Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

You saw today why he has earned the nickname "The Octopus" here.

To be completely honest, it was a real thrill.

That feeling when you parry the ball away is like a little explosion of happiness.

It's hard to describe – it's simply wonderful.

That's why I play football and that what it's all about for me.

I won €50 thanks to you.

For more infomation >> Starke die Krake - Best of! #DankeTom - Duration: 1:01.


Luôn ủng hộ anh Tiến online cổ vũ anh Tiến 1tr subs Fan TXT - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> Luôn ủng hộ anh Tiến online cổ vũ anh Tiến 1tr subs Fan TXT - Duration: 9:52.


GRABONG - Quarterstaff Fighting 101 - Duration: 6:53.

This weapon type has

this length

plus one fist

That means about body length

How to use something with body length?

There is no great skill required when you are outside

and have a lot of room

Skill is required, in order to

work with that in a confined space too


The first thing you learn is, that these areas

are marked for you as grip areas

That's why they are marked black


In reality you can slide

And this staff

was wrapped with tape, so when you strike

there won't be splinters ending up in your hands

Later, when you are used to this weapon

you can handle whatever and however you want

And have no problem with that

And in reality you can slide and so on

Same as with all weapons, the first thing you learn is:



You spin it around your body

That means you can defend at any position of your body

Okay? You have to be able to handle this


And you also have to

be able to do this

Spin it like this

Then you don't need much room

When I strike

I turn

within short range. I don't need to use too much room

This is the difference

Sometimes it doesn't look so nicely

but it's important. Here. Frome here

Zag .. defend yourself


Here. Hold like this



zag .. over here

That's too long .. pull ..

.. other side


other side. Pull ..

Yes? That's called handling

That' a required skill

And one thing for you to keep in mind

To differenciate between acrobatics

that means juggling

for example with fire

Where you have some fire at the ends

and start playing somehow

is different than staff fighting

Quarterstaff fighting means

you must have control over your staff at any time.

It's something different. Okay?

Don't mix it up. Maybe acrobatics looks good

But it has no relevance in a fight

That means, when you now start to learn

you learn relevant handling

When I spin like this

I can still strike at any time

zag .. over .. thrusting ..

.. pulling.

Therefore the difference between acrobatics and actual fighting

There are many fighting styles

that are common here

And they .. may look good

The questions is about its efficiency.

From a technical viewpoint

its equal to zero.

For example in Chinese movies ..

Let's say some Chinese movies

It's better not to throw all in one basket

They may look good

the way they pose

but in real life it doesn't work

And here is a school

where you won't learn such things.

Zag .. in that moment ..

move here out

thrust it into here



Or ..

Strike here, thrust into there

For beginners

I strike like this

And grind this way

For advanced people who already know .. zag .. pull ..

That's clearer, right? - Yes!


Zag, up. Move!

Down. Move!

An example

That means

the weapon you use

has advantages and disadvantages

that have to be learned

And this staff is not the only option

In war they also used staffs from metal

metal tubes

they were necessary against against swords

and it requires strength to wield them

And this is not a hammer.

With power

and powerful striking like this, you won't win

because in the moment of impact it will stop

Then there's a gap in your own reaction chain

Then you will stay stiff

And your opponent can act

A better approach is, no matter what weapon you use,

is a relaxed handling

that enables you to have control at any time

Look here - You don't need to parry

When I see, I stop

When I see, I stop

You have to be able to to this

When I strike here .. zag .. I can stop


In that moment - when I strike, you thrust


See that? I have to

be able to react to that

It makes no sense to carry on, because we would die both

Instead. Look ..

That means each and every strike

can be seen as fist. It's not a stone you just throw away

If you throw something, you cannot control it

It just hits or misses

This is just an extension

Even if you use power, you still need to be able to react

and also react in different ways


The general concept of armed combat is

If you can't control your own weapon,

it's similar to a snake - It bites you!

For more infomation >> GRABONG - Quarterstaff Fighting 101 - Duration: 6:53.


DPR Spartak: It's impossible to kill us!/ДНР Спартак: Нас не истребить! - Duration: 6:46.

- Hello.

Do you live here?

- Yes.

- Long time, the whole war?

- Whole war.

- Didn't go anywhere?

- Where would I go to?

I was born here,

I have had everything of my life happening here.

How would I leave?

It's not possible to move at my age

and to change future.

There is no point for me to leave.

When this war is over,

God willing, I'll rebuild my house

and leave something to my children.

- How many people are left in Spartak?

- 70 people.

- How is situation now?

How was last night, for instance?

- I can tell you one thing: it's getting worse every day!

We don't expect any improvement.


I don't know how it will end.

- I heard there was an impact in a center of Spartak,

where humanitarian aid is distributed.

- That's where it was:

near the porch.

But it was not only here,

7 mines landed in total.

Shop was smashed, behind the shop.

And over here, a bit to the left.

Another impact there.

We are used to everything here.

But we are fed up with all this...

- How did you survive winter?

- Well, with God's help...

It would be hard to survive without volunteers.

Volunteers provided us with chains for the saws,

coal and stoves.

Our people can survive anything!

We are like Colorado beetles, (the way they call us)

we are unkillable!

They are right, we are unkillable!

They should better leave is alone

and read history books.

Donbass has never been Ukrainian!

It was simply annexed

according to history.

And now they want to make Donbass people slaves.

But we are proud people,

we won't kneel,

I can assure you!

- Tell me how do you survive,

since you have no light, gas or water?

- You know,

after 3 years I'm living here,

I think it's a luxury!

Power, water, light, gas...

We should live the way our ancestors did.

They didn't have power back then and we don't either.

We are back to the beginning of the 19th century now

or maybe the end of the 18th century.

When they didn't have power and water was from the wells.

If you wanna live,

you'll survive any situation.

And if you don't wanna live,

he'll either give up or...

The most resilent people are staying here, I think.

- Are you helping each other here?

- Yes, we are.

However, frankly speaking,

some people start drinking.

Because with this kind of situation

some people simply can't handle it.

It's too much stress, so they turn to alcohol.

I'm being honest with you.

- Are you shelled usually in the day time or at night?

- Both, day and night.

Cause when we had an impact here,

thanks God that nobody was injured.

But most of the time shelling happens at night.

But that time they went beyond any limit,

and shelled in the day time.

- Do you ever feel scared here?

- Well, only fools don't get scared.

- Do you live in the basement or in your apartment?

- I used to live in the house, but it was bombed down.

So, I had to move to the basement. I'm sleeping there.

But the rest of the day I spend outside.

I got animals here.

I also have piglets and rabbits.

A garden.

- How is it possible to survive in the basement?

- Well, why surviving?

We are only sleeping there,

otherwise, we are staying outside.

It's more difficult during winter.

We didn't have light before,

but we found a solution now:

volunteers provide us with accu's and daylight lamps.

We have light,

it's not very bright though,

but it's possible to read a book

for those who want to.

The only problem we have now

that we have no TV.

We are not even used to it anymore.

Though, if I'm watching TV at work sometimes...

I'm not so used to it now.

And the news they are showing us,

especially from the Ukrainian side,

I don't wanna watch them.

- What would you like to say to our English-speaking viewers,

people from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia?

- Well, I would like to tell them

that they should realize - they are simply growing Nazism.

They provide financial aid

to so-called Ukrainian Army.

But there is no Ukrainian Army,

there are thugs only!

And when Europe is trying to help Ukraine,

it isn't really helping Ukraine,

it simply helps Ukraine to build a Nazi army!

And when this Nazi army becomes European concern,

they will realize then, what have they done.

So, they should give it good thinking

and come to understand that it's better to live in peace

than fight with each other!

For more infomation >> DPR Spartak: It's impossible to kill us!/ДНР Спартак: Нас не истребить! - Duration: 6:46.


#Мультфильмы про #Машинки для детей #Тачки Дисней МакКуин Смешные #Мультики для Мальчиков Игры Гонки - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> #Мультфильмы про #Машинки для детей #Тачки Дисней МакКуин Смешные #Мультики для Мальчиков Игры Гонки - Duration: 6:09.


10 Things In The IT Pennywise Story You Didn't Know About - Duration: 10:09.

There are many unsettling things and tales, that went town in the little town of Derry,

where Pennywise the dancing clown, also called IT or Bob Grey is dwelling underground in

the sewers.

In this video, we want to look at 10 Things from Stephen King's Novel, that are not in

the Movie and that you might have never heard of.

Number 10.

In an early part of the book, the police of Derry is investigating the death of a gay

man named Adrian.

His lover tells the police that he and Adrian were having some trouble with a group of young

men, that a few days before, confronted Adrian about a paper top hat that he was wearing

that day.

We learn that Adrian had won it during the Canal Days Festival in downtown Derry.

The leader of the gang accused Adrian of bringing shame to the whole town for being.. different.

A police officer interrupted the confrontation though and the leader of the boys swore to

make Adrian pay.When Adrian and his lover were exiting a bar a couple of nights afterwards,

the group of men were waiting for them once again and Adrian was attacked.

Yelling for help, no one was willing to help, and the men threw Adrian over the side of

the canal.Adrian's Lover and even one of the groups members afterwards claim to have seen

the figure of a clown, which was pulling Adrian out of the water and taking a bit out of his


But the police only files this incidents an attempted robbery.

The group then goes on trial for murder.

When Ben is harassed by Bower's Gang and hides in a cave, he slightly dozes away because

he is very exhausted.

Ben starts to dream, which is more of an actual memory, which is after a time in January,

right after school.

After helping his teacher wrapping up some things after class, he walks home and the

weather is quite horrible.

Ben is walking by the canal, when he suddenly notices a frightening mummy walking on the

frozen ice of the canal.

The mummy is yelling his name and invites him to join.

Ben is frozen in fear, and notices that the mummy is holding a bunch of balloons, which

are floating against the wind.

Realizing that this is impossible, he finally can snap out of this trance and he ran away.

He barely could make it, because all of a sudden the Mummy reached his side of the canal

much faster than he should have.

As a Kid, Stan already is questioning the world quite a bit and even has thoughts about

ending his own life.

This gets referenced in a phone call with Bill Denborough.

His exact words were:"I can remember Stan doing his own hands last, pretending he was

going to slash his wrists instead of just cut his palms a little.

I guess it was just some goof, but I almost made a move on him . . . to stop him.

Because for a second or two there he looked serious."Fans even speculate that Bill could

sense these events might transpire some when in the future, since he could have been by

the influence of Matorin the Turtle.

Edward Corcoran, a local boy from Dary has gone missing.

His parents though have not directly reported him missing since he has a very difficult

relationship with his step father.

Eddie himself had chosen to spend the night in Bassey Park, because he went through a

lot of trouble due to his bad grades at home.

He gets beaten up frequently at home, and suspects that his step father was also responsible

for the dead of his brother Dorsey, who had been beaten do death with a blunt object.

After he walks into the Park, he suddenly notices the body of his dead brother, walking

around like a dead Zombie.

If that wasn't enough, he get's then chased by the Creature of the Black Lagoon.

No one can hear hes screams for help.

And therefore, he marks the next victim of Pennywise.

Ben actually finds Edward's poketknife and marks from the fight that night in the Park

the next day.

In 1905, Kitchener Ironworks, who was the largest employer in Derry in the early 1900s,

was hosting an Easter Egg hunt for the children.

They were planting easter eggs all over the factory.

When the egg hunt begun, the entire work exploded for unknown reasons, which had cost more than

over 100 people their lives.

Most of them were children.

Mike Hanlon actually learns about this tragedy from his father, and ventures down to the

abandoned factory, to check out the area.

While exploring what is left of the site, Mike suddenly feels drawn to a large hole

in the ground, that once was leading to the basement of the old large complex.

After entering, he witnesses a large terrifying bird creature.

This bird runs towards Mike and starts to chase him through the area.

Mike crawls deep into a smokestack, which becomes a save hiding spot.. at least so he


Fallen off tiles that once lined the inside of the smokestak aid Mike as throwing weapons

against the horrifying bird creature.

After he can escape teh area, he runs home in fear, without ever talking with his parents

about it.

When Eddie Casbrak is talking to Ben and Bill at the Barrens, he tells them the first time

about his horrifying experiences at the train yards.

Trains stopped running through the town of Derry, so Eddie likes to spend his weekend

at the abandoned yards once in a while.

When Eddie is about to head home after spending the whole day there, he sees a creepy leper

on the lawn of one of the many abandoned buildings on the premises.

That figure than speaks to Eddie and offers to blow him for his pocket money.

Eddie of course doesn't reply to this and runs home.

Eddies story gets even more dark.

A few weeks later he decides to revisit the area to see if that leper was still there.

This is when he approaches the infamous house at 29 Neibolt Street, which was shown already

in the latest It 2017Trailer.

When taking a look at the windows of the building, he decides to crawl under the porch that opened

into the cellar.

And this is when Eddie notices the leper appear once again.

But he lookes different.. he reminded him more of a decaying corpse than a tramp.

After crawling out of that place, he runs as fast as he cans as the leper is following

him, calling out his name.

He wants that Eddie goes with him, like all the others, and that he would float too like

all the others.

When Eddie looks back at the rose bushes, he sees them turning black and crumble.

He makes for a final escape - hopping onto his bike and never looks back.

After the boys had torn down their dam, they head home and Bill and Richie end up walking


Richie stops at Bills house and this is where he gets told, again, about the creepy photo

album of Bill, that showed his brothers image move and that was dripping in blood all of

a sudden.

The two boys grab the album and they are looking at it together.

When Richie picks up the album himself, he notices the blood that Bill was telling him

about earlier.

Although the book was laying in the sun - it feels pretty cold.

When he turns the pages onto the last one, the picture of Bill's Brother Georgie is suddenly

gone, and both boys see an old picture of downtown Derry.

While both are looking at it, it suddenly begins to move and two little boys appear

in the middle of it.

It is Richie and Bill.

Bill is very courious and starts to touch the photo as he sees balloons appear close

to the canal.

He wants to stop the boys from walking there.

Richie is scared quite a bit and pulls Bill's hand back as his fingers already entered into

the picture.

Bill then notices that at the parts where his fingers entered into the pictures, he

has rings of bleeding cuts.

Bill and Richie are deciding to visit the house on 29 Neibolt street that Eddy was mentioning


Bill suspects that the things that killed his bother Georgie might live there.

For their defence Bill plans to bring his fathers gun with him.

They both meet at the barrens and together ride on Bill's bike called Silver.

After arriving at the house, Bill pulls out the gun and loads it.

Riechie only brang a bag of sneezing powder to his defence.

Well.. better than nothing.

As both walk towards the house and slide underneath the porch into the entrance window, Bill suggests

they should seperate to cover more ground.

But Richie insists they stay together.

At some point, the door at the top of the stairs suddenly opens.. and down walks a terrifying


As Richie escapes outside the window, Bill fires his fathers pistol in the background.

After the pistol is empty, he approaches the window to exit the house as well.

Just as Richie is about to pull Bill out of the window, the werewolf grabs Bills pant's


Richie can help Bill to escape this horrific scene and both boys make their way towards

the bike.

As the creature follows them crawling outside of the window and making a lot of ground - Richie

uses his sneezing powder against it.

When the both boys finally make an escape on their bike, the creature still follows


As Bill stears the bike into the freedom, the creature gets another hold of Richies


After the crazy heist, Richie is so terrified that he suddenly faints.

Thank you guys for watching this It Video.

If you enjoyed it, please consider becoming a Patreon and subscribing to my channel for

many more Pennywise videos and creepy content.

Stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 10 Things In The IT Pennywise Story You Didn't Know About - Duration: 10:09.


Иисус будет вести тебя, ЕСЛИ ты - серьёзен. - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Иисус будет вести тебя, ЕСЛИ ты - серьёзен. - Duration: 1:48.


Tự làm khối lục giác thay đổi hình ảnh cực kỳ bá đạo - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Tự làm khối lục giác thay đổi hình ảnh cực kỳ bá đạo - Duration: 3:37.


猫が狭いところが好きなのはどうして?理由はあるの?【猫の行動】 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 猫が狭いところが好きなのはどうして?理由はあるの?【猫の行動】 - Duration: 5:25.


Potato Pancakes | Easy and Good #DerChefkoch - Duration: 1:25.

Ingrediens in the description




Potato Starch





Rapeseed oil

3min per side

Don´t forget to subscribe

Have fun and enjoy your meal

For more infomation >> Potato Pancakes | Easy and Good #DerChefkoch - Duration: 1:25.


soi cầu lô đề ngày 3/6/2017 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> soi cầu lô đề ngày 3/6/2017 - Duration: 3:09.


Manasa Kanya | মনসা কন্যা | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle - Duration: 2:32:03.

'This story is completely imaginary.

"Glory to Goddess!"

"Glory to Goddess!"

"Glory to Goddess!

Suman, you have

Why does your mother

Today is his birthday.

He can't walk today.

Hurry up!

Move faster!

All of you are wasting time.



You haven't even managed

No, I haven't.

I wanted to keep


You are so generous.

Take care of me.

No one else cares about me.

Why are you calling me?

Keep all the pieces cleaned.





My name is not Garal.

It's Taral.

Do you know where my wife is?

I can't find her.

She is praying since this morning.

What are you saying? Since morning...

Tell me something.

If a person spends most of

..when will she manage


She shouldn't spend

It's written in Gita that one should

Do me a favour. Go to my wife...

No, you don't need to go. I'm going.

Let me see what she is

The fried eggplants...


You made all the arrangements for

Why were you so upset today?

I don't want to lose my job.

You change your stand every minute.

Tell me something. Who named you?


What a name! Taral! It means liquid.

When you store it in a glass,

When you store it in a bowl,

Listen, Manada.

You should flow with the current.

You will succeed in life.

Do you understand? Sweet woman!


What's going on? We have so many

But you're busy praying since morning.

What are you doing?

By Goddess Manasa's grace..

..I had my son 5 years ago.

So, I wanted to perform

That will be good for his life.

Does Goddess Manasa


Why are you saying such things

No one will believe this nonsense

Anyway, I'm here to

You invited those gypsies to have

Are you out of your mind?

Those gypsies pray to Goddess Manasa.

They are a part of Her.

If they have a good meal here..'ll please the Goddess.

Do whatever you like.

Forgive him, Goddess.

Please forgive him.

Where is the fish?

Ma'am is calling you.

Is she? - Yes.

Why are you going that way?

That's right. I have to go this way.

Please don't hesitate!

Look! The chief's plate is empty.

Give him sweets.

If I eat too much, I'll fall ill.

Don't worry, chief.

Your healer is sitting right next

Go and get some yoghurt.

Mom, look! He just picked up a sweet.

Don't do that.

Haran, Paran,

Give them sweets.

Did you send for me? - Go and check

Haven't they? I'll find out.


Kanhai! Where is everyone?

Boss, did you call me?

Where are the 'luchis'?

'Luchi'! I'll get them.


My name is Taral, not Garal.

Will you get the 'luchis'?

'Luchis'! Right! I'll get them.

Where are the 'luchis'?

You aren't eating anything.

Niraj, do you like the food?

They are bringing 'luchis'.

Bimala! Here you are.

You didn't go to Mr. Mallik's house

The food was delicious and ma'am

They made so many dishes.

There was no end to their care.

I don't like to attend birthdays.


I don't like to attend others' kids'

I am also upset that

When I think about that,

When such things hurt, I go to places.

I think about it.

You are a healer.

You give medicines to many people.

Can't you find some medicine for me..

..that will help me conceive?

That child will brighten our world.

Don't be silly.

Haven't I tried enough?

You know, I don't think have children.

What have I done?

Tell me! Don't be quiet. Answer me!


The goddess will have to hear


I will pray to the Goddess,

She will have to tell me

..and why I'm being punished.

No. I won't hear anything.

Bimala, listen!

Chief, please come in.

Look at her.



You've been lying here

You haven't eaten anything.

Listen to me.

Have some milk.

Otherwise, you'll die.

Why are you talking to her?

Force her to drink it.

No, chief. We shouldn't force her.

Everything happens

Let her stay near the Goddess.

Let her stay here.

It's late.

A storm is brewing.

You should go home.

Let me escort you.






So far, you were really

..of being a healer's wife.

So, your husband could get you

You thought there was no need

So, you had to suffer all this while.

But today..'ve prayed to me

..and I'm happy with that.

Tonight, you will be cleaned of..

..all the sins that

And now...

Now you will have..

..a daughter, who will brighten up


Where is my daughter Basi?


You can't spend a moment

Here she is.

Let me love my daughter.

So, I was saying..

..that my daughter might be young..

..but she has learnt a lot of things

She can catch snakes,

She knows everything.

But my daughter is

She doesn't hurt..

..even a single snake.

That's good.

When your daughter grows up,

What are you saying?

You want me to get my daughter..

..married to your son, Jhumru!

He is famous in the entire village

Don't talk nonsense!

Listen to me.

Chief's son Jhumru..

..has to prove his strength

How can he not do that?

His trade is related to poison.

How can he not be addicted.. venom?

You are absolutely right.

So, healer, can you..

..beat their arguments?

Forget about this.

Let's not discuss it now.

Let them grow up.

He is right.


Who is there?

Bring some tea and snacks.

Glory to Goddess Manasa!

Glory to You!

Listen to me.

The prayer ceremony went really well.

Absolutely right.

He was such a fool!

It's so nice and...


I asked you to get cigarettes for me.

Here they are. Take them.

Why only these many?

I saved some money and

I see. You did the right thing!

Well done.

You are so sweet!

Did you hear that?

Here, take the offerings.

Give me the matchbox.

Did you see that?

My son is so dedicated to religious

Don't boast about your

And let me tell you..

..that Goddess Manasa is the one,


May I go?

Come home soon.


Nand, wait. Let me show you a prank.


Move the snake away!

It's coming this way!

Someone move the snake away.

Please move it.

That good girl is here!

She is going to ruin our fun!

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Raise your hood and dance

"Raise your hood..."

"Raise your hood and dance

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Raise your hood and dance

"Raise your hood..."

Wow, you are a sweet girl.

What's your name?

Everyone calls me Basi.

That's a sweet name.

You know so much at this tender age!

Weren't you scared to catch the snake?

Why would I be scared?

Snakes are your friends?

Come to our house with someone.

Where is your house? - It's next to

We live at the Mallik Mansion.

I'll come there.

Do you promise?

I'll take your leave now.

Something dangerous could've happened.

I can't even imagine.

We've built a temple at home,

Yet, you went to the snakecharmers'

I had made a vow to visit that temple

You know, dad,

She claims that snakes

Will you tell me where else you

You made a vow.

I had vowed that I'd take our

You may have lost your mind,

Let me tell you something clearly.

You may go anywhere and do whatever

But I won't let you fill my son's mind



I should go after him.


Can't you see? Are you blind?

Manada, our boss's words..

..and your punches..

..are going to kill me.

Mom, today is my birthday.

Will you give me some milk?

Why do you say that?

You may have milk.

It doesn't have to be your birthday.

Sit here. I'll get some.

Here, have milk.

Where are you going?

I didn't want milk for myself.

I have a friend. I'm going.. give him milk and banana.

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Raise your hood and dance

"Raise your hood..."

"Raise your hood and dance

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Raise your hood and dance

"Raise your hood..."

"Raise your hood and dance

"Dear snake, come to me,

"Dear snake, come to me,

Basi, we are going to begin

"Whatever wishes I have in my heart.."

"..please fulfil them."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Whatever wishes I have in my heart.."

"..please fulfil them."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Your world is full of light."

"By Your grace,

"I wish to spend my entire life.."

" Your feet."

"Your world is full of light."

"By Your grace,

"I wish to spend my entire life.."

" Your feet."

"Fill my heart with compassion."

"Bless me with hope."

"Fill my heart with compassion."

"Bless me with hope."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"You taught me to be

"Nothing is greater than that."

"May no good human

"..unfair treatment by bad people."

"You taught me to be

"Nothing is greater than that."

"May no good human

"..unfair treatment by bad people."

"I pray to You with utmost devotion.

"I pray to You with utmost devotion.

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Whatever wishes I have in my heart.."

"..please fulfil them."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

Basuri, take your prayer tray.

Glory to Goddess.


Jhumru, look at Nand's actions.


What are you looking at?

Why isn't she coming out?

You never go in front of her.

Soon, Basi will get married to Jhumru.

If I go to her..

..won't she feel shy?

Why don't you admit the truth?

Your mother works as

So, you are scared to face Basi.

My mother doesn't work as a maid.

She guards. - What? Whom?

Why? - She makes sure that Basi is

I see.


Basi is coming this way.

Where is she?

Basi looks beautiful with that

Won't you ask her to

I will get the offerings and the

Basi, who did you pray for?


I want to hold you.



You know, Jhumru bothered me again

Jhumru acts as if he owns

Nand was with him.


Are you talking about Bhanumati's son?


Did you call me?

How do you expect me to do all

Go home and scold your son.

What did my poor son do?

Poor son!

Your old man of a son

Then he hides his face

He may hide his face,

Old man!


So what if he has lost some hair?

That doesn't mean you have

..about my young boy!

There is no need to exaggerate!

I wonder how many people

You are shouting at me..

..just because I work for you.


We must do something about it.

Basi has grown up now.

Why does she need to go out so often?

What are you saying? She is a healer's

How can you restrict your daughter

I'll go to the chief's house tomorrow.

Basi! - What are you doing here?

What's the matter?

What are you doing at home?

Let's go to the river bank.

Let's go. - Girls! All you can

Have offerings.

Aunt, can we take her for an outing?

You may go but come back soon.

Don't be too late. Don't forget

Let's go.

Dad, did you call me?

Playing games all the time

Son, I paid for your education.

You need to understand

I'm growing old. I may die any day.

You should know everything.

..I wanted to study further and do

You might have wanted that

Listen! Don't get any ideas..

..that I don't like. You may go now.

Why are you putting the burden

Do you want him to

I should steal Basi's sari

I should take it and run.

This is the one.

I love it.

My son's wife will

She'll look gorgeous in this.

I'll gift it to my daughter-in-law.

She'll look beautiful.

Basi, look.

Whenever I look at Jhumru,

You know, whenever

You are cowards.

I wait for an opportunity.. teach Jhumru a lesson.

I will set him straight.

When is your husband coming?

He will come at the right time.

The water is quite cold.

Don't make the water muddy.

Go away if you want to swim.

Oh no!

He was watching us!

A snake bit me!

What is this? Who did this to you?

You are laughing at me!

She pushed me into the water.

Basi did this.

What are you saying?

I want her to do things to me.

Why did she hurt you?

It's okay.

She pushed you to the pond.

I will push her to


I want to hold you.

What's the matter?

I mean, your father...

Mom, what's wrong with dad?

Quiet. Come with me.

He has some chest problem.

When I came home,

Let alone talking, he wasn't even

I didn't know what to do.

I've given him medicine.

He is better now.

He is sleeping now.

There is nothing to worry about.

Have faith on Goddess Manasa.

Stop it!

I told Suman so many times..

..that he had to meet

I asked him not to go anywhere

But he left for pilgrimage


Did they say when they'd return?

So kind of them!

..I'll have to stay here, right?


I'll have to send a message

What is your name?

You are Taral, right?

Okay. You may leave.


He is an educated, modern man.

Why is he so religious?

These things don't suit him.

..Bijoya to follow such things?

You are an industrialist.

I am the husband of a crazy woman.

You won't understand the difference

You are back!

Where is your boss?

Boss's friend has arrived

He is chatting with him

There she is.

Here you are!

How are you?

When I arrived, I heard that

Right. Wait. Let me sprinkle some

Don't sprinkle that dirty water on me.

I forbid you.

I didn't know that marriage

Shut up!

I wonder when you'll stop saying

Please let me sprinkle

No, please spare me.

Bijoya, I just forbade you!

I asked you not to sprinkle

Why do you think it's dirty water?

This is Goddess Manasa's holy water.

To hell with your holy water!

What happened, Goddess?

Chand Saudagar had

Jadunath Mallik will

Black cobra!

Go and show Jadunath Mallik

As you order, Goddess.

What did you do? Why did you do this?

I should've done this a long time ago.


What's the matter?

Do something! Something bit me!

Something bit me!

Something bit me.

A snake!

It's burning!

A snake! A snake bit you.

Suman! Manada!

I knew something of

You shouldn't have done that.

It's a forest area.

This is not a consequence

Mom, what's wrong with dad?

What's wrong? - A snake bit him.

Take your father to his room.

Taral, go and get a doctor.

Doctors won't be able to do anything.

Taral, go to the snakecharmers' colony.

Go and call the healer.

You should go along.

Goddess Manasa!

Why did You do this, Goddess? Why?

Why did you do this?

Have your medicine. C'mon. Yes.

Healer, listen! You will have to come

Hurry up!

A snake has bitten him.

But how can he go?

He can't even walk.

I'll give him a ride.

He won't even be able to stand.

If he treats anyone, he will be tired.

What will we do?


You are right. What should we do then?

Basi, you know everything.

Why don't you go and find out if Goddess Manasa's blessings?

That's right. Come with me.

She is just a kid. How can she go?

Besides, she has never done this.

If someone doesn't help others upsets Goddess Manasa.

Suman, the only son of Mr. Mallik.. here with his car.

Suman is here!

Where is he?

He is waiting for us.

I will go with Basi then.

Please come with me. Let's go.

Where is the healer?

He can't go with us. - Then?

His daughter?

She isn't an ordinary girl.

Her name is Basi. She is coming.

'What's your name?

'Everyone calls me Basi.'

'Weren't you scared

'Why would I be scared?

'Come to our house with someone.'

'I'll come there.'

Sir, we shouldn't wait anymore.

Get into the car. Let's go.

Goddess, what did You do?

Strange! Why aren't they here yet?

Nonsense! They called a healer,

She is here!

Ma'am, that learned woman is here.

Raam isn't here!

Who is she? - She is healer


Come in, dear.

You saved our lives the other day.

Please save my husband today.

Why didn't the snake arrive? Mom!

Why isn't the snake coming?

I understood.

I'm sure something

I called the snake,

Mom! What should we do now?

What do you expect?

..and leave from here. I knew it.


Please be quiet.

What shall we do now?

..I won't be able to remove the venom.

There is another way.

But that's really difficult.

No matter where it is..

..if I can bring that snake's soul..

..I'll be able to save him.

Don't even try that, dear.

You may lose your life.

Please don't try to stop her.

I beg of you!

Basi, please save my husband anyhow.

I'm like a mother to you.

No harm will come to you.

My entire family will be

Mom, I must try this.

I'm Raam, the healer's daughter.

I can't risk my father's

No, mom. I can't do that. I must..

..try one last time.

"You are the mother of all snakes."

"You are Basuki's sister."

"I bow before You, Goddess Manasa."

What is this?

Has Basi lost her mind?

Your beloved girl is

..and in favour of Jadunath.

"You are great!"

"You don't know how great You are!"

"The entire world knows about You."

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You don't know how great You are!"

"O Goddess, look at me.

"I bow before You."

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You are great!"

"You control life and death."

"You are able to

"You control life and death."

"You are able to

"People may commit mistakes."

"People may commit mistakes."

"Can't You forgive them?"

"O Goddess, look at me.

"I bow before You."

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You are great!"

"You blessed a woman

"What will You gain if you

"You blessed a woman

"What will You gain if you

"You are a mother and a woman, too!"

"You are a mother and a woman, too!"

"Can't You hear a woman's pain?"

"O Goddess, look at me.

"I bow before You."

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You don't know how great You are!"

"You are great!"

"You are great!"

"You are great!"

No! Basi wins.

Besides, the mother should be happy

So, I don't mind that I lost.

In fact, I am happy.

Black Cobra!

Give me your orders.

Fulfil Basi's wish.

Such your venom out of his system..

..and let Jadunath live.


Basi! My daughter!


I've heard that you're a dutiful girl!

You saved my life

..and your talent.. getting rid of

I've heard that people call you

So, I wanted to meet you.

You are able to see Basi now.

But just a while ago,

Why were you so restless?

You will never understand that.

Listen to me. I've told Taral.

He will pay you Rs 500

Is that the worth of your life?

What do you mean? - Your life

You aren't happy with this amount.

You want more!

Okay. How much do you want?

Did you ever fall ill as a child?

Do you know astrology?

Yes, I had typhoid.

As children many people fall ill.

So what?

..stayed awake all night

Every mother does that.

How much did you pay your mother


Just because I'm talking to you,

Get out!

Get out!

Taral! - Yes, sir?

Right now. - Okay.

Come with me.

Mr. Mallik, listen to me.

..your life isn't worth a penny to me.

So, you may do whatever

I won't stay in this house


Mom, go ahead. I'll join you.

What's the matter?

If you don't mind,

Thank you.

Basi, you may not remember..

..but you had saved me from a snake

Is that so?

You have a good memory.

What reminded you of that?

I get it. You couldn't pay me

You want to settle the account today.

I heard how expensive

The famous son of a rich father!

What do you mean?

You may keep thinking. I'm going.

He wanted to drop you home.

Shut up!

I am not interested in anyone.

One needs to impress me.

What's the matter?

Did you decide a payment?

What payment?

What payment, sir?

Your daughter's payment.

My daughter's payment?

No. The medicine's payment.

Payment for the medicine.

Why would I ask him to pay me

Why do you need medicine?


I have chest pain.

What? You just told me that

Yes, it's in both places.

My chest and my stomach are aching.

I see. Is that so?

Dad, I think, you should give him


For my head!

Your brain controls both,

If you get some medicine for your

You're right.

You're absolutely right.

Are you sure?

I'm going, okay?


Why not? I am here on my own.


It's not the same thing.

Abhimanyu entered the circular trap.

But he couldn't leave it.

I don't want to leave.


You didn't even take the medicine.

Medicine? What...

Right. That's my medicine.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I forgot to take my medicine.

Basi, we are going.

Basi, see you tomorrow evening.. Goddess Manasa's temple.

What nonsense? Why don't you

Sorry, aunt.

Sorry, aunt.

No, I didn't say aunt.


What are you doing

The medicine I took here

So, I wanted to pray.

I see. Is that so? You don't have

What? Yes. Absolutely.

Sagari, don't try to stop him.

He may need rest.

No, I don't need rest.

I don't.

Then listen to us.

Since the medicine you took here

..will you do us a favour?

Sure. How may I help you?

Will you drop Basi home?

We have to take care of

Let's go, Champa.

Where are you going? What's going on?

It's really important.

He will drop you.

They are really nice.


Yes, you are right. Why?

You don't need to think of an answer.

You've walked a long way.

No. If I wait to have tea

..your dad will give me medicine.

If you don't like medicines,

There is our house.

I see. But that was too soon.

What do you mean?

We will go there some other day.

We will go there tomorrow.

Basi, you went home with Suman last

What's going on?

Are you in love with Suman?

"Promise me, my friend."

"Promise me, my friend."

"Don't tell anyone about him."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"Promise me, my friend."

"Don't tell anyone about him."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"Promise me, my friend."

"If people call him names,

"If people call him names,

"I request you, please save my face."

"I request you, please save my face."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"Promise me, my friend."

"I never had anyone

"Love played hide and seek with me."

"I never had anyone

"Love played hide and seek with me."

"If fate helps me get what I want..."

"If fate helps me get what I want.."

"..let me enjoy

"Let me enjoy those moments

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"Promise me, my friend."

"Don't tell anyone about him."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

"He is my life, don't forget that."

What's the matter?

Are you looking for anyone?

There is no need to find an answer.

C'mon, let's go.

This is a beautiful riverbank.

You are quite demanding, aren't you?

If you want to see the riverbank,

I'm going.

Basi, I had lost my mind

Today, I'm absolutely out of control.


Mom, where is dad?

He is in the drawing room.

He is working on accounts with Taral.

You don't eat on time.

Here, have an apple.

My darling mother!

You are the sweetest!

You are amazing!

I am amazing.

But why did you realise that today?

Why do you look so happy today?

But I can't tell that to anyone.

Silly boy!


Dad, I have decided that I shouldn't


So, I'll stay here and learn business.


Yes, sir?

..what I heard, please tell me..

..did he really say it?

But you didn't do


That's okay.

But I'm wondering why

No, I'm worried about your health.

What's wrong with my health? have lost your mind, too.

You don't remember anything.

Last night I told that I'd

..with his daughter Julie.

I asked you to send the car

How could you forget?

That's true. I forgot.

I made a mistake. Oh no!

He has become really

He just called me...

Let's go and see what happened.

Uncle Garal...


Why are you so sensitive


My father named me Taral. If he hears

..won't his soul be restless?

I didn't even think about that.

Actually, my mind is not

What do you mean?

So, I don't am not able

Bye, uncle Garal.

"O snake-charmer woman, listen to me."

"You have charmed me

"Play the tune of love

"Play the tune of love

"O snake-charmer woman, listen to me."

"You have charmed me

"Play the tune of love

"Play the tune of love

"You can cast spells with your eyes."

"You leave me spellbound

"You can cast spells with your eyes."

"You leave me spellbound

"Teach me how to control people."

"Play the tune of love

"Play the tune of love

"O snake-charmer woman, listen to me."

"You have charmed me

"Play the tune of love

"Play the tune of love

"If you know the music

"..teach me that music."

"If you know the music

"..teach me that music."

"My heart is not in my control."

"Play the tune of love

"Play the tune of love

"O snake-charmer woman, listen to me."

"You have charmed me

"Play the tune of love

"Play the tune of love

Basi, you've helped me

You've done the same for me.

But I am really scared.

I hope no one will cast an evil eye

Each tear you shed.. like a pearl for me.

I will never let them get wasted.

You have so much money and reputation.

You hold a high status.

I am nothing compared to you.

So, I am really worried.

What if I lose you some day?

Basi, nothing can separate us.

Yes, I mean it.

Nothing can separate us.


What do you want to say?

I've fixed Sanyal's daughter Julie's

Everything is fixed.

You've fixed the wedding!

Instead of going to Kolkata, he wants

If we don't get him married now..

..we may have to regret it.

But we must ask Suman's opinion.

He is not capable of giving opinion.

He will have to follow my orders.

But don't you think you need to know..

..more about that girl's behaviour?

Julie has been living here

No one in this house likes the way

She behaves as if she is here to

I have to do so much work.

This one isn't done yet.

Darn it!

If you want to water the plants,

That's true.

I've done my job. I'm going.

Oh no! I have an extra set of pants.

Let's go.

Wait, let me take my clothes.

Don't do this!

Where are the servants?

Mr. Mallik is calling you.

Come with me.

Let go of me! I'm coming.

Let's hurry up!

She is so dominating.


Mr. Mallik doesn't want to see you.

Now you may go wherever you wish.

You saved my life.

How long will you survive this way?

If you keep agreeing with anything

Yes. Ask them to leave

Uncle Sanyal is misguiding dad.

Why else would dad like such a woman?

Besides, you don't need to worry

Your father and you are going to..

..ruin my peace of mind completely.

They've gone for an outing.

Who has gone for an outing?

Mr. Sandal and Miss Julpi.

Mr. Sandal and Miss Julpi...

It's spelt Sanyal, not Sandal.

And her name is Julie, not Julpi.

You found a really funny name.

You didn't give me the snake

Let me keep it.

Your snake is.. beautiful as you are.

Promise me something.

I won't open it.. long as you are mine.

I can't see Nand. Where is he?

That reminds me of something.

Boss, I need to give you some news.

What's the news?

I've been noticing..

..that he is roaming around

He is right.

Such boys are often fickle-hearted.

I am feeling really anxious.

Boss, what if he is trying to impress

Don't ruin my drunken stupor.

He has caught the actual thing.

Oh no!

What are you trying to say?

Will you tell me what you've seen?

My hackles have risen

You don't have hackles.

Let me tell you the story.

You will lose your hair.

She is immoral, unchaste..

..and a disgusting woman.

Will you tell me who


What has she done?

She is with that rich boy Suman.

What is she doing?

What is she doing?

Beautiful! Now I'll catch you.

This is what I was worried about.

Nothing has happened yet.

Now we'll do something about it.

If you can't control a snake.. need to capture it.

Hi, Suman.

I want to go with you.

I'm so fortunate.

Take the binocular,

Wonderful! You are very sweet.

What's the matter, dear?

Dad, where have you brought me?

He is ill-mannered and doesn't

I don't like him at all.


If you look at his father's


Who do you like?

Julie likes Suman a lot.


..I still haven't understood

There is nothing to understand,

..Suman will marry you for sure.

Don't worry, I'll call Suman


He isn't at home.

Just like every evening,

Where does he go every day?


Basi, listen!

Basi, just listen to me.

Darling, why are you upset today?

Have I made a mistake?

After this run, my heart is..

..beating really fast.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your poison has intoxicated me."

"Your poison has intoxicated me.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your poison has intoxicated me.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your gait is mesmerising.

"Your gait is mesmerising.

"Don't be shy. Come close to me."

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your poison has intoxicated me.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"I'm playing your favourite tune.

"I'm playing your favourite tune.

"Dance with the beat of my heart.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your poison has intoxicated me.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

"Your bite is really poisonous.

Jhumru, why did you do that?

No one can fool me and

This is your first mistake.

I was warning you.

But if you repeat this mistake..

..I won't spare you.

You are poisonous.

Once you get rid of the poison

..worry about its bite.

Let's go, Basi.

I'd thought he was just a brat.

But he is very cunning.

I didn't know that.

Beautiful! It's time to catch you now.

What's the hurry, beautiful?

Where are you rushing to?

Of course, if you wish, I can

Really? Then please stop following me.

Stay in front of my eyes.


You will have to follow me while

Silly girl!

I am better than Suman.

Do you think..

..Jadunath Mallik will accept you

You are wasting your time with Suman.

Then you'll be in trouble.

Then I won't be able to help you..

..even if your father begs me.. get married to you.

Fresh fruit is good for health.

Everyone knows that I don't like

..and an unchaste woman.

So, I'm warning you to think again.

I am your worthy suitor.

You need a tight slap now.

Boss, did she really slap you?


And now I am going to slap you.

It is my only son's wedding.

Everything should be proper.

I've told Taral everything.

Everyone should be invited.

I'm thinking about getting

We shouldn't delay something

It is said that a good task should


Please come out.

I want to discuss...

I want to discuss a secret with you.

Right now?

It's a secret?

What's the matter?

Okay. Sit here. I'll be right back.

Let's go.

What's the matter?

Is that your important secret?

This is why I call you...

No! Listen to him first.

Then you may call me names.

Tell him everything you told me.


Where are you going?

I have to do something important.

You won't go out.

Give me your car keys


Some patients' condition worsens..

..every evening without fail.

You go out every evening

That means,

Give me the keys. Go to your room.

"Your love has landed me

"Love is absolutely useless."

"Since I've fallen in love,

"Since I've fallen in love,

"He doesn't..."

'I am better than Suman.'

'Do you think Jadunath Mallik will

'You are wasting your time with Suman.


What do you want? - What's wrong

Won't you have dinner?

"Those, who fall in love always

"Those, who fall in love, always

"They are always restless."

"They are always restless."

"Tears roll down their eyes."

"Love is absolutely useless."

"Your love has landed me

"Love is absolutely useless."




You are here! I knew it!

I knew that you'd come. I'm coming.


You know, I didn't believe anyone.

I didn't trust anyone.

Basi, no one will be.. to stop me.

No one will be able to

No one!

You may think that you're clever..

..but I am still your father.

I knew that you'd make this mistake.

You love her.

My son can't love someone and meet

If you are really Basi's well-wisher..

..get into the car.

Go on.

You witch!

I wanted to pay you for

I didn't want to lose my son.

You've been playing with snakes all

Don't forget. I know how to teach a

Why did You punish me, Goddess?

What should I do now?

Answer me, Goddess.

I don't know what to do now.

Please give me some place

Let go of my feet, Basi.

What's the matter, Goddess?

You seem restless today.

It's nothing. - Don't try to hide

There is no one to help Basi.

If you don't help her, who else will?

Aunt, how are you?

I'm here to see you.

Why are you doing so much work alone?

Who are you talking about?

Bhanumati stopped working

Basi went to your house this morning.

My house! No, she didn't.

What are you saying?

I don't know what to do about her.

She went to save Mr. Mallik, but then..

..she ruined her life.

Why do you say that?

If Basi loves someone, let her be

What are you saying? We don't have

Do you know the consequences of

Suman is not an idiot.

Jadunath Mallik may be a rich man..

..but Basi is a talented woman.

Give me the clothes. I'll dry them.

How will you manage all by yourself?

I'm getting old.

I have enough experience.

..can't love each other.

But hope makes the world go round.

You know that Basi has

You have only one daughter.

Please don't hurt her.

What's the matter?

I'm going. It's quite late.

I left home a long time ago.

Bye, aunt.

Aunt, how are you? I'm here to see you.

Stop joking.

Where did you meet with Basi?

What do you mean?

You are playing a prank with me.

You've become really naughty.

Why are you scolding her?

Why am I scolding her?

She said that you didn't go to her


Sagari came to you!

You seem to have lost your mind.

She didn't leave us even for a moment.

Don't lie to me.

She chatted with me.

She helped me with the chores.

She dried the clothes, too.

How could she be with you all this while?

You seem to be daydreaming.

You don't even know your manners.



You hit me!

Have I ever lied to you?

I swear.

Believe me.

Sagari was with us all this while.

She didn't go anywhere.

Do you think I am lying to you?

She dried all these clothes.

How did these clothes dry so quickly?

Why do these clothes..

..have such a nice fragrance?

Why am I having goosebumps?

Who was she?

Was Goddess Manasa here

Basi, I am really a stupid woman.

I couldn't recognise the Goddess.

Sagari, my darling!

Goddess came to me in your appearance.

Yes, She came to me. She explained

But I am such an unfortunate woman..

..that I didn't recognise Her.


She was standing right here.

She must've left her footprints here.

Bimala! What are you doing?

Why are you rubbing soil on your

Why should I blame you?

I have lost my mind, too.


Everyone in the village is saying

Don't pay attention to

Just because he is a rich man's son,

If Suman could offer his love..

..why couldn't Basi accept it?

Is it because she is a poor girl?

The Goddess came here in Sagari's

I don't care about

I will do anything to unite them.


Did you order the guard not to let

Are you out of your mind?

If someone has a wife like you

..he has to lose his head.

Don't blame us unnecessarily.

You never had the time to find out..

..what we wanted.

You were busy with your business

Money is everything to you.

What's the use of your money..

..if our only son is not happy?

Happiness? It may sound simple.

But one has to work really

Talking about happiness

Have you seen Suman's face

I can't see him in this state.

Close your eyes. You'll be happy.

I'm calculating the wedding expenses.

Calculate funeral expenses, too.

It may come handy.

I heard your voices

..that you'd create a lot of chaos.

Do you know what I feel sometimes?

I want to leave this house.

What's the matter?

Why do you sound so upset?

If you can fulfil everyone's wish,

But if you object to their

Why are you laughing? You know..

..I haven't been given breakfast yet.

Wait! I'll do something.


Hi, dad! What's the matter?

Come downstairs.

Yes, dad.

What is everyone doing?

Oh God! Don't worry.


She was so upset on your behalf.

Do you get it?

Let Julie become

She will teach a lesson to everyone.

The day is over... Oh no!

What have you been doing all day?

Why? It's fine.

What's fine? - Your...

..that uncle didn't get breakfast yet?

What are you saying?

I'll take care of it.


We are in trouble! Mr. Mallik hasn't

Mrs. Mallik prepares breakfast

She didn't come to the kitchen today.

His breakfast is kept there.

I'll serve it to him.

If I serve this to him,

I'll serve him.

What? - What's the time?

Oh no! What's wrong with you?

I'm in a mess.

Basi! I'm sure it's Basi.

She is calling me.


What's the matter, Suman?

Are you looking for anyone?

I see.

Please do me a favour.


Be careful.

No one should find out.

No one will find out. I'll forget all

I won't tell anyone. Don't worry.

You are a healer, right?

Do you have any

Manada, where are you hurt?

Don't pretend to understand my pain.

Why do you care?

Please come in. Come in.

Come with me.

Goddess, please help me.

Manada shouldn't be in trouble.


Here is the healer for your heartache.

Here is your instrument.

I'll go and check if anyone is around.

My darling Basi!

My love!

You know, I had heard..

..your instrument.

But I...

How will we unite?

I will marry you..

..and we will be together.

Today, I will marry you.

Basi, come closer.


How dare you?

How dare you? Catch him!

Take him away!

You want to marry him

No poor woman can be

Let me see how much you can tolerate.

How dare you?

How dare you?


I'll teach you a lesson for trying

You want to become

Jadunath Mallik!


You called me by my name!

How dare you call me by my name?


Bring him along.


Bring him upstairs.




You locked up Suman!

Your son is not

He has learnt to fool others.

You whipped Basi!

I've just whipped her.

Goddess, Your daughter is in trouble.

Why are you still quiet?

Basi is an immortal now.

She will have to face obstacles

But how can you see your daughter

Meeta, I want to know.. much Basi loves Suman.

Besides, no one can realise their

I'm wondering how Suman could forget

They've trapped him because he has money.

It'll give us a chance to get rid

Another man is interested in Basuri.

That hooligan of a man

He is the chief's son.

His name is Jhumru.

Since you've called me for help,

..I'll stay at your feet.

Listen, I believe in strength,

Will you be able to do this?

Sir, if you order me..

..and give me enough money..

..I can do anything.

Take care of things here.

Leave the rest to me.

Okay. Come with me.

Do you understand what you have to do?


I have to help you get rid

Money! What is this for?

Why are you accepting money?

Uncle Raam hasn't been

So, this is for treatment and...

I don't care if he

I'll tolerate it.

But I won't use your money

Aunt, it's okay.

If you don't want money..

..I've brought these mangoes for Basi.

Keep them with you.

Or I'll feed them to cows.

Why? Don't you eat mangoes?

We do eat mangoes.

If you don't want me to

..leave with the basket of mangoes.

You shouldn't have done this, aunt.

You will have to pay for treating


Why are you doing this?

How could you punish her so harshly?

Why was she punished alone?

Go home, Bimala.

Why can't you accept her?

This has never happened in our family.

Do you remember?

One day, you had told Basi..

..that your entire family..

..would be indebted to her.

You just wanted her to


You paid back that debt.. whipping her.

It's getting late.

You should go home now.

But let me tell you something.

You didn't let your son marry her.

Don't forget that your married

..because of that girl.

How long are we going to wait here?

We will wait until we finish the task.

You tried to threaten me!

You had to lose your life in order

Boss, shall we bury her?

No, that may look suspicious.

Throw her away into the water.

Pick her up!

Uncle, it's no use crying.

You won't be able to bring

You need to think about your daughter.

If you want to save Basi's life..

..get her married to me.

You know, if you do as I say,

If you don't, you'll be in trouble.

I'm sure you have nothing against

Basi is really stubborn.

I've controlled many poisonous snakes.

She is an ordinary woman.

Make arrangements for the wedding.

Keep the money.

Fix the earliest date for the wedding.

I forgot to tell you something.

I don't want..

..Basi to leave this house

I know you won't be able to stop her.

So, my men will stay outside

Kalu! Binod!

Binod, Manik and Kalu.

From now on, Basi won't leave

You know the problem,

..roams around,

Dad, what does this mean?

This is your fate, dear.

Why did you do this, dad?

Why are you sending me

There is no way to save you..

..from Jhumru.

What if I don't marry him?

Then I'll have to meet the end

Aren't you satisfied after

Dad, I love Suman.

I have promised him.

Today, you will have to choose

Do you love Suman more

What should I do now?

Why haven't you had your lunch yet?

..leave this place..

..and earn my own bread and butter.

I don't want anything from here,

Wow! You sound quite dramatic.

If you had common sense, careful one has to be

Family's honour!

Think about your family's future,

You want to starve yourself

For the sake of that poisonous woman!


I am not interested

Snakes deserve to remain

You may not realise that

So, she has agreed to marry Jhumru.

And she is quite happy.

No! You are lying!

This can't be true!

I don't care what you think.

I'll go now.

Have lunch, if you wish.


I don't believe this.

I don't.

No. This can't be true.

You can't leave me and marry Jhumru!

No, Basi. Don't do this!

Don't do this!

If you really want to leave me..

..let me tell you.

Before you marry Jhumru..

..I'll kill myself.

Your gift will bring..

..the end of my life.

What's the matter, Suman?

Why are you fasting today?

Are you going to the feast tomorrow?

Don't you know? Tomorrow night

..I mean, Basuri is getting




Are you here to feed me?

No. I'm here to ask you to leave.

You want me to leave!

If you don't leave now,


What about dad?

Keep this with you. I've heard that

I don't need this, mom.

Your blessings are enough for me.


You are going alone,

I will accept her as the

Ratan, look! Mallik's son

Basi! - Let him come.

He shouldn't be able to escape.

Deal with us first.

Then you may see Basi.

Basi! I am here.

Why? - Please call Basi.

Basi won't see you again.

She is getting married tomorrow.

Basi couldn't agree to marry

I love Basi.

Believe me. I swear I love her.

Basi loves me, too.

I've lost Bimala because of your love.

I can't afford to lose Basi. I can't!

No one in this world..

..can dare to touch Basi.

I'll take her away today.

Where will you take her?

Will you take her to your rich father?

Will he accept Basi or

I beg of you. We are poor

Please spare us! Please.

Let me meet Basi once.

She will say what I did.

But I want to hear Basi say that.

What do you want me to say?

What do you want me to say?

No, Basi. You don't mean that.

What do you know?

Instead of thinking about me.. your father get


Are you the woman I loved?

Yes, I am the same woman.

That's still my identity.

Tomorrow, I'll be known


Did you play with my heart

That's my job.

You can't play with human emotions.

Let me tell you something

You played with my emotions.

But I won't curse you.

Yet, you'll spend your entire life

You'll suffer...



What did I do?

What did I do, dad?



Suman has arrived.


What's wrong with you?

What happened to you?

Suman! Why did you close the door?

Tell me what's wrong with you.

Why did you close the door?

How dare you send him to

Now he is back to you.

Go and whip him if you wish.

Why did you turn it over?

Where is everyone? Get some garlands.

What is taking you so long?

Find out where everyone is.

Don't ask me to dress up.

That will be a punishment for me.

If I dress up today..

..I'll have to suffer all my life.

You are thinking about yourself.

What about what I will have to face?

I am worried about you. You can't give

I am broken hearted.

How can I get married to someone else?

I've raised you with so much love.

How can you insult me in public?

You know what the wedding vows mean.

I will have to give my heart

But I've already given away my heart.. Suman.

How will I pretend to take wedding

How will I do it?

What a twist of destiny! pray for a child.

But she didn't know that her daughter

She'd kill her parents!

Here you go. Before you

..go ahead and kill me.

Shut up, dad!

I won't let you be blamed

I'll kill myself!

Let me go!

What were you going to do?

What were you going to do?

Okay. Then I'll fulfil your wish.

Let people know..

..that a woman braced herself..

..and got married..

..just to save her father.

I'll get ready as a bride.

My daughter! Basi!

The groom has arrived!

The groom is here!

What are you so ecstatic about?

You are not the groom.

Come out everyone!

The groom is here. Let's go!

Let's welcome the groom.


What's the matter?

You seem to be a little tipsy.

He is happy.

He is dancing with joy.

Carry on, son.


I hope you didn't have any trouble.

I see. You haven't

He has only had coconut water.

Thank you.

Bring the bride and the groom.

Basuri is getting married to Jhumru

Basuri is getting married to Jhumru

No! - Basuri is getting married

Boss! I have excellent news!

Jadunath Mallik's son

No! Suman!

Strange luck!

Even before you could get married,

I'm responsible for this.

I'm responsible for this.

I won't get married. No!

Stop this nonsense! Jhumru has been

You will have to go now.

Look at her!

Look at her pretence!

You want to kill yourself,

Kalu, go and drag her here!

Let's go.

What's the matter, aunt?

Look! She is so stubborn.

I can't see anyone in pain.

I start crying.

I'm going out.

Why are you crying so much?

There is no need to cry.

Come with us! Won't you go?

Won't you come with us?

Come with us!

Come with us!

Come with us!

Come with us!

Black snake!

White headed snake!

How can you refuse to marry our boss?

Black snake!

White headed snake!

C'mon, sit here.

Start chanting.

A snake has bitten Suman.

Let me tell you something

You played with my emotions.

Yet you'll spend your entire life

Sit down!

Catch her!



Oh no! What happened to my son?

Suman, I'm coming!

Suman, I'm coming!

Suman! I'm coming!

Please let me go!

No one can leave this village

Let me go! I beg of you.

Let me go to Suman.

You want me to let you go!

I beg of you! Let me go!

You rejected me.

Today, you'll have to become mine.

Let me go!

Come to me!

White headed snake!

Let me go!

No! Let me go!


No! Let me go!


White headed snake!

You are here!

Bite him!

Bite him!

Don't let him go!

Hit him..

..for killing my mother!

Kill him!

Bite him!

Basi, please save me. I beg of you.

Please save me!

Bite him!

Kill him!

Kill him!

You did the right thing

I'm so happy!


Suman, I'm coming!

I'm coming, Suman! Suman!

Taral, take the car and go to

Get the woman, who can remove

Please bring her here.

No! Basi won't come here.

I won't let you go to that colony.

Bijoya, what are you saying?

Your son is dying.

I can tolerate that pain.

I will perform his funeral.

But I won't let you

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

You whipped her and threw her out.

How can you welcome her home?

He isn't welcoming her. He is calling

You are stopping him!

Will you be able to live at that

Will you be able to do that?

I won't even marry him.

What if it relapses later?

I can't risk marrying him.

Ma'am, please don't stop them.

Ma'am, I beg of you.

Please let me go, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am. Let him go.

Suman! I'm coming!

Suman! I'm coming!



Suman! Please talk to me.

Please talk to me. Open your eyes.

Look! I am here.

I'm here. Talk to me, Suman.

Suman! Talk to me.

His body is turning blue

No snake can be venomous enough.. kill such a handsome man.

Goddess, do You really

Fine. Then let me die

Let him live.

"O Goddess!"

"Have mercy."

"Have pity on me."

"O Goddess, have mercy.

"If every chaste woman can

"If every chaste woman can

"..why can't you let him live?"

"..why can't you let him live?"

"O Goddess, have mercy.

"Let him sail the boat of his life."

"Let him enjoy joys

"Let him sail the boat of his life."

"Let him enjoy joys

"If you bless me.."

"..why can't I achieve success?"

"..why can't I achieve success?"

"O Goddess, have mercy.

"I'm shedding blood,

"I wash your feet with those tears."

"I'm shedding blood,

"I wash your feet with those tears."

"You are the Goddess

"Why can't you accept my prayers?"

"O Goddess, have mercy.

"If every chaste woman can

"If every chaste woman can

"..why can't you let him live?"

"..why can't you let him live?"

"O Goddess, have mercy.

Son! My son!

My son!


Mom, where am I?

What happened to me?

Thanks to Basi, you've come

Where is Basi?

She saved you and then..

..she is lying there.



Basi, why are you angry with me?

Why are you upset?

Who asked you to save me?

I don't want to live without her.

I don't want to live.

I don't want to live without her.

Goddess, I've committed a lot of sins.

I didn't have faith in You.

I broke your holy pot.

I whipped that helpless woman.


I've never prayed to You.

I never wanted anything.

This is the first time,

Punish me for all my sins.

Please don't punish that innocent girl

Goddess, please set everything right.. my family.

Please set everything right.

Please have mercy on us.

Please show us how great You are.

Jadunath's pride is shattered.

What are you waiting for then?

All Your wishes are fulfilled.

Have mercy on Basi.








Disgusting, Jadunath! You are

If Julie watches all this,

She is going to marry Suman

No, they won't get married.

They won't get married.

Your daughter clearly stated

Didn't she say that the venom

Sanyal, I think your family members

Your daughter is carrying

That might've relapsed.

I can't bring such a venomous woman

I can't ruin my family.


Manada, this is the first time



Coming, sir.

Tell me, sir.

..and make arrangements for

Well said. Rickshaw!

Rickshaw is good enough.

Miss Pants.

C'mon, pack your bags.

C'mon! Don't try to threaten me!


Don't threaten me!

Hey! Listen to me.

Let me purify the rooms.

No. I'm going to purify their rooms.


If you really want to

..give me your hand.

Give me your hand.

Give it to me. C'mon.

Today, I am the happiest

Bijoya, welcome our daughter-in-law.

Welcome her.

C'mon, let's celebrate!

"Whatever wishes I have in my heart.."

"..please fulfil them."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Whatever wishes I have in my heart.."

"..please fulfil them."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

"Glory to Goddess Manasa."

For more infomation >> Manasa Kanya | মনসা কন্যা | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle - Duration: 2:32:03.


Zbigniew Brzeziński – Einer der Teile-und-Herrsche-Drahtzieher ist tot | 02.06.2017 | - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Zbigniew Brzeziński – Einer der Teile-und-Herrsche-Drahtzieher ist tot | 02.06.2017 | - Duration: 5:35.


FUNNIEST MOMENTS FROM MAY 2017😜 😍 - Duration: 1:30.

Please subscribe!

For more infomation >> FUNNIEST MOMENTS FROM MAY 2017😜 😍 - Duration: 1:30.


Guardians of the rivers - Duration: 4:40.

Guardians of the rivers

The riparian forests:

old masters and guardians of the rivers.

In the past they were widely distributed in Bulgaria.

Today, however, their importance is underestimated

and mankind rapidly conquers their territory.

Among the main threats for the riparian habitats

are the clearing of natural forests for agricultural purposes,

their transformation into plantations of quick-growth trees,

aggregate mining, water pollution,

river bed correction

and changes in the flow regime.

What makes riparian forests so important?

They play a crucial role for the water supply.

Their thick shade protects the mountain streams

from overheating and drying up.

At high water levels the forests decrease

the destructive force of the rivers.

Thus they act as a barrier against flooding.

Forests are also an important factor against erosion:

their root systems keep the soil together.

Riparian forests act as a natural filtering station for the rivers.

Through ground water agricultural

mineral fertilizers can flow into the rivers.

In areas with existing riparian forests,

the roots of the trees catch these substances.

This prevents the eutrophication of the water

that can lead to fish die-offs

and the loss of many other water organisms.

Riparian forests are extremely important

for biodiversity conservation,

including that of fish populations.

They act as green corridors that enable

the migration of many animals across

the vastness of agricultural areas in the plains.

Alluvial forests are among the richest

natural habitats, resembling

the rain forests in the tropics.

Unfortunately, in Bulgaria they survive

only partially along just a few rivers.

Riparian forests are of huge ecological importance,

with crucial functions –

both for nature, as well as for humans.

Therefore we, the team of WWF Bulgaria,

work for their preservation and restoration!

Join our efforts!

Donate at

This production was made possible with support from the WWF-Mondi Partnership

Script: Iva Hristova-Nikolova; Camera: Boris Nikolov, Iva Hristova-Nikolova; Editing: Iva Hristova-Nikolova; Music: (licensed by Creative Commons 4.0) Adapted for the film project; Sound engineer: Stamen Yanev; Narrator: Dimitar Krastev; Script consultant & Translation: Alexander 'Sancho' Marinov

Consultant: Boris Nikolov, PhD (IBER-BAS); Executive producer: Biota Films

Thanks to Bogdan Boev Veselin Koev, Persina Nature Park Georgi Kirov State Forestry Assenovgrad Svilen Cheshmedzhiev

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