Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Love is "Tha Thu" | Only C | I'm under 18 OST [NCA Release]

In my memories at that moment,

The first meeting made me have a fond remembrance

And day by day,

I suddenly realized that warmth come everytime im my mine

That day when you came,

There was another person standing right next you,

Holding your hands and coming accross so fast in front of my eyes at that time

Gradually faint and disappeared...

And many times I saw you smiles

Many times the tear fall wetly

I told myself to be strong, to go by your side and tell you

"Don't be sad because of a person that never think about us"

Love is a gift,

When we're together, don't forget that

we used to smile & cry together

So why we want to be far away!?

When the love was broken, turn your head back

to see who was beside you when you're painfulpainful

Love is so strange

Sometimes, we are so strong

Many people say I'm crazy

Just continue without any ways to escape

Once you love, the heart will accept to forgive

the past we've gone together.

And many times I saw you smiles

Many times the tear fall wetly

I told myself to be strong, to go by your side and tell you

"Don't be sad because of a person that never think about us"

Love is a gift,

When we're together, don't forget that

we used to smile & cry together

So why we want to be far away!?

When the love was broken, turn your head back

to see who was beside you when you're painfulpainful

Love is so strange

Sometimes, we are so strong

Many people say I'm crazy

Just continue without any ways to escape

Once you love, the heart will accept to forgive

the past we've gone together.

Love is a gift,

When we're together, don't forget that

we used to smile & cry together

So why we want to be far away!?

When the love was broken, turn your head back

to see who was beside you when you're painfulpainful

Love is so strange

Sometimes, we are so strong

Many people say I'm crazy

Just continue without any ways to escape

Once you love, the heart will accept to forgive

the past we've gone together.

Once you love, the heart will accept to forgive

the past we've gone together.

For more infomation >> Love is "Tha Thu" | Only C | I'm under 18 OST [NCA Release] - Duration: 4:09.



Hello everyone, my name is Priti Nath Guru.

My this video is dedicated to those people who wants to do weight loss

But due to festive season or marriage functions or parties

They face problem in their weight loss & unable to keep their weight loss in continuation.

So today I'll share some strategies & small points with which you can

Control over your wight even if you attend parties.

First of all I would suggest you to attend any party or function with an empty stomach.

You must eat some light salad or can have vegetable soup

Because generally dinners serves in parties very late night

Till that time we are unable to choose which type of food we should take

Thus we start eating tempting and high calorie food.

Hence you must not attend any party with an empty stomach so that you can choose the right food to eat.

Secondly even in parties if we take soups or salads,that is good for us.

Thirdly check out the vegetables as in they all are gravy based and as I have already shared in my previous video

That we should avoid curry part. So we should take such vegetables where we can avoid curry & can take pieces

For example we can take cottage cheese in any of its dish or

We can choose any vegetable where we can avoid its curry and can take its vegetable only

So that would be better

Fourth, our preference should be to avoid paratha and puri.

If we can get plain chapati, that is very good.

In case we don't get plain chapati, take tandoori chapati,Naan if you don't get tandoori chapati

Also notice on its quantity, if you are taking plain chapati take it 1-2 nos.

In case we are getting Naan, reduce its quantity.

Also if we get anything else then we have to do the variation accordingly.

We can also take curd.

In case you get Dosa then you can take plain or rava dosa.

We can take sambhar and we should avoid the coconut chutney.

In Idli preffer Rava (Semolina) Idli over rice idli

In case if we want to have sweet dish, take Spongy Rasgulla, squeeze out its syrup and you can have it

Also I would say, if we have taken such food then we should compensate it next day.

Keep your next day meal as a light meal with fruits preferably

And if we try to compensate it for 1-2 days, that would be good for us.

This way we'll be able to control over our instant growth of weight.

Also I would suggest too much of parties

Try to avoid eating in such parties and try to give any excuse

Like you have pain or any other problem reason behind not having dinner in party.

We should avoid regular parties, but once in a while follow the strategies shared by me.

An another problem faced by people, in festive or marriage season we get lot of gifts.

They get sweets, sweeten beverages so how to compensate them.

Firstly I would suggest you to try to distribute it, if you have got it in lot of quantity.

If you'll give it your any maid or worker, they'll be happy or obliged.

Because such things are not easily available for them.

But in case if you want to consume it at home, now a days all the items are having shelf live more 1-2 days.

So we should adjust those gifts according to their shelf life.

We should adjust them for 1-2-3 months accordingly.

We should consume them in little quantity.

If we are eating with the entire family and that too in small quantity, so that wouldn't create a problem.

Generally people eat a bunch full of dry fruits at the time of diwali, which is not right..

If you eat the dry fruits in little quantity, you can keep them for 6 months.

People also say that don't throw any food item in dustbin to waste

So we should understand that we are not dustbin

Just because we don't want to throw it into dustbin, if we are eating then

Think yourself that you are not a dustbin.

I hope that you must have liked my video.

Have a healthy weight loss.

Keep watching my videos... Thank you...



Dealing With Trolls In YouTube's Comments Section - Duration: 1:37.

I wanted to take a few minutes and discuss the ubiquitous right-wing comments trolling

that takes place in nearly every youtube comments section where the video deals with anything

remotely political in nature.

We've all seen these comments.. they range from abusive, to racist, to outlandish, to

targeting normal commenters for abuse…you get the idea.

There is always a strong knee-jerk reaction to simply delete or hide the comments of these

bizarre individuals.

But this misses the point.

It is always better to respond with respect and dignity to any commenter that shows you

respect and dignity.

But the second they cross the line into ad hominem, you need to make the offender aware

that they will no longer receive responses.

Grant them their free speech and let them rant and rave, but don't give them the time

of day.

disassociation is the best thing to do to folks whose sole purpose is to seek attention.

Now, this may not create a space where folks halt abusive or racist comments entirely,

but you should never feel obliged to engage with people who have crossed that line.

They simply aren't worth your time.

For more infomation >> Dealing With Trolls In YouTube's Comments Section - Duration: 1:37.


BREATH TAKING! The Outfit Ivanka Was Wearing Today Grabbed Everyone's Attention - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BREATH TAKING! The Outfit Ivanka Was Wearing Today Grabbed Everyone's Attention - Duration: 1:13.


Loại rau rẻ tiền nhưng chữa các bệnh vào mùa hè mà nhiều người không biết - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Loại rau rẻ tiền nhưng chữa các bệnh vào mùa hè mà nhiều người không biết - Duration: 4:09.


橋結構長板凳 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 橋結構長板凳 - Duration: 3:25.


Trump Is Launching 1-800 VA Complaint Hotline Tomorrow - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Launching 1-800 VA Complaint Hotline Tomorrow - Duration: 1:38.


Bernhardiner Nachwuchs - Duration: 1:37.

Playing, eating and sleeping -

this is how the little dogs spend their day.

The puppies come from two different litters.

They are now just over six weeks old

and are becoming more and more inquisitive.

They are a source of delight for the Head of Dogs and Kennel at the Barry Foundation.

And all 20 puppies are already spoken for.

The puppies will go to families

who submitted a request.

We have to make sure that they go to a good home

where the conditions are right.

The people have to have time for them,

as well as room and enough free time.

The dogs shouldn't really go to live in a flat.

At the moment they're still little but they grow up to be really big.

As of tomorrow, the St. Bernhard puppies

can be visited by members of the public.

It will be possible to see the dogs at the Barryland Museum in Martigny.

From 4 June, the first puppies

will then be collected by their new owners.

Until then, the sweet little fluffballs

can still play to their heart's content with their siblings.

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