Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Hello, everyone!

My name is Moses

I'm American

I live in Columbus, Ohio

Now I'm learning Hungarian and I've already been learning for 5 months

I study by myself, but I get help from Tibor.


I like learning Hungarian with him, of course

I think that Hungarian is a very difficult language, but I enjoy learning languages so it's really not a problem for me

I've never been to Hungary before, but I'm sure that I want to go to Budapest in the future, of course.

I decided to learn the Hungarian language because I like the way it sounds, moreover I love meeting people from all over the world in general.

yes, of course

Thanks a lot!

For more infomation >> Let's Speak Hungarian! - Duration: 1:47.


Submerged Sphinx Like Structures and Pyramids Found Near Cuba - tech and science - Duration: 10:21.

Submerged Sphinx-Like Structures and Pyramids Found Near Cuba, Ancient Technology Allegedly


What do you know!

A sunken complex with great pyramids and sphinx-like structures were found off the coast of Cuba,

and competent authorities are turning a blind eye to this breakthrough discovery that could

rewrite history books.

Our world has become extremely reliant on technology, and while this isn�t necessarily

a bad thing in theory, the reality is somehow different.

We tend to boast about the overall achievements of our species, about the technological advancements

that are due to a corroborative effort of other humans, but although this evergreen

tree is producing more fruits than ever, on an individual scale we only get to reap what

grows at the base of this tree, or whatever falls off.

The technological fruits which grow towards the top of the tree remain in the grasp of

major organizations, be them private or governmental.

We willingly entrust them with using these tools for a greater purpose, as our daily

lives revolve around more trivial things.

However, this blind trust of ours is being defrauded by these groups that seek to control

and utilize technology for their own scheming purposes.

A monopoly has been instituted on advanced technological tools, and this clearly hinders

our progress as a species.

On December 7, 2001, a news article covered by the BBC announced the discovery of a lost,

long-submerged city with unusual features off the coast of Cuba.

Due to the novelty of the find, the article remained somehow conservative, not revealing

any spicy details that would make it controversial.

A team of explorers working off the west coast of Cuba say they have discovered what they

think are ruins of a submerged city built thousands of years ago.

Researchers from a Canadian company used sophisticated sonar equipment to find and film stone structures

more than 2,000 feet (650 meters) below the sea�s surface.

�These are exactly what a person would see if they were to scan an average city block

with this technology� They say they still not understand the exact

nature of their discovery, and plan to start thorough analysis of the site � off the

tip of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula � in January.

The image the robot brought back confirmed the presence of huge, smooth blocks with the

appearance of cut granite.

Some of the blocks were built in pyramid shapes, others were circular, said the researchers.�

Paulina Zelitsky, head of a research team entitled �Advanced Digital Communications,�

had made a deal with Fidel Castro to provide free access into Cuban territorial waters

where they would scout for the remains of sunken ships from the Spanish colonial era

believed to be laden with gold.

It was a generous deal, as Paulina and her team were to keep 50 percent of any treasures

they would come across.

The technology used by the research assembly was known as �side-scan sonar.� It relied

on an underwater sonar device which took horizontal scans of the ocean floor.

The images would then be assembled to form wider imagery of the ocean floor and 3D computer


After scanning a region where sunken wreckage was presumed to be found, the team of treasure

hunters discovered something unusual.

The sonar scan revealed �rectilinear geometry� similar to a city�s infrastructure

The sunken ruins were resting half a mile below sea level (2,200 feet � 670 meters)

and were comprised of various wall-like structures, foundations and other features difficult to


Given the depth of the site, researchers first estimated it to be over 12,000 years old,

before the last (known) glaciation.

With all this puzzling data on the table, Paulina and her team decided to thoroughly

analyze the material.

What they found out next was truly startling � structures resembling huge pyramids, with

linear architecture surrounding them, and a mysterious building resembling a sphinx

with three paws.

After this breakthrough discovery deemed by many enthusiast as the missing link to the

sunken city of Atlantis, the research team had signed a deal with National Geographic

that was meant to shed light on this matter by broadcasting an extensive coverage of the

site by 2003.

However, National Geographic had never honored their part in this arrangement, and the story

was put to rest in the years that followed.

The extreme depth where the site was located made it impossible for scuba-divers to cope

with the pressure and strong currents, and the only viable option remaining was the use

of a special submersible vehicle with a camera and spotlight attached to it.

The research team had this privilege, so they returned a few months later for an in-depth

analysis of the sunken metropolis.

Because Paulina signed a non-disclosure agreement, she wasn�t allowed to share with the public

any images she and her team had obtained.

However, a twitch allowed her to reveal pictures of the pictures, which was enough to stir

the excitement of every alternative knowledge seeker trailing this formidable discovery.

The reconstructed image below shows what seems to be the platform upon where a temple had

been built in remote times.

It also reveals two sphinx-like structures in the background.

It�s gullible to assume that such formations occurred as a result of some natural phenomenon,

or to interpret them as relief or algae.

The complex had colossal proportions, and was comprised of various structures with features

that were (after reconstruction) similar to those of other attested civilizations found

on the surface.

The Mystery Deepens Even Further:

The reason behind National Geographic�s retreat from the bargain is bizarre to say

the least.

Since media coverage on this topic had dissipated in the years that followed, most people believed

that nothing of significance had been discovered there.

But, I am more inclined to think that the formidable discovery of a sunken city off

the coast of Cuba threatened, if exposed, the very establishment that�s dictating

the doctrine we currently abide to.

Just imagine news outlets worldwide speaking of a sunken civilization far-predating the

oldest historically attested civilization.

It wouldn�t probably mean much to the naysayers, unless this newly discovered culture possessed

advanced technological skills, which may very well be the case.

Tracking this more than curious topic, renowned author and researcher David Wilcock, has made

available unique insight he obtained about this Cuban sunken city.

According to him, and not coming as a surprise, the US military knew of this site for quite

some time now, ever since the �Cuban Missile Crisis� in 1962.

During the Cold War, the US sent a small fleet of submarines to survey potential missiles

that had allegedly been planted by the Soviets on Cuban territory.

During their endeavour, they stumbled across a submerged site that had pyramids, megalithic

stone structures and sphinxes.

We can safely assume they were the same sunken ruins encountered by Paulina and her team

in 2001.

Since the government possessed all the novel technology and equipment, they naturally sent

for an extensive investigation of the site.

Several squadrons were assigned underwater where they came across ancient technology.

According to David Wilcock, a huge dome encapsulating the entire area was put in place, water from

within was dredged out, and the compartment pressurized before sending in the scientists.

At a closer investigation, the military found ancient machines that were still operational,

with some of the lighting still turned on after millennia.

This information was allegedly revealed by a woman who, at that point in time, was employed

as a regular cook at the Guantanamo Bay.

She obtained this insight during one night when a drunken Navy seal that was seemingly

trying to impress her boasted about the sunken metropolis.

Among the most notable statements to come out of his mouth was, ��You know, we found

Atlantis down there�.

These are not just empty words about a legend known to so many.

As it seems, the ancients were very familiar to this sunken city (or civilization) of Atlantis.

Take for example this excerpt from Plato�s Timaeus dialogue:

As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recount to us, Solon, they are no

better than the tales of children.

In the first place, you remember a single deluge only, bu there were many previous ones;

in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and

noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descendant

from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.

And this was unknown to you because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction

died, leaving no written word.�

Technological means needed to survive in harsh environments are mostly unavailable on an

individual scale, and those organizations with proper equipment sometimes have to follow

certain rules which forbid exposing exotic discoveries such as the sunken metropolis

near Cuba.

This shows how persuasive the powers that be truly are.

With a rich, but denied history, the human species doesn�t seem to care much if someone

unravels secrets from a long-forgotten time, not even when advanced technology is being

reverse-engineered and made available to those who can afford it.

Since we are incapable to put pressure on the establishment, we�ll most likely continue

to ignore our ancient legacy that we were so treacherously stripped off.

For more infomation >> Submerged Sphinx Like Structures and Pyramids Found Near Cuba - tech and science - Duration: 10:21.


[GNURoot][Instalndo SEToolkit no Android][SEM ROOT] - Duration: 4:02.

Speak, people, beauty?

I come here today to bring one of the videos that most asked me lately.

Even though it is very simple, many ask to teach how to install setolkit in GNURrot.

So let's go.

The Social Enguineer Toolkit (SET).

It is a Python-based open source tool for penetration testing around Social Engineering.

I will use the tutorial itself that is in the SET GIT.

First thing we're going to do is install the necessary dependencies.

I will leave in the description a link to the blog post where they will find the commands,

or also in our telegram channel.

Following here we will update the repositories.

After updating, just paste or type the command to install the dependencies.

After you have installed all dependencies correctly.

Let's now clone the SET folder.

It may take, or not, it will depend on your internet.

Finished we will now go to

the folder that was cloned.

Inside the folder note the script in python called setup, it is the one that we should


See what you are saying to run the script followed by the word install, to proceed with

the installation.

This part can also take a while.

After it is finished, it says that to execute the SET it is only to give the command 'setolkit'.

So that's it guys, now I can not guarantee that all of his functions will work, what's

left is to try.

So guys this was the video, I hope you liked it, leave your LIKE and sign up.

Thanks bye.

For more infomation >> [GNURoot][Instalndo SEToolkit no Android][SEM ROOT] - Duration: 4:02.


Fishing: The 5 Types of people you'll meet - Duration: 6:50.

[glitchy intro]

Come on over here, let me show you how I catch fish.

*hiss, crack*

Babe, the fish can hear you.

The fish can hear you there.


Just stop moving. Stop moving. Just stop moving. Ok?

I see a fish!

Babe. Babe!


Babe, there's a fish! There's a fish!


It's so cute!


They can hear you!

They can see you right there!

Keep it down!

Hey, sir, what are you using there?

Eh, I've just got a worm on a bobber.

I'm just goin' for some catfish.

*speaking Cantonese*

Any luck, sir?

What'd you say?

... small?

... tiny?

I just saw your post on Instagram.

Where'd you catch that?

What were you using?

Was that half ounce, bro?

What color lure were you using?

Alright, let me show you guys something, this--

this is a killer combo right here.

I've got a KVD swim jig,

lake fork paddle tail--

I'm stuck...

I'm stuck!

--and swim jigs are some of the most versatile baits,

you can swim it,

you can pitch it,

you can yo-yo it,

you can throw it in a spawning bed--

Can you DM me the spot?

Yeah, what--? What ramp did you launch off of?

What's the water temperature like?

Is it cloudy there?

--it can imitate a bluegill,

it can imitate crawdads,

they can imitate wounded bait fish--



Is it muddy?

Can you send me the GPS coordinates?

--you can crawl it,

you can swim it,

you can throw it,

you can pitch it--

I'm stuck!

Babe I'm stu....

I'm stuck!

--it can imitate shad,

a wounded shad,

they can imitate a spawning shad--

I mean, the possibilities are endless!

I'll tell ya, crack us another beer might help us catch some fish.

Heeere fishy fishy fishy!

Bro, it is too bright out for fish to be biting right now.

Bro, the water is too muddy, nothing's gonna bite.

Are you using braided line?

I heard if you wacky rig a hotdog, you'll catch lunkers all day.


Did your mystery tackle box come yet?

My Mystery Tackle Box just came!

Now I can use lures that I would have never bought!

Babe, let's-- I'm stuck.

Boy, I might not be catchin' fish, but I'm catchin' a buzz!

That was a bass, bro!

That was definitely a bass, that was not a carp.

That was not a carp...

I'll tell ya, that was a carp!

Okay, babe, for this kind of lure you're going way too fast with the reel,

okay? You're going way too fast.

What you're gonna wanna do

is just crawl that sucker along the bottom of those rocks, okay? Just crawl it.

I know how to do it.

I mean, I mean just inch it along the bottom, really feel that structure on the bottom--

I don't even want to fish anymore!

I'm tired...

Ho, boy! I got somethin'!

Oh! Fish on!

Babe, come here!

Babe, come over here, come over here!

Oh, it's a lunker, bro! It's a lunker!

Fish on! Fish on!

Definitely got somethin'!









Man, today's just not my day...

It must have been like, 10 lbs. bro.

Did you see it?

No, bro, but I just know, I felt it.

Bro, you should have been here yesterday.

I was talking to this guy,

he was hooking 10 pounders all day!

You said we were just fishing for a little bit.

This is my last cast.


Just let me get one more cast in, okay?

There's too many bugs! Babe...

You said we were gonna leave...

This is the last cast, I swear.


Please, I--

I just got a bite, just let me--

Just let me do it one more time.

You said that 15 minutes ago...

Babe, you've been so patient, I love you so much for that,

just one more cast.

We'll get ice cream after, okay? Just let me get one more cast.

*choking, coughing*

One more, last cast.

Are you keeping those fish, bro?

*speaking Cantonese*

You don't catch and release?

Bro, what's in the bucket?

Bro, can I see what's in the bucket?

You don't own the water, bro!

What are you standing behind me right now?

Like, seriously...

Babe, I got one!

I think I got a fish!

Come here! Come here, come one!

It's so cute!


Babe, I can't get it off...


Bro, can I take a picture with your fish?

Bro, subscribe to me!

Thank you, everybody, for watching.

This was a repost.

Uh, we just thought it was so funny, and, uh,

We had a lot of fun doing it when we did it, and we thought that more people should see it.

I think there are still some other fishermen that we didn't capture,

so guys, comment that below!

Comment some other kinds of fishermen!

Believe it or not, I have actually fished with a lot of people very similar to--

I've fished with basically every one of these characters before.

Yeah. These are just exaggerated forms, but I've seriously fished with

with these kind of fishermen before. --And half of this is just us making fun of fishing with eachother.

Okay, so give us a "like" if it made you smile,

give us a "subscribe" if you liked it even more,

and check out some of our other stuff coming up!

For more infomation >> Fishing: The 5 Types of people you'll meet - Duration: 6:50.


Losing Sleep Well Just One More Time Just Be Yourself In The Light - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Losing Sleep Well Just One More Time Just Be Yourself In The Light - Duration: 6:05.


como cunfigurar tu canal de youtube 2017 - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> como cunfigurar tu canal de youtube 2017 - Duration: 8:37.


Fast Bike Tires vs Slow Bike Tires - Duration: 8:48.

hold on greenlight I haven't tried it because I don't want my undercarriage to

smell that sweet good morning trainiacs

for a change today I might not be the

destroyed one in the lane about half two-thirds three-quarters of the lane

did a duathlon yesterday all together I did not and it sounds like it was just

a complete bloodbath like pain barfs snot all the good things that a good race

generates me however I got in an eight and a half hour sleep and it doesn't look like

any of them are in a hurry to get in the water so with any luck I will be a

overdose of blue kickboards with any luck I won't be a boat anchor in the


today's workouts are brought to you by fatigue sore muscles and recovery

I would barely even call what I'm doing today working out fun fact that I didn't

really know about swimming as I'm going through this getting my vitamin D levels

jacked up apparently chlorine well you kind of

know this because your skin dries out and your complexion gets a little bit

less greasy but that strips the oils away from the surface of your skin that

make vitamin d yeah so in the 24 hours after a swim in a chlorinated pool

you're having a tough time producing vitamin D so I'm going to start greasing

up with some coconut oil after the workout coconut oil is the absolute best

for getting rid of dry skin especially after chlorine and I didn't really think

that I should be like greasing up my entire body but I'm gonna also when I

was down in San Francisco a few years ago the pedicab people that like just

bike around all day pushing heavy gears on hills one of the dudes that carted us

around said that instead of using all like the chamois creams and things he uses

this I haven't tried it because I don't want my undercarriage to smell that

sweet and be careful when you grease up your entire body with this like don't

let anyone hug you after because if they come up and like they give you a big

bear hug just on straight up in there what's that the

that's it just some kettle bell swings and then some little baby push-ups

keeping the body honest but letting it recover off to work

that's everyone's favorite female Ironman athlete Nicole Walker's I haven't seen

Nicole much it nice to catch up I think that workout deserves a little bit of an

explanation to explain the 25s instead of writing that out

okay very briefly that rotating 25 within the hundred we do that

occasionally and that's really good prep work for a race because when you get

into a triathlon when you start getting a little bit faster you end up surging a

fair bit in the race like you surge at the start and then you settle in you

surge around buoys and then you settle in you surge when you got to catch up to

somebody's toes to make sure you don't lose them and you can keep the draft so

we throw that 25 in to the start so we'll do that 25 rotating where the

first 25 is hard and then the next 75 is easy and then the next hundred we'll do

the first 25 easy the second 25 hard and then the next 50

is easy hold on green light and then the third

hundred you do the third 25 hard and the rest of it easy like you're doing a

hundred meters continuous like you're not stopping during any of it you're just

adding a little pop of speed at the beginning the middle or the end to get

used to going faster slower faster slower recovering while you're swimming

keeping your breath really good race specific work at this time of the year

we uh we add a fair bit of those kind of workouts in the coaching plans that Pat

came up with and I am really going to put you away because it is busy right

now but it's happening it is so happening we're out in the vlog game


positive props are turning positive

we're rolling

is so far away and I'm digging this I'm going to go ahead and call that a

successful first flight let's see what we can do with this now

you guys ready for a battle because this is gonna to be a battle these are Continental

Grand Prix four thousand two's very nice very fast very supple

these are Gator skins very big very burly very tough not very fast high

rolling resistance these are really good in fall and in spring when the roads are

crappy these are really good for the rest of the year

two things now that it's nicer out I want to move over to these tires so that

I can go super fast in the ride group and these seem to be getting a lot of

flats as you've seen like we've got three flats in the last three four weeks

but Alto wheels super super tight tolerances and really hard to get tires

on especially when we're talking Gator skins that are like cement blocks to get

these things off so I'm not expecting this to go very easily in for battle

Pete I'm in for a battle

30 short minutes later we're done so there's something about tires that's a big

trade-off these continental Grand Prix four thousand twos are about as fast as

you can get without having a tire that is so wildly expensive and so brittle

that basically only professionals use it there's a website that's called

something like bike tire rolling resistance dot com like it's the simplest

URL ever and it gives you a rating if you're looking for tires of each of the

bike tires that they test all the really popular ones on a scale of how little or

much rolling resistance they have and how puncture resistant they are how

pinch flat resistant they are and what you can see is that the faster a tire is

the more likely it is to flat and the less time it will last the more burly

and tough a tire is the more rolling resistance there will be so that's why

in the summer I'll move over to this when the roads are nicer and in the fall

I'll use something like the Gatorskins we can't win them all Trainiacs we

can't win them alright we're ready to ride tomorrow

For more infomation >> Fast Bike Tires vs Slow Bike Tires - Duration: 8:48.


Como Ter Casa De Membro Sem Ser Um! E Apresentando Meu E Mais Novo Canal Da YouTube!!! - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Como Ter Casa De Membro Sem Ser Um! E Apresentando Meu E Mais Novo Canal Da YouTube!!! - Duration: 4:48.


(activar subtitulos) INFORMACION INPORTANTE!!!! - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> (activar subtitulos) INFORMACION INPORTANTE!!!! - Duration: 1:41.





Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano Mora, aged 18 from Ecuador wrote Prepare to Meet Your God

and in it, she talks about being dead for 23 hours and finding herself in hell among

many celebrities that include Michael Jackson the singer and Pope John Paul II.

The woman testifies (watch the original video testimony at the end of the article) that

she was taken by Jesus to pay a visit to Hell and Heaven and talks about the famous people

that she saw in Hell, about the glories of heaven and the rapture and end of times VISIT

HELL AND BACK REVEALED FAMOUS CELEBRITIES The woman said that the Lord had told her

that there were many famous people in Hell and many who had known about the Lord and

he had said that he was going to show her another part of the furnace.

She went on to describe a place and seeing a woman surrounded by flames and she was tormented

and begging for mercy from the Lord.

The woman said how the Lord had signaled the woman with his hand and said to her you see

that woman there in the flames, it is Selena.

They then walked closer to the woman and she was shouting and screaming to be shown mercy

and to be taken out of the place.

The Lord was said to have looked at the woman and said that it was too late to repent.

MORA WAS TOLD TO TELL HUMANITY ABOUT HELL Mora then said that the woman asked her to

go and tell the whole of humanity about what she had seen and tell them not to venture

to that place, she said that Mora should tell people not to listen to the songs the woman

had sung or sing any of her songs.

Mora then asked the woman why and was given the reply that every time people listen to

or sing her songs she was tormented even more.

She also said that people who listen to the songs she recorded when she was alive would

be coming to the same place.

Mora then said that she had looked far away and that she had seen many demons, all of

which had been spilling out what looked to be rain.

She asked the Lord what it was that she was seeing and he said that it was people in flames

and they were shouting to help them.

The demons were said to be laughing and their flames kept increasing.

Mora went on to say that there was brimstone and this helped to multiply the flames along

with increasing the anguish of the people and this made the demons laugh even more.

The Lord told Mora that it was the wages of people who had not repented.

She went on to say that the Lord had taken her to a place where there was a man who was

very well known.

Mora said that she had lived a life of a young Christian girl and had the belief that when

people died they went to heaven, but that she had found out she was wrong.

MORA SAID SHE SAW POPE JOHN PAUL II IN HELL After the death of Pope John Paul II she was

told that he was now in heaven and he was resting in peace with the angels.

However, she reported that she had seen him in hell and he was being tormented as he had

not repented.

Mora said that she had asked the Lord why he was there and the Lord said that while

he used to preach to many people, he did not speak the truth and he preferred money to

preaching about salvation.

The Lord said that the Pope had refused to believe that hell was real and now he found

out that it does.

Mora then said that the Lord had shown her a big screen that showed the life of Pope

John Paul II and the Lord said that there were many idolaters in the place.

She went on to say that while she was talking she saw a great deal of money and the pope

had so much of it.

The Lord then told her to tell humanity about what she had seen and told them that it was

time for them to turn to him.


Mora a tunnel and there were lots of people walking through it all with chains on their

feet and hands.

They were also carrying loads on their backs and the Lord told her that the people did

not know him yet.

Mora then noticed that some of her family members were in the line and the Lord told

her to go and tell them that they were walking to hell.

He said that he had chosen Mora to be the watchman, so she had, to tell the truth.

The Lord then said that many famous and very important people were coming to hell and one

of them was a man that had been known around the world and that in actual fact he was a


This man was said to be Michael Jackson.

The Lord said that he had made agreements with the devil so that he could have fame

and fans.

The Lord said that the dances that Jackson was known for were the way demons walk when

they are tormenting the people in hell.

Mora insisted that the Lord had shown her Michael Jackson and he was being tormented

in the flames.

The Lord said that people should not play his songs and sing them.

Mora said that the Lord had told her that she should go and tell people that he was

waiting for them and that they should surrender to him and he would provide them with rest.

He then showed her a tunnel into which many thousands of people were dropping into an

abyss and souls were falling at a rapid pace.

The Lord told Mora that that was how humanity perishes and he cried.


The link is below in our description



Transcending Victim Mentality and Taking Back Your Power - Duration: 3:29.

Transcending Victim Mentality and Taking Back Your Power

Life is hard and we all know that � however, we more than commonly make it even harder

by complicating everything.

It can be extremely easy to perceive our issues to be more significant than others.

We do this because we can only experience our own issues.

We are surrounded by them all the time, 24/7.

Because of this, our problems tend to absorb us completely.

It is really easy to take the victim role and try to give up.

�Don�t take anything personally.

Nothing others do or say is because of you.

What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.

When you are immune to the opinions of others you won�t be the victim of needless suffering.�

~ Don Miguel Ruiz.

The root issue and cause of our natural victimization are the egos.

The ego tells you that you do not deserve this, and it isn�t fair that you�re having

to deal with this conflict if others aren�t.

But the reality is, we all have problems.

It isn�t the problem that ranges in severity, it is how you perceive them.

As Steve Maraboli said, �How would your life be different if�Did you stop validating

your victim mentality?

Let today be the day�You shake off yourself defeating drama and embrace your innate ability

to recover and achieve.� In order to come out of victim mentality, we are required to

adopt two very important traits within ourselves that will help us first identify if we are

playing the victim in a particular circumstance.

�When you complain you make yourself the victim.

Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it, all else is madness.� ~ Eckhart


If you constantly dwell on your issues they start to take over.

They are all you really think about and it is a miserable thing to experience.

Instead of thinking about how bad your problems are and how unfair it is, try thinking about

the lesson you may obtain from the conflict

For more infomation >> Transcending Victim Mentality and Taking Back Your Power - Duration: 3:29.


Hijab Shawl Tutorial 2017 - How to use rings to enhance your shawl style! - Duration: 3:35.

Hey Zolace fans!

Welcome back to another edition of Hijab Friday!

Today we're going to be demonstrating how to incorporate rings into your headscarf style.

We've already shared tutorials on how to wear a headscarf with a necklace as well as

earrings, so you'll for sure want to check this one out to really amp up your style!

Although it might seem a little complicated, no worries, just take your time and you'll

be wearing it in no time.

Wearing rings with your headscarf will make you stand out in a unique way and have people

asking how you did it!

If you're looking for outfit inspiration, today we're showing off our popular Beloved

and Beyond Baju Kurung Moden in Black and the shawl we're using is our Zehna Chiffon

Curved Shawl in Burgundy.

Today you'll need 4 pins and 2 rings.

Alright, let's get started!

Start out with the shawl over you making one side longer than the other.

To keep the shawl in place, pin down both sides on the sides of your face.

Take the shorter side and twist it until you can easily feed your first ring through it.

Move the ring up to the top of the fabric near your face, and then twist the fabric

again so you can add the second ring on the lower half.

Next, take the longer side and wrap it up and over your head.

Neatly pin it down so it stays in place.

With the remaining hanging fabric, loosely widen it across you and then proceed to bring

it up onto the side of your head next to where the rings are...

and add your final pin.

Make any final adjustments, and you're done!

See? That wasn't too bad!

Make sure you pick up our Zehna Chiffon Curved Shawl so you can start practicing this fun look!

Thanks for joining us this week!

Make sure to subscribe, leave your comments below and we'll see you next week for another edition of Hijab Friday!

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