Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

12 Simple Steps For Guiding Our Children Into Their Highest Expressions

by Jessie Klassen,

A follow up to my article, �5 Important Lessons for Raising Children in these New


As parents during this intense and exciting time on Earth, we accepted and/or chose an

extremely important job. We are guiding the next caretakers of the Earth and evolution

of humanity.

Our children are growing up in a world where they are faced with challenges unlike those

we have ever seen. The world is literally at their fingertips, and although this has

great opportunity when applied correctly, it also brings constant distraction and stimulation,

therefore pulling them away from connecting with Nature and looking inward and knowing

who they are.

Not only this, but with climate change, a contaminated food chain, toxic water, questionable

vaccines and out dated school programs, it has never been more important for us as parents

to be �awake.�

Because the truth is, we can thrive here if we are living our lives by heart-centered

decisions that are led by our intuition, and not by the lies and propaganda that we have

been told.

And yes, it may seem impossible to not get caught in the traps, but when we teach our

children awareness, and allow their �awakened selves� to shine through, they will be aware

of the traps and will be able to see them for what they are. When we are aware, we are

impossible to trap.

And essentially, we will be creating the peaceful, joyous Earth that we all came here to create.

A misconception that I have noticed around our children commonly known as the Indigos,

starseeds, etc., is that they are automatically �tuned in� and kind or that they would

never do or say something rude or questionable.

But what I have experienced with my oldest son, Shep, is that, yes, he is incredibly

sensitive, and he is �tuned in�, but he is also clearing SO much old karma and rebalancing

back to his Highest Expression of himself in this lifetime, that he has been susceptible

to all kinds of interference and questionable behavior.

Shep is, in his Divine Nature, a sweetie. He loves to hug and snuggle, but he also would

experience intense and erratic mood swings. You never knew what kind of day you were going

to have with him. His highs were high � loving, jokey, and creative. And his lows were low

� brooding, angry, sulky, withdrawn. Never mean but constantly unpredictable.

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child in this unhappy little body and

know that they are in there, but how do you get to them?

It was also heartbreaking and disappointing when we would hear of something completely

out of character that he had done, because you just knew that that wasn�t really him.

And afterwards, he always felt awful, but he could barely remember doing it. It was

as if he had no control over himself. He struggled to communicate or give any explanation, as

there really wasn�t one that he knew of.

Because he really didn�t know, because it wasn�t really the �true� Shep. His energy

body was so influenced by energetic cords from past lives and outer stimulations (and

we live on a secluded farm), that the real Shep was unable to shine through and be in

control all of the time.

So how do we guide our children into the Highest expressions of themselves?

Energetic Cord Clearing

This simple practice has worked wonders for my older kids as they seem to have come into

this life with a lot of old baggage to clear out. My article �An Empowering Cord Cutting

Exercise for Children� gives an easy technique for doing so, or you can visit an energy worker/healer

who can help.

I have found with my kids that explaining how energy works has been extremely empowering

for them because understanding how energy works is understanding how EVERYTHING works.

That essentially, everything you �put out there� will come back to you, and that everything

you do to others you are doing to yourself.

That energy always attracts energy of the same frequency or vibration, and when we have

a �high� vibration, we attract other people and experiences with a high vibration as well.

These include love and joy, kindness, compassion, and vitality.

I often ask my kids, �what are you feeding?� Which energy pathway are you focusing on and

giving energy to? What we focus on, we strengthen.

Simply knowing how energy works awakens our children to the truth that we are powerful

beings, and that they always have control over their own energy.

And when things don�t always go their way?

�It�s all for you.�

These four little words relieve a whole lot of pressure. Because no matter what, the experience

was meant to teach you something and help you grow into who you are meant to become.

I often ask my kids after something happened, such as, �what did you learn?�

The importance of looking for the lesson is life-altering. We begin to trust Life, because

we know that it is always looking out for our best interest. And when we acknowledge

and look for the lesson, Life will not have to repeat it.

�You are already good�

Not long ago, when we were going through a major shift and purging, Shep�s behavior

was hitting an all time unpredictability.

Whoever he happened to be around at the time, he become. He always joined in and seemed

to have no self control.

After a certain incident at school, he came home crying, �help me be good! I want to

be good! I don�t know how!�

I hugged him, and the only words that I could think to tell him were, �You are already

good. You have always been good. You just have to believe it. I will help you, but I

can�t do it for you. You have to believe it yourself.�

Shep made a decision that day to be true to himself, and his willpower shifted his entire

energy field. Although we had been clearing constantly, he had to reach a level of maturity

and awareness where he could let it go and stand strong in himself.

He changed who he was hanging around with at school as he could recognize their influence.

I told him, �You can still play with them as long as they are behaving in a way that

is true to you. And when they are not, walk away. You do not have to join in.�

I have to say, Shep�s older sister, Summer, has been a wonderful teacher of this lesson.

At ten years old, she has an ability of always being aligned with who she is. She can simply

observe from a neutral standpoint and never get carried away and join in.


We did a lot of them. We fine tuned them to project what Shep was wanting most of all;

to trust himself, and for his family to be able to trust him as well.

Shep wrote them out and we placed them where he could see them everyday as a reminder to

help solidify new beliefs into his being.

They were, �I am good. I am strong. I love myself. I can trust myself to always do what

is true for me. My family can trust me too.�

I did constant reminders to him when he would step out the door for school, �be strong

in who you are�, or �you will remember who you are�.

Eating clean, high vibration food

What we take into our bodies has to match the vibration that we are encouraging. Therefore,

as little processed food as possible, lots of organic fruits and veggies, if possible,

and lots of water. My kids have always been exceptionally thirsty during these shifts,

as we are moving a lot of energy and as we are mostly made of water, keeping hydrated

is essential. Shep still occasionally craves meat, but I always tell my kids, �listen

to your bodies�, so we ensure that the meat that is eaten has been ethically raised, which

for Shep, happens to be right here on our farm.

Connect with the Earth

Plant a garden or a planter box with your child. Develop a relationship with Nature.

Mother Earth is here for us as we are here for her. We form a connection and an interaction

by showing respect and kindness to all beings. Set an example by stepping around the bugs,

hugging the trees, and giving thanks to Mother Earth for the food that you eat or the home

that you live in.

I like to ask, �What does Nature have to teach me today?�

You will soon find Nature responding to you and �seeking you out.� Because as we change

the way we look at things, the things we look at will change.

One of the greatest gifts that we can teach our children is that magic is real and is

around us at all times. Encourage your child to help Nature with something as simple as

setting up a colorful bowl of water with stones for the bees and butterflies to land on while

they drink.

My children and I do regular garbage pick ups when we are out and about. I always tell

them, �Don�t expect somebody else to do it. If everybody picked up garbage every time

they seen it, what a different world this would be. Be kind to Mother Earth. She feels

everything you do and she�ll thank you in many ways.� This simple lesson will instill

responsibility for the world around them and hopefully a proactive approach to Life as

they grow up.

So many have the attitude, �it�s not my garbage, why should I pick it up?�

Well it�s not Mother Earth�s either, so pick it up! Your fellow species dumped it

there, so take responsibility for it.

Make self-love a daily routine.

Our children need to feel love for themselves if they are to heal and shine in their Highest

Expression. Every night at bed, and every morning when they wake up, I have my kids

look into a mirror and say �I love you.� Have them look straight into their own eyes.

Encourage them to go farther and give themselves compliments such as , �I love how unique

you are�, or �You are so kind to others, you really are making this world a better

place� or �You are important and are bringing light to this world.�

Lets face it, the days will go by regardless, so we may as well love ourselves and make

the choice to be happy with who we are.


By far, one of the fastest emotions to shift energy to a higher vibration. In the morning,

they can thank their bed for a good night sleep or they can thank a pet for their love

and comfort. There are literally opportunities for gratitude everywhere we look. And when

we are appreciative for what we have, we open our energy pathways to more things to be grateful

for. These are the basics that will spark an awakening and cultivate fulfillment and


�Own your Weirdness�

Afraid of getting picked on, Shep was hiding his interests and his unique qualities that

make him special. I told him, �the things that make you weird are your gifts to the

world. These are the things that you need to be most proud of.�

We come into this world with gifts, and we are meant to share them. But this can be hard

when we are living in a world of conformity and judgement where just being yourself takes

great courage.

This hits a personal cord with me, as I have just been recently learning and owning this

lesson myself. I can now speak from experience that everything that I was hiding because

I was scared of not being accepted, were actually my most special, helpful gifts to the world

Encourage your child daily, and let them know that all amazing things in this world were,

at one time, weird.


Is Shep still getting teased? Of course, as he goes to a public school. Shep is learning

that people will always have something to say to those who stand out. But he now knows

that he has the choice to let it bother him. He also knows that it is the most insecure

children that tease and bully others, so he actually feels compassion in knowing that

these children need love the most and are not feeling it. And it�s not that all of

these kids come from �troubled� homes either. It�s just that they simply do not

understand the basics of energy, because if they knew better, they would do better. When

we are truly loving and kind with ourselves, we cannot hurt others, as it simply will not

match our vibration. If they understood what they are feeding and bringing back upon themselves,

as energy always attracts energy of the same vibration, they would behave quite differently.

I also have Shep do cord cutting with anyone who upsets him, as well as a forgiveness exercise.

I have him imagine that person standing in front of him. Then I have him tell that person

everything that he would like to say to them. Let the person really have it, get it out.

Then he forgives them and thanks them for the lesson. Then we ask a Spirit guide to

cut any energetic cords that may be left. This way there is no �charge� left between

them, and Shep feels strong.

Shep looked at me like I was crazy the first time that I told him to thank a particular

someone who had been rude to him. But then we discussed how he had now learned what it

feels like to be judged, and that he would be more compassionate to others because he

knows how it feels.

Bullies are teachers. �Bad� experiences are teachers. Have your child ask, �What

am I supposed to learn from this?�

It is important to point out that we do not have to agree with what someone did to forgive

them. We are actually helping ourselves and taking back our power when we forgive.

Our children need to remember their power and their strength. And again, when things

don�t go the way we thought they should, we have a choice to learn something from it

and move on.

If your child is unhappy with their own previous behavior, have them do the forgiveness exercise

with themselves. They can also place anyone in front of themselves that they would like

to apologize to. This will clear and shift energy and allow your child to move forward

stronger in their own being.

Binaural Beats

With the advice from a wise, psychic friend of mine, I also had Shep listening to Binaural

beats, which help to develop pathways in the brain and balance energy. There are lots to

choose from on YouTube, and I let Shep listen to them and choose which ones he liked. For

about a month straight, he fell asleep to them and he would listen to them as soon as

he got home from school. His �beats� he called them, helped him feel calm and �happy�.

They were also a catalyst for clearing, and Shep did reach an all time high of dreams

during this time. A lot of his dreams were past life memories coming up to clear, and

they were not always pleasant. But after going through it, he is much lighter now. Comfort

your child through these times, listen to them, and don�t tell them it is just their

imagination, but let them know that they don�t have to be afraid and that it can�t hurt


I have always been very honest with my kids about what is going on, and to them, it�s

not really a surprise. Actually, it makes perfect sense. They know that they don�t

have to attach to what is clearing, they can just watch it go. It isn�t always pretty,

but it is leaving them.

It was during this time that Shep was also having lots of pain in his third eye and crown

chakra areas. With the advice from my same friend, a dab of Vetiver essential oil was

really helpful when placed on these areas. But other grounding, earthy essential oils

would help as well, and there are many to choose from, so go with what feels best for

you. Some include frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, lavender, to name a few.

A different friend was having the same issues with her children, and she found that a glass

of water with a teaspoon of Himalayan salt and a splash of lemon juice was helpful for

easing the pain as well. (this is also a great detox recipe)

Limit the Gadgets

While it is necessary for our children to know technology and be able to use it, it

does have to be limited. I can just �feel� their energy become imbalanced when they have

been in front of a screen for too long.

Remind your children that the world around them is real. Nature, people, animals, their

family. Make them aware that they are being sucked into something that isn�t real. Encourage

them to engage with the world around them. Play a game. Go for a walk. Notice what you

see/hear/smell around you. Engage their senses. Invite them into the kitchen and cook a healthy

meal together. Discuss the ingredients that you are using.

Limit your social media time when you are around them. Be comfortable in just sitting

in stillness while you are waiting. We do not always need to check our phones.

Encourage conversation with strangers instead while you are in a waiting room or at a check

out line.

This is your life. Be engaged. Accept it. Show up for it.

I have one last story that I would like to share that will display the growth and progress

that Shep has undergone, as well as the effectiveness of these exercises.

Last year, Shep took to wearing fake glasses, not because he needed them to see, but because

he liked the way he felt in them. They were a heavy, black framed �Clark Kent� style

of glasses that he would wear when reading, drawing, and writing stories. They seemed

to allow him to feel his creativity, and essentially, his �true� self.

We let him wear them, but I did warn him, �if you truly want glasses and keep saying

that you do, you will end up needing to wear them.�

One year later, we are at the eye doctor because Shep has difficulty reading and comes home

from school with sore eyes and a headache.

Yep. Shep needs glasses, for real, not pretend anymore.

As he was quite happily searching the wall of frames, a pair gabbed his attention. They

of course have thick frames and a �Clark Kentness� quality.

He excitedly tried them on and exclaimed, �I want these ones!�

The �helpful� lady working there smiled at me, and said �oh, but there are so many

to choose from, why don�t you try these ones on?� as she handed a very modern, thin

framed pair to Shep.

Shep looked at the glasses in her hand with disappointment, but politely he accepted them

and tried them on.

�Well those look nice on you�, the lady encouraged.

I could see Shep�s deflation from the excited little boy he was a moment earlier.

Looking in Shep�s eyes I said, �Shep, you are the one who is going to be wearing

these glasses, so it only matters that you are happy with them. Tell me, what does your

heart tell you?�

Shep�s eyes lit up and a smile flashed across his face. He swiped the modern frames off

his face and replaced them with the Clark Kent�s.

�These ones!�

Relieved to see his spark returned, I said, �Great. Then those are the ones. Don�t

even bother looking at the rest, they�ll only confuse you.�

Shocked, but not rude, the helpful lady measured up the Clark Kent frames and assured Shep

that they would work just fine.

The lesson for me?

To trust my child in making his own decisions.

Glasses are personal and for Shep, a creative way of expressing himself.

How could I interfere with that?

We are here to guide and protect, not control our children.

We went to the grocery store afterwards, and Shep noticed an elderly lady in the line up

behind us at the check out purchasing a couple big bags of cat food.

He whispered to me, �Mom, I�m going to help her lift those into her car.�

�That�s a wonderful idea, Shep. Go for it.�

So Shep and Summer offered their help and the lady, also shocked, but pleasantly surprised,

gladly accepted.

When Shep returned, he was beaming, �That felt so good! I love helping people!�

I was beaming as well, but not out of pride or ego, but out of joy for Shep. For he was

feeling who he truly is, the Shep that I would always catch glimpses of before he disappeared.

This is who we all are, and this is how we will create a peaceful world.

Shep told me not long ago, �Mom, I finally feel like people can see me. Before this,

I always felt like I was �behind the scenes�, and who everyone could see wasn�t really


You can imagine my relief and happiness as a mother to hear him say that.

Although Shep has had his �dark� times, he has emerged true to who he is. He had to

learn that happiness comes from within, and that it is not something external that happens

to us. It is a choice that we make every moment of every day. He had to learn to trust Life

so that he can trust himself. He is learning that our greatest challenges are our greatest


We all emerge and grow more into ourselves everyday.

Everyday I ask, �Help me guide my children to their Highest Expressions of themselves.�

I have written many affirmations as well, stating that my children are strong in their

own beings and are aligning with the vibration of their soul purpose.

I realize that there will always be new challenges, but I have witnessed enough growth to know

that there are always tools and answers available to us, if we are open to them.

I have realized, as a parent, that my children are my greatest teachers and have helped me

emerge into my Highest Expression of myself.

(oh, and I have also mentioned to Shep that once he has grown tired of wearing glasses,

he can decide that he doesn�t want to wear them anymore)

I sincerely hope that you have found this helpful and I wish you joy on the journey.

For more infomation >> 12 Simple Steps For Guiding Our Children Into Their Highest Expressions - Duration: 23:15.


Tutorial 32 : Learn ABCD of mehendi tutorial for beginner - Duration: 27:41.

my todays's video is inspired my students whom i am teaching mehendi now a days

and all of you new beginners who sent me messages and questions for suggestions

let me tell you, why all of you are my inspiration

whenever new artist asks me how to and what to practice in henna

i always tell them to practice lines

the moment i tell thm and show them how to draw lines

they only practice one type of line and that is this one straight horizontal line

constantly they keep practicing only this line

when i demand to practice something else then they draw one more line

let me focus my camera first because already it has messed up my recording

and that is vertical line

maximum they practice either horizontal line or vertical line

but its the truth that in mehendi we don't draw only these two lines

we have to draw many more lines too

the second major problem that many beginner face and many time seasoned artist like us face

and could be reason behind messy work

it happens before we touch surface we start pressing cones

the moment pressure start cone start releasing mehendi and we gets dots

mehendi start coming out and then we touch surface

and suddenly we stop giving pressure or decrease pressure

whatever the reason, before there was pressure and suddenly pressure is less or not at all

and we start drawing elements

because of that out line breaks

so whenever we start drawing our lines break

begining of line is not perfect due to this reason

if you have not notice it yet then notice this as it happens to many artists

then what we do?

the moment line breaks we go back to correct it

i always keep telling my student that

you all will think what nonsense i am talking?

don't go back but come back

isn't it same thing? no its not

what do we usually do the moment line breaks

we immediately go back and try to create line by dragging it

the line created that way is not perfect line its stroked line imperfect line

thats why when ever you are drawing any line

and if that line breaks then continue with your line

after that come back and correct the line joining two ends two points

try to draw line with draping lines unlike drawing lines and creating mess

you can see that that line is perfect while other seems imperfect

this is golden rule for my all students

that whenever you are drawing big elements complete line then correct broken line

because i have seen we try to draw lines the way we draw with pencils

complete shape then connect lines. i will keep repeating myself

don't ever make strokes line whenever you are drawing big elements in mehendi

with strokes line you work won't look neat and clean

whenever you touch surface and begin to draw lines then start giving pressure

that will reduce the amount of dots you get in your work

i hope my this point is clear to all of you

because this is very important point in learning mehendi

and i have been witnessing that my students are facing this problem

scratching line is so much in habit that even though correcting them constant is not helping

so if you are new and beginner then if you begining is in right direction then its easy for all of you

once you develop wrong habit then it takes lots of time and efforts to correct it

please keep this point in mind always

one more thing grab my attention from my experiences

in one of my video i have explained in length that in mehendi speed and pressure are two main factors

but my teaching experience is telling me that the third important factor is

besides speed and pressure and that is movement

whenever our movement is straight our speed and pressure remain maintained

right now movement is straight

because it does not have any drastic change and thats why speed and pressures under control

the moment i have movements while drawing

my sped and pressure start going haywire

movement means when i am drawing circle

when it is going towards down direction all is well but the moment i change movement

in opposite direction my line start shaking

the movement comes when we draw curve lines

whenever we have movements we have to change speed and pressure

but mostly beginners fail to do so

and thats why they have major problem whenever they draw swirls

the moment you draw swirl all three factors had to play their role in harmony

and if it does not happen then you don't get perfect swirls

and thats why this third factor movement is also very important

so when i saw my students only practice these two lines

the moment they start movement then they start facing problem

and they are trying to create lines with strokes line then

i realised i always keep telling everyone that learn alphabet of mehendi designs

then i realised why don't we learn English alphabets first with mehendi

to over come our these problems

so i suggest that all beginners or those who are facing all these problem

should practice english alphabet first

but how? i will show you one technique

and le me tell you that this is my one of the experiment

all of you try and let me know how much all of you have improved

so i can understand that my experiment is working in right direction or not

if you share your experience then it could be helpful to others too

so how we have to practice these alphabets let me show

first of all excuse my cone because its old and thats why i am getting broken lines

just focus on the matter i am tying to share with all of you

ok so i was telling that we should draw A with one stroke

where first line will go up then down and then center line will join two side lines

and this we will achieve with draping lines

we have-not have to drag lines but we have to drape lines

and second golden rule of today is " don't go back but come back "

do come back to watch our videos....hahahaha

then come E and then F

concentrate the moment i have changed movements i keep my cone down and then start again

then you won't face the begging dot problem

try to keep your beginning pressure as low as possible

i have told this before that i am also trying to correct my that problem

because i also face beginning dots problem

and thats why i always keep telling that if from the begining if your habit is right then your life is easy

we will draw all alphabets in same manner

you can see the way i draw M

i know i am asking you to practice alphabet

but when you practice it then you realise what am i trying to teach you

if you speed, pressure and movements are in proportion then

only you will get perfectly drawn alphabets

first you draw alphabet n medium size and once you are perfect with it then try small and big size alphabets

you can see so many different movement these alphabets have

there are many line variation you can practice with these

thats why with alphabets you can practice all types of lines apart from horizontal and vertical lines

once you get perfected with straight line alphabets then we will move on to curve alphabets

and those are O that will be our circle too

i know my O is not perfect

oh sorry i forgot C

you can practice either Deep curved C or shallow curved C

whenever you practice these curved alphabet then try to practice them in opposite direction too

then its Q that is similar to O but try to draw curvy line inside instead of straight line

then here comes S that is little challenging with its opposite direction movements

because i have seen this with my students that when movements in right direction its not

a problem but moment movement changed line start breaking

we will draw S in both directions

those who have seen my paisley video they knows i used C and S to create paisleys

once we perfect these curvy alphabets then we will practice alphabets that have both curve and lines

whenever you start working on something your phone start ringing

so B for Beena...hahahah thats my name by chance anyone of you don't know

please do practice them in all direction

i have little confusion with G because we learn this way but in typing it comes in different way

but in any case you practice the way i showed you because i want that circle in centre

U is very important alphabet because it can becomes frill elements and or petal elements

actually all alphabets are very important

if you see carefully all shapes are made up from these alphabets

actually i wish you don't only practice alphabets but you should practice numbers too

why should be leave ten

so practice them too

when i am sharing this technique with all of you

few people might think that i have lost my marbles and gone insane hahahahhah

let me tell you that i am little crazy but still not that much

neither i am crazy nor i am passion your time

when u all will practice this then you all will understand how helpful this method is

thats why i told you that this is still at experiment level

so if you all will share your experience we could conclude something from this

do try this..let me show you one simple example how these alphabets create shapes

this is our shallow C

then this is little tilted L or base of 4

and this is our number 3 but in opposite direction

i think i have to zoom my video so you all have better view

when our shallow C, tilted L and opposite 3 is perfect then we should have tick mark

we create face cut using all alphabets

i think my drawing teacher taught me something similar in my drawing class when i was small kid

we write 8 something like this in our gujarati

this is very simple example of how we can create shapes from alphabet

they bring confidence in our lines

they teach us shapes and movements then why don't we start our henna journey with them

try this i know its very out of the Box idea but may be it end up improving your art

today i talked about lines, the broken lines and new factor movement

and shared that alphabet can teach us speed ,pressure and movements

and with this i take your leave now

we will meet soon

first time i am doing live recording with voice and i had to take many breaks

due to calls and door bell rings

so if you felt my link was broken while recording then these were the reasons behind it

please do let me now how do you like my this approach

what are your thoughts about this technique

if you practice this method then share your experience with it

one more important thing i want to share with all of you that my website is ready

i am planing many different things with my website

what are they ? i will sure share with all of you

but for time being please do visit my sight and let us know how do you find it

For more infomation >> Tutorial 32 : Learn ABCD of mehendi tutorial for beginner - Duration: 27:41.


Real!! 10 Ways No Glue Slime, 10 No Glue Slime Recipes, No Glue, No Borax, No Cornstarch - Duration: 35:05.

For more infomation >> Real!! 10 Ways No Glue Slime, 10 No Glue Slime Recipes, No Glue, No Borax, No Cornstarch - Duration: 35:05.


てんちょK察に捕まる...orz - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> てんちょK察に捕まる...orz - Duration: 5:06.


Box of Toys 🎁 Toy Box 💥 Kids Toys 🏎 Best Box of Toys 🎈 Kids Fun 😀 Toy Collection 🔫 Nerf - Duration: 6:54.

Best Box of Toys

For more infomation >> Box of Toys 🎁 Toy Box 💥 Kids Toys 🏎 Best Box of Toys 🎈 Kids Fun 😀 Toy Collection 🔫 Nerf - Duration: 6:54.





Some may say that the world is ruled by the leaders, the royalty, presidents, religion

or even politicians and such.

Others say that the world is in fact ruled by some of the most dangerous, powerful and

secret societies, all of which have remained mysterious.

The secret societies are powerful due to the fact that members take virtually every seat

when it comes to power.

This is from the boardrooms of Wall Street to the corridors of government.

They are often considered dangerous as they carry out rituals that are bizarre and always

do business behind doors that are closed.

Many secret societies have existed for many centuries, and they have had a mysterious

influence on the world, here are ten secret societies that hold the key to just about

everything in the world today.


The Skull and Bones secret society is one society that has been surrounded by more conspiracy

theories that any other.

The society was founded by students at Yale in 1832, and one of the most popular of conspiracies

behind it is that the founders of the CIA were members and they still have control over


It has been criticized for taking part in just about everything, from strange sexual

acts to the assassination of President Kennedy, the smuggling of drugs and even espionage.

THE BILDERBERG GROUP The Bilderberg group started life in the Netherlands in 1954, and

they existed mainly in the US and Europe.

Members of the society were said to be some of the most influential and powerful people

in the world, including presidents and leaders of the EU.

One of the most famous conspiracy theories linked to the group is that it was run by

Nazis and that it is behind the Republican Party in the US and trying to impose one world


THE FREEMASONS The Freemasons are all males, and the Society was founded in London in 1717

and today is said to have more than six million members spread all over the world.

It has been said that among the members were Harry Houdini, George Washington, Winston

Churchill, Mozart and Benjamin Franklin.

The Freemasons are known for their secret handshakes and passwords, and it has been

said that they designed the Pyramids along with plotting the French Revolution.

THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR The Knights Templar was formed in 1119 by nine knights, and they were

a Catholic military order that had been specifically put together to protect any pilgrims that

were making their way to the Holy Land along with being said to guard some of the most

sacred treasures of the Christians.

They are said to have developed one of the earliest forms of banks, and they built fortifications

in the Holy Land and Europe.

While the society ended in 1312, it is said that the Freemasons keep them alive.

THE HASHASHIN The Hashashin are also known as the Assassins, and they have become known

to be among the most fearsome of secret societies in the world.

They are said to have been behind the assassination of political and religious enemies, despite

the amount of security personnel that was guarding targets.

The contract killers formed during the late 11th century but were vanquished towards the

end of the 13th.

THE CADAVER SOCIETY The Cadaver Society is made up of students from the Lee University

and Washington University, and it has been said that there are still many underground

passages left behind that have not been detected and which the members of the society use to

get around the campus.

The Cadaver Society has been said to be one branch of the Illuminati, this group the control

of banks and governments.

HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was found during

the late 19th century, and it is dedicated to studying the occult, metaphysics and the


The society is also known as the Golden Dawn, and it has been one of the biggest influences

on western occultism during the 20th century, such as Wicca.

THE ORDO TEMPLIS ORIENTIS The Ordo Templis Orientis is a religious and fraternal society

that has been based on the Freemasonry structure and to a degree, it has been centered on occultism.

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Devils are said to be invoked in the rituals that take place,

and some of the rituals are performed naked and make use of virgin priestesses, priests

and even children.

THE ROSICRUCIANS The Rosicrucians were founded in the early 15th century by German Protestants,

and the society was considered to be very dangerous during this time as they used occult

practices to change the world.

It was said that they had been the guiding force that has been behind every revolution

that has been significant in modern history.

THE ILLUMINATI One of the most well-known secret societies and the most popular is the


It was said that they were formed to put an end to superstition, the religious influence

people had over public life and the abuse of state power.

The secret society is said to be made up mostly of atheists, and it has been alleged that

they have conspired for the establishment of a New World Order to gain political power

using the media to try to brainwash people.

See Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn�: Initiation & Magick Rituals: Opening Lecture

by David Griffin.

The link is below in our description.

For more infomation >> WHO RULES THE WORLD THE 10 MOST DANGEROUS SECRET SOCIETIES - Duration: 6:52.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 6 ): Sim City for Your Natural ( on Fighting Spirit ) - Duration: 8:58.

All my SCV's are mining right now.

I'll put up an Academy, so that I can get a Comsat Station.

At the 11 o' clock, against Mutas..

There are lots of Terrans who lose their minds, because they didn't build enough Turrets at their natural to fight off the Muta harassment.

I'll show you where & how to build Turrets.

At the 11' o clock, place your first Turret to the left of your CC, diagonally.

The next 2 Turrets should be to the right of the other, in this way.

The 4th Turret should be placed slightly to the right of the top mineral patch.

Because the Mutas usually hover around here, you'll be less vulnerable to damage.

Another note is, the final Turret is built here.

This last one is pretty annoying to build.

To build this last one, just stack your SCV's away, and build.

As far as I know, this is the best Turret placement out of all layouts.

There are some who place their Turrets here, but you won't be able to gas properly.

We'll move onto the 1 o' clock position.

The 1 o' clock actually has a nice layout.

The 1st Turret is built to the right of the bottom mineral patch, diagonally.

The 2nd Turret is built to the right of the top mineral patch, diagonally.

The 3rd & 4th Turrets are placed directly to the right of the first 2 Turrets.

The last Turret is built in the center of the mineral line.

In the map Fighting Spirit, the 1 o' clock actually has the best layout for Turret placement.

Your SCV's can actually gas through the top Turrets as well.

Building the 1 Turret between the SCV's & CC is actually easier, than doing so in the 11 o' clock position.

Let's move on to the 5 o' clock.

The layout is similar to that of the 11 o' clock.

The 1st Turret is placed above the CC, diagonally.

The 2nd & 3rd Turrets are directly to the left of the 1st.

The 4th Turret is to the left of the bottom mineral patch.

Because the Comsat Station is added here, your 5th Turret can't be placed here.

Because of this, there's some cases where the natural is destroyed from good Muta micro.

In this case, just built 2 Turrets here & here.

Because you're building more Turrets than usual, you may take a hit on resources.

Wow, the Computer builds faster than I thought.

Finally, we'll move on to the 7 o' clock position.

The 7 o' clock is a bit uncomfortable because your Turret placements are a bit weird.

The 1st Turret is to the left of the top mineral patch.

The 2nd Turret is to left of the 1st.

The 3rd Turret is below the bottom mineral patch.

The 4th is placed above the 3rd Turret, at a slight angle. The 5th is to the left of the 4th.

Because of the Comsat Station, you're unable to build a Turret in the middle of the mineral line.

Thus, if the Mutas destroy the bottom Turrets, the top 2 won't be able to attack.

Likewise, if the top 2 Turrets are destroyed, the bottom 3 won't be able to reach the Mutas.

Moreover, there's not much room to place other Turrets in the mineral line.

You'll probably get really stressed when your SCV's are all caught by the Mutas.

This is why a lot of Terrans don't like the 7 o' clock position.

Anyways, this is the layout for the 7 o' clock.

And this is the layout for the 11 o' clock.

This is the Turret placement for the 1 o' clock.

And finally, this is the placement for the 5 o' clock.

There are some players who have asked why I don't build Turrets behind the mineral line.

Turrets aren't the tools to kill Mutas. They're there to buy time for your Marines.

If the Turrets were behind the Mineral line, the Marines wouldn't be able to support the Turrets.

Turrets do a damage of 20. However, this is only the case on large units.

Mutas are considered small units, so Turrets will only do half damage ( 10 ).

This is why it is difficult for Turrets to kill Mutas. On top of that, Mutas heal HP.

Thus, Turrets aren't the tools to kill, but to buy time for your Marines.

Building Turrets behind the mineral line is ineffective, as your vision is limited.

The Turrets would just be destroyed by the Mutas.

To give you another tip. On Bunkers..

Relative to the CC, your Bunker should be placed above the Comsat Station.

Also, you should build a Depot at the location right when the left plant is covered.

This building layout, will only allow the Lings to pass either through the Bunker, or below the CC.

By blocking the passages through the Bunker with your Marines, the Lings won't be able to pass through.

The 1 o' clock has a similar layout.

Build a Depot to the left of the wall.

Your Bunker is then placed directly to the left of the Depot.

Likewise, Lings will only be able to pass through the Bunker 2 ways.

You'll be able to block the passageway with your Marines.

Place some Marines between the CC, Bunker, & Depot. The rest of the Marines should be in the Bunker.

At the 5 o' clock, place the Depot here.

Your Bunker should be directly above the Depot.

Place a Marine between the Bunker & Depot, & another 2 Marines to the left of the CC.

In this case, Lings will only be able to run above the CC. But because there are SCV's, they won't be able to run past.

The 7 o' clock position is similar as well.

Your Depot should be placed diagonally to the wall sticking out.

The Bunker is placed to the right of the Depot, slightly diagonally.

Place a Marine between the Depot & Bunker, and 2 Marines above the CC.

Like the other layout, Lings won't be able to pass through your natural.

With these placements, it will be easier to block Lings.

Some will ask how Tanks will be able to pass through if the confinement is so tight.

In that case, simply build the Bunker directly next to the Depot, and block the opening with 3 Marines instead of 2.

Likewise, build the Bunker 1 step below, and block the opening with 3 Marines.

The same here. Place the Bunker 1 step to the left, and block with 3 Marines.

At the 1 o' clock, you won't really be able to move much.

Anyways, this is how you should build your Sim City,

Up 'til now, this was the tutorial on how to block Lings from running to your main, and where to place your Turrets.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 6 ): Sim City for Your Natural ( on Fighting Spirit ) - Duration: 8:58.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 1 ): 3 Rax Pressure Build - Duration: 4:02.

* As HiyA tends to speak really quickly & concisely, you may have to play & pause often *

First off, make SCV's until you have 9. With the 8th SCV, build a Supply Depot.

This is the very basic build, one that anyone can do.

Scout with your 10th SCV, and keep building until you have 11.

Build a Barracks with the SCV that just completed the Depot.

Then, make SCV's until you have a count of 16.

Scout in the opposite direction you initially went, with your 13th SCV.

When your minerals reach 100, build a 2nd Depot.

As you have 16 SCV's, making a Marine will put you at 17 supply.

At 17 supply, you should have around 250 minerals.

Bring 1 SCV to your natural at this point, and you should have enough minerals to build a 2nd CC.

From here, make Marines first, then continue building SCV's at your main.

Then.. more Marines & SCV's.

Build a 2nd Barracks with the SCV that just spawned.

You should have around 21 supply.

Add another Marine & SCV, and use the SCV that just spawned to build a Depot at your natural.

This puts you at 23 supply.

Make another Marine & SCV. At 25 supply, build a Refinery.

After building another Marine, send some SCV's to mine at your natural.

Now should be when you add an Academy ( 26 supply ).

This should match perfectly. Your 2nd CC should be finished by the time your SCV's arrive at your natural.

After the Marine you just made, your 2nd Barracks should be done.

Build another set of Marines with your Barracks, and put 3 SCV's to gas.

Another 2 Marines & 2 SCV's.

You should now be at 33 supply. With the SCV that just spawned, build your 3rd Barracks.

This is the very basic build, once again.

Build another 2 SCV's & Marines.

When you have a full control group of Marines, your Academy should be completed.

Upgrade the Stim Pack ability at the Academy, then make 2 Medics.

Keep building SCV's.

At 100 minerals, build another Depot.

When the Medics are out, move out.

Make Firebats, and attach the Comsat Station on your CC's.

Once again, this is the very basic 3 Barracks build for aggressive play.

To give you an overview of the build I explained..

9 Depot, 11 Scout, 11 Barracks.

13 Scout, 14 Depot, 17 CC.

21 Barracks, 23 Depot, 25 Refinery.

26 Academy, 33 Barracks.

This is the 3 Barracks build. Note that you may be a bit poor in resources in this case.

However, because of the fast timing, Zergs are pressured really quickly.

To state the advantages & disadvantages of this build..

First off, because of the fast M&M's, the Terran can penetrate the Zerg's natural as soon it sees an opportunity.

Even if the Zerg has 3 Sunkens, it's very possible to break through the defense.

This doesn't mean you should penetrate the natural indefinitely. This is only when there are a few Lings.

Like I said, you can play very aggressively from the start of the game.

On the other hand, you're a bit poor in resources. Also, your tech tree is slower than usual.

Because of this, it can be difficult to win if your first batch of M&M's are lost to any Mutas.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 1 ): 3 Rax Pressure Build - Duration: 4:02.


HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 5 ): Sim City Block ( on Fighting Spirit ) - Duration: 7:15.

I'll show you the basic ramp block & Sim City build against Zealots for Protoss matches.

Your Sim City usually revolves around Supply Depots & Barracks.

Because SCV's & Zealots are the same in size, I'll use SCV's as an example.

There are some who don't know where to place Barracks.

As a tip, Barracks should be built to the left of your Depot.

With this layout, Zealots cannot move through these buildings.

Zealots cannot move through, but Marines can.

To explain more, you can actually further this Sim City block.

Lift the Barracks, and place it a step below the Depot.

The top of your Barracks should meet the bottom of your Depot, diagonally.

The block won't work when your Barracks are above the Depot, but will work only when placed below.

Watch my Marine as I show you.

I'll drop my Barracks in increments, to show you the point where the Zealot can't pass through.

With this Sim City, Zealots nor SCV's will be able to pass through.

Zealots won't be able to pass, but Marines will be able to.

There is also the method for CC's.

When the Barracks are to the right of the CC, the Marine can pass through.

Yet, the SCV can't pass through.

Because of this fact, your Sim City should be based on this layout to block any Zealots from passing through.

There's an interesting fact - in that if you build a Barracks to the right of the CC, nothing can pass through.

I also believe that if the Barracks are above the CC diagonally, nothing can pass.

On the other hand, with the Barracks below the CC diagonally, the Marines can pass through.

It seems the top portion of the Barracks is a bit bigger than the bottom.

The Marine can pass, but the SCV can't.

This is the basic Sim City against blocking Zealots.

Many have asked how to block the Protoss 9-9 build.

With this layout, only your Marines will be able to pass through your buildings.

In terms of Lings & Marines, Lings are smaller.

In the 1 o' clock position, you place your Barrack here.

If you build like this, you won't be able to block any Zealots.

The Depot must be to the right of the Barracks.

Because of this, the Depot should be right on top of the Barracks for maximum effectiveness.

Another Depot can be placed here.

In this layout, the Marine can pass through the Depots.

Yet, the Zealots won't be able to pass at all.

This is how you can block the ramp at the 1 o' clock.

At the 11 o' clock position, place your Barracks here.

You can then place your Supply Depot to the right of the Barracks, diagonally.

Another Depot can be placed to the right of the 1st Depot.

In this layout, only the Marines can pass through the buildings, not the Zealots.

Once again, any Zealots won't be able to pass through at all.

In the 7 o' clock position, build a Depot here.

Then, the Barracks should be placed here.

It should be 1 step to the left of the red zone.

This is where your 2nd Depot should be.

Marines will be able to pass, but Zealots won't.

The 5 o' clock is actually an interesting position.

You can block the ramp mostly using the Barracks.

Place the Barracks just to the right of the bones on the ground.

Your Factory should be above the Barracks, diagonally.

Your SCV shouldn't be able to pass through these buildings.

Also, your Marines won't be able pass either.

In Protoss matches, the old Sim City style was actually built like this.

The new Sim City style isn't built like this anymore. It's because you'll have to build 2 Depots at your natural anyway.

Therefore, building 2 Depots at your ramp will only be a waste of resources.

Also, after your Factory is built and your units are ready to move out, it may be a little cramped.

Not only this, but you won't be able to cheese rush with the lack of minerals, especially when the opponent went for a double CC build.

In the past, there weren't many double CC builds.

Because there are double CC builds in the modern era, it is best to save resources & open opportunities for cheese rushes.

Thus, the modern Sim City is built with a Barracks & Depot around your CC.

Keep in mind, you don't have to build a Depot at the 5 o' clock.

You can block the ramp solely with a Barracks & Factory.

Thus, there isn't much waste of resources.

Once again, this is only possible in the 5 o' clock, which is very often used.

Otherwise, with the other positions, you can't really do much against a double CC build.

Up until now, this was the tutorial for the Terran Sim City build.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 5 ): Sim City Block ( on Fighting Spirit ) - Duration: 7:15.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 3 ): 2 Starport Wraith Build - Duration: 8:53.

I'll be showing you the 2 Starport build, against a Zerg with 3 Hatcheries.

Like my other builds, make SCV's until your supply reaches 9.

Build a Supply Depot with your 8th SCV.

Because I need to block the ramp, I'll be building both a Depot & Barracks near the ramp.

In the 2 Starport build, you will be going " 11- 11".

What this means is, after you've built the Depot at 8 supply, your Barracks & Refinery should both go up at 11 supply.

Keep building SCV's until your supply is at 15.

When the Barracks is done, build a Marine. Your Factory goes up at 16 supply.

Because your Starport goes up at 18 supply, you can make a Marine and a Depot beforehand.

Making another SCV puts you exactly at 18 supply.

Don't build any other units until your Factory is completed.

When the Factory is done, you should have around 300 minerals.

Build a Vulture, then put up 2 Starports.

Afterwards, build an SCV while putting up another Depot.

You should have around 21 supply now.

I apologize, you should add an additional SCV here.

To clarify, you should have 22 supply.

Check your opponent's natural with your Vulture, and make him build a Sunken.

Your SCV's should just be mining now.

Once your 2 Starports are completed, build 2 Wraiths.

The Zerg's Overlord is almost certainly near my natural.

When the Wraiths are out, use them to catch this Overlord.

Keep building SCV's, and put up a Depot at 28 supply.

When the Wraiths are out, build an additional Wraith, and attach an add-on to 1 of the Starports.

Use any available minerals on SCV's.

Once the add-on for your Starport is done, upgrade the Cloaking ability. Then make another 2 Wraiths.

Honestly, in the 2 Starport build, the microing of your Wraiths is very important - rather than the build itself.

While you're microing, maintain your SCV production. You should have some resources left over.

With the available resources, build an Academy.

Make sure the production of your SCV's & Wraiths does not stop.

What you do from now on, depends on your opponent's movement.

This Zerg put up a Spire, after building a couple of Hydras.

This usually means that he won't build any Spores.

At this point, try to gather at least 1 control group of Wraiths.

The important thing is, the Wraiths should not die.

In the case that your opponent does build Spores - only make 5 Wraiths.

Then, you can either expand or convert to bionic units.

It is difficult to harass the opponent, when there are Spores defending.

Although there may be Spores to defend, 5 Wraiths are enough to 1-hit the Drone.

Even if the Zerg builds a lot of Spores, there should at least be a couple of opportunities to snipe some Drones.

While sniping, you should convert to bionic units.

Keep harassing with the 5 Wraiths that you have.

Another 2 Wraiths have come out.

The Cloaking upgrade should be just about done when you have 5 Wraiths.

You should have a chance to harass the Zerg's main while cloaking the Wraiths.

There are times when the Zerg only has 1 Overlord in an area, with some Hydras.

You could try to catch the Overlord here.

However, the important thing is to keep your Wraiths stacked.

Because Zerg units heal, the Drone can survive if only 4 Wraiths attack and 1 hits later.

You have to make sure than the 5 Wraiths are stacked, and all attack at once in order to 1-hit kill the Drones.

Keep building Wraiths. After the Academy is done, put up 3 Barracks.

Keep harassing with the Wraiths. A full group of Wraiths should kill an Overlord in 1 hit.

Maintain these units, so that they are not caught.

It's also because building Wraiths uses a lot of gas.

I believe 3 Wraiths kills Drones in 2 hits, while killing Overlords in 4 hits.

7 Wraiths kill Hydras & Overlords in 2 hits, while killing Drones in 1 hit.

I've memorized these little things, as I've been playing so long.

Stop the production of Wraiths at 1 control group.

Upgrade Stim Pack. Then keep gathering Marines & Medics.

While you're building your army in the background, keep building SCV's as well.

There's no telling when to stop building SCV's. Just stop when you feel you have enough.

Maintain your group of Wraiths. Repair them if necessary.

While proceeding, upgrade Range for your Marines.

You should be ready to build your 2nd CC.

Keep in mind, you should control your Wraiths near the vicinity of your Marines.

I call this T-Control. I'll explain more of this in another video.

In the 2 Starport build, the microing of your Wraiths determines the outcome of the game.

The microing of your Wraiths, rather than the build itself, is more important.

While pushing, you'll expect some Sunkens. You won't be able to penetrate this.

Keep your bionic units on hold near the Sunkens. Use the Wraiths to micro & harass the Zerg.

Try to seduce the Mutas, and use this to your advantage.

When there are only a few Mutas - as the Zerg will have made Lurkers, make your timing push.

When the Lurkers have morphed, pull back & micro your Wraiths once again.

Your 2nd CC should be completed. Attach the Comsat Station add-on.

Your Science Facility should be completed. Prepare to make Science Vessels.

This is how you should proceed so far.

To tell you a tip, the Zerg usually upgrades to a Lair. Then he puts down a Hydra Den & upgrades the Hydra Range in the case of Wraiths.

There are Zergs who upgrade Hydra Speed first, but in the case of Wraiths, the Range is usually upgraded first.

This is the 2 Starport Wraith build.

Once again, in this build, the microing of your Wraiths is more important the build itself.

I'll inform you of the tips for Wraith control in a following clip.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 3 ): 2 Starport Wraith Build - Duration: 8:53.


The U.S. Is on Collision Course with Iran and Russia, but Nobo - politics - Duration: 4:30.

The U.S.

Is on Collision Course with Iran (and Russia), but Nobody�s Talking About It

While celebrities are vehemently criticizing Donald Trump�s recent lack of manners on

his first foreign policy trip as president, the mainstream media and our beloved celebrities

appear to be completely oblivious of the warpath the Trump administration is taking America


This time, that warpath is set against another Russian ally: Iran.

As Foreign Policy aptly asked last week, �Are the U.S. and Iran on a collision course in

Syria?� The answer to this question appears to be far worse than the media is letting


As Anti-Media has previously explained, Iranian-aligned troops who were operating under the banner

of the Syrian Arab Army have been advancing toward a U.S. training base in Syria.

These troops have subsequently been struck by the U.S.-led coalition.

The proposed aim of these Syrian-Iranian-aligned troops is to open up the al-Tanf border crossing

to be positioned under the control of the Syrian government in order to open up direct

routes to Iraq and Iran (for supplies, reinforcements and the like.)

Not to mention, as one U.S. defense official told Foreign Policy, the Syrian government

maintains a military outpost in Deir Ezzor, another strategic area where Syrian forces

are battling one of the last major remnants of ISIS.

This outpost is isolated, making complete control of the area is almost meaningless

without the opening of the al-Tanf region, as Foreign Policy explains:

�The base has long been cut off from other areas of regime control and can only be resupplied

by airdrops, but it was recently reinforced by about 1,000 Syrian soldiers, giving the

regime in Damascus some fighting power in the area.�

The reclaiming of this territory by the Syrian army and its associated forces is a deal-breaker

for Washington.

Last Tuesday, Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters that if the Iranian-backed

militia continues its advances, the coalition will continue to defend itself, as reported

by Foreign Policy.

Foreign Policy also reported that the U.S.-led coalition is tracking their movements carefully

in their advance towards Deir Ezzor.

If the U.S.-led coalition is, indeed, tracking these troops movements towards Deir Ezzor,

the U.S. should be well aware of the photographs produced by regional outlet al-Masdar, which

show that the Russian air force is currently deploying air power to cover these advances.

The Telegraph, too, confirmed that Russian jets provide air cover for these Iranian-backed


Donald Trump�s childish instinctual decision to push another official out of his way to

get to the front of a photo-op is surely worthy of our criticism, yet one has to wonder why

this behavior outrages celebrities and commentators who are hardly bothered by the thousands of

Iraqis and Syrians who are dying needlessly at the behest of the same man�s foreign

policy strategy.

And what should we make of the thousands more who will be unnecessarily pummeled into rubble

by Donald Trump�s decision to put America on a direct warpath with Iran and Russia?

The media wants you to believe Donald Trump is compromised by Russia when in actuality,

his administration is closer to transforming the Cold War 2.0 into World War 3 than any

other administration before him.

Meanwhile, in tandem with the mass media, Trump�s administration has been sowing the

seeds for a new conflict with Iran, which may involve over 55 countries that have just

signed a military pact with the express intention of confronting Iran in Iraq and Syria.

Whatever one�s thoughts on Iran, Russia, and Syria, any human rights organization should

be able to vouch for the fact that the United States� military strategy cannot be a realistic

solution to the problems currently engulfing the Middle East region.

It will only bring more death and destruction and ignite a ticking time-bomb in the process.

And that is something we all need to be talking.

For more infomation >> The U.S. Is on Collision Course with Iran and Russia, but Nobo - politics - Duration: 4:30.


Мультики Игрушки Маша и Медведь Герои в масках у Видео для детей - Противная слизь! Мультфильмы 2017 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Мультики Игрушки Маша и Медведь Герои в масках у Видео для детей - Противная слизь! Мультфильмы 2017 - Duration: 3:51.


Music from SoundCloud/YouTube and your library united in one App Android 2017 - Duration: 4:01.

what's up guys every day we use applications like YouTube Spotify or

SoundCloud to listen to music from our smartphone or tablet however making use

of each app separately can sometimes be quite annoying luckily there are

applications like total beat player that bring together in one place different

services many of the music applications for your mobile cannot be used while

doing other work with the mobile Spotify works in the background but for example

YouTube will stop working when you open another app to start using it to solve

this the ideal would be an application that would unify all these music

services and you could use them all in one from the background it's also be

player and application that works as a universal player and unifies the

libraries of all your services allowing you to listen to all your music using

only one application from the background also it doesn't matter what source the

music comes from because with Auto bead player you can have it in the background

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For more infomation >> Music from SoundCloud/YouTube and your library united in one App Android 2017 - Duration: 4:01.


HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 2 ): 2 Factory, 3 Tank Timing Rush - Duration: 5:01.

In this tutorial, I'll be teaching you a build in which you can most easily beat the Protoss.

This build is the 2 Factory, 3 Tank build.

First off, like all builds against the Protoss, make 9 SCV's.

With the 8th SCV, build a Supply Depot.

Make more SCV's until you reach 12 supply.

The 2 Factory build is called the " 12-12 ".

A lot of viewers ask me about the difference between the " 12-12 " and " 11-11 " build, but I'll get to that later.

In the map Fighting Spirit, the 5 o' clock position has a nice advantage in which you can block the ramp easier than other positions.

Because of this fact, make your Sim City around this area.

At 12 supply, build your Barracks & Refinery at the same time.

Keep making additional SCV's.

You can scout whenever you want as long as you do so before the Factory goes up - as this isn't a cheese rush.

Keep building SCV's until 15 supply.

Before your 15th SCV is made, build your 2nd Supply Depot.

As soon as your Barracks is done, make a Marine and put up a Factory at 16 supply.

Build another SCV & Marine, to put you at 18 supply.

At 18 supply, you should put up a 2nd Factory.

Afterwards, build another set of SCV's & Marines.

Once the Factory is completed, immediately attach the add-on.

You should then build your 3rd Supply Depot.

Again, make another set of SCV's & Marines.

Meanwhile, the SCV that went scouting has died.

Once the add-on for the Factory is done, make a Tank.

Build another round of SCV's & Marines.

Actually, I'll cancel them and make them later as I don't want to reveal what I'm building.

Usually in this build, you only upgrade the Vulture speed after you've made your 3rd Tank.

The reason why I did so, is because usually a lot of Terrans blocks their ramp and go 1 Factory, double CC at the 5 o' clock.

In the 1 Factory, double CC build, Siege Mode is being upgraded at this time - the add-on module will spin.

However, in this tutorial build, I would have a Tank - yet the add-on wouldn't be spinning.

The opponent would be suspicious if the add-on wasn't spinning, so I just upgraded the Vulture Speed for deceptive purposes.

Once again, you're supposed to upgrade the Vulture Speed after your 3rd Tank is out.

Stop making SCV's now. From this point, your 3 Tanks should be coming out soon.

Because your 2nd Factory will have the add-on module, you'll be able to have 3 Tanks out soon.

Add another Marine.

You should have 5 Marines & 3 Tanks. Add these to the SCV's you have, and you should be at 30 supply.

Though I began the Vulture Speed upgrade before, this is the point where you normally begin this upgrade.

With normal timing, your Vulture Speed should start upgrading after your 3rd Tank is out.

Then, the Vulture Mine upgrade should begin after another Depot is placed.

However, as I explained earlier, my timing differed in order to fake my opponent.

Some have asked me why you upgrade the Vulture Speed before the Vulture Mine capability.

The Vulture Speed upgrade is slower to finish than the Vulture Mine upgrade. That's why you upgrade the Speed first, so that they both can finish at the same time.

While upgrading the Vulture Mine upgrade, your SCV's should just be mining.

When your 3rd Tank is out, start pushing out.

Keep building Vultures, and make another Depot with the SCV that has just finished building.

Upgrade the Siege Mode in the add-on that just completed the Vulture Speed upgrade.

In the case that the opponent went for a 1 Gate, double Nexus build - developing into a Robotics Bay, 3 Gate system,

He should have around 4 to 5 Dragoons.

Keep your Marines in the front line, while dropping Mines with your Vultures.

Honestly, this push relies a lot on micro, so you may need to practice a lot.

When you have the freedom, build more SCV's.

While you're building Vultures, keep constant pressure on your opponent.

This was the 2 Factory, 3 Tank build.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 2 ): 2 Factory, 3 Tank Timing Rush - Duration: 5:01.


Black Spiders Kidnap Super Heroes In The Forest - Spiderman Rescue - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> Black Spiders Kidnap Super Heroes In The Forest - Spiderman Rescue - Duration: 12:12.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 4 ): Wraith Micro - Duration: 7:34.

In Wraith microing, you should try to have an SCV stuck somewhere in your base.

You can keep the SCV in some kind of corner.

Group the Wraiths with the SCV that's stuck. The Wraiths will stack.

It's the same concept as stacking Mutas.

In Wraith microing, there is the Hold, Attack, & Patrol method.

I usually use the Hold or Patrol method.

There are times when I use the Move method also.

You usually use the Hold method against Mutas. Just like how Mutas use Hold against Marines.

This is the Attack command. Pretty self-explanatory.

What's the difference between Patrol & Move ?

The Move command is essentially the same as right-clicking.

However, the difference between right-clicking and Move-clicking is..

Right-clicking a target, will make the Wraiths stop first in the attack range, then attack.

The Wraiths will halt first, then shoot.

By using the Move command towards the Extractor, then right-clicking on the Extractory, your Wraiths won't attack, but just move towards it.

This is the difference between right-clicking & using the Move command.

Using the Move command is a bit more precise.

You can either Move towards a target and use Attack, or Move & right-click a target.

You should proceed with your commands quickly, in order to see smooth results.

The advantage of using Move, is that the Wraiths move directly to the target without any unnecessary movements.

For example, I'll catch some Drones.

I'll use Move on a Drone, then either right-click or Attack it.

Just like this, the Wraiths don't make any unnecessary movements.

This also works on Drones that are on the move.

This is why I use the Move command. It's very precise.

There are some who use just the Attack command. Like I said, the Wraiths will halt first, then attack.

The Move command lets your Wraiths be always on the move, instead of halting and moving.

This is also helpful in catching Overlords.

This lets your Wraiths move smoothly.

This was the Move command. Now, onto the Patrol method.

Units will respond quicker to a Patrol command. If you'll see..

I'll use Patrol on this Sunken.

Did you see how fast the Wraiths attacked ?

The Wraiths attack & immediately fall back.

So, when do you use the Patrol command ?

This is similar to the Vulture Patrol method.

In the case of Vultures, using Patrol anywhere ( 360 degrees ) around the Vulture, will cause it to attack.

In the case of Wraiths, the Patrol command only works within a certain region in front of them.

You can think of it as only working within the front 180 degree region of the Wraith.

I'll show you by using Patrol on the ground.

Using the Patrol command behind the Wraiths, won't cause them to attack.

They will only attack if you use Patrol within the front 180 degree area of the Wraiths themselves.

The reason why you would use the Patrol method, is because it is rather quick. It is mainly used for guerilla attacks.

You will also see the Patrol method in other cases.

In the case of fighting Mutas & Scourges,

when Mutas Patrol on Wraiths that are chasing them, the Mutas will suddenly stop, attack the Wraiths, and move again.

There are both advantages & disadvantages to this method.

You can move towards a target, then Patrol-click on the Wraiths themselves.

However, you have to note that..

The Wraith that has been Patrol-clicked won't attack. Only the Wraiths that haven't been clicked will attack.

Because of this fact, you shouldn't Patrol-click on a Wraith, but in front of the Wraiths.

This will allow all your Wraiths to attack at once.

Once again, this is why it is more effective to Patrol-click in front of your Wraiths, rather than on the Wraiths themselves.

When do you use the Hold method ?

You mainly use the Hold method against Mutas & Scourges.

Personally, I believe the Patrol command works best, whether it be microing Wraiths or Mutas.

In ZvT matches, Mutas are microed usually against Marines.

That's why progamers usually use the Hold command. Against SCV's, the Move or Patrol is used.

Against Marines, the Hold or Attack method is used.

When Mutas are used to fight off Scourges & Wraiths, the Patrol command is used.

This was the tutorial on Wraith microing.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 4 ): Wraith Micro - Duration: 7:34.


Allen & Heath Qu-Pac - Part 4 How to and Mixer settings with Wirless and Ipad - Duration: 12:17.

Allen & Heath Qu-Pac - Part 4 How to and Mixer settings with Wirless and Ipad

For more infomation >> Allen & Heath Qu-Pac - Part 4 How to and Mixer settings with Wirless and Ipad - Duration: 12:17.


【MV】《Circle : 相連的兩個世界》 郭真言 - 一起走吧(中字) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 【MV】《Circle : 相連的兩個世界》 郭真言 - 一起走吧(中字) - Duration: 3:12.


HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 10 ): 1 Rax, FE ( to 2 Factory Bio-Mech ) - Duration: 8:48.

In this Protoss match, I'll be showing you the 1 Rax, FE moving into a 2 Factory, Bio-Mech build.

This will be a very strong Bio-Mech, completed with upgrades.

When I make tutorials, I simply look at VOD's to see if there are any useful builds.

I believe this build was used by FlaSh against Best, on the map Fortress.

I've made this tutorial, after being amazed by the build.

As always, make SCV's until your supply is at 9. Build a Depot with your 8th SCV.

After doing so, make another SCV.

Take your 10th SCV to the natural.

You'll be building a Sim City around your 1 Rax, FE build.

In this position, place the Barracks here.

Scout with your 11th SCV. This is the same time as when you start your Barracks.

Make SCV's until 15 supply.

In case you scout your opponent on the 1st try, you'll be able to see if he makes any Zealots.

Depending on this, you should determine whether to make another Depot or not. As well as SCV's or Marines.

In this case, I've found him in 1 try. If he's making Probes constantly, it's likely he won't make Zealots.

With that in mind, I'll make 1 Marine and raise my 2nd CC at 16 supply.

I'll only have 1 Depot at this point.

I was supposed to make the CC & a Depot at 16 supply, but I accidentally made another SCV.

Build a Depot at 16 supply, and a Refinery at 17.

You should only have 1 Marine at this time. However, I proceeded a bit too slow it seems.

Scout with your SCV as much as possible.

I see the Dragoon upgrade going up. Remove the SCV before the Dragoons appears.

It's better to keep the SCV alive. Just scout again when you expect the Protoss to expand.

Make another Marine. There's no need to build a lot even if you weren't able to scout.

Build a Bunker at 20 supply.

You should build a Factory near the completion of the CC.

Send some SCV's to the natural in advance.

I tend to keep my scout until the Dragoon appears. Then I look for any other nearby hidden proxies or buildings.

Because the Protoss can rush you when you 1 Rax, FE, it's important to check all nearby expansions for proxies.

After checking nearby expos, then I check the enemy's natural.

Make SCV's, and load your Marines into the Bunker.

When you have 100 gas, put up a Factory.

Keep producing SCV's at your natural, while having about 4 Marines in the Bunker.

SCV's are constantly being made.

Make sure your 3rd Depot is made before the Factory is completed.

Once the Factory is done, immediately attach the add-on while making another Factory.

Make an Engineering Bay near the corner, to upgrade your Marines.

You should make a Refinery at your natural before you make a Tank.

However, in this case I made the Refinery after the Tank. It doesn't matter much.

Personally, I upgrade Siege Mode first.

Unless I have 300 minerals & gas, upgrading Siege Mode first is useful as it takes longer to complete.

With these kinds of pushes, you need to block them with Siege Mode anyway.

While your Refinery is going up, your Bay should be completed. Upgrade the Infantry Weapons.

There's no " when " to make Depots. Just make them so that your supply isn't limited.

While making Tanks, attach the second add-on module to your Factory.

Since your Bay is up, you should build several Turrets.

Once again, your Tank should be out. Attach the 2nd add-on. This is all before the Observer is out.

Build the Turrets before the Observer timing.

Because the placement of Turrets are very important in each & every area, you can refer to another video in my playlist for Turret placement guides.

When Turrets at your natural are up, remove 3 Marines from your Bunker to your main.

There are times when the Protoss bypasses Turrets with 2 Observers.

As this cliff does not reveal the fog of war, the Bay is usually used to make vision.

However, since it's being used for upgrades, the Bay is currently in my base.

Because Shuttles can take advantage of the fog of war, Marines are dispatched here for defense.

While Turrets go up, build an Academy.

Attach the Comsat Station. This is point where you save up resources.

After you have 4 Tanks, gather your resources.

Make around 5 to 6 Barracks all at once, including the Barracks floating above your natural.

It shouldn't matter too much whether you make 4 or 5 Barracks.

Keep producing Tanks, & upgrade Stim Pack.

Stim Pack is upgraded after the Barracks start building.

Because you still need vision over your natural, while still using the floating Barracks..

Just build another Turret at the cliff of your main & drop the Barracks.

While your Barracks are going up, your SCV's should just be mining.

Keep making SCV's until you attach your Comsat Station. Afterwards, there shouldn't be much need to make more.

Your SCV's will be needed to make Depots later.

Once Stim Pack is done, upgrade the Marine Range. From the Barracks, you'll be making Medics first.

Make Medics first, so that their energy recharges.

If there are any Observers, cut them off with your Marines.

Once again, upgrade Marine Range after Stim Pack is done. When available, upgrade Infantry Armor as well.

Marines & Tanks are constantly being made.

This is how you should proceed. Just rally all your buildings to a safe point.

Scan here & there, though you should save energy for DT's.

You should push now.

Usually, the counter to Bio-Mech are Reavers.

However, when I start pushing I have so many Tanks.

These 10 Tanks will be hard to defend even with Reavers.

Continue production of units in the background.

Continue building Depots as well, while controlling the # of SCV's refining gas for optimal minerals & resources.

There's not much the enemy can do here.

In the case of 1 Factory, you would probably only have 3 to 4 Tanks.

Usually, Tanks are Sieged at the back, while the M&M's take the front line.

This leaves your Tanks susceptible to Reaver drops.

However, in this case, Tanks take the front line while M&M's shoot from behind.

This is actually better against fighting off Reavers.

I actually mis-microed because I got startled by the Reaver.

My Marines are upgraded. On top of that, I'll be building from 5 Barracks at once, while making Tanks too.

So my army will be large & very powerful.

To block this, HT's would be better than Reavers, I would say.

Use your Tanks to fire at any Reavers. At the same time, catch any Reavers with your M&M's.

I'll end this tutorial here.

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