Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

For translations, please visit individual videos. Links in description

For more infomation >> ABC, Números e muito mais | Compilação de 35 minutos = As Letras do Alfabeto | 1 2 3 4 5 | 4K - Duration: 34:40.


AWKWARD New Email Leaks Show How Michelle Obama REALLY Feels About Hillary Clinton… - Duration: 1:21.

AWKWARD New Email Leaks Show How Michelle Obama REALLY Feels About Hillary Clinton�

By Emily Nowak

Hillary Clinton exposed our nation to horrible security threats when she used a private server

to conduct official government business.

She tried to delete the emails to cover up the scandal, but she even managed to fail

at that too.

Judicial Watch has sued the State Department so the American people can see the emails

she had been hiding, and what they found was both SHOCKING and HILARIOUS.

Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak at the funeral for the late Betty Ford in 2011.

Apparently, she found out Michelle Obama was going too, and specifically asked her aide

Huma Abedin to make sure they wouldn�t be on the same plane.

Here are her exact words: �I�d be honored to speak.

Is it OK that we and Mrs. O take two separate planes?�


To be fair, I wouldn�t want to have to sit next to either of them on a plane.

For more infomation >> AWKWARD New Email Leaks Show How Michelle Obama REALLY Feels About Hillary Clinton… - Duration: 1:21.


Occult Technology 3 Magick Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 5:49.

Occult Technology: 3 Magick Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind

These four gadgets are some of the most potent occult technology for altering consciousness

ever created.

Check out what we�ve got for you�

Since the dawn of history, human beings have been trying to alter their consciousnesses,

with every conceivable means, from fasting to sleeplessness to psychedelic drugs and

many, many more ways.

It�s like sex: If there�s any conceivable way to do it, somebody�s tried it.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, however, we�ve gotten some incredible new occult technology

for pushing our minds out of their usual ruts and into unexplored territories:


The Dream Machine

The Dream Machine, created by Brion Gysin, Ian Sommerville and William S. Burroughs,

is an occult technology that creates flicker patterns behind the closed eyelids of a person

staring at it.

These flicker patterns subtly alter the viewer�s brainwaves, creating waking hallucinations

that can be incredibly, shockingly vivid.

It�s made from three things: a cardboard cylinder with slats in it to generate the

right flicker pattern, a 78 rpm turntable upon which the cardboard tube sits, and a

single lightbulb dangling from a cord into the turntable.

The turntable spins the tube, creating the hallucinatory flicker pattern.

Gysin, the device�s primary inventor, was a gay surrealist painter and author who fled

the bitchy, backbiting Paris surrealism scene to seek the frontiers of Extreme Experience

in Morocco, delving headlong into the occult and the libertine atmosphere of Tangiers;

Burroughs would later join him, and the two would embark on a legendary magical partnership,

exploring the outer ranges of operative sorcery and sanity itself.

Burroughs wrote about Dream Machines extensively in his novels, where he depicted them as a

weapon for the freedom of consciousness in the eternal war against Control.

The author spoke highly of his friend�s invention, saying: �Subjects report dazzling

lights of unearthly brilliance and color� Elaborate geometric constructions of incredible

intricacy build up from multidimensional mosaic into living fireballs like the mandalas of

Eastern mysticism or resolve momentarily into apparently individual images and powerfully

dramatic scenes like brightly colored dreams.�

The machine was officially unveiled in 1962, at the Louvre�s Muse� des Arts Decoratifs,

to a fascinated public and press�but Gysin, unsatisfied with a small art audience, dreamed

of mass production.

He turned first to business magnate Helena Rubinstein, who was taken with the device

and exhibited it in her shop windows, but then refused to pay for it.

Next Gysin tried the Philips Corporation�a representative of the company, while visiting

Gysin at the Beat Hotel, slipped on dogshit in the hall; the deal was cancelled.

Later, Colombia Records wanted to market the Dream Machine as a lamp.

Meeting with Colombia executives in 1965, Gysin (ever the magician) told them that vinyl

records would soon be obsolete, replaced with optical discs that were read with a ray of


He was not well received.

Gysin died in 1986, the cause of the Dream Machine having been taken up by his prot�g�

Genesis P-Orridge and the loose occult and media subversion network the Temple ov Psychick


TOPY both propagandized the Dream Machine and distributed information on how to make

your own, using Gysin�s original plans.


The Sensory Deprivation Tank

Invented by the psychonaut John C. Lilly, the sensory deprivation tank is designed to

do one thing: Completely shut off your senses, so that your mind can be totally free to roam

or astrally project.

The tank is full of epsom salt-saturated water which is heated to exactly 93� F, with exactly

the right salt condensation to keep you floating weightlessly without your eyes and mouth submerging.

It�s also sound proof and totally dark.

That means that, after getting situated and comfortable, you now get to experience

what it�s like to be weightless, with

no sensory input.

For more infomation >> Occult Technology 3 Magick Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 5:49.


Как заморозить петрушку на зиму. Самый простой и удобный способ заготовки зелени. - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Как заморозить петрушку на зиму. Самый простой и удобный способ заготовки зелени. - Duration: 1:34.




In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast off the coast of the United States.

This had unforeseen and radical consequences on the price of food.

Around 2,900 oil rigs were shut down, disrupting 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico

� the impact of which lasted several months.

While to the casual observer this may not sound terribly remarkable, it had far-reaching

consequences that affected millions of people.

The price of gasoline, for instance, surged around 40% in a matter of days in some places

throughout the U.S.

Mexico, the home of corn, had produced most of its own corn based products for centuries,

but in 1994 and with the passing of NAFTA, Mexican farmers found themselves in competition

with heavily subsidized U.S. corn farmers.

These farmers often sold corn into Mexico at around 20% less than it costs to produce,

forcing many Mexican farmers off the land, as they no longer found it profitable to compete

with U.S. corn producers.

With corn production being diverted into ethanol due to the lack of oil supply after Hurricane

Katrina, the Mexican market lacked sufficient supply of corn to meet demand.

The price of corn became inextricably linked to the price of oil, as many of the inputs

such as fertilizers, fuel, and pesticides used to produce corn rose in lockstep with

the rising price of oil.

When the price of oil reached $140 a barrel, the price of corn went through the roof, causing

food riots in Mexico.

The story of Mexican food riots and shortages is a cautionary tale that could happen anywhere.

With a variety of geopolitical and resource constraints affecting the ability to provide

food for local communities, it is important we start to learn how to grow and produce

our own food and become more self-sufficient in general.

A Story of Resilience � Building Resilience

Filmmaker Jordan Osmond suggests, �This model of a hub is a really great example of

the kinds of changes that need to be made in urban areas.

The idea to use revenue from the business to find volunteer work helps create food resilience,

builds community, provides affordable healthy food, and works towards making the town less

reliant unsustainable imported goods that are shipped from all over the world.�

His film was produced as part of the �Living the Change� project, a series of 12 short

films and 1 feature-length documentary that explores solutions to the problems we�re

facing today.

To find out more, go to Living the Change.

Check out this inspiring story of change�.

For more infomation >> URBAN ABUNDANCE – 1/2 ACRE URBAN PROPERTY TRANSFORMED - INTO ORGANIC - health - Duration: 3:14.


Want To Avoid Shaving Rash and Razor Bumps? Hair Removal Tips | Gillette Venus - Duration: 2:25.


Hey guys, I'm Barkley.

So have you ever experienced the not-so-fun side effects of shaving?

Well, I know from experience that nothing

can make shaving less fun than razor burn, rash, or irritation,

especially in the more sensitive areas.

But hey, don't worry, because I have six easy shaving tips that

have really made my life a lot easier.


It's important to wet your skin before you start to shave.

I like to shave during or right after a warm bath or shower.

Just make sure you soak your skin for two to three minutes.

Using a shave gel will add another layer of protection for your skin.

I like to use the Gillette Satin Care Sensitive Skin Shave Gel.

It contains no dyes, and it's perfume free.

Razors with five blades, like the Venus Embrace Sensitive,

will give you a closer shave in fewer strokes, especially when you're

shaving against the hair growth.

So they're less likely to give you irritation.

Plus, it has built-in lubrication with aloe.

So it gives you another layer of protection for your skin.

Always make sure to replace the blades as soon as they become dull.

A little bit of dullness can give you a lot of irritation.

When you're done shaving, use your favorite moisturizer

to keep your skin hydrated.

So if you want an alternative to shaving, then you should try epilating.

Epilating is great, because you'll get smooth skin for up to four weeks.

It actually removes the hair right from the root.

My favorite tool is the Braun Silk-epil 9 SkinSpa.

So what I've noticed really helps me, whether I shave or epilate,

is exfoliating.

What's so great about the SkinSpa?

It's also an exfoliator.

So you just take the exfoliation brush, and you attach it like this.

And you're good to go.

And you can run it over your entire body.

And it's amazing, because I get a spa or the exfoliation at home.


I really feel like my skin is glowing and so healthy afterward.

So there you have it

If you want more shaving and hair removal tricks for women,

be sure to check out these other videos.

Also, I would love to hear your favorite tricks for avoiding

rash and razor burn in the comments.

For more infomation >> Want To Avoid Shaving Rash and Razor Bumps? Hair Removal Tips | Gillette Venus - Duration: 2:25.


PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2017 - BEST OF THE WEEK (Ep. 5) - Duration: 10:14.

People Are Insane 2017 - BEST OF THE WEEK (Ep. 5)

Don't forget Like and Subscribe. Thankyou very much !!!

Don't forget Like and Subscribe ... Thankyou very much !!!

Wishing you more fun with my videos !

View more videos in the description of this video!

Don't forget Like and Subscribe ... Thankyou very much !!!

For more infomation >> PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2017 - BEST OF THE WEEK (Ep. 5) - Duration: 10:14.


★ Nightcore - Bubblegum | Best Nightcore 2017 | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 2:52.

bubblegum nightcore

nightcore live

nightcore radio

sugu music

For more infomation >> ★ Nightcore - Bubblegum | Best Nightcore 2017 | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 2:52.


Food and Mood - How diet affects you / Self-Care tip No 17 - Duration: 2:30.

this is day 17 of my 21-day challenge of providing self-care tips and today I

want to talk about food food and moo' those are quite by Hippocrates and it's

let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food many times we often

look at how important what we eat affects how we feel in affects our mood

it affects our energy levels it's ok having a medicine that will receive from

the doctor and that's fine if you feel you need that but don't underestimate

the impact of what you're eating is having on your mental health and your

general well-being what you eat is so important and very often we when we're

stressed when we're tired we reach for the things that we know that's going to

make us feel better in that very moment but we need to have food that nourishes

us not only physically because what we eat to know is just physically affects

us emotionally as well we all need that balanced food with we not diet on a

day to day basis and that's what's going to help improve our mental health

just think about sugar and probably need a whole video on that to explain how

sugar affects your mental health and that's one of the main culprits which I

think actually will do a video on how food affects your mental health and what

you can do about it in the near future hopefully I hope you enjoyed that today

the videos that I'm doing in this series it's not meant to be anything in any

depth it's just meant to introduce you to certain things and to sort of put

spark in your mind of what could help in your overall well-being most of the

videos that I've done in the series and will actually revisit them at a later

date in more in depth but you'll be useful as well if you could let me know

which one so far that's benefited you the most and which ones you would like

me to do more information on so comment down below let me know what you'd like

to see in the future and I'll see you again tomorrow

don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so already speak to you saying that


For more infomation >> Food and Mood - How diet affects you / Self-Care tip No 17 - Duration: 2:30.


My Edited Video - Duration: 2:55.

The cultureSEast happens from May 16 to May 18, 2017 at PCC.

There are many events here.

First, we attend Midday Music and Performances event at Great Hall.

They perform many good songs.

We are interested in the music.

After, we attend Visit the "Southeast Stories" Video Booth event.

We have not understood about this event until we interview a person who works there.

This is our interview.

What's your full name?

My full name? Chelsea Martin.

What's your role?

Role? I take camera and make movies at PCC.

Where are you from?

I am from ...

How long have you been at PCC?

Oh ... Think ... Maybe 8 years.

What kinds of video does this event show?

What kinds of video? So today we are recording personal ...

So people come into the booth and tell us ... tell us the stories.

How many times has this event been at cultureSEast?

Hmm ... CultureSEast? It's been here 3 years.

Who made "Southeast Stories" video?

Ah ... It was a group of people. So a lot of people want to do it.

And so they hire us to record the stories, and anyone talks the stories.

What stories does it show at this event?

Ah ... So people will coming tell us about invisible.

So like ... Ah ... Maybe they feel people can't see them or people don't know something about them.

They can talk about secret it's important to them.

What is the purpose of this event?

So the purpose is to humanize everyone.

So we all look different, but on the inside we are the same.

So it helps people realized that our inside.

We are the same world people.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> My Edited Video - Duration: 2:55.


Anne Murray - You needed me - Letra (lyrics) - [SUBTITULADO] - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Anne Murray - You needed me - Letra (lyrics) - [SUBTITULADO] - Duration: 3:38.


5 Ways To Restore The Naural Peace And Quiet In Your Mind - Duration: 6:37.

5 Ways To Restore The Naural Peace And Quiet In Your Mind


I hear it all the time, �I can�t meditate� or �My brain won�t quit�. I used to

say it all the time as well. Our mind is a tool meant to create, destroy, probe, mimic

and generally be active.I have always enjoyed the imagery of your mind being an infant.

Without care, discipline, and nourishment it becomes unfocused, wild, unproductive,

and sometimes violent or aggressive.

If we keep it fed and acknowledge it, work with it consistently, it calms down. It may

seem quieter, more disciplined and showing signs of growth, but it is still an infant

and infants are prone to random outbursts.

Your mind is a tool, as such to serve you better it will wander off and imagine things

that are ghastly, or distinctly not us. That�s fine. You are more than your mind.

The infants got a hold of scissors, of course it made a mess. The idea behind meditation

isn�t to make our mind like a silent mausoleum, it is to keep the mind adaptive while not

letting waste energy or have the power to hurt us.

Below are some ways to take back the space between your ears. These are guidelines that

you may need to tweak to make fit your needs. As long as the �highs and lows� of your

thinking begin to even out and �tantrums� become shorter and less frequent, you are

on the right path.

1. Focus On Your Breath, Acknowledging What Pops Up

Your focus while meditating should have a singular focal point. I recommend either the

rise and fall of your sternum or the feeling of breath inside your nose.

The focal point should have a direct connection to your breath. There are different ways of

breathing and counting breath, but I recommend: in breath (that�s one), out breath (that�s

two), in breath (that�s three), and so on. There is no need to count higher then ten.

This isn�t a mental exercise.

As formations arise look at them without judgment, smile and let them go. At first they will

still hang around yammering, but like an infant it�ll get bored and wander off.

Anytime you loose track of your breath, restart. Anytime you get to ten, restart. Start to

divide your attention from your inner voice, to your inner being, inner health and other


2. Bring Intention And Mindfulness Into Your Daily Activities

Through out your day, whenever you remember, breath to ten while you work or play. Re-word

your intentions, or try to focus on only your breath and the task at hand.

Watch yourself react and accept that reaction. Then let it go. If you are having a consistent

problem with strong negative formations, like suicidal thoughts, then start to carry a pen

with you.

Anytime you experience the reoccurring formation stop: make a notch in a book or on your skin

(gently!). While you are making only a notch, examine this feeling. Try to see where it

is coming from.

Don�t run from it or push it away. This is only endowing it more unproductive energy.

Embrace it for what it is and say some nice stuff to yourself. Say it aloud if you have


Don�t be put off by how hard and painful it is to say, �you�re beautiful�. At

the end of the day gather up all your scratches and look at them.

Embrace that you are in pain. Smile and thank yourself for growing and trying to try to

love yourself. A couple days of this killed my suicidal thoughts, and they have never

returned in the same force.

3. Meditate Regularly And Often

Set a schedule and do your best to meet it. It doesn�t have to be the same time everyday,

but it�s easier to plan your day around it if you do.

You don�t have to sit under a tree for days either. Like exercise it is better to do a

smaller amount of a period of time, than binge meditate.

4. Live In The �HERE AND NOW�

The idea behind all these activities is to grow more aware of what is really going on.

The future hasn�t happened yet, so all of that are your projections of fear and desire.

You are more than your fear and desire so there is no productive reason to grow these

formations. We are trying to grow aspects of yourself that don�t normally get attention,

your fears and desires are probably getting too much attention.

The relationship to the past is similarly themed in illusions. Even if you had a perfectly

clear recollection, what good would it do you? You can�t change the past and carry

its lessons with you at all times.

Stay in the NOW, see all there is to see and experience what you can. The more you do this

the more you will experience in one moment. The stimuli is beautiful!

5. Go Connect With Nature

This is about killing your formations, and growing you. Society is all about egos, personae,

and heavy emotions. Go into nature and use what you have learned thus far. Experience

life being only that, life.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Restore The Naural Peace And Quiet In Your Mind - Duration: 6:37.


5 scandalous facts of the biography of the star of the modern ballet by Sergei Polunin - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 5 scandalous facts of the biography of the star of the modern ballet by Sergei Polunin - Duration: 2:52.


minecraft funny moment || minecarft bisket making||minecraft funny video - Duration: 5:02.

minecraft funny moment || minecarft bisket making||minecraft funny video

For more infomation >> minecraft funny moment || minecarft bisket making||minecraft funny video - Duration: 5:02.


Deepika Padukone with family – Ahilya, Prakash, Ujjala and Anisha Padukone - Duration: 1:54.

Deepika Padukone with family – Ahilya, Prakash, Ujjala and Anisha Padukone

Deepika Padukone with family – Ahilya, Prakash, Ujjala and Anisha Padukone

Deepika Padukone with family – Ahilya, Prakash, Ujjala and Anisha Padukone

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