Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017


You In The Starseed Trap

by Karen AnTara

You may already have heard that 5th and 7th densities of consciousness have been hijacked

and that a False Ascension Matrix exists at 5D, but did you know that there�s another,

stronger false reality matrix at the next level, just waiting to trap the unwary spiritual

pilgrim on his or her journey home?

It�s almost impossible to tell you�re in the false matrix, when you�re in it.

That�s because it all looks safe and familiar and reassuring from the inside.

If someone does try to tell you that the group you are in has been corrupted, or that your

energy is being used to fuel the Dark Agenda, you�re quite likely to dismiss the idea

as ludicrous.

And yet this is where many of us unwittingly find ourselves.

We have been �tagged� (and �implanted�) as part of the dark forces� agenda, and

we don�t recognize that our free will has been eroded and we have stopped growing.

These tags encourage us to join groups that have been hijacked, and stop us from leaving

those groups.

The tags stop us from thinking for ourselves, and encourage us to follow another, who we

think must be wiser and smarter than ourselves.

Over the course of my career as a healer I have seen (and removed) all manner of tags

and implants both in the physical body and in the energy field, much of which I would

describe as being �alien� in nature � alien to the person�s own body and consciousness,

and alien to the person�s original divine blueprint as God intended.

Tagging is just a part of the manipulation that exists on planet earth, but it�s not

always acknowledged or understood.

In fact, it�s often ignored because it�s not always comfortable to look at.

Here�s how tagging works, and how to identify if you�ve been tagged.

How did I get tagged?

Tags are implanted by ET races, or by other human beings � either consciously or unconsciously

� and often on behalf of an ET group.

They are installed in order to get us humans to act or behave in certain ways � maybe

to keep us dumbed down, to prevent us from awakening, or to cap our awakening at a certain


Tags and implants are used for mind control and to keep us locked into various programs

of belief.

They are also used to make us attracted to negative behaviors or addictions, which then

opens us up so that our energy can be siphoned off and used.

Generally tags and implants are never supportive of our growth and expansion of consciousness,

and they are always designed to impede our free will and choice.

Those that are tagged are often deliberately targeted � they may be Starseeds, or hold

a particular genetic blueprint � and they may experience interference in their day-to-day

life that makes them feel unable to �be in this world�, so it�s uncomfortable

for them to be here.

This can lead to depression and states of fear, which could ultimately prevent them

from doing what they came to do.

For Starseeds, is often about holding the light and activating others.

Targeted people may also have been subjected to various MILAB or MK Ultra programs at some

stage in their life, so they can be continually tagged and traced.

ET hybrids or walk-ins may also be tagged and used to collect or funnel other people

into groups in order to supply large numbers of individuals that can be siphoned and used

as karmic repositories.

They often appear as charismatic leaders, and are often in the public eye, heading up

spiritual organisations and groups, appearing on radio shows, on You Tube channels and presenting

at spiritual festivals and conferences.

Not all leaders fall into this category, of course, but this is where personal discernment

is required, because not everything is as it first appears.

Followers of these charismatic leaders become tagged themselves, so that they will �toe

the line� so they don�t question what is being taught.

If a follower does begin to doubt, they are usually told that, sadly, they are not yet

developed enough to really understand what is being said.

Subtle victimization often exists within these groups.

It�s hard to imagine that a spiritual �leader� would do this, but it is part of another very

large agenda, similar to the False Ascension Matrix � but with a twist.

I call it the Starseed Trap or Starseed Matrix.

I have come to recognize that this particular matrix which exists at levels higher than

the False Ascension Matrix, and which is designed specifically to target Starseeds � those

who carry very advanced DNA and cellular memory from lifetimes on other planetary systems

and other Universes.

These Starseeds hold a specific mission or contract to assist others to awaken, and many,

when they come into their own power, may become great healers.

Some Starseeds are on a type of reconnaissance mission, here to pick up the pieces of earth�s

hidden history and to unravel, correct and re-activate it, free from distortions and


Generally Starseeds on this planet have felt separate � they feel like they don�t really

belong here.

However, deep within, they are connected with Unity Consciousness, and over time they usually

begin to awaken.

When fully activated and free, they are powerful light beings, spiritual warriors and agents

of change.

Starseeds have the ability to awaken large numbers of people, in many cases simply by

their presence.

However, the dark agenda knows this and will do anything to prevent it.

Seven D, 8D and 9D planes have been targeted specifically to block those Starseeds who

have more DNA activated at those levels.

Many Starseeds come in partially activated at 4D/5D/6D, and therefore the False Ascension

Matrix won�t stop them.

The Starseed Trap/Starseed Matrix is designed to stop them at the next level up.

We knew 5D and 7D had been hijacked, but we hadn�t recognized that a whole reality matrix

was waiting to trap us at the next level.

Those of us who have engaged with this matrix have learned to recognise it and understand

how it works.

Starseeds can be tagged or implanted at birth, or via later participation with various ascension

groups, healing modalities, lightbody activation�s and treatments.

Once tagged, the Starseed becomes much more susceptible to programmed belief systems and

may often undergo a complete belief system restructuring.

Once in a group, they begin to believe that everything they are told is the only truth,

and all other sources of knowledge should be ignored � a bit like a cult mentality.

When Starseeds enter these kinds of groups they (unconsciously) enter into an Agreement

of Entrapment, which is overseen by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The group consciousness field to which they now belong becomes a type of hive mind into

which the leader or ET group responsible may download their own consciousness, in order

for karma to be processed.

This is called karmic superimposition, and Starseeds thus tagged become almost like worker

bees, but generally have no understanding of what they are really participating in.

They do not realize that their energy is being siphoned off, and they become less and less

able to see or release themselves from this Starseed Trap � or connect directly to God


While it is always stressed that our connection to God is our number one priority, Starseeds

are often trapped by their own sense of mission into wanting to heal other timelines and other

lifetimes, so they often find themselves spending far too much time outside their body, processing

parts of consciousness that are not even all theirs to deal with.

There is an element of unpurified ego in this � the need to feel important and to work

towards healing the planet and healing the whole, which is admirable if it is pure, but

often ends up looking like a distorted mess.

All of this can keep a Starseed occupied for quite some time, not realizing that their

energy is being siphoned off � and that is exactly what this matrix was designed to


They believe they are working on their own ascension, but they are not.

They are in a trap, the Starseed Trap, and they don�t know it.

The Starseed trap is designed to keep them slogging away and often feeling great misery

as they do so.

They are told that any exhaustion they feel is simply a reflection of the great work they

are doing, which again appeals to the ego.

Any work they do is contained in a kind of stasis field where no growth is possible,

and the �work� is presented to them again and again and again � the ultimate in recycling!

There is no escape until and unless they can extract themselves through their own connection

to God.

In the Starseed Trap we see the Dark Mother, victimization, narcissism, Artificial Intelligence

and Transhumanism all cleverly disguised in reversal programs that make members doubt

themselves, so that they continually give their power away to others who they believe

know more than they do.

Many of the females in leadership roles within these groups are operating Dark Mother reversals

and are harvesting the energy of the group.

From time to time, these leaders will complain that their role is a self-sacrificing one,

and that they are constantly attacked for the work they do.

This is done in order to elicit an outpouring of love and support from their group, which

they gobble up with glee.

This is a Service to Others Reversal strategy.

The Dark Mother�s story is one of victimization and betrayal, and follows with a plea of �why

can�t we all be nice and support one another?� This is set up to directly activate the victim

program in her followers and once again opens the door for karmic superimposition to take

place and for siphoning to occur.

Drama, drama, drama � the Dark Mother loves it, indeed she feeds on it.

It is often almost impossible to have a conversation with someone who is still stuck in the Starseed

Trap � even their languaging indicates the level of tagging and implantation at which

they are still afflicted, and it can be painful to witness somebody who is trapped but has

no clue that they are.

It is something that you really can�t see unless you are viewing it from the outside.

For some, the way out appears when we begin to listen to our inner voice and connect with

our own God Self, who will gently (or not so gently!) begin to reveal to us that once

again we have been tricked.

Once we connect with our God Self, with no intermediaries and no other beings to guide

us, THEN the implants and tags begin to clear away and drop off.

When we no longer participate with the programs instilled into us, they lose their power and

hold over us.

When we no longer participate with treatments and activation sessions we cease to be repeatedly

and continually implanted, and our true and authentic self begins to blossom and grow

within us.

When we question everything, the truth is always revealed and we get to see things as

they really are and we can release ourselves from the trap.

What can we do if we think we have been tagged or implanted or are stuck in a Starseed Trap?

I firmly believe that through the power that is within us that we can free ourselves from

any of these matrices or structures, however in order to do that we have to feel our own

power and know that we can do it, that we ARE it.

It can be very difficult to extract ourselves from some of these groups as many have a very

sophisticated AI technology that holds everyone in place.

We need to be strong.

Some of the Starseeds I have seen are in a very weakened state and they may not be able

to do this for themselves initially so I would advise working with an energy healer who is

an advanced Starseed and who has also managed to free him/herself from the Starseed Trap/Matrix.

Some people who offer removal of implants are running reversals themselves.

Let�s just say that they are part of the agenda, so choose a healer carefully and activate

your full discernment in doing so.

Just because they have a large following doesn�t mean they are genuine�

Signs that we might have tags or implants:

When we feel we have been triggered to act in a certain way that is not our normal way

of behaving When we find ourselves doing or saying things

and wondering why (as if we are on automatic pilot)

When we hear ourselves speaking continually (or often) about something that affected us

from another dimension, lifetime or timeline that is still painful for us

When we find ourselves feeling superior to others through our beliefs

When we can�t free ourselves from our story When we feel like a victim or we feel that

we have been sacrificed or crucified When we heavily defend our Starseed story

or our suffering at the hands of ET interference.

These types of behaviors may all indicate tags or implants � or at the very least

that we are not in our own power and that we need to reclaim it.

As we come more and more into our own power � when we begin to know ourselves and what

is truly in our heart � when we feel and know our connection with our inner God Self

and Source, then many of the tags or implants will naturally de-activate and drop off.

If we no longer give them any power and don�t run their agenda, they die off.

Just as we have traversed the False Ascension Matrix to get to the next level, so we can

also override the Starseed Trap, as our true and ultimate destination is to be One with


Our next level of consciousness expansion takes us into 10/11/12D levels � to Christ

Consciousness � and we know that there will likely be some challenges to get there too,

but we shall continue on � ever climbing

that spiritual mountain until we reach and embody our true Avatar/God Self.

For more infomation >> Are You In The Starseed Trap - Duration: 15:17.





Quantum experiment to test if human consciousness is beyond the - Duration: 8:59.

Quantum experiment to test if human consciousness is beyond the physical world

In communicating the progress of scientific theories and tests, experimental results are

often presented to the public as concrete and indisputable, therefore proving this-or-that


This leads to the common misconception that scientific models can in fact become proven,

instead of the more nuanced reality that they are only the most precise (sometimes extremely

precise) and accurate models approximating what we can discern, and the very notion of

evidence always suggest a degree of interpretation.

The results of quantum entanglement experiments are a case-in-point.

The results of data from particle accelerators to optical Bell tests (experiments that test

entanglement) are statistical, such that conclusions are drawn based on the probability of a series

of measurements being random or �true signals�.

This goes for detection of Higgs, W, and Z bosons as well as whether two particles are

so strongly correlated that they violate local-realism.

Because evidence regarding the latter example have serious implications for the underlying

nature of reality (implying that �things� are either fundamentally nonlocal or a probabilistic

superposition) the results are strongly questioned.

This stems from the fact that as fallible beings, our experiments are not perfect.

There are always a certain degree of underlying assumptions and interpretations of the data.

In the case of Bell tests, these are often referred to as �loopholes�.

Therefore, while quantum experiments have all produced statistical results strongly

supporting nonlocality, state-superposition, and other violations of classical physics

(superluminal tunneling, teleportation, etc.) all such experiments have certain loopholes

that may be giving false-positive results.

Therefore, much work has been done in designing and performing �loophole-free Bell tests�.

Such loophole-free tests have become increasingly sophisticated and have produced strong indication

that local-realist theories, also known as local hidden variable theories, are not supported

by the evidence.

Note that nonlocal-realist theories, like de Broglie-Bohm Pilot wave theory, are still

valid interpretations of quantum results.

�The real estate left over for the skeptics of quantum mechanics has shrunk considerably,�

says David Kaiser, the Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science and professor of

physics at MIT.

�We haven�t gotten rid of it, but we�ve shrunk it down by 16 orders of magnitude.�

� MIT News, Jennifer Chu

One significant loophole that appears frequently in critiques of quantum experiments regards

the idea of free-will, another way in which consciousness becomes an important factor

in quantum theory and the objective physical mechanisms of reality.

One of those afore-mentioned assumptions in quantum experiments is that the researchers

have free-will to decide which variables to test.

This may sound strange, but there are several lines of reasoning in science that indicate

free-will may be illusionary � that our thoughts and behaviors may be intrinsically


If this were the case, then experimenters may not be acting of their own stand-alone

volition in deciding what variables to test, i.e. decisions are not �random�, and therefore

some hidden variable may have been at play that makes a result appear quantum mechanical

when it in fact was not.

To obviate this potential problem, physicists have tried to remove the �human element�

by using random number generators to decide which property of a putatively entangled quantum

particle-pair to measure.

Essentially, two entangled particles travel to detectors where a random number generator

decides at the last moment which property to measure.

This introduced randomness should remove potential pre-determined settings.

Yet still, skeptics suggest that perhaps random number generators are not truly random, and

again the question of �free will� remains.

To address this, physicists recently used photons from stars 600 light years away, so

that the starlight acted as the random number generator.

This experimental design comes from the idea that it is unlikely that an experimenter�s

choices are at all able to influence photon emission 600 years ago (but again, this is

an assumption, and hence another loophole; for example see Wheeler�s delayed choice


Now, a researcher from the Perimeter Institute who has over 25 years experience working with

ideas of human consciousness in quantum mechanics, Dr. Lucien Hardy, has proposed a variation

of the freedom-of-choice loophole experiment that would use the summation of signals from

a hundred human minds to make the last-moment decision of which property to test of the

entangled particle pairs.

�In this proposal I discuss performing an experiment to test Bell�s inequalities wherein

humans are used to change the settings at the two ends.

The basic idea is that we perform a Bell experiment over a scale of about 100km and have, at each

end, about 100 humans who intervene on the settings via electrical brain activity obtained

by electrodes placed on their scalps to intervene on the settings (as is done in recording an

electroencephalogram (EEG)).

We want to have a large number of cases where the setting has been changed by human interventions

at both ends while a signal as to the new value of the setting cannot have yet reached

the other side.

We suggest using EEG brain activity (rather than, for example, pressing a button by hand)

to minimize delays.

We need the experiment to be over a large distance scale and to have many humans at

each end to get a sufficiently high rate that we could expect a significant effect.� � Lucien

Hardy, the Perimeter Institute

While the primary purpose of such an experiment would be to test the �quantumness� of

correlations, providing another test of whether the violation of local-realism is indeed an

intrinsic property of quantum mechanics, the implications of the results would be far-reaching

into the nature of human sentience and consciousness in the universe.

If it were found that such an experiment does not uphold quantum nonlocality or state superposition,

then not only is interpretations of quantum mechanics thrown into jeopardy, but it may

suggest that human consciousness is something above and beyond the information processing

technologies of computers, machines, and random number generators.

From RSF researchers� work in holofractographic unified field theory, in studies such as the

Unified Spacememory Network, we would predict that it is unlikely that such an experiment

would in fact find a deviation from what is normally observed in quantum experimentation.

The reason for this is two-fold: our analysis of the mechanics underlying most phenomena

strongly suggest nonlocality, both temporally and spatially; and we disagree with the hypothesis

of Cartesian-duality � that the mind is somehow beyond the physical world � and

while having many transcendental properties is nevertheless an intrinsic and integral

aspect of the natural operation of the physical world.

Of course, the only way to see whether this prediction is supported or negated is to run

the experiment, which we hope will be undertaken!

For more infomation >> Quantum experiment to test if human consciousness is beyond the - Duration: 8:59.


[ MMD ] JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! - Duration: 0:35.

All the fellas, the ladies, the fellas, the ladies let me see you do it!

When I say jump you say, "How high?"

I have never seen nobody-ody get so high

Like a bird, like a plane. This party got me insane!

This party got me insane!


When I say jump you say, "How high?"

I have never seen nobody-ody get so high

Like a bird, like a plane. This party got me insane!

This party got me insane!


For more infomation >> [ MMD ] JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! - Duration: 0:35.


Race Against Time to Create Computer of the Future Requires a - tech and science - Duration: 7:59.

Race Against Time to Create Computer of the Future Requires a Quantum Leap

American multinational IBM (International Business Corporation) has announced plans

to build the first universal quantum computer, with the intention of selling them commercially.

It is not known when exactly these computers will be available, but it is estimated to

be within the next few years.

Initial computers will be accessed via the cloud and the first applications would be

for drug and materials discovery, financial services and supply chain.

The company has not yet disclosed what these computers will cost.

Quantum computers will reportedly give us the possibility of exploring the world we

don�t have data for.

The computers use the way particles interact at a subatomic level to make calculations,

while conventional computers make use of electronic gates, switches and binary code.

Unlike conventional silicon chip-based computers, which render data in one of two states (1

or 0), quantum computers allow data to exist in both states simultaneously, giving quantum

computers the ability to hold exponentially more information.

Quantum computers operate on quantum bits, also referred to as �qubits�.

The more qubits, the more computing power the quantum computer is capable of.

According to IBM, a level of 50 qubits would have to be reached for the computer to surpass

the fastest supercomputer that exists today, the Sunway TaihuLight that is currently operating

in China.

So far, IBM has produced a prototype 17-qubit processor.

Time Crystals

A new phase of matter has recently been discovered that may prove to be a fundamental discovery

in physics with possible applications in clocks and quantum computers, according to American

theoretical and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek.

These time crystals were first hypothesized by Wilczek five years ago.

Time crystals are different from ordinary crystals like salt and sugar because they

not only have a fixed order in space but also a repeated order in time, which means that

the atoms in time crystals prefer different states at different intervals in time.

According to Wilczek, the only relatively concrete use at the moment is that they can

eventually serve as useful clocks for quantum computers.

Russia, the US, Europe and China

Among other countries, Russia is making efforts to create a quantum computer.

Late last year, two leading Russian quantum computing research institutes, the Russian

Quantum Center and the MISiS National University of Science & Technology, also announced a

joint project known as Quantum Center.

Also last year, Russian corporation Rosatom, the Foundation for Advanced Studies and the

Ministry of Education and Science signed onto a joint three-year project on the development

of a quantum computer.

In a recent interview, Dr. Chad Rigetti, a former member of the IBM�s quantum-computing

research group and now the CEO of his own company, Rigetti Computing, stated that �computing

superiority is fundamental to long-term economic superiority, safety and security.� According

to Rigetti, the US must have a strategy that views quantum computing as a way to regain

American superiority in high-performance computing.

But according to military observer and RIA Novostu contributor Ilya Plekhanov, �it

is believed that investments into the development of quantum computers by companies such a Microsoft,

Intel, IBM, D-Wave and Google make the US the leader in this field.

But such confidence may be deceiving.�

Plekhanov�s notion can be further illustrated by an admission from the White House last

year that Washington�s superiority in computer technology was �under siege� and that

more investment was needed specifically in the area of quantum technologies.

Plekhanov stated that science and education figures are indicative.

Currently, US educational institutions produce just over half a million graduates in science,

technology, engineering and mathematics.

In China, that figure is already 4.7 million and growing.

He added that, �China is already launching unhackable satellites with quantum-based communication

systems, building quantum radars, hundreds of kilometers� worth of quantum communication

lines and creating the world�s fastest supercomputers.�

Even Europe is currently trying to create its own quantum computer over the next ten

years and has invested the equivalent of around a billion dollars into this program.

However, US state-based spending on quantum developments is currently less than $200 million.

Plekhanov notes that the US is �pinning all their hopes on the success of private

corporations�, while China is focusing on long-term investments in a narrow range of

areas, with projects outlined in detail years in advance.

Plekhanov states that ultimately, �if China manages to become the leader of the �quantum-revolution�

then the geopolitical and military picture in the world will change dramatically.�

China may in fact already be well on its way to doing exactly that, as Chinese computer

scientists have developed a prototype of a quantum computer that uses multiple photons,

as opposed to the aforementioned IBM prototype which involves single-photon sourcing.

The Chinese version is said to be 24,000 times faster than its IBM counterpart.

Chinese scientists say that they expect to build a quantum computer as powerful as a

common laptop by the end of this year and as powerful as the world�s most powerful

supercomputer by 2020.

Arms race

Interestingly, Plekhanov also explained that, �the news is of great importance for the

military sphere, where the possible use of quantum computers is being discussed with

greater and greater frequency.

All leading countries are aiming to be the first to create such machines.�

According to Plekhanov, the first and most obvious military application for a modern,

fully functional quantum computer is the capability to engage in near-instantaneous hacking into

encrypted military servers and those controlling the national infrastructure systems of the


He adds that in case of a military conflict, having this capability would give one side

a huge advantage and it will also �significantly improve the work of unmanned and autonomous

vehicles, to which the conduct of military operations will be entrusted in the foreseeable

future.� He also said that �military robots using this technology will be able to make

decisions faster, work more accurately, engage multiple targets, �see� the battlefield

better and calculate forward to greater depth than enemy robots.

And this means that they would win battles.�

He goes on to explain that quantum computers will also be used to design new weapons, new

materials and even new strategies for warfare, as well as battlefield projections.

What we should always be mindful of is that China and Russia are technologically always

many iterations ahead of what they would like the world to believe.

Do not be surprised if they already have quantum computers which are faster than what is believed

to currently be the world�s fastest supercomputer, mentioned earlier on in this article.

The US and Europe might think the race is on but it is likely someone has already passed

the finishing line.

For more infomation >> Race Against Time to Create Computer of the Future Requires a - tech and science - Duration: 7:59.


What will happen when you drink 1 cup of cinnamon juice every morning - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> What will happen when you drink 1 cup of cinnamon juice every morning - Duration: 4:41.


Increasing and Decreasing Crochet Tutorial - Duration: 20:15.

Hey everyone, I'm Liz and today I'm going to show you how to increase your crochet in

the round, and 3 different ways of decreasing.

Each of these styles of decreases will create a different look in your finished work.

And you can decide which method you like best.

But before that, I need to show you how to increase.

For this tutorial you'll need: a crochet hook, I'll be using a size E (3.5

mm) Some yarn.

I'll be using Red Heart brand Aran weight yarn, but you can use any yarn you want.

A pair of scissors to cut off your yarn And a yarn needle to sew your work closed..

Part 1: Increasing Increasing is pretty easy.

Basically, an increase is just when you work 2 stitches into the same loop.

So I have a magic circle with 6 stitches of single crochet.

If you want to see how to make a magic circle, you can check out my basic stitches guide

by clicking the link on the screen.

Next I'm going to find the first stitch of my row, which is this stitch here that I've

marked with a bobby pin.

And I'm going to single crochet into that stitch.

So pull up a loop.

And single crochet.

Then, to increase, I'm going to single crochet again into the same stitch.

Pull up a loop.

And single crochet.

Ok, now I'm going to increase into every stitch of my first row.

Since I started with 6 stitches, that means I'll have 12 stitches when I finish the row,

and I'll have done 6 increases.

Alright, I've finished my 6 increases, and now I have 12 stitches in this row.

So I'm going to do another row of increase, which will be the same thing.

I'm going to add 6 increases to my row, since I started with 6 stitches in my first row.

Each row of increase is going to be the same number of increases as however many stitches

are in my first row.

So you could start with 8 or ten stitches in your first row instead of 6.

That would make your work shaped more like an octagon or a circle than a hexagon, which

is what I'll have once I've done a few more rows of increase.

What matters, though, is that the work will be more or less flat.

So in this row, in order to increase 6 times, I'm going to increase every other stitch,

since I have 12 stitches in my row.

So I'm going to single crochet normally into the first stitch.

Then into the next stitch, I'm going to increase by single crocheting twice into the same stitch.

And I'm going to continue to increase every 2nd stitch all the way around the row, so

that I'm increasing 6 times in the row.

And at the end of my row, I'm going to have 18 stitches.

Alright, I've reached the end of the row.

Now I'm going to continue to increase 6 times in this next row.

Since I have 18 stitches total, I'm going to increase every 3rd stitch.

You may notice that in the first row of increase, I increased every stitch, then in the 2nd

row of increase I increased every 2nd stitch, and now in the third row, I'm increasing every

3rd stitch.

I'm going to continue in that pattern for the next rows to keep my increase going.

In the next row, the 4th row of increase, I'm going to increase every 4th stitch.

In the 5th row I'm going to increase every 5th stitch, and in the 6th row I'll increase

every 6th stitch.

You can increase your work however much you want to.

So I've reached the end of my increases, and I've increased every 6th stitch, now I have

a total of 42 stitches in my row.

Now I can start to decrease.

Part 2: Decreasing So I'm going to decrease in the opposite pattern

to how I increased before.

Since I last increased every 6th stitch of the row, now I'm going to decrease every 6th

stitch of the row.

And I'm going to continue that pattern in the next rows, and I'm going to decrease every

5th stitch in the next row, then every 4th stitch in the row after that, and then every

3rd stitch in the row after that, all the way until I'm decreasing every stitch of the

row for my last row of decrease.

There are 3 ways I'll show you how to decrease in this part.

Method 1: Basic Decrease First I'm going to show you how to do the

most basic kind of decrease.

This decrease is basically just skipping stitches.

So since I'm decreasing at the 6th stitch, I'm going to go ahead and single crochet into

the first 5 stitches of my row.

Ok, now I'm on the 6th stitch.

For this decrease, I'm just going to single crochet as normal into the 6th stitch.

And then I'm going to skip the next stitch, and single crochet into this stitch.

And now I'm going to start my count over again, with this new stitch as my number 1.

So I'm going to single crochet into the next 5 stitches, so that there are 6 stitches on

either side of my decrease.

And then I'm going to skip the next stitch.

And single crochet into this stitch.

Then I'm going to count out six stitches again, so single crochet into the next 5 stitches

so there are 6 stitches on either side of the decrease.

And I'm going to continue doing that all around the row, so that I have 6 single crochets,

then a skipped stitch, all the way around.

Alright, I've gotten to the end of my row of skipped stitches.

I'm going to do 1 more row of decrease this way before I show you the next method.

So in this next row, since I'm counting down, I'm going to decrease every 5th stitch.

So I'm going to single crochet into the next 5 stitches.

Then skip 1 stitch, and single crochet another 5 stitches.

Alright, then I'm going to skip another stitch, and single crochet another 5 stitches.

And I'm going to continue to decrease every 5th stitch all the way around the row.

Alright, I've gotten to the end of another row.

As you can see, with this style of decreasing, there are some gaps in the work in all the

places where I skipped a stitch.

This style is easiest, but isn't as suitable for making things like dolls, which have to

be stuffed.

If the holes are too big, the stuffing might show through those holes.

These next 2 methods are more suitable for making dolls.

Method 2: Hidden Decrease This method of decreasing is a little more


So in this row, I'm going to decrease every 4th stitch, since I decreased every 5th stitch

in the last row.

So I'm going to do 3 regular single crochets into the next 3 stitches, and then I'm going

to do my hidden decrease on the 4th stitch.

Ok, now I'm on the 4th stitch.

So to decrease, I'm going to insert my hook into the next stithc and pull up a loop.

Then I'm going to insert my hook into the next stitch after that and pull up another


Now I have 3 loops on my hook.

Now I'm going to yarn over, and pull a loop through all three of the loops on my hook.

And there's my decrease.

So I'm going to do that for every fourth stitch of the row.

So I'm going to single crochet until I get to the 4th stitch.

And then I'm going to pull up a loop in the 4th and 5th stitch.

And then crochet all those loops together And I'm going to continue to decrease every

4th stitch all the way around the row.

Alright, I've finished with this row of hidden decreases, and as you can see there aren't

those big holes in the work.

But, you can still see each of the stitches of decrease, because they're a little thicker

than normal stitches.

Now I'm going to show you one more method of decreasing that looks more like a normal


Method 3: Invisible Decrease This style of decrease is the most complex,

but looks the cleanest.

So in this row I'm going to decrease every 3rd stitch, so I'm going to single crochet

normally into the first 2 stitches.

Alright, now I'm going to decrease.

So to do this style of decrease, I'm going to insert my hook into the front loop of the

next stitch.

See how there are 2 loops at the top of each stitch, one at the front and one at the back.

I'm going to insert my hook through the front loop only.

And then, I'm going to insert it through the front loop of the next stitch, so that my

hook is threaded through both of the next 2 stitches.

And then I'm going to pull up a loop through both of the next 2 stitches.

And then I'm going to single crochet that loop.

So I'm going to do that every 3rd stitch of this row.

So I'm going to single crochet into the next 2 stitches.

And then on the 3rd and 4th stitch, I'm going to insert my hook into the front loops.

And pull up a loop through both stitches.

Then single crochet to decrease.

And I'm going to continue to decrease every 3rd stitch of this row.

Alright, I've reached the end of my row.

Now I'm going to do another row of decrease, this time every 2nd stitch of the row.

So first, single crochet normally into the first stitch.

And then, insert my hook into the front loops of the next 2 stitches of the row.

And pull up a loop.

And single crochet to decrease.

Then single crochet into the next stitch.

And then pull up a loop though the next 2 stitches.

And single crochet to decrease.

Now I'm going to continue to decrease for the rest of this row, and then I'm going to

do my last row of decreases, which will be decreasing every stitch of the row.

If you're making something you're going to stuff, like a pillow or a doll, you should

make sure to add your stuffing before decreasing all the way, so that the hole is big enough

to get the stuffing in.

Alright, now I'm done with all my rows of decrease.

In my last row I decreased 6 times and now I have just 6 stitches in my row.

So now I'm going to slip stitch to the first stitch of my row.

And cut off my yarn.

And now I can sew the hole at the middle closed using the tail and my yarn needle.

And now my decreases are complete.

Thanks so much for watching!

Be sure to check out my other basic crochet tutorials by clicking the link at the end

of the video, or check in the description below

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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It's entirely optional, but if you do, you can get some perks, like having access to

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You can find more information about that in the description below.

And if you want to see more videos like this, subscribe to my channel, and I'll see you

all next time.


For more infomation >> Increasing and Decreasing Crochet Tutorial - Duration: 20:15.


How To Fully Optimize Your Videos On YouTube 9 Step Process - Step 2 How To Write Your Descriptions - Duration: 2:24.

Taylor here with Financial Potion where we believe video is the potion to relieve business

owners from their financial worries.

Step 2 for the 9 steps to YouTube Optimization is to have a fully optimized description using

the 4 section process.

Section 1 of your description is the summary.

It's only 3-4 lines that is seen above the "show more".

Once again this should be a short summary to share why you should want the video, what

you'll learn and how to connect with you.

Also when you're adding a link to your website or any other site, make sure you use the full

URL with the http or https:// Section 2 of the description is where you want to put a

longer summary or even a full transcription of the video.

At the top of this section is also a great place to put hashtags.

If you set up your channel correctly and thoroughly Section 3 and 4 should already appear when

you're uploading your video.

Section 3 of the description process is general information about you, your business or organization.

Section 4 is the "stay connected" area where you provide a call to action to your

website once more, as well as links to your other active social media sites.

To be considered optimized you need to have at least 2000-2500 characters of the 5000

character limit.

However skies the limit when it comes to SEO, just make sure you're adding full relevant

sentences and content.

. Downloading the free Google Chrome extension Tubebuddy will once again really help you

track your characters and you can find the download link below in the comments.

Descriptions are Step 2 of 9 for YouTube Optimization.

Don't miss out on all the other steps and subscribe to this channel and encourage your

colleagues to do the same.

For extra opportunities check out our Patron page or connect with us directly on our website.

Till next week, stay engaging!

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