Spread out! Find her!
Miss Darrow!
Check up there, Jimmy! Everybody stay together!
She's here somewhere!
What in God's name was that?
Behind the wall!
Behind the wall!
Giant Bugs Attack | King Kong (2005) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:07.Get off! Get it off!
Get off!
Get it off!
Kill it!
Stop moving!
Get it off my face!
Stay still. I am standing still.
- Hold on. - Be careful!
Don't move! Stay away from the walls!
Coming through!
Get out of there now! Climb!
Nobody get in my way.
Come on, Jimmy. Let's go.
АЛКОГОЛЬ И БОДИБИЛДИНГ. СОЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
Simonte 3 Year Natural Transformation (17-20) Poland - Duration: 2:30.Since I was a kid I played volleyball
After 10 years of playing I've got knee injury
I stopped doing sports
I gave up
I weighed only 65kg with 190cm in height
One day I decided to change something in my life
I started fighting
Effects after a year of training at home
I started to study
I fell in love with the gym
You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
மேனேஜரால் சீரழிக்கப்பட்ட பிரபல நடிகை..? | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Kong Climbs The Empire State Building | King Kong (2005) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:38.Beautiful.
Yes, it is.
📈Autotune + Tone💪 + Models💄= Rogez - RICH 💼 (#TrapSoul)| Prod Creds: 7venth x Lank Frampard - Duration: 3:27.And I just lost a girl
I just lost a girl
Your boy Rogez
Get in
I just want the girl
I just want
I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich
I'm mean I am
I'm mean I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich rich rich
And I just lost a girl
I just lost a girl
And I just lost a girl
I And I love your body
You got me to want to study it
Hey you
bring the money here
Double wallet pair
I just a saw deer
My girls get a wallet pair
Bodies like the gala pear
Girl get my mirror
We're in for a treat
In this game I can't retreat
I just rotate and retweet
Eat eat eat eat eat eat
I'm gonna stay full
If Mike had Nike
I wanna do ten fold
Billions lydian lydian
I got the midianianites
I got the Jebusites
Spot lock local sites
I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich
I'm mean I am
I'm mean I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich rich rich
And I just lost a girl
I just lost a girl
And I just lost a girl
And I love your body
You got me to want to study it
Flip shoes shirts
Errol Spence the truth hurts
Body shots body shots
At the door the party knocks
The peoples gon flock
Seagulls gather while Flamingos dock
Rio De Janeiro you know the team matters
Waters latters batters
Liquid ice splatters
I can pitty pat my punches in bunches
Lunch is with the president
President is with the limo
Limo is how we feeling
Don't hurt my feelings
Like a nerve that swerves around a bone
Rogez loves melodic tone
Like a piano, it came in chrome
Your boy
A girl
Rogez loves you
A girl
A girl
Rogez loves you
I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich
I'm mean I am
I'm mean I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich rich rich
And I just lost a girl
I just lost a girl
And I just lost a girl
And I love your body
You got me to want to study it
A girl
Rogez loves you
A girl
A girl
Rogez loves you
I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich
I'm mean I am
I'm mean I'm gonna be rich rich rich rich rich rich
I just lost a girl
I just lost a girl
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Family Photos - Parents, Son, Daughter, Husband - Duration: 2:00.Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Family Photos - Parents, Son, Daughter, Husband
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Family Photos - Parents, Son, Daughter, Husband
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Family Photos - Parents, Son, Daughter, Husband
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Family Photos - Parents, Son, Daughter, Husband
Dinosaur Stampede | King Kong (2005) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:20.Run, Jack!
Holy Christ. Go, Jimmy, run!
Run, run, run!
Let go! I'm not leaving the camera!
Let go, you idiot!
Carl, run!
Get down.
Look out!
Coming through!
Carl! Carl!
Get up! Come on. Come on.
Mr. Denham! Mr. Denham!
Herb! Herb, come on!
Take the tripod!
Come on!
I'm pulling you up! Hold on to your end!
No, I'm not going anywhere without you!
You gotta leave me! Shut up and hold on!
1000 SUBSCRIBERS Contest - trip in Vajont for Roarretail - Duration: 3:48.we are giving away four bags for four people and to do that this is a thousand subscribers contest
and to launch a such good things I decided to make a trip
because travel is gorgeous so starting from the Naples Airport I'll be
headed to Longarone a little Borough of Belluno. Ok I'm actually headed to
Venice Airport to launch the thousand subscribers contest.
I've been 5 days right in the middle of the Alps
Hello guys and welcome back to Fabio Napoli Photography. In this video we are giving away
for the thousand subscribers contest one of those mighty bags
let me show you around a little bit because this place is gorgeous.
We are in Belluno now
I'll show you some great stuff
right in the Alps
The lovely, mysterious, intriguing, Vajont Dam
I don't want to share with you right now in this contest the sad story of Vajont
But I'll leave in description a link of Wikipedia
let's go back in the studio I'll explain you better
Actually I've been informed on my way back to the studio that we are giving away all four of them. hold on!!
there you are so to have one of them is very very easy subscribe, share on your
socials just to speed up the process of getting thousand subscribers on this
channel and you'll be selected by Mr. Rick or Aysha we really need four
winners for this contest. ASAP! So make sure your friends are subscribing on
this channel and sharing on their pages
on their... wherever on their socials! to get these bags
FREE for you! subscribe on my channel that looks weird right now and leave a
comment below to let us know that you are interested to get one of them free of charge
This is a 200 bucks giveaway!
That's it, that what I say! and smash a thumb up for @RoarRetail the page on facebook!
Because they need your support you need one of those backpacks
Hope we have ASAP four winners! this is Fabio Napoli and this is a mighty thing from
ROARRETAIL.co.uk. See you next time. if you are still interested to buy one them just go
on RoarRetail.co.uk and 10% of their profits go to preserve
Tigers in their natural habitat. Support them!
Бузова о своей жизни после развода с Тарасовым (01.06.2017.) - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Ruder Rudere Dein Boot | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegenli - Duration: 1:06:34.Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
La Reina de la Canción | Carmen y Olivia están en peligro de eliminación - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
50 curiosities of Jayden Jaymes - Duration: 8:38.-------------------------------------------
ДАТА РОЖДЕНИЯ 10 ИЮЛЯ🍭СУДЬБА, ХАРАКТЕР и ЗДОРОВЬЕ ТАЙНА ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Skąd HYPE NA BIEGANIE? - Duration: 4:38.Hi Fifi.
In running, as in life, we face various challenges.
Sometimes the road is uneven, sometimes there are obstacles.
Sometimes we hit on a dung heap, bad people,
or simply we need to run through some difficult circumstances.
The bottom line is to run forward FINISH,
not to give up and to be persistent.
That's why I want you to face all of that during Centurion Run in Zakosciele.
Run with me!
Is this a good day for you?
So what now? Ready for the first preparation training?
Ready, ready.
Well, good.
Stretching first.
We run!
Today, probably five kilo.
Look who we met!
So, Wednesday workout and...
- Yeah. - ... and we run on Saturday.
We run on Saturday.
Fourth day.
Today we're going to race in one kilometer run.
Today I ran 1km with Natan ...
- Yes! - ... and 5km with Pawel.
Why such a challenge for Fifi?
Few reasons. Firstly because
running teaches us perseverance and endurance,
achieving goals, overcoming limitations,
our powerlessness.
It teaches us the consequences
and teaches us finishing what we started.
Sh*t! Jeeeeah!
[ and the next player with number 170 ]
[ in the cap ]
[ finishing too. congratulations! ]
[phillipus from warsaw ]
The end of each run is the start of something new
and it is fun to explore it.
I think the key of this challenge, was that beginning of something new.
I do not want it to be just a one-time event,
that I ran, I scored, and forget ...
I won.
... I want it to become something new in my life.
Well, a month has passed since the run and I think that
what was the biggest success of that challenge,
that it was not a one-time run,
but that something begun
and it continues.
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