Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

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Let's learn and have fun

Baby car, pom pom pom pom pom pom

Baby car!!

Sister car, pom pom pom pom pom pom

Sister car!!

Brother car, pom pom pom pom pom pom

Brother car!!

Momma car, pom pom pom pom pom pom

Momma car!!

Daddy car, pom pom pom pom pom pom

Daddy car!!

Monster trucks, pom pom pom pom pom pom

Monster trucks!!

We are safe, pom pom pom pom pom pom

We are safe!!

Ohh Yes we are !!

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For more infomation >> Baby Car Pom Pom I Bad Monster Trucks I Family Car Song I Fun For KidsTV Baby Girls Songs & Rhymes - Duration: 2:38.


Behind the Voices of Roll - Duration: 2:59.

Wait start over again!

*fake surprised* Oh! Hello!

Welcome to our documentary of the film...

What's it again? Roll?

*Scene from the film*

Today we will see Alexander recording his voice, while I'll take this camera.

*grumbles in prehistoric*

"You know, I totally think the Earth is round"

"NO! Never! Of course it's flat! Just like the big shinny circle in the sky!"

*Singing a Stone Age Rock 'n' Roll Song*

"I'm pretty sure dinosaurs are still alive!"


"There's one in my cave!"

"That is just your wife!" -"Ehh.. no.. it's... a.. dinosaur.."

*"Roll" sounds for the crowd*

Alexander, should we actually be recording all of this?

Are you recording? -Yeah!

At least keep the camera stable.

I'm holding it VERY stable.

[No he's not.]

The Batman voice sounds nice.

*In Batman Voice* What? The Batman Voice? the Stone Age.

"That cloud looks like a giant grilled chicken!"

"I'm a vegetarian!"

"Lettuce! I meant lettuce."

"That tastes delicious"

I'm out of ideas.

I can't think of any more lines.


[Different Roll lines]

[More different Roll lines]

Now do a happy sound!

*extremly happy "Roll"*

You could just speak Dutch.


[Recording voices for the crowd]

See you later, my friends!

Go away! It's over. The end.

"Subscribe for more"

For more infomation >> Behind the Voices of Roll - Duration: 2:59.


Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply Modern Varminter final review - Duration: 11:41.

Hey everybody, David here from Hoplite Tactical and in this video we are going to be doing

our final review of the Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply Modern Varminter rifle.

So just to get some things out of the way for clarity of the review this is not my rifle,

it's a loaner rifle from Alberta Tactical.

And this is one of their custom line of rifles.

Alberta Tactical has recently announced that they are going to be doing a factory run of

modern varmint rifles, so this review is on a custom rifle.

And if these custom rifles have been out of your price range the factory rifles should

come in under $3000 dollars Canadian.

Now with that said this rifle has been built to be customized to precision shooting.

The owner wants to be able to shoot gophers and prairie dogs at probably about two to

three hundred meters.

So that's why this rifle has been built the way it is, again this is a custom rifle, if

you wanted a lighter setup you can have it built to be lighter, but this one was built

to be a precision rifle.

And no matter if you're going with a factory model or a custom model the ergonomics are

reportedly going to be the same.

And the ergonomics are very much like an AR15 other than there is no rear charging handle

it is a left side charging handle.

But ergonomically you have your magazine release here, a bolt release here, now keep in mind

this is a bolt release this is not a bolt hold open.

And with the magazine release magazines do drop free.

So with your left side charging handle even though on the right side this is a bolt release

not a bolt hold open, let's see if I can do this on video, what you can do with this left

side charging handle is lock the bolt open if you so need to do so with one hand by pulling

the bolt to the rear and engaging the bolt hold open with the same hand.

So even though the bolt hold open is not ambidextrous you can lock it open with one hand.

Now ergonomically speaking I did find that this rifle does take some getting used to.

A lot of the time when I was reaching for the magazine release I was pressing the bolt


Now this is something that can be trained out of the shooter but even though this is

a manual of arms that you can train for to learn where the magazine and bolt releases

are perhaps Alberta Tactical in future designs could design this bolt release to be a bit

more paddle like, like on the other side so that it does separate these a little further

and you would have to reach up and knowingly engage the paddle in order to send the bolt

home from the right side controls.

Again this is a custom rifle that was built to the uses specific desires, however it's

worth noting that this is a heavy rifle.

This rifle currently weighs in unloaded at 12 pounds 14 ounces.

So again the custom nature of these rifles does make this review a little bit problematic

however I've heard that factory models and if you wanted to do a light weight custom

build you can get the rifle only down to just under 7 pounds.

Now I will list the build specs in the description because there is going to be something that

I forget here, it's a custom rifle and I'm kind of going off of the top of my head.

But starting from this end you have a custom Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply muzzle break,

stainless steel heavy profile Lilja barrel, a PRI carbon fibre handguard, a Nightforce

NXS 2.5-10x32 NPR-2 recitcle riflescope, ergo grip, and I always forget the name of the

manufacturer of this riflestock, sorry about that.

So to get to the meat and potatoes of this review is how this rifle shoots.

Now I have 160 rounds on this rifle, I would love to have done thousands of rounds in different

modes of fire, different drills, and see how it performs hot, how it performs wet, how

it performs cold, how it performs dirty and figure out it's failure point.

Again this is not my rifle this is a loaner rifle, so I couldn't do all of those tests

which I usually would do with a rifle.

However with my 160 rounds that I have on this rifle I haven't experienced a failure.

During those 160 rounds I did not clean the rifle because I wanted to save the cleaning

and show you what the internals looked like when they were wiped down for our cleaning

video which if it's not already launched will be launching soon.

So with this build this rifle has been an extremely soft shooter, I even got my wife

behind it who is recoil sensitive and does not like getting in behind too loud or too

heavy of recoil of rifles and she quite enjoyed this rifle.

And we have done a range report video on this rifle of shooting at 100 meters and trying

to group with it.

Which I saved that paper here, just so you know this whole is standard with the paper,

these are tack holes, and here are the groups.

I will try to give you some close ups of that which I'll probably overlay right now.

Now I have had some feedback and some opinions of these groups ever since posting that video.

Now I am not claiming any of these to be flyers, I have owned every shot.

So as for the negative feedback that I got this is still sub MOA groups with me messing

up a few of these groups.

My average spread is still sub MOA even though especially with these bottom groups I knew

when I pulled a shot.

But I am accounting for every shot on this paper, and it is still sub MOA even with me

messing up.

If I did the common acceptable thing of discounting flyers such as these two and this one the

groups would actually be 0.73 overall MOA.

But we're not discounting flyers in this review, we've owned every shot, and even with me messing

up this is still averaged out to be sub MOA.

And when I was really thinking about my form and my technique which is something that you

need to be very specific with, with gas guns, this group here I believe to be 0.53 MOA which

was the best of the day and fairly good by my standards.

Now if you haven't watched that video these groups were shot with factory ammunition.

Agulia 55 grain full metal jacket, so if you're a hand loader you can probably dial these

in to be even tighter.

And although I've only fired 160 rounds out of this rifle so I can't swear on the absolute

reliability of this system my thought is that if you take care of this rifle it will take

care of you.

Keep it clean, keep it lubricated, and like I said I ran 160 rounds flawlessly from a

previously clean and lubricated system.

Because the internal tolerances are admittedly very tight, this is machined very well, fit

and finish are very high grade, and the internal tolerances do require that the gun be run


And of course by wet I mean lubricated.

And although you will be seeing some more footage of this rifle peppered through some

future videos I'm going to be having to send it back.

No matter how much I try to sweet talk the guys over at Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply

I guess I just can't get them to gift me this rifle.

Unfortunately I can't afford a rifle such as this because it is a high end precision

rifle which does command a high dollar.

And speaking of that high dollar value, if I could afford a rifle such as this I would

buy it.

I would recommend this rifle if you can afford it because the niche market that this does

fit in being a non-restricted modern sporting black rifle if you were to compare custom

builds like this south of the border in the US but of AR15 builds you would find quite

quickly from custom builders, machinists, and manufacturers that custom built AR15's

that meet the same tolerances and build quality that are of this rifle actually fit in the

same price range as this.

This is not overpriced because it is in the Canadian non-restricted market no matter what

anybody would have you believe.

And if you did do your shopping around with high end black modern sporting rifles you

would find that the Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply Modern Varmint rifle is in about the

same ballpark of pricing and where it should be.

So I have enjoyed my time with this rifle, I would recommend either factory builds or

custom builds such as this if you can afford it in the Modern Varminter rifle.

And maybe in the future I could sweet talk the folks at Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply

into getting me into my own Modern Varminter rifle.

So overall I find this to be a very positive experience with this rifle and I hope you

found this video informative.

Don't forget to like this video and subscribe to the channel and click that little subscription

bell that way you're notified when we roll out new videos.

All of the likes and subs certainly help the channel out especially now that YouTube is

favoring advertiser friendly videos over pro firearm and firearm review videos.

So it really helps channels like this grow organically if you like the video and share


And check us out at where we've become a daily web publication and there's

always new articles and videos that you can find there.

So I hope you found this video informative and it's helped you out with your purchasing

decision of an Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply Modern Varminter rifle, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply Modern Varminter final review - Duration: 11:41.


Waterfall and Mill of Chambeuil in Cantal - Auvergne France - Duration: 5:05.

Hello and Welcome on Waterfalls of France

Today I am in Auvergne in Cantal

in the small village of Chambeuil

And I am going to see the Mill and the Waterfall of Chambeuil

Let's go

Waterfall of Chambeuil - Cantal

From the parking

You only have to do 100 meters

to go to the mill

where you'll find the first torrent

You'll then have to go on your right to go up

and discover the Waterfall of Chambeuil

The mill was built in 1811

It's a typical one from Auvergne

4 walls, 1 door and one little windown

called fenestrou

The mill wad built to use the flow of the water

for a millstone

You all know how a mill works

with a vertical wheel, it uses the force of the water

which enables a gearing

that can crush the rye

here it's different

It's not an vertical wheel but an horizontale one

This technic was created back in year 1000

wuite simple

It the same way, the force of the waterfall when then be used on an horizontal wheel

the central axis will then enable a gearing

which will then make rye flour

Here are the millstones

Let's go in, because it's been well restored

I do not know if you will see anything


there is water

which flows

I think ti was here

that the millstone spinned

to make flour

Now that you 've seen the mill

we are going to see now the waterfall

and here it is, the waterfall of Chambeuil

You have just discovered the waterfall of Chambeuil

and its mill

let me remind you that if you liked this video

please leave a thumb up,

a comment and subscribe

Time to say byebye. I'll see you next time for another waterfall

Waterfalls of France

For more infomation >> Waterfall and Mill of Chambeuil in Cantal - Auvergne France - Duration: 5:05.


Une source de motivation extraordinaire - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> Une source de motivation extraordinaire - Duration: 12:23.


VidCon Day 1 |Vlog #2| Awesomeness😁 Cringeness😱 and many other "emotions" 😍 | The VidCon Series - Duration: 17:05.

Gooooood morning!! You thought I was about to say good mythical morning right? Ha!

I was, but I changed my mind.

So I'm on my way to VidCon on day #1

Today is a little bit more gray... but it's fine.

So planning for today: I'm going to go

and take a look around the RAI... I mean around the VidCon hall and then I will

have to go and do my second volunteer shift, it's a Creator Chat

I don't know with who... but we will see...

I think we we try not to get eyeballs... try to get hearts

try collect people's harts, because one person who is with you and you feel like

they like your stuff and they're actually with you and no matter what you

do and they're still the fans of you, that person's more important and people.

Thank you for making the talk about very nice! Freddie: Yeah thank you for moderating I mean

she is a volunteer and got the shirt and everything...

yeah it's really nice I really like it! :)

But I'm so happy that I got to be here and I learn a lot so thank

So... I'm here with Jon Cozart...He is one of my favorite creators... He is so createive...

By the way... your twin brother Brian ... the one in the...

He is amazing!... He is too...

I think I'm a liittle bit more fan of your twin brother 'cuz he is so sasy... xDD

Jon: What?!

He is great, you are great too... :P

But anyway he is one of my favorite creators

his content is so good you take the whole creativity level of

YouTube up so... Thank you much

Jon: That's so sweet

for making your Videos... you are great.

Jon: No Thank you so much that very kind of you

and well anyway um thank you I'm going to let you go...

Jon: Okay you, you're wonderful, you are doing great I appreciate you, thanks for saying hi!

Jon: Okay goodbye! Me: Goodbye!!

So I just met Jon Cozart...

I'm sorry for him 'cuz I was a little bit awkward

I didn't know I was that akward... xD

My English was so bad that I don't even know how he

managed to understand me but he was so nice and... that... that was intense.

I'm so happy... :)

Yeah I should stop fangirling now... This is weird.. anyyyywaaaayyy... xD

So I just met Jon Cozart, also I discovered that I do have feelings how

disappointing I thought I did not have feelings but I do have and apparently

I'm also little bit of fangirl so...

I made him repeat the whole thing three

times because I'm a little bit stupid... but it's fine...

I thought that people said

oh yeah they are so nice... because you know... what you have to say...

but he's really charming and everybody here is so nice and... huh...

As you can see I'm... I'm a little bit in living in a shock

That was, that was great and...

I don't know what I'm going to do now... I think now I'm going to go to the hall and then I'm

going to go to my creator talk with Jack and Dean

How does that affect your your friendship I are friends

and you are work buddies... How you maintain that without wanting to kill each other?!

Jack: it's interesting, it's like we start

doing all this stuff when we were kids, when we were 15 or 16 years old, and then it just sort of evolved...

Dean: We did it because we enjoyed it and we will makes anyway and now we just get through

it more so it's not really the transitions not been that like it's not very drastic

When I fiound out that I had this creator Chat... it took Iike

between 8 and 14 videos to get you through your beautiful accent wich is

beautiful but oh my god... but have you thought about this ability of scripting...

I mean... Jack: The subtitles?

Dean: We need to do it that we're just a bit inconsiderate lazy (xD)

Oh my god you will not believe who I just Found...

It's Mako :D:D I'm so happy! I didn't know she was coming

And I don't know why I didn't know that cuz I always check the twitter...

I don't know... But I'm so happy I met you! She is way taller that what you might think

And also she has a beautiful magnificent channel,

it's called Makoccino, you will ind the links in the decription down below

make sure to check her, she's one of my favourites, and you know why she's one of my favorite

your videos are so you, you can't get them confused with other people videos

Mako: She is one of the biggest supportes

yeah because I honestly belive in you :)

I'm very happy to meet her because she is like always commenting,

always engageing and she is so supportive, and there... and yeah, I really appreciate people like that :)

Thank youuu :)

So check her she is.... :) She is great :) make sure to check her

So I'm a little bit late to my shift to the meet and greet, but I just found Mako

and I'm so excited! The links are in the description down but I honestly like her

So... she recognized me!!! oh my god

I'm so happy :) and now I'm going to the M&G... Uhgh...there's a long queue

so... who we have here

I think that's Charlie! O.O Oh my god Charlie...

okay I might be a fangirl... he was one of the first ones I found before I was

NOTAFANGIRL so that's acceptable (?) and now I'm going

to see where I'm going to be more helpful...

So I met Charlie...

it was a brief moment I didn't film that I didn't wanted to ruin that with a camera

I just wanted to tell him thank you I told him thank you ah... one day I hope

I'm will explain you why but yeah

it was nice, he is nice... this is cheesy OMG

what is happening to me, what is Vidcon doing to me?! I'm not cheesy...

well maybe...

and apparently I'm going to be volunteering with all these people that

is waiting in line to meet Doddie so it's great I mean... I'm happy :D

Doddie: Oh hey This isn't intimidating at all!

we are at the Doodie meet-and-greet and I found the girl with the coolest ukelele I've ever seen

like...oh my God look it's a smiley face! it's so cute!! I love it!

OMG look at those shoes!!! They are beautiful!!!

I found a Holo Backpack, but I'm not sure if it's Holo, or if it's Multicrome

I will send it to Cristine to make sure it's Holo, 'cuz it's Holo... AAAARGH!!

It's Holo, It's a Holo Backpack (Simplynailogical ;) )

so we just finished Doddie's meet-and-greet... that was crazy

there was a lot of people I don't know how he managed to go through all of them

and keep smiling at the end cuz I was tired and I was just cutting the wristbands

she was so nice so kind to everybody people was so excited to meet

her I pretend that I don't have feelings but I'm discovering a lot of myself these days

So yeah I end up doubling my shift... Dubling? I don't know...which was great I don't regret that

so... Hi! Hi!

Fleur: I just, it was really cool you got to meet Doddie at that last

yeah! oh wait, Look these girls were at Doddie's Meet and greet... oh my god... xD

and yeah How was it? Fleur and Jamie: AAAAAAAAArrrghhh :D :D

This already took ages

I mean, how cute is this!!!

Jamie: Whats you youtube Channel?

I have A LOT of them!, I didn't wanted to give them while I was doing the meet and greet...

Did I make a great job?

: Yes you were the swetest (So are you :)

But If you like it, don't feel pressured!

Noo, we genuinely like you :)

Yeeeey I'm so Happy!!!!!

Thank you so much I had a lot of fun with you guys there

I love this "Impro" M&G, They are great, They are great!!!!

People it's so nice here oh my god those girls are just... amazing I'm so happy I met them

and I'm going to check out of my shift which I doubled

so I hope I will not have any problem

Hi Dominique!


I just found the girl with the coolest

pants in entireVidCon... Are you ready to se such an amazing thing? wait for it...

oh my god this is, this is beautiful

So I'm finally going to the Creator Keynote,

I think I'm late.. Ha!

but it's fine because 'cuz i was doing cool enough things so it's going to be fine...

so let's go

Umm... yeah I bought a girls shirt at target so I had to pin the back

of it to make it look more boyish...

but it's Los Angeles people anyways

I get why I get tio have my hair cut on one side...

so this is my little video so

that's what it's made.

But we started off making short films we've been doing

that for umm over seven years now which onthe internet it's like you

know it might as well be started a hundred years ago

Mamrie: would you like to introduce the next person

I'd like to introduce somebody who puts a lot of thought and

effort into their videos and is very good at them please all go to stage


My name is Matthew Patick better known as MatPat and I own the channels

Game theory, film theory and GTlive YouTube where basically we objectively do the

nerdiest things online, like there's a lot of nerdy channels on YouTube but we

do the nerdiest ones cuz we take videogames, movies and TV, apply Maths, science and history and create

nerdy inclusions like: Super Mario is a sociopath.

If you want views that's one

of the main reasons that you will get views it's a sexy sexy thumbnail

so just to go over all of that: -follow your fear, authenticity, realistic goal, try again

appreciate, support and sexy thumbnail and if you put that on the line it

spells out far ass

other ways but it is helpful for me raise your hand if you

speak more than one languages oh man guys are too good!

What do we do at that time

that we could be learning two... raise your hand if you speak more than 2 languages


raise your hand if you make content in a non English language okay thank you

is this counting down? it is! Oh my...

I'm going to go over, but that's fine... I own the conference... xD

Can you believe l forgot to have lunch cuz I was so excited I don't even stoped to eat

I'm okay though...go but oh my god there is free food thats great!

Hi! it's actually quite late now

we we're at the Creator keynote it was great I was a little bit late but I

was in time to see Doddie and Jon and Hank and MatPat and I'm so happy it was

great and after that we had some food but... - Hi! I left my jacket inside

- RUN... ( I don't understand the res... They were closing I guess :) )

oh thank you!...

Well I left my jacket inside wait

Okay so I just

lost my jackets, I left both of them inside the RAI and since the creator

keynote was in the order auditorium I forgot to take them back and now the RAI

is closed and I don't have my jackets with me and it's freaking cold out here

so luckily enough I met a lovely girl she was called Ella the bee, you will find

the link description down below she has a German channel she's really nice and she let

me borrow her jacket so I'm going to give it back to her because if not I'm going

to feel awful, but I don't know, it was a lot of fun I really really like the

creator note I absolutely forgot that humans should um feed themselves

couple times day I forgot about that so I'm fine I'm I will have my lunch now as

a dinner which is great I don't have to worry about making anything and I'm just

going to go to sleep because I'm super tired but it was such a fun day I will

catch you at the room and I will tell you a little bit more of the things that

happened it was such a fun day!

Oh hi I would like to make a little

review of the day just so you can know if you're interested in everything that

happened and also for me because I would love to have this when I'm back home so

if you don't mind today started out quite well I mean I had a shift with Freddie Wong

that was really cool!

After that, I got the chance to meet Jon Cozart um

that was amazing also quite cringing because I didn't know but apparently I

can be quite cringy um

Do you want to cringe?

Of course you want to cringe who doesn't want to cringe

Can you please show a little bit of the footage you

have... cuz you're a little bit dumb?

Bare with me, I was so nervous I am a fangirl who I'm trying to fool I'm so ashamed of myself...

so after that I went to my creator chat with Jack and Dean, it was

amazing I'm so happy I met them!

the M&G shift with Doddie was amazing

I'm really impressed so kuddos to doddie, she is great, Also manager Josh :)

Oh yeah then I went to the Creator Keynote after the creator keynote I found Mako again

and I was just talking to her for a bit and then some other youtubers came and I

met a lot of amazing people this afternoon, that was so much fun

I met a girl her name is Ella oh my god thank you! she just gave her jacket to a

complete stranger that was me and I'm going to do whatever it takes for me to

give it back to her because I don't want to steal this jacket! It's lovely the

lovely jacket but I want her to have it back so... she was so kind for letting me

borrow this because I was freazing and oh my god

Tomorrow I will keep a little

part of that time because I want to actually check the things in VidCon

because I haven't done anything yet but that is totally fine I'm having so much fun

So well I hope you had a lovely day today I will see you tomorrow in the

next vlog, tomorrow for me I don't know it when it's going to be for you if I

met you at VidCon I'm so happy I met you so... have a lovely night day or

whatever time of the day we're watching this, I hope you have enjoyed this video give

it a like if you did, and I hope you find it interesting and

that I was able to show you some interesting things about VidCon

Oh and remember, everything you want is right outside your comfort zone

And as always I hope to see you...

in my next video

Baaaaaaayyyyyyyy :D

oh look there is Jon again... should I go and make this even more cringy or was I

Cringy enough?... I don't know I'm going to think about it...

For more infomation >> VidCon Day 1 |Vlog #2| Awesomeness😁 Cringeness😱 and many other "emotions" 😍 | The VidCon Series - Duration: 17:05.


FINAL / The Additionnal Scene (english subtitles) - Duration: 2:15.

At least, we saw it.

I don't know, it looks weard when we watch it.

That's becouse this is just pieces, you have to put it back into the movies.

Editing is a hard job, you have to cut a lot of clips.

WHat do you think, Alexy ?

Yes, it's technically interesting in the objectivity...

Anyway, be careful not to put it on the internet.

- Why ? - Because we stole the reels.

If somebody find it, we gonna have troubles.

You gonna have troubles.

Listen, I'll be honest : that's not us.

Yes, we found the reels accidentaly.

That's not me ! I just hit the guardian. Somebody else piss on him.

Well, the alluminium paper is the brain.

Look the views you made, I gonna have to put you in jail.

Why ?

Because you cast videos who don't belong to you.

It belongs to us, we are in the videos ! I didn't ask the permission to wear a thong !

Do you realize that you'll never work in cinema again ?

We don't care, we gonna make TV shows !

The fuck was maybe too much.

For more infomation >> FINAL / The Additionnal Scene (english subtitles) - Duration: 2:15.


9 Worst Ever Natural Disasters Caught on Tape - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 9 Worst Ever Natural Disasters Caught on Tape - Duration: 6:14.


La Reina de la Canción | Olivia Calderón fue salvada por el público - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> La Reina de la Canción | Olivia Calderón fue salvada por el público - Duration: 1:09.


★DYI★ Crema Reafirmante para Rostro y Cuello (English subs) - Duration: 4:30.

Hello! How are you? I'm Gina Morano

It's Friday the day of our weekly appointment, Thank you for your visit.

I want to dedicate this video to anti-wrinkles night cream

Have you ever wondered, do you need an anti-wrinkle cream? At what point do I have to start using one?

This video is dedicated to answer these questions and of course also included a natural homemade recipe

Natural! Just how you like..

Perhaps young skin generally does not require the additional properties of night creams

but it will surely benefit, actually all skin types will benefit from using night cream.

This is a practical and quick way to get the apple juice, You can use green or red apple.

A good anti wrinkle or night cream does not have to be too oily or heavy to get good results.

This cream goes very well with dry and mature skin. If you are young, use this as your night cream,

in addition to favoring your skin, you will also create the good habit of always doing your skin care routine before going to bed.

As we age, our skin can get dry, dryness is equals a withered skin and with the possibility of premature wrinkles.

Grape seed oil and egg yolk will help you rehydrate your skin,

the natural apple juice is a softener, in combination with the lemon juice

apart to help preserve the mixture will help to recover or maintain natural tone of the skin,

and restore soft tissues "Facial muscles" Because they are powerful astringents.

package in a jar and keep in the refrigerator. Apply to a clean face every night before going to sleep. This cream has a sheld life of up to 8 days.

Enjoy it! Help me by sharing this video in your social media, do not forget to subscribe and activate the notifications,

I wait for you on FaceBook and instagram and visit my store to pamper your skin with my natural, organic and free from animal cruelty products.

Thank you for your visit! I hope to see you next Friday, That is the day of our appointment. See you soon!

For more infomation >> ★DYI★ Crema Reafirmante para Rostro y Cuello (English subs) - Duration: 4:30.


The Story Behind the Morton's Salt Girl - Duration: 4:17.

The Story Behind the Morton's Salt Girl

Most people are familiar with the "Morton"s Salt girl".

With her bright yellow dress, oversized umbrella, and leaking container of table salt, she's

an iconic figure in American grocery stores.

But who is the Morton's girl, and where did she come from?

The Morton's story begins in the 1880s, when a man named Joy Morton invested in a

Chicago-based salt company.

Salt was big business in those days, largely fueled by the demand of the explorers and

pioneers who were settling the American West.

In fact, while salt sells for just a few dollars a pound at most grocery stores these days,

it wasn't always so easy to come by back then.

Salt is a critical component of any diet and throughout history has been critical to certain

types of food preservation.

Perhaps not surprisingly from that, evidence of early human settlements are often found

near sources of salt.

Struggles over salt have led to war in many cases – in fact, it was the subject of skirmishes

between the British and the colonists during the American Revolution.

One factor that persuaded Thomas Jefferson to launch the Lewis and Clark expedition was

the rumor that a great salt mountain could be found near the Missouri River.

Given the importance of salt, it's no surprise that Joy Morton's little company thrived

along with the growing country.

As the business grew, he bought out his partners.

By 1910, he owned a large enough stake to re-brand it in his name – the Morton Salt


At about this time, Morton's company was also trying to solve a persistent problem.

Salt is "hygroscopic", a physical property that causes it to absorb water from the air

around it.

When water is absorbed, the salt tends to clump – an inconvenient property for bakers

and diners.

If you try to put the salt from those days in a shaker and sprinkle it over your French

fries, you wouldn't have much success.

Morton and his team solved this problem in 1911 by adding an anti-caking agent, magnesium

carbonate, to their product.

They also put the salt in a cylindrical package that helped keep water out.

The result was a free-flowing salt that wouldn't frustrate customers.

Morton was pleased with his innovation, but still he faced another issue.

Now that his salt came in a new and improved form, he needed to spread this information

to his customers.

How could he get the word out to customers that Morton salt was the brand for them?

Morton hired advertising agency N.W.

Ayer and Company to put together a marketing campaign that would promote the anti-caking

properties of his salt.

The ad team came up with a long list of marketing plans.

They pitched their most promising concepts to the salt company's executives, but it

was Morton's son who saw genius in one of the throwaway ideas – a little umbrella-wielding

girl, accidentally pouring salt in the rain.

The illustration epitomized wholesomeness and innocence.

It also demonstrated the value of Morton salt – it will pour easily, even if you're

standing in a rainstorm.

The company paraphrased an old adage for the accompanying catchphrase: "When it rains

it pours."

The ad debuted in Good Housekeeping magazine in 1914.

In the years since, Morton's little girl hasn't aged more than a few years, but she

has made some changes to keep up with the times.

The first makeover came in 1921, when her hairdresser changed her blonde mop to straight,

dark hair.

In 1933 – as Shirley Temple's career as a child actress took off – she co-opted

the child star's trademark curls.

Today, the Morton Salt Company adorns its packages with the sixth version of the umbrella

girl – the one with the yellow dress and a daydreaming gaze that evokes the spirit

of 1968, the year she debuted.

Despite frequent questioning from fans and customers, Morton Salt Company maintains that

she is simply the creation of an ad-maker's imagination – there is no real girl behind

the iconic image.

For more infomation >> The Story Behind the Morton's Salt Girl - Duration: 4:17.


【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep05 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 35:46.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

<i>Episode 5</i>

Your eyes are not sincere enough.

If you want to apologize to a girl

you need to give her safety.

It's the attention and the love that she wants.

Give me your hand.

The tip of kissing is to hold on her neck

because it is a sensitive part.

Grab her hand, the right one because it is a sensitive part.

Grab her hand, the right one

when she is panic she will turn right.

And put your foot here.

And she is yours.

I shouldn't ignore you and go shopping with Eve.

But believe me I won't fall for her.

Who turns off the light?

So embarrassing.

What's going on here in your house?

It's almost the consumption of a lighting factory!

A lighting factory?

Next time remember to save electricity!


by the way

remember to pay your electric bill!

Yes, sir.

A lighting factory!


<i>plus 1</i>

<i>equals 6666</i>

So you two spend me

more than 800 yuan on electricity every day!

As a grown man

you keep on talking about love and do nothing else!

So from now on

stop spending my money any more.

I spent all my savings on you

which is sad enough

and now there's more electric bill.

What is a LUV robot?

Let-Urmoney-Vanish I guess.




Your fault!

It's all your fault you know?

I don't know.

You know it!

Your fault!

It's all your fault…

Knock knock!

Express delivery!

Reflect on yourself!

He gave me a house!

You know what does it mean by giving you a house?


It means

Build a love nest!

I'm counting on you, Mr. House!

I'm taking action to change my image in Eve's mind

and to apologize.

Who's there?

It's me, Ah-Zhai.


what do you want?

Nothing. Nothing special.

I just want to come to apologize.


I lost control in front of you.


That was not who I really am.

I am usually a mild person.

I don't know what happened today.

I'm usually the one being bullied.

I'm a loser.

But when you threw things around you look horrible.

And you said mean words to me.

Maybe I was infected by virus.


will you be infected ever again?


Never. I will never get infected again.

I've prepared a gift for you.


It's so cute.

Is it handmade?

Yes. I made it all by myself.

Is this me?


That's me!

What about Adam?

Where's Adam?

There's no Adam.

What a pity…

How did you make it?

It's very easy…

I made a doll house and gave it to Eve.

She accepted my gift as well as my apology.

Do you know what does a house mean?

Build a love nest.

Build a love nest!

Build a love nest!



Build a love nest?

I am taking action

to change my image in her mind

and to win her heart.

You see, to understand a girl

I can do it myself without your help.

But by the way,

how do you get to know about the "love nest" thing?

Eve came and gave me this.



What about my love nest with Eve?

Ba Yi.


Does a house mean build a love nest?

Wow! He's so handsome!

It's already afternoon.

This is my home, isn't it?

What a big cat!

Sweet dream?

What have you done!

Why did you do this?

Your grandpa was a great carpenter.

I use his tools and some wood

to renovate our house.

But there's only limited time.

Hope you'd like it.

You've done all these just overnight?

Don't forget I'm a robot.

I have outstanding strength and high efficiency.

You said that I should reflect on myself.

So I renovated your house

to provide you with a higher living standard

and a better atmosphere.

So here we are.

First let me show you around.

This is an open kitchen.

You love animals

so there are plenty of cat materials.

A better atmosphere leads to a better appetite.

The living room and kitchen

are divided by the Golden Ratio of 0.618.

It will make you feel best.

You can sit on your exclusive spot

to order any delicacies you want.

I will be in this wonderful kitchen

and cook your meal.

But I won't cook you anything of



or spicy.

I hope that anything you taste is sweet.

According to the assessment

I think you should spend more time outdoor

so the yard is also renovated.

In the spare area

there's now a garden I built for you.

Last night I went to all the markets in this city

but most of them were closed.

So I used these artificial plants to decorate.

This is a swing designed according to your height.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

For Ba Yi and those cats that you took home

I built a home for them.

Hope they can get along well.

This storage room now is clean and tidy.

From now on I can live here.

You can live in your bedroom instead of the basement.

If you miss me you can feel free to come

because the door of my room will never be locked up.

To cater to your taste

I added some traditional elements.

The exterior is covered by ancient statues.

There are three carefully designed rooms.

They have the best sunlight throughout the house.

Everyday from sunrise to sunset

the sunlight would shine around you.

Here you can read comics

play games

and eat snacks.

Through the doors

you can see the views of the yard in all the seasons.

You once described yourself as an indoor person

so I brought the whole world indoor for you.

In the corner

here is a hot spring.

Whenever you feel tired

come here to relax.

This is a stone bed

prepared for spa and massage.

If you love it

I can be your professional masseur.

That's all for the presentation of my renovation.

You said that giving a house meant building a love nest

then I'm giving you an izakaya since we met in one.

I'm taking action to change my image in your mind

and to win your heart.

<i>(Taking action)</i>

Are you treating me like a girl?


why do you copy my lines?

You said men should earn their own living

so from today

the izakaya is open to the public.

This is a new door.

Customers would get in and out only from this door

so they wouldn't disturb our personal spaces.

A... new door?

You've knocked down my wall!

I have to start my own business

so from now on

you can use my money.

Use your money?

My goodness

Am I dreaming?

Please wake me up.

You renovate the house for Ah-Zhai?


And your shoes were torn for the renovation?



do you know what it means by giving him a house?

Build a love nest.

Well… It's…


It's not like that.





It's not like that! Eve!


It's not like that!




What are you doing?

What's happening?

I'm downloading a program of crying

because I think I need that now.


Holy cow!

I finally found my ideal lover

but he gave a house to another man!

My goodness!



I can't live with that!



there's a lot of ways of crying.

Oh no!

Are you sure

it's not the program prepared for the death?

What should I do?

I can't live in this world any more.

I just can't.

What happened?

You're acting weird.

Things happened.

Weird things happened to that friend of mine.

It's about your friend?

How does it concern you?

It's the Adam in my friend's house!

I don't know why he did it

but he renovated my friend's house for free.

It is super beautiful

and super luxurious

there's even a hot spring and a small garden


It's not bad!

Your friend should be happy about that.


But my friend thinks that

it seems like

something has happened between them.

Can you understand that?


Now I see.

Those are sugarcoated bullets.

Now it's harder to refuse him.

Things like that happened in our school recently.

A boy, a really bad boy.

He rented a house and decorated it, very beautiful.

Then he asked a girl to move in

and to live with him

treating her like a princess.



when they finally went to bed

the girl just can't say no to him.

It's pure seduction!

Bad boys have their tactics.



So what should I do?

I mean what should my friend do?

Listen, you should tell your friend to ask Adam

to remove the izakaya and bring the house back.

There's no way he can do that, right?

Of course.

As long as he can't bring the old house back

your friend can say that Adam has damaged the house

so Adam has to leave.


He's using my house to seduce me.

I should fight back.

He's so handsome!

I've been waiting for so long.

Me first!


There he is!

My prince!

My prince!

Me first!

What's going on here?

Me first!

There he comes!

Don's stand in front of us!

(<i>Japanese food prince</i>)

When did he become a Japanese food prince?

You should wait in the line!

This is my home!

But you should stand in the queue.


Why don't you stand in the queue!


He's so handsome!



Very handsome!

I want to be the noodles around his hands!



I can get in!

We want to get in!



My prince!

He's so handsome!

They are not treating me as the owner of the house.

I want to upload a video to my homepage.


Who is he?


Put your chopsticks down!

No photos!

Get out!

Sorry, everyone

we're closing.


My house.

This is my house.

Within one day

it is not my home any more.

Full of chaos.

There's even no room for myself.

I have to line up to get in my home.

Why is that?


It's all my fault.


I will change the situation.


You think there's tomorrow?


shut down the izakaya



right now!

and remove it.

I don't want the hot spring

the small garden or the bar.

All those are ruining the Feng Shui in my house.

The house was inherited from all my ancestors.

Now you ruined it!

My grandpa, my grandpa's grandpa

and my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa...

they can't find the house, how can they bless me then?


Remove it.

If you can't get it back

you have to get out.

Bu… Bu…


Adam did it for earning money

to raise our family.

Earn money?

Raise our family?


What's this?

The turnover of today.


Just one day?


are we still removing the izakaya?


I need to think about it.

Come here.

Ba Yi.

Tell me.

Should I keep this izakaya or not?

If you like it, just bark.

If not, then keep quiet.

(<i>I don't care</i>)


This one doesn't count.

Let's try it again.

If you want to shut it down, then bark.

If not, keep quiet.

Ba Yi.


Ba Yi.


I know

the reason why you want to remove it is me.


I thought about it

and I think that I was very narrow-minded.

Actually the izakaya is very beautiful.

Look, there's a small garden, a hot spring

and it is very comfortable for us to live in.




Can we just keep it?

And actually with the izakaya

we can earn money to raise the whole family.

We don't need your support

and we can afford the electricity!

<i>What's going on?</i>


Say yes.

Say yes.

Just say yes!



Say yes, OK?




in the first place

as the owner of the house

I thought the izakaya must be removed.


since you've said so

I can put up with it just for you.



Ah-Zhai says we can keep it.

I said so just for Eve and reluctantly.

You understand?






After we get charged

we can go out to hang around.

I'm looking forward to it.



The izakaya need a name to open to the public.

As the owner of the house, you should name it.

I am an Otaku.

You are a robot.

She is D cup.

So… Otabot D-pub.

Ota bot D-pub...

<i>(Otabot D-pub)</i>


Otabot D-pub will be open officially.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

For more infomation >> 【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep05 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 35:46.


Gummy Food vs Real Food w/ Elsa congelada, Nieve Blanco, Cocinero Bebé - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> Gummy Food vs Real Food w/ Elsa congelada, Nieve Blanco, Cocinero Bebé - Duration: 12:06.


Types of Passenger Trains: Train Talk Ep. 12 - Duration: 7:21.

Hello everyone and welcome to Train Talk!

In one of the previous episodes of Train Talk, I talked about all the different types of

freight trains, so it is only natural that I talk about different types of passenger

trains as well.

So, we are going to talk about all the different passenger trains you can find running today.

Passenger trains transport people to various destinations and serve several different purposes.

We'll break passenger trains into a few different categories based on their purpose

and the distances they typically travel.

For this episode, I will only be talking about regularly scheduled passenger trains and not

excursion trips and other special trains.

That said, let's dive right in!

Commuter trains are typically used by commuters traveling to and from work and generally travel

distances between 10 and 100 miles.

Since they are primarily used by people who are commuting, they usually run during the

morning and afternoon rush hours.

Most commuter train operations run multiple trips in each direction during the week day

commute hours along with some additional trips made in the middle of the day and on weekends

for leisure travelers.

Typical commuter lines run along crowded freeway corridors as a way of decreasing traffic on

the roads.

Commuter train lines usually run between suburbs and one major city or in some cases, they

connect multiple different cities to each other as well as the communities in between.

Train consists usually include 1 locomotive and a few coach cars with automatic doors

for faster boarding, although some commuter trains use self propelled coaches called multiple

units, but more on that in a future episode.

Typically, the last passenger car on a locomotive hauled train is a cab car so that the train

can reverse directions quickly and without having to turn the entire train around.

This is especially important in commuter operations where train sets are used for multiple trips

each day.

You can find out all about cab cars in the first episode of Train Talk.

Most commuter trains are owned by the various cities and counties where they run and maintenance

and operations are contracted to outside companies such as Amtrak.

Intercity trains run between two or more major cities and serve the communities in between.

I briefly referred to these types of trains as "corridor trains" in a previous episode

of train talk.

Generally, these trains travel less than 500 miles but more than 50 miles and run multiple

times each day.

They are used by a variety of people including business travelers, commuters, and vacationers.

Almost all intercity trains in the US are run by Amtrak, but many of them are supported

by the states where they run.

Schedules for corridor trains vary based on where they operate.

On busier corridors such as the North East Corridor, trains run nearly round the clock

and are very frequent.

Other corridors see just a few trips made each day.

Consists for these trains vary by route, but most have various coach cars including standard

unreserved coaches and business class along with a café car that serves light snacks

and beverages.

Depending on the route, some corridor trains operate with either a cab car or additional

locomotive on the end of the train.

The next type of passenger train is Long Distance Service.

Long distance trains serve a variety of different people and typically travel distances of 500

miles or more and only run once a day in each direction or in some cases, just a few times

each week.

These trains connect two or more major cities, as well as the miles and miles of rural areas

in between.

They are often thought of as tourist trains but in reality, they also provide a vital

link for people that live in smaller towns where other forms of transportation aren't

available, giving them a way to travel to the big city for business, to visit family,

and more.

Long Distance trains are usually made up of two diesel-electric locomotives followed by

an assortment of sleeping cars, a dining car, a lounge car, and coaches.

There is also typically a baggage car at the front of the train for checked luggage.

Currently, Amtrak is the only long distance train operator in the United States.

Finally, some trains serve the sole purpose of taking tourists on scenic rides through

the countryside.

These are called tourist trains, and there are many different tourist train operations

throughout North America.

Tourist trains usually operate out of a major vacation destination and they take riders

on a round trip to see the sights in the area.

Some of these trains have a scenic end destination as well: either an especially picturesque

location or some sort of tourist town.

Additionally, some tourist railroads serve a secondary purpose of taking travelers to

a scenic destination as an alternative to driving.

This form of tourist train has become particularly successful with the Grand Canyon Railway.

Additionally, many tourist railroads use historic equipment such as steam locomotives.

These are often referred to as Heritage Railways and can draw even more tourists who come from

all across the world to see the historic equipment and steam locomotives.

Well, that pretty much does it for this episode, thanks for stopping by! For those of you who

missed my episode on mainline steam train excursions, be sure to check that out as well.

If you're not already, be sure to subscribe to the channel to automatically be notified

of my weekly video uploads.

And if you have any questions or comments , please let me know in the comments section


Until next time, I'm Mike Armstrong.

I'll see you down the line!

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Types of Passenger Trains: Train Talk Ep. 12 - Duration: 7:21.


OG ana • Puck • 26 Kills • 9K MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 31:57.

OG ana • Puck • 26 Kills • 9K MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> OG ana • Puck • 26 Kills • 9K MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 31:57.


Top 10 Seemingly INNOCENT Things That Reveal Shocking Amounts of Information About YOU - Duration: 13:08.

Top 10 Seemingly Innocent Things That Reveal Shocking Amounts of Information About You


Your Netflix Ratings Can Reveal if You're Gay

Netflix is a great service.

For a few bucks a month you get unlimited access to a constantly changing library of

content, most of which is tailored towards you.

Netflix does this with a number of algorithms that take into account what you watch, for

how long, and what overall rating you gave it, and then compares it with similar data

from other customers.

It would seem that the only real thing you'd be able to tell about someone from their Netflix

habits would be what kind of movies they like, and which celebrity they have a crush on.

However, by simply cross-referencing the data Netflix has with other sources (for example

movie reviews on IMDb), it is shockingly easy to discern someone's actual identity from

a list of movies they liked.

It is then possible to extrapolate from this data and determine someone's sexuality,

political affiliations, and where they live.

As unlikely as this sounds, a team of researchers in 2009, taking part in a competition with

Netflix to improve their algorithms, were able to learn all this and more about a bunch

of customers.

One of these customers later sued Netflix because the data (which was completely anonymous)

revealed that she was gay, something she hadn't even told her family, and she was worried

it could be used to out her before she personally felt comfortable doing so.

Then again, the lady in question had children, so we're guessing she could have denied

being gay fairly easily if she wasn't ready to tell someone.

It's for this reason that we highly advise rating every film you see on Netflix arbitrarily

to throw them off in the future.

Hey, speaking of politics!


Owning a Cat is an Indicator of Your Political Views

Like choosing a video game console, or how you like your steak cooked (well-done all

the way for this author, come at him in the comments), whether you prefer cats or dogs

is a weirdly polarizing topic.

While we're sure there a number of educated guesses you could make about a person based

solely on the fact they own a cat, such as their living situation or how often they use

that Snapchat filter that makes you look like a dog, you wouldn't think cat ownership

would be an indicator of political affiliation.

Weirdly, though, there's data to support the fact that it kind of is.

As discussed in a 2014 Time magazine article, a number of seemingly unrelated things are

actually a fairly useful and accurate indicators of a person's place on the political spectrum.

While some of these things are a little more obvious than others – for example, highly

conservative people are less likely to agree that watching pornography while in a relationship

is acceptable and liberals are more likely to disagree with the statement "I am proud

of my country's history" – some are a little more… odd.

For example, for reasons that aren't quite clear, people who agree with the statement

that they prefer cats to dogs, by and large, appear to be more liberal than those who disagree,

whereas people who use Internet Explorer are more likely to hold conservative views.

Though we could chalk this up to being an interesting quirk of statistics, we feel it

would be unwise to fully rule out that the possibility that cats want us to live a socialist

utopia, free of Internet Explorer.

That's a future we'd actually be kind of curious about, which we're assuming would

be punishable by death in a cat-ruled society.


Facebook Has Better Face Detection Software Than the FBI

Due to the secretive and presumably super boring nature of most of their work, the inner

workings of the FBI aren't made privy to the public and, as such, we have no idea what

awesome gadgets and technology they have access to that we don't know about.

One thing we can be sure of, though, is that they're worse at analyzing faces than Facebook.

According to statistics released by both the FBI and Facebook, Facebook's proprietary

facial analysis software is able to accurately identify a person in a photo 98% of the time.

A figure that dunks just all over the Feds, who admit that their own software has an accuracy

rating of just 85%.

Their main reason for this discrepancy is that the FBI very often only have a single

photo to go on to identify a person.

Facebook, meanwhile, often has hundreds of every person using the site, from multiple

angles, allowing them to build a comprehensive image on an individual's features.

In other words, Facebook probably has a better idea of what you look like than the people

who see you every day.


Stores Like Target Can Predict When You're Pregnant

You probably remember a few years ago, a story breaking about the store Target correctly

predicting that a young girl was pregnant.

It got her in trouble when the store sent vouchers for baby stuff to her house, which

were noticed by her father, who didn't know she had a bun in the oven.

What you probably didn't hear about, or see discussed, though, is how Target was able

to do this.

Now you're probably thinking that the girl bought a pregnancy test in a Target, or something

a few months earlier, or something.

Which is a good assumption, but it's not how it went down.

The store was actually able to make the prediction based purely on the fact the girl had bought

cotton balls and some unscented lotion a few weeks earlier.

On their own these items don't seem all that unusual, but the girl's loyalty card

also showed that she'd recently also purchased mineral substances for the first time.

Again, these don't seem like solid indicators of pregnancy, but Target's vast reams of

data showed that in cases where women bought these items unexpectedly, several months later

they'd buy diapers and other baby-related items, too, suggesting that the former items

were bought during pregnancy.

This allowed the store to accurately predict that the girl was pregnant.

Of course they don't get it right every time, but the fact they're even able to

get it right once is evidence enough that humans are depressingly predictable when it

comes to shopping.

Speaking of which…


Credit Card Companies Know if You'll Skip Out on a Debt Based on if You Like Birds

Credit cards are like handguns, in that you probably shouldn't let a person with poor

impulse control hold one lest they wave it around in a store and walk out wearing a floor-length

chinchilla coat.

As evil as they all are, credit card companies, like any of us, just want to get paid.

To this end, they hire people to pore through the reams of data they collect to better allow

them to predict whether a person is good for the money they borrow.

One of the more unusual predictors of whether a person will pay back a given debt is, rather

oddly, buying fancy bird seed.

As stupid as it sounds, analysis shows people willing to drop 20 bucks on premium, bald

eagle-friendly bird seed seldom ever default on a payment.

As innocuous as such a purchase seems, it's one of those things that is indicative of

a person's overall personality.

Think of it like littering, or being rude to waiters: it's a small, almost trivial

thing, but the kind of person who does it likely acts like an entitled douche in other

areas of their life.

As summed up by author Charles Duhigg:

"If you buy premium wild bird seed, you're spending a lot of money on something that

you're going to give away to birds you don't own.

They [Credit card companies] basically figured out that the types of people who do that,

pay off their credit card on time, because they feel this sense of moral obligation."

Because of this, bird seed and other such purchases are often taken into consideration

by credit card companies when it comes to deciding how much credit to give a person.


Buying Underwear can Indicate the State of the Economy

The economy is a weird, nebulous entity that few people are capable of fully understanding.

That's why we're going to give you all a crash course in something known as the 'underwear


Basically, there's an observable and studied correlation between sales of men's underwear

and the current state of the economy.

In a nutshell, during times of economic hardship, men buy fewer pairs.

Which seems… well, obvious.

We all make sacrifices when times are tough, but underwear is unique in that while it's

an essential purchase, it is one that can be put off.

Economists liken it to "driving your car for another 10,000 miles instead of having

it serviced."

It's a minor choice that says a lot about the person making it.

Unlike other items of men's clothing that are purchased sporadically, underwear is a

predictable purchase, so when sales of it drop, it is a fairly reasonable indicator

of the current state of the economy.

If 10 million dudes aren't willing to drop 10 bucks on a new dong pouch, there's a

good chance that the economy they work in isn't all that strong.


Whether or Not You Kiss Your Partner Before Work Can Influence if You'll Die in a Car


Few things are more intimate than kissing, and we're just going to go right ahead and

say that if there's a person out there who lets you kiss their face, all available research

says that you should be doing as much as possible.

Research has shown that men who kiss their wives before work every morning live longer,

earn more money, and are 50% less likely to be killed in a car crash.

You may scoff at this, but numbers never lie and they all point to kissing your partner

or spouse being awesome.

Now, we don't live in the Harry Potter universe, so the act of expressing your love doesn't

cast a magical bubble around you or anything.

It's more an act that's indicative of how you live the rest of your life.

Like a lot of other things on this list, kissing is a minor thing that says a lot about your

overall personality, with people who do it the most being more likely to be hold a positive

outlook on life (sad people are notoriously bad kissers).

Psychologists believe that kissing your partner each morning is a strong indicator that you're,

overall, a positive person, which in turn suggests you live a healthier lifestyle, which

in turn suggests you'll live longer, earn more, and be less likely to drive into a ditch.

Again, it's not that kissing magically fixes all your problems, but if you have someone

in your life you care about romantically, it's probably not a bad idea to do it more.

The worst that can happen is you get to grab a handful of butt, which is always great.


Owning an iPhone Makes You a Terrible Person (According to Android Users)

The internet has a collective throb on for anything that involves making fun of iPhone

owners, which is why studies like the ones we're about the quote often go viral when

they're released.

For example, in late 2016 a study was conducted that found that iPhone owners, in general,

seem to display lower levels of "honesty and integrity", a finding that was gleefully

touted across the web by avid Android users.

While the study did indeed find a seemingly concrete correlation between personality and

the brand of phone a person had in their pocket, to the point the lead researcher said they

could predict what type of phone a person used based on a simple, unrelated questionnaire

with about 70% accuracy, it's not the whole story.

One thing that was mysteriously left out of all the articles slamming iPhone users is

that the study also showed that iPhone owners were more likely to be female, have a degree,

and earn significantly more than their Android using peers.

Which goes hand-in-hand with data showing rich people tend to be douchebags anyway,

due to a sense of perceived entitlement.


Using Twitter Means You Have Shorter Relationships

Most everyone these days uses social media.

The internet has resulted in a noticeable increase in the amount of people being joined

at the hip, with anywhere between 5 and 10% of long term relationships today beginning

online, depending on your source.

With the advent and subsequent removal of the stigma surrounding online dating, the

sites that offer the service have an unbelievable amount of information related to the world

of getting our freak on with the opposite sex.

One of the more unusual things people parsing through the endless reams of data sites like

OKCupid have is that there's a link between relationship length and the use of Twitter.

Though nobody at OKCupid is exactly sure why this is the case, the site's co-founder

has explained that the data shows a "measurable and consistent" difference between the overall

length of Twitter users' relationships compared to those who don't tweet that much, or at


The key thing here is that this only seems to apply to people who use Twitter all the


You know, like those people who always Tweet pictures of their food and stuff.

Numerous theories have arisen about why exactly this seems to be the case, ranging from shorter

attention spans of Twitter users to an increasingly narcissistic society.

Or, you know, it could just be that people who use Twitter all the time are kind of boring

to be around?

Anyway, erm, why not follow us on Twitter?


Simply Liking the Taste of Beer Means You're More Likely to Put Out on a First Date

Sex on the first date is a weirdly antiquated taboo that, nonetheless, has a huge social

stigma surrounding it.

But lets say that, like 99% of people in the world you, our viral young (or young at heart)

reader, like sex and want to be matched with someone who similarly likes doing the horizontal


All you have to do is ask if they like the taste of beer.

Again gleaned from data released by OKCupid, the site found that among users of all ages,

genders, and sexualities, the single biggest signifier of whether they would consider having

sex on a first date is if they responded positively to the question "Do you like the taste of


There's no data about why exactly this is the case, but we're guessing that it has

something to do with those people spending their first date getting hammered.

Oh, uh, totally unrelated… happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

Wink, wink.

Interestingly, while the beer question was the only accurate signifier OKCupid could

find that indicated a woman would enjoy some intercourse a few hours after meeting someone,

for men there were a few more… interesting results.

For example, the site also found that men who'd find the prospect of nuclear annihilation

exciting, can imagine themselves taking a life, and would feel comfortable launching

a nuke were also more likely to have sex on a first date.

Then again, if you're comfortable ending the world in a nuclear holocaust, we're

guessing the taboo about touching genitals moments after meeting isn't something you'd

be all that concerned about.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Seemingly INNOCENT Things That Reveal Shocking Amounts of Information About YOU - Duration: 13:08.


Leo las cartas y regalos del GMS Tour!! #LoQueLosFansEscriben | TINI - Duration: 5:46.

Hi Everyone. Good morning, afternoon, evening... wherever you are!

As you can see, I have here several letters you have given me during this tour.

I don't have them all because I could not fit them in this room.

There are so many.

So we had to pick just a few from diferent places in the world.

I'd like to share this with you. I always read your letters.

We'll start with this pillow!

Natalia gave it to me.

Natalia, if you're watching this video... Here is your pillow with me!

Some of you draw...

amazingly well!

Antonia drew this one.

Aww look at this one!

This books are amazing.

'All you need is Tinistas' say here.

In this book, all this Tinistas left a letter for me.

'Please, open it' says Lucia.

This is Lucia, let me show you her picture so we all know her.

We met in Germany.

This book is so you know how proud Tinistas are of you.

'How did Tini start?' says Lucia...

I love how you write in Spanish.

A Tinista forever yours, Lucia

I love you, my love.

Thank you, Lucia.

I remember that when I got this on a Meet & Greet I really wanted to open it.

I opened it a bit clumsy...


Why Tini is my idol.

Tini taught me to never give up.

You have to listen to your heart and fight for your dreams.

Thanks, Alina!

Many thanks for this letter.

This is full... full, full, full, full of your letters.

I'll continue reading them but let me first see what else we have here.

They drew the tour looks.

We'll always be here for you.

My name is Milena and I'm French.

If you're reading my letter I'll be very lucky.

Thanks Milena for your letter. And look at this.

You are very talented because you drew every outfit of the Got Me Started Tour.

What else. A makeup bag with a GMS Tour clip.

Nothing random!

And this... Got Me Started Tour France.

I love you.

I love you, I love you, I love you I love you. From Hamburg


Look at this.

Dear Tini. It's an honour you're again in our country.

Thanks for the amazing moments we've lived with you and hopefully many more.

We're very proud of you.

It's incredible that your dreams are coming true.

Your dreams come true, and you make our dreams come true.

Hope you have a good time here in Germany.

With love...

Thank you.

Thank you!

Many girls are signing this letter so many thanks to you all.

With the pearls!


Thanks for everything, Tini.

Germany always by your side, Tini.

Many, many, many thanks.

I remember this one! A Russian girl got it to me.

She travelled from Russia to see the show.

From Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Look. I remember it. Amazing pictures.

I hope someday I'll come visit.

I met you in 2012, she says.

Oh, please, I gotta read you this one.

It's incredible.

This is what she said she thought when first heard about Violetta.

This book couldn't be any cuter.

Many thanks to my Russian fans for this book.

I remember this... is it upside down?

Always the same.


Very cute.

I remember she said, she sewed it with her grandma.

Look at all the flags I have here with me.

Like this, all together.

Thanks also to everyone else who wrote to me and I couldn't read yours today.

I always like to read what you write.

To know I make you happy and I can get you a smile.

It's a blessing.

I love you with all my heard and wish you all the happiness in the world.

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