Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017


Is this the base?

This is it.. but idk xD

It's not that big

Let's just get to the windows and that's it

It's not that big..

(I hope)

And they built it like this

What does that mean?

Why do they have roof here?

That means..

Loot room won't be on this floor

So we should..

What's this?


Under the roof

That's leather

4 rockets have to go there to destroy the wall

and this sh*t

and make hole to the base

But it would be risky as hell

What can I tell you

That won't work

No, I mean here, in the gap

Sh*t, how did I jump right now?


Did you see it?

Hey, look

You jump like that too

The roofs must be causing buggs

I just jumped so high

Popolnik too

That's funny


We could use that one day

That's really cool

I think it'll be there

Yeah, it'll be there

Where else could it be?


It is..

It is kinda large

It's a big base

It is a bit risky

but I think we can do it

And logically..

Why would he have two layers of honeycombs on this side?

Do you know what I mean?

Everywhere around he has normal honeycombs

And here..

Yeah, I know, I´have just said that

This side is much more protected

Is there another wall?

And here is a weak spot

There is another wall

Yeah, I think it's there

Let's try it

Otherwise we'd just mess around drops

We need ladders

Theoretically you could boost me

But it'd be dangerous to shoot there like that

Can you please boost me?

Amazing Nobody?

Where are you?



Where's the... thing?

It's lower

Wait... it's even lower?


Yes, it is

Lol, it probably is

Was there heli?


I'm sure

How does it have such foundation?

Maybe they failed

didn't see it from there

That's also possible

When you open the door, then..


Come on

Did you get hurt?

I want to see.. do you have the ladder?




I have

I might need that, bro..

Well, now I'll need it for sure


Middle foundations are full

That settles it

So I'll need the ladder


I'll put the ladder in front of the door so he can't go out

If he joins

So let's do this

..what we planned before

That means..

We'll shoot it from up there, right?

Yeah, sure, do that. I'll stay here

Theoratically we could..

put a C4 on the wall, which would be safer

..and then shoot the rockets, because this might not work

You won't miss


F*ck, it's really difficult from here

Don't hit the roof

I won't

But it's difficult

Or destroy the roof first

Wait a second

I'm thinking

one moment

Okay, I'll shoot here

I should've mentioned I was going to shoot

How the hell did it not fall?

I almost fell down

That would be fail

Popolnik, cover it

Good, my plan seems to be working

Why can't I build squares, game?


So much space

Nevermind, idk

I'll shoot here

I missed with one rocket

but it's okay

That one rocket is extra, so it is ok


Give me a boost?

Here, theoretically..

I would use..

He won't have anything here

Honestly, we should dig this

This iron one has only 100

We could dig it

What if you shot here?

Over here?

That's clever

Yeah, that's really clever

Wait...what is it again?

That's really clever

Let's do this

Research table.. exactly what we were looking for

There is high quality door, so there's the loot room


We need ladders


I have one

Can you jump, please?

That's clever

Do we destroy this?

Give me something....Ok, I have sworld

I have nothing

I see a chest

Two chests

I can't hit that

Come here


Yay! This looks like a jackpot

Do you want to look or can I say it?

...what they have in insignificant chests

There is SMG, 2 semiautomatic rifles, thompson..

Full chest of gear


half of it


10 000 of charcoal


thompson, semiautomatic rifle

That's a lot of stuff for a stupid drop-off chest

So, I'll use the bolt rifle, we have lot of time

Build the ladders and I'll shoot at the door in the meantime

Oh, sh*t

I have 4 rockets

But since we're here, let's destroy this door too

Don't go up here

He's sleeping here

He's quite full, man


He has lots of stuff


They must have so much

They got the heli

I think the only way is to use the rockets

where we were before

Their sleeping bags are gone

That's good news


lol, Black?

Yeah, sorry

Come here, Nobody

If we shoot here, we'll know what's above the door

We'll find out what's there

We'll still have 2 C4s

It's risky, but I don't see any other way

I think we're good

Yeah, I see many chests

I need..

Wait, don't tell me

Wait, look here

This is awesome

Oh, sh*t, look here

Man, no way!

I can't wait to see what's behind this door

We'll use a C4 here

Holy sh*t

Wait, instant reaction or something..


80 springs?

Are you f*cking kidding me?

How many HQ? They have 600 here

But they don't have any rockets

They must've been killing everyone

Wait, leave it, that's enough

Guys, there is another chest behind you

Show me

Don't tell me


There was nothing

You kind of hyped me, and there's nothing, Nobody

Sh*t, I was expecting rockets xD


What do you mean?

This wall

There'll be nothing

I'd put C4 here

Okay, put it there

I think...


He has... there will be..

the same as here

So we could dig it

If you want to save

I have no time

F*ck it

Yeah, use C4

That's is, boys. But there are no C4s or rockets

But this is it

F*ck yeah

There was something but not much

They must've failed raid and leave

We need more chests in our base xD

For more infomation >> 9 ROCKETS FOR THIS??? | MASSIVE JACKPOT RAID | english subtitels | CZ - Duration: 11:13.


Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Ma - Duration: 7:03.

Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes

Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white giants who

were wiped out.

We�ll take a look at a few such legends, including those among the Choctaw and the

Comanches of the United States down to the Manta of Peru.


Horatio Bardwell Cushman wrote in his 1899 book �History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw,

and Natchez Indians�:

�The tradition of the Choctaws� told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now

State of Tennessee, and with whom their ancestors fought when they arrived in Mississippi in

their migration from the west.

� Their tradition states the Nahullo (race of giants) was of wonderful stature.�

The tradition of the Choctaws told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now State

of Tennessee.

� Horatio Bardwell Cushman

Cushman said �Nahullo� came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally

referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when

they first crossed the Mississippi River.

The Nahullo were said to be cannibals whom the Choctaw killed whenever the opportunity



Chief Rolling Thunder of the Comanches, a tribe from the Great Plains, gave the following

account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857:

�Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful

than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country, extending from the

rising to the setting sun.

Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities

situated in the intervening valleys.

Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful

than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country.

�They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in

all manner of cunning handicraft�were brave and warlike�ruling over the land they had

wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand.

Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms.


The chief explained that when this race forgot justice and mercy and became too proud, the

Great Spirit wiped it out and all that was left of their society were the mounds still

visible on the tablelands.

This account was documented by Dr. Donald �Panther� Yates, a researcher and author

of books on Native American history, on his blog.


Yates also writes of the Starnake people of Navajo legend, describing them as:

�A regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West,

enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas.

They were either extinguished or �went back to the heavens.'�


In 1864, Pedro de Cieza de Le�n wrote in �Chronicle of Peru� about legendary giants

described to him by the Manta indigenous people:

�There are, however, reports concerning giants in Peru, who landed on the coast at

the point of Santa Elena.

� The natives relate the following tradition, which had been received from their ancestors

from very remote times.

From the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height of an ordinary


� Pedro de Cieza de Le�n, conquistador

�There arrived on the coast, in boats made of reeds, as big as large ships, a party of

men of such size that, from the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height

of an ordinary man, though he might be of good stature.

Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was

a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders.

Their eyes were as large as small plates.�

Le�n said that the sexual habits of the giants were revolting to the Natives and heaven

eventually wiped out the giants because of those habits.


The Paiutes are said to have an oral tradition that told of red-haired, white, cannibals

about 10 feet tall who lived in or near what is now known as Lovelock Cave in Nevada.

It is unclear whether this �oral tradition� about the so-called Sitecah giants existed

or if it was an exaggeration or distortion of their legends made after the Paiutes were

mostly killed or dispersed in 1833 by an expedition by explorer Joseph Walker.

Brian Dunning of Skeptoid explored Paiutes legends and found no mention of the Sitecah

being giants.

It seems there was, however, a people who practiced cannibalism and who lived in Lovelock


Human remains have been found there, and a few of the human bones had the marrow removed,

suggesting the marrow was eaten.

Cannibalism seems to have been a rare practice among these peoples, however.

The remains do have red hair, but this may be because black hair can turn red with time.

Miners unearthed the artifacts in 1912, leaving them in a pile before eventually contacting

the University of California.

Anthropologist Llewellyn L. Loud traveled from the university to the site to investigate.

It is commonly agreed that excavation of the site was not handled well and certainly not

up to modern standards.

But some proponents of the Sitecah giants theory say researchers have deliberately covered

up any giant remains found there.

For more infomation >> Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Ma - Duration: 7:03.


Hikaru【中文CC字幕】誰也曾經想要弄倒一次的糖果塔?挑戰遊戲中心裡的推糖果機!! - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Hikaru【中文CC字幕】誰也曾經想要弄倒一次的糖果塔?挑戰遊戲中心裡的推糖果機!! - Duration: 3:49.


電腦突然無法開機|硬碟裡的資料怎麼辦?|SATA&IDE轉USB轉接器開箱 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 電腦突然無法開機|硬碟裡的資料怎麼辦?|SATA&IDE轉USB轉接器開箱 - Duration: 5:05.


СИМПСОНЫ: ОТКРОВЕНИЕ (Русская озвучка) - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> СИМПСОНЫ: ОТКРОВЕНИЕ (Русская озвучка) - Duration: 1:24.


Secrets From Successful People - Motivational Video Advice - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Secrets From Successful People - Motivational Video Advice - Duration: 10:42.


10 Món ăn khoái khẩu có thể gây chết người bạn nên biết - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 10 Món ăn khoái khẩu có thể gây chết người bạn nên biết - Duration: 6:09.


Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage - Duration: 4:19.

Ascension Toolkit #8 � Courage

by Michael H Hallett,

We live in a world that recognizes and respects courage: the military hero, the policewoman

who dies in the line of duty, the fireman who dashes into a burning building and emerges

with a child in her arms. We are familiar with this kind of courage as a result of our

long patriarchal past.

On the Ascension path, however, courage takes on new forms and there is a place for them

in our toolbox. The courage required on the Ascension pathway falls into two kinds: outward

directed and inward directed.

Outward directed courage

Outward directed courage is the closest to the traditional military-valor type of courage.

This is the courage to step outside your comfort zone and do something you not only haven�t

done before but also�more importantly�haven�t felt capable of doing. That place outside

our comfort zone is scary. We don�t know what happens out there. We don�t know how

people will react to us stepping into that twilight zone. Just the thought of it makes

us squirm and look for the slightest reason not to do it.

In my experience, the Ascension process is a continual expansion of our comfort zones.

So get used to it. That stomach-rumbling feeling you get when you�re about to step outside

your comfort zone is something you will become familiar with. So courage is sometimes the

tool that we need to take the next step.

Still thinking of avoiding it? There�s a saying in spiritual circles, �that which

you resist persists.� Damn right it does. All you�re doing is prolonging your own

misery (not to mention slowing the global Ascension process!). I can�t say that it

gets easy, but it does get easier. You will get to know very clearly when you need to

step up and will learn the futility of resistance. Instead of putting off crucial changes and

letting issues persist you will get better at knocking them out of the park as soon as

they show up.

Inward directed courage

The other kind of courage is inward directed. That�s the courage to expand your �inner

comfort zone�. If you�re male, this might involve the courage to become softer and abandon

macho posturing and violence as problem-solving methods. In a society built on the concept

that men should be physically and mentally strong (and, implicitly, emotionally inflexible),

letting go of this paradigm is a courageous step. If you�re a woman, it might be the

opposite. Step into some of that angry masculine energy and give that dysfunctional family

of yours a good shake. They may not thank you, but you will know you with utter certainty

you have done the right thing.

Like any tool in the Ascension toolbox, when you use courage properly you will be left

with the warm glow of knowing you have taken another step along your own Ascension path�and

made the world a better place.

For more infomation >> Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage - Duration: 4:19.





The Deep State refers to a coordinated effort by career government employees and others

to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

�Democracy is popular because of the illusion of choice and participation it provides, but

when you live in a society in which most people�s knowledge of the world extends as far as sports,

sitcoms, reality shows, and celebrity gossip, democracy because a very dangerous idea. Until

people are properly educated and informed, instead of indoctrinated to be ignorant mindless

consumers, democracy is nothing more than a clever tool used by the ruling class to

subjugate the rest of of us.�

� Gavin Nascimento

When Eisenhower coined the term �Military Industrial Complex,� his main concern was

the potential for the �disastrous rise of misplaced power.� After him, John F Kennedy

(JFK) warned the citizenry that we are living in �a system which has conscripted vast

human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine

that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.�

He went on to state that �its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes

are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure

is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.�

Before both of these two, 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson revealed:

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men�s views confided to me privately. Some

of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are

afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere

so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better

not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

Perhaps one of the most revealing statements from modern history by a president comes from

the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, when he explained how little people

know of how government really operates:

Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the


From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments

to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which

use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government

sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility

to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business

and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

What these presidents did, as many others have done, is reveal the existence of a government

within the government that has infiltrated the United States. To see some similar quotes

as the ones above, you can refer to this article we published a couple of years ago.

It�s no secret that government policy is largely dictated by corporations, and the

financial institutions that sit above them. We no longer live in a democracy, but rather,

a �corporatocracy.� This is easy to see if you simply follow the money.

�As difficult as it was for me, I�ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing

conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have

gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over

virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance.

Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.�

� Foster Gamble

Below is a great clip from the Thrive documentary that explains the modern day banking industry


The Deep State

The military industrial complex, the Deep State, those who the presidents above are

referring to, is comprised of a small group of people and the corporations/institutions

they run. It has been this way for many years, as so many presidential candidates, like Dr.

Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders, have exposed. This organized power completely controls politics,

and they do not care who you vote for.

Regardless of who is elected president, this hidden power has an agenda, and they use politics

to justify it. Just look at the destabilization of the Middle East.

Our perception of politicians and presidents largely comes from mainstream media, not our

ability to think critically about what is going on. If mainstream media praises a candidate,

like Hillary Clinton, that�s who the masses prefer. Their power to influence the minds

of the masses is tremendous.

Despite the fact that Donald Trump has been vilified, he�s actually taken more action

against this powerful group of elite and their interests than most, but it�s hard for people

to see this because these corporations (who own the mainstream media, incidentally) continue

to slander him � not that he hasn�t made it easy for them.

1. The Terror War Industry

One great example is the terror war industry, and the presence of a supposed �Islamic

Threat.� This perceived threat is maintained through false flag terrorism, a concept that

even the mainstream has acknowledged, particularly since multiple politicians and academics have

revealed it to the world. Vladimir Putin, for example, recently said the attack in Syria

was a false flag, and the globate elite use �imaginary� and �mythical� threats

to push forth their agenda.

He, along with many others, also called out the United States and their allies for funding

terrorists organizations. In his recent visit to Saudi Arabia, Donald Trump did the same.

The term �terror war industry� comes from FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who referenced

it during an appearance on RT news. She is a former FBI translator and the founder of

the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). She gained a lot of attention in

2002 after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals,

which included serious security breaches and cover-ups, alluding to intelligence that was

deliberately suppressed.

The Deep State institutions involved with this would be the arms industry and the oil

industry, among others.

2. The Federal Reserve

The federal reserve is a privately owned central bank system in the United States disguised

as a government owned system.

�The federal reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that, there is no

other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.�

� Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (source)

Henry Ford said that, �It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand

our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution

before tomorrow morning.�

No matter who you vote for, the banking system doesn�t change. These people have the ability

to print money in a way that keeps them protected, and bleeds everybody else dry. As the quote

above from Alan Greenspan illustrates, it�s an independent agency that can make decisions

no other branches of government can oppose. The people that control the money control

the government, and the presidency. If an institution like the federal reserve isn�t

considered a deep state institution, I don�t know what is.

Every four years we look to somebody to spark change, but perhaps that whole process is

meant to distract us. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong places.

3. The Military Industrial Complex

Former Republican U.S. congressional aide Mike Lofgren, who retired in 2011 after 28

years as a congressional staffer, defines the Deep State as follows:

It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense,

the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence

Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because

of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions

and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.

The military industrial complex is huge, and full of private contractors, intelligence

agencies, and other defence agencies that have, just as Eisenhower warned us, amassed

a great deal of power. The crazy thing about it is, nobody knows what�s going on in here,

not even the President. If the President and the United States Congress doesn�t even

have access to this information, just ask yourself, who does?

We�re talking about Special Access Programs (SAPs), in which we have unacknowledged and

waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better

known as �Deep Black programs.� A 1997 US Senate report described them as �so sensitive

that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.� Welcome to

the world of secrecy. You can read more about the Black Budget in detail here.

These programs don�t change, regardless of who you vote for. These are the institutions,

agencies, and ongoing programs that are above the law, beyond scrutiny, and operating in

near total secrecy.

Business Insider reports that the U.S. intelligence community consists of 17 discreet agencies

that operate with enormous budgets and incredible secrecy, bringing total surveillance and total

information awareness to bear on the people of Earth.

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The

National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the

mid 1960�s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in

1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.

If Voting Doesn�t Make A Difference, What Will?

�This is the way the system works, it�s a rotten system, and I see elections as so

much of a charade. So much deceit goes on. . . . whether it�s a Republican or a Democrat

president, the people who want to keep the status quo seems to have their finger in the

pot and can control things. They just get so nervous so, if they have an independent

thinker out there, whether it�s Sanders, or Trump, or Ron Paul, they�re going to

be very desperate to try to change things. . . . More people are discovering that the

system is all rigged, and that voting is just pacification for the voters and it really

doesn�t count.�

� Dr. Ron Pal, three time presidential candidate

Voting is simply the illusion of choice. As former New York City Mayor John F. Hylan stated:

The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls

its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . . The little coterie of powerful

international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.

They practically control both parties.

These Deep State institutions have been in place for a long time, and remain in place

regardless of who votes. So what changes things? Let�s take a look at some examples. Take

Genetically Modified Foods, for instance, an issue for which activism and awareness

alone have created groundbreaking change. One example would be the fact that a federal

lawsuit forced the U.S. government to share disturbing facts about genetically engineered


As a result, a number of countries have since completely banned GMOs and the pesticides

that go with them. This is where change comes from: us, not them. If we constantly look

to one person, who is usually part of the �1 percent,� to make significant changes,

nothing will ever change. Politics seems like one big distraction, a place for powerful

people to play games with the population and keep our attention. It�s become more of

an entertainment platform as opposed to a real platform for change.

But there is a massive shift in consciousness occurring. The veil that blinds the masses

in so many ways is becoming transparent. Our thoughts and feelings about our world are

changing, and as a result, we are beginning to manifest a new world. We are definitely

living in a time where new information and evidence will conflict with long-held belief


Seeing through this Deep State and the institutions that really call the shots is a key step.

We must create more awareness of these issues and speak up about them instead of just giving

all of our power over to one individual, hoping that they can make some sort of change for

us. We have to do it.

For more infomation >> THE DEEP STATE INSTITUTIONS THAT CONTROL AMERICA – THEY DON'T - politics - Duration: 13:46.


Mask Black Crow (หน้ากากอีกาดำ) Zombie - THE MASK SINGER (หน้ากากนักร้อง) K-DF REACTION EN ESPAÑOL - Duration: 6:43.

Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.

Well, let's go to the video, but I do not know what country it is.

Whether it is Thai or Filipino or not. The same is from Asia.

That left this request, and that I think it is a contest where participants are masked.

And that is similar to the one of korea or it will not be the same ajaja

Or if I'm wrong I'm apologized. Then we go to the video then.

I hope this program is not from China, because if you do not put me in trouble other times

A scarecrow or something.

There are the jurors

if, A scarecrow or something

That disk is

I heard that record But I do not remember who sings it.

I do not remember.

This girl Is the dancer.

Good .. if you liked and as always I tell you .. if you liked it subscribe to my channel to reach you videos to email

but when you subscribe .. das clip settings Or a little bell .. and there to side .. and you get a window .. where you agree there and place save

And ready .. ay you begin to get videos when I upload a video to the mail.

Also here below in the inscription box I leave you, the web page, my social networks.

So that they visit me and support me too.

And thus also any comment .. good or bad .. is welcome .. will answer with pleasure.

Also share my videos As well as if you like I like or do not like

Shares for many more people to know about us or know me around the world. So that if many know these artists that you request. Then. grow the channel more and more.

And well .. we are in the following video .. Take care all .. and goodbye

For more infomation >> Mask Black Crow (หน้ากากอีกาดำ) Zombie - THE MASK SINGER (หน้ากากนักร้อง) K-DF REACTION EN ESPAÑOL - Duration: 6:43.


Ma vidéo éditée - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Ma vidéo éditée - Duration: 2:46.


Monthly Horoscope June 2560 Love, Money, Work, Family, Fortune - Duration: 16:27.

Monthly Horoscope June 2560 Love, Money, Work, Family, Fortune

For more infomation >> Monthly Horoscope June 2560 Love, Money, Work, Family, Fortune - Duration: 16:27.


Vintage Back to Nature Junk Journal - Duration: 21:56.

For more infomation >> Vintage Back to Nature Junk Journal - Duration: 21:56.






Shoe Storage Solutions - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> Shoe Storage Solutions - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.


WOWEscape WOW - Escape The Horse From Mist Forest Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:15.

WOWEscape - Escape The Horse From Mist Forest

For more infomation >> WOWEscape WOW - Escape The Horse From Mist Forest Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:15.


#Таунхаус_96м_ремонт_ НиколиноПарк - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> #Таунхаус_96м_ремонт_ НиколиноПарк - Duration: 8:24.


The effective way to burn freckles at home is through a mixture of banana and guava - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> The effective way to burn freckles at home is through a mixture of banana and guava - Duration: 1:55.


M Manese - "Impossible Women" - Duration: 5:24.

My family tree

is made up of impossibilities.

From the roots to the flowers that aren't even in bloom.


both earth and water.

By this I mean,

both compact and ever-flowing.

Both of which are nature's answer to nurture.

Both burn and mellow.

Both boiling and tipping over;

and restraint.

And restraint.

And restraint.

And undeserved restraint.

And restraint so tangible that it keeps their hands on their sides

and their feet planted on the ground.

The open door feels like mockery;

they equated this to never leaving.

This is not to say this is what defeat looks like.

This is not to say they do not fight.

This is to say that the fight is more than for themselves.

The fight is for the seeds they've cultivated,

the fruits that sprouted from their rainwater.

The legacies they've housed in their wombs

and pushed from their quaking thighs

(or in my case,

cut from their flesh.)


gave only a rib,


gave herself.

I will tell you about my grandmother.

How she nursed soldiers back to health during the war

and how she nursed my grandfather's broken heart

from his war within himself.

How she became mother to her two nieces

and later on married the man who once married her then dead sister.

My grandparents

had six more children.

I will tell you about my mother.

How she had to run away from a family who did not approve

of the person who loved her.

How my grandmother was her only ally.

How my mother

lost her firstborn

to a disease whose cure would only be found ten years after he died.

My parents

had four more children.

All daughters.

All impossible women.

I will tell you about my eldest sister.

Became a mother earlier than society dictated.


by extended family who held nothing but their dignity.

Public opinion

is a fire

the fire

eternally waiting for bridges to burn.

We never burned those bridges;

but we never cross them barefoot either,

afraid of the heat

and the collapse.

My sister married this boy who had to grow up too early.

They are not faultless,

but they had to survive somehow.

They have three children.

The women in my family have this talent of loving unfaithful men.

And by talent, I mean

staying with them.

And by staying with them, I mean my grandparents were together until they died.

My parents are still together

I still come home some days to their laughter.

And his beer bottle jokes.

And the impostor of a smile my mother wears when they aren't funny.

Some days,

I come home to silence.

My sister and her husband are celebrating their 15th year.

I do not like my brother-in-law.

And I hate my father at times.

But I had always been lolo's girl.

But I am borne of the tears of the women who share my blood.

Whose bruises I still see in their smiles some nights.

Whose lifelines take the shape of their children's pulse.

If you ask me if I resent the men,

I will tell you the story of my grandmother

How she bought baby supplies for the woman

my grandfather got pregnant.

I will tell you how many broken tiles we have in the house;

and all of the broken things whose story I can remember.

I promise you

I promise you,

my mother's spirit will not be one of them.

I will tell you the story of my sister,

how I hoped,

how I hoped,

that one of her clockwork tears finally be the signal for her to come home.

But even our home

is made up of the decisions of my mother

and her mother, and her mother,

and her mother, her mother had to make.

This is not saintly;

there is nothing holy in the way we get so used to the pain.

Why do they not leave, you might ask.

This is not Eden anymore,

there are no snakes,

and Adam can rarely be bothered.

There are only the children now you see.

Only the children.

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