Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

How the Month You Were Born Affects Your Personality, According to Science

One study done back in 2010 revealed something pretty intense.

It showed us that babies in the womb could be affected by the seasons and that the season

they were born in each season had some things in common.

In this study, mice pups were monitored.

Those who were born and weaned in simulated winter light seemed to adjust well to a change

to summer light but actually showed poorer feeding habits than the others.

Mice that were born and weaned in the summer simulated light had no problems and no eating


Researchers have since studied this sort of thing a good bit and uncovered a lot of similarities

between the children born in each season especially when it came to their mental health

Which season were you born in and what does it tell us about you?

Winter: People born in winter are apparently more likely to face higher levels of SAD,

depression, and bipolar disorder.

They are also less irritable than babies born in the fall

Fall: People born in fall are more irritable but are less likely to deal with bipolar disorder

or depression.

They are said to be well balanced and have a lot going for themselves.

Summer: People born in the summer are overall content and do not usually suffer from SAD

or things along those lines.

They do tend to cycle from high and low moods but not to the extent of being bipolar.

Spring: People born in the spring see every setback as a chance to leap forward but are

also somehow more susceptible to clinical depression.

Now, none of this is set in stone but it is quite interesting, to say the least.

I am not saying you should only have babies in the summertime (unless you intended to


Do you think this is true for you?

It seems there is much more than affects a baby during its time in the womb than we thought.

For more infomation >> How the Month You Were Born Affects Your Personality - tech and science - Duration: 2:18.


May 2017 Prediction Results: Farsight Time Cross - Duration: 15:22.

Hi Everyone!

May 2017 was an amazing month

in terms of the news, and our Farsight

remote viewers did an amazing job at

reporting the news to you a month in advance.

Here is a summary of how we did for May 2017.

Again, the basics of the project,

remote viewers working at

The Farsight Institute in our

ongoing and monthly Time-Cross Project

predicted in significant detail the major news

events for May 2017 using remote viewing,

all done and published on YouTube for all

to see at the end of April 2017,

the previous month.

On the last day of every month, we publish

these remote-viewing predictions

for the coming month.

As those of you who are following our

Time-Cross Project monthly, this

experiment is working very well.

So keep watching.

Also, remember

to keep track of the major news events

for each month by visiting our news

analysis table that we publish and

update daily on our web site.

We had three remote viewers

working for May's edition of the

Time-Cross Project, Dick Allgire,

PrinCess Jeanee, Melena Hall, and Aziz Brown.

So starting with Dick Allgire, and as

he often does, he began by reporting

a number of brief perceptions that

he calls "tagging."

These are not

full remote-viewing sessions, just

perceptions that are essentially brief

mental images relating to various

events that will happen the following


He also did one full remote-viewing

session which I will discuss in a moment.

In Dick's first tagging exercise,

he perceives rioting in an urban setting.

Well, that is exactly how the month of

May started out.

On May 1st, there

were May Day protests in a great

many urban locations around the world.

The riots were vigorous, to say the least,

mostly protesting worker and

immigrant rights.

The riots were

covered extensively, with video,

by many mainstream news outlets,

including The Guardian, CNN, NBC,

Reuters, The New York Times,

and so on, and the 2017 riots even

have an entry in Wikipedia.

For Dick's second tagging exercise,

he perceived female royalty, and

tabloid fodder.

Well, on the 3rd of May,

the court case began of Kate Middleton

and her husband, Prince William,

suing a French tabloid over topless

photos taken with a telephoto lens

during a royal vacation.

The case was

a big news item with lots of coverage.

For Dick's third tagging exercise,

Dick perceives Julian Assange in a box,

meaning that the issue of Julian Assange's

confinement would be in the news

again in May.

Well, as it turns out,

on May 19th, Sweden dropped the

Julian Assange rape investigation,

and the topic of whether or not Mr. Assange

will eventually be able to leave his

confinement in the Ecuadorian Embassy

in London was big news.

For Dick's full remote-viewing session,

he perceives what appears to be an

invasion on land but near water.

There are special forces, helicopters,

troops fanning out, live gunfire, booms

and explosions, tanks, and the works,

all in a foreign land.

The remote-viewing

session seemed like a full conventional

military battle.

Oddly, for me at least,

Dick describes this event as essentially

one sided.

That is, there is military action

in his data, and attack, but there is no

description of a response from the other

side, no enemy.

Well, I have to admit

that I was puzzled about this perception,

especially as the month worn on.

This was a big conventional battle

with all the accessories, and I did not

see much news about any country invading

another country ... until on May 25th, RT

plus a few Taiwanese news outlets,

reported on major Taiwanese war games

with live ammunition to a simulated

potential invasion by mainland China.

Ships, helicopters, troops, and "the works"

were involved.

It was a huge military

display, and it apparently was not

covered by most Western news outlets,

at least none that we found.

A military attack that encounters

no enemy, as Dick portrays it, totally

fits with the idea of war games as

compared with an actual invasion.

Now following the presentation of

Dick's remote-viewing data for May,

we also presented sessions by

Melena Hall and Aziz Brown.

I initially thought that those sessions

were related to the invasion scenario

that Dick depicted, but it turns out

that this was not the case.

Melena Hall

presented a presidential address to

troops and supporters in an outside stadium.

The troops were lined up in front

of the stage, and the civilian supporters

were in the back.

As it turns out,

Melena exactly described the address

that President Trump gave at the

U.S. Coast Guard commencement

in New London, Connecticut on May 17th.

Melena's drawings of the event are so

accurate that it feels like she was

physically there.

Also, her probes of

President Trump's mind indicated he

had a complicated set of emotions

that included deep fear.

Well, that

was the address where President Trump

spent a considerable amount of time

bemoaning the attacks that were being

made on him in the media and in Washington.

Now, for Aziz Brown's first remote-viewing

session, he clearly described a naval

attack on a coast, where a surface boat

fires a missile over water and land,

where it eventually hits a structure on land.

He states that the launch involves a very

loud sound, and that the missile had to

travel a long distance to get to its target.

To be honest, throughout the month of

May, I could not see anything in the

news that fit that description, until the last day.

On May 31st, the last day of the month, the

Russian Navy fired Kalibr cruise missiles

from the Mediterranean Sea at ISIS positions

in Palmyra, Syria from both surface ships

and submarines.

Video released from the

Russian Ministry of Defense clearly shows

this event fully, and it totally matches

what Aziz described.

In terms of Aziz's second session, he

describes an interaction between what

he perceives as a submarine and a surface ship,

where it appears that the submarine attacks

the surface ship with a projectile or cruise missile.

Now, this is a situation in which we do

not have any news reports that match this.

Remember, there are lots of things that

happen in the world that we do not see

reported in the Western media.

And a

lot of military stuff happened in May,

especially with Russian submarines

firing cruise missiles in the Mediterranean.

But if that event that Aziz describes

did happen, in which the missile from

a submarine hits a surface boat, we have

no way to confirm it.

So Aziz's second

remote-viewing session will have to

remain inconclusive.

Continuing in the order in which the

remote-viewing sessions for May were

reported, Melena Hall presented a

session involving an urban area with

severe water pollution.

The water comes

from a large body of water, such as a lake.

The severe contamination results in

respiratory distress and serious rashes

on the part of residents in this city.

There is stench, including lots of

sewage smells.

Melena states clearly

that the news media is reporting on the

event, and local authorities are doing

what they can to address the issue of

protecting the residents, all without

significant success, it seems.

Well, as it

turned out, this was another major event

that we had to wait for until the end

of the month.

On May 31st, it was finally

reported in the news that residents in the

city of Bangalore, India were being exposed

to massive levels of toxic pollution in the

form of foam that was rising up out of

Varthur Lake.

The scale of the invasion

of pollution cannot be overstated.


toxic foam was everywhere, in the streets,

on buildings, piled many feet high,

blowing around.

It was everywhere.


And there was stench.

A very unusual remote-viewing report,

and a very unusual event, all a perfect match.

Finally, PrinCess Jeanee presented

two predictive remote-viewing reports

for May 2017.

In her first remote-viewing

session, she reported on a sudden water

event involving serious flooding.

She states that the event may involve

the breakage of some barrier, like a dam.

Well, as it turns out, May was a month

where there was historic rainfall and

flooding in the Midwestern United States

and Canada, heavily reported in the news

during the first half of the month.

In fact,

there was a levee break on the Black River

near Pocahontas, Arkansas that resulted in

the sudden submersion of huge tracts of

farm acreage.

Again, we are talking about

historic flooding, not a rainy day.

The insurance industry sometimes calls

these "hundred year floods."

So from the

perspective of the basic elements of

PrinCess's report, she perceived

extraordinarily serious flooding and the

breakage of a water barrier, and that is

indeed what happened on historic levels in May.

For PrinCess's second remote-viewing

session, she reports on an aircraft crash

in or on water in an isolated area not

close to land.

The aircraft experiences a

rumbling sound, and then breaks for some

reason in the air, followed by a crash.

This is not a terrorist event.

Again, the

aircraft breaks, and then crashes.

It is also

not in a place where it can be easily found.

There are bodies in the water, oil, wreckage.

There are also water animals that come to

the surface at the site, reminding one of

sharks or dolphins.

The water is salty, suggesting

an ocean, possibly tropical.

PrinCess reports

that the wreckage is eventually found,

but not right away.

Well, there were lots

of plane crashes in May, mostly small planes

crashing on land.

But there was one plane crash

that happened in May 2017 that closely

resembles this report, and that is the crash

of a plane carrying four New Yorkers near the

Bahamas while traveling between Puerto Rico

and Florida.

The debris from what appears to

have been the plane were found, but not

right away, around May 16th.

Last we heard,

the Coast Guard continued the search for quite

awhile, covering an area of over 8,200 sq. miles.

Again, we do not know why the plane crashed,

and without more information about the crash,

we cannot state anything more definitive.

Nonetheless, in terms of the basics, the

situation as reported in the news appears

to closely match much of what

PrinCess Jeanee described in her report.

So that is how we did for predicting the

major news events for May 2017, all with

remote-viewing sessions conducted and

published on YouTube for all to see in

April 2017.

It is interesting to note that

the two big ticket items in the news for

May, items with the largest news coverage

as reported in our News Analysis Table,

were the various scandals surrounding

President Trump and the White House

staff, as well as the suicide bomber terror

attack in Manchester, England during the

Ariana Grande concert.

But the scandals

surrounding President Trump are so, shall

we say, routine these days, they are pretty

predictable, and thus nearly scheduled events.

They are also very diffuse, involving so many

different people and happenings.


remote-viewing targets need to have a level of

specificity, a time, date, place, a singular event.

So the current White House scandals should

probably not be considered as part of the

Time-Cross Project since scheduled events

are prohibited and poorly defined events

are not good targets.

So unless a presidential

scandal is truly unexpected or surprising, a

clear, unique, and stand-alone event, then

it is probably OK for these scandals not to

appear in our remote-viewing data.

As for

the suicide bombing at the Ariana Grande

concert, well, suicide events are so common

these days, they are happening a few times

a month.

They have become predictable, nearly


Predictable or scheduled events are

prohibited in our project.

So as with the

White House scandals, unless a terrorist

event is unusual in some way, somehow

unique to separate it from the other terrorist events,

we should probably consider terrorist events as

predictable and thus scheduled, and thus not part

of our targeting process.

Having wrapped that up,

I want to thank you so much for following our


Note that we also have a new Mysteries Project

coming out on June 15th, in just a few days,

Remote Viewing Area 51.

This is going to be

a blockbuster.

If you ever wondered what was

really down under Area 51 in the Nevada desert,

now is your chance to find out.

Also, be warned

that whatever you thought was there probably

was not nearly enough.

The secret ends on June 15th.

Also, if you have not already done so,

I hope you also get a chance to watch our

recently released Mysteries Project on the

Roswell UFO crash.

It is three hours of spine

tingling detail from three great remote viewers.

And do remember to watch our other Mysteries

projects, such as the investigations into the 9/11 events,

the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and

Martin Luther King, the psychology of

Adolf Hitler, and some amazing explorations

into UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

As always,

all Farsight remote-viewing work is done solo

under totally blind conditions with no

communication between any of the remote viewers.

It is also good to remember that when you watch

our Mysteries Projects, you are helping us at

Farsight do our work, including the funding

for our Time-Cross Project, which we offer

free to the public, but which costs us a few

thousand dollars to do each month.

We have

no other significant source of income to pay the bills.

So you really help when you follow and watch

our activities and research.

Finally, please

remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel,

FarsightPress, to keep up with the latest.

There is nothing like Farsight anywhere else

on the Internet.

You can find information

about all of our present and past activities

on our web site.

Also on our web site, sign up

for our free email newsletter where we

announce all our major projects.

Stay ahead of the curve.

Let the mainstream fade in the dust.

Be there now.

For more infomation >> May 2017 Prediction Results: Farsight Time Cross - Duration: 15:22.


Are the Shadow Brokers Hacktivists Exposing the Cabal's Cashless Society Scam - Duration: 12:16.

Are the Shadow Brokers (Hacktivists) Exposing the Cabal's Cashless Society Scam

Color me crazy, but I've never been on the cashless society bandwagon for a variety of

reasons, not the least being that anything Mr. Globaloney is for, is probably ab initio

et in principio a bad idea.

Crypto-currencies, in this light, always struck me as being "too good to be true" and their

principal selling point - security and privacy - a little too convenient.

THey struck me then, and strike me now, as being taylor-made to press Mr. Globaloney's

desire to move everyone to cashlessness.

Which brings me to my second reason for skepticism: the integrity of cyber systems in general.

Why anyone would trust such a system is beyond me, especially when, if one wants to turn

the clock back a bit to the 1980s, there were already stories circulating about computers

being sold with "clipper chips" that allowed your local not-so-friendly three-letter-agencies

access to every electronic communication.

Then, of course, came the Inslaw-PROMIS scandals of the late 1980s, and we were off and running.

Now, in that context, consider the following article by Rich Haridy - a very intriguing

article from several points of view - that was shared by Mr. J.K.:

Shadow Brokers hacking group reveals bizarre data dump subscription plan

Several things caught my eye in this article, and we'd be here for days if I were to blog

about all of them, but I want to draw attention to the first thing that really leaped off

the page: The Shadow Brokers first appeared in August

2016, announcing an auction to sell off a set of security exploits the group purportedly

stole from the NSA.

After the auction failed to reach the absurd asking price of one million bitcoins, the

group publicly released four sets of exploits over the following months.

One of those exploits contained the now infamous EternalBlue vulnerability that underpinned

the recent WannaCry attack.

Since the WannaCry outbreak, the Shadow Brokers have been threatening to release more NSA

hacking tools, and in early May the group published a blog post in broken English ominously

announcing a bizarre subscription model offering members a monthly haul of data.

The group described it as a, "new monthly subscription model.

Is being like wine of month club.

Each month peoples can be paying membership fee, then getting members only data dump each


What members doing with data after is up to members."

In a follow-up post published more recently, the group explained the process in greater


Subscribers can pay 100 Zcash coins (equivalent to over US$20,000) to access the data dump,

which will be revealed in the first two weeks of July.

Zcash is a relatively new cryptocurrency launched in October 2016.

Purportedly more secure than Bitcoin, the Shadow Brokers' use of Zcash seems to be less

about using a safer cryptocurrency and more about revealing to the public the US government's

connection to its development.

The Shadow Brokers' blog post explicitly points out that the development of Zcash is allegedly

linked to the Department of Defense, DARPA and Israel.

It also claims the new cryptocurrency, which was recently accepted as a legitimate currency

on iOS and Android platforms, could be a trojan horse with a cryptographic flaw monitored

by the NSA or used by the government to send money to deep cover assets outside of banking


(Italicized emphasis added) Related EXPOSED: The Defense Department -- DARPA

Vader and the Evil Intel Empire Inside...

EVERY Computer on Earth

Now, before we get to my high octane speculation de jour, note the following things:

(1) The hacking group "Anonymous" seems to have dropped off the radar, to be replaced

now with "The Shadow Brokers" which raises the interesting questions: (a) has the former

group simply rebranded itself and reemerged under a new name?

Or did the former simply cease operations?

Or are they two discrete groups?

One may never know, but as we'll see in a moment, the question of who and what this

new group - the Shadow Brokers - is, is an important component of any speculation regarding

what it going on.



(2) The new group is exposing the alleged links of the new cyber-currency to the US

Department of Defense, DARPA, and Israel; and,

(3) that said cyber-currency has a "back door" built in, which, of course, raises the entire

philosophical objection I have to the whole idea: what is to prevent any cyber-currency,

state-sponsored or otherwise, from having a similar "flaw"?

Answer: nothing.

Given that flaw, however, note that The Shadow Brokers have tapped into it, which raises

the question of just who they are.

Here Mr. Haridy explores the options at opposite ends of the spectrum:

This odd series of actions, which seem to be constantly iterating information with a

strong anti-government bent, has caused many to question who The Shadows Brokers actually

are, and whether their motives are simply mercenary.

Much speculation has floated around the possibility that the group could be a foreign nation state

working to embarrass or disrupt the US government's cyber-spying efforts.

A former NSA employee tells Ars Technica that they, "are foreign intelligence, and the continued

requests for money are all geared towards plausible deniability that they are intel."

Edward Snowden tweeted suspicions that the group were Russian hackers back in August

2016, when the original auction was revealed.

Over a series of 15 tweets he laid out a compelling case for the original NSA hacks coming from

a foreign intelligence, in particular, Russia.

Security specialist Bruce Schneier also published a more recent, and exhaustive, investigation

into the source of the mysterious hacking group.

He concludes, quite reasonably, that while they are seemingly not just random hackers

or cybercriminals, it also looks unlikely they are a cyber-intelligence sector of a

nation state due to their erratic and anarchic activities.

All of this brings me to my high octane speculation of the day.

Assuming the first hypothesis, that the group is a state-sponsored group, then the effect

of their action seems to be to expose the extent of NSA electronic eavesdropping, and

the lack of integrity of cyber systems.

If, on the other hand, it is a private group, the effect would be the same.

But it is the effect itself that seems to be being ignored by analysts hypothesizing

on who they are and what they're up to, for regardless of whether or not they are state-sponsored

(and that means, even a group or faction within the American military-intelligence complex),

or not, the group is (1) Calling into question the integrity of cyber systems in general

and (2) crypto-cyber currencies in particular.

And hence it strikes me as being entirely possible that the real ultimate and deepest

motivation of these types of attacks is to call into question the whole agenda of cashless

society, all firmly under the control of Mr. Globaloney.

In support of this high octane speculation, recall that even Darth Soros was recently

hacked, and some of his financial dealings exposed to scrutiny.

If my hypothesis is true, expect more such hacks, and more such exposure of the global


See you on the flip side...

Books by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret

Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations

The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts: A Study in Non-Catastrophist

Interpretations of Ancient Legends Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age:

Hermetic Cosmology, Finance, Politics and Culture in the Middle Ages through the Late

Renaissance The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: Nasa's Nazis,

JFK, And Majic-12 Rotten to the (Common) Core: Public Schooling,

Standardized Tests, and the Surveillance State The Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Secret

Research for Exotic Matter LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy: A

Coalescence of Interests The Giza Death Star

Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance,

Space, and Conflict Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons

and the Cold War Allied Legend Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The

Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts

Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden

Agenda Financial Vipers of Venice: Alchemical Money,

Magical Physics, and Banking in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace

Technologies and Psychological Operations The Grid of the Gods: The Aftermath of the

Cosmic War and the Physics of the Pyramid Peoples

Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations: UFOS, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy

Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded

Theory The Giza Death Star Destroyed: The Ancient

War for Future Science (Giza Death Star Trilogy) Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection

Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit (The Fathers

of the church) The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: Nasa's Nazis,

JFK, And Majic-12 [Paperback] Anatomyzing Divinity: Studies in Science,

Esotericism and Political Theology Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection

[Paperback] [2010] 3RD PRINTING Ed.

Joseph P. Farrell Disputations with Pyrrhus

Yahweh the Two-Faced God: Theology, Terrorism & Topology (Apocalypse Theater Volume 1)

Shelley Unbound: Discovering Frankenstein's True Creator

For more infomation >> Are the Shadow Brokers Hacktivists Exposing the Cabal's Cashless Society Scam - Duration: 12:16.


War On Drugs Killed More People In 2016 Than US Troops Killed In - Duration: 10:11.

War On Drugs Killed More People In 2016 Than US Troops Killed In Vietnam War

For the first time in US history, more Americans have died of drug overdoses in a single year

than all those killed in the Vietnam War.

The drug war has been exposed as a deadly and violent failure and the federal government

shows no signs of backing down.

For the first time in U.S. History, more Americans died in 2016 of drug overdoses than were killed

in the Vietnam War.

Let that sink in.

Last year�s death toll in the War on Drugs was 59,000 killed, while during the entire

Vietnam War, 1955 to 1975, 58,220 American service members� lives were lost.

And, thanks to the immoral and futile police approach to the drug problem, there appears

to be no hope in sight for the tide to change.

As The Free Thought Project had previously reported, drug overdose deaths outnumber the

number of Americans killed in automobile accidents each year.

Answering the question of who is responsible for so many overdose deaths requires a careful

examination of the crisis which has now reached epidemic proportions.

The principal players appear to be pharmaceutical companies, who knowingly manufacture dangerous

opioids � essentially synthetic heroin � which, alone, kills tens of thousands.

Big Pharma has been caught time and again pushing the pills onto the nation�s physicians

who prescribe the dangerously powerful painkillers en masse � even to children.

Then, there are the abusers, those who are addicted to opiates.

Getting hooked on opiates is easy, according to the CDC, who recently recommended the powerful

class of drugs be taken for no more than 14 days.

According to the Washington Post:

Noting that �long-term opioid abuse often begins with treatment of acute pain,� the

CDC said that �three or fewer days� of opioid treatment �usually will be sufficient

for most non-traumatic pain not related to major surgery.�

Street pushers provide the missing source for the drugs when doctors will no longer

prescribe the pills to patients who have demonstrated a pattern of abuse.

Yet, thanks to the war on drugs pushing the sale of these drugs into dark alleys and the

like, the quality of street drugs is questionable with every dose sold.

Some opiates have even been laced with the powerful drug Fentanyl, a drug so dangerous

even casual contact with it can prove fatal.

As TFTP reported, Insys Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Fentanyl, donated half-a-million

dollars to keep marijuana from becoming legal in one U.S. state.

One-third of the overdose deaths in Ohio were linked to Fentanyl, yet instead of creating

a safer drug, the company was more concerned with combatting cannabis legalization.

Last, but certainly not least, is the government�s own Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

The DEA�s only purpose is propping up Big Pharma while raining hell down on Americans

for their choice of substances.

The DEA even admitted, early this year, it has been trafficking large quantities of controlled

substances into the country.

Any decision to ban opiates or remove them from the market, would likely further drive

the drugs underground, increase crime, criminalize abusers, lead to growth in the prison industrial

complex, and result in many more overdoses.

In fact, that is exactly what�s happening.

The war on drugs is creating a de facto prison state.

Some U.S. States are taking matters into their own hands.

As TFTP reported recently, Ohio is now suing drug manufacturers for their role in the crisis,

stating their desire to increase their bottom line profit margins have crossed ethical lines

and led to the deaths of countless Ohioans.

Other states and police departments are also taking radical measures to fix the problem

instead of prolonging and expanding it through the use of police violence.

As the Boston Globe reports:

�As Gloucester police chief, Leonard Campanello pledged in 2015 that drug users could walk

into the police station, hand over heroin, and walk out into treatment within hours � without

arrest or charges.

The concept of help rather than handcuffs became a national sensation.�

Campanello is no longer police chief there, but the program is continuing in Gloucester.

The concept of helping addicts instead of criminalizing them is such a success, it�s

been adopted by 200 police agencies in 28 states.

This encouraging phenomenon shows that it�s possible for law enforcement to listen to

reason when it comes to drug abuse and actually helping communities.

�It puts police in the lifesaving business instead of the spin-drying business of arresting

and releasing,� said John Rosenthal, a Boston resident fighting the opioid epidemic.

�We estimate that approximately 10,000 people have been placed into treatment.�

In Gloucester, records show that 530 people have sought help at the police station since

June 2015.

Steve Lesnikoski was the first person to get help under the program, and now, after 18

months of being clean, he says without the Angel Program, �I�d probably be in jail

or dead.�

Fatal overdoses and drug arrests have decreased in Gloucester.

A study by Boston University and Boston Medical Center provided compelling evidence for the

Angel Program�s efficacy.

�In 417 cases where a person who visited the Gloucester police station was eligible

for treatment, police data showed that 94.5 percent were offered direct placement and

89.7 percent enrolled in detox or other recovery services, according to Dr. Davida Schiff,

a BMC pediatrician who was lead researcher in the study.

Those numbers, reported in December by the New England Journal of Medicine, compared

with less than 60 percent of direct referrals from hospital-based programs, which recruit

patients who visit emergency rooms with substance-abuse disorders, Schiff said.�

Doing the opposite of the war on drugs is what truly helps people.

It is also important to mention that the opiate addiction, overdose, and accidental death

problems might simply be avoided if, ironically enough, marijuana is made legal nationwide.

A little over half of the United States have legalized cannabis in some form, leaving nearly

half of the remaining states and their residents with no access to legal weed.

As TFTP has documented on several occasions, cannabis holds the promise of helping opiate

addicts kick their addiction by substituting their cravings for opiates with the non-addictive

pain killing properties of marijuana.

And it�s not folklore.

Doctors have experimented with cannabis as a substitute for opiates with high degrees

of success.

For now, the Department of Justice (DOJ) under the direction of Attorney Jeff Sessions and

his staff, has threatened to roll back the progress cannabis activists have made in the

last eight and a half years.

Joining the DOJ is the DEA which refuses to reclassify cannabis, and remove its current

status as a Schedule I narcotic, alongside cocaine, LSD, and heroin.

All of these moves and potential moves by the DOJ and DEA will only make the problem

worse unless states like Ohio take measures into their own hands.

Now that many in Congress have addicted family members, children, siblings, and friends,

the matter has been taken much more seriously.

The idea of treating an addict with compassion instead of violence is a revolutionary notion

in this country.

However, in other countries, such as Portugal, its effects have been realized for more than

a decade.

In 2001, the Portuguese government decriminalized all drugs.

15 years later, drug use, crime, and overdoses have drastically declined in Portugal exposing

the disturbing reality of prohibition.

Police departments choosing compassion over the kidnapping and caging people is the solution

and this program�s massive adoption by hundreds of departments across the country is nothing

short of a bombshell.

It is revolutionary, and will undoubtedly lead to progress.

However, there is still a long way to go.

This is how change comes � not through the barrel

of a gun � but through empathy and peace.

For more infomation >> War On Drugs Killed More People In 2016 Than US Troops Killed In - Duration: 10:11.


New team,New season and new intro - Duration: 28:52.

Before we start l just want to apologize if you heard a weird noise it was just my mic being weird but hope you enjoyed and lets get it mann

For more infomation >> New team,New season and new intro - Duration: 28:52.


Avoid 3 Common Mistakes | REAL Tips for REAL Success on youtube - Duration: 1:23.

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