Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017


Hello, how are you doing?

My friend and I

went to a museum

and now I have....

two beautiful books on the Russian Revolution

they are super super super interesting

"because they are propaganda" [they're beautiful because they're propaganda??? Ophelia what are you saying??]

I love Russian history

I still speak Russian very badly

but it's interesting and I love the Russian language

ah, look

it's Tartar

it's to the Tartar women

and that's also Tartar

super interesting

this is a book of posters and

this is a book of posters and essays on Russian history and Russian culture

it's Nicolas II

and yes, very interesting

I love the Russian language because I love Russian history

in French "j'ai hâte" (I'm looking forward to it)

Today we're in Oxford -- us together

and I spoke Russian with friends

I don't know, I don't know

it's -- it's difficult

because I don't know how to say a lot

because I've been studying Russian for what feels like ages

and now I'm a bit disheartened

it's just today

maybe tomorrow will be different

it's not permanent

For more infomation >> Teaching myself Russian // Ep. 1 - Duration: 3:31.


Blissful Energy Hitting All Starseeds - Duration: 2:48.

Blissful Energy Hitting All Starseeds

by Diane Canfield,


Tonight blissful energy is streaming in from the Cosmos.

This energy comes from the Divine Creator and the Galactics.

They know we need a rest now with all of the transformations we have gone through in this

past 2 months.

(for more details see my articles)

This Energy is Blissful, Calm and Serene.

It is our gift to overcome the obstacles we have jumped over in bringing more light to

all of EARTH and it�s inhabitants.

Tingles centering around the Crown Chakra and spreading to the facial area are occurring.

As more LIGHT Streams in, more of the Creators Energy automatically also streams in to bathe

us in the Divine light.

The Galactics who occupy a higher plane of existence are also more in tune with this

same energy.

The Galactics know what the Earth has gone through and what needs to be done to solve

the issues that remain.

They are helping us through downloads such as the energy tonight to raise our vibration

and become more in Harmony with them.

As Diamond and Crystal encodements continue to pour in, we must accept them.

Relax and accept this energy as your own.

For we are a part of the higher consciousness and all that exists.

This is why we are here, for this time.

I love you all !

In Service and Love

For more infomation >> Blissful Energy Hitting All Starseeds - Duration: 2:48.


The Last Of Us 'Logan' Style Trailer 라스트 오브 어스 로건 스타일 예고편 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> The Last Of Us 'Logan' Style Trailer 라스트 오브 어스 로건 스타일 예고편 - Duration: 1:55.


Teoría: ¿Cuál es la Conexión entre las Sagas de Mega Man Original y X? - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Teoría: ¿Cuál es la Conexión entre las Sagas de Mega Man Original y X? - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 5:59.


IndyCar Racing II Retro DOS Spiel | Rennsimulator mit DOS-BOX / D-Fend Reloaded | DIY Part1 - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> IndyCar Racing II Retro DOS Spiel | Rennsimulator mit DOS-BOX / D-Fend Reloaded | DIY Part1 - Duration: 7:23.


SchloerBITS - "The John" (PARODY of Matthew McConaughey Lincoln Commercial) - Duration: 0:57.

[Sensual Music Throughout]

I've been using a John since

long before anybody ever paid me to use one.

I didn't do it to be cool.

I didn't do it to make a statement.

I just liked it.


[Sensual Music]

[Cheerful Music]

For more infomation >> SchloerBITS - "The John" (PARODY of Matthew McConaughey Lincoln Commercial) - Duration: 0:57.


Landen Atheisten in der Hölle? – Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 9:53.

Alright, we've got Denise in Portland. How are you?

Good, how are you?

M: We're doing well. J: Hi, Denise.

What's up?

D: Well, I'm on a Facebook, it's called "The Holy Bible Page"

and one of the atheists challenged us to call in, so I did.

I am a Christian and make no bones about it.

J: Okay. And what can we do for you?

D: I just called in to chat.

J: Not anything in particular? D: No, well ...

D: It's truly disheartening how many of the atheists are former believers.

And I realize that.

But I don't think they realize what's going to happen to them in the end.

M: I think you're right.

M: I don't think any of us knows what's going to happen.

D: I believe in a literal hell. Where are they going to end up when they die?

D: Have you thought about it?

J: You say you believe in a literal hell? D: Yes, I do.

J: And you think that we atheists deserve to go there.

D: No. J: We don't?

J: Then how come ... Ma'am? D: I don't want anybody to go.

J: You believe there's a hell.

And you believe the atheists are going to go there.

Because why? You guys are going to send us there?

D: No. They send themselves there by rejecting Jesus as their saviour.

J: No, that's silly. I am choosing right now I don't want to go to hell.

So now your god has the option of either sending me or not.

D: Jesus has thrown you a life preserver. That's why he's called the saviour.

You guys have been ridiculous enough to reject it.

M: Where did hell come from?

D: It's in the bible. He spoke about it many times, I believe in it. If you ...

M: No, no. Denise, a question: Did god create hell?

D: God originally created hell for Satan and the demons. [Not for us.]

M: Sure. So, why did god decide to start sending people there?

D: He doesn't send them to hell. You guys send yourselves.

J: We don't. That's nonsense. If we have the choice, we choose not to go.

Now the ball's back in gods court. If he wants to send us, he can. [Will he?]

D: You send yourselves. J: No, we don't! That's ridiculous.

D: You send yourselves. J: No, that's ridiculous.

M: It doesn't matter how many times you keep repeating this.

D: You keep repeating your stuff!

M: I tried something else: Did god create hell?

Then he's ultimately responsible, correct? Does he not make the rules?

Denise, did things not happen according to your god's will?

Does he not already know ... D: He is everybody's god, [not just mine].

M: No, not my god. I don't even believe he exists.

But in any case, I don't care.

I'm trying get to the source of the problem here.

It's this: you were saying, Jesus threw you a life preserver.

As for [me], within the bounds of your theology, Jesus kicked me overboard.

D: He didn't kick you overboard. M: Sure he did.

M: Did your god create hell? Yes or no? D: Yes.

M: Did your god create the rules of the universe,

including the criteria by which souls are judged?

D: Yes.

M: Does anything happen that doesn't [follow] your god's will?

D: No.

M: Then your god is ultimately responsible for everything,

including the people who he sends to hell.

D: That's so messed up!

M: Yeah, that logic stuff is a real pain in the ass.

D: When you reject him, that's the dumbest thing you can possibly do.

D: That's why he's called the saviour.

J: And I have a question. What are we being saved from, exactly?

D: You're being saved from eternal damnation, hell. Hell.

D: Have you ever been a Christian? J: Yes, I was.

D: For how many years? J: Until I was about 21, 22.

D: What happened?

J: I thought about whether there was any reason

to believe any of that stuff.

And it scared me.

Because I had been raised to believe in a kind and loving god

but to fear this kind and loving god.

Every time it occurred to me to question,

my fear got in the way.

Eventually, I said to myself, if god is really kind and loving,

he's not going to mind me using my brain that he gave me,

to think clearly, carefully and rationally about what I've been taught

and to make my own decision.

The moment that I realized

a kind and loving god was not to be feared

when I'm considering rethinking my beliefs,

that gave me the freedom to think clearly about my beliefs.

Within a minute, I realized this is all nonsense, I'm an atheist.

M: And I go one step further here.

Even if I were to concede your, [I think], ridiculous framing

that god doesn't send people, they send themselves to hell.

Even if I were to accept that --

I won't even necessarily go to the [valid] mafia boss analogy --

my point of view is this:

You have a being, according to your theology,

that can possibly prevent people from having to suffer eternally.

And he, instead of being good, just, caring and actually doing that,

is offering a kind of bribe.

The bribe is, you need to believe without evidence

and you need to worship, adhere and follow my commands.

That's not love. That is not ...

M: That is not an exercise of love. D: He got on the cross to save you.

D: He went through hell. M: He didn't die!

D: He was the one that pays the price. Who rejects him, that's their decision.

M: Then why the fuck did you call?

D: Excuse me?

D: You can't be a lot more civil to someone that calls in

without using filthy language?

M: Filthy language? Hang on. First of all, you called to tell us ...

D: This conversation is over. God bless you. I hope you see the light.

He is the only way. Good bye. M: Are you done ...

J: Yeah, she's hanging up.

M: I used a word that [hurt] Denise's feelings.

It doesn't surprise me --

while we'll have to put a little disclaimer on this particular issue --

that somebody who is so muddled in their thinking

and so afraid of the irrational

would give magic powers to words.

It's four letters, phonemes, they don't have any magical powers,

it's a way of expressing an exclamation mark.

You called, and when things got too heated,

you tried to do this, "Well, it's all up to you guys,

and if you reject him, that's your responsibility etc."

Which was your way of giving up.

All you wanted was call in, state your opinion and move on.

When I asked you, why the fuck did you call,

I wasn't cursing you out,

I was exclaiming that this is absurd, for you to call in and do this.

To call in and pretend like you're going to defend your beliefs,

and when they're challenged to a point that you can't defend them,

you cry that your feelings got hurt

because somebody used a word that was scary.

It's no wonder you're still stuck in this mindset

of being afraid of fantasy,

if one little word sends you screaming

"the poor atheists have beaten up on me

and are saying offensive things!"

J: Can we spend a little time on "we send ourselves to hell"?

That is, I'm holding a gun to your head,

telling you to give me 100 dollars,

don't make me shoot you.

That's what it is.

That's their arrangement.

No, if Matt refuses to give me 100 dollars,

he did not commit suicide.

M: It's why I've used the mafia boss analogy before.

It's why I asked if you thought your god created hell.

Because the mafia boss creates the scenario where,

hey, we can protect you, but you've got to pay,

and when somebody breaks my thumbs for not paying,

it wasn't my choice.

You're saying my choice is to pay or get my ass kicked.

And in your theology my choice is

to accept something [impossible] because it's irrational without evidence

and then go the step further

of becoming worshipful and adherent to this fantasy.

Well, I won't do it.

Because I see what happens when people [do that].

Even if I could convince myself to accept the delusion,

it is harmful, immoral, and your theology is immoral.

What you're saying about there being a literal hell

and god gets to wash his hands of it. It's all completely immoral.

You have lost your own sense of dignity, self-respect,

humanity and morality.

For more infomation >> Landen Atheisten in der Hölle? – Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 9:53.


اغلى سيارات العالم - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> اغلى سيارات العالم - Duration: 1:21.


funny cat videos for kids - youtube - Duration: 2:40.

funny cat videos for kids - youtube

For more infomation >> funny cat videos for kids - youtube - Duration: 2:40.


Израильские врачи спасли Дмитрия Билана (03.06.2017.) - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Израильские врачи спасли Дмитрия Билана (03.06.2017.) - Duration: 1:28.






It is here, in Bucharest Old City where Bucharest nightlife is now a flourishing business for both pubs owners and tourists due to the low prices from the foreigners point of view and acceptable according to the Romanian youth looking for fun after work or in week-end.

Also part of the Bucharest Old City and its main attractions, Lipscani Street is not far from French Street.

If you are interested in good Romanian cuisine, take lunch or dinner at Caru' cu bere, which is a beer house built in 19th century or Tears and Saints restaurant.

Stavropoleos Church in Bucharest is nowadays in the Old City and you can visit it before going to have lunch in the area. It was built by a Greek monk, called Ioanichie Stratonikeas from Epirus.

Stavropoleos Church is one of the most important monuments in Bucharest, seen as an architectural masterpiece, with the old entrance as main point of attraction, built in old Romanian style.

In Bucharest Old City one can also find the National History Museum where you must not miss the Roman Column replica from the capital of Italy of Trajan's Column, symbol of the empire's golden age.

For more infomation >> BUCHAREST OLD TOWN YOUTUBE - Duration: 3:08.


Small Details In Wonder Woman Only True Fans Noticed - Duration: 4:06.

Wonder Woman has arrived in theaters, and much to the disappointment of comic-conscious

nerds, it went incredibly light on the Easter Eggs.

Sure, we were treated to an island full of Amazons that seemed pretty faithful to their

comic counterparts.

But the film didn't have a single inexplicable time-traveling Flash cameo.

What's a wonder-nerd to do?

Let's roll up our sleeves and see what secret DC references we were able to find between

the frames of Wonder Woman.

And of course, super spoilers ahead.

We all scream

Because it's a comic book movie, Wonder Woman borrowed a huge chunk of its content from,

you know, comic books… just in a very general sense.

However, eagle-eyed readers of DC Comics' New 52 version of Justice League were quick

to spot a story beat cribbed directly from the comic pages.

In the first few pages of Justice League #3, Princess Diana has pretty much the same conversation

with an ice cream vendor as she does in the film, though the comic presents a more modern


The story quickly diverges, however, as modern Diana is quickly attacked by Parademons from

another planet, while movie Diana remains hell-bent on hunting down Ares.

The scene gets another adaptation in the animated feature Justice League: War, further cementing

the fact that despite having a pretty good grasp on pleasure, Amazons don't have anything

on humans.

They have an isolated island paradise...but we have Ben & Jerry's.

Point, mortals.

Four eyes

Wonder Woman doesn't have a very extensive history on screen compared to some of her


But her 1975 TV show is a thing of legend, mostly because it was straight-up goofy fun.

What kind of Amazonian magic does it take to spin around to change your clothes?

We never found out, but plenty of people got dizzy trying.

Notably, 1975's Wonder Woman employed the unrealistic trope that if you wear a pair

of glasses, you're completely unrecognizable as the same human you are without your glasses.

So, when the cinematic Wonder Woman pops on a pair of specs as part of her disguise to

blend in with lowly humans, it's quickly called out by Etta Candy as being completely ridiculous.

Because honestly, it's about time someone did.

Official business

Because Bruce Wayne is the richest man in the world, he can afford to send armored cars

anywhere he wants, even if they just contain a single photograph.

Meanwhile, the rest of the 99 percent just has to settle for the post office losing their

birthday presents in the black hole that is New Jersey.

Still, when Bruce sends around his Waynemobiles, you'd think he'd be a little more subtle about

the fact that he's the guy assembling a group of superhumans called the Justice League…

but no.

When you're Wayne levels of rich, you spring for vanity plates, and you make sure those

plates have the initials of your secret super-team on them.

Having the letters 'JL' lead off your armored car's license plate is real subtle, Bruce.

What does your other car say?


God Killer

So, as we learn by the end of the movie, it turns out that the magical God Killer sword

can't actually kill gods.

And just like in the afterschool specials of yore, the power to kick some godly butt

was inside Diana all along.

As far as DC Comics is concerned, the God Killer sword is generally the domain of the

mercenary villain known as Deathstroke, the Terminator.

The far-too-powerful weapon was crafted by one god to kill another, and was given to

Earth's greatest assassin.

So while it's clear that Wonder Woman's big-screen sword wasn't the real deal, there are rumblings

of Deathstroke appearing in the DCEU.

Could we get a look at the real God Killer sword in the future?

Amazon prime

While it's not really an Easter Egg, DC went all out in including Princess Diana's many,

many friends and relatives on Themyscira.

While some were named on-screen, a handful are only mentioned in the credits.

Every single one of these Amazons has had a few comic pages dedicated to them, even

if most of them are largely interchangeable warrior women.

But maybe we'll see a couple of them again in Wonder Woman II?

It's a miracle

There's not a whole lot of information about that mystery gas General Ludendorff was snorting

in order to Hulk out.

But DC comics has a pretty weird history of its heroes and villains taking strange substances

to perform superhuman tasks.

One early example of this appeared in 1940 under the name "miraclo," a "miracle vitamin"

that enabled the Golden Age hero Hourman to do heroic things for sixty action-packed minutes.

While miraclo was developed for positive purposes, it eventually fell into the wrong hands and

became a substance that Batman fans will be very familiar with: venom.

Whether or not Dr. Poison's power-up gas will eventually find its way into the bubbling

tubes of the supervillain Bane is anyone's guess.

But the foundations have been laid to break the Batfleck.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Small Details In Wonder Woman Only True Fans Noticed - Duration: 4:06.


Dr Zakir Naik || Acts Recommended and Discouraged || Peace TV Live !! " Ramadan Special " Episode-7 - Duration: 47:25.

dear brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity assalamualaikum what happened

to LA he what about a cattle may the peace mercy and blessings of

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala be on all of you welcome to the show

Ramadan a date with dr. Zakia I'm your host use of chambers and today we will

be discussing the topic acts recommended and discourage during the fasting dr.

zakir salam alikum walaikum A'Salam bottom of the ledger Borgata how are you

today alhamdulillah very little Masha

hamdulillah this topic again such an important one in fact every 32 we will

do inshallah will be very very important ensure could you

dr. Zakia to start the proceedings simply tell our viewers what are the

recommended acts during Ramadan and hamdulillah the salat wa salam ala fully

la ila al us I wish me a mad old billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem with my lair

of man Rahim Bob Bashara sadly westerly Emery was included Melissa neoscope

calmly normally all the acts that are recommended during normal days are also

recommended during the month of Ramadan except those acts which break the fast

but there are specific acts which have been recommended by a prophet

especially limited from them and some acts I encourage more animals are from

them and there are many of them I'll try and list at mini as I can the first is

having fufu you should not negate the food number two is having for as late as

possible just before the break of dawn third is having an early star as early

as possible just after sunset the foetus having

dates and water made you break the fast shift is seeing the recommended walls

after you bring the first and the sixth is that when you break the fast it is

preferable you in white are the people especially the poor people and be fixin

shall be discussing tomorrow the other team the jeddak will be the Prophet is

number one that we should do as many good deeds as possible during the month

of Ramadan number two we should be more generous than another from done number

three that if someone tries to provoke you if you not get angry we should say I

am fasting and fasting number four we should use the serac that the two stick

number five that if possible should perform Umrah during the month of am

done number six should try and acquire as

much knowledge as possible read the Quran along with the transition left we

better deed these are the Islamic books number seven we have to attain as many

Islamic programs as possible lectures seminars to increase Islamic knowledge

number eight we should watch some programs may be on the video watch

Islamic cassettes your Islamic audio dates of scholars so that we increase in

our knowledge number nine we have to be happy throughout the day we should not

look gloomy number ten we should have listened okay other people

the m---eleven we should be extra good to our family number twelve we should

put the fucker that means ponder and think on it and number thirteen is that

we should fitted that we try and forgive people's false and there are other

actually the Prophet also a community agency Allah will be dealing in detail

in the other days for example the Prophet said that we should especially

be careful that all our complicity seller which would often congregation as

far as possible in the mosque number two is we should offer as much as

soon as Allah as much as now awful number three we should supplicate as

much as possible to las manos ala number four we should ask for forgiveness

because this is the month of forgiveness number five we should decide as much

Quran as possible number six we should offer to AVI

number seven we should especially in the last 10 days we should declare my lair

number eight is we should do ehtekaf the last end is possible and number nine we

should give the hut if they are not given number ten is that we should do

our own self improvement as much as possible the m---eleven secret let's

record number twelve is a SAP of the other Muslim brothers and number 13 is

dharwad to the non-muslims so these in short are the paid topics which I have

listed which are especially recommended in the month of from none subhanAllah a

lot of topics which we've got to get through dr. Zakir and I hope when I

trust in allah subhanho wa taala that we can get as much benefit out to the

viewers and to ourselves first and foremost as well sure and first six

topics we discussed tomorrow under the heading so horse and if stars sure so

they'll be very interesting then we've got the last 13 topics if enunciated of

course they will be discussed in the coming days from the 9th until the twins

for Ramadan and the middle topics that you discussed we will now take them on

as importance right now so dr. zakir the first topic we need to discuss today is

how can one understand generosity in terms of Ramadan what are the acts of

generosity that you would recommend a Muslim to be involved in a person should

always be generous for his life we're doing them none he should be more

generous it should be check speak and there are various ways opposing in

agendas for example one thing which normally people think about generosity

is helping people with money but that is not the only act of generosity that is

one of the acts of generosity helping someone with your money the other act of

generosity is that if you share your knowledge if you guide someone who is

loved someone or do thou up the non-muslim even this diversity you

happen with your knowledge the other act of generosity is may be you may help

them with your physical strength in doing some work or maybe lifting

something even that fact of generosity any good deed is an act of generosity

for example you may be in a position being in the position the job we are

doing you may be able to help someone in fulfilling you need even that's an act

of generosity so all these command elections inner

city and the hadith of a prophet musa alehsalaam

it's mentioned in say bihari void number one in the book of Revelation hadith

number five it is said that mohammed salah salem he was the most generous of

all the people i am doing the month of ramadan his generosity used to reach the

peak and archangel gabriel used to visit enduring amount of a man and used to

rehearse the quran and it is said that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he

was more generous than the strong uncontrollable wind

he was the peak of generosity for the beloved cosmos Ellison said especially

doctor Mehdi hadith number 3 - t3 where it is said that there will be

rooms in paradise where you can see inside the room from the outside and you

can see the outside from inside and these rooms will be prepared for those

people who are generous and who help the poor people those who fast regularly and

those who pray at night so these are special rooms prepared for those people

in paradise further they hadith ferdi mentioned in

signa maha hadith number one seven four six where a beloved prophet musa

alehsalaam said that any person who feed the person who I fasted he will get the

reward of the person who I said worthy fasting without diminishing the reward

of the person was fasting therefore it shows that we should encourage people to

fill out the people all these are acts of generosity

so Allah I hope and pray we can be as generous of a Sulha sallalaho aleyh

wassallam in this month inshallah sir dr. zakir the month of say

giveness ramadan is and Allah has recommended us to be

forgiving of one another during this month can you explain more about that

this is the month of forgiveness and since we are for forgiveness - final

gala Allah had also recommended that we human

being we should forgive others and there are several verses in the Quran which

have explained the Cindy did he speak so al Imran chapter number 3 was 134 last

month Allah says that you should forgive Allah legs do do do good deeds that

means those who forgive and last not electing Allah says in surah Araf

chapter number 7 was from 199 that hold to forgiveness and enjoin what is right

and go away from those who are ignorant further one last phase in us remove cap

number 24 verse number 22 Allah says that and you should forgive wouldn't you

want that Allah should forgive you Allah is oft-forgiving and most merciful

Allah says in surah taha boon chap number 64 Muslim 14 that amongst your

wives and children they had asked some wire enemies but it could be better if

you forgive them you all would default and you cover up default Allah is

oft-forgiving most merciful so unless subhana WA Ta'ala is

encouraging the Muslims and the believers there is displayed that you

forgive as many people as possible and Allah will forgive you and we have the

best examples in the prophets of Allah - Allah we have the example in the life of

prophet musa from salam where we know properties which pleased upon him that

his stepbrothers that plan against him and they want to kill him but a last one

hunter offenses and later on he's made the governor of Egypt and when finally

all the brothers at his mercy allah says that he said it's mentioned

in the quran in surah yousuf chapter 12 verse number 92 he says that let not

push the grass from you and Allah is the one to forgive his merciful

let me usually Salam he forgives all offenders

like merciful we have the best example of forgiveness in the last and final

messenger performance of someone's arise during Fateh Makkah when the mushriks

when the pagans of Makkah they killed many of relatives that killed his uncle

that killed many of the Saba's but then finally he had victory over them he

forgave all of them and Allah says in the Quran in surah ahzab chapter 33

verse number 21 that verily in the Prophet you have the most beautiful

pattern of conduct and Allah says in surah facility chapter number 41 verse

than 34 Allah says that repel evil with good

and he will never know the person in whose heart is hatred against you you

will find that he will become an intimate friend of yours

that means repel evil with what is good that is the best and a lot of p2 the

message instead of Shara chap number 42 verse number 37 he speaks about those

people that means the people of paradise those are the people who avoid shameful

deeds and avoid major sins and when they get angry they forget so there are

various verses in the Quran is allah subhanaw taala gives of gayness lima

beans that we should forgive the other people just Rock Allah hair doctors are

here for that reminder regarding forgiving our dear brothers and sisters

in Islam inshallah we'll see you soon after the short break my dear brothers

and sisters in Islam and humanity assalamu aleikum

welcome back to the show ramadan a date with dr. zakir I'm your host

Yusuf chambers and today we are discussing the topic

acts recommended and discouraged whilst fasting next question relates to anger

dr. Zakir regarding anger management in the month of Ramadan people are fasting

during the month of Ramadan they're getting angry is there any excuse for a

person getting angry in the month of Ramadan is it a valid excuse

indeed for them to say we are fasting we're entitled to get hangry

in fact it is opposite that a person while fasting you should not get angry

because allah says in the quran in surah Baqarah chap need to verse number a

decree that fasting has been prescribed to you as it was prescribed to people

looking before you so that you may learn self-restraint

it says lolloping tacticool so that they may learn self-control so in fact if you

are fasting all the more reason you should not get angry it is opposite it

can't be a valid excuse that because I'm hungry because I'm tired like a near

angry it is opposite and a beloved perform a solution insane just mention

the fiery of say Buhari 1 number 3 in the book of fasting hadith number 1 main

video for a beloved prophet said that fasting is a shield and you should not

speak obscenely you should not yell at anyone else and if someone abuses you or

someone tries to provoke you or someone tries to make you angry you should say I

am fasting and fasting and the same method is repeated also in say Bihari

wine number 3 in the book of fasting I did number one eight nine for my beloved

Prophet said that someone provokes you or make you angry say I am fasting and

fasting it further it be delivering say Muslim several places and a beloved

Buffalo muscle or sunset is mentioned in say Bihari walk number eight in the book

of manners hadith number six one one for a blurred prophet said that the strong

person is not one who defeats another person with this friend the stronger

person is not one who overcomes another with this friend but the stronger person

is one who when someone makes him angry he forgives him he does not get angry so

actually fasting shows us a way how to control ourselves and as you rightly

said it is somewhat like management on how to control your anger

somehow Allah well if we can control our anger also fasting we can do it anytime

shaolong sure dr zakir regarding something which is very beloved that is

doing performing the Umrah during the month of ramadhan

any particular advice regarding that action jaramana

as far as advantage of doing Umbra in the month of ramadhan a profit

encouraging I told the Saba we encourage the Saba that you should go over arena

mother from done and a promise of rostrum said X mention in say Bihari

world number three in the Box O'Meara at least number 172 the Prophet said

that anyone who does ombres in the month of Ramadan it is equivalent to Hajj let

me if you perform Umrah in the month of Ramadan anywhere from done with the

starting middle line it is equivalent to performing Hajj well that's it's a very

good reason of course to do Amla during this blessed

month dr. Zakir many people have the misconception that using this a walk

during the fast in Ramadan is discouraged could you just clarify this

point please there are many people who think that using save our value of

fasting is discouraged it is based on the hadith the same I did I quoted

earlier of say Bihari volume three in the book of fasting and this number 1 9

0 4 and 1 8 9 for profit of Lawson said that by Allah in whose hand is my soul

the breath of a person who fast is sweeter allah subhanaw taala

than the scent of musk now based on this people think that if you save us the

breath the bad breath that normally comes when a person who fasts

will not be there so Allah will not enjoy the bread and based on this they

think it is discouraged in fact we should realize that when the persons

using the siwash took stick it does not stop a bad breath which normally comes

when a person fast well when you use the to stick the

service it normally massages the gums and if there are any food particles in

between the teeth like how you use a toothbrush it is somewhat similar to

that the bad bit of fasting comes from the stomach because no food enters the

stomach and that's how it comes so no way it does it contract at and

furthermore beloved prophet amos elephants

if mentioned if a body when number two has it number 887 that the beloved

prophet said that if it wasn't too difficult for my Ummah I would have made

it compulsory to use this a walk before every prayer how would you is complicity

so the Prophet said if it would have been difficult for the Ummah would have

made it completely to use the savour every time before Priya and that means

it is a recommended act and if it wasn't good for fasting I mentioned it like how

we mentioned for excessive flipping of water hadith of up without one number

two are these number two three six zero the beloved Prophet said that sniff

water excessively through your nose while during ablution except while

fasting that means the thing what Texas it is good but don't do it well fasting

because there are dangers if you go into the throat and meant of the summer so

here too if it was a disadvantage the path would have said that I would have

told my own want to use the service except by fasting so based on this using

suboxone the Sunnah it is a recommended act it is Musab and you should do it and

in Charlotte we go to the words doctors rakia how can a person seek knowledge

during the blessed month of Ramadan seek knowledge is a very good act especially

remember from them there are various ways a person is sick knowledge beside

Allah in the Quran which is recommended tingling them that opportunity indeed

the translation program he should read the book of habit and as far as possible

he should read the book which are say the books of authentic hadith the best

is the kata bisetta if you can read that there's nothing

like it that is Hari Muslim women tae-sun abu dawood son and SI f nehemiah

these could Abu Sitta are the best i standed in permit at least we should

read the same books of hadith that is disable hurry and say Muslim if time

doesn't permit a clinician in the summarized version of a Muslim or the

family invasion of say Bihari or at least lead the matific

awake the hadith was a common between Bihari Muslim he can read the book of

this the profit and the best book on the

field of the profit in English language is irregular Maktoum the field is nectar

this speaks about the baggage for the profit there the book on the field of

the profit is mohammed salah salem by tireless mine in that's a good book

a person can acquire knowledge by attending programs he can go to any some

organization at an lecture attend seminars this will improve in knowledge

he can watch video cassettes of summit lectures of some programs he can your

audio cassettes you can go on the internet with islamic website go to

attending islamic website so these are ways in which a person can acquire

knowledge and this is a good way of spending your time in the month of

ramadan acquire knowledge and surely you will be benefited and will get a great

deal of reward insha'Allah control all of those books of course you've

mentioned available in various languages around the world so there's not really

much excuse for somebody not to pick them up during the blessed month of

Ramadan dr. zakir what is the term Posner was soloq mean and what does it

mean to be good to your family during the mother from none normally people

have an excuse that because they're fasting they seem to be tired they seem

to be as though or they have been drawn tough advise that you should look

cheerful and happy you should not look to be sad should be cheerful and happy

and we should especially be good to your family and she had more time for family

so that they get reward along with you as far as the hostess look with the

other people this is the month where besides the normal months in this month

you should be extra good to the people to enable your friends also to relatives

the good deeds forgive the faults be happy with them be cheerful and we

should also do the fucker that we think and plan our day in Ramadan so that we

get the maximum reward may Allah make it easy for us to be very very good in

righteous and good of character la Lala fala with lamb the best of

character during this blessed month of ramadhan dr. Zakir now we move on to the

second part of the show which is to discuss the discouraged acts can you now

briefly outline they discuss the discouraged acts during fasting general

are another laxative discouraged during fasting can

be divided into three categories the first is acts they're discouraged

which are contrary to the Sunnah fasting number two acts with a discouraged

growing amount of RAM none which are otherwise also prohibited number three

the other acts with a discouragement of Irma inshallah we'll see you soon after

the short break

dear brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity assalamu aleikum welcome back

to the show ramadan a date with dr. zakir

i'm your host yusuf chambers and today we are discussing the topic acts

recommended and discouraged while fasting dr. zakir could you just mention

the acts which are discouraged which are contrary to the sunnah of fasting the

actually discourage and quantity the sunnah besides the ones we said should

be recommend loudly be that it does the opposite it is a person should not feed

the near aloud while fasting the near it should not be said aloud

number two is a person should not eat excessively during iftar on the night

number three a posture should not get angry point number four is that people

read the thoroughly very fast they rush to the Ferrari and point number five is

people socialize very Etica which he reactions discouraged in

Ramadan which are also prohibited otherwise could you say something about

those actions the actions which are normally prohibited and

specifically doing them none also it's private it is backbiting and Sandra

number one one of the magician's number two is false speech and telling lies

number three is verbal abuse and swearing

number four is valgus which number five is rumor mongering and gossiping

number six is false action number seven is listening to an islamic

songs and music number eight is watching an islamic

programs on the television and an islamic movies number nine is reading an

islamic magazines and reading an islamic books number ten is going to an islamic

websites number 11 is wastage of food and number twelve is extravagant and

being spendthrift that's exactly how do we admonish a

person it does not guard his tongue was fasting in the month of ramadan guarding

the tongue is very important because many a time so most of the times that

tongue can cause more damage to a person then whether be physical torture

automatically not son supposedly be careful of the time and our beloved

prophet Nasser national say and there are various I heat dealing with this

topic if you read the Hadees of Moosa enough agnya Sheva join number five in

the book of manners hadith number two six four nine zero evening masud may

allah be pleased with him he says that by allah there is nothing more deserving

than the extended control of written and a similar message is given in the next

hadith of Muhammad Nabeel ABBA one number five in the book of manners

hadith number two six four nine one we heard about her melodies with him he

says holding stung that this is the thing that has got me to this position

that means careful office tan that is the reason he read this position and

there are many verse in the Quran may Allah says

in surah kahf chap number 50 verse number 18 that not a word that you say

which is not written by a sentinel without reloading it down that means

every word that you say is we will known that angel for this mentioned in the

Quran in surah chapter 17 verse than 53 Allah says that face the believers that

they should say things which are best and Satan many a time he saws

discord amongst the people among given beasts and Satan to you is an avowed

enemy so Allah says and guides in the Quran that we'll be careful when you use

it an and a beloved prophet Messala sunset divided mentioned in Feburary

wrong number each hadith number six four eight four where a beloved performer son

of son said that a Muslim to another Muslim he should not harm him by stung

or his hands that Muslim is a person who does not harm the other Muslim by his

hand or by stun and a beloved personal solution for the same it's mentioned in

feburary volume number eight hadith number six for seven for Vera beloved

Prophet said let anyone who can guarantee the safety that the chastity

what is between the two Jawbone's talking about the tonne and what is

between the two legs talking about private part he will be guaranteed

paradise is a person who can guarantee the chastity the safety of the tongue

and the private part he will be guaranteed paradise

my beloved Prophet peace be upon him for the said its mission is a bihari one

number eight hadith number six for seven pipe that he said that he who believes

in Allah and the last day he should either speak what is good or should keep

fight that means when you open your tongue see what is good advice keep

quiet and a prophet also said as I mentioned in several hadith of bokhari

om3 were fasting ad is number one eight nine four hundred number one nine zero

for that fasting is she who fasting helps you to predict and

helps you in self-control and a person should guard is done that if the best

for him indeed dr. Zakir it seems like these are lessons that we need to take

on both all of the time not just in Ramadan the next important topic regards

a person who commits fasted I want to know what is the ruling regarding a

person who commits facet of the tongue was fasting in Ramadan a person who says

false things or lies in the middle from none as a beloved possible solution said

his mission inside Bukhari one entry in the book of fasting hadith number one

9:03 that a person who does not leave his false action and false speech allah

subhanaw taala does not require him to leave his food

and drink let me a person who keeps on lying and continue doing false action

and false tongue Allah does not require him to leave his food or drink

indicating that that doesn't mean the fast will break if you fast there is no

other thing that they the first but the reward that we get for fasting it will

be diminished and if you do a sin such as telling a lie but natural what reward

you want to get by fasting it will diminish or maybe it will nullify as a

beloved portion of salah salem also said it's mentioned in hadith of hypnagogia

world number three book of fasting hadith number one six nine zero that the

many people who fast but do not get any reward it is as though they are fasting

only for hunger that means if you do such acts of false deeds or false action

your reward if not they as though you are just

keeping yourself hungry of starving or deity the main purpose that you learn

self-restraint is defeated me Allah encouraged us and helped us to perform

righteous actions which we benefit from in this world and the Hereafter

next question what are the dangers of backbiting and gossip mongering during

the month of Ramadan one of the media sins in Islam it is slandering and

backbiting and Allah says in the Quran in surah hamza chapter 104 verse number

one while only coonley who was a tilde Mirza

go to every kind of backbiter and sender that you have to walk to everyone who

bag bytes and send us and Allah says in the Quran in surah hujrat chap number 49

verse little girl that avoid suspicion because sometimes suspicion is a sin do

not be ill about anyone behind the back are you ready to eat the meat of your

dead brother and Allah contingency that make good

about it your Allah give the example that a person who bag bites it is as

though he is eating his own better now eating the meat of our own brother Haram

and further it phase eating dead meat even then middle of Sahara fetch him

back by recommending a double sin not only eating the meat of a whether eating

the flesh of your dead brother so it is a very grave sin and a beloved prophet

merciless unfed smashing in Sai Muslim wine number four hadith number six 265

where prognosis Salim ask the farmers that do you know what is backbiting

they say that The Messenger of Allah knows the best super formal solution

says that if a person speaks about somebody else behind his back which he

would not have liked that is called as magmatic speaking about somebody behind

it back with the person would not like it's called as backbiting soon of the

sabah yes that Oh prophet what if the thing is spoken is the truth of the

fault which I mentioned never use in the person so the Prophet said that if what

you have spoken is the truth and the fall death exists it is called as

backbiting otherwise is called as slandering so by

biting is a grave sin then NSA ID mentioned in Sunan Abu Daoud wrong limit

three in the book of manners Hadid number four

eight five seven whereas I Sharmila visitor referent

profit she speaks about Sofia and said that she is such a such thing meaning

she short statured the profit immediately says that what you have said

if your words were mixed in the sea it would spoil the food see further

expansion in Sunan Abu Daoud world number three in the book of manners

Hadid number four h-60 where it's mention enough me lively with him

this is that performance Allison said when you're taking up to heaven but he

saw some people whose nails were made of copper and they were scratching the

faces and the breasts and when he asked that quad is people the reply was these

are the people who back bited indicating that backbiting is a great thing and it

is one of the major sins which people should have claimed from and many of us

they do it unknowingly not realizing that it's graceful we should abstain

from it and the Prophet also said to measure inside Bukhari volume number

eight in the book of manners added number six zero five six a rumor monger

he shall not enter paradise so these are these we come to know that we have to be

careful we should gather tank especially from backbiting and gossip angle Allah

indeed God our tongue against falling into these errors inshallah we'll see

you soon after the short break again dear brothers and sisters in Islam

and humanity a Salaam walekum welcome back to the show

Ramadan a date with dr. Zakir I'm your host

Youssef chambers and today we are discussing the topic

acts recommended and discouraged while fasting dr. zakir regarding other issues

or other acts which had discouraged which we haven't already covered can we

now mention other acts which are discouraged during

the month of ramadhan the other acts which are discouraging the month of

ramadhan is that many people they sleep the full day called awake in the night

and only get up for the fella and they go back they convert the day into night

night and day which is not the purpose of fasting number too many people they

are lazy and inactive during the day number three many kills the time during

the daytime with things like play game amusement rather than doing things which

are encouraged and Sunnah of the Prophet number four many of them they give a

star party rather to show off then to see the pleasure of allah subhanaw taala

number five many people they ask the women folk in the house to cook a

variety of dishes for solar and five star trust making most of the women

spend major portion of the time in the month of Ramadan in the kitchen rather

than spending time in the question homeless man or Pamela the sixth we

state the people make is that they spend a lot of time in renovation of the house

in the month of Ramadan trying to prepare for you rather than Washington

las manos Allah the seventh thing that discourage is many people stare with the

full night and indulge in activities which unproductive rather than worship

allah subhana Allah number it is that many people do spend

time in excessive socializing after that I wish after family L number nine is

many people spend time in shopping they spend most part of the night in shopping

number ten is that this pin excesses time in eating the full night number

eleven lives many of them they spend the night loitering and roaming about

reservation los monos Allah and number twelve is that many of them they spend

the last of the last ten days preparing for Eid

rather than worshipping a las manos today's actually be discouraged yellow

encourage us to spending our time productively during the month of

ramadhan dr. zakir why is it encouraged to acquire religious knowledge or

Islamic knowledge during the blessed month of Ramadan as far as acquire

knowledge is concerned the first guidance given by allah subhanho wa

taala in the lure of quran it was not dwarf a fella it was not be fast it was

not to perform hide but it was Achra and allah says in the quran in surah Kragh

oh sorry Allah chap number 96 was doomed one Acree bismi rabbika la Isla helical

in sanam in Allah was the morning - which means read recite in the name of

the Lord was created I was created the human being from something which clings

a leech like substance the first Gaiden is given to the humankind in the

glorious quran was to read it doesn't only say read it says read in the name

of thy Lord that means reading is important acquire knowledge is important

but acquiring knowledge of allah subhanho wa taala of our deen is the

utmost important and allah says in the quran in surah Mujib allah chap number

58 verse 11 he said that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has raised the rank of those

people who believe and those who have been granted knowledge Allah says in

surah bakra chapter number 2 was in 269 that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala grants

wisdom to whom he pleases and whoever he grants wisdom he raises them in rank and

it is for those people who understand and the beloved prophet no solo solo

he also said this mentioning say Bihari one number one hundred number 71 Bela

blood prophets said that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala - where were you also do good

he makes them advanced in the Regis knowledge that means he gives them

religious knowledge so ever loves to do a favor on a last minute Allah gives him

knowledge of the team a beloved performance Anderson said it's

mention is a Muslim one member 300 number four zero zero faith a beloved

prophet said that the moment a person dies after he dies all his activities

cease except for three whatever good deeds he gets he ceases after the person

dies except for three a person who has done recurring charity a person who has

given knowledge to other people and the person whose pious children praise for

the parents after that it that means after a person dies all the good deed

scenes except for three if a person has done some recurring child at such

criteria and then some charity from box which is keep on regularly rotating and

helping people so that's my septic Acharya the other is the knowledge that

a person gives and after you give the knowledge impart the knowledge to

somebody else and it keeps on utilizing that knowledge of Deen in helping

humanity that's such good area and the last is the pious children who pay for

the deceased parents therefore knowledge is very important and allow Association

the Quran in from the hell chapter number 16 verse them 43 and 4 mb a--

chapter 21 verse number 7 first a look holistically in kuntum la jolla moon

that if you do not know as the person who possesses the knowledge allah says

after knowledgeable people so therefore a person who has knowledge has got a

high degree and has chances to pass into the examination move and he'll have a

greater degree in the accra so that is it is in acquiring knowledge is what

most important and specially in this month of Ramadhan you know person

acquire knowledge the chances that they acquire the knowledge is higher and if

you spirit together my final question for today is regarding music many

Muslims consider music to be allowed could you just confirm did the prophet

muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speak against music there is a great

difference opinion as far in the similar concern rigid music is

allowed or not for this permit or not but there is no worse in the quran

directly private in music but there are indications allah says in the quran in

surah Luqman chap number 31 was in the six it says that among them there are

those people who purchase idle tales without knowledge and without meaning

and they mislead the people away from the path of allah subhanaw taala and

ridiculous the path of allah subhanaw taala these are the people who will

receive a humiliating punishment so based on this if we set the feet

whenever the Fossey says that this idle tales without knowledge of meaning

refers to an islamic songs and the musical instruments it feels it the

puppy as far as the Prophet prohibiting music there are various a hadees so if

you read the hadith of memo for assalam then they'll be no doubt whether it's

formatted or bracketed I beloved prophet muscle of sunset it's mentioned in say

Bihari one number seven hadith number five five nine zero the bread prophet

said that from among my followers there will be some people will make illicit

sex that is adultery and fornication as well as wearing of silk drinking

intoxicants and using physical instruments as legal there will be among

my people who will make some things which are illegal that is adultery

fornication wearing of silk having toxicants and the playing of the

instruments as legal now this hadith when it says that they will make certain

things legal and we know that in toxicants al haram we know very well the

adultery fornication haram because it is mentioned along with these things which

are forbidden physical instruments are mentioned along with them it indicated

that the prophet has prohibited them but some people will make it legal and we

know there are some scholars who today do permit that playing of music

instruments is allowed so they had it is very clear-cut in

saying that biblical instruments are ham but there are other say Hadid which do

permit some instrument specially the Duff there is a temporary if he in the

need of a beloved performance of a solemn affable Hadi walk number five

hadith number four thousand and one where it is said that no muscle assalam

after consume eating his marriage he came any said outside along with one in

the Sabha when two small girls were playing the tambourine that is a Duff

and they were praising that Saba his father javi died in Jihad and when they

started praising the prophet they said don't play with me you can say what we

were saying earlier indicating that the Prophet did not forbid them from playing

the tambourine furthermore this hadith in say Bihari volume number two hadith

number nine eighty seven where the Prophet while you're lying down is

hadith narrated by hazard nation will not be with her she says that two small

girls were playing the tambourine and they were singing when old Abu Bakr

melodies with him the father of Rabbi Shimon a visitor he comes and he says to

them the shop it no Solomon was sleeping on a cot he

tests rather the robots are unlikely with him then let them do it these are

the days of Eid we let them good furthermore there's a hadith in theory

maybe hadith number three six nine zero where a beloved prophet musa alehsalaam

he says that there was a person more pushy the Prophet and tells him that I

had vowed to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that if you come back victoriously I

will sing and I will play the Duff I will bind the tambourine the Prophet

said if we about that do it if you have not bowed and don't do it so these hadid

to indicate that musical instrument for sale around except for the Dove that the

time buddy the Prophet did permitted sometimes like here thank you very much

for the answer that final answer today in this was being very very interesting

and informative as usual session regarding the topic Ramadan what is

recommended and what is discouraged thank you very much dr. zakir

jazakallahu khayran well yeah brothers and sisters I pray to Allah Spano atala

that you have understood and are ready to implement or suggestions that have

been made today I certainly must take on board some of the advices that dr. Zakir

has given today so please do join us at the same time tomorrow when we will be

discussing support and if top assalamualaikum what I want to lie will


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