Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Casey Neistat Vlog Music (No Copyright Music) Dreams - Joakim Karud

For more infomation >> Casey Neistat Vlog Music (No Copyright Music) Dreams - Joakim Karud - Duration: 3:05.


New Jupiter Weirdness From Juno - Duration: 4:18.

It's been almost a year since Juno first got to Jupiter, and ever since, the probe's

been sending back incredible photos and data for scientists to analyze.

Now, the mission team has finally announced Juno's first findings in a couple of papers

published last week in the journal Science.

And just these first results are totally changing the way we think about Jupiter.

We're learning more about things like the planet's atmosphere, internal structure,

and magnetic fields.

And a lot of it is totally unexpected!

Part of the reason Juno's results are so surprising is that the probe is studying Jupiter

in ways we've never been able to before.

It's armored against the powerful radiation around the planet, allowing it to skim just

5000 kilometers above the cloud tops.

And unlike most spacecraft, which usually travel around a planet's equator, Juno's

orbit takes it over Jupiter's poles.

From our first good look at these regions, we've learned that Jupiter's famous red

and white stripes disappear completely.

Instead, the poles have a mess of enormous cyclones.

A lot of them are as big as the largest storms we've ever seen on Earth.

Jupiter's poles are also home to the solar system's largest auroras, the beautiful

light displays that happen when electrically charged particles strike the upper atmosphere.

And thanks to Juno, we're learning that some of our assumptions about how they work

were totally wrong.

On Earth, these particles come from the solar wind rushing out of the sun.

Most of them are deflected by Earth's magnetic field, but some leak through and strike the

poles to create the northern and southern lights.

Until now, we assumed that the process on Jupiter was pretty similar.

But Juno found that the particles that create auroras on Jupiter move differently — they

seem to be pulled up from the atmosphere.

Even Jupiter's magnetic field turns out to be full of surprises.

Juno found that it's ten times stronger than the one su rrounding us here on Earth.

We knew Jupiter's magnetic field would be strong,

but we didn't know it would be that strong.

And that's not the only weird thing we've just learned about the magnetic field.

Generally, the farther you are from a planet, the weaker its field becomes, but Juno found

major exceptions to this rule.

Jupiter's magnetic field is kind of … bumpy.

It's stronger than you'd expect in some places, and weaker in others.

Astronomers think the variation comes from the planet's dynamo, which is an awesome

name for the conductive fluids sloshing around in a planet's core.

A dynamo seems to be what creates planetary-scale magnetic fields.

The fluid in Earth's dynamo is molten iron, but the interiors of the gas giants are a

lot different from rocky worlds like ours.

Juno's observations suggest that Jupiter's dynamo consists of an enormous region of liquid,

electrically conductive hydrogen.

You'd normally think of hydrogen as a gas, but the ridiculously strong pressure inside

Jupiter compresses it into a liquid.

It takes more than just measuring the magnetic field to understand the planet's interior, though.

That's why Juno has been mapping out Jupiter's gravitational field.

Just like a magnetic field, gravity generally gets weaker the farther away you are from

a planet.

But if a planet's mass isn't distributed evenly, that'll affect the strength of its

gravitational field in different places.

So, small variations in the gravitational field can point to inconsistencies within the planet.

Astronomers measure a planet's gravity by tracking the speed of the spacecraft itself.

If there's a stronger gravitational field somewhere, the extra pull will make Juno go faster.

By mapping these speeds, researchers can figure out how matter is distributed inside Jupiter,

going all the way down to the center.

And that's where they found another surprise.

Astronomers used to think that if Jupiter had a solid core at all,

it was probably pretty small.

Instead, Juno's measurements imply that the core is much larger and more spread out

than we thought.

It might even be partially dissolved in the liquid hydrogen around it.

Gravity isn't the only way Juno's designed to look deep into Jupiter.

Its microwave detectors can measure the radiation emitted by molecules hundreds of kilometers

below the visible clouds.

And Juno discovered something both remarkably familiar and weirdly different down there:

big looping structures called Hadley cells.

On Earth, air circulating in Hadley cells is responsible for tropical rainforests and

the east-west trade winds that help ships move across the oceans.

On Jupiter, these cells seem to be made up of huge, ammonia-filled currents that move

separately from the clouds that make up the planet's stripes.

They're an early sign that the deep atmosphere is way more complex than we thought.

That's just one of the things that Juno is slated to continue studying into next year.

Eventually, radiation will start to damage the probe's instruments and contaminate

the collected data, and the mission will have to end.

But by that point, we'll have tons of new data about Jupiter — including detailed

maps of what's going on inside the planet.

And that's exactly what scientists need to start solving all these new mysteries.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News, and thanks especially to our patrons

on Patreon like Michael Snow and Katie Hawkins who just became patrons!

Thank you!

For more infomation >> New Jupiter Weirdness From Juno - Duration: 4:18.


Breaking Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/2/17 , W H news , vice president mike pence - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> Breaking Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/2/17 , W H news , vice president mike pence - Duration: 16:12.




It might sound crazy to the masses, but life extension is a real thing. The science, also

known as anti-aging medicine, indefinite life extension, experimental gerontology, and biomedical

gerontology, is the study of slowing down or reversing the processes that create aging.

The result? Maximum and average lifespan extended. The question is, do we need tech? Or should

we begin to look at why our life spans aren�t already longer?

If you try to envision it, you might find yourself lost in a futuristic sci-fi film

you�ve already seen. But it�s more than a concept fit for the silver screen. Life

extension is a very real science, and is currently being worked on as you read this.

According to some scientists, we are mere decades away from moving into life extension,

which could change life as we know it forever.

Among those working avidly on the science is Ray Kurzweil, the chief engineer at Google.

Kurzweil says we are approaching a time when humans will begin to significantly prolong

their lifespans. He suggests that, by the time we have done so, we won�t have to worry

about issues like supporting growing numbers of humans, because we will no longer be living

in a world competing for finite resources.

For instance, he says, �Well within 15 years, say, we�ll be able to meet all of our energy

needs from solar. And at that point, we will be using one part in 10,000 of the sunlight

that falls on the Earth.� He also believes that, by then, we will have worked through

the �resource-related limiting factors� currently stymying scientists and activists

around the world.

If you think about being younger for longer, it�s a hard concept to visualize. With cells

and DNA edited, and the regrowth of telomeres bringing back a youthful state, it�s a concept

many people long for, but believe impossible. But it�s certainly already happening.

Increasing your life expectancy can be done just by eating the right foods, meditating,

and taking part in regular exercise. Perhaps you would have died at 90, but such lifestyle

changes tack on a year or two. Understanding the way these lifestyle factors, along with

genetic therapy, function, makes maintaining youth and health for much longer a more realistic

goal than you might think.

Will we, then, eventually die? Even this question cannot be answered, as we are bending the

rules and finding new avenues to change what we know about life and death every day. Perhaps

there could be a day when death is not absolute.

The advancement of computer technologies has opened the doors to so many once-unfathomable

possibilities. We have, undoubtedly, seen advancement in ways science once deemed impossible,

like 3D printers providing medicine with coded blueprints.

The �explosion� in exponential technologies like augmented and virtual realities makes

life extension entirely tangible, according to Kurzweil: �Our experiences will be limited

only by our imagination and the very expansion of our neocortex so we can create and experience

more profound music and art and science and literature and relationships. I don�t think

life will get boring.�

Pay close attention to how small advancements accumulate to make life extension nearer and

nearer, because it�s happening yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and many scientists swear

by it happening much sooner than one would ever imagine.

Why Our Lifespans Might Be Shorter Than What�s Possible

What if the human body was designed to live hundreds of years, but due to our diets, way

of living, environmental toxins and so forth we deteriorate much more quickly? This is

certainly a thought we must explore before we head aggressively into the tech side of

life extension without addressing what may be

the biggest cause: poor habit, faulty science and information around health and human life.

This is obviously a philosophical thought but


has merit given the way our modern lifestyles are. There is much evidence to support this

idea and will be explored in an upcoming story.

For more infomation >> IF YOU'RE ALIVE IN 30 YEARS, IT'S LIKELY YOU WILL BE ALIVE IN 1, - Duration: 14:49.


SHADOW OF THE COLLOSSUS? | Ben and Ed Pt.5 - Duration: 14:53.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome back to Ben and Ed the rage

inducing zombie runnin game show and we're on level 13 escalating that sounds

delightful especially after the last one that we had which I am now 100% sure

that my least favorite thing in this game has got to be laser falls that is

laser falls were terrible terrible terrible thing

Oh what gene under that was chasing me that would have been good to knew okay

so that's what that sound is no I'm dead okay so I can't let that catch me how do

this network as a slide I'm gonna try it just gonna run yeah it does

okay okay especially to run you keep going the same direction in it die

reaction cuz I'm a zombie I know I'm gonna die that's it I'm dead I think

goes fast too like it definitely runs faster than Ed does that's for sure cuz

it was for sugar can't get caught unlike anything he's had to go you just have to

go you can't you're gonna get stuck uses data go you can't get touched by any of

the lasers or you're dead

they're still coming it's not okay good can I have a

checkpoint now there it is I see it I see the checkpoint

draw the the hover ething yeah checkpoint

all again okay here goes London candy meat oh my G

Wow okay what a commercial or advertisement or whatever you want to

call it whatever it is is good oh okay so you've got a you got to be a

superhero to get past that part that's for sure okay just just jumped in I

guess jump yeah this is so easy also so easy it's not but whatever we can do

this we can do more lasers because lasers are terrible wait I'm dead it was

a foot you're a dad

why was that so easy last time why can't I get it now

going going whoa return the fact do I how about you jump

again instead of freakin flying through the air like you did huh no come on

oh my god not again not I don't want to rage again I don't I don't want to I

don't wanna I don't oh my god oh my god

already really not even five minutes in

okay looks like we made it it's not die on this part because I will lose my head

if we die on this part let's not let that happen

let this happen nice and normal nice nice and easy easy a little platformer

we got this we're good there's the checkpoint oh that looks fun

I know I probably didn't have to reset that one but whatever your own care

don't even how much we'll see the stuff coming like now okay well we're just

losing limbs then because why not because just because why not it's a

safety first everywhere like like you care about the zombie safety yeah we

made it we're going to do it again that rag doll

thing dude that ragdoll kills me that's what gets me are you kidding me right

now these lasers are garbage okay we're fine we're going to make this okay

okay now there's one more

no no no why how does that give my right leg how does that even like oh my god

oh yes I gray I wait for the one that goes across to come out

are you cook are you kidding me

and it make this happen huh

yes oh my god oh so bad first level whoo all right time for 15 what is this

shadow of the robot that looks like a boss fight this looks like a boss shadow

of the robot I'm going to find out where at least get to try it this episode no

promise it Wow wait but yeah no promises that will beat it probably won't because

I'm assuming it's gonna be harder than the clown

so what what what's going on though

all right

well I guess this is where we're at now this is the thing

Simar have to throw my head in there is that what this is okay I guess I'll wait

turn my head not a debate a little hole

we can do this we can make this ready aim fire we didn't make it

Oh what do you know I died ha ha ha Oh what do you know I died again a hat for

the checkpoints at least

okay so we know not to throw it too early so we can probably throw it like

right about now wow that was too early to so we gotta wait till that thing is

like in our sight like so you see you you can't jump that

light the only have one shot or you're dead that's good that's good

great so we wait again how many times have to do this yes we did it we are in

here what do I do

oh I see that's gruesome well you're gonna get on the button or

what you're gonna you're gonna you're going to get on them get on the button

hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button

dude it's a button hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button

hit the button hit the button oh boy this is bad

that's a bun oh god yes you did it good job good all I see okay so I'm not

completely wasting my time okay good just good side technically how to die

again anyway

I understand what's going on right now


me trying hard not to rage

oh yay something cut my head off wonder what that was no no oh yeah really okay

so can I throw my head up on that check point what it counted the check point

I'm trying it

it does Wow I could have just done that the whole time whoa okay that's a lot

smoother than having to jump up some holes okay so that's that's good that's

it makes you feel a little better let me stick the little bit better about

the situation because I can't even see the window from here so there's no way

I'm going to be able to make my head in there how do you guys think I'm going to

make my head in there

yes I did it finally go away go go kill yourself go go go yeah now that's the

button you did it good job way to go okay now we can easily just jump here

and now die up here a bunch times yeah now I can die up here bunch time good

good idea that's another I want what do you know it looks exactly the same but

it's not the right one

no no crouch cry run jump run

is there another checkpoint up here it's not

that means we got to focus we gotta like really focus

I'm gonna jump this way okay actually I'm gonna go over here we're gonna throw

it from here you can do this we can do this we do this ready and fire yeah boom

so what are the odds of that

yeah okay

we're fine

okay sighs need to make it up to the platform

but how how how how you know what guys I can't do it I can't do this I can't do

it right now we're just going to have to dedicate an entire episode did this

because there's no way I've been trying for an hour and a half now I can't do

this I can't do this um so I'm gonna finish the episode off here I hope you

guys enjoyed watching me crazy rage and and not been just basically quit because

there's no there's no way there's no way this is ridiculous

um if you guys did enjoy make sure you slap that like button underneath video

until next time see you guys later

For more infomation >> SHADOW OF THE COLLOSSUS? | Ben and Ed Pt.5 - Duration: 14:53.


What To Say If She Has A Boyfriend – Dealing With Rejection (+INFIELD) - Duration: 8:57.

Instagram no way how are you using

Facebook I don't have it book all right

I'll just have to use telepathy I think

I think that'll work I'll be like I mean

here and you'll be there I just feel

like this guided communication tomorrow

right here on this spot not over there

you're over there it's not going to work

You may have seen a

lot of dating coaches do some really

great approaches on YouTube, but here's

the truth: not every approach is a

homerun. So in this video, I'm going to

show you some infield footage of what I

do when I get a flat out no or "I have a

boyfriend" or other types of objections

or just flat-out rejection.

Here's the deal, if a girl rejects you there's

only really two reasons that would


some little thing like lack of eye

contact maybe you're looking down

because you were nervous and that

creeped her out because she felt like

you were checking her out or something

like that it could be your body language

your tonality or it could be the words

you're saying. So that's just feedback.

Don't take that personally

that just means change something, okay?

Get some feedback maybe from your friend

who's watching or maybe you have a coach

filming you or something like that just

get some feedback and then change it. And

the second reason is it's all based on

her, she's just not into it maybe she had

a bad day, maybe she has a boyfriend and

she doesn't really want to flirt with a

random guy in the middle of the street.

So what? No reason to take that

personally okay but at the same time

don't give up right away. Maybe she's

just testing you to see if what you're

really made out of, to see if you're a

real man if you can handle some

objections here and there. Or maybe she

really does have a boyfriend and that's

okay too maybe she can become your

friend and hook you up with some of her

other hot friends.

examples of what I do

I get an objection how I handle it and

what I say when the girl tells me she

has a boyfriend.

beautiful women in any situation without

hesitation fear or nervousness and

then I have good news because I've put

where I reveal a simple technique that

you can do in a matter of seconds to

eliminate fear just click the link down

in the description and I'll send you

that training there's also a link to the

right of the screen so check that out

right now

also make sure to subscribe to our

channel for more dating tips and my

name's Matt Artisan from The Attractive

Man and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> What To Say If She Has A Boyfriend – Dealing With Rejection (+INFIELD) - Duration: 8:57.




The French government is about to make some drastic changes to the enforcement of cannabis

use laws.

A government spokesperson revealed that by the end of 2017, France will end all prison

terms for cannabis users.

Existing Policy

Current French law states that cannabis use is a criminal offense.

It is punishable by up to one year in prison and up to a EUR 3,750 fine.

Regardless, officials plan to end prison terms for cannabis users, even though cannabis use

will remain a criminal offense until further legislative changes take place.

One can expect that these changes the government will modify existing law in some way or another.

Many expect further cannabis law reform by French President Emmanuel Macron considering

his election campaign platform.

Although decriminalization of cannabis use is unlikely in France, an initiative exists

to reform the judicial procedure when prosecuting cannabis users.

Government spokesperson Christophe Casaner stated:

�Last year, 180,000 people were found to be in violation of drug laws.

On average these cases take up six hours of police time and the same amount for the presiding

magistrate.� Casaner added:

�What is important today is to be effective, and above all to free up time for our police

so they can focus more on essential matters.� Is Policing Cannabis Use Essential?

Consequently, what the French government is saying is that policing cannabis users is

not essential.

What is happening more frequently are scenarios where police officers are turning a blind

eye when it comes to recreational cannabis use.

Patrice Ribeiro of the French police officers� union, stated:

�Most policemen who arrest a user tell him to throw the joint away and then let them

move on�.

Although these changes in the enforcement of cannabis use laws in France may seem small,

they are likely to free up some of the country�s judicial resources.

The French Observatory for Drug Use and Addiction reported that in 2014, 17 million French citizens

said they had taken cannabis at some point in their lives.

There are estimated 700,000 daily cannabis users in France.

For more infomation >> FRANCE TO EFFECTIVELY DECRIMINALIZE CANNABIS BY ENDING PRISON - politics - Duration: 2:49.


Беркова вышла замуж за Стоянова (02.06.2017.) - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Беркова вышла замуж за Стоянова (02.06.2017.) - Duration: 1:15.


Кулинарные рецепты на открытках - Duration: 4:27.

Engaged in the field of printing, I all the time come different ideas of projects that could be set in motion, using his equipment and knowledge in the field of printing. Let's see what books are most in sale? We are in town on business, cooking, helpful tips. And the interesting thing is -- all the books are in demand, i.e. they are purchased. The range of books is very wide, and very wide variety of books on cooking. Stop! Cooking! We cook every day, eat every day, we procure products every year.... Here's what will be demanded by the buyer! With this information, I came to the conclusion that it was to produce recipes on postcards. The point is to release recipes in the form of cards size 100h210 (dimensions in mm). You need to decide on the topics of recipes. Such topics may include: pastries, desserts, drinks, pickles and marinades, sauces and seasonings, side dishes, fish and seafood, meat and poultry, soups and borscht, salads and snacks. In each topic to determine the number of recipes, for example, 30-40 recipes. Feature of these cards is: - each card in detail products that are used in the manufacture of the product, the technology of cooking, useful tips, photo of the dish in finished form; - each card is laminated, that will extend the life of this card (because it will be used in the kitchen where everything is prepared, where the water, where the mass of various fats, etc.). What you need for the project? First of all it is necessary to find an acquaintance of the chef and together with him to determine which recipes need to make this topic (drinks, pastries, etc.). Then prepare the product, take a picture, record the sequence of manufacturing, etc. If you have a problem with the chef - you can negotiate with the schools that prepare chefs to participate in this project. In return they will receive a set of all cards. The school happily accepts your offer! And you get to work with! Requires a camera for photographing the finished dishes. Suitable and simple "Kodak", but it is better to use a digital camera - get ready excellent image quality. If you use the "Kodak" - it is necessary to have a good scanner to convert your photos to digital form. Next, you need to have a computer (will fit any Celeron) and a color inkjet printer. Graphics program you create a card (itself a two-sided card), enter all the text, insert picture, etc. Then printed on photo paper (for small runs suitable photo paper with density of 160 g/m2), then laminorul laminate density of 100-125 microns. Next, a sheet of A4 paper cut in the cutter in three parts. And ... voila!!! .... You have three finished cards. If you think mass production of these cards - I recommend color offset printing, will come cheaply and efficiently! But this applies to runs of 1,000 cards. And you can use karmaskaly laminator, and roll. The calculation of the cost I will not give. It depends on many factors: the cost of paper (it can be printed on a normal cardboard), paint (because you can make cards and black-and-white print on colored cardboard look will not be worse than if it was colored), the method of obtaining photos, etc. The question may arise: Who will buy such a set? Be set to by any owner (at reasonable cost); can be used as a gift; with arms and legs blown off schools that prepare chefs (I know this problem, because they have access to the school); restaurants (if there are fancy recipes), etc. the List goes on and on...

For more infomation >> Кулинарные рецепты на открытках - Duration: 4:27.


50 nombres rusos para niños - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:03.

50 russian names for baby boys



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres rusos para niños - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:03.


50 Russian names for baby boys - the best baby names - - Duration: 2:08.

50 russian names for baby boys



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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