Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 11 2017

Good Morning form Shinjuku.. again?!

Did I said this befor?! I don't know..

But Good Morning form Shinjuku!

And well.. as you see

I look a bit different today than usually..

since I'm goging to the Harajuku Fashionwalk.

Yeah.. I will now set off for Harajuku

because it is already half past 12

and the Fashionwalk starts 2pm

And I'm really curious who it will be

because I have no plan what will actually happen..

I heard about this all on Twitter

and from some YouTuber a little bit..

But I'm really curious what will actually happen :D


And by this the Harajuku Fashionwalk is over.

I'm setting off again for Shinjuku Station.

Because well I have to go back to Kofu again.

And yeah..

All in all I have to say it was really cool to attend this.

It was somehow.. cool to experience by yourself

what you otherwise just see on pictures.

There have joined quite a few foreigner.

Ehm.. although I've been the only one from Germany.

There have been a lot of French people

Someone form Kanada

America.. have been a few more too.. I think

Apart from that a lot of Japanese people

It was somehow really cool

because everyone was talking about there Outfits..

and where saying "This is cute and that's sweet and aaawwe" :D

So it was really nice!

It was definetly worth an experience!

By this I hope you liked to video..

and we will see again is my next video :D

For more infomation >> Harajuku Fashionwalk ~ Sonntags in Harajuku ☆~\(^o^)/~☆ - Duration: 3:08.


YouTube sta per fallire? | FAQ x Alieni - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> YouTube sta per fallire? | FAQ x Alieni - Duration: 10:22.


Эндшпиль – Вавилон (Video Clip) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Эндшпиль – Вавилон (Video Clip) - Duration: 3:55.


Cómo enseñar al perro a ANDAR entre tus PIERNAS y SOBRE tus PIES - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Cómo enseñar al perro a ANDAR entre tus PIERNAS y SOBRE tus PIES - Duration: 6:16.


E3, 2, 1 - Frühstück in die Zukunft - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> E3, 2, 1 - Frühstück in die Zukunft - Duration: 4:08.


だって大好きなんだもん。フリーハグでみんなを癒してくれるレトリバーがNYで大人気!【癒される】 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> だって大好きなんだもん。フリーハグでみんなを癒してくれるレトリバーがNYで大人気!【癒される】 - Duration: 3:50.


Feuilletées à la viande hachée مورقه ساهله وبسيطه وفي المتناول - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Feuilletées à la viande hachée مورقه ساهله وبسيطه وفي المتناول - Duration: 4:36.


MINI BLT - Duration: 8:55.

- Hello everyone, it's Barry here.

Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen, I hope you are well.

Today we are doing another mini food.

This is part of a bigger playlist,

so if you've missed any of those, grab the popcorn,

just like all over the place and have a little look.

There's a link up here and down below

and if you leave a little request for a future one,

maybe have a little look there

and see if I've actually done it already, before asking,

which does happen quite a lot,

but today we are attempting to minuscule down the BLT,

the old Barry Looks Tangy,

or the Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato sandwich,

absolute stonker, one of my favourites.

I've actually done a genuine, full-sized version of that,

which was gorgeous, on the channel before,

so you might wanna try that out if you're feeling inspired,

but we're gonna mini it, so let's crack on.

Oh and for the purposes of the location,

the pugs join this video.

They are just lying down and sunbathing, baby, nice.

So, as always with the mini food,

very kindly provided by one of you guys, chopping board,

and the Winnie the Pooh, rip-off, naff plate thing,

which many of you randomly actually have.

The aim is to make the BLT fit on that plate

and normally it does, so I'm very excited about this.

We've got the little tools, a little reminder again,

that that is not secondhand (laughs),

it hasn't been used on people's feet and stuff

and also our ever-growing hamper,

actually I've been sent about 10 of these,

by the way, so thanks for that.

Rolling pin, most amazing sieve ever

and some other bits and bobs,

that I don't really need today, like jugs and stuff,

if I ever need to do a coffee,

but it's all about the BLT today.

So then, BLT, now the most exciting thing for me today,

obviously we need bacon, lettuce, tomato,

which we're gonna cook up.

I bought this bread from the supermarket,

but it's actually sold crustless.

Now, there's that myth, isn't there,

that bread with crusts on makes your hair curly.

That doesn't work, 'cause I eat loads of crusts

and I don't look like Annie, so there we go,

this is gonna be the form of our sandwich,

I'm just gonna cut it up into two, even-sized squares,

But I've just never seen crustless bread before,

it's kind of like a new invention to me.

Just getting a rough idea of how big I can go, OK, cool.

I wanna try and make it as big as I can,

I know that sounds really weird for mini food,

but I do want it, you know, I wanna make it worthwhile.

I'll just check that, ooh,

that's a little too big.

How about that?

Alright, that's pretty good,

it's actually quite a spongy bread as well, isn't it.

I just wanna make it a little bit flatter,

there we go, loving that.

Actually, hey hey (laughs),,

I just wanna get it just a teeny bit flatter, that's all,

yeah, that works.

I wanna use a very British phrase here to say,

"Oh, crumbs, I'm getting crumbs everywhere,"

so there you go, folks, if you're not from England,

you've learned a very British phrase there.

It's kind of like a very gentle, sort of like, "Oh, no!"

"Crumbs!" OK. Use it, especially if you're gangsters,

"Crumbs, man!"

There we go, nice.

So, let's get the old rolling pin again.

I wasn't intending on using you today, rolling pin,

but you know, I think my kids kind of want you back, but...

Nice, nice, nice.

Take a little bit off there.

Brilliant, there we go.

So for the lettuce bit, over here in my fridge,

we have got some leftover lettuce, let me show you.

We basically had a salad last night, and I was like,

"Ooh, I can use this,"

so that's where that's gonna come from,

I'm just gonna finely chop that.

As for the tomato though, boom (laughs),

I don't have a tomato, I could have got a cherry tomato,

but again, we just happened to have these in the fridge,

so I don't wanna waste buying unnecessary tomato-idge,

so I'm gonna take a little, I'm actually gonna try

and take just a wedge out of the side of the tomato

and leave the rest of it intact, see what I mean?

There we go,

that is plenty, that's all I need.

I'm probably gonna put that back into the fridge now

and freak Mrs. Barry out,

just wrap it in some tinfoil and yes,

I'm just cutting it into strips really, for the minute.

It's always difficult to judge

how much I need for these things.

Right, I'm gonna halve it a little bit like that, see.

That's a bit more tomatoey,

it's definitely a tomato, you guys have seen it,

so I've put it on my spare plate like that,

tomato is done.


ooh, there we go,

always tricky to balance that.

We're gonna do our bread first.

That's really hot, so I'm just keeping my eye on it,

I don't think it's gonna take that long to catch,

ahh, very hot as well, woo!

The edges are just starting to brown a little bit.

Edging closer now, folks, you can see,

it's just starting to catch on the sides, look at this,

oh wow, check that out (laughs).

Come on, baby, come on.

Do you know what, I'm actually happy with that,

I'm taking it off the heat,

'cause it is really, really hot today for some reason.

Right, that's one piece (laughs)

and the other, yes.

For the bacon, I'm not gonna risk it too much,

so I'm gonna cook a larger piece really.

This is a quarter of a teaspoon of oil

and I'm gonna chuck in my bacon

and this is not taking long at all,

but I really want it crispy,

so I am gonna cook it for quite a bit

(sizzling bacon)

and all of a sudden, look,

as if by magic, hello mate (laughs).

Nice, come on, baby.

Alright, I'm happy with that, I don't know if my pan is.


So just while that's cooling a little bit,

and I slice it up, I'll get me lettuce ready,

nice, bacon, lettuce, tomato, awesome.

That's nice and easy to handle now as well,

so let's use our tweezers to try and hold this in place,

(laughs) well actually, that works, doesn't it?

I'm just gonna pull stuff off, tear bacon, oh yeah,

that's my bacon rashers.

I was gonna like cut it into chunks

a little bit like that, more strips stuff, but hey,

this is gonna do, folks, this is gonna do.

I ran out of plates, so I'm just gonna put it on my sieve

to hold it for now, but I think we're ready to build it.

So, here comes our plate, cha-ching!

First piece of bread down,

mayonnaise on the bottom piece of bread.

That's quite a bit, so I'm gonna scrape some off,

just wanna, yeah.


tomato, oh, this is really fiddly,

tomato, bacon

and I've taken it off the plate for the minute,

'cause it was getting really curvy,

I couldn't really get to it.

There we go, that's better.

Bacon, check that out.

It's really funny that I'm using tweezers actually,

because when they do professional cookbooks,

professional, things like food styling,

a lot of it's done with tweezers

or they put cotton wool in the microwave soaked in water,

just to steam it and get it really hot

and they'll make a soup photo look red hot,

even though it's cold, by putting the cotton wool behind it.

A bit more mayo on the underside of our lid.

Just a reminder, folks, if you're enjoying the video,

don't forget, I'm on all social media,

Twitter, Facebook, Insta-Snapchat, all that stuff


So here we go, let's place this down.

The mayo's gonna act as a bit of a glue

and we have made (laughs) a little BLT.

Right, let's get it on the plate, see if that works.

Alright then, folks, let's see if we have done it.

There is our Winnie the Pooh plate

and in comes, oh yes, it's fine,

our BLT, check that out.

I feel like I need to put it on one of the flat plates

actually, just because of the curved edges,

you can't quite see it too well.

This one's a teeny bit flatter,

so you can get a better view of it, see that.


Love it!

And as always, for scale purposes

and to hopefully prove I'm not using

a really highly magnified lens, there is a tangerine

(laughs) for scale.

Mini BLT, all done.

Alright, here we go, tasting time (laughs)

I'm so excited for this, I love a BLT.

Just like the real thing, absolutely stonking!

So that's it, folks, so remember to check out

the rest of the mini food playlist

and then let me know down below

any other mini food attempts you wanna see next.

Don't forget to subscribe for regular recipes and food fun

and I will see you again, next time.

For more infomation >> MINI BLT - Duration: 8:55.


ON THE LESSON OF CHEMISTRY Revenge Director Cartoon #Barbie - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> ON THE LESSON OF CHEMISTRY Revenge Director Cartoon #Barbie - Duration: 6:23.


Les 4 Accords Toltèques | MAKEDA - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Les 4 Accords Toltèques | MAKEDA - Duration: 6:46.


How to Make Homemade Cleaning Slime - Duration: 2:06.

How to Make Homemade Cleaning Slime Don't Forget To Subscribe: Google+: blogger: twitter: facebook: Pinterest: Playlist: Video link: If You really like How to Make Homemade Cleaning Slime Video, Please like, comment, Share & Subscribe

For more infomation >> How to Make Homemade Cleaning Slime - Duration: 2:06.


HUGE SUMMER HAUL 2017 | Topshop, Zaful, Primark. - Duration: 16:55.

Hi everyone!

So today I'm filming a summer time haul for you guys, this is a bunch of stuff that I've

collated over like a month or so, from a bunch of different places.

So if you guys want to see some really affordable, good clothes then keep on watching.

Okay so I'm undecided on whether I'm going to make this a try on haul or anything like

that but you guys will find out so, this is going to be whatever I decided on.But I'm

going to start off with this pair of shorts from Miss Selfridge.

They look huge on camera.

I don't know whether to tell you like sizes or anything like this but these were just

a pair of denim shorts from Miss Selfridge, I don't often buy things from Miss Selfridge

so I walked in, I really struggle to find any shorts that I like, I feel like a stuffed

sausage when I wear shorts, especially denim shorts.

So I got one pair because I know how must I just hate wearing shorts!

So, I tried these on, they look alright so i thought I'd go with these.

Because I'm not going to find anything better!

These were £28 but i got student discount so I got a little bit more off them.

they're just a simple blue wash, they're a 'mom' short, so they cover the bum, they cover

everything which is what I like!

Everything I have is inside out where I've tried it on.

The next shop went to was Topshop and i just bought this pair of loose, flows shorts, quite

colourfully patterned and i'll just wear them with a black top or something like that, super


Another pair of shorts but these ones are material flows shorts because I don't want

to feel like a stuffed sausage, so this is the way to go.

These actually aren't from, they're from Topshop but they're actually the brand Band of Gypsies

and these were £28 but again student discount, saves my life.

the next thing that I got is going to be really really hard to show you guys on camera, but

it's this super beautiful playsuit.

When I go on holiday I like to wear more colourful things be a bit more extravagant, wear things

that I wouldn't tend


wear in England, just because


on holiday, I don't

know anyone, I can do what I want.

For more infomation >> HUGE SUMMER HAUL 2017 | Topshop, Zaful, Primark. - Duration: 16:55.


Learn English - Common Mistakes - Week 33 - 'He is kind, no? or 'He is kind, isn't he?' (subtitled) - Duration: 1:33.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to 'One

English Mistake in One Minute' where each

week I discuss one common English

mistake made by English language

learners around the world, and then go

into detail about how to get past those

mistakes. This is video number 33.

Respect and admiration to you for

trying to improve your English. Again,

I'm going to show you a slide, and on the

slide there are two sentences: One of the

sentences is the correct way an English

speaker would say that, the other is the

wrong way an English language learner

might say it. Decide which one is correct

and the I will talk about it in more detail with the slide after the first slide.

If you've watched these videos

then I think you know the drill. If

you got it wrong I'm going to help you

to start to get it right by giving you

three examples or three sentences that

you can study from. Study the

sentences, drill them into your head and

then put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or


For more infomation >> Learn English - Common Mistakes - Week 33 - 'He is kind, no? or 'He is kind, isn't he?' (subtitled) - Duration: 1:33.


Куриные ножки в соусе. Ароматные голени, запеченные в духовке. - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Куриные ножки в соусе. Ароматные голени, запеченные в духовке. - Duration: 2:24.


Blanco Virtuálna prehliadka | - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Blanco Virtuálna prehliadka | - Duration: 2:36.


Champions Trophy 2017: What did Ab De Villiers say about Virat Kohli Before the Match - Duration: 1:43.

Champions Trophy 2017

For more infomation >> Champions Trophy 2017: What did Ab De Villiers say about Virat Kohli Before the Match - Duration: 1:43.


Minion Cupcakes - Create your own minions and eat them! - Duration: 6:53.

Hi loves! Thank you for stopping by.

Today I will show you how I created these minion cupcakes.

Let's get started.

For each minion I need two cupakes- whatever flavor you choose.

I have two versions of minions:

For one, I leave the cupcake liner on the base on.

For the second version, I remove the liners and cover the entire minion in buttercream.

I colored it in yellow using RainbowDust Progel.

I use a classic American buttercream - I have shared my recipe on YouTube in a video.

For the minion version covered entirely in buttercream, I stick a wooden skewer down the middle, making it easier to cover the minion and move it around.

I apply a crumb coat, place minions in fridge then cover lavishly in buttercream.

Now to the eyes!

I cut out two sizes of circles from white fondant.

Also - very small brown circles.

For the center of the eye, I use a food color pen in black to paint it in.

For this project, I attach everything with some water.

Minions have fancy glasses.

To create the fancy glasses, I paint the black fondant with some edible metallic silver (by RainbowDust).

Alternatively, use gray fondant.

Minions don't walk around naked, so let's create their clothes.

I create overalls using blue fondant.

Giving the overalls some stitches

A tiny pocket.

For one of the minions, I created an open mouth using black fondant and white small fondant pieces.

Some of the minions even have hair. Here I attach the thin black fondant coils to create hair.

Then applying some sugar pearls in heart shape, to make it look like a pink bow for the hair.

Let's eat our minions!

Please support this video, by giving it a thumbs up.

Subscribe for more creative baking videos, recipes as well as healthy cooking ideas.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Minion Cupcakes - Create your own minions and eat them! - Duration: 6:53.


Business Begins When You Start a Conversation | Chris Spurvey - Duration: 2:55.

Hi my name is Chris Spurvey, helping you attract ideal clients to your business.

Recording this video with my tripod here out in a trail in Mount Pearl where I live.

This is a trail I walk every single day.

Why don't I just show you?

It's the old railway bed – the Newfoundland Railway – that…

Let's see if I can get this back centered.

The Newfoundland Railway that went away many years ago, and the old railway bed is now

a walking trail for people in the city of Mount Pearl that actually goes right across

the province of Newfoundland.

In the effort to record some videos that are outside of my living room, I thought it would

be kind of cool to bring my tripod on the walk with me this morning.

It's 7 o'clock, and this is where I start the morning with the two dogs.

I wanted to share a very quick message with you today, a thought that I've had this

week, throughout the week.

The idea is we are all, at any one given time, one conversation away from ___.

And you fill in the blank.

We're all one conversation away from any breakthrough in our business.

One conversation away from creating an alliance, creating a partnership, attracting new clients

to our business – you fill in the blank.

We need to be open.

We need to be far more open than perhaps we are to getting out of the building and meeting

new people.

I just got back from Halifax this week where I spent a couple of days.

During those couple of days I spent probably six, maybe even eight conversations with people

who I had never met face-to-face before.

Because I found myself in Halifax, I decided to go on LinkedIn, search for people who were

in Halifax and meet face-to-face and that just generated such rich and abundant conversations.

No business intentions in mind outside of just getting to know one another.

With that in mind, I actually am launching a brand new tool.

I recommend you download it – it's free.

The Personal Conversation Method.

Just go to – the link will be below.

You can download it and it's a free download, five pages, that will give you some ideas

as to how to go about generating these rich conversations with people when you meet them,

and maybe turn those conversations into potential clients, but not with the overall intention

of doing that – just creating rich bonds between you and the person you're meeting.

So go to, grab that download, and I promise you – it

will help you in the area of generating conversations and growing a potential client base.


Have yourself a great week and I look forward to bringing you another video.

My dogs are about to pull themselves away.

Anyway, have yourself a great week.

I look forward to bringing you another video next Sunday morning.


Subscribe to the channel.

Have a great week!

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