Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Hey guys, it's Trina and this is my May reading wrap-up. As you saw in that intro

there, I only read four books this month. If there were any books that you saw in

the introduction that you just want to jump straight to that review then you

can always use the time stamps that I list in the description. I also put Goodreads

links to all the books that I talk about in my videos down in the description just

so it makes things easier for you to find. Let's check in with this month's

TBR now. So if you guys remember, I had four different reading goals that I had

set for myself that I wanted to accomplish in May. Out of these four goals

I only completed one of them. I did read the two new releases. Like I said, I only

read four books this month. When I say "only" four books, I'm just saying that in

relation to like my past monthly wrap-ups this year. I had been averaging

like around 10 books a month, so yes I did read less than average for me. There

were days where I just did not read at all, which is unusual for me but I'm not

going to force myself. I'm fine with that but that also meant that I did not hit

all those TBR goals. So, my lowest rated book this month was The Circle by

Dave Eggers. This is an adult sci-fi novel about a woman who goes to work for

this big social media company and throughout her job there she starts to

learn like this company is wanting to take over more and more aspects of

technology, of the internet, and they even start like overlapping into the

government a little bit and it just is really dictating the way that people

live their lives. So the premise of this book was just one that was right up my

alley. I really wanted to read this. And it really made me think about the things

that I enjoy with a concept like this, so the book delivered almost exactly what I

was wanting but I still only rated this book 2 stars and the reason for that

overall comes down to there was absolutely zero plot, there was no story

arc, and the characterization was completely absent. Our main character is

like the most dull, puppet type character I have ever read about. She would like go

along with whatever people were saying and then internally

say, 'I have no idea what I really think about that and I don't know why I agreed

to that.' She has just no sense of self. I did not understand her or her

motivations. And the biggest thing that I had in terms of being problematic in

this book was that there was just a ton of fat shaming in it. There is one

character in this book that is described as being 40 pounds overweight. He's in

the book for about two or three scenes but the main character thinks about him

pretty often and she always thinks about him using words like "disgusting," "gross,"

"sweaty." He's frequently called "Sasquatch." There's another statement about how if

anyone were to sleep with him they literally must be possessed by demons to

have found him attractive. It's not presented as, well these characters are

bad characters doing bad things and you should recognize that. it's treated as

we're supposed to hate that character because he's fat. That fat phobia is

something worth pointing out although that is not the reason why I gave this book

such a low rating. It was because I really enjoyed this concept, but the

execution just like was not there at all. I don't think that Dave Eggers is a

skilled writer. I feel like this story I made in my own mind when I heard the

synopsis of this book was a better story that what actually happened in this

book, so I was left completely unfulfilled. And by the way, I did start

to listen to this one on audiobook. I hated it. The narrator was terrible in my

opinion. I have reviewed it with examples of the narration in my last audio book

review video, so if you are still wanting to give this book a try and you're

thinking about trying the audiobook instead just to get through it quicker, I

really really do not recommend this. The book is going to be just a better

headcanon I think. You're going to be able to develop your own tone. The

narrator's tone did not fit the story at all. It was absolutely ridiculous. So I

did not have a fun time with either format of this book that I tried and I

just don't think it was well-written at all. Moving on, the next book that I read

was Fireworks by Katie Cotugno. This one is a YA contemporary novel set in the

90s in Orlando. It is about two best friends who are from a small southern

town and they go and audition to be in this next girl pop group, and one of the

friends really wants it, the other one she's just kind of going along with her

friend, and they both get picked to be in this new girl

group, and so there's kind of like some feelings of animosity but also

excitement for being there together, and then there are boy bands that they meet,

there's crushes, there's first loves, and you know it's definitely a summery YA

story. I did enjoy that this was set in the 90s, although there weren't like a lot of

nineties pop-culture references. Most of the pop culture stuff in here is very

fictionalized. The reason I gave this one three stars is because I ended up just

not being a fan of the way that this book explored friendships. I did not

think that this was a very healthy friendship. At times it was very healthy

and I was very like, 'oh I love this friendship,' but then there were other

times where I'm like, 'I don't know how I feel about that.' And I don't really like

the ending. It just kind of felt like some things were a bit unresolved. So I

don't have a ton more to say about this book. I did enjoy it, I don't hate it, I

don't dislike it or anything but it didn't Wow me. This is just kind of a

middle-of-the-road book for me this month. Next I read Windfall by Jennifer E

Smith, which is another YA contemporary story - this one's set in present

day - and it is about two best friends, Alice and Teddy. Teddy is turning 18

so Alice goes and buys him a lottery ticket for his birthday and he ends up

winning this massive jackpot. So this is a story about how money changes your

life. It changes all the characters lives that are involved in the story, it

changes their friendships. I really enjoyed the family vibe in this one. Like,

Alice and her family, oh my goodness I love them so much. She lives with her Aunt and

Uncle and her cousin but I absolutely adored them and just the love in that

family and even Alice's insecurities at times, I just really really loved the

family aspect of it. That was definitely my favorite part of this book. I was not

a fan of the romance in this book. There are a couple of options for

romantic interests in this book. It did not go the way that I wanted it to. I

just didn't really like the character that got like the romance spotlight in

the book. I just didn't like some things about it and like their relationship, so

again this one just kind of hit middle of the road for me. Don't dislike it but

it's not going to be like top of my list of favorite books to recommend. And the last

book that I read this month, which was the one that I

enjoyed the most was A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas.

This is the third book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. This one does

have a finale to that entire story arc, although I know Sarah J Maas is writing

more books and novellas set in this world with some of the characters we

know we just don't know who they're going to follow or what those stories

are going to be yet. This is a new adult series, meaning that there is some

graphic sex, there is graphic violence in it. and it is a fantasy series about fae.

I had a huge emotional connection to the second book, A Court of Mist and Fury,

because that book really deals with abusive relationships and as someone

who's been through an abusive relationship it was a mirror for me and

I was hoping that some of that would carry through into book 3. There were

a couple of lines that really resonated with me, that I was like, 'how does she get

this?' but this book did not have as strong of an emotional connection for me

because it's really not about that at this point. This one is going much more

into like the war. I will say though that I was very impressed with how Sarah J

Maas wrote all these battle scenes and I think the reason I love the battle

scenes in this one so much is because so many YA series, or just any series,

they want the finale to be about their characters going into war doing this big

thing and then it ends up focusing on like one conversation that your main character

has with the villain and like maybe their little fist fight or something and

then the war takes place outside of them and you don't really know what all

happened. Sarah J. Maas somehow wrote like all the little aspects, you see all

the characters in this war and it felt epic and it felt like a large scope to

me. It felt very hard-fought to me. It felt like there was a lot at risk and I

really enjoyed that. That's what I always want in any kind of finale that's going

to end in a war. This is the type of war and battle writing that I want it to be.

Like there were things that came out of nowhere

that surprised me that I probably should have seen coming but I didn't. I just

really loved how she used every single character you've ever heard of in this

series and every single part of the world, they all came around in the end

and I just felt like I was very fulfilled by the ending. Now, I don't agree

with all of Sarah J Maas's writing choices when it comes to diversity. There

is a female character that says she prefers women

but she likes both women and men and I know a lot of readers have been

upset by her portrayal of that. There's another bisexual character who I do

think that that character has some really bad stereotypical tendencies. And

then there was a line in this book that I know a lot of people saw as being

acephobic and that one has caused a lot of hurt. I would not recommend going to

her books if you're looking for good diverse representation. So the short

answer is I was not as emotionally connected to this book as I was to A

Court of Mist and Fury, but I really enjoyed this one as an ending. It delivered the

war that it was promising and building up to so in that aspect it was very

satisfying to me and I thought that she wrote those battle and action scenes

very well, or at least in a way that I personally liked. That's everything that

I read in the month of May. If any of you guys have read any of the books I talked

about and you want to talk about them more, definitely leave me a comment. We

can discuss them further. And I would love to know what your favorite book

that you read in May was. Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> May Reading Wrap Up | 2017 - Duration: 9:57.


9 ROCKETS FOR THIS??? | MASSIVE JACKPOT RAID | english subtitels | CZ - Duration: 11:13.


Is this the base?

This is it.. but idk xD

It's not that big

Let's just get to the windows and that's it

It's not that big..

(I hope)

And they built it like this

What does that mean?

Why do they have roof here?

That means..

Loot room won't be on this floor

So we should..

What's this?


Under the roof

That's leather

4 rockets have to go there to destroy the wall

and this sh*t

and make hole to the base

But it would be risky as hell

What can I tell you

That won't work

No, I mean here, in the gap

Sh*t, how did I jump right now?


Did you see it?

Hey, look

You jump like that too

The roofs must be causing buggs

I just jumped so high

Popolnik too

That's funny


We could use that one day

That's really cool

I think it'll be there

Yeah, it'll be there

Where else could it be?


It is..

It is kinda large

It's a big base

It is a bit risky

but I think we can do it

And logically..

Why would he have two layers of honeycombs on this side?

Do you know what I mean?

Everywhere around he has normal honeycombs

And here..

Yeah, I know, I´have just said that

This side is much more protected

Is there another wall?

And here is a weak spot

There is another wall

Yeah, I think it's there

Let's try it

Otherwise we'd just mess around drops

We need ladders

Theoretically you could boost me

But it'd be dangerous to shoot there like that

Can you please boost me?

Amazing Nobody?

Where are you?



Where's the... thing?

It's lower

Wait... it's even lower?


Yes, it is

Lol, it probably is

Was there heli?


I'm sure

How does it have such foundation?

Maybe they failed

didn't see it from there

That's also possible

When you open the door, then..


Come on

Did you get hurt?

I want to see.. do you have the ladder?




I have

I might need that, bro..

Well, now I'll need it for sure


Middle foundations are full

That settles it

So I'll need the ladder


I'll put the ladder in front of the door so he can't go out

If he joins

So let's do this

..what we planned before

That means..

We'll shoot it from up there, right?

Yeah, sure, do that. I'll stay here

Theoratically we could..

put a C4 on the wall, which would be safer

..and then shoot the rockets, because this might not work

You won't miss


F*ck, it's really difficult from here

Don't hit the roof

I won't

But it's difficult

Or destroy the roof first

Wait a second

I'm thinking

one moment

Okay, I'll shoot here

I should've mentioned I was going to shoot

How the hell did it not fall?

I almost fell down

That would be fail

Popolnik, cover it

Good, my plan seems to be working

Why can't I build squares, game?


So much space

Nevermind, idk

I'll shoot here

I missed with one rocket

but it's okay

That one rocket is extra, so it is ok


Give me a boost?

Here, theoretically..

I would use..

He won't have anything here

Honestly, we should dig this

This iron one has only 100

We could dig it

What if you shot here?

Over here?

That's clever

Yeah, that's really clever

Wait...what is it again?

That's really clever

Let's do this

Research table.. exactly what we were looking for

There is high quality door, so there's the loot room


We need ladders


I have one

Can you jump, please?

That's clever

Do we destroy this?

Give me something....Ok, I have sworld

I have nothing

I see a chest

Two chests

I can't hit that

Come here


Yay! This looks like a jackpot

Do you want to look or can I say it?

...what they have in insignificant chests

There is SMG, 2 semiautomatic rifles, thompson..

Full chest of gear


half of it


10 000 of charcoal


thompson, semiautomatic rifle

That's a lot of stuff for a stupid drop-off chest

So, I'll use the bolt rifle, we have lot of time

Build the ladders and I'll shoot at the door in the meantime

Oh, sh*t

I have 4 rockets

But since we're here, let's destroy this door too

Don't go up here

He's sleeping here

He's quite full, man


He has lots of stuff


They must have so much

They got the heli

I think the only way is to use the rockets

where we were before

Their sleeping bags are gone

That's good news


lol, Black?

Yeah, sorry

Come here, Nobody

If we shoot here, we'll know what's above the door

We'll find out what's there

We'll still have 2 C4s

It's risky, but I don't see any other way

I think we're good

Yeah, I see many chests

I need..

Wait, don't tell me

Wait, look here

This is awesome

Oh, sh*t, look here

Man, no way!

I can't wait to see what's behind this door

We'll use a C4 here

Holy sh*t

Wait, instant reaction or something..


80 springs?

Are you f*cking kidding me?

How many HQ? They have 600 here

But they don't have any rockets

They must've been killing everyone

Wait, leave it, that's enough

Guys, there is another chest behind you

Show me

Don't tell me


There was nothing

You kind of hyped me, and there's nothing, Nobody

Sh*t, I was expecting rockets xD


What do you mean?

This wall

There'll be nothing

I'd put C4 here

Okay, put it there

I think...


He has... there will be..

the same as here

So we could dig it

If you want to save

I have no time

F*ck it

Yeah, use C4

That's is, boys. But there are no C4s or rockets

But this is it

F*ck yeah

There was something but not much

They must've failed raid and leave

We need more chests in our base xD

For more infomation >> 9 ROCKETS FOR THIS??? | MASSIVE JACKPOT RAID | english subtitels | CZ - Duration: 11:13.


Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Ma - Duration: 7:03.

Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes

Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white giants who

were wiped out.

We�ll take a look at a few such legends, including those among the Choctaw and the

Comanches of the United States down to the Manta of Peru.


Horatio Bardwell Cushman wrote in his 1899 book �History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw,

and Natchez Indians�:

�The tradition of the Choctaws� told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now

State of Tennessee, and with whom their ancestors fought when they arrived in Mississippi in

their migration from the west.

� Their tradition states the Nahullo (race of giants) was of wonderful stature.�

The tradition of the Choctaws told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now State

of Tennessee.

� Horatio Bardwell Cushman

Cushman said �Nahullo� came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally

referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when

they first crossed the Mississippi River.

The Nahullo were said to be cannibals whom the Choctaw killed whenever the opportunity



Chief Rolling Thunder of the Comanches, a tribe from the Great Plains, gave the following

account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857:

�Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful

than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country, extending from the

rising to the setting sun.

Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities

situated in the intervening valleys.

Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful

than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country.

�They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in

all manner of cunning handicraft�were brave and warlike�ruling over the land they had

wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand.

Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms.


The chief explained that when this race forgot justice and mercy and became too proud, the

Great Spirit wiped it out and all that was left of their society were the mounds still

visible on the tablelands.

This account was documented by Dr. Donald �Panther� Yates, a researcher and author

of books on Native American history, on his blog.


Yates also writes of the Starnake people of Navajo legend, describing them as:

�A regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West,

enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas.

They were either extinguished or �went back to the heavens.'�


In 1864, Pedro de Cieza de Le�n wrote in �Chronicle of Peru� about legendary giants

described to him by the Manta indigenous people:

�There are, however, reports concerning giants in Peru, who landed on the coast at

the point of Santa Elena.

� The natives relate the following tradition, which had been received from their ancestors

from very remote times.

From the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height of an ordinary


� Pedro de Cieza de Le�n, conquistador

�There arrived on the coast, in boats made of reeds, as big as large ships, a party of

men of such size that, from the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height

of an ordinary man, though he might be of good stature.

Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was

a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders.

Their eyes were as large as small plates.�

Le�n said that the sexual habits of the giants were revolting to the Natives and heaven

eventually wiped out the giants because of those habits.


The Paiutes are said to have an oral tradition that told of red-haired, white, cannibals

about 10 feet tall who lived in or near what is now known as Lovelock Cave in Nevada.

It is unclear whether this �oral tradition� about the so-called Sitecah giants existed

or if it was an exaggeration or distortion of their legends made after the Paiutes were

mostly killed or dispersed in 1833 by an expedition by explorer Joseph Walker.

Brian Dunning of Skeptoid explored Paiutes legends and found no mention of the Sitecah

being giants.

It seems there was, however, a people who practiced cannibalism and who lived in Lovelock


Human remains have been found there, and a few of the human bones had the marrow removed,

suggesting the marrow was eaten.

Cannibalism seems to have been a rare practice among these peoples, however.

The remains do have red hair, but this may be because black hair can turn red with time.

Miners unearthed the artifacts in 1912, leaving them in a pile before eventually contacting

the University of California.

Anthropologist Llewellyn L. Loud traveled from the university to the site to investigate.

It is commonly agreed that excavation of the site was not handled well and certainly not

up to modern standards.

But some proponents of the Sitecah giants theory say researchers have deliberately covered

up any giant remains found there.

For more infomation >> Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Ma - Duration: 7:03.


Lý Hải Production | Những Ca Khúc Hay Nhất Của Lý Hải - Duration: 1:17:56.

For more infomation >> Lý Hải Production | Những Ca Khúc Hay Nhất Của Lý Hải - Duration: 1:17:56.


Saxophone Player In Barcelona vlog#8 Majorca 3 - Duration: 6:07.

We played the first gig yesterday

Today, I have the time to look around

I rented a bike

Sometimes, that's the best means of transportation

Now, let's see what they have around here

For more infomation >> Saxophone Player In Barcelona vlog#8 Majorca 3 - Duration: 6:07.


Hikaru【中文CC字幕】誰也曾經想要弄倒一次的糖果塔?挑戰遊戲中心裡的推糖果機!! - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Hikaru【中文CC字幕】誰也曾經想要弄倒一次的糖果塔?挑戰遊戲中心裡的推糖果機!! - Duration: 3:49.


Roblox Rap Battle #1 - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> Roblox Rap Battle #1 - Duration: 3:06.


Địa Chỉ Lý Tưởng Để Hẹn Hò Ngày Mưa | Foodyvn - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Địa Chỉ Lý Tưởng Để Hẹn Hò Ngày Mưa | Foodyvn - Duration: 0:56.


Протеин за 10$ против протеина за 40$ - Duration: 26:36.

For more infomation >> Протеин за 10$ против протеина за 40$ - Duration: 26:36.


СИМПСОНЫ: ОТКРОВЕНИЕ (Русская озвучка) - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> СИМПСОНЫ: ОТКРОВЕНИЕ (Русская озвучка) - Duration: 1:24.


Logan vs X-24 (Final Fight) | Logan (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.

Showtime, boy!

Get up, boy. Get up, boy!

He did that. Get up!

Laura! No!




Let's go.


For more infomation >> Logan vs X-24 (Final Fight) | Logan (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.


BACON EXPLOSION - Bacon Bomb with Cheese - Duration: 5:51.

Hi It's subscriber Sunday in Steve's kitchen and DeZy Tut asked me to make

a Bacon Explosion but move over bacon explosion because the bacon cheese

explosion is here

Now DeZy I think he's changed his name slightly, he's also got a channel

he's Danish and he's always apologizing for the quality of his English but his

English is fantastic

so you can always get across and say hello. So move over the Bacon Explosion

is dead make way for the new king

let's make the bacon cheese explosion

Now we start our recipe by laying out six strips of

streaky bacon on a silver foil like this and I'm going to take the rest of the bacon

I had about 750 grams about a pound and a half

the leftover bacon I'm going to dice it up in fry it nice and crispy

I want that a little later on and we need to start off by weaving our bacon

so I'm just going to take

and alternate strip like that and just lay it back

I then take another strip of streaky bacon lay it across

and fold these pieces back on themselves like so

and that's the start of our bacon weave. Now what we're going to do is take the bacon

from this end

and turn it back on itself, again alternate pieces

and then going to take another strip of streaky bacon

and just lay it in there push it up nice and tight and then we

pull these pieces down

and there you have it there is my bacon weave, so the next thing we're going to sprinkle our

nice smoky barbecue rub now this is one I've made myself so subscribe to

the channel because that recipe will be coming up very shortly

Get a nice even coating of barbecue rub on there now it's a good idea to take some

baking paper

just pop it over the bacon before we put our sausage mince on here

that's going to make it easier for rolling up the sausage mince. Next we going to take

a couple of pounds, about a kilo of Italian sausage meat

just going to pop that on there and we want to spread this out

evenly across the bacon. Now once your sausage meat is spread out like that

I like to take some barbecue sauce and just spread it across the top of the

sausage meat

Some people put this on top of the bacon but I think it goes better

straight onto the sausage meat now over the top of that we going to put some


I'm using a mozzarella you could use a provolone I prefer the mozzarella

because it's a lovely stringy cheese

I've got about 200 grams thats about seven ounces I'm just going to spread it

across the top of the sausage

now our crispy bacon look that's beautiful

I've grilled that up and made it wonderful and crisp all in little pieces

we're just going to sprinkle that all the way across the top of the cheese

doesn't get much better than this cheese bacon

sausage and that is why now I put the paper on here because we got to roll up the

sausage meat

into a pinwheel and this is just going to help me lift it

and start the rolling process I want to pull that in nice and tight

now I've got my sausage on there I'm just going to start to roll it back a little bit

towards me

shape it back up a little bit tight like that this is pretty this is about the

trickiest piece

well now you are going to use that silver foil to

role the bacon around the outside of our sausage meat

and I'm just squeezing that in as I go I'm bringing that nice and tightly around the


like so. So when you've got that tightly wrapped up like that we can lift the

Bacon Explosion pop it into a baking tray

now that's going into an oven at 180 degrees Celsius that's 350 Farenheit

for about 30 minutes we want the sausage meat in the center to cook thoroughly


and then we are going to unwrap it and crisp off the bacon

the bacon

cheese explosion has been in the oven for about 30 minutes I just wrapped back the


and now I'm going to Baste it in that rich barbecue sauce I want to put it on fairly


and then that he's going to go back in the oven now for another 30 minutes just

keep an eye on it

I might even baste a little more sauce on if I need to

now I have just taken my bacon cheese explosion out of the oven and it looks


now we need this to cool down a little bit on the side before we start carving it and

eating it

so I'm going to leave it there we'll come back in a moment. Now before this completely

cools down I want to share with you because it smelled so good how beautiful

this is going to look

I'm going to cut this through and you can see just what it looks like

with me in the middle now look

at that. It is the ultimate bacon cheeseburger

just fantastic now you can if you want baste more barbeque sauce over the top at

this point but I basted this while it was roasting

it just smells delicious so what we would do now

it's really we're going to cut ourselves the perfect burger

just lay that down like that

and what better way to serve this I have got a fresh cream biscuit here

and just going to pop a slice of that well it's barely a slice is like a door wedge

pop my lid on top now if you wanted to but sauce in there as well

you could but I'm going to give this a try just as it is

thank you DeZy I hope you like this video ahh I am so lucky now I hope to

share this across

any social media please give it the thumbs up let's give this

bacon cheese explosion a taste


you know where I am now I'm in heaven that is delicious

thanks everybody stay in touch I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> BACON EXPLOSION - Bacon Bomb with Cheese - Duration: 5:51.


Secrets From Successful People - Motivational Video Advice - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Secrets From Successful People - Motivational Video Advice - Duration: 10:42.


10 Món ăn khoái khẩu có thể gây chết người bạn nên biết - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 10 Món ăn khoái khẩu có thể gây chết người bạn nên biết - Duration: 6:09.


(ENG SUB)Finally TWICE saw my cover dance video and I've got an autograph from SOMI[GoToe STORY] - Duration: 7:36.

Hello everyone

I am GoToe

It's been a long time

to see you with video form


I have 2 good news

You already know bcz you saw the title

1st news is

finally TWICE

saw my cover video

There is a new TV show

named Oppa Thinking

In that program

TWICE is the 2nd host

So in that program

they introduced many cover dances

in that process,

they used my cover video for 15 seconds?

So I saw there reaction

of that video


let's see the video now

only one man do that


really touching isn't it?

My life is success

Mina's smile is

really beautiful

I will attend


end of the June

and TWICE also attend there too

In KCON, there is an event named 'Hi-touch'

In that event, we can do high five with them

In KCONLA last year

I've got a ticket for high-touch

So I did it last year

That was reall amazing

and if I will do it again in this year

maybe they can.. recognize me..?


and in there

I will bring a camera

I will record everything

Wait for it


this is the first news

and 2nd is

This is album

of Unnies

In that program

they had an event

with MV of 'Right?'

with the cover dance of the fans


my cover dance also broadcasted

and I got this

I didn't made cover dance of 'Right?' for this event

Bcz I am really big fan

of Unnies

from season 1

and also season 2

I really like this song

so I made cover dance

and fortunately there was an event

and I applied

and they said prize is

an autographed CD

so I didn't think that is real autograph

Bcz normally people said

'real' autograph for the real

but they said just autographed CD

so I thought thay is just copied one


That is realy autograph of the SOMI


This is my first time TT

SOMI used marker at this book

by herself!!

I am really happy

As you can see

composition is

similar with the normal CD

This is CD

red one, really cool

I will show you

most of them are pictures

I want to show you all of those in detail

but I am worried about damage

You can understand this mind, right? haha

pictures and

in behind

there impression thought

feeling of them


I will cover it with frame

and keep it carefully

This is the end of my news

I don't have any schedule


I will go to Newyork

at the end of June

This time there are










I will record all of that

and one more

I will prepare video about


I've got a message from

students who want to be a Pharmacist

and asked me

How to be a Pharmacist

they have many questions

So I will make video about that


you are interested about Pharmacist

and If you have questions

please make a comment

at this video

and I will answer it

these day

make people saw my video

I am always thank you for it

and as I've done so far

I will make more and more

please enjoy it :)

weather is really hot in here

keep healthy

My Korean is really bad


My brain was stopped

weather is really hot right?

prepare is carefully

and keep healthy

This is the end

and see you all of you

in next video

Thank you :)

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)Finally TWICE saw my cover dance video and I've got an autograph from SOMI[GoToe STORY] - Duration: 7:36.


3 MOST Beautiful Places | English Listening Practice - Milan & London Travel Vlog - Duration: 25:02.

hello everyone and welcome back to english with Lucy today I've got a vlog

for you I always post about my trips on my Instagram I most recently went to

Milan I posted this lovely photo and I also went to Seville and posted this

lovely photo and I always get loads and loads of comments asking please can you

do a video about your trip and sometimes trips are so busy that I don't have

enough time but I have a really lovely vlogging camera but I'm still learning

how to use and I thought it would be a waste not to film Milan because I saw

some really beautiful and interesting things and ate some amazing food so I

decided to do a little vlog so I'm going to talk to you about my time and show

you some footage show you some videos that I filmed over there and I'll

explain what I'm doing so this will be an excellent listening

practice for you and also will hopefully be quite interesting I know I've got

quite a few Italian subscribers and I think you might be able to hear me speak

some Italian in this video so that will be probably very very funny for you and

at the end of the vlog you also get to see Ali from Papa teach me because I

went to an event in London and then we met up afterwards and we had a great day

that's just a bonus footage I had my camera on me so I thought I'd film us

because because I love Ali he's the best if you don't know who Ali is he runs the

puppet teach me English Channel and he has her Marius videos I've done a couple

of videos with him before quickly before we get started this video will help you

with your listening skills but if you want take your listening to the next

level why don't you try I can offer you a 30-day free trial and a

free audio book so you can even read a book and listen to the audiobook at the

same time they've got an amazing selection and it's free you can cancel

it if you don't like it but it's a really good way of improving your

listening and one thing that I think is awesome is that you can listen to how

caught her read by Stephen Fry I know I always mentioned Stephen Fry but he has

got an amazing voice an amazing accent and just he's an amazing comedian and

intelligent man and he reads the Sherlock the entire Sherlock collection

he also reads Harry Potter I will link those down below the link to audible is

it is down below so the reason I went to Milan is because I'm working with a

company called Sun Neptune Eloisa kaleici which is like an education

company and they wanted to create some videos to help their students learn

about makeup in English because they run courses on the wellness industry on the

health and beauty industry now these videos are probably going to be internal

videos so you won't see them but I had a great time producing and filming them

now they work with a company called Deborah Deborah Milano which is a makeup

brand based in Milan it doesn't exist in the UK but it does I have seen it in

Spain I think in across Europe really really high quality makeup for very very

low prices it's really really popular over there I wish existed in the UK and

so yeah we teamed up all together me full Maccioni Louise liquidity Deborah

and we made some video to help the students it was a really nice project I

went over there for a week and we filmed every single day so it was five days of

filming very long days which is why I didn't post any videos in that time

because it was intense the boss of the company is a very very lovely man and he

has a very lovely assistant and they looked after me so well they took me to

lovely restaurants to see lovely places so the first day of filming went really

really well it was really weird to have somebody

else filming me rather than me filming myself because normally I'm completely

in control I've got my lights I've got my camera I am the action so it was it

was really funny being told what to do by somebody else but I tried my best

hey guys nice to see you those of you have been asking for travel

vlogs and I go happening to know welcome to Milan with Lucy I'm shooting

here a week with a company and I thought I would speak with me Oh on the other

winner pages I don't know I don't know where we are I'm waiting to be picked up

and we're going to start filming okay so basically I'm running late I'm just

heading to the second part of the shoot we did so finish the first part of the

day that we were shooting and it's being a make article for women ripping like

after you know making friends ever happy about I don't know Rimal and boots

pre-conference and wish you do them a two-minute video

took three hours this morning I was a few more film and we've got through

hours so we'll see how that goes and concurrently late for the filming spot

three there's then tomorrow we're heading to Switzerland

but I film is really fun

having put into practice my Italian which is run every four minutes soon

financial the next day we were going to go to min Bolivia which is in

Switzerland but it's an Italian speaking part of the country and Edna and we were

going to film in a Deborah in a shopping centre but when we arrived there we

didn't have permission to film but in the end we ended up spending the day in

coma or Lake Como as we would say it in English

and we went to lunch at a beautiful restaurant overlooking the lake and it

was honestly one of the most beautiful places I've seen it's not the most

beautiful place gorgeous every single building is beautiful we spent the

afternoon driving around the lake at oh my god there wasn't a single ugly thing

in sight it was gorgeous

okay so cheers everyone today's coming didn't go as planned if

you don't have permission to film in Switzerland apparently so we decided to

go to Lake Como Cornwall and have lunch and honestly I think I can say is the

most beautiful place and being in my life apparently to experience



in the evening we then went back and did a late night filming session in one of

the Debra shops and that was really fun I had a really nice time filming with

with the film crew they were really cool and interesting and had just really nice

nice people to work with the next day was another filming day good morning

everyone we're on day 3 of filming it's Wednesday

yesterday was ok we went to Switzerland but then in the end we weren't listed so

we had to go back and film in the evening and to be honest it was really

tiring but the lunch in Lake Como made something so much better but today we're

going to film in one of the Deborah I think it's the head office I'm going to

interview some of the people there you can see why Deborah is different and

we're going to film a video we're talking on the phone as well which falls

off the English system so yeah it's a beautiful day

Milan is looking stunning it's going to be a good one we're in the best area

this is where they chose anything shower having one even in Italian

and then I had another filming day I thought this was the last one but it

wasn't I had misunderstood something so I went to a makeup laboratory in the

Deborah headquarters and I got to see how lipstick mascara and eye shadow was

made and it was so interesting and it made me feel really confident about

makeup that I put on my face because when you see the separate ingredients

you realize that they're really safe and nourishing and good for you rather than

bad for you because when you look at a bright red lipstick you think this can't

be good for actually being wax oils gentle preservatives I was really happy

with it and it was really really interesting to see the process oh that's

a great time today got a bit though it's important final day of filming today I'm

going to do a tour of a makeup laboratory what see today I'm going to

do a tour makeup laboratory we're going to see how mascara lipstick and eye

shadow is made let's do that I would love me a year a year almost a year

let's get started filming

and I'm a couple on the tree we're about to learn about lipstick so this is the

product whack what's the production of lipstick that is what I put on my lips

every day yeah maybe not so much of that

with the mother local ranchera repeater question came up against ganado yo misty

questo control yo como el estado a bad night color reported oh no you christian

in typical madonna red no you can yell disaster and here all of these pigments

make these eyeshadows so you're interesting a company of that is what I

put on my eyelids in the morning

so one of this is a mixture of oil wax and other such things and this believe

it or not makes lipstick and then I got to see my amazing friends who I met on a

Rasmus which is a study abroad scheme when I was in Madrid when I was 19 and

there I met some of my closest friends Lorenza and Jung madacorp and we had an

amazing pizza which I forgot to film but I did put it on my Instagram story and

we went for an ice cream as well and it was just lovely we didn't drink any

alcohol because they had an early flight in the morning we just chatted and

laughed and ate I just enjoyed ourselves really really nice

hi guys I thought today was the last day of filming but apparently were also

filming tomorrow well I am with my queue wonderful

friends who I met in Madrid this is hi my name's on Camargo

hello yeah we are we are talking English with

Lucy pyjama here ciao Marco here I'm learning with Lucy

he's learning with Lucy he's getting very good results you're in good company

today you doing well but now I read just ate the most beautiful pizza yeah oh my

god what was it in Italian for exam B syllables I was here at the Pierre

so nil bordeaux ripieno di co-led completely destroyed the people I

destroyed it I acted it I removed it the records I

removed the funghi I removed for an Italian was very very bad it was torture

he was Kosovo okay and now we are going to have a beautiful commercial the final

day we had a wonderful makeup artist to come in and do a models makeup was I

asked her questions now it really is the nonsense I think yeah I'm ready I'm

ready accompaniment we finally finished filming everything people found out the

so we've made a fake tinder profile of me which is an area and see if I can get

that taken down I'm so good Milan has been amazing but oh my god so

exhausting the best experience ever and coming to again and then that was it

that was the rap and I went back to England so that is everything from my

trip to Milan I know it wasn't complete I'm filming this on a different day I

forgot to do the goodbye and it was an amazing experience the highlight was

definitely Villa d'Este in Carmel which was stunning I don't think I've ever

been anywhere so beautiful my life but also another highlight was definitely

seeing the makeup laboratory and also hanging out with the people who run the

foundation because they are so lovely and they make me feel so welcome every

time see I hope you enjoy traveling around with me if you're from Lance what

an amazing city you live in then I was invited to an event by pins

which is the drink that I mentioned in my English countryside vlog video I also

mentioned it in a couple of my articles it is my favorite summer drink

it's a gin-based drink with sun dried orange liqueur in it and lots of spices

it's a secret recipe it's extremely British

we drink it with lemonade iced mint cucumber strawberries lemon lime apple

fruit it's gorgeous is our equivalent of sangria and they've

launched a new series of branches across London in six different restaurants that

they invited me along to the Lord's which was so exciting

good morning everyone is half past seven just on the way into London well I'm in

Cambridge at the moment I'm just about to the Train

and I think I'll let you light up to it and you can hurry up because I'm going

to meeting and with a very exciting drinks company at the drink that I've

spoken about quite a lot in my videos and and then I've got another meeting

where is my manager and another person for a very exciting project and then

I've been meeting Ali from proper teaching English for drinks because we

haven't seen each other in so long so yeah so yeah I thought I'd do a

little vlog actually really bad at blogging and if I really know quite what

to show you or what I'm allowed to show you so yeah okay hello everyone is not

akin to actually celebrating cocktails oh yes now I don't know if you know

anything about Tim's natural liquid itself but it is a gin-based what up

basically infused with a lot of problems in Ticknor caramel variants but also

herbs spices and other fruit so it's got well I think it's really quite complex

may 26 on that's why popular a British we receive as reading over it I do for

us well think you can make it music package that you can talk about and it

was lovely thank you it's awesome and

they gave me a beautiful bottle of pins at the end of it which was really really

nice that's always nice to get gift Thank You


oh how lovely as a Oh bless them and everyone I've just finished my brunch

with enzyme allowed failure is apparently for him they've been they've

launched a new brunch series across the six six restaurants in London and oh my

god the food is amazing I had banana pancakes and yeah banana coconut and

strawberry pancakes and they showed us two new cocktails which are appropriate

for brunch and if you don't know what brunches it's between breakfast and

lunch so instead of having three meals you only have two today and I'm just in

the car on the way through my um my next meeting which is very exciting meeting

which I'll tell you about soon I wish I could tell you about it now by cohn

because I'll get told off and what's happening with the focus here anyway so

don't really know what something with my focus I'm not in focus at the moment and

I don't know what I've done but anyway I will chat to you later bye

so I'm just having lunch steak tartare and I'm everything it's this exact same

blog so I've put this on it in a minute yeah starting to come out

that's have come out really well so I'm really excited about it yeah I think

them from a few hundred to seven hungry yet but I was under pressure to order so

just pop into the Grand lobe and pop-up shop Nicholson Street alright awesome


so excited - honey look specific integrity snappy so I took that bottle

of pins and I went to meet Ali and we sat in Hyde Park

can we drank it all the meeting is over it went incredibly well really really

excited I'm going to be really happy with and yes just are in a panic new bus

on the way to meet Ali from teach me English not faltered in Hyde Park and

because Tim's gave me a thumbs up it's very kindly and cut some straws I told

him forget about going to the clubs we're going to have 10 in the car with

the straws all you need to do is get to find lemonade strawberries and mint so

Bokke Ali who's got it all out he's got

strawberries lemonade and mints and ice few pounds ninety-nine 349 with me

predicate cha cha ji hell and I'm really open this I might let Ali open it

actually go on do you trust me yes we're going breaking I think you need to open

the bow oh I've already evidence I know what's going to happen there light

inside oh don't over over again oh look how beautiful front all the branch

locations pins and straws about that cannot wait to get started

right we'll see you guys in a minute after a couple of drinks see what our

English is like then oh my god just when it's funny like all those

people over there I love that it's like a face in London

that when it's there's enough space for you to enjoy yourself and feel like

you're in the middle of that one of the biggest cities in Europe and then we

went out for some Mexican food in evening I had tacos and he had a burrito

and we both shared some nachos we ate way too much and it was great and Ali

also tried these spiciest cocktail in the world it had a scotch bonnet

Scottish bonnet it had a very spicy chili in it

hashtag busted by operator me for another free nation what do we do

everyone introduce a an alley

we've created apart it was a lovely

lovely conversation you would not believe what goes on under by the

convention but obviously I'm educational if anyway we are here today

oh yeah we're going to have some good food good fun does it does it doesn't

look I'm eating for the smokers and I'm so this one is spicy and apparently a

bartender my recording yeah apparently the vault independent role Tilly and

what's eating spicy so Ali probably fix my battery running out takes its time

I love delicious know how to recover those six a commodity


what a dreamboat

and then that's where and I had a wonderful day I had a wonderful trip and

I'm glad I could share it with you I hope you found the video interesting

don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media I've got my facebook

my Instagram and like Twitter and I've got my pa box you can now write to me in

so many letters I love receiving everyone loves receiving messages and

letters don't they so it's really really exciting to hear when I have a new

letter in my peer box and I will see you soon for another lesson


For more infomation >> 3 MOST Beautiful Places | English Listening Practice - Milan & London Travel Vlog - Duration: 25:02.


Asal Kau Bahagia (I hope you be happy with him) [Armada] - Minecraft Noteblock Cover - Duration: 1:42.

♪ Honey, I saw you yesterday.. ♪

♪ You met him at that moment.. ♪

♪ Now, I think that you are still.. ♪

♪ Thingking about him.. ♪

♪ What don't you like about me.. ♪

♪ In your life.. ♪

♪ So that you cheated on me.. ♪

♪ Please tell me the truth now.. ♪

♪ That you weren't happy with me.. ♪

♪ I have your body.. ♪

♪ But not your heart.. ♪

♪ You don't need to lie to me.. ♪

♪ That you still want him.. ♪

♪ I don't care if you want him.. ♪

♪ I hope you be happy with him.... ♪

Written by: Hirmawan Pratama

For more infomation >> Asal Kau Bahagia (I hope you be happy with him) [Armada] - Minecraft Noteblock Cover - Duration: 1:42.


Chilena hablando en coreano 5 - 외국인 한국말로 연습 (subs) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Chilena hablando en coreano 5 - 외국인 한국말로 연습 (subs) - Duration: 3:01.


SUDDEN DEATH What Hillary Clinton Just Said Trump Did With Russia Is INCONCEIVABLE - Duration: 3:00.

SUDDEN DEATH What Hillary Clinton Just Said Trump Did With Russia Is INCONCEIVABLE

By Danny Gold

Hey, if you have been watching Hillary Clinton as long as I have, you would think �There

is nothing this woman could do to surprise me now.� Well�SURPRISE!

Today Hillary went to CodeCon to try and win over some new donors.

That�s where she launched a conspiracy theory which makes Aliens building the Pyramids look

totally normal:

Hillary Clinton declared Trump colluded with THOUSANDS of Russian agents to fill Facebook

with lies.

Seriously, I could not make this kind of stuff up if I wanted to.

This is the sudden death of any remaining respectability she had left.

According to the Commander-in-Sheets, Facebook was filled with �almost entirely� fake

stories about her that were designed and spread by the �1,000 Russian agents involved in

delivering those messages.�

Here are 3 DIFFERENT explanations for the same question all from the same interview


It�s okay, because in the same interview she said she won the election, almost beat

Obama in 2008, and saved the DNC when it was on the verge of collapse.

Yeah, this woman has clearly lost her marbles.

The sad part is that every single interview she does she finds a new person to blame for

the loss.

Her list so far has been:

The FBI James Comey, then FBI director

The Russians Vladimir Putin

�Anti-American forces� Low information voters

Everyone who assumed she�d win Bad polling numbers

Obama for winning two terms People wanting change

Misogynists Suburban women

The New York Times Television executives

Cable news Netflix

Democrats not making the right documentaries Facebook

Twitter Wikileaks

Fake news �Content Farms in Macedonia�

The Republican Party The Democratic Party

You know the saddest part about Hillary Clinton are the 3 names she left off of her list of

people to blame for her loss:


At first, I thought �I don�t want to see her run again.� Now, I have changed my mind.

I hope Hillary DOES run for President in 2020.

She will DESTROY the Democrat Party and help Donald Trump win a second term easily.

For more infomation >> SUDDEN DEATH What Hillary Clinton Just Said Trump Did With Russia Is INCONCEIVABLE - Duration: 3:00.


Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage - Duration: 4:19.

Ascension Toolkit #8 � Courage

by Michael H Hallett,

We live in a world that recognizes and respects courage: the military hero, the policewoman

who dies in the line of duty, the fireman who dashes into a burning building and emerges

with a child in her arms. We are familiar with this kind of courage as a result of our

long patriarchal past.

On the Ascension path, however, courage takes on new forms and there is a place for them

in our toolbox. The courage required on the Ascension pathway falls into two kinds: outward

directed and inward directed.

Outward directed courage

Outward directed courage is the closest to the traditional military-valor type of courage.

This is the courage to step outside your comfort zone and do something you not only haven�t

done before but also�more importantly�haven�t felt capable of doing. That place outside

our comfort zone is scary. We don�t know what happens out there. We don�t know how

people will react to us stepping into that twilight zone. Just the thought of it makes

us squirm and look for the slightest reason not to do it.

In my experience, the Ascension process is a continual expansion of our comfort zones.

So get used to it. That stomach-rumbling feeling you get when you�re about to step outside

your comfort zone is something you will become familiar with. So courage is sometimes the

tool that we need to take the next step.

Still thinking of avoiding it? There�s a saying in spiritual circles, �that which

you resist persists.� Damn right it does. All you�re doing is prolonging your own

misery (not to mention slowing the global Ascension process!). I can�t say that it

gets easy, but it does get easier. You will get to know very clearly when you need to

step up and will learn the futility of resistance. Instead of putting off crucial changes and

letting issues persist you will get better at knocking them out of the park as soon as

they show up.

Inward directed courage

The other kind of courage is inward directed. That�s the courage to expand your �inner

comfort zone�. If you�re male, this might involve the courage to become softer and abandon

macho posturing and violence as problem-solving methods. In a society built on the concept

that men should be physically and mentally strong (and, implicitly, emotionally inflexible),

letting go of this paradigm is a courageous step. If you�re a woman, it might be the

opposite. Step into some of that angry masculine energy and give that dysfunctional family

of yours a good shake. They may not thank you, but you will know you with utter certainty

you have done the right thing.

Like any tool in the Ascension toolbox, when you use courage properly you will be left

with the warm glow of knowing you have taken another step along your own Ascension path�and

made the world a better place.

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