Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017


In Megyn Kelly�s much anticipated interview with Vladimir Putin for her debut episode

of NBC�s �Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly�, the Russian President said he never met Donald

Trump during his business trips to Russia (including Trump�s 2013 visit to Moscow

for the Miss Universe pageant), stated that he was unaware of any proposal from Jared

Kushner to set up an alleged �secret line� of communications between the Trump administration

and the Russian government, and that it�s �nonsense� to say Russia has collected

compromising material about Trump among many other topics covered in the 7 minute interview

(see below).

�I am not aware of such a proposal,� Putin said referring to Kushner�s alleged proposal.

�No such proposal ever reached me.� Putin said many CEOs of major U.S. companies visit

Russia and then asked rhetorically, �do you think we�re gathering dirt on all of

them right now or something?� Putin asked, before saying: �Have you all lost your mind?�

While previously the NYT and WaPo reported that Kushner discussed the idea of creating

a secret channel to discuss the crisis in Syria, with Russian ambassador to the U.S.

Sergey Kislyak in December, the line was never established, according to a source cited by


A secret line with Russia � which H.R. McMaster said is a normal thing in diplomatic relations

with international counterparties � could have allowed the Trump transition team and

Russian officials to communicate outside of the scrutiny of the departing Obama administration.

It�s become a centerpiece of the questions swirling around Trump and his campaign and

possible ties to Russia.

Putin also said that his nation had no channels of communication with the campaigns of either

Trump or Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but that there may have been official contacts,

which he called a �standard diplomatic practice.�

Putin also said he�d never met Trump, including during a visit by Trump to Moscow for the

2013 Miss Universe pageant, and called the existence of a secret Russian dossier on Trump

�just another piece of nonsense.� �There was no relationship whatsoever.

Yes, he visited Moscow in his day.

But, you know, I never met him,� Putin says, according to transcript.

Putin also said that he�s not aware of any meetings between Kislyak and officials from

the Trump campaign, and that he doesn�t talk to Russian ambassadors every day.

He called the allegations �domestic political squabbles� and a line of attack against


�Well, this is just another load of nonsense,� Putin said in response to a question about

Kislyak meeting Trump campaign officials.

�Because if there had been something meaningful, he would have made a report to the minister,

and the minister would have made a report to me.

There weren�t even any reports� the Russian president said cited by Bloomberg.

And despite saying there had been no reports, Putin volunteered that �there was not even

a specific discussion of sanctions or something else.� In a discussion moderated by Kelly

on Friday, Putin said it was �nuts� to suggest the Trump administration had moved

to ease economic sanctions on Russia.

Additionally, as previewed earlier in the day by Reuters, Putin also said that he barely

interacted with Michael Flynn, Trump�s former national security adviser, during a dinner

in Moscow in 2015 when the pair were seated together.

Flynn, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and former director of the Defense Intelligence

Agency, was paid $45,000 to speak at the anniversary gala for the Russia Today television network.

�You and I personally have a much closer relationship than I had with Mr Flynn�.

When I came to the event for our for our company, Russia Today, and sat down at the table, next

to me there was a gentleman sitting on one side.

I made my speech.

Then we talked about some other stuff.

And I got up and left� afterwards I was told, �You know there was an American gentleman,

he was involved in some things.

He used to be in the security services.� �.That�s the extent of my acquaintance

with Mr Flynn.� As a reminder, the payments Flynn received from RT, and his appearance

next to Putin at the dinner, have been raised frequently amid speculation about his relationship

with the Kremlin.

Asked whether all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies that concluded Russia interfered with the

election are lying, Putin said �they have been misled� and said he has not seen �any

direct proof of Russia�s interference.� �What fingerprints or hoot-prints or horn-prints,

what are you talking about,� he said.

Putin even suggested that former President Barack Obama �started having doubts� when

they spoke about it.

The pair met on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Peru in November, weeks after Trump�s

upset election win.

The Russian president accused the U.S. of �actively interfering in electoral campaigns

of other countries� while denying that Russia has any motive to do so.

�Even if we wanted to, it wouldn�t make any sense for us to interfere,� Putin said.

Meanwhile, Putin accused the US of doing precisely what Russia has been charged with doing in

the US: �Put your finger anywhere on a map of the world, and everywhere you will hear

complaints that American officials are interfering in internal electoral processes,� he said,

adding that �every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

But, I repeat, we don�t even have to do that.

Presidents come and go, and even the parties in power change, but the main political direction

does not change.� Putin claimed that Russia has a preference

in an election but only reacts to the �political direction� that the United States seems

to be heading in.

�It wouldn�t make sense for us to interfere,� he said.

But the most notable highlight of the interview was Putin�s tongue in cheek hint that the

Deep State � the same entity that may have been behind the Kennedy assassination according

to the Russian president � is now behind the attempt to topple Trump and the ongoing

push to sour ties with Russia: �There is a theory that Kennedy�s assassination

was arranged by the United States intelligence services.

So if this theory is correct, and that can�t be ruled out, then what could be easier in

this day and age than using all the technical means at the disposal of the intelligence

services and using those means to organize some attacks, and then pointing the finger

at Russia.�

For more infomation >> PUTIN HINTS JFK WAS MURDERED BY THE DEEP STATE WHICH IS NOW - Duration: 8:05.


Пьяный Максим Галкин обратился к фанатам Ольги Бузовой (11.06.2017) - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Пьяный Максим Галкин обратился к фанатам Ольги Бузовой (11.06.2017) - Duration: 2:08.


6 Of The Creepiest Videos On You Tube - Duration: 14:42.

From a cat that collects human body parts to a

disturbing cookery doll. Today on Facts Base we

look at 6 of the creepiest videos on you tube. This video is called The Cat With Hands.

This creepy short film was animated, directed and uploaded

by a British man named Robert Morgan and was

made in 2001. This creepy tale is supposedly about

A cat that becomes a human. It starts with a creepy

aging man and his friend at a well, as the old man

starts to tell the old tale of a cat with hands from

years ago that took a boy�s face and then his body,

What the aging man didn�t know is that cat from the

tale from years gone by that ate and transformed into

the boy is actually the friend stood with him much

to his unexpecting horror and the cat turned human

now is only missing a tongue

to be complete.

This next video is extremely odd, I mean who puts

on a mask that already stuffed with bananas,

then In the end of each of the banana there�s a

firecracker, the man then then ignites them so

they then explode one by one and stands there calmly as each one explodes. After a little


the man�s name Is William Lamson who is based in

Brooklyn and is involved with the art scene, The video

is said to be related in some way as to represent the

pitfalls of corporate farming practices and is said to

have originally come from a video titled� Think

Globally -Act Locally�. The video just continues of

very much the same thing.

Two Horses. This is one odd video that�s for sure,

all I can sort of piece together Is that the two horses

is a place in Montreal where one is a tattooist with a

hair salon, Its founders are Jessi Preston & Sara-Isobel Mulder,

It was never going to be a normal Video as it

was directed by Doug Garth Williams who is the man who

Directed the Little Baby�s Ice Cream video, you know the

one where that thing starts to eat away at its own head.

This video is called Cooking Idol And it is extremely weird,

even known to be labelled as disturbing, this Is due the

very odd way the doll moves seemly covered in tomatoes

or more like blood especially as this dolls antic become

increasingly possessed like as the video goes on.

The dolls Name is Noroi Chan and has what Looks like a

cut open stomach with another doll nearby with the

head caved in as the doll waves a knife about for fun.

The video was uploaded by nana825763 in 2010.

This one is called Dog of Man Is this one extremely messed

up or does It just seem that way? It is a short film By

David Firth and was uploaded in 2008. There seem

varied explanations as to what It means, some say

it is just a messed-up video and it is nothing more

than fucked up, it is also said that there is a sad

story behind This video. The buds on his plant near the beginning that have died are supposed

to be his friends or he just could not grow them,

his dog then guides him to find something that

he can grow for himself on himself although they

are some rather odd choices, he then becomes ill

and his dog comes to the rescue in a rather odd way,

have a look and decide for yourself.

This video was uploaded to You Tube In 2014. The video starts off as just a normal video,

in this case

it was a make-up tutorial with the seemingly happy-go-lucky

girl filming away making her Video, soon after

the video is underway It becomes a bit glitchy and dark room appears on the left with the


pausing a little, she then carries on and the dark s

creen comes back again, she then Freezes and she

becomes possessed smashing her own head


For more infomation >> 6 Of The Creepiest Videos On You Tube - Duration: 14:42.


Клубничный конфитюр - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Клубничный конфитюр - Duration: 4:49.


Colors and cars to learn with Messi Vs Ronaldo 2017 - educational video for children - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Colors and cars to learn with Messi Vs Ronaldo 2017 - educational video for children - Duration: 3:06.


The Rules of Slamball (Trampoline Basketball) - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:39.

Ninh explains - The Rules of Slamball The object of the game is for your team to

score more points than the opposing team.

Slamball is a variation of the game of basketball that is played with trampolines or springbeds

built into the floor.

Slamball is played with two teams of 8 players, with 4 players on the court at any one time.

Teams usually consist of one stopper – who is responsible for guarding their own net.

A handler who moves the ball up the court and two gunners who are the high flyers who

score the points.

Once someone has won possession of the ball, they have up to 20 seconds (or 15 seconds

in some games) to shoot the ball towards the opponent's basket.

Failure to shoot the ball within this time results in a shot clock violation, and the

other team is awarded possession of the ball.

The baskets are 10 feet above the ground on a court that's generally about 97ft long

by 57ft wide with trampolines built into the floor.

To move the ball up the court, you can either pass the ball to a teammate … or dribble

the ball, where you bounce the ball up and down repeatedly whilst in motion.

To score points, a player must shoot the ball into the opponents' basket.

You get two points for any shots scored within this arc.

If a player scores from a shot outside this arc, this scores three points.

And if you dunk the ball, where you forcibly put the ball into the net like so, this also

scores three points.

With the addition of the trampolines, this makes dunking a lot easier and there are many

gravity defying scoring plays.

The opposing team will try and take the ball off you by either blocking shots, rebounding

missed shots, or by stealing the ball away from an opposing player so that they can score


The game is played in 4 x 5 minute quarters for a total playing time of 20 minutes.

The highest score at the end of time wins.

There are no ties in Slamball, so if the scores are tied at the end of regulation, overtime

periods will be played to determine the winner.

If you understand Basketball, Slamball is an easy game to grasp, but there's a few

other things you need to know before playing or watching Slamball.

For example.

Substitution – Unlike Basketball, there are unlimited substitutions that can be made

at any time, on the fly, at the designated substitution area.

Reset – once you enter the trampoline area with the ball, you cannot leave and then carry

on dribbling.

One way to get around this is to use the barriers to pass the ball to yourself, which is perfectly

legal in Slamball, but illegal in Basketball.

This is known as a reset.

Three in the island – very similar to basketball, a player cannot stay in the islands, which

is this section between the trampolines, for more than three seconds with or without the


Stay more than three seconds and the ball is awarded to the other team.

Defending – a defender may use the springbed directly below the basket to try and stop

the ball from going in.

He is allowed to make contact with the arm or hand so long as he is trying to get the


Any contact with the opponent's torso results in a foul.

Popcorn – this is where a player intentionally disrupts the bounce of another player on the


Doing so results in a foul.

Fouls – In Slamball, contact is allowed.

But take it too far and fouls will be awarded against you.

Illegal bodily contact that forcibly prevents a player from scoring results in a foul, and

once a player commits 3 personal fouls, he is fouled out and can no longer participate

in the game.

Faceoff – there are no free throws in Slamball, so if you commit a foul whilst the player

is shooting, a faceoff will be given.

This is a one on one contest between you and their stopper only, and you get given the

chance to try and score one on one.

There are many other rules not discussed here, so be sure to watch a few games to learn more.

And I f you're still not sure, it might be worthwhile checking out my Rules of Basketball

video to get a solid grounding of the rules.

If you have found this video at all helpful, please like, share and subscribe - It takes

me ages to make one of these videos and good karma is very much appreciated.

Follow me on Twitter also, and if you're on Reddit, please post this video and discuss

it there.

But in the meantime, enjoy Slamball!

Oh yeah!

Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK

For more infomation >> The Rules of Slamball (Trampoline Basketball) - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:39.


One Tape, One Desi(i)gner, One NEMEZIZ – adidas CL Week 2017 - Duration: 4:56.

Hi guys, I am Stefan and I am pleased that you are with me! Welcome from London to the adidas

Champions-League Week 2017. First of all we will check out the Adidas NEMEZIZ event. Let´s go!

We tried to look further than the context of football. We wanted to take an "Outside of the box"-look and

to get inspired by the meaning and significance of "agility".

We watched boxing for example, a sport which requires an agile and fleet-footed movement of yourself.

The same applies to dancers or ballerinas or even martial arts, which require a high level of reflex ability.

The adidas NEMEZIZ event in London was a genuine success including exclusive meetings with

professional soccer players, designer interviews and spectacular artist performance!

After a 4-hour bus trip we arrived in Cardiff and now we want to put the kingly crown on the top of this

Champions-League Week like it is deserved with the final here in Cardiff

between the spanish and the italian Champion:

Juventus Turin against Real Madrid, let´s go!

The halftime result is 1:1 and my voice is close to a substitution, but the game is fast and very exciting!

I think that both teams have the chance to win this match. Ronaldo scored, Mandzukic as well,

Let´s see who will decide this final in the second half!

The spanish champion decided the final with 4:1, clearly in the end.

All in all Real Madrid deserved it, because they invested much more in the second half than Juventus Turin.

So much for that about the Champions-League Week from London and Cardiff.

I hope you could experience a lot of emotions while watching and you liked it.

If yes, feel free to give us thumbs up and subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

See you guys, until the next video. Stay sporty and ciaociao!

For more infomation >> One Tape, One Desi(i)gner, One NEMEZIZ – adidas CL Week 2017 - Duration: 4:56.


Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl ft. Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Robby Burke x Notorious CHRIS Bootleg) - Duration: 2:57.

Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl ft. Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Robby Burke x Notorious CHRIS Bootleg)

For more infomation >> Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl ft. Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Robby Burke x Notorious CHRIS Bootleg) - Duration: 2:57.


The Eaters Of Light - Next Time Trailer - Doctor Who: Series 10 - BBC - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> The Eaters Of Light - Next Time Trailer - Doctor Who: Series 10 - BBC - Duration: 0:36.


Press Slime - Most SATISFYING Video ASMR - SoSatisfying - Duration: 18:16.

Press Slime



For more infomation >> Press Slime - Most SATISFYING Video ASMR - SoSatisfying - Duration: 18:16.


Hostal Casa Vacanze da Andrea in Formentera - Duration: 3:48.


Casa Vacanze da Andrea

Offers accommodation in Formentera

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Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Ses Platgetes, La Savina, Es Pujols or Raco de s'Alga,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Casa Vacanze da Andrea in Formentera - Duration: 3:48.


Astbury Apartments Apartment Ses Basses in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Astbury Apartments Ses Basses

Offers accommodation in Formentera

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Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Sa Torreta, Ses Canyes, Es Caló d'es Ram or Cala Saona,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Astbury Apartments Apartment Ses Basses in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostel Apartments Portu Saler Formentera - Duration: 3:48.


Apartments Portu Saler

Offers accommodation in Formentera

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Booking at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Còdol Foradat, Ses Canyes, Ses Platgetes or Playa de Levante,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostel Apartments Portu Saler Formentera - Duration: 3:48.


Zwiastun kanłu - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Zwiastun kanłu - Duration: 0:59.


Hostal Casa Vicent Campanitx Es Pujols Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Casa Vicent Campanitx Es Pujols

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like La Savina, Estany des Peix, Cala Codolar or Tramuntana,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Casa Vicent Campanitx Es Pujols Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostel Hostal Bon Sol in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal Bon Sol

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Get more information in

Get your book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Pujols, Migjorn Beach Ses Illetes or Platgetes,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostel Hostal Bon Sol in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal Can Nigg in Formentera - Duration: 4:38.


Can Nigg

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Get more information in

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Cala de Bocs, Migjorn Beach Illetes or Sa Torreta,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Can Nigg in Formentera - Duration: 4:38.


Apartments Can Granada in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Can Granada

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

Booking at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Arenals, Es Caló d'es Morts, La Savina or is Trucadors,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartments Can Granada in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostel la Savina in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal La Savina

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find more information

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like La Savina, Cala En Baster, Es Pujols or Pilar de la Mola,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

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