Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

All Around The World Thought This Grain Spirit Of Medicine Gout Out Gout But Nobody Knows That Eat

For more infomation >> All Around The World Thought This Grain Spirit Of Medicine Gout Out Gout But Nobody Knows That Eat - Duration: 4:11.


a6500 + SmallRig Cage | My Vlog Camera Setup - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> a6500 + SmallRig Cage | My Vlog Camera Setup - Duration: 5:15.


Tam Quốc Diễn Nghĩa - Bí Mật Kinh Thiên Động Địa Trong Cách Dùng Người Và Nhìn Người Của Tào Tháo - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Tam Quốc Diễn Nghĩa - Bí Mật Kinh Thiên Động Địa Trong Cách Dùng Người Và Nhìn Người Của Tào Tháo - Duration: 10:28.


mathematics tricks that will blow your mind | mathematics tricks | mathematics tricks magic - Duration: 1:13.

mathematics tricks

For more infomation >> mathematics tricks that will blow your mind | mathematics tricks | mathematics tricks magic - Duration: 1:13.


Werkzaamheden Schiedam Nieuwland 30 mei 2017 (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Werkzaamheden Schiedam Nieuwland 30 mei 2017 (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 5:10.


Use Ginger this way, crippled baby Sleep Well Sleep Sleep Instant Sleep - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Use Ginger this way, crippled baby Sleep Well Sleep Sleep Instant Sleep - Duration: 3:46.


不倫 家出 感動話!いつものように母さんと 激しい口ゲンカをしていた!不器用な父の密かな思いとは - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 不倫 家出 感動話!いつものように母さんと 激しい口ゲンカをしていた!不器用な父の密かな思いとは - Duration: 4:42.


乃木坂46 白石麻衣,松村沙友理,西野七瀬他出演明治CM しまるボトルシリーズ「ゆったり、飲も。」 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 乃木坂46 白石麻衣,松村沙友理,西野七瀬他出演明治CM しまるボトルシリーズ「ゆったり、飲も。」 - Duration: 0:16.


UAĐ- Tsu - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> UAĐ- Tsu - Duration: 2:40.


Middle of the Panopticon - Duration: 5:17.

God Toby, Clean up will yah?

And? Am I disturbing your work Phoebe?

Yes, this is bothering me Toby!

So? You're taking up a lot of space too

Can you guys shut up, I'm trying to work!

Shut up Foucault!

You know what Elliot?


Toby, I told you it's fine.

No, just talking a walk.. I'm just stressed out right now

I'll be ok

No, Tell Phebee I'm fine

alright, see ya man. Bye.


You wanna to sign the log?


So the next people who see it know we were here?


My turn

Who's Owen?

My brother…

we used to do this, to mess with the universe

So like signed each other up for weird newsletters and stuff?

Everyone does that.

We'd switch library cards,

put each other's names on blog comments,

screw with the grand cosmic record of who did what


The world tends towards chaos,

I'm just pushing it along

*end of flashback*

Cassidy… what are you doing here?

Ezra, hi, um… I-I was just,uh, taking a walk…

Right, me too.

Do you… do you go to Dartmouth too?

No… I snuck onto the campus for one of the courses.

They don't offer it at Duke…

You go to Duke now?

I thought you were against local colleges

I am, but my parents thought it was the best option so…

Yea, that sucks, I guess…

Cassidy, it's been almost two and a half years since we spoke last,

right before you left me

I know, Ezra, I'm sorry

Did you know that Cooper died after that coyote attack?

No, I-I didn't Ezra

You left me the exact moment that I lost him.

I lost both of you…

But despite that, I moved on, and kept living

I'm happy for you, Ezra, I really am.

I'm glad you were able to start living

Are you? Living, I mean

Not exactly… still stuck in the panopticon…


Do you read Foucault?

What am I talking about? Of course you don't read Foucault

Mostly I just don't read

Well, Mr. Illiterate Jock, let me enlighten you.

There was this philosopher/ historian called Foucault,

who wrote about how society is like this legendary prison called the panopticon.

In the panopticon, you might be under constant observation,

so you can never be sure whether someone is watching you or not,

so you wind up following the rules anyway

But how do you know who's a watcher and who's a prisoner?

That's the point.

Even the watchers are prisoners


We'll escape the panopticon together!

*end of flashback*

Cassidy, let me help you


let me help you!

I know I'm the last person that you would want to do this

and you're probably still made at me from 2 and 1/2 years ago,

but, if escaping the panopticon is really what you want

then I want to help you

Ezra, I don't think you understand-

Then help me to understand!

I really want to help you.

I know you're probably don't care, but I still do, I've never stopped.

Would Owen want you to escape?

Then if not for me,

if not for yourself, then

do it for Owen


For more infomation >> Middle of the Panopticon - Duration: 5:17.


Lyric Breakdown - S01E09 - I Am the Walrus (2015): 5:18 - 5:30 (1080p) - Duration: 0:13.

"Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna.

Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe."

This is why people have majored in English,

to understand this.

"Singing Hare Krishna?" I think that's like a Hindu thing,

like a chant that they have.

For more infomation >> Lyric Breakdown - S01E09 - I Am the Walrus (2015): 5:18 - 5:30 (1080p) - Duration: 0:13.


κουτάβια μαλινουά.....με εργασιακές γραμμές-δυνατά αίματα!!!!! - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> κουτάβια μαλινουά.....με εργασιακές γραμμές-δυνατά αίματα!!!!! - Duration: 3:59.


Obama Attacked Trump For Paris Decision, So IMMEDIATELY Trump Unleashed His Secret ... - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Obama Attacked Trump For Paris Decision, So IMMEDIATELY Trump Unleashed His Secret ... - Duration: 1:16.


पौधों को ऐसे दें बोन्साई आकार /How to Make Ficus Bonsai /Tips & Tricks -2nd June 2017/Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 11:04.

If you have not yet subscribed to the Mammal Bonsai channel

If you have not yet subscribed to the Mammal Bonsai channel

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Hello Friends, i am Vijay saini & welcome to Mammal Bonsai .

You will see a tree in front

this is ficus panda


I had shifted this tree in this pot some days ago

Before that it had double trunk

There was a truck out from here

Let me show you how I planted it and how it was

When I planted it, I showed you what I did in it.

look this

Then its trunk was here

I removed , because had dried up

after that I made this branch is main trunk

and i made these branches as side branches

now we will some wiring on it

Before working on any tree, decide what shape to give

Professional artists use two ways

Like if they want to remove this branch

He does not remove the branch directly

They first check what the tree will look like after removing this branch

So what methods do they use for them I tell you that

like if

The back is white background

Then take a white cloth and put the cloth on top of the branch that you want to remove

cover it like this

So that they can see how this tree would look like without this branch

Its shape will come

And one of the other methods is that

Make its drawing first

As for our tree, make a drawing of how it attracts us.

Once someone had asked me

that When we work on a tree, how do we know how to shape it

So what do I do for it

There are lots of trees around me

mean the natural tree plants are around me

When I look at them, I see Bonsai's shape inside them.

I see them well how is their branches

hows shape and trunk

I see everything well

So when I work on a Bonsai tree

So I see his structure

that Which natural tree match its structure

And then I work on the tree accordingly

And all this is understood by ourselves

When you start making bonsai

Whenever you will be given a tree to make bonsai

So when you look at and see, you'll see a shape inside it.

And it is not that if you give the shape to the tree once it is fixed

Maybe you gave the shape

And after 2 years you can see any other shape in it, then you can give that shape to him.

Ok guys now we have to work on this tree

So, the branches of this side are growing well.

But this part lttle blank

So the branches inside it, we have to grow

so this branch will grow this side

but its little now

this branch good it will grow this side

So our tree structure will become like this

Ok guys, now we go near the tree

And wiring on the branch

i think we will wire on this branch

some branch are little

so let's grow them

Take the wire according to the branch

If the branch is thin then the wire should be thin accordingly

Do not take too thin

Because if you take more thin then

after wiring and shaping it will come back in the same shape.

And if you take too much fat, it will ruin the branch.

ok now we will wire these two branches

Keep one thing in mind

save the new buds

Do not allow them to come under the wire.

and carefully

do wire on branch

remove extra wire

now bend it Lightly

Ok guys, something has already been done right now

remove these little unwanted branches

now prune top branches

i think now its ok

a branch will grow here

like this one

one branch will grow this side

then tree get good shape

It will take some time because not all work together

We will take a little bit time to grow it

now these little branch on this

Let me show you closer

you can see this branch

It has become much longer and there is no new buds in it

so we will remove its new growth from here

this one also remove from here

On this tree we have to work down on nebri

its trunk thick from here but thin from down

we will grow some roots here in the rainy season

will grow roots around the trunk

and after that when will repot it

then remove some down roots

So that the height of which is more then it will be alright too

And here is the thickness

Tree structure will look good

so we will grow roots here

And need to remove its tap root

then tree looking good like a bonsai

we can wire on little branch But for that thin wire would be needed

but i have not thin wire

Gradually the shape in the tree will start

Bonsai is not made soon

the top branch we will wire like this

When it will be a little bit mature

then tree structure will be good

Its shape will come like bonsai

I am thinking when there will be an Aerial roots, then we will take them to pot

then look too good

I think, it looks great beforehand.

Slowly keep working on it

when new branches will grow

And its foliage will go deeper

then its look like tree and when its trunk will thick

then looks beautiful

ok friends see you in the next video

till then goodbye , thanks

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