Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Bad Baby Crying for Mega Candy! Learn Colors for Kids with Finger Family Song video

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying for Mega Candy! Learn Colors for Kids with Finger Family Song video - Duration: 2:46.




A designer virus which helps the immune system clear our cancer has been created by scientists.

Cancer cells are very good a evading the immune system, but the new therapy capitalises on

the body�s ability to quickly spot a virus.

Swiss scientists inserted cancer proteins inside an artificial virus so that when the

immune system sees it, it also hunts down cancer in the body with the same proteins.

The technique could in theory be used to fight any type of cancer.

Scientists could simply take proteins from a patient�s own tumour, place it in the

virus and inject it into the body to trigger a strong immune response against a specific


In mice, the treatment was shown to bring remission and researchers are keen to move

to human trials.

�We hope that our new findings and technologies will soon be used in cancer treatments and

so help to further increase their success rates,� said Professor Daniel Pinschewer,

lead researcher from the University of Basel.

The researchers built artificial viruses based on lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV),

which can infect both rodents and humans.

The combination of the virus triggering the alarm system and the cancer proteins, was

found to create a powerful army of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, also known as killer cells,

which identified the cancer cells through their protein and successfully

destroyed them.



Great Ape Analysed: Dragon Ball Z - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> Great Ape Analysed: Dragon Ball Z - Duration: 9:34.


Breaking News Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/2/17 , White House news ,Happening Now - Duration: 27:14.

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/2/17 , White House news ,Happening Now - Duration: 27:14.


InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale - PlayStation - #11 - Final - Totosai + Demonic Inuyasha - Duration: 31:54.

X-Gamer, ready to beat!

Hi guys, what's up? Here's X-Gamer, welcome!

And now with you, Inuyasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale for Playstation, video #11 and final with Totosai, go!

To unlock other characters, you have to beat all the minigames' records on the "Backpack" mode.

However, to rush the process, I'll teach two cheats to unlock them sooner.

The cheats must be activated in this screen. The first cheat will unlock Demonic Inuyasha, only on the Versus mode.

Now I'll show you a battle with Demonic Inuyasha, on the Versus Mode.

The second cheat will unlock Totosai, on the story mode, again, on this screen, press:

This was the goal and the final results of the first time I played.

That's the third time I'm playing and this is the new goal, story and results!

This is the official way, to unlock Demonic Inuyasha!

Thanks To everyone that watched this far, until next time, see you!

X-Gamer, ready to beat!

For more infomation >> InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale - PlayStation - #11 - Final - Totosai + Demonic Inuyasha - Duration: 31:54.


UFC 212: Official Weigh-in - Duration: 29:12.

For more infomation >> UFC 212: Official Weigh-in - Duration: 29:12.


OBAMA DISGRACE New Study Just Found How Much He REALLY Cost America - politics - Duration: 1:46.

OBAMA DISGRACE: New Study Just Found How Much He REALLY Cost America�It�s UNTHINKABLE

Obama wreaked havoc on the American economy during his eight years as president by implementing

expensive and useless regulations.

Now we have evidence of just how much he was costing us.

As The Wall Street Journal reported, a recent economic report has estimated that Obama�s

regulations cost the economy $600 BILLION a YEAR.


No wonder the economy was growing so slowly during the Obama administration.

Obama�s regulations have put a strain on American consumers by forcing businesses to

jump through more and more hoops just to keep their doors open.

We already pay enough taxes- we don�t need to pay more for what we buy just because businesses

are now forced to comply with new pointless Obama rules!

Luckily, President Donald Trump is doing something about it!

He has already promised to repeal two regulations for every new one that becomes law, and according

to the Washington Post, the economy is back on track with the lowest unemployment rates

in 10 years!

It is incredible that it has only been five months and we are already recovering from

Obama�s harmful and costly policies.


For more infomation >> OBAMA DISGRACE New Study Just Found How Much He REALLY Cost America - politics - Duration: 1:46.


Mi presentación de diapositivas - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Mi presentación de diapositivas - Duration: 0:07.


10 ideas about futsal | YouTube channel introduction - Duration: 2:06.

Hello, everyone!

You are watching my YouTube channel "10 ideas about futsal"

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex, I'm 26

I'm from Moscow and I'm a big fan of futsal

I also play futsal in an amateur league

Now few words about the channel and what it is about

As I'm interested in futsal

shoes and equipment for this sport are also the things of interest for me

I've always enjoyed watching the new releases, finding their advantages

and differences from other models

This is in some way helpful for finding the best

choice specially for you

Futsal equipment today is even a culture and an industry

On the russian part of YouTube

there are not many videos on this theme, if compared to the 11x11 football (soccer)

This is why I decided to try to make some video reviews

of futsal shoes and equipment by myself

What are the aims of my channel?

1. To give amateur players and fans like me

some interesting and useful materials about different models of futsal shoes

2. To make overall analysis

of different models

3. To popularize

futsal within the youth

My channel is not commercial

I make my reviews by my own desire

I don't advertise special brand

Only try to do my best to visually compare advantages and disadvantages of different models

I'm going to review more and less popular models

of futsal shoes, cleats and equipment

I'll also try to make for you

some play test videos, where you could see shoes in action during training sessions and matches

The best important thing for me is your interest

and comments on my videos, this is why

please, comment bellow what you liked or disliked in my reviews,

how I can improve them and which models you'd like to see

The main thing is your rating on my channel

and reviews

Thanks for everyone, hope it'll be interesting

Thanks for your likes, subscriptions and comments

See you, bye!

For more infomation >> 10 ideas about futsal | YouTube channel introduction - Duration: 2:06.


SPIRITUALITY Every 7 Years Your Body, Mind and Spirit Evolve in These Ways - Duration: 4:12.

SPIRITUALITY Every 7 Years Your Body, Mind and Spirit Evolve in These Ways

Humans evolve in a number of ways.

Many of us have heard that every cell in the body is changed in a period of seven years.

The body is forever changing in many different ways � cells die and new cells are born.

However, further investigation into this topic has uncovered much more significance than

we thought.

Not only does the body change significantly every seven years, but your mind and your

spirit evolve along with it.


In years 0-7 your body, mind, and soul go through a lot of changes.

This is one of the most important cycles of a human�s lifespan.

This is where you develop your unconscious responses.

The roman catholic church refers to a major change that occurs in the first eleven years

of life.

In this stage, we are completely dependant on a loved one for food, cleaning, etc.


The second is from seven to fourteen, and this is where your concept of ideas and emotions

come from.

The thymus gland will start to reduce in size, allowing the sense of right and wrong.

This is also where you lose your baby teeth and grow adult teeth.

As the thymus shrinks and the sexual organs develop the personality is thrust into a bumpy

world of puberty and adolescence.


The body has now started going through the pubertal process.

In this process, they experience a wave of new hormones and feelings.

In this stage, we start to develop interpersonal relationships.

The person will also start to break away from the home life and parental influences.

During this stage, we start to become conscious of yourself in an entire way.

There is massive emotional development during this cycle.

This often involves a desire to explore many relationships.


During this age, we develop a sense of discrimination.

This includes insight, intuition, judgment, and understanding.

This is where your personality starts to soften and you are in touch with your emotions.

The adult emotional age will begin to emerge, thus bringing about new needs and desires.

In this period you will begin to confront the issue that you were either born with or

arose through the challenges and pains of your infancy and childhood.


This is where the creative juices start to flow.

Many great researchers and inventors have their greatest peaks of ideas in this stage.

We begin to question who we really are and what we are supposed to be doing.

We are heavily pressured by peers and family members


this stage.

For more infomation >> SPIRITUALITY Every 7 Years Your Body, Mind and Spirit Evolve in These Ways - Duration: 4:12.


Tank {2} - Contest of Builds w/SonimagePrime (Vote!) | Minecraft: Xbox One Edition - Duration: 12:27.

Hello! Welcome back to our Contest of Builds, with Sonimage Prime! Today's category is... tank!

We built our own podiums, so whoever gets the most votes on eack build seperatly, will be the winner! If it is a tie, then we might do one more video.

Vote now! Click the "i" icon on the top right and vote for the best build!

Thanks for watching! Please subscribe and leave a like! Cross Away!

For more infomation >> Tank {2} - Contest of Builds w/SonimagePrime (Vote!) | Minecraft: Xbox One Edition - Duration: 12:27.


Channel Four Production Scheme: Diversity - Duration: 2:01.

Good evening and welcome to my application for the Channel 4 production scheme!

I chose to shoot this video in French

because the question put to us was 'why is diversity important for you?'

Even though my mother tongue is English

I wanted to speak in French to break the hegemony of the English language


diversity has always been something that I'm passionate about, because

I grew up with a disabled sister- she has Cerebral Palsy

so she uses an electric wheelchair

and this always creates obstacles/challenges

The first big challenge that we faced was that

our local school didn't allow her to attend

it was full of stairs and there was no lift so they told her that she couldn't attend.

My family decided to fund-raise for three years

to raise enough money to build a lift so that she'd be able to go to the school.

That has been the first of many challenges (!)

So I find initiatives like the Channel 4 360 diversity charter brilliant...

- just what we need in our times!

What I can bring to your organisation in terms of diversity...

the only thing that I have is 'auditory dyslexia'

so I process sound slowly and in a slightly different way

It's actually rather paradoxical as for my A level subject I chose French, German and Music

...subjects that are completely auditory!

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