Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Tow New Mods From Giants Mos Contest The LIZARD ROGEDI Chaff Compactor And The VISINI TETRA Trailer And I'll use the m to make some Silage.

VISINI TETRA Trailer 56.000 Capacity I Expected much higher capacity from that 4 Axle trailer That the reason I choose The Fendt Trisix to pull it

LIZARD ROGEDI Chaff Compactor Simple and functional Negative Spreading the chaff left and right


You can adjust the LIZARD ROGEDI Chaff Compactor With your mouse B KEY to turn on

Set the Follow Me Mod

The Trailer have low capacity for this task and very slow unload I'll use the krampe SB30 60 Tipper 250.000 Capacity to transport the Chaff

OK i fill the Krampre and Now ONe more Visini Trailer

Stuck !!! no problem


I do not unload the trailer yet I'll use it for better compaction

Turn on and set the Silage Compactor

I would like this Compactor push the more Chaff at the front and A little amount left and right

Last touches With JCB Loader


If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Mod Contest LIZARD ROGEDI & VISINI TETRA - Duration: 14:01.


Oddly Satisfying Video #585 (Hnngggg) - Duration: 10:01.

Oddly Satisfying Video #585

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Video #585 (Hnngggg) - Duration: 10:01.



For more infomation >> COMO CONSEGUIR RECARGA GRÁTIS PELO SEU CELULAR - Duration: 1:28.


Baking soda and honey remedy that destroys even the most severe disease - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Baking soda and honey remedy that destroys even the most severe disease - Duration: 1:33.


5 HEART RACING Situations That Occurred In POLICE INTERROGATION Rooms! - Duration: 3:57.

Police interrogation rooms are filled with all types of characters from the innocent

to guilty, you never know how people are going to react when their freedom is on the line.

In this video we take a look at some of the craziest events to occur in police interrogation


Charles Shoulders was arrested on July 4th 2015, the 73 year old man from Louisville Kentucky

called the police to tell them he had killed his wife after shooting her.

Once the police got him to the station and took him into the interrogation room he started

to act up.

He began to destroy objects in the room, urinate on the floor and complained he was cold.

The police claimed he caused 500 dollars' worth of damage, he faced charges of murder, criminal

mischief and terroristic threats.

Alonzo Perez was arrested by north las vegas police in august of 2016 after being accused

of murdering a man outside a McDonalds restaurant because the man wouldn't hold a door open

for a woman.

After being taken into the interrogation room Alonzo waited until he was alone in order

to make his great escape, once he saw the moment of opportunity he broke out of his

hand cuffs and then escaped through the ceiling of the room.

After escaping, Alonzo stole a pickup truck and managed to evade the police.

Alonzo was captured by the police four days later.

A male suspect was arrested in Shenyang, China.

After being taken into the interrogation room for questioning the suspect was told to sit


Officers then approached the man to handcuff him and this is when everything goes south.

The man starts to violently lash out against the officers and manages to overpower them.

He attempts to escape the room but fails.

23-year-old Thomas Robinson was arrested in Westwood, Cincinnati in June of 2016 for the

suspected murder of a 17 year old.

While being handcuffed in the interrogation room Thomas reached for the officer's gun

and then proceeds to shout "kill me" as his struggles with the police.

The police then use a tazer which doesn't seem to affect Thomas, they then continue with

the struggle until Thomas is subdued.

In addition to the murder charge Thomas was also charged with assaulting a police officer

and drug charges as heroin was found in his sock when he was arrested.

Ricardo Alfonso was a Guatemalan Immigrant living in the United States.

On December 19th 2003 he was pulled over for a traffic violation in San Bernardino, California

by Sheriff deputy Michael Parham.

Ricardo attempted to escape by evading the police and later continued the chase on foot,

while trying to escape he shot the Sheriff twice in the abdomen.

He was arrested shortly after but the officers failed to search him thoroughly.

After being taken into the interrogation room Ricardo asked for a bottle of water, he takes

a few sips then retrieves a 45 pistol from his waistband and shoots himself at point

blank range in the head.

You can see the life leave his body as it goes from tense to limp.

Ricardo had been previously convicted of serious crimes and was about to catch his third strike

for the attempted murder of the sheriff therefore he ended his own life so he didn't grow

old and die in prison.

For more infomation >> 5 HEART RACING Situations That Occurred In POLICE INTERROGATION Rooms! - Duration: 3:57.


ENERGY UPDATE Another Timeline Shift! - Duration: 6:08.

ENERGY UPDATE - Another Timeline Shift!

by Anastacia,

Ancient �Family� Shadow sides arising/timeline shift Pt 9

Pt 1 � shared of how on June 5th Ancient �Family� Shadow sides arising with an

Ancient time line shift came through.

With remnants of jealousy, anger, things being �not fair�, or one feeling they are �missing


How this is VERY personal and very deep.

Pt 2 � shared how deep deep grief and sadness arose to release and how this was very Ancient.

Pt 3 � shared of �loneliness� being felt due to this separation of family energies.

Pt 4 � shared how anger then followed after this.

Pt 5 � shared how we are �claiming� a �part� of ourselves.

An Ancient part of ourselves (a shadow part, more on this further.

Pt 6 � shared about not blaming others and claiming ones energy.

How WE are responsible for our energy.

Pt 7 � shared about being aware of distractions and how this can come in many ways and forms.

Be-aware of distraction from someone�s energy from the recent �past�.

Pt 8 � shared of how energetically there was a �closing of a door�.

Finding a balance of forward/future projections and projections from the past.

How the �old no longer �fits�.

(More on this in this post).

How many are impatient and how we needing to �settle this down�.

And now?

We are now currently in the process of, energetically shifting out of an old Family timeline � again!

This is happening energetically spiritually for humanity and I say shifting out of � as

in the human.

(As this will be written about by many that we are in/approaching another time line split/shift.

And then there is the follow on in the human, as that is the part below the top of the iceberg

showing, the layer underneath).

As depending on the nature of the connection between souls of a form of relationship it

can take a little time.

As in, the human �wants� to continue on or still do things with another soul, yet

energetically it is not there (Pt 8) as it was before.

And so there may be some toing and froing until one really feels into what of the old

�no longer works� energetically.

This can be a very �tough� one, especially when two souls are very close.

As each individual needs to follow THEIR OWN VIBRATIONAL Divine Soul and Spirits Journey.

And there can be enmeshment in many ways with souls.

It is a �parting� of ways, of the old�to then have our energy into our own new space�to

then if we feel it is of a positive energy, to re-connect in a new way.

What can happen is those who are in the �old� timeline that we are currently shifting out,

is that they can �react�.

Remember this is another one coming through right now�another one from the 5th of June

as shared in Part 1

They are reacting to you who is no longer able to be in the old timeline energetically.

This can be with two souls in a relationship or a family group relationship.

With the family group energy, this is very complex as to where each soul is �at�.

This is causing some VERY BIG CONFLICT with souls that very recently were close.

Please remember the part about blame in Pt 6:

�Blame is the next part/phase � Not blaming �others� and claiming your energy�

Not all souls are �at� where you are �at��so while one may pick up where another is �at�

energetically and can see and feel another�s energy of what they are needing to heal, one

can overstep and be angry and �blame� them for what THEY ARE UNABLE TO SEE AND FEEL


I have a saying, it is 50/50, what is your 50%?

It is �not all the other person��there is no right or wrong.

It is time for souls to OWN their Ancient Shadow sides that have risen recently.

This is very very HUGE amongst spiritual souls who love each other as well.

There is so much to this, that this is a general outline.

I can assure you that Ancient Shadow sides, to do with �old� family energies/connections

is here and has arisen.

I am seeing and assisting many with this right now.

As each persons shadow side is unique to them.

For some it is judgement and harshness�as really it is a projection of how harsh or

judgemental that soul is on themselves, that is easily transferred as to �blame� with

another soul close to them.

As I said, there is so much to this.

May this find you and guide you to your soul and spirits truth and resonations.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Divine Love and Blessings

For more infomation >> ENERGY UPDATE Another Timeline Shift! - Duration: 6:08.


Mallard | COLORING Mallard | PAINTINGS Mallard | Mallard COLORING BOOK - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> Mallard | COLORING Mallard | PAINTINGS Mallard | Mallard COLORING BOOK - Duration: 3:06.


The Untold Truth Of Pippa Middleton - Duration: 5:02.

Pippa Middleton is mainly known to Americans for two things: being the sister of Princess

Kate, and for having the most famous derriere since Kim Kardashian.

But there's a lot more to her besides her royal connection and celebrated posterior.

Here's the untold truth of the Duchess of Cambridge's famous sister.

What's in a nickname?

Philippa Charlotte Middleton was born in 1983 in the English town of Redding.

The nickname Pippa comes from her first name, and it's what she goes by everywhere.

British tabloids, who are fascinated with her, coined a nickname for her group of friends

— The Pipparettes.

As a child, classmates called her "Perfect Pippa."

But some also reportedly gave her a much less flattering nickname by calling her "Panface,"

because of her face supposedly...looking flat?

Kids are harsh, even when you're the sister of a future princess, but at least the negative

attention prepared her for the level of scrutiny that would come later in life with so much

media attention.

"It's been a bit difficult, ya,'s ah getting..

It's sort of getting used to not being entirely private feeling that wherever I go someone

will spot me."

Before the fame

Prior to becoming known as a socialite with friends in high places, Middleton worked in

public relations for Table Talk, a catering business.

She also worked for her parents' party supply business and was involved in creating a blog

for the company's website.

Pippa's since used her writing skills to pen pieces for Vanity Fair and a party planning

book, the latter of which was, unfortunately, widely mocked.

The dress heard 'round the world

In 2011, Pippa Middleton became the world's most famous bridesmaid while wearing a Sarah

Burton by Alexander McQueen white dress at her sister Kate's wedding to Prince William.

There is an etiquette rule that nobody but the bride should wear white at a wedding,

because it will upstage the bride on her special day.

But despite the color choice, that's not why Pippa's dress got so much attention.

It was because, when she was holding her sister Kate's long wedding dress train, everybody

got a good view of her backside, which was accentuated by the tight dress.

The dress made her known in the press as "Her Royal Hotness."

She acknowledged in a 2014 speech, saying that "fitted a little too well," and showed

a sense of humor when she talked about the notoriety the dress provided her.

"As I have found out, recognition has its upside, its downside and — you may say — its


Turning to TV

In 2014, Pippa was reportedly being considered for a correspondent spot at NBC right around

when she was spotted showing up with a camera crew to do some country dancing in Jackson

Hole, Wyoming.

The word was the clips were part of a tryout for the show, but the British tabloid The

Mirror eviscerated her, insinuating that "she failed to impress channel bosses with her

test shoots," and calling her dancing "cringeworthy."

Looks like she also foreclosed any opportunity to use her fame for a place on Dancing with

the Stars in one foul shake.

Faking the cake

In her own way, Middleton is trying to make the world a better place.

She's raised a lot of money for charity with the fitness events she's competed in.

And she wrote a healthy recipe cookbook in 2016 called Heartfelt, with the money earned

designated to go to the British Heart Foundation.

Of the recipe book, she told The Daily Mail, "'People see me as someone privileged who

has used my position to advantage; that I don't really work, that I am a socialite — that

word really irritates me."

But then she made the mistake of being a little too honest about how the cookbook came together.

She told The Mirror, "I would like to say I have made every single one, but I have definitely

done a good 80 percent of them."

Those culinary shortcuts were certainly a disappointment to some fans.

Getting hacked

In 2016, Middleton became the latest celebrity to have her iCloud account hacked, although

unlike Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, her photos have so far not been released.

Reportedly 3,000 photos were stolen, many of her famous sister, the Duchess of Cambridge,

her niece Princess Charlotte and nephew Prince George.

The reported hacker was arrested after trying to shop around the pix.

Middleton went to court in the UK to prevent the photos from being released and a court


On, off, and on again to engagement

Kate Middleton and Prince William were on-and-off for some time before they finally married

in 2011.

Pippa followed in her sister's footsteps by getting engaged to on-and-off boyfriend financier

James Matthews in July 2016.

She first dated Matthews in 2012, then hooked up with investment manager Nico Jackson, then

got back together with Matthews in 2015 after that relationship ended.

She was then spotted with him on vacation and at numerous charitable endeavors before

their engagement.

Matthews reportedly surprised Middleton with the proposal, which happened in England's

Lake District.

But he didn't surprise her parents — he asked them first before popping the question.

Her engagement ring has been described as an "Art Deco design" which is both "practical"

and "timeless."

Pippa and James have something in common — both have famous siblings.

James' brother Spencer is on a British reality show about rich young adults called Made in


Staying centered

While Princes William and Harry were born into royalty, Pippa and her sister Kate had

a comparatively ordinary upbringing.

According to Pippa, they've managed to maintain the connection they had from the start, despite

her sister's new title and the attention that's come with it.

"We have a very normal sisterly relationship we're very close and you know we support each

other and get each other's opinions and things."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Pippa Middleton - Duration: 5:02.


Farming Simulator 17 Mod Contest FIAT AGRI 140-90 - Duration: 5:24.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will make a short review of Giants Mod Contest FIAT AGRI 140-90

FIAT AGRI 140-90 2 Attacher Setup 3 Wheel Setup 6 Design Setup 140Hp 43Km/h Max Speed


Illuminated Dash Pedal animation Reverse animation



If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Mod Contest FIAT AGRI 140-90 - Duration: 5:24.


وجود الله سبحانه وتعالى .... .. (The Existence Of Allah) - Duration: 10:08.

In the name of Allah, peace and blessings be upon the most honored prophets and messengers...

Prophet Mohammed and upon all his family and companions

Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon all of you

Today we begin the first episodes of the forth phase

Of the channel project, and we start with a topic

That we have already talked about or discussed

It`s the existence of Allah almighty

But before we start on this topic

Let`s see the points and axes

Of the episode

According to the evidences and proofs, the existence of Allah almighty

It`s taken for granted in all religions

AS for beliefs, this is something else

And we mean here specifically the atheism

Everyone knows that atheism is still belief and has not become

A religion yet ... So, let`s go back to the religions

And we start with Islam ... Muslims believe

That Allah almighty

Establish on his Throne above the heavens,

Nothing is above him and he is above everything

And nothing exist before him

And based on That in chapter Taha

Verse 5 ...(The most merciful {who is} above the Throne


In Christianity, Christians believe

That God almighty is exist in three (persons)

Or three images ... that is

(Father_Son_Holy Spirit)...

In spite of the presence of guides as well and proofs that we have already

talked about ... in the ex episodes

And we will look at it in the episode coming..

to prove the opposite

And we based on that .... including proof, the existence of Allah

Almighty in Christianity

In book Matthew chapter 6 verse 9

(After this manner therefore pray ye:our Father which art in Heaven...

Hallowed be thy name)..

As for Judaism, they believe that Allah

Almighty is existing in the heaven

According to what they believe ...

As well as in Hinduism and Buddhism

All of them believe in the existence of Allah almighty

In different place and body of God

And the form of God they believe in him, but originally

They believe in the existence of God and He`s Allah



It`s known to all humankind that..

Every creation has a creator ...and everything

Made has a maker, and every production has

a producer

But what is the difference between the creator who is Allah

Almighty...And the creator of


And even that the human create something like chair

_Table (He/She) could not create this thing

from nothing

If we take an example ... if humankind create

Chair or table ... made of wood

And the wood comes from the trees

This human who has made

This chair or this table have not made them from nothing

He did not made this table from nothing

He made it through the wood and brought the wood from the trees

But Allah almighty don`t need to this

Allah creates something from thing

Like humankind ... Allah could do this

But Allah could also does and creates something from nothing....


And Allah creates from nothing like humans for example

Even if some came and say that humans came from dust

Can human brought a dust and create

From it any living being ... no matter

What he is

Can`t ... Allah almighty could

Create human from nothing

And this proves that Allah

Almighty is existed

And very briefly, it is logical

That all things that exists in this world

Expresses the existence of the creator who is Allah


We come now to the scientific side ...

We have already

Touched in this topic

In this side

But as was said in the Quran (And remind, for indeed, the reminder

Benefits the believers)

So, let`s talk about the shape of the earth

Is it spherical or flat

We all knew through science ... when

Francis Drake in 1597

1597... when He sailed around the earth

Complete ... to prove that scientifically, that the earth is spherical

And there are other scientific evidence

Proving this thing

But can you believe that? this is mentioned

In the Quran in chapter An`nazi`at

Verse 30 .... (And after that He spread the earth)

Spread the earth means

Expanded it

Or what has endless ... And

This was proved by Muslims scholars that

This verse is the great proof that

The earth is spherical

And let`s take another example...

It is Allah says in chapter ArRahman from verse

19 to 22

(He released the two seas, meeting {side by side}

Between them is a barrier {so} neither of them transgresses

So which of the favors of your lord would you deny

From both of them emerge pearl and coral)

Everyone knows that if you see the oceans

You can`t distinguish that this sea

comes from this ocean

If you saw them the naked eye see

The sea, the river and the oceans .. all

Be seen as one mass

But the science has proved recently

That the oceans are composed of separate seas

And each sea or river

Has its own qualities and characteristics

Which distinguish it from other

Some of the seas are characterized by heat

And some are dense

Some of them are characterized

By sweet and some are characterized by salty

There can be no merge

Between two seas, tow rivers

Or even two oceans .... have

Different qualities

And that the oceans don`t contain of one sea

But different seas

And this is like what I told you in verse

19 to 22 of chapter Al`Rahman

This also proved and was mentioned

In the Holy Quran ... 1400 years ago

And there are also a lot of evidence and many are difficult to limit

Prove that ... what is in the Quran

Is not the words of human...And that what was mentioned

In the Quran is a words sent from Allah

Almighty sent it to his creation

Through his angels and messengers

It`s important and even more important

That to clarify the existence of Allah almighty

In all sides

Because people are different in their thinking and awareness

Some believe in logic

More than others ... and some believe in science

More than anything else ... so that

What I want to clarify is ... that everything that exist

Or all whatever happens or all what happened...

This is all from

Allah almighty

And Allah knowing of that within the breasts and...

Over every possessor of knowledge is one {more} knowing

Hence, it is not logical, scientific

Or even humane ... that all I said

Is not reflective the existence of Allah


Whoever says that ... there is no God

He is being far from his lord in any way

Because it is impossible for human to come

And says, that all things what exist

The universe, human, water

And air ... All these things or creatures

Came to this world by chance

It`s sure that...there is only one who behind all this ... Allah almighty

In the end ... I cannot tell you ...

Except as I always say ... I`m not a sheikh

And not a scholar and not even a preacher

I`m a student ... strive in this in this domain

And wish the luck from God

Ya Allah ... I know ... you know

I know that Allah

Almighty exist and He is the one and only

And He is the eternal

And concluded by Almighty words

(Who is better is speech than one who calls (men) to Allah,

Works righteousness, and says, indeed, I`m of the Muslims

Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon all of you

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