Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

So where have you been, we are friday-ing!?

Welcome to another episode of Price Rangers!

My name is Ranger Michi! My name is Ranger Paul!

And together we don't fear cheap gear and are testing cheap stringed instruments. In today's episode we take a closer look at the

Harley Benton MS-60 CA limited edition 2016 in candy apple red with

racing or competition stripes for a retail price of approximately

129 Euro/112 GBP/145 USD

A bargain!

Under the shiny glittering red laquer coat sits a basswood body

with a bolt-on neck made of Canadian maple

topped with a cherry. No. With a glued on rosewood fretboard.

And two Wilkinson Live Vintage Style single coils

each one equipped with an on/off switch, but they share a volume and tone control.

No trem system here but a tune-o-matic bridge as on the Les Paul models

which is a nice upgrade even to the real deal: an original Fender Mustang

that usually comes with a crappy bridge that really can't hold the strings in place.

Cheap gear, cheap chords.

Sounds a bit out of tune for my ears?

Well, pitiful enough that Ranger Paul is right, in addition to that I have to admit that the guitar really is out of tune.

Since the intonation hasn't been setup correctly at the factory, I tried to correct that

but there just isn't enough way to travel for the screws. That's as good as it gets!

Just as the Squier Mustang we already reviewed in another clip we like the short scale when playing chords

since we don't have to reach out that far,

but the fat neck profile makes it less comfy to play.

That's a tough one, isn't it?

Yeah. You have to force the tones out of this guitar. And I don't have any fun.

I'll give it a try.

I tried my very best but since these single coils don't push hard from the bottom as I want them to... juice, no color, no force... she can't handle metal tunes.

You can judge for yourself how this guitar sounded in your ears but we give you a helping hand considering craftmanship.

The paintjob here is a bumpy road or even a dirt track as you can see many black spots in the red lacquer.

You just get the shiny impression when you step some feet away from it.

The white racing or competition stripes are not painted on thoroughly

and the neck fitment is a really rough one.

But a least the tuners are bolt on tight and can hold the out-of-tune-tune.

The pickups are far from convincing and adding the tricky playability it's a total lack of fun.

This guitar spreads the odor of old department store gear that looks nice but just can't be adjusted and so doesn't push you to develop your play.

And these on/off switches... are just... driving. Me. Mad!


It shouldn't be that hard at all:

There's on, there's off but

you will surely mess that up during play.

It seems a clear verdict from us isn't that far away!

Three. Two. One!!!

Tonne! (trash!)

Please subscribe to our channel and get noticed when a new clip is online.

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if you want to buy your gear at thomann from Bavaria.

Thank you for watching and tune in next Friday for a new clip of ours.

In the meantime you can join us on social media like

See you next time and stay cheap :-)!

For more infomation >> Harley Benton MS-60 CA LTD Edition - Duration: 6:03.


Tarta de queso con Nutella y Oreo (cheesecake sin horno) - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Tarta de queso con Nutella y Oreo (cheesecake sin horno) - Duration: 6:07.


GIVEAWAY UPDATE! People Who Entered Watch This!! (Ending At June 4th) - Duration: 2:41.


*Music And Bad Gameplay*

For more infomation >> GIVEAWAY UPDATE! People Who Entered Watch This!! (Ending At June 4th) - Duration: 2:41.


【MD】【ARK Survival Evolved 方舟 生存進化 】好久不見,方舟! - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> 【MD】【ARK Survival Evolved 方舟 生存進化 】好久不見,方舟! - Duration: 5:24.


БУЗОВА - РЕАЛЬНОЕ "ЧУДО" (02.06.2017) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> БУЗОВА - РЕАЛЬНОЕ "ЧУДО" (02.06.2017) - Duration: 1:13.


이 목소리는 반칙아닌가요? BLANC7의 K-kidこの声…反則でしょう!That voice..! He's got it all! BLANC7's K.Kid::Makestar - Duration: 2:02.

Hello~ Global Star Makers~

I'm BLANC7's second vocal, K.Kid

I had originally intended to film a meokbang

but since I only have 101 seconds ㅠㅠ

Instead, I'm going to sing Ha Dong Kyun sunbae's <Sound of tears>

Ready to fall for K.Kid's charms?

Thank you~ Bye~

For more infomation >> 이 목소리는 반칙아닌가요? BLANC7의 K-kidこの声…反則でしょう!That voice..! He's got it all! BLANC7's K.Kid::Makestar - Duration: 2:02.


Professor revealed two signs leading to stroke if not after 2 days, everyone must know - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Professor revealed two signs leading to stroke if not after 2 days, everyone must know - Duration: 4:02.


Golden Time Club. Презентация Компании и Маркетинга. Бизнес с Golden Time. - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> Golden Time Club. Презентация Компании и Маркетинга. Бизнес с Golden Time. - Duration: 21:44.


Mal influenciados por Trump | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:27.

Brazilian writ

We're back, folks!

Let's welcome out our next case with a quote

by American politician Henry Lewis Stimson.

It reads,

"The only deadly sin I know is cynicism."

He's right. We've become quite the cynics.

Bring out the litigants.

She has her rights

and I won't let anyone take them away from her.

Justice is blind, but I know you're not.

-Good afternoon and welcome. -Good afternoon, ma'am.

-Johan, you're the plaintiff. -Yes, ma'am.

Tell me who Ximena is, why you're suing her,

and what you're requesting to settle this case.

Okay, ma'am.

Ximena is my daughter's mother.

Sarah's American like me.

-An American citizen? -Yes.


-Were you born in the U.S.? -Yes, ma'am.

-In the United States? -Yes.

-How about your parents? -They're also from here.

Them too, huh?

My grandparents are from Mexico.

Ah! Okay.

-So you have Mexican roots. -Yes, ma'am.

Okay. Perfect.


She's the mother of your child, but you're not married.

-No, ma'am. -Alright.

What's going on then?

-I need full custody... -Full custody of your child.

-Why? -Because Ximena's afraid.

Donald Trump said he's sending undocumented people like Ximena

-back to Mexico. -She's undocumented.

She wants to take my daughter with her and I won't allow it.

I need my daughter, an American citizen like me,

to stay here in the States.

Lots of people believe in Donald Trump

and the numbers show it.

-It's going to happen, ma'am. -No, it won't.

Now, as a Trump supporter

who's against undocumented people,

tell me how you ended up having a daughter

with an undocumented person.

How could your tiny little penis

impregnate this lady's undocumented vagina?

Enlighten me!

-What happened... -It's hard to fathom

how you can be such a cynic and a hypocrite.

I was in a relationship with someone for many years.

We were going through a rough patch

so I was single at the time.

-I was alone. -I was just a fling.

Go ahead. Tell her.

She used to sell lunch at my job.

When she found out I was single,

she started coming onto me and flirting with me.

You lying jerk!

You were the one telling me,

"Hey, beautiful, let me buy all your burritos.

Give me your number. You're so pretty.

Do you want to go out?"

He's lying, ma'am. We started going out...

So at the end of the day,

this undocumented girl drove you crazy,

because you're such a man.

And you didn't have a condom with you?

No, ma'am. We were just fooling around.

I didn't want to marry her or have anything serious.

Tell her the truth.

Don't be such a cynic, you pathetic -------!

Forgive my language,

but this man went to my house and met my brothers.

You wanted to formalize our relationship...

Here's the thing...

I did go to her house, but the moment I arrived,

ICE got there with dogs and guns, and you know why?

Because her brothers were drug dealers.

After seeing that I lost all interest in her.

I was scared.

And you're an American citizen.

As a citizen, I can't take part in all that.

That's why I left her.

But she was already pregnant.

Well, I later realized that...

-I sought you out! -She called and texted me.

We both had to take responsibility for the child!

She just wanted to legalize her situation in the US.

-Understood. -I thought she was lying.

She's a liar.

-A lying undocumented slut... -Her brothers are...

Your brothers are dealers.

That's beside the point!

Did you recognize your daughter?

After she was born,

I wanted to make sure she was my daughter

so I demanded a paternity test.

I have it here. May I?

Here's the DNA test that proves Sarah's my daughter.

Okay. Perfect.

And after that...

She was given my last name because she's my daughter.

She's an American citizen.

She lives here in the US. And I want her to stay here.

I gave her your last name because you promised me

we'd get married and become a family.

He even told me he'd eventually help me with my papers.

Now, that was not the reason I got pregnant and you know it.

I loved him, ma'am.

-He left me when I... -Hold on, please.

So, by the time your daughter was born,

you had already made up with your ex.

Yes, ma'am. We're back together.

Right now you're married to another woman, right?


-And Sarah's my only child. -That you know of.

And you're so scared of Trump deporting her...

Not me, her.

She confessed she was taking Sarah to Mexico

if that were to happen.

And it's going to happen, ma'am.

That's why I'm asking for full custody.

Sarah's my daughter.

She's an American citizen and as such,

she has to stay in the country.

Okay. Perfect.

Ximena, how do you respond?

Ma'am, I'm desperate.

I'm not going to lie. I'm terrified.

I'm depressed. I can't sleep.

I'm not comfortable. I'm scared.

How long have you been in the country without papers?

A little over 10 years.

I came to the States with my brothers.

Unfortunately, they were hanging with the wrong crowd,

which I have nothing to do with.

-Have you ever been arrested? -No, no...


Any citations, tickets, nothing?

I don't drive. I take the bus everywhere.

So you're living under the radar, huh?

No one knows. No one's bothered you.

And that why I live in fear. I'm hiding all the time.

Now with Donald Trump...

Is that how you're going to raise Sarah?

Shut it, please.

I don't know what to do with you.

I need help.

I need you to please understand.

He harasses me.

He calls me and tells me he's calling Immigration.

"Give me back my daughter."

Now she's your daughter, huh?

After I looked for you for over two years?

After telling you I was pregnant

and begging you to stay with me?

"No, you only want me for the papers.

-because you're undocumented." -That's all you wanted, though.

Tell me something, Ximena. Why are you here?

Why did you come to the show?

What are you looking for?

After all, you could've grabbed your daughter

and left for Mexico, leaving this whole mess behind.

I want to know what you're doing here.

I'm here to show you...

Not to this bastard, because he doesn't deserve it.

But to show you that even though I don't have papers,

I'm a mother and I want to do the right thing.

I'm scared.

Donald Trump terrifies me.

He incites racism

and pushes people like this man to intimidate us

and take advantage of us.

I want to go back to Mexico and take my daughter with me

so I can give her a better future.

Who do you have in Mexico?

Do you have family? A job? Someone to help you there?

Unfortunately, I only have an aunt there.

She's helping me by letting me stay at her place.

My plan is to get a job and come out of the shadows.

Because that's how you live here.

You have to hide if you want to work.

That why I want him to give me signed consent

to take my daughter to Mexico.

You want his consent to take her with you then.

Okay, listen to me.

-Is she here with you? -Yes, ma'am.

Okay, listen.

I want to see her behind the scenes to protect her identity.

-How old is she? -She's six months old.

Six months. Okay.

I'm going to go see her during the break.

No one will see her but me.

I want to see what condition she's in.

Now, you're countersuing him for his permission

That's our case.

-You have a witness, right? -Yes.

Please bring out the plaintiff's witness.

I saw their child behind the scenes during the break.

She's a healthy, clean six-months-old baby.

She looks well fed, and she seems to be in good condition.

This baby's been living with her mother up until now, right?

-Yes, ma'am. -Okay.

This is the baby's birth certificate

that was given to him by a court of law,

showing him as her biological and legal father.

Good afternoon. What's your name?

Good afternoon, ma'am. My name's Lorena.

I'm Lorena. Johan's wife.

I'm here because ever since we got married two months ago,

this woman's done nothing but threaten us.

-She calls to threaten me... -No, I don't.

-You're crazy. -Wait a minute, Ximena.

Let me listen to her.

She's been threatening me, telling me,

"Either you and your husband leave me and my daughter alone,

or one of these days you'll wake up without a husband."

Her brothers are criminals.

One of these days either one of us will end up dead.

Can you imagine what's going to happen to that child

under her care?

That child is an American citizen.

This is all speculation, though.

People come here to speculate.

You're crazy!

People like to come here to speculate in my presence.

There's no legal basis to what you're saying.

I'm speaking.

Bring out the defendant's witness.

Who do you think you are to take my daughter from me?

Go and have your own children.

See how she reacts? She's crazy.

She can't control herself.

-Go have your own children! -Control yourself!


Thank you.

-She's crazy. -Silence I said!

What's your name?

Good afternoon, ma'am. My name's Tony.

I work With Johan and I know what a coward he is.

I've had his back for too long and I'm done with it.

He's a liar and a player.

-This man? -Yes, ma'am.

Not true!

He likes to sleep around.

Especially with women without documents.

He thinks they're easy.

"All you have to do is promise them a ring, papers,

and they're ready to sleep with you."

That means he prays on undocumented women, right?

How sad.

Because at the end of the day, he's Hispanic.

He might think he's white going...

"I want custody, ma'am.

I want custody of my daughter."

And he might see himself as white,

but the blood flowing through his veins is Mexican blood...

Hispanic blood.

How sad.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I've been covering for him for too long and I'm fed up.

Last time I helped him out, this lady went to our job,

baby in hand, looking for him, and he hid from her.

-Because he disappeared, ma'am. -What were you doing at my job?

You were trying to decide if she was your daughter or not.

Dr. Angel Leal.

Why don't you tell her you slept with me after...

-He told me, though. -Oh, he did, did he?

Why won't you have your own baby then?

Stop trying to take her away from me.

She's my daughter, too!

Why won't you have your own baby?


-Have your own kids! -Silence.

-Silence! -Have your own!


-Can you have children? -No, ma'am.

Oh! Now I get it!

Now I see why you want to take her away from me.

You don't understand because you're not a mother.

That jerk knocked me up!

-Okay. -Now I get it, ma'am!

Okay. Go back.

Now I see why this bastard

wanted to take my daughter away from me!

We wanted to keep your daughter to...


Everybody shut up! Enough.


Has there been any news?

Has anything happened?

Has a new immigration law been passed

or are we still the same?

We're still the same.

The defendant's in no real danger of being deported.

She has the right to being tried by Immigration.

In fact, there are three stages to an immigration process.

There's the undocumented person,

the one on trial and the one with a letter of deportation.

The undocumented person

has the right to be tried by Immigration.

She'd qualify for cancellation of deportation

under the ten year statue since she has American daughter.

What we need is to educate ourselves more, then.

People need to understand there are resources and options

that'll help them stop living in fear

because of some people's threats.

"I'm better than you

because I'm an American citizen and this and that."


-She's at the beginning of... -Shut up!

I know what she wants. Shut up!

-You go and adopt a baby! -Exactly!

She's at the beginning of an immigration process

that could take years, depending on...

But she's never been detained or anything, though.

It doesn't have to be a mandatory sentence...

She's in limbo.

And she has the right to be tried by Immigration.

Are there any steps she needs to take?

At this moment, she could qualify

for a differed action at the prosecutor's discretion

to be tried and ask for the ten years.

But it wouldn't be appropriate because it'd be irrelevant.


Now, going back to this particular case...

-Is he paying child support? -All he gave me was $150.

-Do you have a job? -Yes.

-Do you have a good salary? -Yes.

-Really? -Yes.


You're going to give me your income.

We'll also get hers and do the math

to find out how much child support

you'll be paying Ximena for your baby before going home.

I'll deny you your daughter's custody

because I'm sure you don't care about her.

You're nothing but a cynic who preys on undocumented women

because according to you, they're easier.

I feel sorry for the lady in yellow

because you'll never be faithful to her.

You're a cynic and a jerk!

And since no one gave you visitation rights,

you're on your own.

I'll deal with your child support.

Your claim is denied.

That's my ruling. It's final. Case closed!

Be kind, be careful, get educated,

give respect to get respect, and may God help us!

See you next time!

Come right back.

CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK (305) 887-3060

For more infomation >> Mal influenciados por Trump | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:27.


Johny Johny Yes Papa 2 Fruits and Vegetables | Song for Children | Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs - Duration: 3:03.

Johny Johny Yes Papa 2 Fruits and Vegetables Song for Children Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa 2 Fruits and Vegetables | Song for Children | Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs - Duration: 3:03.


This Ring Costs Billions (Only Two In Game Atm) - Duration: 2:15.


For more infomation >> This Ring Costs Billions (Only Two In Game Atm) - Duration: 2:15.


Марина Федункив высмеяла Ольгу Бузову и ее нелепый наряд (02.06.2017) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Марина Федункив высмеяла Ольгу Бузову и ее нелепый наряд (02.06.2017) - Duration: 1:14.


Seoul says new U.S. sanctions reaffirm Trump Administration's will to denuclearize North Korea - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Seoul says new U.S. sanctions reaffirm Trump Administration's will to denuclearize North Korea - Duration: 0:36.


Playing with a new friend | ROBLOX Arcane Adventures - Duration: 10:12.

Hello Youtube! today Ive being playing with my new friend.

and this time its a she. and her name is MushyLovesUnicorn11, I sub her because of her nice drawing in her new videos.

her channel and roblox profile is in the description and also shout out to her too. :)

Enjoy the video :D

helping out mushy's quest is good :)

it is annoying when Marua keeps spamming Dark Pressure on meh

Press Q already lol


doing some showcase to my friend for a bit

I hope Marua doesnt use Dark Bomb appears if Marua chokes players will avoiding damage from Dark Bomb? very impossible

Im using this colossal cutlass for farming strength and PvPing

also theres FAQs for Musho and its also in the description below

Mushy, you dont need to swim to the ship, there is a way, just jump up to grass terrain of this island and run onto the ship and then high jump, and you should landed on my ship.

I think thats all I wanna to know right now because shes about to go

For more infomation >> Playing with a new friend | ROBLOX Arcane Adventures - Duration: 10:12.


Advisory committee to work on improving irrigation system for farms - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Advisory committee to work on improving irrigation system for farms - Duration: 0:38.


Was zählt beim Berufseinstieg? – AXA Vorsorge - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Was zählt beim Berufseinstieg? – AXA Vorsorge - Duration: 4:49.


Ce qui compte lors de l'entrée dans la vie active? – AXA Prévoyance - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Ce qui compte lors de l'entrée dans la vie active? – AXA Prévoyance - Duration: 4:49.


DOs & DON'Ts: China | AIFS Deutschland - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> DOs & DON'Ts: China | AIFS Deutschland - Duration: 8:19.


Alexander Rybak, Julie and Philip Cecil - Kveldsåpent 30.5.2017 - Duration: 10:31.

Hilde: We have got great company, several people have joined us in the studio.

H: We start by saying good evening and welcome to you, Alexander Rybak.

Alexander: Good evening Hilde. H: Good evening, good evening.

H: You don't come alone, you brought Philip Cecil with you. Good evening to you too Philip.

Philip: Good evening. H: And everything is okay with you two?

A: Yes, now we are real friends visiting NRK. That's great.

H: That's nice.

H: The thing is that you two are now collaborating making sweet music together. Is it sweet music or just music?

A: It's very sweet and... P: A good mix.

A: Yes, it is music that goes across several genres, just like I love, you know.

Experimenting to see what you can use the violin for.

H: Yes, right.

H: Philip, if I accidentally met you in the street, and asked you what kind of music you are making. What would you tell me?

P: Then I would have answered that I do different things.

I started this year making Russe songs ( for graduating youths) using the alias Rephil together with one from my class at NOROF.

And I make kind of tropic pop music, but I am open for other genres too.

H: Where did you start musically?

P: When I was little I started playing the piano. Took some lessons, but I found it a bit boring.

Had to do standard stuff, and was always told what I had to learn to play. So I quit, and started learning on my own.

P: It took a bit longer time, but that's how it went.

H: So he didn't want to do what you are doing, Alexander? A: Yes, something like that.

A: But if we go some steps back to what you said that if you had met Philip on the street,

I don't think you would manage to say anything at all. Because he looks like a Greek God.

A: On the way up here, we met many girls that just fainted when they saw Philip.

H: So there is a long path of fainted ladies behind you.

A: I'm jealous. P: It was Alexander they were looking for, but ...

A: They were looking for me, but found Philip.

H: How did you two get to know each other?

P: It was accidentally. I know Alexander's girlfriend, Julie.

P: Julie, say hi! We brought her with us. H: Julie?

Julie: Hi, hi! Good evening. H: Good evening.

P: I met them accidentally in the street, and I asked if we could take a lunch or a meeting.

P: And one thing led to another and it ended with a single.

A: Yes, and it is very funny to hear that I finally managed to make this fiddle to fit into new modern EDM music.

A: There are many who have tried... there are many producers and DJ's who have invited me here and there.

But I have never had the belief. But Philip has found the beat and a sound that really fits the violin.

A: So I am very pleased.

H: And the song you have released is called "Looking My Way". What kind of song is it? Who made it, by the way?

P: It's us two. Good collaboration.

A: It is always the one who gets the idea first, I will call the main composer, and it was Philip who had the idea.

A: Then I added melody and lyrics, and it became a love song.

P: A lot of back and forth with ideas. We have done just as much both of us. But thank you for the credit.

H: Let's hear the song. A: Yes, please.

H: Here it is "Looking My Way"

My, my way

My, my way

My. my way

I love the way you shake my lonely heart

I love the way you shake your lower parts

I love the fire in your eyes tonight

Girl, you do everything just right

But what I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my way You're looking my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my, my, my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my way You're looking my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my, my, my way

I love the colour on your lovely mouth

It's telling me what you're all about

Darling, I love every move you make

A real woman in a world of fakes

I love the way you shake my lonely heart

I love the way you shake your lower parts

I love fire in your eyes tonight

Girl, you do everything just right

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my way You're looking my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my, my, my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my way You're looking my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my, my, my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my way You're looking my way

What I love the most is that you're looking my way

You're looking my, my, my way

My, my way. My, my way. My, my way

My, my way. My, my way. My, my way

H: "Looking My Way" was the song you just heard. Philip Cecil and Alexander Rybak in good interaction.

A: Wasn't it fun? H: You were right in that with the fiddle, Alexander.

A: It is very seldom that the fiddle fits in this kind of sound. But Philip Cecil managed.

H: Why doesn't a fiddle usually fit to this sound? Tell us, you who should know this.

A: I, who have studied pedagogic, would rather prefer to tell why it fits this time. H: Okay.

A. It is because there are chords that have a jazzy effect. H: Okay.

It is very often only one or maximum two chords in a song in EDM,

but Philip has chosen the more classical version where you have chords that pull each other .

A: I am not going to give a thesis about it now, but it is easier to be jazzy in such a song.

H: Philip, you have been around and learned a lot.

H: In 2015 you were in LA. P: Yes.

H: Intern for a guy with the name Andreas Schuller. P: That's right.

H: He has worked with, for example, Justin Bieber, and was nominated for a Grammy for that job. Why did you go there?

P: I got an offer from him. He knows my cousin, Martin Daniel. I stayed with him when I was visiting.

P: And I got an offer as soon he heard what I was working with, so he asked if I was keen on taking an Internship.

So I did. It was not difficult to say yes to that. It was fun.

H: What did you do in that job? P: A lot of different stuff, "stemz(?)". Not sure if that gives you any meaning.

P: It was a lot of different things. And it was very inspiring to see how creative they work

and how playful he was when he was in the studio. And how few rules he related to.

H: What was the most important you learned?

P: Not to think so much. Just follow the music and do what feels natural there and then.

Not think too much about rules due to what should have been correct.

A: Maybe that's why it worked with the fiddle this time, because you didn't think what's normal but what worked.

H: Yes, right.

H: When you think about the classical instrument the violin, there are a couple of rules to follow. A: At least.

A. But I have eventually... I have realised the last years that my

A: career is about experimenting and showing that you can use your talent many, many different ways.

A: And all the genres that reflect the music are lovely. So I try to do all sorts of things. H: That's great.

H: And what are the plans for the future?

P: It's incredible fun to see that the song is so well received.

P: Incredibly cool to be selected as the "Single of the week" on NSP Music.

H: That's something. A: Yes, that was fun. P: That was really fun.

P: I will continue making songs and hopefully please people and maybe make them shake the dance floor a bit extra.

A: It is lovely continuing all ones projects when you see that what you already have done inspires people.

A. But my bright future sits next to me here ; "Julie, are you okay?" (Julie replies, but can't hear what she says.)

J: Now I was bit rude, sorry, I didn't mean to. (just joking) P: Now I am embarrassed. P: It's getting hot in here.

H: Alexander Rybak and Philip Cecil, thank you for coming to "Kveldsåpent" tonight.

P: Thanks for having us. A: Thank you for inviting us. Have a nice summer. P: Have a nice summer.

H: Thank you. And we must say goodbye to you too, Julie.

J: Good bye and have a nice summer.

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