Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Bake the product in the oven at (110°C - 130°C) for 10-15 minutes

Liquid clay and brown dry pastel

Bake the product in the oven at (110°C - 130°C) for 10-15 minutes

For more infomation >> DIY Dollhouse | Chocalate Cupcakes | Miniature Food - Polymer Clay Tutorial - Duration: 5:56.


波音リツ世界は私のです(ヲールドイスミネ)The world is mine+sub - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 波音リツ世界は私のです(ヲールドイスミネ)The world is mine+sub - Duration: 4:13.


Evlilik Programın Altında Çıkan Gerçekler Herkesi ŞOK ETTİ - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Evlilik Programın Altında Çıkan Gerçekler Herkesi ŞOK ETTİ - Duration: 3:19.





Azərbaycanda YouTube-da məhşur olmaq - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Azərbaycanda YouTube-da məhşur olmaq - Duration: 5:43.


Ode To Five Flatulent Wizards: Altered Beast - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Ode To Five Flatulent Wizards: Altered Beast - Duration: 1:59.


How To Recover Your Ex-Partner With These Simple Steps - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> How To Recover Your Ex-Partner With These Simple Steps - Duration: 1:45.



For more infomation >> TOP NASIL SEKTİRİLİR? | TOP SEKTİRME - Duration: 2:54.


Five Four Club Review - April 2017 Monthly Subscription Box - Duration: 5:18.

the bad guys Santos here with another review I got

the 5-4 club you see it five four five four you reading all the D subs if you

don't you can go check one of the videos where I explain if I just want to get

straight into the clothes I kind of already opened it I couldn't I couldn't

wait this is actually for the month of April and it is actually made so I had

made package coming this I wanted to get this video done so you got to see how it

is remember that discount code is down

below save map always have a different type of promo I'm not sure if it still

active but you can get a bomber for free and then you also say so it's a great

deal man check it out below so I actually have Obama right here this is

one um that they sent it's really really like nothing nothing too fancy nothing

too expensive here this is just a free bomb attack comes when you sign up if

you dead code if you Santos I believe so every like I said everything is down

below see it's a nice little jacket I'm not gonna lie it's thin but it's nice it

looks good it's something nice for the summer you know want to get some like a

windbreaker material so this is it this is the bomber so let's get it - lets get

right into main package we have three items in here usually two to four items

in the package it looks like I got two shirt and a sweater so I'm gonna try

this stuff on so you guys can see it but let's do this really really quick guys

alright so I still have my hat on my hair is a mess I had to keep the hat on

but this is one of the items I have I really like this shirt I actually have a

sweat suit from five for club with these same colors where it's gray and like an

off-white so this will probably look really really good with the same sweat

pants and you could just sort of switch it over but it's a plain shirt but I

love to fit I love the longer in the back I love the

v-cut shorter in the front the at first look I didn't really care for it but

actually on I like it a lot this is what it looks like you can see I like how it

has a little bit of white right here there's

a little bit of white right here just two little details I really like this

shirt I think thumbs up let me know what you guys think but let's get on to that

next item alright guys so this is the next item it's long

I believe it's supposed to be a longer shirt it see it has like a hem down here

and like a definite thread down here and then it loops it has a I don't know if

you guys can see but it has like a U shape that has U shape and it's a little

wrinkles but you know it was in the middle but it is what it looks like in

the back so it's one of those longer teeth the arms were really nice really

really comfortable and good material white t-shirt you know it's the

summertime that's how I they do two t-shirts in there I like both teachers a

lot let me know what you guys think about the t-shirt nothing special but

like I said this is just a nice comfortable t-shirt and it looks good

iron it up I'm gonna be looking clean in the white tee

next item into nice little hoodie let's see how's it so if I like the color I

don't have anything that color it's like uh I don't know what is this what color

is this customer says Heather teal so if it has a tail if something this is soft

a soft color answer just throw this all right on top it's going to fit good like

all of them do I've been a member for a long time like once you guys know I

really really like really enjoy their clothing and look perfect

okay so good doesn't mess with the Hat but like I said this hat is for to cover

this whoa that's crazy here I have underneath but this is what it looks

like on me looks good with the white t-shirt it has you know the pockets

right here we can zipper it up once you guys here and that's the specs of the

sweater fits really good fits really good guys up I love the way it fits on

the arms the length it's fitted like I said this shirt is a little bit longer

but I probably wouldn't wear this shirt with it but pockets nice sweatshirt

hoodie you know the zip up hoodie so dad for

three hours I got in the April package this is

very late but I just want you guys to see it - shirt sweater I'm happy with

all the items some good materials it's not some cheap old shirt I did some good

material surance I can compliment anywhere I go out for a club I've been a

member for so so long Mike I might do a walking on my closet because I have my

hope I have like half my closet 5 4 cup clothing and it's all really really nice

I wear it I get compliments so if you guys want to try it out like I said

links are down below have a good one

surfing's too small might've been a great brother supply and


For more infomation >> Five Four Club Review - April 2017 Monthly Subscription Box - Duration: 5:18.


Самые ДЛИННЫЕ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТЫ 2 часть #ИФ - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Самые ДЛИННЫЕ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТЫ 2 часть #ИФ - Duration: 4:26.


Signs Of The End Of Lower 3D Timelines - Duration: 8:59.

Signs Of The End Of Lower 3D Timelines

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.


People of the world will rise up against mind control and slavery, together we stand against

the use of monetary regulatory resources, government and religions as dominion tools,

the character of polarized negative beings, the human exploiters.

Some call it the thinning of the veil or simply the �Awakening�.

The Brexit was taken by UK fed up with the European Union destroying the invincibility

of the Archons in their planned NEW WORLD control . Clinton lost to Trump, lost credibility

of the MSM proclaiming Hillary is tops.

We all know Trump is a mistake, but this one seems an alternative than control of the Archons.

We awake, analyze these dark beings who started to control via consumerism-commercialism for

the last 200 years.

Of late the fatal use of drugs, vaccine, fluoride, chlorine on water, aerial plague/chemical

warfare and antibiotics to annihilate humanity, slowly but surely is discovered by the scientific

community, the better ones thru ICTM�. but some medical doctors are in the pockets of


Dark do not like what they see, humans awakening to their inherent divinity from implanted-

manufactured-DNA controls.

We are fragments of Source Energy and awakening is tapping within our hearts and minds, knocking

thru pineal glands from Source brilliant pure white light from Central Suns-Sol as portal.

The dark is on the run on their last hurrah with DG13 puppets.

They will try to repeat the flood of tears for humans thru fear, anguish and hate.

This is a repeat of Utnapishtim-Noah as at that period we start to ask questions, even

asked for alternative food eaten by the Gods to avoid death.

Can you imagine an idiot killing his beloved son in the guise of obedience to Yahweh!

Eons, nuclear power- war machines, possessions of Archons are unknown to humans, only the

possessions of �Gods�.

They can result to annihilation of earth or a whole country selected by the dark for fear


They have weather control, what the Russians and US have for destruction.

Our times, 21st century, they control destructive-military forces and government owned nuclear arsenals.

They even manipulate scientific advancements in all areas of space, military and economic


Dark leaders made Fukushima, Chernobyl and US nuclear �accidents� happen some of

which are unreported by MSM.

At the olden times, they dropped bombs in the seven cities of Nippur and Shuruppak in

Sumer and in our linear times at Hiroshima and Nagasaki for no reason at all as the war

is over and won by the west.

For effects they repeat dropping nuclear bombs in our cities, all acts of cowardice-annihilation

of and against earth-humanity as they know we are assisted at these linear times by lieutenants

of Source.

Our collective consciousness will overthrow the negative beings, the only cure for our

sufferings but we must act in unity and with collective effort.

Let us all work for it, on with our desire to graduate to 5D thru appropriate application

of virtues of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness.

We must attain the perfection of our virtuous intentions thru decisive actions for the collective

good of the planet-humanity.

Harmony among humans of all races will certainly be reality and unconditional love and peace

will reign in all planets of the Milky Way Galaxy, for which Earth is a cog in the rising

to a higher consciousness.


Human history is a repetition in many planets of the universe but the free will concept

is Infinity�s way of knowing His known ways with the decision given to a human to select

from a thousand choices.

The signs are imminent and intense energies fill the air that bothers our way of life.

Alternating Archons of million years had fantastic disguises of dominion over others that put

us in dire straits.

Other nations fall because of the dark deeds of one too dirty and greedy leadership.

You do not see them published as the negatively inclined beings and MSM love the dark too

much, negatively polarized owned by DG13.

MSM , FRB, central banks, politicians and leaders are on the same boat, controlled in

various ways but mostly thru money and corruption.

Research the only countries that disagree with the use of interest charges to people,

Iran or Saudi Arabia, who cares as they claim it is prohibited by God mentioned in their

sacred books.

Several days ago, PH Mindanao is in Martial Law since May 23, 2017 and as our leader said

IS hands, a part of the caliphates of the Middle East are everywhere closing in Abu

Sayyaf, Maute Group, Bangsa Moro, BIMM and new names keep cropping up in the list of

the military.


Religion, money and again slavery of the masses.

The west has a better way of controlling people, humans when US government authorize Federal

Reserve Bank -FRB to make money out of printing flat money when it has no inherent value.

We know DG 13 own FRB.

Get mum as assassination is true for JFK and Lincoln.

Imagine taxes levied and paid by all of us to liquidate a paper printing useless flat

paper and bonds sold to the world.

Government collect taxes, levies and fees to pay FRB-CB-DG13, ways of making the fat


Source Energy lieutenants are directed to depose and transfer these Archons/heirs to

other planets of darkness where they belong, to further undergo their evolvement in the

negative realm till they catch a spark of light.

Divine world is so gracious.

Everybody is allowed to evolve to the light without annihilation or destruction of races,

whether you are positive or ultra-negative.

Words coming to my mind from intuition-HS that I cannot tell real truth, but evolvement

must be in the million years for the dark.

What matter is time frame in the minds of beings, humans, humanoid or archons are all


History, spiritual nor metaphysical perspectives, even IN5D are unknown to darkness.

They are stuck to too much darkness, much to admire it.

All these are the real signs of our times, the loosening up of duality and separation,

the thinning of the veil, the transfer of archons to other dark pits of the Milky Way

galaxy, the awakening of some humans and the questioning of what we have been doing for


We learn to ask the relevance of money in our daily life, the meaning of abundance,

the relevance of religion or government.

Is there a better way to manage humanity/humanoids in this planet or other planets after granting

them free will?

Should the dark be invited to exploit a 3D world for the sake of experience?

Is electromagnetism the best way or portal to reach the light, or the positive way is

faster the negative to reach an integrative point to balance as designated by All That


All That Is has His ways.

All of us are on our path, to a beautiful portal of light, individual journey seeking

Him at 5D to the 12th and more experiences forthcoming for crystalline light beings.

Why not start early and get prepared, you can!

For more infomation >> Signs Of The End Of Lower 3D Timelines - Duration: 8:59.


Fast lover Somi "I cheer for all unnies and oppa's love" [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 19:35.

(The second half of the talk concert)

(Tell the Unnies!)

(The Unnies have more life experience)

(And the youths have things to tell them)

(Pleasant greetings and honest concerns)

(The colorful post-its come together)

(And now, the Unnies will see them!)

She's probably the only one around your age.

- Minzy is. / - I'm the class of 2014.

I was 1994.

Is that so funny? Class of 1994?

Looks like we all end in 4.

- I'm class of 2004. / - You are?

Our member Somi...

Might still be young

but she's a great speaker and deep thinker.

Right, Somi?

I am kind of deep.

Do you give advice to your friends often?

A lot of them tell me their concerns

so I do advise them a lot.

- I enjoy it. / - Advise them on what?



Mostly dating concerns.

Then you can give all the dating advice, Somi.

Sounds good, Sook.

Chaeyoung, what is your area of expertise?



I wonder if anyone is concerned about kids.

Jaeho's mom.

Can't I give dating advice too?

Or talk about looks.

- Looks? / - Knowledge on beauty.

I can do that.


She's actually great at giving advice.

It's like she can look into your soul.

She made Kim Yeongcheol cry like a baby

on "Knowing Bros."

Jinkyung, what area could you give some

good advice on?

- Kimchi. / - Kimchi?

I get a lot of questions

during kimchi making season.


Some of you young people might be

curious about starting a business...


I get a lot of questions about starting a business.


Let's look at an easy one.

I'll read this one.

"I want to see Chaeyoung act cute."

Time to act cute!

I didn't make this up.

This is embarrassing.

They've only seen it on TV

and not in person.


(Chaeyoung will act cute for the audience this time)

(Big smiles)

I'm Han Chaeyoung!

(So cute it makes you shudder)

(The guys love it)

We have a question for Somi.

"My problem is that I fall in love too fast."


(She's so cute)

Was that directed at me?

(She falls for guys fast)

You can't help being like that.

But once you start liking a lot of people,

eventually, you'll be in a relationship.

I root for your love, everyone.


This one looks like it's for Yewon.

"I love eating."

Yewon, you've been binge eating on the show.

- That's a question? "I love eating?" / - Yeah.

Let's see... Where's A28?

Please raise your hand.

Oh, it's that guy.

(A shy guy that loves to eat)

You love eating?

- Ah... Hello. / - I hear you just fine.

So you love...

(What a charming guy)

How much do you love eating?

I do double dinners.

- Not bad. / - You're still a beginner.

(Not bad? As expected from binge eaters)

You don't like food that much yet.

I've done a quadruple dinners before.

I went camping with Sook yesterday.

We ate 4 dinners together.

Since I don't drink...

Did you gain a lot of weight eating like that?

(His appetite made him gain weight)

- I gained a lot recently. / - How many kilograms?

I was too scared to weigh myself.

- I totally understand. / - So cute!

- That's so relatable. / - Yeah.

- Totally. / - We totally relate to that.

I ate so much that I gained 8kg recently.

She really gained 8kg.

- She gained 8kg doing this show. / - Yes.

Being on Sister's Slam Dunk.

But I've lost 7kg in 3 weeks.

And this is how.

I walked for 4 hours every day

throughout the day.

I was able to burn off everything I ate.

Do you have a girlfriend?

- No. / - Oh, you don't?

Who's sitting in seat H5?

This is a similar one.

"Food tastes too good."

You two belong together.

Do you have a boyfriend?

- No. / - That's great then.


Try to meet up on the way out.


(We hope they get together and they probably will)

So let's look at the next question.

For Jinkyung.

"I'm concerned because

I'm so tall that I can't even wear high heels."

Jinkyung, doesn't wear heels either.

They make her 2m tall.

Gosh, I think this is the toughest concern so far.

It's not like you can do anything about your height.

If you go to places where Germanic people live...

Like Germany.

The average height for women there is 178cm.

It might not be a bad idea to try living there.

(You can emigrate with Jinkyung)

Next question.

"I act and..."

"I'm trying to get over my slump."

Yes. A22.

So we have...

3 actresses here.

3 actresses here.

We have Chaeyoung.

And Yewon.

And an actress typecasted as a bum.

We have Jinkyung too.

"The Legend of the Blue Sea."

- Have you ever had an acting slump? / - Yes.

So when I was playing the role of a bum...

You have to really become a bum.

I'd eat things off the floor.

I gave it my all and found myself

immersed in that role.

That's all I have to say about that.

(Thank you)

I don't know if that's right.

People all have their destinies.


You might think someone will become successful...

But they don't.

Or someone you thought was a nobody

becomes really successful.

So if you think acting is the only way for you,

then give it your absolute best while you can.

If you have a goal to become like a certain actor,

you should run towards achieving that goal.

If you do, I think you'll definitely succeed.

I'll pray for you.

(Yewon will pray for you to become a great actress)

I'll read this one.

"I love singing..."

"How do I sing well?"

Who wrote this?

(This student wants to be a good singer)

Is it your dream to be a singer?

Becoming a singer was my dream at first

but I gave up on it.

My parents were against it.

I told you before.

(God Sook)

You don't have to listen to everything they say.

There are so many great singers in this world

and that makes me feel withdrawn.

I wasn't that good at singing from the start.

My throat would get hoarse after singing 2 songs.

So I practically gave up on singing.

What I did was

sing along to an entire CD. All 12 tracks.

I'd analyze the song as I sang.

I gave it my absolute best

and developed my own vocal style.

It's all about effort.

Effort has been a friend

that has never betrayed me.

I say just go for it.

It's important to give it a shot.

Just because someone tells you not to...

Or you feel like you're not good enough.

Should you give up?

No. You have to overcome that

if you want to succeed.

If you consider every factor, you can't start anything.

Life is a lot longer than you think.

I didn't understand why women

in their 30s and 40s trying stuff while working.

I was like, "Why?"

But now that I'm in my 40s,

even being 40 seems young.

You're 20 years old now.

Sky's the limit.

Try it out and if you feel it isn't for you,

you can try something different.

Even if you change paths several times,

you'll still be in your 20s.

Isn't that great? You're all so young.

You all should go for your dreams.

I'd like you all to do everything it takes

to achieve your dreams.

And don't be scared.

Let's see the next question.

"I'm a senior about to graduate soon.

I'm so worried about leaving school

and starting anew."

"Model, businesswoman and comedian Jinkyung."

It says you're a comedian.

(She's not a comedian, she's just really funny)

"How do I overcome my fears?"

We had a student who wanted to be a singer

and Sook told her

to go for her dreams since she's still young.

To continue from that...

I'll tell you how I overcame my fears.

When I became a bit famous working as

a celebrity in Korea,

I suddenly decided to go to Paris.

I'd be a total newbie there.

There was a chance I wouldn't go on the runway

and just be used as a fitting model.

But I wanted to be a model again.

I was making pretty good money then in Korea.

But I suddenly decided to go to Paris

because I wanted to become

a world-renowned model.

And I was really scared.

Because back then, models like

Park Duseon, No Seonmi and Song Gyeonghwa

only went to Paris when they were invited.

But for me...

I didn't do so well there.

I just wasted my time and money.

But my attempt then...

I'm not just saying this.

It was really meaningful.

If I hadn't gone to Paris then

I'd always feel regret

that I never tried.

"I could've been successful there."

I know I would've regretted it.

And now, I have no regrets at all.

I tried and failed.

So I was able to really put that behind me

and keep on moving.

Even if you fail,

you have to give it a shot

so you never look back and regret it.

You have to be brave.

Anything to add?

- Anything else? / - It's the same for men.

I felt like if I couldn't make this man mine,

I'd regret it so much later on.

Just be like whatever.

Better to be give it a shot than regret it later.

So I tried.

And I failed.

(Sad and funny)

So then you just put him behind you

and look for someone else.

Don't let embarrassment stop you.

Give it a shot and if it doesn't work out, that's it.

That should be your mentality

for dating, working, studying, you dreams...

Have the courage to try

and give it a shot.

"Unnies, I have not dream yet."

"Can you tell us how you decided

to work in your current professions?

Please give some advice..."

"To those people without a dream."

I had a dream in high school.

It was to act in movies.

But achieving your dream early

isn't necessarily a good thing.

I had a clear dream

but it didn't come true for 10 years.

I thought I was very misfortunate.

So whether your dream comes

early or late has nothing to do with happiness.

So do what you really want to do because

you never know when, how

or what your dream may be.

So try to live with hope.

I never really had a dream when I was younger.

I didn't really have any hobbies as a student.

I ended up becoming a celebrity by chance

from a visit to Korea.

I think it's important for people to

try various things that they never intended to.

Through that you could

find what you really love or even your dream

just like I did.

I want to tell you all that

it's not weird to not have a goal.

People are all different.

Some people know their dream very early.

And there are people out there that

find their dream when they're over 30 or 40.

I was 20 years old when I became a comedian.

I won silver in my college comedy festival

which is 3rd place.

And I became a comedian at a very young age.

Not because I was good.

Because my partner was good.

I wasn't hungry then.

I just took whatever work they gave me.

I didn't really care.

I spent around 7 or 8 years being unknown.

I won an award at KBS.

And later my goal became

to win an award before I quit...

At this TV station I'm a part of.

I started to get determined.

And I finally won an award last year.

It took me 22 years to achieve that dream.

So it's not about how soon you realize your dream

or pick a goal.

It's more important to find what makes you happy.

I think it's important not to waver

and continue walking on your path.

"My concern is that I get really nervous

speaking in front of people.

How are you so good at it?


Does Jinkyung's breath really smell that bad?"

(Evelyn's rumor really spread)

May I please explain?

- As Evelyn's older sister... / - Yes.

- I'd like to explain. / - Yes, please do.

I saw on the show

that before Jinkyung met Evelyn...

- She was eating squid! / - That's right!

It's the squid. That's not her natural smell.

I was chewing squid the entire time.

Yes, it was the squid.

Her breath doesn't smell at all.

- And J47 continues saying... / - It doesn't smell.

"I'd like to smell it."

Please come up front.


Didn't he write that he's scared of public speaking?

Didn't you write that you get embarrassed

doing things in front of people?


This is how he'll get over that shyness.

- Yes. / - Yes.

I caught a cold. Is that okay?

I have a really bad cold now.

- Is it okay? / - Yes.



How was it?

- I was just kidding. It doesn't smell. / - Oh, okay.


Didn't you get nervous walking around

in front of all these people?

- I think I'm over it now. / - Oh, really?

(He used his concern as an excuse)

You did it.

Jinkyung is doing a lot for you guys today.

(Keep using mouthwash, Jinkyung)

This one will be the last one.


- We can't.. / - More! More!

(Don't go)

Hold on.

We can't end this long lecture

talking about my breath.

Thank you so much for being here today.

I think I said a lot of good stuff...

But you're ending on my breath.

It's the perfect way to end this.

Sook, when we end this,

can we sing some of "Right?"

Because this student said he won't be able to

see from up close later at the performance.

(That's right)


Sing it live?

Do we have the song?

(Let them do it)

You can't play it through the speakers, right?

Not through the audio system, right?

- You can't? / - Let's sing it live.

- Let's just... / - Should we sing it live?

(That's so cool!)

Just the first minute. One minute.

The first minute?

(That means Sook's part isn't in it!)

The first minute.


Those students took their time

to wait in line from the morning.

Being among the students and talking to them...

I want to remember that passion and energy.

(Since we're a girl group, we'll perform for you!)

(Super excited)

(Still on point for this impromptu show!)

(Unnies! Ow!)

(Bubbly Somi comes first)

(Like G-Dragon)

(Walk out like a cat and do a body wave)

(They're so good)

(Looking more stable than they did on "Music Bank")

(Perfectly in-synch)

(They hop around with excitement)

(Trying to be even better on their last day)

(The Unnies look pretty today, right?)

(We're fabulous!)

(The two oldest Unnies go wild)



(The Unnies and the students are loving this)

Thank you.

This has been...

Shoot, shoot, shoot! The Unnies!

I loved how they spoke to us so sincerely

like we were their younger siblings.

Don't listen to your mom!

Your mom isn't always right.

It was thrilling!

It was super thrilling!

For real.

(You two should've sent a clip for the music video)

1, 2, 3.

(May 15th, 2017, Unnies talk concert at Konkuk)

For more infomation >> Fast lover Somi "I cheer for all unnies and oppa's love" [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 19:35.


Yewon overcomes her fear and stands alone on stage [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 10:35.

The Unnies had something great happen to them.

What is it?

- 1st place! / - Give them a big hand!


So we followed through

with a promise this morning.

We went to the closest bridge to our homes

and danced wearing hanbok.

So did anyone see us on the bridges?

- Me! / - Really?

So many of you came?

Then why didn't you come say anything?

I felt super awkward there by myself.

So... We prepared a lot of you all today.

It's a festival and all...

And if things really get heated up,

I'm just going to go party all night.

(Let's do it)

Should we get this party started?

(We're totally ready)

Nobody's cold?

(We're so hot)

They're hot.

You'll get hotter when you jump around with us later.


We'll be hearing a song from

one out of the seven of us.

We're going to be hearing...

Her solo track.

This means we'll need an instrumental.

- It can't be sung with no music. / - There's a piano.

- There's a piano. / - There's a piano, everyone.

We have brought along

a special guest today.

The greatest composer.

- The greatest composer. / - The greatest composer.

Unnies' "Right?"

- "Lalala Song." / - He made them!

The genius producer, Kim Hyungsuk.

(Running up on stage)

Please say hello to them.

Hello, I'm composer Kim Hyungsuk.

Nice to meet you.

This is very nice.

Watching this festival made me

feel like a college student all over again.

This is the happiest period of your lives.

Sister's Slam Dunk is about

achieving your dreams

and you're all in the process of achieving yours.

I'll be rooting for you all with the Unnies.

So could you...

Play the accompaniment?

You can play any song, right?

Yes, every song at karaoke.

(Just punch the numbers in)


We'll hear a solo track from one of our members.

(Who is it?)

(Jinyoung! Minzy! Somi!)

We'll be hearing Yewon sing a solo track.

Kang Yewon! Kang Yewon!

(She got a vocal cord nodule at her prime)

I got a vocal cord nodule.

I couldn't hit the notes so I avoided singing

and started to hate it.

I gave up ahead of time and ran away.

You're crying now because you like to sing.

But as I ran away

I still really wanted to do it

which made me feel resentful.

And that escalated into hate.

(Whenever she got a chance)

(She'd watch musicals from afar)

I want to find myself.

And I want to...

I want my emotions to be moved.

I want to be proven wrong.

I ran away like a coward and I want to be like,

"See? I knew I could do this.

I can do anything I put my mind to."

I want to be moved.

(It was still cold in February)

(Yewon went to a musical before the first shoot)

(Her first time visiting a cast member)

- Hello. / - Oh, hello.

Gosh, I'm about to cry.

(Musical actor, Jeong Seonghwa)

- Hello. / - Nice to meet you.

I haven't sang in 10 years.

There's this moment...

When the music and the emotions they carry...

And the emotions you want to express

are identical.

- And that pleasure you feel then... / - Yes.

Is indescribable.

It's beyond happiness.

So start off easy.

- That might be a good idea. / - Easy?

With a lot of preparation,

the performance becomes fun.

But without preparation performing becomes scary.

That's how much you have to practice.

Everyone should be surprised

at how much effort you put in.


And nobody's born with that.

(As a former comedian, he shattered people's biases)

Through effort and preparation.

That's what's amazing and noble.

So I really suggest

you practice more than others.

- A lot more. / - Yes.

Then you can overcome that. For real.

Try harder than others.

Sleep less and eat less than them.

No, you don't have to go that far.

- I meant... / - I have a motto in life.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead."

I've been telling myself that since I was young.

You'll die without sleep.


Sing to you...


- Is going to be a huge challenge for you. / - Right.

But it'll also become a happiness in your life.

It's not too high. You can do it.

- How can I sing that? / - It's okay. You can do it.

(This former classical singer struggled to sing)

(But she started again from the beginning)

That was good.

- What? / - I said that was good.

- Don't push. Pull the notes out. / - I see.

That part didn't sound like singing.

(Yewon continued to practice her singing)

Think you can do this?


Let's all give Yewon a big hand

as she goes to sing "I Have a Lover."

(Yewon is going to sing again)

- Gosh, Sook... / - Break a leg.

- What? / - Break a leg.

(The fear suddenly sets in)

What is it?

- Let's go! / - Go, Yewon!

(She composes herself after hearing the cheering)

Go, Yewon!



(They turn on their cell phone camera flashes)

("I Have a Lover" by Kang Yewon)

(Even more nervous)

Kang Yewon!

(She starts off quietly)

(Yewon sings with her trembling voice)

Gosh, Yewon sounds great.

(Kang Yewon)

(The crowd cheers)

(Her emotions start overflowing)

Yewon sang in front of all that people by herself.

She couldn't sing at all at first.

(They're so proud of her)

(She thought she'd never sing again)

(Yewon's voice sounds so sincere)

(More, more, more!)

(This is for my past self to see)

Thank you.


(Kang Yewon! Kang Yewon!)

Thank you.

(The cheering goes on for a while)

Some people say, "Is this a dream?"

The crowd made it the best moment of my life for me.

The memory of them chanting my name...

I want to remember that a long time

and I never want to forget it.

I want to remember that energy too.


Looks like we can wrap up the season now.

I felt so proud watching you sing up there.

(No, don't say that)

Think of how you first started.

You did it. You sang in front of all these people.

I have no regrets, Sook.

For more infomation >> Yewon overcomes her fear and stands alone on stage [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 10:35.


Talk concert for college students - sook & jinkyung's life talk [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 11:24.

(Konkuk University)

(Busy preparing for the festival)

(Things are upbeat on campus)

I resented you this morning.

- I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. / - Yeah.

I was resentful of you.

Didn't your ears itch?

- Yewon was really badmouthing you. / - Come on!

It's not like I made this promise

for my benefit, Sook.

No, we were so happy to do it.

We've been 1st for 4 days.

We're still in 1st.

I could dance on that bridge

all day if someone told me to.

Go then.

Go, Jinkyung.

Dance by yourself tomorrow morning.

Jinkyung, you really should watch your mouth.

Stop blurting things out.

I heard it's hard for a song to hit the roof in the charts.

- Today... / - We hit the roof again?

We should do a big bow.

But I'm wearing a skirt.

You're the only one doing it.

Can you please stop shooting off at the mouth?

- For real. / - Nobody's doing it?

They can't in those skirts.

- We can do it though. / - We can do it.

Thank you.

To the side.

We've been getting a lot of invites

to perform at events...

- And at universities. / - Yes.

So we're here at one of those universities.

Which is why we told you to dress like college kids.

Jinkyung, is that how you dressed in college?

Yes, because...

After I finished college...

- You modeled... / - I had to go clubbing.

I went to party a lot with Lee Yeongja.

We went to places like Miari.

Your outfit is the most like a college student.

- Somi. / - Right?

You have to study hard to get into schools like this.

- I'll try. / - Study hard...

- If you don't study... / - Send her to a good school.

You'll end up like Sook.

Do you want to live like me?

Then you should study hard.

She doesn't want to.

So you have something to do first.

This is an event

only for the first 380 people to arrive.

The students have been in line since 8 this morning.

- What? / - For what?

A talk concert.

(The oldest Unnies will give lectures for the first half)

(They'll hear out the students' concerns afterwards)

(A talk concert to connect with college students)

(The Unnies have arrived)


(The lecture hall is filled with students)

(They stood in line fighting off morning sleepiness)

(The students have been waiting for the Unnies)

(A girl group that can counsel too?)

(Am I a late bloomer?)

(I can't stand being in front of crowds)

(I'm considering changing my major)

(I want to be fashionable)

(I struggle with the generation gap)

(I'm afraid to go to karaoke)

(Can I start my own business?)

(Bet you've never seen a girl group like this!)

Wow, such a great reaction.

- Very hot. / - Hot indeed.

- So hot. / - It should be hot.

The Unnies need to be hot.

I guess we watch the lecture.

Gosh, I'm nervous.

What do I even talk about?

I just got chicken-bumps.

I mean goose bumps.

I said that wrong...


I'm going out to get ready.

- You guys make people nervous. / - I'll go tidy up.

- Let's go! / - Let's go!

This show is very odd.

It makes people nervous.

We always become so weak and vulnerable.

- Yeah! / - You get it, right?

I feel like this show takes me back

to my childhood when I had dreams.

That's why the show is relatable to many people.

Why am I first?

Gosh, this is nuts.

(Kim Sook, comedian and former gaming addict)

You all love her. It's Kim Sook!

(The students are pumped up)

Gosh... Nice to meet you.

You're pretty.

Very pretty.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

(She finally steps up on stage)


(But their cheering encourages her)

Gosh, looks like Sook is nervous.

Oh, no!

I'm in the first prime of my career.

I'm the comedian...

I'm the pretty comedian, Kim Sook.

Nice to meet you.

(Nice to meet you, pretty comedian)

I was up all night

trying to think of what to say here.

I should say something meaningful

but I'm not better than you guys in any way at all.

So I thought about it and I thought of one thing.

Something I can bring to the table.

It's that I'm really old.

Like twice your age?

I've lived a longer life than you all

and I'd like to talk about that.

I believe we all need our own standards.

Not standards set by others.

Your own standards you set for yourself.

But if you try to go by standards set by others,

you'll be unhappy your entire life.

That's why I'm going to refute something

that I heard when I was younger.

"Get along with your friends."

That makes no sense to me at all.

There's no need to get along with people

who you don't like.

You should be meeting wonderful people

to talk with and plan your lives...

But if there's someone you don't get along with,

my advice is to cut that person off.

(So refreshing)

For real. Because there are

so many wonderful people in the world.

So many great people out there

that you should meet more and more of.

"Listen to your parents."

This is what I think.

You might not be on the same page as your parents.

For real.

For example, my mother told me this.

That I should never buy a car.

She was worried that if I got injured

in a car accident,

I wouldn't be able to get married.

She told me to ask my husband to buy me a car.

If I had listened to her,

I'd still have no car now.

(Yun Jeongsu wouldn't buy her a car)


Look at her face.

My mom was wrong.

She's so funny.

I'm still unmarried and it's not from a car accident!

It didn't happen for me.

I never got married.

You all may be setting your standards now

but at your age you could waver.

I was really unfocused in my 20s.

Some people may know this but

I was addicted to gaming.

Back when Star Craft was popular.

And then someone suggested that

I work in management.

You needed to know the game for that job.

So I was told to learn it.

That's how I became addicted to gaming.

I didn't leave my home for 2 years.

I didn't have time for management.

I was too busy playing myself.

You can't set all your standards in life right now.

But if you can decide on one thing

and work to achieve it,

I believe that you all can live happy lives.

This has been...

(They don't want it to end)

Someone amazing is coming up next.

Someone amazing is coming up next.

This has been Kim Sook.

Our oldest Sook made a great start.

- Who's next? / - Jinkyung!

(Hong Jinkyung, model and kimchi company CEO)

We'll bring in the next lecturer right away.

It's Hong Jinkyung!

(In her 40s but they cheer for her like an idol)

(Jinkyung has many fans in Konkuk University)

- She's so popular. / - Impressive!

Hello, I'm Hong Jinkyung.

(For the fans)

She danced!

(She's pretty good up there)

She made everyone laugh right away.

I'm not much of a speaker

so please try to be understanding

as you hear me out.

(She could say anything to this happy crowd)

(We love Jinkyung)

The topic of my lecture for you all today...

Is true knowledge.

(Jinkyung will talk about true knowledge?)

(The students just laugh)

(And so do the Unnies)

What did she say?

(But for her)

(She's so serious!)

- Jinkyung! / - I'm a big fan!

We're getting quite the hot reaction. I'm thankful.

They've been in line since early this morning.

(She wants to be sincere rather than funny today)

It could be a bit cringe-inducing...

But I wanted to tell them

a serious story about myself.

In actuality...

I possess very little knowledge.

When I was in 10th grade...

I debuted as a model and started working.

So I missed a lot of classes at school.

Working on TV

isn't something I wanted to do.

I entered the modeling contest

because I had to make money.

And I don't know if you'll believe this

but I actually was a bit passionate about studying.

Shall I say, I was a bit studious?

(Her talk about studying will always be funny)

When I was a student,

I was out there in the world instead of in school.

That's how I ended up

hanging out with people

that are not in my age group.

Floor directors, assistant directors, program directors,

Lee Yeongja, Shin Dongyeop,

Lee Sora or Choi Jinsil.

I started hanging out with people like them.

Meeting those people

was like a wonderful class

where I learned things

that are totally different from

what's taught in a classroom.

I thought I was making sacrifices

by becoming an entertainer.

I thought it would just be a tough road.

But I ended up meeting great teachers

and found where I belonged.

No matter where you are

and who you meet,

I hope you find what you can learn from that

and take in the knowledge you need.

At your young age...

You need many different experiences.

Have lots of fun too.

Give it your all no matter what you do.

Then you'll become someone needed by people.

Someone who's the life of every party.

Someone that's integral to their school club.

And beyond that,

someone integral to the company.

That's who you'll become.

Thank you.

(A big round of applause)

(She's awesome)

Gosh, Jinkyung is so serious.

I haven't seen her serious side in a while.

That was touching.

For more infomation >> Talk concert for college students - sook & jinkyung's life talk [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 11:24.


The last stage of 'Right?'…Adieu unnies! [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 17:43.

(Now, before the last performance)

It's time for the countdown for the fireworks.

Let's count together.

We're all going to count. Ready...


3, 2, 1!


- Wow! / - Wow!

(A great sight at night on the campus)

The Konkuk University festival with the Unnies!

(The fireworks light up the sky and fade away fast)


(After the fireworks, is the final performance)

Why is the end always so sad?

The word "end" seems so sad.

I knew how this would end before I started.

I'm about to cry again!

I thought I was done crying.

(Shakes her head)

I already said this all last week...

(After the "Music Bank" performance last week)

(Unaired footage from that day)

Starting with Jinyoung.

I can't!

- Come on. / - Gosh...

It's okay. You even got to rap like you wanted.

You were great up there on stage.

I'm usually so used to performing by myself.

But I got to perform with you guys...

And I even got to rap.


The time felt like it just flew by.

Even today went by in a blink.


Gosh... I wasn't going to cry.

I wasn't going to cry on variety shows.


I wasn't going to cry anymore on variety shows.

Why are you pulling tissues out?

Since she's crying right next to me...

It's making me cry too.

You've performed a lot though.

When was in 2NE1 and

even now, as a solo artist,

there's always this indescribable pressure.

I always feel very pressured to be perfect.

But when I'm with the Unnies,

it's so natural.

When I'm around them,

all I do is smile.

The fact that we worked together

on this performance

made me so happy and it was so much fun.

(Minzy ends up crying too)

We'll still see each other.

Yeah, we'll still meet up.

Stop it, you guys!

- Don't do that. / - Let's be happy.

- It's a good day. / - Somi.

(A good day to cry)

I never said this during any of the shoots

but during the time we did this show,

I was going through

the most difficult period of my life.

(I never knew)

But I was able to forget that

when I came out for the shoots.

And I was able to laugh which made me so happy.

I should've tried harder

but my body couldn't keep up

and I feel terrible about that.

We really gave you a hard time.

Somi and Minzy, it must've been tough for you two.

You were in school while doing this show.

You hosted.

- You did so much. / - Our baby is crying.


Somi, want to say something?

It's such a shame that

I'm always part of such

great groups for such short periods.

It makes me so sad.

It would've been hard for me to meet

such a great group of girls in my life.

You all were so reliable.

Things were so nice...

(It's really coming to an end)


That's true, Somi.

I'd like to wrap up the show

by talking about the next season.

What do you mean?

Yewon wants this to go to season 10.

I do not think this is the end.

All of you are such great people

and we all got along so well...


- Gosh... / - Don't cry!

Come on.

- I'm trying to keep it together here. / - Never ending.


I'm well aware of how hard it is

to meet such great people like this again

so I am not joking about going

all the way to season 10.

- I really... / - How about...

When we meet off camera, we just call it Season 10?

- Good idea. / - We'll call ourselves Season 10.

- The name of the group chat room? / - Yeah.

We'll change the name to Season 10.

We can keep meeting up until you're 65.

- For real. / - As long as I'm still alive.

Why is it so sad seeing Yewon cry?

(Her tears are contagious)

Performing just once is a bit of a shame...

We're working as a group.

And I've never really worked

on anything as a group before.

(When she first started)

It was so much more fun than I ever imagined.

I met such great friends.

You're all a great group of girls

and I was so happy.

When we meet later...

I'll treat you all to spicy rice cakes.


- That would make you cry. / - How cute.

We couldn't let Somi treat us.

I'll treat you all at a Korean diner.

Now that I think of this show ending...

I always figured we'd have more time left

but now that we're out of time,

I feel so much regret.

- It's not totally over yet. / - Yeah.

(Now, they have one performance left)

(The Unnies watch the beautiful fireworks)


(It's like the fireworks are blessing our final show)

(Feelings of sadness, thankfulness and sorrow)

(They all go pop, pop)

(The fireworks fading means the end is near)

(And the Unnies just want to enjoy this moment)

(So pretty)

(The fireworks got everyone pumped up)

So are you all having fun today?


Would you be happy if the Unnies...

- Just left like this? / - No!

- No, right? / - Yes!

And what's the name of their song?

- "Right?" / - What is it?

- "Right?" / - Alright! So we'll hear...

"Right?" by the Unnies

and we'll be signing off here!

- Clap and go wild! / - Good-bye!


(It's finally time for this performance)

We've been working very hard for 4 months

to perform "Right?"

And this performance on this stage will be

the last time "Right?" will be performed.

We're all smiling up here

but we're all sad inside.

Because this is our last official gig together.

We've all been choking back tears.

We promised each other no crying on stage.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

Let's do this, girls.

(The Unnies' last performance starts now)

("Right?" by Unnies)

♪ What kind of dreams do you think I have? ♪

♪ If he's not a guy like G-Dragon, then who? ♪

♪ When do I look the coolest to you? ♪

(Even through foggy glasses, the Unnies are pretty)

♪ Please, please, please, please tell me ♪

♪ When I start questioning myself, let me know ♪

♪ Let's go all out ♪

- ♪ I am pretty today, right? ♪ / - ♪ Right? ♪

♪ I am amazing, right? ♪

♪ Amazing ♪

- ♪ You're on my side, right? ♪ / - ♪ Right? ♪

♪ Can I go crazy tonight? ♪

♪ It's been awhile since I ♪

♪ Am feeling the vibe ♪

♪ What do you like about me? ♪

♪ Tell me what I'm lacking ♪

♪ When do you think of me? ♪

♪ When I'm so happy I could cry ♪

♪ Please, please, please, please, tell me ♪

♪ Let me get a little more higher so I can fly ♪

♪ Let's go all out ♪

♪ I am pretty today, right? ♪

♪ Right? ♪

♪ I am amazing, right? ♪

♪ Amazing ♪

- ♪ You're on my side, right? ♪ / - ♪ Right? ♪

♪ Can I go crazy tonight? ♪

♪ It's been awhile since I ♪

♪ Am feeling the vibe ♪

♪ Everybody. look at us ♪

♪ Scream and go crazy ♪

♪ Everybody. look at us ♪

♪ Scream and go crazy ♪

(Unnies are 1st place, right?)

♪ Yeah, Unnies! Everybody. look at us ♪

♪ They're stunned "huh" when they see us ♪

♪ The real is here, we're all different but we're one ♪

♪ We're too pretty, right? Right? ♪

♪ That's why our energy's different ♪

♪ Don't worry, just join in ♪

♪ We won't bit so let's have fun ♪

♪ Today, I'm so happy I could go crazy ♪

♪ Crazy ♪

♪ Do you feel the same? ♪

♪ It's amazing ♪

♪ I'm going crazy over this feeling ♪

- ♪ Crazy ♪ / - ♪ I just want to live my life like today ♪

♪ I never want to give up again ♪

♪ You know, I think I've only finally ♪

♪ Found the real me ♪

(They hold their bow feeling thankful)

(Now, they say farewell)

Thank you.

Why do I feel like this is

the first time I've felt these emotions?

Anyway... It's weird.

I feel like it isn't over yet.

I finally get all of the other members.

I know them so well now.

- Encore! Encore! / - Thank you so much.

- Encore! Encore! / - Encore! Encore!

(The Unnies and their fans are all on the same page)

- Should we do an encore? / - Yes!


I still can't hear you!

- Encore! / - Again! What is it?


Go out there and have fun.

You'll never get to do this again.

(They start the encore with Minzy's "Ninano")

Just being next to Minzy gets me so excited

and my heart starts to flutter.

Out of all the fan-girls out there,

I'm definitely the luckiest one.

Today, I really felt that

we had become a real girl group.

I'm so proud of the fact that I did this show.

I was so happy. Such happy times.

I feel like everything about me has changed.

It felt like a dream.

I will not give up so easily in life anymore.

My perception of the world has changed.

This was so...

I've said this a lot

but I'd always forget this is a shoot.

It just felt like...

7 sisters hanging out.

I also feel that I couldn't have

gotten through this without them.

If in the next life

we could all meet again as the same age...

It'd be great if we become

a real girl group together.

These exact members.

I don't know how those 4 months went by.

I blinked and now I'm sitting here crying.

It's over...

Too bad...

(Thank you for being our Coach Anzai)

♪ When you feel alone remember this melody ♪

♪ Sing this song ♪

♪ When you miss this moment someday ♪

We'll bring in a vocal trainer.


Wow, he's so handsome.

- He's the vocal trainer? / - Hello.

He was the lead singer of Black Beat.

- Oh, right. / - I know Black Beat.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

I'm vocal trainer Jang Jinyoung.

It's an honor to be working with Hyungsuk.

I'll do my best.

Can't you smile as you talk?

Just a bit...

There won't be a problem.

I don't curse at women.

I think the members all have a door in their hearts

that they'll constantly want to open.

"I was so great back then."

"I accomplished something impossible."

"We all did it together."

I bet they'll keep looking back on that.

And they'll smile about it.

Sister's Slam Dunk Season 2...

Hold on...

This has been...

Oh, no...

I'm not trying to be funny here. Geez...

I'd truly like to thank all of the viewers

of Sister's Slam Dunk Season 2.

We'll go back to our respective fields...

I don't want to do this.

I can't do this.

(We truly thank the members for giving it their all)

Such a shame!

I don't want it to end!

I want to say my cute line one last time.

I'm Han Chaeyoung!

This has been

the rapper of the Unnies,

Hong Jinyoung.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> The last stage of 'Right?'…Adieu unnies! [Sister's SlamDunk 2 / 2017.06.02] - Duration: 17:43.


NUCLEAR FIRE NOODLES RACE | Mukbang | Loser Eats Tongue - Duration: 5:47.

Burn baby burn..haha Yeah baby burn..haha

What's up guys!

Welcome back!

Joining me today is Antonio What's up everybody it's me Antonio

You guys can call me Tony or anything you like

Yeah..I am so excited cos today We have a challenge for you guys

Were gonna eat..This NUCLEAR FIRE NOODLES It's Samyang Nuclear Fire Noodles x2 limited

edition And supposedly it's really really really

hot So Lani you better be prepared because we

will race these noodles in our stomaches And the loser will eat the pork tongue



So let's cook these one now…

Let's do this!

Nuclear Fire Noodles in 3,2,1 go…

Oh my God, oh my gush Give me a sec


What is this?

What is this?

Oh my gush don't cry Yeah my God, please no, this is pain what

are you talking about?

Ok..I can't lose..I can't lose..No Oh my gush..oh..

I can't feel nothing anymore I can't feel nothing

She's winning Hehehe

Oh my God, my God Oh my God

You want some Kleenex Ah..My gush

Where are these made from?

Like ahm Man..This is from Koream man

Korea..Yeah..hahaha It's so spicy

Oh my gush Oh my gush, guys this is no joke

(Caughing) Why did you do that

Look at me I'm gonna cry

Take it like a champ!

Yeah Oh my gush..your gonna

Oh my gush..oh my gush help me Oh my God

(You Win!)

(Clearing throat) Did you just finish it?

Oh my God Is this ok?

Oh my God Ok..your free now

(Clapping) Oh my gush, give us some milk..he won!


Milk Woh!


Haha Oh my God milk please..I cannot do this


Oh my God, Oh my God (Throwing up)

Oh my God (Throwing up)

(Throwing up) I thought I was leading?

You thought you were bleeding?

No leading..I was like..I was eating it a lot like, like you were just like dinosaur

You eat all of it Hehehe

(Laugh) I've never experience a pain like this in

my life Burn baby burn

Yeah burn baby burn (Laugh)

So now, I need to take the consequence Hehehe

(Drum Roll) Let's do this



Some pork tongue Look at that

Take out your tongue Hahaha Im gonna eat it Alright some pork tongue

Alright Hehehe

I couldn't do it Hahaha

Oh my God, I don't like it You take it hahaha

I can't, I cant take it Hahaha

(Throwing Up) Hahaha


Oh my God!


(Throwing Up) Haha

You just try it Hahahaha

Oh no no, you cannot do it

Hey huys what's up!

Todays video…I'm sorry Hahaha

Im so excited..It's alright start over Joining me today is Antonio

What's up everybody It's me Antonio, you guys can call me Tony

I'm you special host today..Oh so, no special guest hahaha

What's up everybody, yeah I see it, it's high

Yeah… hahaha Alright… let's do this

Thank you so much for passing by Your welcome

I really appreciate it Anytime

Thank you so much for watching guys I hope you had fun

If so, give it a Like and Subscribe And I'll see you again soon..

Bye!..Ciao ciao

For more infomation >> NUCLEAR FIRE NOODLES RACE | Mukbang | Loser Eats Tongue - Duration: 5:47.


Arma 3 - Community Guide: Jets - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Arma 3 - Community Guide: Jets - Duration: 10:54.


Легкое клубнично - йогуртовое мороженое. - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Легкое клубнично - йогуртовое мороженое. - Duration: 1:57.


Trailer for Private Dick - Coming to YouTube June 2, 2017 6pm PST - Duration: 0:25.


Ducky: STOP!

*Amma Screams*

My transition doesn't have anything to do with anyone else.

My gut is tellin me this is fuckin shady!

What the hell is going on here?

What's it to you? This ain't North Carolina!

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