Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

Tonight you're working the late shift at the department store.

It's slow, and you and your coworkers can't wait to go home.

You hear the familiar buzzer that says you can start closing up.

It's been a long night and the thought of bed sounds like a long-overdue end to the


The mall is now closed.

You tell your coworkers they can go home while you finish up.

While going about the last of your duties, you find a note from the head manager.

He's asked you to set up some new displays that arrived earlier this afternoon.

Down in the storage room, it begins to sink in that you, at this dark hour, in the emptiness

of this silent department store- are alone.

In the corner you see a tall object draped in a white sheet.

You know what it is.

It's a mannequin.

You feel a chill crawl over your skin.

You are paralyzed.

You could have sworn you saw the sheet move slightly.

Greetings everyone, and welcome, to The Grim Gallery.

This particular legend harkens all the way from the city of Chihuahua in Mexico.

There in downtown, you'll find a popular wedding shop called La Casa De Pascualita.

And while they are known to attract tourists from South America, Canada, and the US, it's

not the bridal gowns bringing the most interest.

This shop is more well-known for a certain mannequin standing in its display window.

The mannequin in question is La Pascualita herself, or to some, better known as Little

Pascuala- and she has been living at the shop for over 85 years, since she was first installed

on March 25, 1930.

Pascuala Esparza was the original owner of Le Casa De Pascualita and was well-known for

the bridal gowns she crafted.

It is said that at one time her daughter was to be married and so in excitement, she crafted

a beautiful gown for her daughter to wear for the wedding.

Unfortunately, Esparza's daughter was bitten by a black widow spider shortly before she

was to be wed and tragically died.

In other versions of the tale, she was stung by a deadly scorpion.

In any case, it remains that the daughter of Pascuala Esparza was dead.

Not long after, a familiar-looking mannequin appeared in the store window of La Casa De

Pascualita, showing off a new wedding dress.

For many of the townsfolk, the new storefront display appeared shockingly realistic and

had a chilling resemblance to Esparza's late daughter.

From the real hair on her head, to the finely-detailed lines on her face and hands, to even the subtle

veins on her legs.

It appeared very much like a real human body, frozen in a dream-like stasis.

Naturally, the locals suspected that the bridal statue was in fact the perfectly preserved

body of Pascuala Esparza's dearly departed daughter- in an effort to preserve the young


While people were enraged at this morbid suspicion, Esparza reassured them that the mannequin

was indeed just that- a mannequin.

And over time, the sight of this frozen fashion model and its eerie history and presence at

night, became a popular icon for both locals and tourists alike.

It is rumored that at some point after Little Pascuala's unveiling, a love-struck French

magician would visit our alleged corpse bride in the night, and bring her to life for a

venture out on the town.

Some visitors have claimed that like the portrait of Mona Lisa, the permanent gaze of Little

Pascuala seems to follow you around.

Others have said that at night, her face moves slightly and she shifts positions on her own,

and that only the owner and a few close employees are given permission to change her dress behind

closed curtains...

Keeping in classic tradition with urban legends, officially documented accounts of this mannequin's

alleged physical movements from real people range from largely unavailable at best, to

virtually non-existent at worst.

I was however able to find a Spanish news report taken by what seems to be a local media

station, which showed footage of the mannequin in its window display.

The reporter describes that the mannequin is said to be subtly smiling in the footage,

but it's extremely hard to tell, given the shaky camera movements and the fact that it

was apparently filmed with a potato.

During an inspection of the mannequin, the man in the video seems to note how unusually

realistic the features of the mannequin are- focusing primarily on the hands and how the

nails appear to be real human nails with what looks to be three weeks of past growth.

In an interview, a publicist for the shop mentions that she's received claims from

people saying they have seen the mannequin sweat.

The reporter mentions that all photos taken by the news team show strange smudges.

But whether or not the mannequin is really the preserved body of Esparza's daughter

is a matter much more verifiable to look into.

The closest thing to an actual account on the mannequin being a well-preserved corpse

is a cryptic description from a woman named Sonia Burciaga, who allegedly works at the

bridal shop, tasked with changing the mannequin's outfit when needed.

She's quoted as saying "every time I go near Pascualita, my hands break out in sweat.

Her hands are very realistic and she even has varicose veins on her legs.

I believe she's a real person."

However, it is unknown where or when this account was taken and the source has yet to

be identified.

One theory suggests that perhaps only parts of the mannequin belong to a corpse, like

the realistic-looking hands.

Another suggests that the corpse is hidden inside the mannequin.

But even then, wouldn't there be a distinct smell emanating from the mannequin?

Okay so let's start with the obvious one: could a corpse really stay perfectly preserved

for over 85 years?

The short answer is no.

But for the sake of argument, let's take a deeper look at the process of human preservation.

As mortician Caitlin Doughty of the YouTube channel, AskAMortician points out, taxidermy

the way it is performed on animals wouldn't work the same way on humans, given that you'd

see all the seams and stitches on our hairless, featherless bodies- and Pasqualita's skin

is flawless.

She also brings up the case of Vladmir Lenin, whose corpse has been preserved through embalming

since 1924.

Embalming is the process of replacing the blood and much of the organic matter in a

cadaver with chemicals like formaldehyde, to keep it from decomposing.

Doughty explains that while it is possible to preserve a corpse for a very long time

through this method, it does require a team of biomedical engineers who must monitor and

perform regular maintenance on the body around the clock in addition to maintaining a properly

controlled environment- a few things Pasqualita lacks in the sunlight-exposed store window

of her home.

So what about the seemingly real human nails?

While the growth of nails on a mannequin is creepy, it isn't biologically possible for

a corpse to grow nails after a certain period post-mortem.

It is true that various functions continue to operate after death, however hair and nail

growth only continue so long as there are new cells being produced in the body.

If the mannequin was a fresh corpse, then this might be feasible for a time, but certainly

not after 85 years.

The mannequin has not been scientifically documented or analyzed by any professionals,

though admittedly, many of its features, particularly its hands, are extremely well detailed for

a simple store display.

Actually, those hands straight up look like they belong to a corpse and not

a wax figure or mannequin at that.

I think it's these cryptically realistic images of her hands that keep the legend alive.

But other than that, everything else seems rather farfetched.

The question we should be asking is, who was the craftsman of this incredibly detailed

work? And why did they do what they did?

Why is the daughter's name omitted in all accounts of the legend?

Was she really named Little Pascuala?

If she was real, and the mannequin in the store really is a mannequin, what happened

to the body of Esparza's daughter?

Wouldn't Esparza point out her daughter's grave to prove she was telling the truth?

Although the video is entirely in Spanish, I was able to interpret from an interview

with a publicist for the shop, albeit on a very limited level via YouTube's translation

tools, that the owner's prefer to not add to the rumors out of respect for the dead.

This would explain why there might not be as much information on the facts surrounding

the legend.

The news report does mention that the locals of Chihuahua have adopted the icon as a local

character and have embraced the legend of La Pascualita as an idol.

Some even going as far as to bring candles, worship, and pray to it for protection and

good fortune in marriage.

So what do you think?

Is Pasqualita a really well-preserved corpse, or really well-detailed mannequin?

Since it brings a strong attraction to the bridal shop as well as the downtown area,

it's understandable that locals would purposely exaggerate these bizarre accounts to keep

the legend alive.

The news coverage in itself seemed to be a sort of special segment publicity piece, using

creepy music to set the tone.

They even show footage of the mannequin appearing to move on its own, which could have easily

been exaggerated for publicity and was likely engineered by someone moving the mannequin

at its base off camera.

On top of that, it seems unlikely that the shop owner's would go through the trouble

of performing embalming maintenance on a sun-exposed corpse displayed in plain sight- or that they

would perpetuate the idea of defiling the original owner's dead daughter.

So no, it's more likely Pasqualita is just a regular mannequin and the fanatic stories

of a corpse grew around her looking so life-like.

If you stare at something long enough, you're bound to perceive movement even if there is


Currently, there's simply not enough evidence to suggest that she is in fact a corpse.

But I'll admit, my understanding of the news coverage is limited due to Google's

automated translations.

So viewers, I ask you:

if any of you can understand Spanish, I urge you to watch the video for yourself from the

link in the description and come back with your interpretation.

If anything new comes up, I may make a followup video.

Regardless, of whatever she's made of- the fact that many have claimed to see her move

is rather concerning.

Whether you choose to believe or not is entirely up to you, however the world is a dark and

mysterious place and there is evermore an infinite plethora of the world for us to explore.

Remember: though we may fear the unknown, we live everyday to learn and understand these

fears, and through this, we may hopefully gain a better insight into ourselves.

Thanks for watching and goodnight.

And the comment of the week goes to Sinister Dark Soul.

Hey did you like that video?

If you did, be sure to let me know by hitting the like button down below!

And hey while you're at it, why not subscribe to catch more episodes of The Grim Gallery?

For more infomation >> La Pascualita: The Corpse Bride Mannequin | Grim Gallery #6 - Duration: 11:35.


Motu and Patlu were electrocuted | Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:19.

Motu and Patlu were electrocuted | Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids]

For more infomation >> Motu and Patlu were electrocuted | Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:19.


Business Strategy - Blue Ocean Strategy | Success Reveal - Duration: 9:32.

Success Reveal

Business Strategy - Blue ocean Strategy

For more infomation >> Business Strategy - Blue Ocean Strategy | Success Reveal - Duration: 9:32.


UPDATE on the DAPL Pipeline… the oil is flowing…but it's not too - Duration: 7:26.

UPDATE on the DAPL Pipeline�.the oil is flowing�but it�s not too late to shut

the pipeline down�.check back soon to learn what Prepare For Change is doing to help the

water protectors!

Although oil has begun flowing through the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline, Iowa

activists aren�t giving up their battle against the $3.8 billion project.

The 30-inch diameter pipeline started commercially shipping oil on June 1 and has a capacity

to transport about 520,000 barrels of oil daily.

But appeals are still pending with the Iowa Supreme Court that opponents see as offering

glimmers of hope that the pipeline can still be shut down.

�If any of these court rulings go our way, things could change,� said Ed Fallon of

Des Moines, a former state legislator who heads Bold Iowa, an activist group that opposes

the pipeline because of concerns involving the environment, property rights and other


The Dakota Access Pipeline route extends 1,168 miles from North Dakota�s Bakken and Three

Forks oil-production areas to a distribution hub at Patoka, Ill.

The Iowa section runs diagonally for 346 miles through 18 counties from far northwest Iowa

to the state�s southeast corner.

The Davis-Brown Law firm of Des Moines is representing Iowa landowners who have appealed

to the Iowa Supreme Court over the use of eminent domain to build the pipeline through

their farms.

In addition, the Sierra Club of Iowa is appealing to the state�s high court over the Iowa

Utilities Board�s decision to grant a pipeline permit to Dakota Access.

A protest was held against the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Iowa Capitol in June 2016.

(Photo: William Petroski/Des Moines Register) Polk County District Judge Jeffrey Farrell

ruled against the plaintiffs in a consolidated case decided in February.

But the Iowa Supreme Court has denied a motion by Dakota Access to dismiss the case. The

justices are expected to rule later this year or early in 2018.

Jonas Magram of Fairfield, a leader of the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition that

includes 30 Iowa groups opposed to the pipeline, said Tuesday his organization is �absolutely

not� conceding defeat.

�We know that it is a long shot, but we feel that this pipeline was built in opposition

to what the law requires and that oil should be interrupted and that the pipeline should

be removed,� Magram said.

Outside of Iowa, four Sioux tribes in the Dakotas are still fighting in federal court

in Washington, D.C., hoping to persuade a judge to shut down the pipeline.

Mekasi Camp Horinek, 44, is a member of the Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma and came up to help

plant Sacred Ponca Corn on Art Tanderup�s land where the Keystone XL pipeline would

cross it on Sunday, May 21, 2017, in Neligh. Brian Powers/The Register

Meanwhile, Fallon said other anti-pipeline activities are continuing. He spent Tuesday

at the Boone County Courthouse, where he and others were supporting a pipeline foe on trial

after being arrested in a protest last August in Boone.

Activist Kriss Wells has pleaded innocent to trespass charges, saying his actions were

justified to curb global warming and to protect the Des Moines River, which supplies drinking

water for central Iowans.

On June 17, the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition is sponsoring a flotilla that will

head down the Des Moines River near Pilot Mound with the theme of protecting Iowa�s

rivers. Other events are also being planned.

Bakken Pipeline protesters gather to float down the Des Moines River on Saturday where

the proposed pipeline would cross beneath the river close to the E18 bridge by Pilot

Mound. Brian Powers / The Register

The Dakota Access Pipeline project has been supported by the Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure

Now, which is a partnership of entities from agriculture, business, and labor sectors.

The coalition says it supports the economic development and energy security benefits associated

with infrastructure projects in the Midwest.

Chad Carter, business agent and vice president of Operating Engineers Local 234 in Des Moines,

which has supplied workers for the pipeline project, said Tuesday the union workers have

done a great job and he isn�t concerned about activists� continued opposition.

�They are going to do what they can, but I think it�s a lost cause. There are probably

other things to be worrying about,� Carter said.

Meanwhile, Texas-based Dakota Access continues to file weekly construction reports with the

Iowa Utilities Board that indicate restoration of farmland and cleanup work is still ongoing

in four Iowa counties in north-central and northwest Iowa.

These counties include Calhoun, Sac, Buena Vista and Cherokee.

In a letter sent last month to the Iowa Board, Dakota Access said it was meeting with landowners

and was investigating landowner questions and concerns. The company has also been making

spot repairs to drainage tile, ditch lines, and terraces, and has performing spring re-seeding

in certain areas.

�Completion of restoration work depends on weather conditions and could continue through

the summer,� said Lisa Dillinger, a spokeswoman for Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners,

a parent of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

There have been no leaks reported yet on the Iowa section of the pipeline, said Alex Murphy,

a spokesman for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The pipeline crosses under the

Missouri, Des Moines and Mississippi rivers, as well as other waterways.

For more infomation >> UPDATE on the DAPL Pipeline… the oil is flowing…but it's not too - Duration: 7:26.


Motu is sleeping very well | Coloring Motu Patlu in hindi [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:18.

Motu is sleeping very well | Coloring Motu Patlu in hindi [Youtube Channel For Kids]

For more infomation >> Motu is sleeping very well | Coloring Motu Patlu in hindi [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:18.


What is wrong? (4) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:42.

Hello everyone and welcome to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to say a sentence

and I would like you to guess what the mistake is.

Are you ready?

I met Mr. Tom at a restaurant yesterday.

I met Mr. Tom at a restaurant yesterday.

Could you catch the mistake?


Let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

I met Mr. Tom at a restaurant yesterday.

I met Mr. Tom at a restaurant yesterday.

Could you catch the mistake?


Let's try that again but this time I will show you the sentence.

I met Mr. Tom at a restaurant yesterday.

Could you catch it?

Alright, the mistake is Mr. Tom.

We shouldn't use Mr. with the first name.

We should say Mr. with the first name and surname, or with just the surname.

If his name is Tom Green, we should say Mr. Tom Green or Mr. Green.

Alright. So let's practice together.

Please repeat after me using both correct forms.

I met Mr. Tom Green at a restaurant yesterday.



I met Mr. Green at a restaurant yesterday.


Now you know how to use the first name and surname correctly when you meet someone.


Thank you for watching today's video and remember to click like and share with your friends.

And I will catch you next time!

For more infomation >> What is wrong? (4) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:42.


Johnny Johnny Yes Papa with Sugar Coca Cola Sting Pepsi Hamburger - Duration: 1:46.

Johnny Johnny Yes Papa with Sugar Coca Cola Sting Pepsi Hamburger

For more infomation >> Johnny Johnny Yes Papa with Sugar Coca Cola Sting Pepsi Hamburger - Duration: 1:46.


This is How Your Chakras are Related to & Affected by the Foods You Eat - Duration: 13:39.

This is How Your Chakras are Related to & Affected by the Foods You Eat


This is How Your Chakras are Related to & Affected by the Foods You Eat

There are seven chakras within the body, running from the base of the spine to the crown of

the head. Chakra is the sanskrit word for �wheel� or �circle,� because when

they are balanced they spin and allow energy to flow. Chakras can become overactive, under-active,

or even blocked, which can affect us both physically and emotionally.

You control the state of your chakras, whether it�s consciously done or not; therefore,

you also have the power to balance your chakras yourself. This can be done through meditation,

yoga, self-reflection, nutrition, energetic healing, crystals, or even just by being in

a high vibration setting.

The physical realm can affect our chakras and our chakras can affect our physical reality:

They are meant to work in harmony together.

As a result, food can directly affect how your chakras work and likewise, the cravings

you get and the meals you prefer to eat can also reflect the health of your chakra system.

You may have heard the phrases �eat the rainbow� and �the darker the food the

better it is for you,� and there�s certainly some truth to them because of how they relate

to the chakras!

What Does Science Say About Chakras?

Below are the results from a case study done by Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande, a professor emeritus

at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, which had

over 100 participants in attendance. Please keep in mind that clinical studies of more

than 10,000 patient cases with various health challenges have also been well documented

in Russia.

The aligned Chakras indicate that the subject was calm, relaxed and nourished from their

participation in the case study, which involved information on meditation, breathing practices,

love, kindness and intention.

You can also observe a smoothing of the energy field before and after the case study work

shop. Results like this were consistent with a number of volunteers.

�Each individual sector or portion of the fingertip is connected energetically with

specific organs and organ systems such as the respiratory system. When the data of the

10 individual BIO-grams are collated and interpolated, an image of the entire full body energy field

is created. An example of the full body energy field from both a healthy and unhealthy/emotionally

unbalanced individual are shown below. The gaps, reduced emissions and out of balance

Chakras for the unhealthy individual are quite obvious.� Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande

How Your Chakras Relate to Different Foods

According to Ayurveda and yogic knowledge, the chakras are tied to certain emotions and

physical elements. Let�s differentiate the chakras and understand how each of their roles

relate to our bodies, emotions, and food.

The Root Chakra (Sanskrit: Muladhara Chakra):

This chakra resides at the base of the spine and can be associated with security, family,

and feeling grounded. Our primal instincts and our more Earthly thoughts and actions

are tied to the root chakra.

If you�re feeling a disconnect from reality or very fatigued, that could mean your root

chakra is imbalanced. Any type of stress related to survival, including financial, professional,

and housing stressors could indicate that you need to realign your root chakra.

The colour associated with the root chakra is red, so any high vibrational foods with

a naturally strong red pigment or grounding properties can help recharge your chakra.

Foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, beets, red apples, pomegranates, raspberries, and

even protein can heal your root chakra!

The Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit: Svhadhisthana Chakra):

The sacral chakra resides just below the naval and is associated with creativity, sexuality,

commitment, passion, and sensitivity. When the sacral chakra is balanced we feel sexual,

creative, and comfortable being expressive.

If you�re feeling like you have low libido, a creative block, or are having reproductive

issues or lower back problems, these could all be signs that your sacral chakra is imbalanced.

The colour associated with the sacral chakra is orange, so any high vibe foods that have

a deep or bright orange colour or are fairly heavy or dense are great for your sacral.

This includes foods like mandarins, mangoes, carrots, squash, pumpkin, yams, seeds, nuts,

and oils!

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Sanskrit: Manipura Chakra):

The solar plexus is right above your naval and reflects your sense of Self, personal

power, and self esteem. When your solar plexus is balanced, you will have strong self worth

and self confidence and a greater understanding of who you are.

If your solar plexus is imbalanced, you may be self conscious and moody, experiencing

self judgement and fearing rejection and flaws in your physical appearance. You just feel

a little less like �yourself.�

The colour associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow; high vibe foods that have

a yellow colour and lighter protein options can help strengthen your solar plexus. Try

eating some bananas, corn on the cob, fresh pineapple, yellow peppers, lentils, yellow

squash, and grains like oats!

The Heart Chakra (Sanskrit: Anahata Chakra):

The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest and is all about love, gratitude,

joy, compassion, and connectivity. When your heart chakra is balanced, you feel love in

all aspects of life and express it freely without being overbearing.

If your heart chakra is underactive, you may be feeling angry, jealous, and bitter, and

if it�s overactive, you may be giving too much of yourself, feeling co-dependent, too

accepting or tolerating, or experiencing difficulty implementing boundaries in your relationships.

The colour associated with the heart chakra is green; high vibrational foods that are

deep green colours or are simply lighter weight foods like vegetables are great for the heart

chakra. This includes broccoli, kale, chard, and other leafy greens.

The Throat Chakra (Sanskrit: Vishuddha Chakra):

The throat chakra is located in the centre of the throat and is associated with your

ability to speak your truth and express your feelings vocally. If you�re experiencing

a block, it may be difficult to communicate with others.

If your throat chakra is imbalanced you may find it difficult to express yourself in all

forms of communication, or likewise experience difficulty stopping communication or listening

to others. A strong throat chakra means you can communicate with ease, you�re honest

and truthful, and you have great listening skills.

The colour related to the throat chakra is light blue, so any high vibe foods with a

light blue colour or super light foods are great for the throat. Blueberries, figs, kelp,

and pretty much all fruit in general work wonders on the throat chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra (Sanskrit: Ajna Chakra):

The third eye is located in the centre of your forehead right above the brow line. Your

third eye represents your intuition; your ability to see the truth, to see through illusions,

and to think critically.

A strong third eye indicates that you�re wise, insightful, focused, intuitive, and

a seeker of the truth. If you have an overactive third eye, you may feel lightheaded and frequently

daydream. If you have an underactive third eye, you may have difficulty looking inwards,

self-reflecting, and seeing things for what they truly are.

The colour related to the third eye is dark blue, so high vibe foods with a darker pigment

like a deep blue or purple are great to recharge the third eye, as are extremely light foods.

To strengthen your third eye, try consuming plums, purple grapes, eggplant, purple kale,

purple carrots, or simply tea and other light, all-natural, plant-based beverages.

The Crown Chakra (Sanskrit: Sahasrara Chakra):

The crown chakra resides at the centre of the crown of your head and is related to inner

guidance, connection to Source, and enlightenment. If you have a balanced crown chakra, you will

be able to fully live in the present moment, understand universal truths, and trust your

inner Self.

If your crown chakra is imbalanced, you may lack self-awareness, have difficulty meditating,

or hold fears and beliefs that don�t align with the true essence of your being.

The colours associated with the crown chakra are dark purple, violet, and white. It is

said that once enlightenment is obtained, one can live off only the elements. As a result,

fasting can be a wonderful way to recharge your crown chakra.

Spending time in nature, being in direct sunlight, and drinking water can all benefit the crown

chakra. Extremely light foods such as mushrooms, garlic, ginger, onion, lychee, coconut, and

other tropical fruits can also be used to strengthen the crown.

Here�s a wonderful diagram to assist you:


How Do Food Cravings and Diets Relate to the Chakras?

It�s important to note that all of the foods mentioned here are 100% plant-based. Like

anything else, all foods hold a vibration. For example, pesticides, animal products,

and processed foods hold lower vibrations, whereas plants have higher vibrations. The

chakras also increase in frequency as you ascend from the root to the crown. So, the

foods associated with each chakra also increase in frequency as you go up the spine.

I believe it�s still important to eat plant-based foods higher in protein to balance the lower

chakras, but it�s extremely important to eat light, fruit and vegetable dense meals

to balance your upper chakras as well.

Ancient Hindu and Yogic texts explain that once the Kundalini energy is awakened, she

wraps around the root chakra and continues up the spine, increasing awareness as every

chakra is pierced until she reaches the crown chakra, at which point enlightenment (at least

in this dimension) is reached.

Avoiding certain foods can help us do this, particularly meat and dairy. Since fear is

of a low vibration, I believe that every time you eat a bite out of an animal product that

came from a creature who lived in fear, your vibration lowers.

As a result, you may experience lower vibrational energies including fear, which can affect

the root chakra and others. This is a common belief amongst Yogis, as it is thought that

the energetic imprint left on the meat from an animal can be transferred when consumed.

Once you�ve awakened this awareness, cravings can start to indicate which chakras you need

to work on. For example, I frequently crave sweet potatoes, carrots, peanuts, and turmeric,

all of which are related to the sacral chakra.

I choose to give in to these cravings, giving my body (both physical and energetic) what

I believe it wants, but every time I do I try to reflect on why my body wants them.

Your body will speak to you; all you have to do is listen.

If you get cravings that clearly aid your body (such as specific fruits, vegetables,

or nuts), I encourage you to listen to your body, eat those foods, and ask yourself: Why

am I craving these foods and do I perhaps need to work on the associated chakra?

Self reflection can be a beautiful tool to figure out how your energetic, emotional,


physical bodies are doing, and can provide you with the keys to healing yourself.

For more infomation >> This is How Your Chakras are Related to & Affected by the Foods You Eat - Duration: 13:39.


[반도리/한글자막] 아유미 나아간 길, 물드는 미래 #ED 내가 목표로 하는 것 - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> [반도리/한글자막] 아유미 나아간 길, 물드는 미래 #ED 내가 목표로 하는 것 - Duration: 7:19.


When Asked About Loretta Lynch, What Comey Said Next Left - politics - Duration: 2:33.

When Asked About Loretta Lynch, What Comey Said Next Left The Room SPEECHLESS

Shocking news is coming from James Comey�s testimony today, and liberals are going to

hate it.

Hillary Clinton was under investigation for sending and receiving thousands of government

emails, including classified information, on a secure server.

According to Former FBI Director James Comey�s testimony today in Congress, Obama�s Attorney

General Lorretta Lynch asked him specifically to not refer to the on-going Hillary email

probe as an �investigation.� Rather, she asked that he simply refer to it as a �matter.�


This is a new low, even for the Obama Administration.

I can only imagine why Lynch would rather call it a �matter� than what it really

was�an investigation.

Comey said himself that he was �confused and concerned� by this directive.

Compounding the scandal surrounding this unusual and clearly dishonest request, Loretta Lynch

and Bill Clinton had a secret meeting on a tarmac soon after.

Comey said that in order to �protect the credibility of the investigation,� he felt

as though he had to make an announcement of the email probe in July, separately from the

Loretta Lynch�s Justice Department.

So, it sounds like the liberals were right and Comey was being coerced during an investigation

after all�although I don�t think this is exactly what they had in mind.

This is a HUGE story that is just now breaking, but it definitely suggests more than a little

meddling by the Obama Administration in the 2016 election.

Thank God Hillary didn�t end up winning, or we would never have known.

Spread this story IMMEDIATELY to get this out there.

The press is not going to talk about this one bit.

Help us using the following 2 steps below:

Share this if you think that Loretta Lynch is guilty of a cover up!

Comment �Drain the Swamp Trump� below this post so that he sees it and starts investigating

this alleged gang of criminals.

Liberty Writers will have more on this so stay tuned!

See video clip link below in our description.

For more infomation >> When Asked About Loretta Lynch, What Comey Said Next Left - politics - Duration: 2:33.


Xandria- Call of destiny Sub español - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Xandria- Call of destiny Sub español - Duration: 4:15.


رد من فتاة فرنسية جميلة على ريافة وحراك ريف - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> رد من فتاة فرنسية جميلة على ريافة وحراك ريف - Duration: 1:40.


Walk Thru 2-Story MusArt Studio | Underground Earthbag Building Ep 37 - Duration: 7:54.


We just finished our Mus-Art Studio

Let's go take a look around

Shae: Welcome to MY Mus-Art Studio

Bryson: Rrrrright

This is the main work room, first floor

We got a work spot here in the center of the room

Shae would you like to show off your corner?

Technically this is my work area

and that is my work area

but we like to say it is everyone's work area

this is specifically designated to Muhwa

Are you sure that is not the boyfriend communication station

Bree: Boyfriend HQ

Boyfriend headquarters right here


This is the rocket stove here

Shae and Dad designed

and put together. This baby is going to keep us warm in the wintertime

and then we gotta mention this too

Which is our air heater

and cooler

Shae: We can vent now

Bryson: Just why?

You said I could vent on it right?

We don't even need my therapist now

The murphy bed

Shae: Look at that, my bedding is even folded

Bree: Our cousin Ashton was the first one to sleep in the Murphy bed


You love it don't you?


Bree: Sleep good

Ashton: K

Saw some comments. Some people were worried about the indentations

and we have a rolled piece of foam flooring

to keep the floor as nice as we can

for as long as we can. In fact,

all the furniture has pieces of foam

down there just to help prolong the life

of our floor

Shae: Oh it sets. Holy Cow.

Shelly: Oh, that's a lot easier

We're done showing you what is up here

so let's rock n roll downstairs

to the studio part of the studio

Try out the new carpet


This here is where our podcast and any kind of

voice and other types of recording are going to take place

Shae: You probably notice the sound difference

from upstairs to here

Bree: We're still putting in furniture

And now we do the narrating

Gary: In the Mus-Art Studio

We begin downstairs

Can't get enough of my buttery voice?

We gotta have you take over a Weekly Peek where you narrate the entire thing

like that

We'll dub in everything that is said

If you want to see that comment below

And we'll make it happen. Why not?

I personally want to see that

Shae: Wait, wait. Here we go.

Is this Morse code with lights. What is this?

Shae: I'm just showing how beautiful you all look in this light

Bree: You can't always count on the light


Bree: Is there anything else?

Shae: Look at this

This is our most beautiful editor in the world

Bree: Our beautiful Mom

Bree: My Little Mom

Shelly: That was delightful


This is Perlite mixed with mud

so we can get that nice ...sound

and then we used acoustic tiles for the ceiling

I know it sounds weird by my favorite part of the ceiling is

is the wood surrounding the light

Where is the big screen tv and refrigerator

Bree: This is not a guy den

I thought it was a man cave

Oh that's what I mean, a man cave


Bryson: there is the handles I 3D printed

Oh that one is crooked

Dad put on the railing

Shae: We all did the sanding

and Mom stained it up really nice

very beautiful

the Ocotillo cactus we cut down was huge

Gary: Mesquite railing

We designed it to look olden age

the dragon. The old feel

and then our lights

are so modern

I really like it

Mom had an amazing idea

to use either fabric or burlap between our beams or rafters

to hold insulation up

it created a beautiful look

and Dad did this whole reciprocal roof here

and the skylight

It has this olden, artistic feel

I love the curtains and the colored bottles

Shae: It still has that modern feel though

I really, really like it

Bree: I love being in here

The single one decoration

Bryson: I really thinks it adds to it

The purpose of this building is to have a place for us to think clearly

and a place to work

so we're figuring that we are going to be standing

for long periods of time

It looks wood but, let me show you

It just kinda tricks your mind

It's going to be extremely soft on our feet

so when we're working, we won't get so sore

You don't really realize how huge this building is

Shae: It's bigger on the inside!

I didn't make a Dr. Who reference


Alright, let's head outside


These are our mesquite poles

The paint job is a solid color

and then two colors sponged on top of it


Here's where we collect light

and reflects it into the bottom of the stairs

Oh, here is a little bit of cob

on our window


Then we installed a little bit of a patio here

an entry way ramp


So that wraps up for this building

Since it is done, we are going to take a 2 week hiatus

from the Weekly Peek's

But there will still be videos coming out. Next Friday

there will be a full version of this building

If you want to check that out. If it is already out, it will be down in the description.

Then the Friday after that one

there will be a blooper reel of the entire project

And then we will be back for another Weekly Peek

Starting on our new project which is Shae's earthbag building (tiny home)

We are looking forward to that

Shae: Last Wednesday's podcast was canceled due to an internet outage

so, this upcoming Wednesday

were going to be livestreaming 6pm Pacific

time and we're going to talk some more about this building

so we'll be taking any questions or comments you may have

Answered questions or comments on the spot!

You can always go back and re-watch it because it turns into a video at the end

If you like it, you can always re-watch it again

Gary: Put it on repeat

Bree: [giggles] put it on replay

Shae: You can wash all your dishes to it

Thanks so much for being here

and we'll see you Friday and Wednesday for that Podcast

All: Bye!

All: Thank-You!


Deborah: I Like the floor

Shae: We're moving shop

We're just going to slide it down the stairs


We're getting more



Bree: You guys miss?


Ashton: She's like. I got it.

Shae: Our family moved from the city to the country

thanks for taking part in our adventure

we have new videos every Friday evening

If you would like to help us out, you can like this video

share it

subscribe or support us on Patreon

see the links in the description

Please consider supporting us on Patreon

[Goat "maaaaa"]

Would you like to take the narration for you Bree?

You take it



For more infomation >> Walk Thru 2-Story MusArt Studio | Underground Earthbag Building Ep 37 - Duration: 7:54.


army (noun) - Duration: 3:06.

army (noun)

(pl. armies)

1 [countable + singular or plural verb]

a large organized group of soldiers who are trained to fight on land

The two opposing armies faced each other across the battlefield.

2 the army [singular + singular or plural verb]

the part of a country's armed forces that fights on land

Her husband is in the army.

After leaving school, Mike went into the army.

an army officer

army barracks/bases

See related entries: The army

3 [countable + singular or plural verb]

a large number of people or things, especially when they are organized in some way or involved in a particular activity

an army of advisers/volunteers

An army of ants marched across the path.

Extra examples

A huge army marched on the city.

Actresses now hire armies of hairdressers and stylists.

After finishing school, Mike went into the army.

He argued that unemployment created a useful reserve army of labour.

He bought the jacket at an army surplus store.

He created an army of loyal customers.

He grew up on an army base in the 1960s.

He led the army into battle.

He marched a foreign army into the capital.

He was in command of the British Army in Egypt.

Her husband is in the army.

NASA maintains a small army of engineers.

The French army was deployed in the Western Desert.

The German army entered Austria in March 1938.

The army was finally defeated in the autumn.

The companies recruit mostly retired army personnel.

The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded.

The king was unable to raise an army.

The singer was surrounded by a veritable army of reporters.

The taxes were used to maintain a standing army of around 55 000 troops.

The two opposing armies clashed in battle.

Their city fell victim to an invading army.

There was an army of technicians ready to help.

Who will organize the army of volunteers?

a vast army of personnel

those who fought the Soviet army in Afghanistan

He's an army officer.

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