s probably best to give this one the benefit of the doubt.

�There is considerable knowledge as far as the actual being of UFO and ET phenomena

that we�re aware of today.�

Other Information That Lends Credibility To This Story

According to Author and UFO researcher Dr. William Lester, the CIA released documents

to him under the Freedom of Information act after he made a request while researching

for his new book at the time, A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.

The document and story was brought forth by the Daily Mail, pertaining to a letter written

by John F. Kennedy to the head of the CIA demanding to be shown highly confidential

documents about UFOs just 10 days before his assassination.

According to the Daily Mail, �the secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK

asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released

by the CIA for the first time.�

It�s understandable that a Daily Mail article and a claim from a UFO researcher isn�t

really considered credible, but what�s even more fascinating about the story is the fact

that it also appears within some Wikileaks Cables.

February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files; over five million

emails from the Texas headquartered �global intelligence� company Stratfor.

The emails date between July 2004 and late December 2011.

They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher,

but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal�s

Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies,

including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence


The emails show Stratfor�s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques,

and psychological methods.

From these emails, we have one that details information that documents by a gentleman

named Timothy S. Cooper, who, according to many, leaked the supposed �MJ-12� documents

that dealt with the cover-up of UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

In the email, it states that �Soon after Kennedy became President, he began to needle

the CIA for information on UFOs� and that �President

Kennedy fired off a top secret memorandum to him outlining a previous discussion concerning

a classification review of all CIA UFO files that could affect national security.

Dated 12 November, 1963, just ten days before he would be gunned down in the streets of

Dallas, Texas, Kennedy informed Angleton that he was setting things in motion to actually

share sensitive CIA UFO intelligence data with the Russians through the director of


The email itself goes into more detail.

The question to ask here is why is a company like Stratfor sending emails within the company

regarding this topic?

Definitely interesting to think about.

Perhaps the most interesting fact is that JFK was President right around the time a

massive cover-up regarding this topic ensued.

Only a couple of terms before his own, President Harry Truman went on national television stating

that this topic is discussed at every single conference they have with the military.

The topic of flying saucers and �other things.� He stated that �there are always things

like that going on� (source).

There are even claims that President Eisenhower held a meeting with extraterrestrials.

His great granddaughter Laura is one who has spoken about the incident.

You can read more about that specific story and where it comes from, here.

Today, Presidents don�t really know much.

In fact, based on my research, when they do inquire they�re not told much and they don�t

really have access nor a need to know information about UFOs and extraterrestrials.

So who does?

Here are a couple of related CE articles that will give you an idea of who we�re referring

to here:

A detailed description of the �Black Budget.�

10 Presidents and Politicians Who Told Us That A Secret Government Controls The World

& What They Said

Here�s another interesting clip from Greer�s documentary that pertains to the subject.

You can find out more about the documentary and how to watch it HERE.

It seems, based on my research, that presidents don�t really have access to this type of

information, and it�s not an easy thing to inquire about.



Mauricio de Sousa indica: Leitura no YouTube Kids | Turma da Mônica - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mauricio de Sousa indica: Leitura no YouTube Kids | Turma da Mônica - Duration: 0:42.


Me Perdonas | Videos Musicales de Maker Fun Factory VBS | Group Publishing - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Me Perdonas | Videos Musicales de Maker Fun Factory VBS | Group Publishing - Duration: 3:15.


NAD Membership :- Registration Form & Submit - Duration: 2:35.



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For more infomation >> NAD Membership :- Registration Form & Submit - Duration: 2:35.


Intuitive Painting Process Explained: Trusting the Wild Self - Duration: 15:15.

Welcome to The Painting Experience podcast for July 2015. On the podcast,

founder Stuart Cubley explores the potential of the emerging field of

process arts and shares inspiration from his ongoing workshops and retreats.

In this episode, Stewart tells part one of his own story how he left his path as

a scientist to follow a call that led him first into the Alaskan woods and

then to the discovery of The Painting Experience. [Stewart:] People often ask me how I got

started in The Painting Experience and was I originally trained as an artist

and where did it all begin? And I must say it's been a rather

roundabout route because my original training was in math and physics and I

had really no connection with art, no training in art and as a student often I

have to admit felt a little prejudiced against artists because they seemed to be

rather foreign to me in terms of what their intentions were and, secondly,

they would sometimes hang around the Student Union Building looking a little

grubby and self-important and certainly just not part of my milieu, and I could not

understand what art was all about so . . . had really no personal connection to

painting or art whatsoever and it was in my late 20s when I hit a brick wall.

I was a year away from my Ph.D. in geophysics studying at the Geophysical

Institute which is part of the University of Alaska in Fairbanks and I

had the realization that was creeping up on me for some time, but finally I could

no longer ignore it which was I just wasn't interested. The life of continuing

to be a scientist and what that entailed and the details of that just utterly

bored me. Part of the handwriting on the wall was that I had found myself

much more interested in the lives of the scientists and the creative process by

which they made the discoveries rather than the details of the math and of the

science itself and I literally reached a dead end because I just could no longer

do the work. I would go to my office in the morning and just found that I could

not focus and was utterly bored by it and made the decision to leave, and this

was a fairly radical turning point for me given the number of years and the

amount of investment that my parents and I had made in developing this livelihood,

in this career. And I decided literally to stop and one day walked into the

director's office at the Institute and announced that I would be leaving. In an

effort to dissuade me, he began to tell me about a recent study that he had read

that by the time you reach 30 your brain cells are starting to deteriorate. It's

downhill after that and if you're going to make a contribution to science you'd

better do it now or forever regret your decision. I actually took this as

encouragement and it made me feel even more so that I was needing to make this

decision. The difficult part was that I had no alternative it wasn't as though

I was leaving one course of study for another opportunity. I had built a cabin

outside of Fairbanks off the grid, off the road, and what I really felt

attracted to doing was going and living in this cabin and

to be alone because part of the attraction was the solitude, the

quietness, the simplicity, and just a chance to get off the merry-go-round . . .

a chance to stop this rather insane rush towards creating a life and to take

stock of actually who I was, what my feelings were, what I was really

attracted to and what I felt like doing. So I essentially disappeared into the

woods and spent the next three and a half years living by myself in this

cabin and I have a memory of the beginning of the winter and we'd gotten

our first snow and I invited my graduate school buddy and I gave him all my books

and all my notes from years and years and years of studying the mathematics

and the physics and all of the science courses and I piled his toboggan high

and lashed all these books down onto the toboggan and watched through the window

as he slowly pulled it down the trail. And it felt like I was watching my life

as I knew it go down that trail and I was left with this incredible excitement

of being naked and alone and without a plan in my own cabin, of my own making, in

the deep forest in northern Alaska and encountering the unknown in a very

exciting way. I did live very simply. I was vegetarian at the time. I grew my own

sprouts and made my yogurt, baked my bread and was able to give special care

to the details of living without feeling rushed. I could spend hours sitting

in my rocking chair by my wood stove with my cup of tea looking out the

window, paying particular attention to the

changing seasons, to the light changing during the day, the

environment, the weather as well as my own internal states and this became really

my focus during this time, which is . . . I found that I was not interested in

distracting myself through reading, through radio, through news. In fact, I

didn't even have a radio. I spent a lot of time with yoga and becoming really

physically sensitive to my body as well as to meditation . . . a lot of time spent in

the woods on skis and snow shoes and hikingm maintaining the cabin was also a

full-time job, really, because I heated with wood and to do that I would have to

go into the woods and find dead trees and cut them down and pull them back on

a sled to the cabin and cut them up and split them. I melted snow in the winter

because there was no water source there . . . carried water in the summer. Just found

myself living as a young man in a pioneering spirit that was very exciting,

felt very fulfilling . . . even though I had no idea what was going to become of the

rest of my life. I knew during this time that I was doing the right thing and I

felt grounded. I felt in touch with my environment. I felt in touch with my

internal environment. I would sometimes go a month without going into town. I

really didn't need much. I had a little savings from the university and so I

didn't need to work and I would sometimes go weeks without seeing

another person, which really suited me at the time because I found that in that

solitude I was able to open . . . among the trees and the local animals and the

safety of this little woods where I knew no one was really going to drop by

unexpectedly, which was very rare that they did . . . that I could afford to open up

and to be myself in a way that I had never been able to do in my life.

So there was something really satisfying about finding this sanity . . . living in a

way which became really clear to me which was much more sane than living

amidst the pressures of so-called society. I felt like okay I'm going

to become some weird Alaskan hermit for the rest of my life. I mean, I couldn't

see myself ever doing anything else and that scared me a little bit. I was

kind of worried about what I was going to become but of course

Alaska's full of eccentrics. It's actually sort of expected and even

celebrated in Alaska and those sorts of people, my sorts people, were attracted to

that and I I felt very at home with it. My parents thought I was kind of going

off the deep end, I'm afraid, but they really tried to support me in the best

way they could but, of course, they didn't understand . . . and I found that I wasn't

even able to read during this period. Reading was a distraction that pulled me

away from myself in most cases . . . even spiritual books I found to be disturbing

because they seemed to be kind of a crude injunction to improve and I was

tired of improving. I didn't want to improve. I wanted to be with myself.

I wanted to be with actually what was happening rather than trying to get

somewhere. My whole life had been "going somewhere" and now I'd stopped and so I

found reading to be pulling me away from myself, in most cases. So the attention

became very inward and there were definitely dark times that arose. There

were times when I really didn't trust what I was doing and felt that I was

some weak wimp hiding from life in the woods and unable to cope . . . and there was,

of course, dealing with a lot of self- judgment and lack of trust both in

myself and in my actions. I think that this was really the

essential question that brought me into the woods in the first place, which was:

Could I trust, could I trust my ability to live on my own? Could I trust my

ability to be in the wilderness? But deeper than that, it was really could I

trust my own being? Could I trust myself? Could I trust my own feelings? Could I

trust my ability to meet whatever situation arose? Could I trust myself to

be sensitive? These were all questions that were with me during this time and

were answered experientially just through my being alone. So I continued to live

this very simple life for many years in this little cabin that was only ten feet

by 16 feet. It was built according to a sacred ratio called "the golden mean," and

it was tiny. It had a little porch with an overhang for my loft and sleeping,

but it was really, really tiny . . . but I felt like I could spend the rest of my life

there. But then, during the spring of my fourth year something started to shift

and the cabin started feeling small. I resisted it at first but it became

pretty clear that something needed to change and I realized that there was a

force that had pulled me into this experience. There was a . . . there was an

internal attraction and a draw to go into this cocoon-like existence and now

there was a force that was wanting me to push out of it. It was time to leave at

least, in my mind, for a visit. I thought, "Okay, I'm going to go and explore the

world a bit and then come back to my safe abode in my little forest here

outside of Fairbanks." And I was sitting in meditation one

morning prior to leaving and I had a vision. I had no idea what it meant,

what to do with it and I forgot it very quickly and it was only years later that

this vision was remembered and of course then made a lot of sense . . . but in

the vision I was in this rather large room with a lot of people and there was

color everywhere. There was this brilliant color coming from all sides

and there was an amazing energy in the room. There was something going on that

was very very exciting but as I say I had no context for this and so

immediately, I'm sure, just forgot it and a few weeks later shouldered my backpack

with my tent and sleeping bag so I could be self-sufficient and I headed

down the trail, to the road. I must say the metaphor of this moment was not lost

on me, to feel myself now leaving this little cabin behind me in my little

woods and the transformation that that really had represented and to be

entering the world again but from a very different perspective. I felt like I was

a blank slate and and now I was ready to be written on. I'll continue this story

and the next podcast. Stay tuned.

You can learn more about The Painting Experience and find a list of upcoming

process painting workshops by visiting our website at

If you enjoyed what you heard today, please share it with a friend.

The theme music for this podcast comes from Stephen Jacob. We thank you for

listening and hope you'll join us again soon.

For more infomation >> Intuitive Painting Process Explained: Trusting the Wild Self - Duration: 15:15.


Tobu - Something Right (ft. Game4) [Lyrics Video] // Non Copyrighted - Duration: 3:28.

Staring into the sun

Which tries to blind your eyes

Oh we're dancing forever

Under the beautiful skies

Somewhere over the ocean

A spark tries to ignite

I'm stuck in my hometown

Waiting for your reply

All I see is the darkness

There's no sound

Only silence

You could change everything tonight

This is your chance to do something right

Something right

This is your chance to do something right

Holding onto the memories

And photos that remain

Still lost in oblivion

No one to show the way

Oh climbing a mountain

To reach my highest goals

You'll never understand

How I thought you were the one

All I see is the darkness

There's no sound

Only silence

You could change everything tonight

This is your chance to do something right

Something right

This is your chance to do something right

You could change everything tonight

This is your chance to do something right

All I see is the darkness

There's no sound

Only silence

You could change everything tonight

This is your chance to do something right

For more infomation >> Tobu - Something Right (ft. Game4) [Lyrics Video] // Non Copyrighted - Duration: 3:28.


Homekeepers - Dr. William Rice - The Blessing of Special Needs People - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Dr. William Rice - The Blessing of Special Needs People - Duration: 28:31.


Official Resurrection Remix OS v 5.8.3 | New Features and Configurations | A depth look EP #3 - Duration: 7:37.

And yes we are in my favourite series In Depth Look,

This one is the monthly series, From this you can get some depth details

About some new tech things in general.

So let's we move to the episode of 3 //intro of in depth look//

And this video we are going take a depth look on

New Resurrection Remix Nouget Version 5.8.3 In My Phone ASUS Zenfone 2 Laser ZE550KL.

A couple of month before I done a video on lineage OS,

In that I Covered 5 Merits as well as 5 Cons But the story of RR is totally different.

So, This one not going to be a Normal in Depth

look And the mentionable point in the RR is it

has all the features what are all the things Available in lineage.

But in the cons side very very few Demerits only there,

Other than the feature of RR it has tons of new experimental

Things with it.

And the cool thing is all that was mentionable.

I am telling my opinion from the beginning, The RR is the greatest custom ROM Ever Ever

and Ever.

Because they makes me stunning.

Now we take a look at Merits And Guys just wait,

What you are seeing in my mobile.

Everything was customized one.

So, You have to search these feature in the settings,

Come to point,

In earlier days the custom ROM comes with the ROOT access as inbuilt

But, Now a days,

They are avoiding that for some security purpose, I cover about that in the first episode of

in depth look So,

Go there and watch.

By following that Rule Here also they introduced the inbuilt app

Called Magisk Manager.

This app lets you to ROOT your RR.

The process was not complicated, Even the child can do,

Just connect the internet and click install, That all,

The rooting process completed, And I found one new feature while swiping

right on Magisk Manager, That we also use xposed module inbuilt,

For example we can install Dolby atmos without installing any xposed framework and modules,

That means we are having all the good stuffs under the single inbuilt app

Name called Magisk manager.

So that was really mentionable update…

I really loved,

Now we take a look at configurations Of RR, The customization in the RR is the best one

ever, And Here I am,

I telling that no one custom ROM beat that, For instance the new version of RR brings

you to enable various customization And the mentionable are pie control and app

circle bar, I turned on both the things,

Let me explain about both the things, Pie control lets you to click three button

Even you can add some cool buttons

And the app circle bar lets you to bring user defined list of apps in as the circle,

And physic of the both the thing good, I loved that,

And now we move to the notification bar, As usual this version was one of the nougat,

So, The notification bar wise they are giving

pure nougat feel.

But, Here we have some updates,

We can remove the name of the icons, And we can add task killer on notification

toggle, The task killer was one of the inbuilt option,

You have to enable that in RR configurations, And they introduced new battery bar icon solid,

That is what I am using now,

And now we consider about performance and battery drainage,

The performance stands not only based on the mobile phones,

The team of RR knew that very well, The performance of RR is better than the stock

ROM, While making the benchmark I found that,

And the multitasking also working great, Both the apps working fluently,

About the battery performance, It comes front to other custom ROMS,

That means it gives 20% extra battery juice from the Stock ROM.

And the outcome is, The Team of RR really trying to made stable

custom ROM, For instance they are deserving that now,

Comparison wise That RR taking the highest priority both in

configurations and performance, Which one is encouraging me to use RR is

The built-in configuration You can do a unique look in each and every

face of you mobile with RR, And of coarse you can get these features by

installing some mods and modules, But they are not created for the specific

device, They are common one,

But here They are offering the unique look,

That what encouraging me to use RR, So ,

I Give My credit full and fully to ResurrectionRemix, And Now,

They started their own official site, There you can get your own RR operating system

for free, And finally Resurrection deserved,

And you can tell you opinion in the poll right now,

That helps me to know your opinion, So that's what,

If you like this video just leave a like, And subscribe to the TechFanciers to show

your support, I will see you in the next tutorial,

And know one thing more than other, Finally Thank you for watching…

For more infomation >> Official Resurrection Remix OS v 5.8.3 | New Features and Configurations | A depth look EP #3 - Duration: 7:37.


Speedpaint: Geno - Duration: 6:43.

I don't know how to remove the random shapes from popping up, so please bear with them :)

For more infomation >> Speedpaint: Geno - Duration: 6:43.


Mode of Payments - Duration: 2:18.

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