Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Hey guys welcome to another Great day!

Today we are going to be having some fun with dry

ice and slime... so let's get to it!

Dry ice is frozen or solid carbon dioxide. A block of dry ice has a surface

temperature of minus 109 point three

degrees Fahrenheit... which is minus

seventy eight point five degrees Celsius

Dry ice also has the very nice feature

of sublimation. As it breaks down, it

turns directly into carbon dioxide gas

rather than a liquid. The supercooled

temperature and the sublimation feature

make dry ice great for refrigeration!

Commercial shippers of perishables often

use dry ice even for non-frozen good

Dry ice gives more than twice the

cooling energy per pound of weight and

three times the cooling energy per volume

then regular water ice H2O

Thilorier was the first to record the appearance

of solid carbon dioxide or dry ice in

1835 as he opened a cylinder with a large

amount of liquid carbon dioxide to

observe it in its liquid form even

enough it evaporate it to leave a solid

drive block at the bottom of the


Hope you enjoyed watching the video

If you did please do subscribe, comment and like because it means a lot.

Till next time, #HappyBuilding

For more infomation >> Dry Ice Slime! Happy Building! - Duration: 2:49.


[ENG] 170601 #LuHan weibo update: Goodbye, Chen Changsheng - Duration: 0:29.

Shoot for four months. Production for six months. Broadcast for two months.

Fighter Of The Destiny has already ended.

Thank you for Fighter Of The Destiny. Thanks all the cooperating actors ,and the staff.

Of course thank you, Chen Changsheng. How lucky I met you.

After today, there are other challenges waiting for me and us tomorrow.

Let's work hard together. Fighting, fighting, fighting!

For more infomation >> [ENG] 170601 #LuHan weibo update: Goodbye, Chen Changsheng - Duration: 0:29.


Cerita Ramadhan Orang Tech Ep. 3 - Alasan Joko - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Cerita Ramadhan Orang Tech Ep. 3 - Alasan Joko - Duration: 5:03.


Ain't Nobody Like Me - Futuristic Swaver X Young H「Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Ain't Nobody Like Me - Futuristic Swaver X Young H「Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:19.


[ MMD x Yandere Simulator ] BINCH ( Shin & Budo ) [ MEME ] - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> [ MMD x Yandere Simulator ] BINCH ( Shin & Budo ) [ MEME ] - Duration: 0:39.


Lewandowski Democrats' case into Trump campaign ties to Russia falling apart - Duration: 1:50.

Lewandowski Democrats' case into Trump campaign ties to Russia falling apart

by Melissa Quinn

Corey Lewandowski said Wednesday there has "never been collusion" between President Trump's

campaign associates and Russian officials, and said Democrats' case regarding these supposed

ties is falling apart "before it even begins."

"The bottom line is there is no collusion.

There's never been collusion.

This is clearly something that as they continue to look into, there is no evidence that anything

ever took place that was inappropriate or wrong, not by the president, not by the candidate,

not by the campaign or anybody else," Lewandowski said in an interview on Fox News.

"It sounds like their case is already starting to fall apart before it begins."

Lewandowski, Trump's former camaign manager, was responding to reports that Carter Page,

who advised Trump on foreign policy during the campaign, pushed to testify before Congress

on his contacts with Russian officials after congressional Democrats slammed the brakes

on him appearing.

The FBI obtained a warrant to monitor Page last year.

American intelligence agencies believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election by hacking

into the emails of the Democratic National Committee and campaign aides for Hillary Clinton,

and the FBI is investigating ties between Trump campaign associates and Russian officials.

The Kremlin, meanwhile, denies any involvement.

For more infomation >> Lewandowski Democrats' case into Trump campaign ties to Russia falling apart - Duration: 1:50.


Nhạc Hot Việt Tháng 6/2017 - Bảng Xếp Hạng Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất Tháng 6 2017 - HOT VPOP (P4) - Duration: 1:01:44.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Hot Việt Tháng 6/2017 - Bảng Xếp Hạng Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất Tháng 6 2017 - HOT VPOP (P4) - Duration: 1:01:44.


WATCH LIVE: The National for Thursday June 01, 2017 - Duration: 1:00:17.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: The National for Thursday June 01, 2017 - Duration: 1:00:17.


HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 16 ): Power FD - Duration: 10:55.

In this video, I'll be showing you a 2 Tank, FD build that pressures the opponent.

Although you can pressure using FE, this Power FD is very useful as spawn points are quite close in the map Fighting Spirit.

This is, assuming that your spawn points aren't diagonal.

You can use this build against 1-Gate, FE builds.

Make SCV's until 9 supply. Build a Depot with your 8th.

After your supply reaches 11, you'll be making a Barracks & Refinery at the same time.

After doing so, make SCV's until 15 supply.

Personally, I scout between 11 & 12 supply. I send a scout before my 12th SCV is out.

It doesn't really matter. Just scout before your 12th SCV is out.

Put 2 SCV's to gas once the Refinery is done. Make a Marine as well.

This should put you at 16 supply. You'll be putting up a Factory at this point.

You should control the # of SCV's on gas. Once you have 100 gas, just have 1 SCV refining gas.

Keep track of your scout.

My Factory is going up now. As I'm at 16 supply, don't make any Marines or SCV's. Just build another Depot.

After you've started your Depot, build an SCV & Marine.

Another round of SCV's & Marines.

Continue scouting.

In the standard Protoss build, a Dragoon would be out by the time your Factory is 3/4 of the way done.

In this case, the Protoss went for upgrades first. Thus, the Dragoon is a bit late.

I guess he went for a more economical build.

Once your Factory is 3/4 completed, you should have 3 SCV's refining gas again.

In this case, you'll be taking gas faster than a standard FD. This is because this build is a Power FD.

Your 3rd Depot should start building before your Factory is nearly done.

Meanwhile, continue SCV & Marine production.

My Depot actually went up a bit late in this case, as a mistake.

Once your Factory is done, immediately attach the add-on module.

Constantly build Marines & SCV's.

This is the usual Protoss build against Terrans.

8 Pylon. 10 Gate. 11 Assimilator. 13 Cybernetics Core. 15 Pylon.

Before the 1st Dragoon is out, there should be a 3rd Pylon in the Protoss main.

I saw the Pylon with my hidden SCV.

You can expect a 1 Gate, FE from the Protoss - if you see 3 Pylons, 1 Dragoon, and upgrading Core at this time in the game.

Keep building SCV's.

The build is actually very simple from this point on, though I forgot to build my Depot before.

Once your 3rd Depot is completed & the add-on is attached, build a Tank and upgrade the Vulture Mine at the same time.

Keep building SCV's & Marines.

Not building your Depot beforehand, is a big mistake.

You should keep making SCV's & Marines - before you have 2 Tanks out.

Build another Tank, so that you'll have 2 at this time.

Build another Depot at around 30 supply, to prevent supply from being limited.

I can confirm that the Protoss is going for a 1 Gate, FE build.

Once the Vulture Mine is upgraded, immediately upgrade Siege Mode.

I should have around 7 to 8 Marines now - though I have less from the supply limit.

At this point, start pushing while bringing along an SCV.

In the case that the Protoss went for a 1 Gate, FE build, it's likely he won't try to catch any early Tanks.

It's helpful to keep your Tanks in this scenario, and cutting off any early Dragoons.

It's good if you don't fight. Reaching your opponent's natural is even better.

Don't make any Marines. Make Vultures, while you prepare to expand.

This SCV was brought along for additional reinforcement. Another should be moving to the natural to expo.

Don't make any more SCV's for now.

While continuing to make Vultures, keep pushing your army forward.

There are some cases in which the Protoss somehow block a 1 Tank, FD build.

However, it's difficult for the Protoss to block a 2 Tank, FD build.

This Protoss is a C-rank.

He's trying to defend his natural with a Sim City.

That's why I upgraded Siege Mode in advance.

Siege your Tanks from the back, and drop mines in the front.

The Dragoons will fall back naturally.

Even though the Protoss went for a 1 Gate, FE build, there won't be any Observers soon.

Build a Bunker with your SCV just outside the opponent's natural.

Continue unit production, and build an Engineering Bay with available resources.

You can keep building Marines, as you can even build 2 Bunkers here.

Use Siege Mode to keep pushing back your opponent.

After making a placement here, I'll be making another Bunker.

My Bay goes up at this time.

This is the most optimal situation the Terran can be in, in a TvP match.

My Bunkers goes up now. The Protoss can't hurt me, because of my mines.

If you're at this point in the game, you can expect a GG.

One thing is beware, is that the Protoss may go for a Reaver & DT drop. It's because he has no other choice.

The Protoss has 3 options at this point.

Reaver drops. DT drops. Or secretly taking an expo at the 12 o' clock.

To take an expo, the Protoss would drop a Probe here, then move to the 12 o' clock.

I already have a placement here. To defend against potential drops, my Bay will allow me to build Turrets in my main & natural.

You can refer to my other video for Turret placement. Just play safely.

I now have 2 Bunkers outside the natural.

I see his Dragoons idle.

I can assume he's trying to distract me from drops, or expoing.

I send a Vulture to my base, while taking the SCV up to the 12 o' clock.

I saw his Shuttle here. It means he was trying to expo secretly.

I send a Vulture to catch the Probe.

To defend against potential drops, I have 4 Turrets in my base.

Because the Protoss can drop me with DT's, or even have speed upgraded Shuttles, I'll add another Turret.

Meanwhile, my Vulture has caught the Probe.

Because the Protoss is being pressured, he will probably have to try to break my front line somehow with Shuttles.

His expo is being delayed.

In this situation, instead of going for an up-Terran build..

I can build an Armory & Academy, while going for fast gas at my natural.

This allows for a potential 6 Factory build.

Because speed upgraded Shuttles can do a lot of damage, I can try to use Goliaths - which combat Shuttles very well.

Trying to take an expo, can actually lead me to lose it to Shuttles.

I should've defended myself against these Reavers better, but I made a couple mistakes.

The Protoss actually did a nice job breaking this line.

Although the Reaver did die, he broke my defense without a single Dragoon loss.

I see some Dragoons lost to my mines.

The Protoss took the expo very late, while going for speed upgraded Shuttles.

The Protoss is probably very shaken now.

Yet, I already have another army ready at my base.

My Armory is running. Level 1 Vehicle Weapons is being upgraded.

Meanwhile, I have an additional gas source at my natural.

I'm keep my Vultures on watch, for additional expos.

The Protoss cannot simply expo for the sake of it, because of the timing of my attacks.

He'll try to make do, while expecting my timing push.

I'll be expecting another speed upgraded Shuttle soon.

While he's trying to make do as much as possible, I'll be running on 6 Factories.

Only make 6 Factories when you have resources left over. Expand Factories, while making Tanks.

He tries to pressure me here, but I have a lot of Tanks..

The Shuttle tried to drop me from the side, but my Turrets prevent him from doing so.

If the Shuttle tried to fly by into my main, it would've died from the Turret in my main.

As my 6 Factories are completed, I'll be building Goliaths from these 4 Factories.

Don't forget to build Depots.

Once the Goliaths are out, I'll be building Vultures.

Once my Vultures are out, I'll be making even more Vultures.

In that case, I'll use my SCV's that are refining gas, to mine minerals.

As I added my Comsat Station early, I have a lot of mana left.

Now, I'll rally all my Factories to this point, and make Vultures.

As there were Reavers before, I used these Marines as support.

You can expect Observers on your way to the opponent's natural. Scan & eliminate.

Keep alert for Observers.

In order for the Protoss to win, he would have to surround my army.

But because Terrans have scan, they'll know all the enemy's movements.

In this battle, you can see the Goliaths taking care of any Shuttles.

The Tanks take care of the Reavers as well.

This is how the game ends.

My timing attack was very useful.

The downside of this Power FD build, is that it is difficult to use in diagonal positions.

On top of that, it isn't very effective when the Protoss goes for DT or Reaver drops before expanding.

Unless those scenarios are true, the Power FD is very effective.

There was a time when a Terran progamer held a winning streak against Protoss players in the past.

Once again, this build is very effective against 1 Gate - FE builds, or SK - FE builds.

However, don't use this against straight up FE builds.

You'll be able to secure at least a 50% winning chance against those 2 builds.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 16 ): Power FD - Duration: 10:55.


Kì Diệu Những Bài Thuốc Chữa Viêm Khớp Cổ Tay Tại Nhà Ai Cũng Làm Được Không Cần Đến Bác Sĩ - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Kì Diệu Những Bài Thuốc Chữa Viêm Khớp Cổ Tay Tại Nhà Ai Cũng Làm Được Không Cần Đến Bác Sĩ - Duration: 6:19.


HiyA's Guide ( Lesson 15 ): Ramp Damage - Duration: 6:01.

In this video, how ramp advantage affects your damage, as well as how to take utmost use of it.

When there is a unit below the ramp, attacking a unit above the ramp, there are times when the attack is nullified.

You'll know when your attack is nullified, when the attack effect is in front of the attacked unit.

The damage won't be nullified if you attack the unit from the back or sides. It will only be cancelled when the attack the front of the unit.

You have to keep in mind of this fact. This is how ramp damage comes into play.

Abilities such as Dark Swarm, give the advantage of not receiving any damage at all, just as if you were on top of a ramp.

I'll move some units under a Dark Swarm.

I'll Siege Mode these Tanks.

You see how these Tanks attacked the front of these Lurkers ?

The Lurkers didn't receive any damage at all, as if they were on top of a ramp.

Let's say for example, there's only 1 Lurker beneath the Dark Swarm.

There are times when Tanks won't be able to push just because of 1 Lurker in a Dark Swarm.

In order to solve this, you can simply attack the Lurker from the back.

I'll move a Tank under the Dark Swarm. This works with SCV's, or whatever unit you have in mind.

Once again, the Dark Swarm protects the front area of the Lurker.

I'll keep this Tank in front of the Lurker.

Because the back of the Tank will receive ramp damage, the Lurker will take damage as well.

Just like this. This is how you can kill Lurkers under a Dark Swarm.

This is the solution, in the case that 1 Lurker is beneath a Swarm.

In many Zerg matches, there will be several Lurkers beneath a Swarm.

In this case, which Lurker would you have to target to kill them ?

Of course, you'd have to target the Lurker in the back in order to deal damage.

Doing so, will kill the Lurker in the front.

This is how you can easily kill Lurkers under a Dark Swarm.

In a real game scenario, the Zerg will push you with Dark Swarms, Defilers, & Lurkers.

Don't target the unit at the front of the Swarm. Target the units in the back.

I'll show you some examples used in TvT matches, as well as Dragoons.

What I just showed you before, applies here as well.

Assuming theres Lurkers, Dragoons, or even Tanks above a ramp.

Because you still can deal some kind of damage while under the ramp, attacking the front Dragoon will only deal damage to that 1 unit - though very little.

As you saw, the Dragoon survived, while the others in the back barely took damage.

Just like the Swarm example, I'll show you how to deal damage while you're under a ramp.

Like before, simply target the Dragoon located in the back.

Because attacking from under a ramp only deals major damage to the back portion of a unit, attacking the back units will cause the front unit to be damaged.

Wow, the Dragoon still didn't die.

I guess my example with the Tank was better.

All these units are damaged, though the 1 in the front is severely weaker.

Attacking again will kill all the Dragoons.

I think the example would be better shown if I had more Tanks attacking.

This is how you take advantage of attacking from below a ramp - always target the units in the back area to deal the most damage.

I'll also show you a similar effect with trees & bushes.

There are many who don't know the advantage of attacking from beneath bushes, but the Tank under the bush will receive less damage.

As these 2 Tanks are fighting, the 1 under the bush will win.

You see how the Tank under the bush didn't take damage for a second ?

This is how trees & bushes can attack as ramp protection.

Although trees don't have as much of a protection as ramps,

there will be times when Vultures will be fighting each other in the middle. The Vulture hiding behind the bush will always win.

Watch this again. The Tank out in the open even attacked first.

Did you see that ?

Although using trees & bushes won't have as much of a protection as ramps, they still do provide a good deal of protection.

Anyways, this is how you should take advantage of ramp damage.

For more infomation >> HiyA's Guide ( Lesson 15 ): Ramp Damage - Duration: 6:01.


HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 17 ): Fast Bio-Mech Build - Duration: 6:28.

This'll be a video teaching you a fast Bio-Mech build against Protoss players.

Like always, build SCV's until 9 supply. Make a Depot with your 8th.

Make SCV's until 11 supply. Build a Barracks at your natural with the 10th SCV.

Most Bio-Mech builds start off with a 1 Barracks, FE beginning.

It's not that the tone of my voice is nice today.

My voice is naturally like this.

Scout, while building your Barracks.

You can scout whenever you want, but I prefer scouting early.

In this case, I started scouted at 12 supply. Make SCV's until 15 supply.

Build your 2nd Depot at this time.

Once your Barracks is complete, make a Marine. Your 2nd CC should be made at 16 supply.

Make another Marine & SCV.

Your Refinery should go up at 18 supply.

There's nothing out of the ordinary until this point.

Continue building SCV's.

In the case of Bio-Mech builds, you only need to have around 4 Marines at the start.

You'll be making more Marines later anyway.

While continuing SCV production, put 2 SCV's to gas when the Refinery is done.

A Bunker at your natural should go up at 21 supply.

Once you have 100 gas, make a Factory.

This build is something that even F-rank player can do - not that I'm putting them down or anything..

Or course they're good.. It's just that..

Your Bunker just needs to go up before your Factory, with available resources.

Before your 2nd CC is completed as well.

You should only make SCV's until your Factory is completed.

You'll have some resources left over, even though you've been making SCV's. Make an Academy at 28 supply.

Once your Factory is complete, stop SCV production.

Attach the add-on to your Factory.

Bring the Barracks from your natural to your main. Then build another 3 Barracks at once.

You should now have a total of 4 Barracks.

Defend against any Dragoon attacks by repairing the Bunker.

Like I said, you won't be making any more SCV's.

Upgrade the Siege Mode, and build a Tank.

Upgrade Stim Pack as well.

Because you'll be low on gas, the Comsat Station should be made later.

Attach the Comsat Station once Siege Mode, Stim Pack are upgraded. Wait until your Tank & Medics are out.

Build Medics from your Barracks first, so that their energy can heal.

You only need 4 Medics at first. Keep making Marines after.

After the Medics are out & you have enough gas, attach your Comsat Station.

Once again, don't make any SCV's at all now.

I guess I did make my Comsat Station at the same time as my Tank..

Make another Tank after your 1st one is out.

Although I did start off with a 1 Barracks, FE, this build could seem somewhat of an all-in, as production is a bit tight.

My Comsat Stations are being attached.

Just build Depots to the point where your supply won't be limited.

If you still have enough resources after building M&M's, just use the rest of SCV's.

With available gas, upgrade Marine Range.

Upgrade Marine Range, after you've had at least 3 Tanks.

It's because its important to have constant Tank production. It shouldn't stop in exchange for this upgrade.

Get ready to push once your 3 Tanks are out.

Rally all your units just outside your natural, and proceed.

This is the basic build order for the Bio-Mech build.

Although there's no specific timing on when to build things.

I'll layout my build order again.

9 Depot. 11 Barracks. 14 Depot. 16 CC. 18 Refinery.

Once you have 100 gas, put up a Factory.

Make SCV's until the Factory is done. Then expand your Barrack count.

Don't waste your scans.

In this case, there is an Observer however. It also seems DT's are late.

I did scan my opponent's natural though, to see the army count.

Otherwise, it's best to save your scans for potential DT's.

I've scanned the natural to see no troops, while some Dragoons were circling around.

This probably means the enemy has an empty base. Just rush in with your troops.

Any additional Marines should fill your Bunker for protection.

Meanwhile, keep building Tanks.

The downside of this build, is that it won't be able to block fast DT's or fast Reavers.

I only used this build, as I was able to scout the opponent going for a 1 Gate, FE build.

In case you weren't able to scout, I suggest you forgo this build & play normally.

Once again, this Bio-Mech build won't be able to block fast DT's & Reavers, or all-in builds.

Even if the Protoss went for fast Reavers after expanding, the Terran would be at an advantage due to the fast timing push.

This is a micro battle, after all.

This build actually came up in a lot of proleague matches.

I don't believe any progamer lost with this build.. Though not saying that it's unbreakable..

I'll end the tutorial here.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 17 ): Fast Bio-Mech Build - Duration: 6:28.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 22 ): 8 Rax ( to Ramp Block ) - Duration: 5:48.

In this video, I'll be showing you the 8 Barracks build.

It's a different type of 8 Barracks build, and it'll only work on the map Fighting Spirit.

When your opponent is either sideways or diagonal to you, you'll be able to block your entrance.

Similar to the other 8 Barracks build I showed you, make SCV's until 8 supply.

Take your 7th SCV out to your natural.

Make a Barracks in front of the bridge, near your natural.

Make another SCV, and build a Depot at 9 supply.

Make another SCV.

Scout with your 10th SCV, as well as the SCV that finished building the Barracks.

Continue SCV & Marine production.

You should try to find your opponent ASAP, so you know what to do with your workers.

As my SCV saw his Drone from this side, it probably means the Zerg is at the 1 o' clock.

Remove the 2nd scout, as you've already found the Zerg.

Keep making SCV's. Your 2nd Depot will go up later.

If you've seen his natural, cancel SCV production.

The Marine you made should immediately run to the Zerg's natural.

At this time, you can expect more Drones to pop out. Especially when you see 2 eggs being morphed here.

Remember not to make any more SCV's. Keep pumping Marines.

You'll be blocking the entrance with this build.

By building a Barracks on top, & an Academy below, you'll be blocking the ramp completely.

Even Lings won't be able to run through. Though the layout for the block differs per location.

In this case, there's nothing the Drones can do.

Cancel building the Academy, & build a Bunker in the back.

The important thing is to keep track of the Drone that's trying to slip out.

As the Zerg won't have a 2nd gas, he'll have to build a secret Hatchery.

After your Bunker is complete, load it with Marines.

I've found his Drone at the 3 o' clock. Just chase it with the SCV.

Don't forget. The Drone that scouted my base is still alive somewhere.

You'll have to go find it.

He'll try to expo near his main or natural. Just track it with Marines.

Although the layout differs by position, you can block the 1 o' clock with a Barracks & Academy.

You can block the 5 & 7 o' clock with 2 Depots.

Lastly, you can block the 11 o' clock ramp with a Barracks & Academy.

Not even Lings can pass through this block.

In all other positions, although Drones won't be able to pass through the ramp block, Lings will be able to.

Only in the 1 o' clock position does this ramp block all units from passing through.

I've actually used this build against a proleague player, and won.

My SCV's tracking the Drone.

In this case, just play on 1-base while continuing SCV production.

I've already tracked all Drones outside the Zerg base.

This SCV's tracking this Drone, while I've already found the 9 o' clock base.

There's nothing for the Zerg to do here. He has to tech on 1 base.

I don't really have to expand either. I'll just cancel the ramp block & block the Lings with my Bunker.

Keep pumping Marines.

I'll also build an Academy here.

In the previous proleague match which I used this build in.. I was at the 7 o' clock while she was at the 5 o' clock.

In that case, I blocked the ramp with a Barracks & Depot.

Wow, he even upgraded the Overlord Drop capability.

In this situation, just remain on 1 base while figuring out what tech the Zerg is on.

I actually rushed in now, because I had the timing.

If you don't think your timing rush will succeed, just keep resisting Zerg expo by staying outside his base.

After all, you'll both be on 1 base anyway.

Like I said before, it's very important to keep track of any scouting Drones as well as the Drone that cancels the natural expo.

You must keep track of them. Must.

This game ends here.

Although the Zerg resisted a bit, it basically ends here.

The most important part of this build is the early & mid game scenarios.

I'll end here.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 22 ): 8 Rax ( to Ramp Block ) - Duration: 5:48.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 23 ): 8 Rax ( to Ramp Block ) TIPS - Duration: 4:03.

I'll show you the entire Sim City for the previous 8 Barracks ( Ramp Block ) build.

The previous video showed you with the 1 o' clock position as the example.

The Barracks is built, not right below the cliff, but a step below.

The Academy is built below the Barracks, next to the ramp.

Of course, both the SCV & Ling won't be able to pass through.

At the 5 o' clock, place the Depot at the right part of the ramp.

The 2nd Depot is placed to the left of the 1st Depot.

In this case, workers such as the SCV or Drone won't be able to pass through. However, Lings can.

Lings can only pass between the 2 Depots.

If any Lings try to pass through, all you have to do is block the opening with an SCV.

You can also block the 7 o' clock with 2 Depots.

This can actually backfire if your SCV gets stuck. Be careful.

Be careful. This is pretty scary..

I might have to build this later.. I think I'm going to have a trauma..

As a tip, build your 1st Depot at the bottom first.

Like the 5 o' clock, the SCV won't be able to pass through while Lings can.

The Ling won't be able to pass above or below the Depots. Only through the middle.

There's an annoying part about the 11 o' clock position.

I don't remember how to build this area..

Was it like this ?..

I don't remember exactly, so I'll jus try building for now.

Can this Ling pass through ? It seems..

This position takes a lot of money to build. On top of that, it seems Lings can pass through easily.

What'll happen if I build this here ?

Will this SCV pass through ?

It seems this is how you build this area for the SCV to not pass through.

Even though I've built an Academy & Barracks here, it seems this Ling can pass through the middle as well as the left side.

Hm.. ? I swear it was able to pass through before..

The Ling can go out through the left, but can't go in through the same side.

This is a pretty scary spot..

Anyways, the Ling can also go out through these sides.

Never mind.

This position is actually the worst for ramp blocking.

I've had to build an Academy & Barracks.

Even though I've invested 300 minerals, Lings can pass through in 2 ways.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 23 ): 8 Rax ( to Ramp Block ) TIPS - Duration: 4:03.


FlaSh's TvZ Guide: 5 Rax Build - Duration: 12:46.

* FlaSh is seemingly trying to converse with an unsatisfied viewer over some complaints, in the beginning of this video *

This is a Zerg match. Pretty standard.

A 2nd CC at 18 supply, is usually the most favorable.

I'll build another Supply Depot at 22 supply.

I just discovered the Zerg's 3rd Hatchery going up.

Your 2nd Barracks goes up at around 24 supply.

I apologize, actually I'll just build a Refinery.

I'll show you a build that I use quite often.

Put up an Engineering Bay at 26 supply. And once again, the Refinery was at 24 supply.

When your 2nd CC is at 1250 HP, transfer 6 SCV's down to mine.

I try to make tutorials that everyone can easily follow.

Take 1 SCV off the Refinery at 88 gas, and upgrade the level 1 Infantry Weapons upgrade.

You should only have 2 SCV's in the Refinery.

Your APM speed should be.. never mind.

Anyways, my goal is to teach you the builds from my perspective. So I'll just keep my regular APM.

You can all scout with ease. Have confidence !

O.K., now upgrade the Stim Pack capability for your Marines.

Do this as soon as the Academy is completed.

After the Academy is complete, add your 3rd SCV to gas.

Add another Barracks now.

From now on, just keep on building more Barracks, all while refining gas.

Just constantly build Barracks, non-stop.

Alright, I'll proceed with one of my favorite builds - the 5-Barracks build.

Build another Barracks to match 5 Barracks.

As my Stim Pack upgrade was completed, upgrade the Marine U-238 Shells for increased Marine range.

This push by the Zerg, was overreaching on its part. The Lings just melted.

Have 4 Medics, and remove 1 SCV from the Refinery.

You should be building 5 Barracks, along with the upgraded Marine range.

Once again, you should only have 2 SCV's on gas.

Then build another Supply Depot.

Scan & check. Wow, I see the Zerg going for fast Mutalisks.

Don't be alerted.

The point of my tutorials is make sure you don't feel surprised by the enemy's tactics.

It's fine if the opponent is going for fast Mutas. You'll be running on 5 Barracks.

Several Turrets should be built in & around your base.

Turrets help support your army, so that you're not startled.

Once again, don't be alerted.

Because I have Turrets hidden in the back of my base, I'm fine.

It's best to remain steady and keep your cool at all times.

You see how the Zerg built these Sunkens ? You're already at an advantage.

There's really no need to build that many Turrets on 5 Barracks.

Just fire at any Lings that rush at you.

Make another Refinery, while you build a Factory.

These Mutas will die, if they are idle.

Make a Starport, as soon as your Factory is done.

The concept of this 5 Barracks build is -

I'm sure most of you heard that if you want to be a SC Gosu, your workers should not be idle.

In the 5 Barracks build, your workers are actually a bit more idle than other builds, on the contrary.

Catch the Drone trying to expo. This increases your chance to win.

In the 5 Barracks build, you minimize on Turrets, and use mainly M&M's to fight off Mutas.

I see the Zerg is going for a fast Hive.

I'll go for an SK-Terran build. In other words, M&M's and no Tanks.

If there's a Lurker here, then I'll give props to the Zerg.


You'll win, if you cut off all Zerg expos.

I expected Lurkers, but don't see any up here.

There's not much to explain here, since nothing's out of the ordinary.

He's probably taken an expo here. It's obvious.

I'll expand over here.

I can kill about 2 Mutas here.

I see a few Lings here.

You should always keep a few units at the location of your expo.

This is because you usually have to cancel your CC, if there are Lings that harass.

Attach the Physics Lab for your Science Facility.

These Lurkers won't matter in the end.

You don't have to build 2 Engineering Bays. Upgrades for your Marines are quick anyway.

Wow, he didn't even GG.

There's nothing too hard, in Zerg matches.

For more infomation >> FlaSh's TvZ Guide: 5 Rax Build - Duration: 12:46.


HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 21 ): 1 Rax, FE ( to 5 Tank Rush ) - Duration: 6:48.

This is a 1 Barrack, FE to 5 Tank Rush build. You can use this when the opponent is either next to you, or at a diagonal.

You'll have fast Marines.

This'll be a similar build that FlaSh used in the map Ground Zero.

Although this won't be an exact replica of that build, it'll be fairly close.

This build is a bit tweaked based on my knowledge & observations.

You start off with a 1 Barracks, FE build.

Make SCV's until 9 supply. Build a Depot with your 8th.

Make SCV's until 11 supply.

Take your 10th SCV out to your natural, and build a Barracks.

Scout with your 11th SCV.

The reason I scout fast, is to see if the opponent make fast Zealots.

If I've found the Protoss in 1 try, and I don't see Zealots - I can just make my 2nd CC with only 1 Depot.

If I didn't find him in 1 try, I'd make my 2nd CC after 2 Depots.

While scouting, make SCV's until 15 supply.

If I haven't found the Protoss in my initial scouting, I'll just raise my 2nd Depot.

Once my Barracks are complete, make a Marine. Then build the 2nd CC at 16 supply.

Make another Marine & SCV.

Your Refinery goes up at 18 supply.

Continue SCV & Marine production.

If you scouted him on the 3rd try, there's really no need to go into the natural.

It's better to just see if the Protoss expanded, & use the SCV to mine again.

I wasn't able to go into his main because of the Dragoon.

If there wasn't a Dragoon, I'd just scout nearby areas for secret proxy buildings.

When you have 100 gas, make a Factory. You should also send some SCV's to your natural to mine.

Make a Bunker. It should be full with 4 Marines.

Your 2nd scout should look for any hidden proxies, such as the 3 o' clock.

Because he wasn't able to scout me, I'll build an Engineering Bay.

However, its usual to just make a 2nd Factory if you've seen the Protoss go 1 Gate, FE.

Keep making SCV's. Once your Bunker is full with Marines, lift your Barracks into your main.

Continue SCV production.

Before your 1st Factory is completed, your 2nd Factory should go up.

Whether you build your Engineering Bay after your 1st or 2nd Factory, you'll be building it anyway.

After your Bay is done, just outright build some Turrets near your entrance.

Although this build is weak against slow Reavers..

Building Turrets allows you to..

Ah, I forgot ! While continuing to make SCV's, put up your 2nd Refinery before you've started to build a Tank.

Constantly pump Marines from your Barracks.

If you've built Turrets where your opponent's seen them, he likely won't go for Reavers.

So, it's best for you to just show the Dragoons that you're building Turrets.

While building Marines, keep building Tanks until you have 5.

Once the Dragoons have fallen back, the SCV's that were reparing should go back to mining.

Build Depots to open your supply.

There's no " how many " Marines to make. Just keep making them until you have 5 Tanks out.

With available resources, upgrade Vulture Speed first, then Vulture Mine.

Don't forget to build SCV's with resources left over.

Once you have 5 Tanks out, move out with your Marines, as well as around 4 SCV's.

The thing is, if you lose this battle here, it'll be hard for you to defend against the Protoss.

That's why Terrans will almost always have Tanks in their army.

Keep in mind, you only have to micro the Tanks.

It doesn't really matter if the Marines die.

Just keep the Marines on auto-attack, while you micro your Tanks.

Micro as much as possible, and continue SCV production.

Build an Academy, while making more Factories with available resources.

Constantly build Vultures.

Once you've arrived near the Protoss natural, slowly make placements by using Siege Mode.

While using this build in a TvP match, you shouldn't be conscious of all potential Protoss builds.

You won't be able to win if you're so conscious of his builds, as the build is pretty risky.

If you were to play conceptually, you would only use this build only after you've done: 1 Barracks > FE > Armory > Bay > Turrets.

You won't be able to win if you think of all possible scenarios. You just have to remove those possibilities in your head.

Yet, because I've scouted the Protoss with a FE and a Robotics Bay at his main, I don't have to worry.

On top of that, he likely wouldn't have gone for Reavers as he saw Turrets at my base.

I don't think he tried to go for DT's. Arbiters, rather.

While maintaining your placement outside the natural, reinforce with mines, Turrets, & Bunkers.

In the meantime, I can expand my number of Factories. Or make another CC.

Just keep planting mines with your Vultures.

Once you've suffocated the Protoss with proper placements, he won't be able to penetrate the line.

All he'll have is Dragoons. Therefore, he'll try to cut you off before you even reached his natural.

To combat this, just Siege Mode a bit before you reach the natural, & slowly proceed.

Like I said before, this build won't work in the conceptual sense.

In the case that the Protoss went for DT's, you would have Turrets in place anyway.

After blocking any DT's, you would have the potential to take a 3rd expo as well while playing up-Terran.

If he went for Reavers instead, the Protoss wouldn't be able to fly straight to my base anyway as he'd need to block my front line anyway.

I could either build an Armory for Goliaths to combat Shuttles. Or I could make Vultures to cut him off from expoing.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 21 ): 1 Rax, FE ( to 5 Tank Rush ) - Duration: 6:48.


HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 19 ): 2 Starport Fake ( to 3 Rax Push ) - Duration: 5:27.

In this tutorial, I'll be teaching you a 2 Starport Fake build.

I don't remember which game it was, but a progamer in the past actually used this build on the map Jade.

Build SCV's until 9 supply. Build a Depot with your 8th.

On the map Fighting Spirit, the ramp isn't blockable at the 11 o' clock position.

All the other positions have blockable ramps, not this one.

As a result, I wasn't able to block the ramp. It's good to block the entrance whenever possible.

You'll be building your Barracks & Refinery both at 11 supply.

You can scout around 11 to 12 supply. Or after you've started making your Refinery.

First check if there's an Overlord at your natural. Then move on to scouting.

Make SCV's until 15 supply.

Remove 1 SCV from the Refinery when you have around 80 to 88 gas.

Because there was a Drone scouting, I just kept 3 SCV's on gas for now.

Making a Marine puts you at 16 supply.

Make a Factory at this time & have only 1 SCV on gas.

Make another Marine & SCV.

Normally you should make a Depot at 16 supply, but in this build you should build it at 18.

This is because you won't be building any more SCV's after 18 supply.

While keeping 1 SCV on gas, make an Academy when resources are available.

After your Factory is complete, make a Vulture.

Don't make any Marines or SCV's. Just build another 2 Barracks.

Although I've made 2 Vultures, it doesn't really matter whether you make 1 or 2.

Scout your opponent's natural with the Vulture.

This lets the Zerg the thinking that you'll be going 2 Starports.

It's because many players go 2 Starports when blocking their ramp.

Once your Academy is completed, upgrade Stim Pack.

There's no " when " to build Depots. Just build them at your pace, so that supply isn't being limited.

Keep 2 Vultures at your base to prevent Lings from running by. Another Vulture should be just outside the Zerg's natural.

It seems that the Zerg is going for a 2 Hatch, not 3 Hatch build.

He's building a Spire & another Hatchery. However, most players would've built a Hydra Den.

Right when your Academy is done, make 3 Medics.

Medics should be out first, then make Marines afterward.

While doing so, make Depots so your supply isn't limited.

Keep making Marines. This is basically the end of the build.

9 Depot. 11 Barracks. 11 Refinery.

16 Factory. 18 Depot. 18 Academy.

After making a Vulture, you should have 3 Barracks at 20 supply.

Make Depots to open up supply.

Make 3 Medics first, then make Marines.

Once you have around 8 Marines, push out with 1 to 2 Vultures.

If the Zerg has seen your Factory, he'll think you'll be going either 2 Starports or Mech.

As a result, the Zerg wouldn't build too many Sunkens.

The Zerg would probably make a Hydra Den instead.

Use your Vultures as hit targets for the Sunkens, & use the Marines to deal the main damage.

Even though the Zerg went for a 2 Hatch, the timing of this build is pretty fast.

If the Zerg is unable to scout you, its unlikely for him to expect this kind of attack.

Therefore, its inevitable that the Zerg will be dealt major damage.

One thing to note is, at the 11 o' clock position, the Overlord shouldn't spot you moving. It's because I circled around.

On the map Fighting Spirit, Zergs tend to send their Overlords clockwise in order to scout the natural first.

In this case, I'm at the 11 o' clock. As the Zerg is at the 1 o' clock, he probably sent his Overlord to the 5 o' clock first.

If I was at the 1 o' clock & the Zerg at 5, he'd send his Overlord to the 7 o' clock.

In that case, his Overlord would reach me a bit later.

You should move out before the Overlord spots you.

If the Overlord spotted your Marines moving out, he'd build Sunkens in time to block your rush.

Once again, this type of rush works most effectively when the Overlord scouts the opposite direction of your base.

For more infomation >> HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 19 ): 2 Starport Fake ( to 3 Rax Push ) - Duration: 5:27.


3 Million Non-Residual Medication That Everybody Still Throws When Chicken Fetish - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> 3 Million Non-Residual Medication That Everybody Still Throws When Chicken Fetish - Duration: 5:18.


SAAB RADIO CODE? - Q&A Part 1 - Trionic Seven - Duration: 14:04.

No, I'm not

For more infomation >> SAAB RADIO CODE? - Q&A Part 1 - Trionic Seven - Duration: 14:04.


HiyA's TvT Guide ( Lesson 13 ): 2 Factory, FE ( to 4 Tank Rush ) - Duration: 8:14.

In this TvT match, I'll be showing you the 2 Factory, FE to 4 Tank rush build.

I actually used this build in a Starleague match against Sea in the past, and won.

Although I did use this build in the past, I tweaked a build I learned from the KT Team's coach in the past to form this one.

This build is used in a TvT match. First off, make SCV's until 9 supply.

Build a Supply Depot with your 8th SCV.

Build SCV's until 12 supply.

Most TvT builds actually start off by building a Barracks, then building a Refinery at 12 gas.

Build a Barracks when your minerals are near 200.

Then, make a Refinery afterwards.

These are the basics for a TvT build.

You can either scout now, or at 12 to 13 supply. It's up to you.

Build SCV's until 15 supply.

Build another Depot before your Barracks is completed.

You should still be at 15 supply.

There's no need to control the # of SCV's on gas. Make a Marine, then put up a Factory at 16 supply.

If in case the opponent scouts you first, you don't need to really hide anything.

Showing him 2 Factories is actually better for you.

Make a Factory. Then make SCV's until 19 supply.

When the Marine is out, block the ramp with it.

Scout with both your Barracks, as well as your SCV.

When you have another 200 minerals, make your 2nd Factory.

It doesn't really matter much if your enemy sees your 2 Factories.

Make another SCV to put you at 20 supply. Build your 3rd Depot.

Keep your SCV's mining. Build a Vulture.

Your supply should now be at 22.

Even when your 2nd Factory is completed, don't build anything yet.

It seems he's going for a 1 Factory, FE.

Now, build a 2nd CC at your natural.

Don't build any SCV's after you've started your CC.

Gather 100 minerals, then attach the add-ons for your Factories.

Attack any scouting Barracks with your Marine.

Once again, it actually doesn't matter if your opponent see your 2 Factories now.

In this case, my opponent actually started building a Tank quickly.

If he were to see 2 Factories in my base, he would actually start making Vultures.

This would actually be advantageous for me.

After the add-ons are attached, make 1 more SCV.

When the 2 add-ons are completed, you should have 300 minerals. Make 2 Tanks.

Make another SCV. When resources are available, upgrade Vulture Speed.

Then, make another 2 Tanks.

While you keep producing SCV's, upgrade the Mine capability.

Actually, my supply is limited right now. I don't need to build a Depot, however.

By the time my supply is limited, my natural expo is completed.

Send some SCV's to your natural. Upgrade the Vulture Mine capability, then make Vultures.

There are a couple of advantages to this build.

Although my expo was slow, I still do have one after all.

My opponent went for a fast add-on, and was able to get 2 Tanks out.

On the other hand, I will soon have 4 Tanks.

While my 4 Tanks are out, I would be upgrading Vulture Speed & Mine at the same time.

Keep building Depots from this point forward.

You can then start pushing.

You must use your Barracks to see if the enemy's Vulture has mines, or is speed-upgraded.

I win in the Tank count, I just need to worry about mines.

If the Vultures have mines, they are very cumbersome to deal with.

Because this Terran went for a fast add-on, his Mine upgrade was very quick.

Our positions are in a diagonal.

He'll probably place mines along paths that are commonly used.

Meaning, here & here. The middle. Etc.

He won't be able to place the mines close together. They'll be scattered.

My Tanks will circle around.

Did you see the mine's location ? Just use the Hold command with your Tanks.

Attack the Vultures. Proceed slightly, then use the Hold command when any mines are in sight.

I also have Vultures with me. Proceed slowly, and Hold.

I won't have less units than him for sure. As long as I defuse the mines, this will be a win on my part.

Just to compare, he went for a fast add-on.

I have 4 Tanks & 5 Vultures, while he has 4 Vultures & 2 Tanks.

I guess he thought he was going to be able to block my attacks with mines.

This build will also require you to build a Starport.

Although I do have an expo, I'm rather poor in economy.

As you can tell, I only have 9 SCV's at my natural while my enemy has over a group of SCV's.

In the worst case that I'm not able to push, I will never be able to win the center battle.

That's why I've built a Starport. I'd need to use Dropships to startle the enemy.

Although, he did GG..

This build does have a disadvantage however.. In a TvT match, there are always counters to all builds.

This build won't be able to beat a 2 Starport build.

Against 2 Starports, I would either have to not make Tanks.

I could then upgrade Vulture Speed & Mine ASAP for harassment, but then the opponent would be able to block the ramp with buildings.

In TvT matches, the build order is very important.

There is a build for everything.

There's also another big disadvantage.

This build is very weak to 2 Rax, FE.

Because of this, I try to scout ASAP to see my opponent's intents quickly.

If the opponent also goes for 2 Factories, I can just upgrade Vulture Speed & Mine while using Vultures.

All while going for a Starport secretly.

If he went for a 1 Starport, I would only make 2 Tanks. Then with the Speed & Mine upgraded Vultures, I would harass.

A strong opponent would block this & buy time with an Armory.

Anyways, if I use this method of attack and it works, good.

If it doesn't, build your Starport ASAP.

You would have to try to lead an air battle, along with Dropships, although I'm a bit poor.

I'll end the tutorial here.

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