Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 11 2017

Grüezi YouTubers.

Here is the guy with the Swiss accent.

With a new episode around sensors and microcontrollers.

If you use Raspberry or Orange Pi computers, or any other small Linux board, you need SD


And because it is handy to have different cards for different projects, you need lots

of them…

In this video, I will try to find out how you can do this without spending more than


I will try to answer the following questions: 1.

Does the size of the SD card has an implication on its speed?


Do "better" or more expensive cards from the same supplier have an advantage?


Is it better to buy clones or original SD cards?

In my evaluation, I will solely concentrate on performance on a Raspberry Pi 3.

I cannot measure the lifetime of such cards and if there is a difference between originals

and clones.

Most of my project cards anyway are not used in long-term applications.

So, I assume, that I will not have problems with defective SD cards.

Please comment, if you know anything about this aspect of the cards.

For this comparison, I used Samsung cards because Samsung is one of the biggest suppliers

and I happened to have already a few cards from this brand.

But I hope, they will not explode…

I will test 16, 32, and 64GB versions.

Smaller cards from original manufacturers are no more easily available.

The "Clone" cards come from Banggood, where I bought a few from different brands.

Here, I will only test 8 and 16 GB versions, because I think, for Raspberry projects this

is the most commonly used size.

So, let's start!

Here, you see the selection of my cards: I start with the originals: The cheapest series

is called "EVO".

Its description says: Grade 1, Class 10, UHS-I compatible, and up to 48MB/s transfer speed.

But, what does this mean?

Let's start with UHS-I.

This is the definition of the physical SD card interface.

UHS-II and UHS-III cards use additional pins of the SD card.

So, your device must support these standards, otherwise your card will use the normal interface

and will not perform at its top level.

And you would spend money for nothing.

All Raspberrys only have UHS-I interfaces.

The next is the speed specification.

There are three kinds of specifications, which are somehow overlapping: Speed Class, UHS

speed class, and video speed class.

The original speed class went only up to class 10.

Instead of extending it to higher values, they introduced a parallel new class, the

UHS speed class (not to be mixed with UHS-I interface).

UHS speed class 1 is the same as the old class 10.

Complicated enough?


In order to increase complexity, they introduced a third class, the "video speed class".

Original speed class 10 is similar to V10.

Complicated enough now?

Still not?

Our card has "up to 45 MB/s" transfer speed.

Which would be above the UHS class 3.

But its spec is only class 10 or UHS 1, which means 10 MB/s.

Why that?

There are two reasons: 1.

Because it depends on how you use your SD card.

If you read from it or write to it.

And if you read or write large junks of data like video files or small junks like the update

of a database field.


Class 10 specifies a minimal value of 10 MB/s, and the Samsung "marketing spec" states

the maximum of 48MB/s.

And even more: Because SD cards are not specified for the usage in microcontrollers, these values

only cover large files, not writing of data base fields and other common tasks of Raspberries.

So, we cannot depend on these numbers and we have to measure ourselves.

Because of this complexity, we need a first summary:

There are three hardware interface standards.

In this video, we only use UHS-I, because the Raspberry SD card slot only supports this


Then, we have three different speed classifications, which are similar and overlapping.

Most of the cards in this test are class 10 or UHS I or V10, which are similar or even

the same.

The standards define a minimum speed, the supplier print maximum speeds on their packages,

maybe because they think, consumers are stupid and believe the big numbers.

And finally, no one specifies the usage of their cards in operating system environments,

because they do not allow this usage.

So, lets continue with our own tests.

I purchased a bunch of SD cards.

It costed me a fortune, but for science, we sacrifice a lot…

As said before, most of the branded cards are from Samsung.

They manufacture different series with different speeds and also different prices.

And you get different sizes in all their series.

Here you see the cards I will use in this test: They cover all series, and many sizes.

Except 8GB, which these days is not easy to get anymore from these big suppliers, at least

not in Switzerland.

With this material, we can check, if the speeds of the different series with the same card

size varies.

And we also can test if there are differences in the same series between different sizes.

And of course, we will compare these branded cards with no-names from our usual source…

I purchased two 8GB cards from Tohaoll and Wansenda and three 16GB cards from Netac,

Mixza, and MicroSD Fortunately, other makers did already some


So, I can try to confirm their measurements, and, if so, use their results to extend my


One who did extensive testing is "".

He used hdparm, dd and izone to do the testing.

hdparm gives basic raw throughput stats for buffered reads.

dd simply copies data from one place to another on the same disk.

Here, we make sure, we copy enough data that the files are really written to the file system,

not only to the memory cache.

Iozone seems to be a very robust filesystem benchmark tool, which does a lot of useful

tests that make sure you're getting a broad overview of read and write performance for

a variety of block sizes and situations.

In order to get comparable results, I use the same test procedure as he did.

Fortunately, he created a small script which installs the needed tools and perform all

tests on a Raspi.

I enhanced this procedure with the usual tests on a PC.

First, I used Crystal Diskmark 4 to test the sequential read and write performance as well

as the read and write of small 4k junks.

You find the results in the overview slide.

I will provide a link in the description.

I also measure the time Etcher needs to write a Raspbian Jessie image to the card.

This is also a task we quite often perform if we work with Raspberries.

Etcher, by the way, is the new tool to write images to SD cards.

I used it without verification.

The test procedure is quite simple, but (unfortunately) quite time consuming.

After testing each card with Crystal Diskmark in a USB3 card reader on the PC, I transferred

a new Raspbian jessie image to the SD card, started it up in a Raspberry 3, installed

the Linux benchmark tools, and executed the benchmarks.

And here is the result of such a test: First, the buffered read, then, the dd copy, and

third, the random read and write.

Now, let's discuss the results.

The first question is always: Are the results of my measurements valid?

To check this, I measured one card three times.

For that experiment, I used the most expensive card in the test: The Samsung Pro+ 32GB.

The results of hdpharm are comparable.

In the overview table, you will see, that this parameter is not very important, because

it is quite similar for most cards.

The fastest and slowest dd file copy speeds differ 20% and the random write speeds also

differ about 10%.

Summarized, the measurements are not very accurate and we probably should not compare

them up to the second decimal place…

If we compare the results with the slowest card in the test, however, we see quite a


So, the measured results should provide usable results to answer our questions from the beginning

of the video.

The next question is: Are my results comparable with the ones published on the internet?

To check that, I select a card where I have the most results, the EVO 16GB.

BTW: From now on, I scale all results to a scale from 0 to 100 where 100 is the fastest

and zero is the slowest result.

To create an overall index, I sum up the results of all tests.

We find quite big differences between the tests in the internet.

But the differences seem to be quite random.

For example, these two results are the same, and here, these, too.

But the totals differ too much for my taste.

So, I will not use the tests from the internet and concentrate on my own measurements.

But I will provide the results of the internet as an additional information for you.

Like that, at least I have the same conditions for all my tests.

So, we answered the technical questions and finally can start to answer our real question

1: Is there a difference between the different card sizes in the same series?

For this test, I used three EVO+ cards, and here is the result: The 32GB card is much

better in all aspects than the other two.

The 64GB card is slower than the other cards in most aspects.

Just the loading of the Raspbian image is faster.

Maybe the 64GB card is optimized for writing of large sequential files?

Let's check the two cards of the normal EVO series.

Here, the 32 GB card is much faster than the 16 GB version.

Unfortunately, I do not have more 32GB cards to compare.

So, I cannot confirm that the 32GB cards are always faster.

The next question is: Is it worthwhile to spend the money for a better (and more expensive)

card from the same supplier?

For the 16GB cards, the EVO+ version is considerably faster than the normal EVO card.

But the 32GB EVO and the EVO+ cards are very similar in speed.

The Pro+, however is quite a bit faster.

And if we compare the loading time for the jessie image, the PRO+ is more than 4 times

faster than the slowest 16GB EVO.

So, it really seems, that the newer cards are optimized for writing of large sequential


Which is understandable with all these new 4k cameras which produce a lot of data…

Summarizing our results: 1.

Does the size of the SD card has an implication on its speed?

If you look at the overall result, we find the bigger cards in the higher rankings, though.

But not always as the Sandisk Extreme 8GB shows.

I think, it is not worthwhile to buy a too big card.

If you want to spend the money, it is better to spend it for a card of the higher series.


Do "better" or more expensive cards from the same supplier have an advantage?

My tests suggest, that this is generally the case, however not in each discipline.

For me, it is questionable if the speed difference is worth the money.


What about the clones?

Is it better to buy clones or original SD cards?

The verdict here is quite clear: Most of the clones are at the bottom of the ranking.

However, there are two exceptions: The Microdrive 16GB and the Black card without a name.

So, if you are lucky and you get a good one, it might be ok.

If not, the cards are really not worth the money.

Especially the random write measurements are horrible, even for the two "better" ones.

And this value is quite important for logging and for database applications on small microcontrollers

. And there is an additional problem with "clone

cards": Who is the manufacturer of the cards?

You should find the manufacturer in a field called CID.

The first two places of this long number should point you to the manufacturer.

If you look at the Samsung cards, they are all start with 1b.

The no-names have very strange numbers, which are not very trustworthy for me (123456 looks

like a really bad password).

So, even if you order a Microdrive SD card today, because I measured decent values, it

is not clear, if you get a card with the same properties as the seller maybe changed his

manufacturer in the meantime…

And you will still read 123456, but the speed values might be really slow.

A last thing: As I already mentioned before: There are many rumors out there concerning

lifetime of SD cards.

I did not find dependable information about this topic.

And because the manufacturers do not specify our usage pattern, I think, this will not

change in the near future.

I hope, this video was useful or at least interesting for you.

If true, then like.


For more infomation >> #141 SD Card Test with Raspberry Pi 3 (Clones and Originals) - Duration: 17:33.


Hikaru【中文CC字幕】目標是巨大吉胖喵玩偶!!但結果完全夾不到!? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Hikaru【中文CC字幕】目標是巨大吉胖喵玩偶!!但結果完全夾不到!? - Duration: 3:53.


Palestinians: If the occupation ends, will there be peace? - Duration: 15:09.

If the occuption of 1967 (lands) ended

would there be peace?

Haisam Nablus

The people here are divided about this

some people are with some people are against

What about him?

In my opinion, no there wouldn't be peace

Even on a popular level, it wouldn't happen

Most of the people are concerned about the refugees, makes it difficult

But what do you think?

This is my opinion There wouldn't be peace


For us Palestinians if there wouldn't be peace

and also for the Israelis they wouldn't have peace

because they want the settlements in the 1967 areas

Sana Ramallah

I don't think so

Because there is the 1948 (lands)

For example, my hometown

is in the 1948 area

So for me, it's not a solution the 1967 conflict

Yes, it's my hometown why not?

It is up to you if you want to go back or not go back

It's their choice

If the 1967 occupation ends

would there be peace?

Yes, of course

Oday and Ala Nablus

No, for all of Palestine

Originally there aren't two states

there wasn't any country named Israel

This is a difficult question

There is no Israel to begin with

Does there have to be peace? Is that it?

I don't think it is necessary

and he was joking, he was laughing

Elias Bethlehem

If the 67 occupation ended would there be peace?

Of course, there would be peace for everyone

The lands that they have here

they would still have them even if there were war


Because there wouldn't be war

It would be nice for them (refugees) to come back here

because they are not allowed to go back to the 1948 areas

If the 1967 occupation ended would there be peace?

Imtias and Ahlam Bethlehem

If the occupation ends

will there be peace in the 67 lands?

If they (Israelis) could leave the entire land of Palestine

not just the 67 lands then there would be peace

Inas (40 something year old woman) Bethlehem

I also agree with their opinion because they (Israelis) are


so naturally they would still be occupiers

If they leave the 1967 lands would there be peace?

Surely yes

If the 1967 occupation ended would there be peace?

Ahmad Jerusalem

For sure, there will be peace

the people who are in the refugee camps outside

would still keep demanding for their rights to return and their lands

If they were to come back to the 1967 areas

and there were places for them to stay, then yes, why not

If the 1967 occupation ended would there be peace?

Of course not

Because peace for us

is to have all the lands that the Jews took from us

in the lands of 1948

So only getting all your land back is the only way to have peace?

Aida alAzar Refugee Camp


All of our lands

If the 1967 occupation ended would we have peace?

Yes there would be peace in the 1967 lands

if the occupation ends

They don't come back to the West Bank or the 1948 lands?

Yes, there would be peace

There would be peace if the occupation ends

in the West Bank

and the refugees came back to the 1967 areas

Yes, there would be peace

In the current situation

But there would be temporary peace

From the side, the cousin said there would be temporary peace

until they got all the lands I assume that is what he means

Until we get all the Palestinian rights

Don't ask what that is

Right of return

The return

The return of all the Palestinians to their original lands and homes

this is according to the UN laws

If the 1967 occupation ended would there be peace?

Yes, there would be

Thaer Ramallah

Because things would be ok and there would be no more checkpoints

there would be freedom

Does he think there will be no right of return?

If there was no right of return would this work?

No, I think this wouldn't work

if there wasn't a right to return

because if we have peace here

there would be problems outside with the refugees

some people in the diaspora are still demanding for their rights

They could come back

The Israelis can leave the settlements

and the refugees from the diaspora could live in the

emptied settlements

Does he think then there would be peace?

Yes, because a person would have a home

Samir Ramallah

So you mean ending the occupation in the 1967 lands

all of the 1967 lands?

that they give them back to us?

I expect that this will be impossible to happen

impossible to happen

Because they (Israel) is refusing to give us anything to begin with

and they will not give us anything

We hope, we wish

It's impossible

because the Jews don't want to give us peace

because 20

20 or 25 years ago

I was discussing something with an old Israeli

and there were tensions between the Likud and Labour parties

He told me that they are the same the difference is

the Labour party says that

"I will give you" but they won't

and the Likud

say "I won't give you" and they don't give you

That's the difference

I think so yes

and the guy on the side?

I expect and hope for this to happen

So two people here think that will happen

Yes, naturally

Soufian Ramallah

We hope that there will be no settlements, no checkpoints

for people to live normally

that we would have a country next to them called Palestine

and this would accomplish peace for both sides

There would be checkpoints because it's a different country

just like going to Jordan

Sure, fine, no problem

but we don't want them on our lands

we want people to live their normal and natural lives

Because people are just sick of this

people want to live

For more infomation >> Palestinians: If the occupation ends, will there be peace? - Duration: 15:09.



For more infomation >> HİNTLİ DAYI UZUN HAVA OKUYOR! - Duration: 13:47.


Мультики Игрушки Герои в масках Суперспособности Мультфильмы для детей Новые серии Видео про игрушки - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Мультики Игрушки Герои в масках Суперспособности Мультфильмы для детей Новые серии Видео про игрушки - Duration: 5:20.


कमल को गमले में कैसे लगाए /How to Grow lotus in Pot -11th June 2017/Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 8:02.

If you have not yet subscribed to the Mammal Bonsai channel

Then subscribe to the channel by pressing the red button

And press this bell icon so that when I upload a new video you get the message

Hello Friends, i am Vijay saini & welcome to Mammal Bonsai

Friends I told you in the last video that ..

how we can grow lotus seeds,how to germinate it

today i will plant it

see the seeds are germinate

leaves is starting to come

i think its ready to plant

This is a seed and it is also small in the previous video

Look, it's too big.

take the seeds Carefully

Because it slips from here on the seed

So it can fall

One of my seeds broke like this

When I was changing its water, it broke after falling water on its new growth

How do we put this in the pot? I'm gonna put it in the pit.

because i have l space here

People who live in the city, how they plant in the pot, I will tell you

For this, we will use two methods

i will tell you both methods

so let's start

first of all take a pot

you can plant it in single pot with first method and you can also plant in double pot with 2nd method

so take a big pot for plant it

In which 10 liters of water came

Do not think that I have taken a small pot

Because I just took this pot to show you the demo

so take a big pot

Keep one thing in mind

As I tell you in every video, it is important to have a hole in the pot

But when we are planting lotus seeds, this pot does not have a hole in it.

so There should not be any hole in it

For this you use smooth clay.

I forbid you to use smooth clay in ordinary plants but we can use clay soil in lotus

One advantage of this is that our water will be clean

If we use garden soil , then when we pour water the water will become dirty

And the clay will freeze down so the water will remain clean

So I've brought a little bit of smooth clay

When we bring the plants from the nursery

The clay that comes in those plants is that soil.

In this soil, I have mixed the my clay soil

There is some grain in this soil

But if you can, use the plain soil

if you want to grow single pot then take big pot and fill with soil Less than half

My pot is small so I've added a little more

but if you have big so fill less than half

after fill soil water it

Mud left to drink water

it take 10-15 minute

If there is extra water then remove it

So that the soil can sit down

When the soil will soak water, then it will be something like this

after that take your germinated Seeds

see this

There is no need to sow this seed in full

The seed is just pressed in like this

This part should be out

now fill pot with water

See, the growth of one of my seeds was broken

Keep the top of the seed out of the soil

and then watering

we can plant it like this

Soil should be drowned in water

Its leaves will remain out and float on the water

now i will tell you 2nd method

Take this kind of pot and fill it with soil.

mean As much as we are full of water, fill it with soils

after that sow the germinated seeds top of soil

and then take a big pot like this

Keep in mind that there should not be any hole in it.and fill water

after fill the water keep the pot in this big pot like this

This is the soil that will sit down after a while

now you can see plant

If the plant is in water then there is no problem and it will come out automatically

And coming out, its leaves will float on the water

keep in the full sunlight , like terrace

and you can keep in the sunny spot in the garden

These are the air bubbles, which means air pockets remain in the soil.

we can fix it with hand

or Leave it like this it will be fine automatically

after that water will see clear

I can not keep on the roof here

because you know that

Here is a cat and he has two children

Which is very naughty

Still they are mischief sitting there

Let me show you

See this, all three are sitting here

Since I've been walking here right now

If I go down from any work, then it will do some mischief with some

Like if i put a pot , then you will mischief with it.

See this little one is coming here

and Now the second is also coming

and both are so naughty

The clay that I brought Mischief with it

The water which is slowly clearing up , I show you closer

you can see plant

after some time it come out from water

There's an ant, it wants to kill him

ok friends so you can germinate lotus seeds and plant them

See some seeds left to me

So I will dig a hole and put it in it.

Ok friends see you in the next video

till then goodbye .thanks

For more infomation >> कमल को गमले में कैसे लगाए /How to Grow lotus in Pot -11th June 2017/Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 8:02.


Điều gì sẽ xảy ra khi kết hợp Fanta với C sủi - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Điều gì sẽ xảy ra khi kết hợp Fanta với C sủi - Duration: 3:01.


Sát Thủ Siêu Ninja Ẩn Náu 30 Năm Trong Rừng Ở Philippines - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> Sát Thủ Siêu Ninja Ẩn Náu 30 Năm Trong Rừng Ở Philippines - Duration: 11:39.


USL LIVE - Phoenix Rising FC vs Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2 6/10/17 - Duration: 2:17:38.

For more infomation >> USL LIVE - Phoenix Rising FC vs Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2 6/10/17 - Duration: 2:17:38.


Haldi Doodh - How To Make Turmeric Milk - Golden Milk - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Haldi Doodh - How To Make Turmeric Milk - Golden Milk - Duration: 2:55.


【衝撃】<香取慎吾>え!こんなに大きい子供がいた!?20年間関係を持った彼女は?週刊文春の内容まとめ - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 【衝撃】<香取慎吾>え!こんなに大きい子供がいた!?20年間関係を持った彼女は?週刊文春の内容まとめ - Duration: 1:48.


English for Chinese Speakers 33 - 'It snowed big' or 'It snowed a lot'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:07.

Hi again everyone, and welcome back to

'One English Tip in One Minute for

Speakers of Chinese (and its many

language varietis)' where each week I

talked about, in detail, one common

English mistake made by Chinese speakers,

and this is video number 33.

Yup, still there... I think it's a cool,

smart and practical thing for you to do

to try to improve your English. So nice

going. Again, hopefully these videos

are helping you. In these videos I show

you a slide, and on the slide there are

two sentences: One is the correct way

that a native English speaker would say

it, the other is the wrong way that many

Chinese speakers say it. Your task is

to decide which one is correct. Why

don't you do that now. Read the sentences,

listen to me read the sentences, pause

the video, think about your answer and I

will discuss the answer in the slide

that follows the slide.

Okay, hopefully you got that

and you did that without any major

trouble. If not -- if you got it wrong

or you just happened to guess correctly --

don't worry about it...there are thousands

(actually, with Chinese, probably millions)

of people out there who make the same

mistake. Now you just have to work to

get past that. To start you off on

that process I've given you three

sentences to study from. You should

study these sentences -- really drill them

into your brain -- and put into practice

what you've learned through speaking or

writing or both. It's always a good

idea to go outside of these videos and

learn from the vast resources that are

out there.

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