Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 1 2017

The Top 10 Toxins That Are Secretly Poisoning Your Kids

Our children�s health is so important, I�m sure anyone can agree upon that.

They are not only our children but the heirs to the world.

It is shameful that we even have to worry about our children being poisoned.

It sounds a bit far-fetched, but some of the most deadly poisons are hidden in disguise

as good things.

These good things include food, medicine, and vaccines.

Hell, there is even poison in our water.


Well, the world is run and owned by greedy and money hungry CEO�s.

They have no interest in yours or your child�s health, all they care about is making money.

There are so many foreign substances in our food in the modern day.

Processed foods are everywhere and they are full of additives, chemicals, and preservatives.

Some of the most common drinks and snacks are the most dangerous.

Coca-cola, for example, is drank by millions every day � yet, it causes degenerative

bone diseases and other health issues.

Vaccines and flu shots can cause birth disorders and autism.

It�s purely ridiculous.

If you want to keep your children safe from these poisons, you�re going to want to avoid

these top 10 poisons that are common in our culture.

Formaldehyde- also used to preserve dead things Mercury (thimerosal), especially in flu vaccines

Aluminum- highly associated with Alzheimer�s disease

GMO yeast Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Antibiotics (neomycin, streptomycin) Human cells from aborted fetal tissue

Cells from pig and horse blood Monkey kidney cells

Calf serum protein Chicken embryo cells

Egg Protein extracts Soy Protein extracts

Ammonium Sulfate You need to always remain weary of pharmaceutical


They are toxic and extremely dangerous.

Amphetamines are essentially the same as street drugs such as crack and meth � and they�re

being prescribed to our children everyday.

More and more kids are being diagnosed with ADHD, an attention deficit disorder.

The solution?

Addicting them to dangerous drugs.

If you want to keep your child safe you are going to want to start by assessing their


Make sure your child�s diet consists of the most natural and freshly grown ingredients.

You also want to avoid medications.

Use natural remedies to treat sickness, and exercise with them regularly.

Keep those things in mind and avoid these common poisons and all should be well!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Toxins That Are Secretly Poisoning Your Kids - Duration: 4:10.


Full Review of the New Youtube Dark Mode 2017 - Duration: 3:11.

hey hey what is up guys is cherry here from Oakland area productions on the

sc-2010 today we are reviewing the new YouTube now the still is in beta not

completely rolled out however you can join the beta now I've had this on my

John Huston account for I say since about end of January but I just got this

on all my accounts around late April I would say so I've been spending a few

weeks with it and this is my general consensus now it's not perfect yet I

still would like the search button be camp centered a little more the dark

thing does not apply to everything but this is a dark thing you can switch it

to light real quick as well as some other settings are gonna you know just

easier - does then they restore to YouTube plus of 70 now we have three

main really three main topics here we have home we have trimming and

subscriptions nothing really too different about these they just have

starting on it now over here in your library of your history your watch later

and then all your pull list and then your subscriptions down here as well as

you have settings helping and feedback now this is what happens when you click

on video and you go back and this was just one reason why it's not completely

perfect yet so let's go ahead and click on this video right here make sure to

check it out if you haven't and then let's click back on this arrow and you

see it takes you right back to the absolutely head p2000 channel but all

the way back here I do not like this so but you have to do now you have to close

this button again elmo's if your picture button

to easily click castle and the south of us but you know what if one here's also

a problem it's not consistent yet it is still in beta completely understand that

but look we will go to the Creator studio it goes back to the old layout so

they haven't really mapped everything yet this is way more poor consumers the

moment the news from youtubers itself and see all this is still old news

however if you would like to try to lose pretty cool I do like the dark mode I

love it having dark mode should have been you know a long time teacher and

YouTube I'm glad it's here now let me know what you would like to see change

to when it comes out of data over for thanks for watching have a great day

For more infomation >> Full Review of the New Youtube Dark Mode 2017 - Duration: 3:11.


Grand Theft Auto Vice City News | Massacre In Malibu Clup - Duration: 1:13.

Massacre In Malibu Clup

Caught On Camera

For more infomation >> Grand Theft Auto Vice City News | Massacre In Malibu Clup - Duration: 1:13.


The Relation Between the Moon and the Human Mind - Duration: 3:35.

The Relation Between the Moon and the Human Mind

We can all appreciate a night sky lit by a full moon; it�s one of the many earthly,

gorgeous things to see, but that�s not all the moon does.

The big cheese in the sky actually has a major impact on us as a whole and individually.

The moon, the sun, and the stars � such questions arise when talking about these topics,

but with today�s technology, we have lots of answers.

We know that the moon controls the tides of the ocean, but that�s not all our lunar

neighbor does.

According to quantum physics, everything in the universe has an operating frequency.

This includes the sun, stars, and the moon � even us ourselves have an operating frequency.

However, the frequency omitted by the moon has a heavy impact on us.

The moon frequencies affect us in the part of the brain that our emotions, feelings,

and desires are derived from.

Your subconscious is like a treasure chest full of things.

It holds your best memories, feelings, worst nightmares, and jewels of the soul.

The frequencies given off by the moon have the power to rise subconscious thoughts to

our conscious mind.

There is concrete evidence that the moon affects human sleep patterns too.

The evidence was published based on the experiment where 33 adult volunteers (of both sexes)

of different age groups were made to sleep for several nights in a sleep lab.

They found that on the nights closer to moon days, volunteers took an average of five minutes

longer to fall asleep � and they slept 20 minutes less than their usual sleeping hours.

If you think you are affected by the moon�s frequencies you need to be vigilant with your

own vibrations.

Just like the moon, we have an operating frequency.

If you can focus on your own energy points, or chakras, for a certain amount of time you

will start to feel your own vibrations.

Tuning into these vibrations will block out the frequencies of the moon and you should

be able to sleep better, feel less crazy, and have

peace of mind.

For more infomation >> The Relation Between the Moon and the Human Mind - Duration: 3:35.


How Did Sammy Get His Inky Body? Perfect Ritual Theory (Bendy and the Ink Machine Conspiracy Theory) - Duration: 2:33.

- You are currently watching Volume 2 of my theory series on "How Sammy Got His Inky Body"

in Bendy and the Ink Machine.

- If you'd like to catch Volume 1, check out the card that will appear in the top right,

- and if you enjoy horror game theories like this, be sure to subscribe and #TapThatBell

for more, - as there will be more too come!

- In volume one, we covered the possibility that Joey Drew wanted to sacrifice his workers

to bring life to his animations.

In this volume, we will expand on this a bit.

- Volume one hinged mostly on the idea that a human factor came into play for the success

of the rituals.

This volume will ignore that and assume that a perfect ritual took place.

- If this is the case, then each worker's connection to the cartoons can still be considered,

as it makes sense that they would transform into the cartoon that they have to closest

relation to.

- We've mentioned in the past that we would probably see transformations like Joey Drew

becoming Bendy, Susie Campbell becoming Alice Angel and Sammy Lawrence becoming Boris.

- If the rituals were carried out perfectly and everything happened without a problem,

then each of these workers might be encased in animated bodies to act as the 3D cartoons'

internal organs.

This idea arose from the fact that we see Boris the Wolf's corpse with its chest split

open in Chapter One, but Boris appears just fine at the end of chapter two, and these

things happened before and after Sammy was seen in the Music department, respectively.

- It's possible that the "inky prison of a body" that Sammy mentions is just the

state Sammy had to be turned into to be one with the 3D cartoons, and this applies to

all of the workers.

Not only would their souls be part of the cartoons, but so would their hearts, minds

and every other organ you could think of - their whole being would be encased in the toons.

- I cover this in a lot more depth in my "Is Sammy Boris" theory, which you can watch

by tapping the card that appears in the top right, but this basically means that the inky

body is the state that Sammy needs to be in for the rituals to work properly, and it might

be the state that all of the workers have to be in for their transformations to be successful,


- Given how uncomfortable Sammy was, it's no wonder that Ink Bendy goes on such a rampage.

Maybe it's really Joey Drew doing his best to escape from HIS inky prison?

If so, why would Sammy treat him with more respect than just that which you would offer

to a boss?

Perhaps there is more to this than we originally thought!

- On top of this, why would Joey Drew, in the form of Bendy

go out of his way to crush Sammy in this vulnerable form?

[Sammy screaming and Bendy sighing]

- What do you think?

- Remember to subscribe and #TapThatBell for more interesting horror game theories

- If you enjoy horror game theories, be sure to check the description for a link to all

of the theories and secrets, and - Prodigies, I really hope that these theories

help you to expand on how you think so it can help you with how you go about your thinking

in your daily lives.


For more infomation >> How Did Sammy Get His Inky Body? Perfect Ritual Theory (Bendy and the Ink Machine Conspiracy Theory) - Duration: 2:33.


Juventus - Real Madrid | PROMO | Doctor Strange | 2016 - 2017 | HD | - Duration: 2:17.

Doctor Strange

You think you know how the world works

What if I told you

That reality you know is one of many?

This doesn't make any sense

Not everything does

Not everything has to

Through the mystic arts

We harness energy

And shape reality

We travel great distances

In a instant

How do I get from here to there?

How did you become a doctor?

Study and practice, years of it

What the hell..

There's a strenght to him

But is ready?

Be careful which path you travel down, Strange

Stronger man than you have lost their way

I am death

And pain

You'll die protecting this world

I can't do this

And there is no other way

I've spent so many years

Peering through time


For you

For more infomation >> Juventus - Real Madrid | PROMO | Doctor Strange | 2016 - 2017 | HD | - Duration: 2:17.


Introducing myself - Duration: 3:06.

hi i'm Danah Alqahtani

And this is my first youtube video

and today i'll be introducing myself to you

Oh and here's a warning

Sometimes i'll be talking english and arabic together

Because i live in americia

First thing my Name is Danah Alqahtani

second thing i'm 11

Third thing I live in America

Fourth thing currently I'm in a public school

But next year I'll be in King Abdallah Acadamy

Fifth thing I have long hair

sixth thing i wrote my name in arabic today at school

And everyone asked me about it

Seventh thing i have lots of friends

eighth thing I LOVE perfumes

Ninth thing this si my outfit of the day

Tenth thing i love to play uno

eleventh thing its Ramadan so I'm fasting

Oh I have this Egyptian boy in class

His name is Yahia

I swear he is so annoying

One day i literally almost slapped him

okay this si the end of the video

The next video will be what's in my bag

Comment what videos you want to see in the future

comment down below

what's your favorite soccer team

I'm hilal

If you like the hilal like the video

By the way Nasser is trash

And hilal won every game with nasser

Maybe in the past nasser won on hilal

but that was in the past were in the present

Yasser peace out

For more infomation >> Introducing myself - Duration: 3:06.


Child of Rage (1990) A Story of Abuse - Full Documentary [True Story] Subtitles - Duration: 27:29.


I wanna kill you, I wanna kill you, mommy, I wanna kill you!

CHILD OF RAGE A Story of Abuse

Are people afraid of you, Beth?

- Who's afraid of you, Beth? - John.

Your brother. And why is your brother afraid of you?

- Because I hurt him so much. - Okay.

And what... at night time, what do your parents do to your door?

- Lock it shut. - Why did they lock it shut?

Because they don't want me to hurt John.

Right. And they're kind of afraid of... of hurting John.

Are you hurting John?

Okay. Are they afraid you might hurt them?

- Yup. - Would you, Beth?

When would you do it?

- Night time. - Okay. Why would you do at night time?

Because I don't like them seeing me do it, but they can feel me do it.

And what would you do to them, Beth?

- Stab them. - Okay. What would you stab on them?

A knife.

The program you are about to see was compiled

from the actual therapy tapes of Dr. Ken Magid,

a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of severely abused children

- children so traumatized in the first years of life

that they do not bond with other people.

They are children who cannot love or accept love

- children without conscience who can hurt or even kill without remorse.

This film shows the devastating effects of abuse on a child.

It also shows that victims can be helped.

It is the story of a six-and-a-half year old girl named Beth.

Do you ever stick pins in people?

- Who? - My brother.

- Okay. Do you do it a little bit or a lot? - A lot.

Okay. And what are you trying to do to your brother?

- Kill him. - Why do you want your brother to die?

Because I was hurt so bad and I don't want to be around people.

Okay. Who else would you like to stick pins into?

- Mommy and daddy. - What would you like to have happened to them?


Tim is the minister of a small Methodist church in the south.

He and his wife Julie had been married for twelve years.

Unable to have children of their own, they decided to adopt.

In February of 1984, they received a call from the Department of Social Services

telling them they had two children available for adoption.

They were told that Beth, 19 months old, and her brother Jonathan, 7 months old,

were normal and healthy.

We did not need children to make our lives complete.

We've got security in ourselves and security in our relationship, but we

wanted to share that with somebody else, and we felt like we had a lot to pass on

to a child, and that was what we really wanted to do and when the phone call came,

it was like, "At last it's here!"

And we think like a miracle what happened, was so quick.

We'd heard of couples that had to wait 5, 10 years on... on a child,

and here we had two young children, and it was like they answered to our dream.

Their dream became a nightmare when they realized that Beth and Jonathan had

severe emotional problems.

We had the kids with us... Beth and her younger

brother John for... probably a couple of months until we began to learn something

about their background and their past, and when we learned it... something's

seemed to fall into place about her behavior and John's behavior...

From several sources, we discovered that... that they didn't have enough food to eat...

that perhaps even Beth went all day maybe with just a box of kix cereal.

John himself was found in a bassinet with whole patches appearing

all over him and a dirty diaper and a couple of bottles at his feet.

They had curdled milk and the back of his head was completely flat.

The front of his head, it balds down and he, at seven months,

he couldn't raise his head, he couldn't roll over.

He was... just had no stimulation and... we think

perhaps that it happened to Beth and it wasn't very long until

she began showing some signs

of perhaps... even some abuse. There was a nightmare that she had.

The nightmare was about... a man

who was falling on her and... hurting her with a part of himself.

Tell me about your birth father, what was that nightmare like?

- When he touched my vagina. - Okay.

And so it bled, hurt it a lot and so it bled

and... would pain me a lot,

he'd hit on me, wouldn't be very nice to me.

- How old were you? - One.

- And, in your nightmare, what happens? - I get real scared.

Where are you in the nightmare and what happens in the dream?

- I'm in the house, upstairs. - And then what happens there?

When he comes upstairs and... hurts me.

How do you feel when you talk about this?

- Scared. - Where is your birth... where is your

birth father? What's he doing? - He's right there and there's his hand,

his hand's right there. - Where? - Right there. He can't hold it to you

because it's green. - What's it touching? - My vaginas.

- And what is your birth father doing? - Hurtin' it.

Your face looks... sad. Can you you tell me about that?

Beth's crying, that's... that's... that's all the tears.

Beth had endured severe neglect and abuse as a child.

Her birth mother died when she was one.

Because of this early childhood experiences,

Beth never developed the sense of conscience,

love, or trust for anyone.

The earliest sexual abuse by her birth father

would cause her to exhibit inappropriate sexual behavior

especially toward her brother.

Does your brother have private parts?


- Yeah, what are his private parts? - Penis and butt.

And what do you do with your brother? With his private parts, Beth.

- I hurt it. - Tell me about it, what do you do?

Well... I pinch it...

Squeeze it... kick it.

When you do things to your brother's private parts, what does he say?

- Stop. - Can you tell me about that?

- Well, he says stop but I don't stop. - Do you hurt him?

A lot.

Okay. And, would you like to do that to other boys?

When I caught her with Jonathan one morning she was molesting him,

He was crying and his pants were down and I said, "Beth, what's happening?",

and she said, "I pulled his penis and put my finger up his anus",

and I said, "Didn't he say to stop?", and she said, "Yeah, he did".

And I said, "Did you?", she said, "No".

Have you ever rubbed your private parts?

- Do you do it a lot? - A lot.

How much do you do that?

Not every single day... and I did...

I did it every single day until it got real bad and

I stopped and I had to get to the doctor and I did not like it.

What do you mean by real bad?

Well, it looked real raw... got all kinds of bruises on it

germs, dirty stuff from my hand... - And it bled?

She started to masturbate in inappropriate times.

I remember one time perfectly,

when we were at the hospital waiting for Tim to come out, he was there visiting

and Beth and John were in the backseat not turned around and she had her

legs spread and was masturbating in a public parking lot,

and I had tried to explain to her numerous times before that that's private area,

you don't do it in public places, and...

gone over that with her and it never seemed to face her.


Julie, how often would your daughter masturbate?

Daily. Constantly.

- Do you have animals, Beth? - Four of them.

Can you tell me their names?

Clyde, Chucky, Tarsi and Annie.

And daddy said... a day ago,

that... there's also a stray cat.

He did not have a home so daddy is... was taking care of it

and took it to the vet when he can start running and like to get

- And, what do you do to the animals, Beth? - Stick them with pins.

- Do you stick 'em a little bit or a lot? - A lot.

What are you trying to do to the animals, Beth?

- Kill them. - What do they do when you stick them with the pins?

Well, Annie cries... she's a dog.

She got baby birds down out of the nest.

We thought maybe she was just curious.

So we explained that she could hurt them... put them back.

And went through a whole sitting down and talking to her about the problem of it.

And the next day we went out to check the baby birds and they were

on the ground dead with their necks broken.

Let's talk about what happened once when you were smaller,

when you... when you found some baby birds in a... in a tree.

- What did you do to them? - I took them out.

And what did mom say to you?

That the mother would not come back

if somebody touches her babies.

Are the baby birds kind of small?

Can you describe them for me?

Well, they don't have their eyes open

but they can hear... hear me and they would go up.

Are they kinda helpless, little baby birds?

- Can they fly? - No.

Can they run away?

- Yes. - They can? Are they easy to catch or hard to catch?

- Hard. - Yeah, well it's hard to remember.

- With the baby birds, what did you do? - Took them out of the tree.

- And what did you do? - Played around too rough.

I saw one at the end, I picked it up,

and I thought it was dead and I came to say

"Mommy, is this bird dead?"

and she said... she called daddy

and said "Tim", and...

and daddy came and...

I think I remember that they said yes.

And so... so did the little baby birds die?

I don't know.

- You don't remember? - I just remember, the last thing

I remember that mommy and daddy said the last bird we got was dead.

Do you know what mom said to me? She said that all of them were dead.

Did you squeeze 'em? Did baby Beth squeeze them?

You're doing a good job, honey, go ahead and tell me what happened.

- I squeezed them. - And what happened?

They died.

And this kind of aggression in our animals and even at her brother Jonathan

was beginning to grow to such an excess

that our life was miserable at home;

we had, John would cry in the mornings

and said his stomach hurt, we, for the longest time, we thought

maybe this child has... has some problem with his intestinal area

or maybe has allergies and so we'd try to get all of that checked out.

Come to find out Beth was coming out of her room and hitting him in the stomach.

And so as a last resort, just to protect him, we had to tie her door shut.

So I guess for, what... the last three or four months now,

we've had to tie her in at night, sort of barricade her.

The repercussions of Beth's tragic childhood

led to uncontrollable rage,

despite the love and nurturing of her adoptive parents,

she took this rage out on herself, on her brother and on them.

Her acts of violence became more and more cruel and frightening.

Well, I noticed several like pair of knives in the kitchen missing,

and my first thought was Beth

and I felt a little guilty about it at first,

but... I really didn't even mention it to her

and it'd been gone several weeks.

She was sitting at the table, drawing and mentioned to me,

"What are those knives look like, that are gone, mom?".

And I said, "What knives, Beth?", and uhm,

she said, "Weren't they kind of silver and about this big?".

And... I knew the end, and this little smile,

that's not a sweet smile but a malicious type of smile,

and I knew then, I thought she's got them.

Tell me about the knives, where did you get them?

From the drawer.

And, where else?

Do you remember? Tell me about it.

- I got them from the dishwasher. - What kind of knives?

- Big, sharp ones. - And what do you wanna do with those knives?

Kill John and mommy with them, and daddy.

And when mommy asks you about where the knives are, what do you say?

I don't know where they are.

What did you think she might do with the knives?

My first thought was Jonathan.

And the reason we thought that was that... she had,

by this time, she had tried to kill Jonathan on several occasions

and openly admitted that.

In the basement, she was hitting his head against the cement floor,

I heard screams and ran down

and had to literally pull her hands off and she looked wide-eyed.

Did you get real mad at him? Did you hit his head real hard?

Tell me about it. How many times did you do it? A lot?

What was the floor like?

- Cement. - And what happened to your brother, tell me about it.

His head hurt real bad,

but his chin, he had to have stitches in it.

Could you stop?

- Use your words Beth. - No.

Okay. What was your brother doing when you were doing this?

Playing with the toys.

Okay. Was he asking you to stop when you... when you were doing it?

What was he saying?

He said, "Beth, stop!"

And what did you do?

I didn't stop. I just kept on hurting him.

What were you thinking when you were doing that?

Thinking of killing him.

How did you stop?

What made you stop?

When I heard people walking across the kitchen.

That made me stop because I thought mommy and daddy would come.

Okay. Did mommy come? What did she do?

- She sent me to my room. - Okay.

And what if mommy didn't stop you, what would you have done?

Kept on doing it.

After evaluating the status of Beth's psychological problems,

Dr. Magid felt that for the well being of the family,

Beth needed to be temporarily separated from them.

In April of 1989, her parents brought her

to a special home with an expert at raising children

with early attachment disorders,

especially children who were dangerous to themselves and others.

I have children that have killed numerous times.

Cold blooded family members, neighbor, children, killed them.

And they can do it.

Makes my blood run cold just to think about it! 9 years old.

People don't think a 9-year-old is capable of cold-blooded murder but they are.

That attachment break that severe damaged to the heart,

the ability to care and the ability to love.

They don't care and they don't love, their capable of anything.

We're very strict, very strict about everything.

Everything is completely monitored. We take complete control,

because a child who's unattached does not trust.

And because they don't trust, they don't allow anybody to be boss of them.

So we take complete control, they are not boss of anything.

They have to ask to get a drink of water,

they have to ask to go to the bathroom,

they have to ask to leave our sight.

Part of that is because we cannot trust them,

because of the damage that they've done before.

Beth, would you like to say grace, please?

Heavenly Father, thank You for this good day and

everybody doing good. In Jesus name, Amen.

They believe that they are evil. They believe they're from the devil.

They believe that they are not a person of value. We have to change that.

We have to build that from a child who's nothing,

who's a bad kid in their own mind,

to a child who's valuable and loving

and they see themselves as that.

When they do it sure well, we can say,

"You did a good job! You're a good worker",

and then, it just builds a self-esteem little by little

so that they change the way that they see themselves.

Several months into treatment in this controlled environment,

Beth had made progress

and her therapist decided to loosen some of the controls.

Anybody wants some more?

Beth continued to show signs of improvement.

She began to develop a sense of right and wrong.

She seemed to respond to affection, she's more outgoing.

She went to public school.

Made friends of a local church, and even sang in the choir.

- Are you gonna go into summer school next month? - Yeah.

That's Elijah?

Yeah. That's a beard, see his beard, and his nose, that is.

- Quite big. - Yeah. See his beard, it's kinda floating in the wind...

Elijah's taken up in the heaven with the fiery chariot.

who that's... that's where that's Elisha,

that's the other prophet took Elijah's place. He was left there's Elijah.

You know, you learned about sheep, "the Lord is my shepherd."

March third you just got that yesterday.

In the beginning, we couldn't trust her with anything.

She was locked up at night. We had alarms on the door at night,

so she wasn't sneaking around doing things with the other children.

We don't worry about that anymore. There is no alarm on her door at night now.

She sleeps in the same room with my own daughter and I trust her that much.

She brushes the dogs and I trust her that much.

Because she has earned that trust,

she's learned that she has a heart and she has a loving side

and she feels bad when she does something now.

In the past, because she didn't have a conscience,

she didn't feel anything when she did something bad.

There was just no feeling there.

And now she does feel bad, and it shows in her face.

I believe that Beth can make it.

She's got a really bright mind.

She's got a good heart now, which has done a lot of healing.

She's got a really super set of parents.

They're powerful, they're knowledgeable, they're motivated.

She's done a lot of good work with you in therapy, with Kennel and with myself,

she wants to heal.

And that's the number one key

and she wants to heal because she has a family that really cares about her,

and she wants to be with them.

Do you know where that anger came from?

That's when my birth dad... hurt me and

I had it all inside and I remembered it and I started doing it.

And, what did that do? That what's inside.

It made me want to hurt people really bad.

And, who did you hurt?

My brother, my mom and daddy, and the animals.

- And the animals. - Who did you hurt the most?

- My brother. - Who did it hurt the most? - Me.

Why don't you tell me that?

- It hurt me the most. - Why did it hurt you the most?

Because when I hurt other people...

I'm hurting my... good self.

How do you feel right now, Beth?


- It's kinda tough to talk about it, isn't it... - Yes...

Beth gave her last interview for this film in December of 1989.

Although she had made progress, she would still need extensive therapy.

Not all abused children are as deeply scarred as Beth,

but all abused children

suffer a profound hurt for the rest of their lives.

The road to recovery is long and hard for the abused child.

There are more than one million new victims of child abuse

in America every year.

For more infomation >> Child of Rage (1990) A Story of Abuse - Full Documentary [True Story] Subtitles - Duration: 27:29.


¿ REALMENTE CUÁL ES EL PODER INTERNO DEL SSJ DIOS ? Explicación Completa - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> ¿ REALMENTE CUÁL ES EL PODER INTERNO DEL SSJ DIOS ? Explicación Completa - Duration: 10:23.


Simon Kinder Grad '17 - Duration: 3:53.

My name is Simon.I am six years old and I'm in Sirius

My favorite work is the dot game with multiplication.

I like seeing my friends and teachers at school.

My favorite part of the day is the afternoon.

I will miss our teachers mostly and our works and Ms. Grace and Virginia teaching me lessons

I remember when Ms. Howard taught me how to put the napkins on the right side at lunch time.

I feel happy, excited and a little sad and worried about first grade.

I am gonna feel really happy to meet new Elementary friends.

For more infomation >> Simon Kinder Grad '17 - Duration: 3:53.


Still waiting for Obama to be quiet - politics - Duration: 5:33.

Still waiting for Obama to be quiet

Those who idolize former President Barack Obama believe he is everything President Trump

is not.

He has a thoughtful manner, and was not just professorial in lecturing the public but was

indeed a former professor.

Even Trump's most fervent supporters would not suggest their man has a professorial and

learned demeanor.

Indeed, he is liked in part because he lacks those qualities, coming across as ready to

brush aside those academic niceties and get down to action.

Obama also famously disdains drama � one of his nicknames was No Drama Obama � whereas

his successor seems to thrive on it.

Comedians found Obama difficult to mock, but late-night comedy can't get enough of Trump.

(This says as much about celebrity politics, of course.

Celebrities flocked to Obama, and even pledged allegiance to him, yet now pride themselves

on being part of the self-aggrandized #Resistance to Trump.)

In short, Obama was cool.

Trump is not.

This difference has, however, led to a big mistake in assessing Obama.

Because of his cool, his professorial demeanor, and his thoughtful air, supporters ascribe

to Obama an enduring streak of propriety.

They think him innocent of arrogance and self-regard, qualities for which they detest Trump.

But Obama's demeanor is a camouflage for an ego and a demand for attention every bit as

overweening as Trump's.

Throughout his presidency and since, Obama displayed his own gaucherie.

An early example was in 2009 when Democrats feared they faced another 1994-style wave

election � they did indeed � because of the deeply unpopular healthcare law they were

foisting on the country.

"Well," said Obama smugly, apparently to calm their nerves, "the big difference here and

in '94 was you've got me."

His presence, he claimed, would stop the rising tide of Republican support.

Trump could not have said anything more arrogant.

And, as history recalls, Obama couldn't stop the ride of GOP votes any more than he could

fulfill his messianic claim of stopping sea levels from rising.

But there are far more recent examples of Obama massive self-regard, and his belief

that decorum and tradition don't apply to him.

Last week, he essentially trolled Trump during the president's first official trip abroad.

When Trump was with NATO leaders in Brussels, Obama made his own visit to Germany, there

to be feted by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

His invitation to this event to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

had been delivered a year earlier, but he accepted the invitation only a month ago,

in full knowledge that he would be coinciding with Trump's own visit with Merkel, which

could be expected to be less cordial.

It is impossible to believe anything other than that Obama accepted with the express

purpose of creating a contrast that would put Trump at a disadvantage.

This is not what a genuinely decorous former president does.

To no one's surprise, Obama's choice to make this trip encourage comparisons by news media

whose darling he is.

They gleefully portrayed him as upstaging a sitting president.

As if to make plain his animus toward his successor, Obama took swipes at Trump saying,

for example, Americans "can't hide behind a wall" in order to isolate themselves from

the world's problems.

Obama helped Merkel, who is in the midst of an election campaign, as she suggested to

an anti-American German electorate that the country and Europe could no longer rely on

the United States.

(It should be remembered, however, that she said much the same thing when Obama was president,

so the truth, if not her intentions, are doubtful).

But she decided that it would help her to campaign against Trump, and Obama lent her

a hand.

It was at a campaign rally, after all, that she said, "we Europeans must really take our

destiny into our own hands."

Trump's approach to Europe is controversial.

He has taken a hard line with allies in pressing them to pay their agreed share of NATO costs.

Obama has the same legal right as any American to criticize his president, but as a former

president he has a higher responsibility to let his successor govern, and to help him

succeed if he can.

He should certainly not be preening and burnishing his reputation using the current president

has his foil.

It is a cheap, unbecoming and tawdry way to behave.

President George W. Bush waited years before commenting on Obama's presidency, explaining

in 2009 that his successor "deserves my silence."

And when he did break that silence, Bush didn't do it while parading with foreign leaders.

Professor Obama sometimes referred to events as "teaching moments."

This is another one.

It is to be hoped that he learns to get off the stage � he's had his time � and to


a more dignified silence.

For more infomation >> Still waiting for Obama to be quiet - politics - Duration: 5:33.


World Tour: USA West Side Road Trip 2016 - Duration: 6:13.

It is the end of this trip, it was amazing, with an awesome person

good moments

even if in USA it is not like we see on movies or series

It was wonderful

See you soon for another video, for another adventure.

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