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"And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct."
"Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].""
"There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people."
" Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought."
'How Great You are ..'
The bee is an outright pharmacy.
And we will also see the queen, and if it is fertilized or not..
The pollen is the protein that nourishes the larvae during incubation..
.. from these hives here..
from 4 to 5 tons.
per year.. Yes.
'If it wasn't because of Allah, it wouldn't have occurred..'
'From this you will attain faith..'
These frames come from the bee farm that we visited before..
In this room we extract the honey..
Here we have instruments that extract the honey.. actually, we have three instruments..
Before we put it here..
This lad will use an electric knife to remove the coating layer of the honey..
if you didn't remove the coating layer , the honey will not come out by the extraction machine.
The beeswax is to be chewed only, then to be spit out.
not to swallow it..
and if you wanted to eat it..
you need to eat it with something that will break it..
Such as with nuts.. as Pistachios.. Cashews.. etc. they disintegrate the beeswax..
then, its digestion will be easier..
otherwise it will not be digested.
Taste from here..
this is beeswax with honey..
This is the white honey.. it is not reddish.
how does it taste like? is it good?
It is Morava honey..
This.. put it in the instrument of honey extraction..
put it like this..
lock it well..
Then start the machine..
This is the real natural honey..
Open the exit to the bucket.
They remove the wax here, to put the frame in the other instrument..
then we get pure honey..
Honey is very good for chest allergy..
It is very good stimulator for the pancreas..
and it improves the blood functions..
I want to know the best way to use the honey.. for a normal person.
not for a diseased person.. for normal people..
How is the best way for him to use it.. daily?
From my personal usage.. daily..
Usually with..
a glass of warm water..
and a spoonful of honey..
a large spoonful.. Yes..
dissolve it then drink it!
not a hot water.. but a warm water
It is better to use the honey with solids or liquids that are not more than 40 Celsius in temperature.
So that..
you may benefit from all its properties.. constituents.. everything..
Unfortunately, with the development of the modern technology..
Adulteration of honey became very common..
and we are not able to distinguish the pure natural honey.. from others!
Unfortunately, The fraud in the industry of honey is very common..
It is very frequent especially recently.. / Gianluigi Markosono, a Researcher at the Bees Research Cente, Italy
Because of the marked decrease in production..
How do you detect the fraud in honey?
First of all, fraud it is possible!
Some dishonest individuals add to honey..
To be honest, now we are scared from this!
About testing honey..
Nowadays, people use traditional methods..
some say; dissolving it in water will show the hexagonal cells..
pouring it on sand.. putting it in the fridge.. etc..
All this is nonsense!
The only safe method is by laboratory testing..
Other than this, I really don't accept!
There are lab tests, for detecting the chemical components of the honey..
they detect the addition of sweet ingredients to the honey..
But, as I've said, there are sweeteners that have similar chemical composition as the sugars of honey.
More important than fraudation.. we have the level to toxins in honey
There is a compound hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)..
a dangerous compound in honey..
so it is more harmful than good..
this means that, instead of treating someone from cancer.. you will bring him cancer close!!
some people are concerned that honey is being unoriginal!!
because it is crystallized!
But, actually, the honey gets firmer..
and this is natural.. one of the properties of the natural honey..
and on the reverse, the solid honey might be more pure than the liquid honey..
because it is easier to fraud the liquid honey..
Here we have the crystallized honey..
After collecting honey.. it begins crystallization after 2 to 3 months..
This is natural process.. crystallization!
95% of the honey that we've talked about, crystallize.
Each bee has 170 smell receptors, it uses them to identify different types of flowers.
'If it wasn't because of Allah, it wouldn't have occurred..'
'How Great You are ..'
'O Lord.. all the matters are up to You..'
'How Honorable You are..'
'Your Sovereignty is the most merciful'
'How Great You are ..'
'O Lord.. all the matters are up to You..'
Not all bees do the same thing.. each bee has its own task..
Some go out to bring nectar..
some do serving..
some do guarding..
and there is a queen.
The mother of all the members of the hive is the queen.
The queen is the only member that has a long lifespan.. up to 3 or 4 years.
This is its physiological lifespan, but the beekeepers..
they replace the queen, after two years, because some of its secretions are diminished..
The main function of the queen is to lay eggs!
That's all!
About how many egg?
About 500 to 2500 egg per day!
depending upon.. the activity in the hive..
and the fields..
It lays two types of eggs.. one that is fertilized, i.e. they contain spermatozoa.. /Marco Lodesani, Researcher at the Center of Bee Researches, Italy.
and from that the females are produced.. as workers or queens..
and from the unfertilized ova, males are produced..
The female workers..
After they hatch.. they are called the nurse bees..
It stays for 12 to 14 days working inside the hive..
cleaning.. building the hexagonal cells from wax..
feeding the queen..
producing the Royal Jelly..
The difference between the worker and the queen is not much..
as regards the genetic construction..
But the process of feeding is the cause of variance between both of them
So, the larvae that are fed with Royal Jelly all the time.. they will be a queens
this means that it will be a perfect insect, that is capable of reproducing itself..
Some of them bring pollen.. some of them bring water..
Also, there are guards for the hive..
So That, the workers go to their place..
It is like a big building with many apartments..
each person who wants to enter.. he knocks the door.. and knocks again..
and the bees coming to the wrong hive are usually sent away..
Go away.. leave.. this is my place.. The guards will not let strange bees in the hive!
They only accept the family members.. only them are allowed into the hive..
So, at the door the guards are there.. they know bees from their aroma!
Look at this Sheikh!
The larva is eating the covering crust..
look at it..
This one?.. Exactly, this is it!
So, we will help it to come out.. for filming..
Look at it.. coming out..
This is the so called the nurse bees..
So this is the nurse bees?!
Yes, it has just came out!
It is categorized as a worker, one day old.
Then we have the males..
The main function of the males, is to fertilize the queens....
Their function is copulating with the queens in the surrounding area..
other than their queen.. that is from their hive.. their mother queen..
Only with the virgin queens that come from other colonies..
Sheikh, this is a male.. but it is still young..
it doesn't have a stinging apparatus yet!
None!!.. totally nothing.
Tell us about the most amazing thing.. about bees!
The bees are ideal architects..
and the hexagonal shapes that they construct..
no architectural engineer can build them, with this magnificent precision..
very high level of perfection.
Subhan Allah, look at this..
how they begin making the hexagonal cell.. from the start!
extreme precision!
not a single cell that is different!
no envy.. in the hive, nothing is known as jealousy!
A very astonishing love.. that is amazing..
This is your responsibilities..
Your role is to bring food..
my role is to store it..
and your role is to keep it dry..
and your role is to guard it not to be stolen..
and your role.. see!!
And only the mother.. is..
hanging around.. no work duties for her..
They are organized.
These are the instruments..
that dispense honey..
These instruments are programmed to fill containers with one Kg. of honey.. or 500 gm.
And we have also small containers of 30 gm.
The worker will make sure that there are no impurities.. then he fills the container.
This is mountain honey..
It is a multi-flora honey
This is local..
We have many instruments here.. and there..
This one, and that one.. if all of them work at the same time.. we can dispense and pack one Ton, every 8 hours
Allah, Almighty, says: "in which there is healing for people."
about this honey.. Correct!
what is its impact upon health, from your experience?
Subhan Allah, honey strengthen the immune system of the body of man!
So, it treats many diseases..
These characteristics and effects of honey, was proved experimentally..
as in healing of wounds.. burns.. and ulcers!
So, its effect in not antiseptic only.. but it is also antimicrobial..
so, it prevents sepsis of wounds.
The products that are commonly used among people are six products.
The honey..
The Royal Jelly..
The wax..
The pollen..
The propolis or the bee-glue..
and The bee venom.
What is this; the propolis?!
The propolis is the bee-glue..
It is considered as a natural antibiotic..
that is produced by bees..
a natural antimicrobial..
This is it..
but not as the raw product..
It looks strange!
Here it is grinded..
because as a raw product, you can't use it!
No matters the number of researches that are done.. still there are much to discover..
Allah forbids, someone accidentally has a burn..
paint it with honey!
It doesn't leave a mark behind, totally.
A wound.. a cutting wound..
mount it with honey..
the tissues will close the gap completely.. without leaving a mark!
Among the most famous benefits and treatments with honey [burns, wounds, fighting bacteria and viruses, and it strengthen the immunity of the body]
There are more than 700 illnesses..
that are treated with bee products..
"in which there is healing for people."
Allah, Almighty, has put healing powers inside honey..
And for each illness, there is a remedy, as the prophet, SAW, said.
But, the believer..
his cure, is his belief in Allah, Almighty..
and the medicine is just a means..
So, if we wanted to cure ourselves..
our hearts, must be as the heart of the Khallel of the Merciful
Ibrahim, peace be upon him..
when he said:
"And when I am ill, it is He who cures me."
'Before it's the right time..'
'nothing was there..'
'there was no time.. no place!'
'Allah just said to the universe; Be.. and it is!'
'Life will be beautiful..'
'If we just have reflected upon the signs given from Al-Ilah..'
'beautify your vision by.. looking at all that is made by His Hands..
'you will see how Allah has created it..'
'There is no a fault to be found..'
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