Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

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For more infomation >> ABC, Números e muito mais | Compilação de 35 minutos = As Letras do Alfabeto | 1 2 3 4 5 | 4K - Duration: 34:40.



For more infomation >> OREO EN LA PELOTA DE FÚTBOL! RETO: COMIDA SUCIA!!! - Duration: 12:02.


AWKWARD New Email Leaks Show How Michelle Obama REALLY Feels About Hillary Clinton… - Duration: 1:21.

AWKWARD New Email Leaks Show How Michelle Obama REALLY Feels About Hillary Clinton�

By Emily Nowak

Hillary Clinton exposed our nation to horrible security threats when she used a private server

to conduct official government business.

She tried to delete the emails to cover up the scandal, but she even managed to fail

at that too.

Judicial Watch has sued the State Department so the American people can see the emails

she had been hiding, and what they found was both SHOCKING and HILARIOUS.

Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak at the funeral for the late Betty Ford in 2011.

Apparently, she found out Michelle Obama was going too, and specifically asked her aide

Huma Abedin to make sure they wouldn�t be on the same plane.

Here are her exact words: �I�d be honored to speak.

Is it OK that we and Mrs. O take two separate planes?�


To be fair, I wouldn�t want to have to sit next to either of them on a plane.

For more infomation >> AWKWARD New Email Leaks Show How Michelle Obama REALLY Feels About Hillary Clinton… - Duration: 1:21.


Occult Technology 3 Magick Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 5:49.

Occult Technology: 3 Magick Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind

These four gadgets are some of the most potent occult technology for altering consciousness

ever created.

Check out what we�ve got for you�

Since the dawn of history, human beings have been trying to alter their consciousnesses,

with every conceivable means, from fasting to sleeplessness to psychedelic drugs and

many, many more ways.

It�s like sex: If there�s any conceivable way to do it, somebody�s tried it.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, however, we�ve gotten some incredible new occult technology

for pushing our minds out of their usual ruts and into unexplored territories:


The Dream Machine

The Dream Machine, created by Brion Gysin, Ian Sommerville and William S. Burroughs,

is an occult technology that creates flicker patterns behind the closed eyelids of a person

staring at it.

These flicker patterns subtly alter the viewer�s brainwaves, creating waking hallucinations

that can be incredibly, shockingly vivid.

It�s made from three things: a cardboard cylinder with slats in it to generate the

right flicker pattern, a 78 rpm turntable upon which the cardboard tube sits, and a

single lightbulb dangling from a cord into the turntable.

The turntable spins the tube, creating the hallucinatory flicker pattern.

Gysin, the device�s primary inventor, was a gay surrealist painter and author who fled

the bitchy, backbiting Paris surrealism scene to seek the frontiers of Extreme Experience

in Morocco, delving headlong into the occult and the libertine atmosphere of Tangiers;

Burroughs would later join him, and the two would embark on a legendary magical partnership,

exploring the outer ranges of operative sorcery and sanity itself.

Burroughs wrote about Dream Machines extensively in his novels, where he depicted them as a

weapon for the freedom of consciousness in the eternal war against Control.

The author spoke highly of his friend�s invention, saying: �Subjects report dazzling

lights of unearthly brilliance and color� Elaborate geometric constructions of incredible

intricacy build up from multidimensional mosaic into living fireballs like the mandalas of

Eastern mysticism or resolve momentarily into apparently individual images and powerfully

dramatic scenes like brightly colored dreams.�

The machine was officially unveiled in 1962, at the Louvre�s Muse� des Arts Decoratifs,

to a fascinated public and press�but Gysin, unsatisfied with a small art audience, dreamed

of mass production.

He turned first to business magnate Helena Rubinstein, who was taken with the device

and exhibited it in her shop windows, but then refused to pay for it.

Next Gysin tried the Philips Corporation�a representative of the company, while visiting

Gysin at the Beat Hotel, slipped on dogshit in the hall; the deal was cancelled.

Later, Colombia Records wanted to market the Dream Machine as a lamp.

Meeting with Colombia executives in 1965, Gysin (ever the magician) told them that vinyl

records would soon be obsolete, replaced with optical discs that were read with a ray of


He was not well received.

Gysin died in 1986, the cause of the Dream Machine having been taken up by his prot�g�

Genesis P-Orridge and the loose occult and media subversion network the Temple ov Psychick


TOPY both propagandized the Dream Machine and distributed information on how to make

your own, using Gysin�s original plans.


The Sensory Deprivation Tank

Invented by the psychonaut John C. Lilly, the sensory deprivation tank is designed to

do one thing: Completely shut off your senses, so that your mind can be totally free to roam

or astrally project.

The tank is full of epsom salt-saturated water which is heated to exactly 93� F, with exactly

the right salt condensation to keep you floating weightlessly without your eyes and mouth submerging.

It�s also sound proof and totally dark.

That means that, after getting situated and comfortable, you now get to experience

what it�s like to be weightless, with

no sensory input.

For more infomation >> Occult Technology 3 Magick Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 5:49.


에이프릴_메이데이_youtube_1080p_4K_60fps-muxed - Duration: 3:03.

Hey I'm in danger Something went wrong

No No No No No

Please don't do this

Boy Don't pull me out I can't stand it

No No No No No

I'm dragged away

You look so nice today Something has blinded me

Why am I like this? Um mur mur mur mur

Mayday Mayday I think I'm gonna fall in love

When I see you (kong-kong-kong) My heart gets faster

Hey babe Hey babe I think I'm gonna fall in love

My cheeks (hot-hot-hot) become red again

It's too dangerous, It must be 100 percent

Help me help me Help me babe right now

I'm falling into your fascination now

Help me help me Help me babe right now

You look so pretty today Can't control my mind

Why am I like this? Um mur mur mur mur

Mayday Mayday I think I'm gonna fall in love

When I see you (kong-kong-kong) my heart gets faster

Hey babe Hey babe I think I'm gonna fall in love

My cheeks (hot-hot-hot) become red again

Ay i'm totally in danger What did you do to me?

I've got chills all over my body, My head feels dizzy, My heart throbs

What should i do? I'm gonna fall in love with you soon

Somebody help me Please dispel the love magic

I can't help it anymore

(ah ah ah awoo- ah ah ah awoo-)

Frankly, it's not bad

I'm feeling rather good

Mayday Mayday I think I'm gonna fall in love

When I see you (kong-kong-kong) My heart gets faster

Hey babe Hey babe I think I'm gonna fall in love

My cheeks (hot-hot-hot) become red again

Na NaNaNa Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na NaNaNaNa Mayday Mayday

Na NaNaNa Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na NaNaNaNa Mayday Mayday

For more infomation >> 에이프릴_메이데이_youtube_1080p_4K_60fps-muxed - Duration: 3:03.


Как заморозить петрушку на зиму. Самый простой и удобный способ заготовки зелени. - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Как заморозить петрушку на зиму. Самый простой и удобный способ заготовки зелени. - Duration: 1:34.


kifach takhd passwords b USB ! - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> kifach takhd passwords b USB ! - Duration: 1:28.



we gotta talk


sit down


you remember my friend?


he's coming to Benedict


your not excited?

I think it's a big accomplishment


only thing is that

he's gonna be like an hour away

and I don't know how your gonna feel about that

because like we are gonna hang out


I worked out at was's a nice school

but like

are you gonna be good with us like...

hanging out and stuff



well only thing is that


he's in love with me

babe if you wanna be single

let me know

I'm not gonna be stressing myself out

I trust you


I'm in love with him too


what are you talking about?

how you in love with him?

we probably like

end up together

come here

no don't touch me

do not touch me!

okay okay okay one more thing to say



For more infomation >> I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE PRANK ON BOYFRIEND! - Duration: 6:18.


TOP SHELF - Ep#8 - Heather Haywood - The Cool Notes (French subtitles) - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> TOP SHELF - Ep#8 - Heather Haywood - The Cool Notes (French subtitles) - Duration: 9:17.




In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast off the coast of the United States.

This had unforeseen and radical consequences on the price of food.

Around 2,900 oil rigs were shut down, disrupting 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico

� the impact of which lasted several months.

While to the casual observer this may not sound terribly remarkable, it had far-reaching

consequences that affected millions of people.

The price of gasoline, for instance, surged around 40% in a matter of days in some places

throughout the U.S.

Mexico, the home of corn, had produced most of its own corn based products for centuries,

but in 1994 and with the passing of NAFTA, Mexican farmers found themselves in competition

with heavily subsidized U.S. corn farmers.

These farmers often sold corn into Mexico at around 20% less than it costs to produce,

forcing many Mexican farmers off the land, as they no longer found it profitable to compete

with U.S. corn producers.

With corn production being diverted into ethanol due to the lack of oil supply after Hurricane

Katrina, the Mexican market lacked sufficient supply of corn to meet demand.

The price of corn became inextricably linked to the price of oil, as many of the inputs

such as fertilizers, fuel, and pesticides used to produce corn rose in lockstep with

the rising price of oil.

When the price of oil reached $140 a barrel, the price of corn went through the roof, causing

food riots in Mexico.

The story of Mexican food riots and shortages is a cautionary tale that could happen anywhere.

With a variety of geopolitical and resource constraints affecting the ability to provide

food for local communities, it is important we start to learn how to grow and produce

our own food and become more self-sufficient in general.

A Story of Resilience � Building Resilience

Filmmaker Jordan Osmond suggests, �This model of a hub is a really great example of

the kinds of changes that need to be made in urban areas.

The idea to use revenue from the business to find volunteer work helps create food resilience,

builds community, provides affordable healthy food, and works towards making the town less

reliant unsustainable imported goods that are shipped from all over the world.�

His film was produced as part of the �Living the Change� project, a series of 12 short

films and 1 feature-length documentary that explores solutions to the problems we�re

facing today.

To find out more, go to Living the Change.

Check out this inspiring story of change�.

For more infomation >> URBAN ABUNDANCE – 1/2 ACRE URBAN PROPERTY TRANSFORMED - INTO ORGANIC - health - Duration: 3:14.


5件最值得 - 4月號 5 Best Find in April 2017 | 高比 Gobby - Duration: 13:05.


For more infomation >> 5件最值得 - 4月號 5 Best Find in April 2017 | 高比 Gobby - Duration: 13:05.


Want To Avoid Shaving Rash and Razor Bumps? Hair Removal Tips | Gillette Venus - Duration: 2:25.


Hey guys, I'm Barkley.

So have you ever experienced the not-so-fun side effects of shaving?

Well, I know from experience that nothing

can make shaving less fun than razor burn, rash, or irritation,

especially in the more sensitive areas.

But hey, don't worry, because I have six easy shaving tips that

have really made my life a lot easier.


It's important to wet your skin before you start to shave.

I like to shave during or right after a warm bath or shower.

Just make sure you soak your skin for two to three minutes.

Using a shave gel will add another layer of protection for your skin.

I like to use the Gillette Satin Care Sensitive Skin Shave Gel.

It contains no dyes, and it's perfume free.

Razors with five blades, like the Venus Embrace Sensitive,

will give you a closer shave in fewer strokes, especially when you're

shaving against the hair growth.

So they're less likely to give you irritation.

Plus, it has built-in lubrication with aloe.

So it gives you another layer of protection for your skin.

Always make sure to replace the blades as soon as they become dull.

A little bit of dullness can give you a lot of irritation.

When you're done shaving, use your favorite moisturizer

to keep your skin hydrated.

So if you want an alternative to shaving, then you should try epilating.

Epilating is great, because you'll get smooth skin for up to four weeks.

It actually removes the hair right from the root.

My favorite tool is the Braun Silk-epil 9 SkinSpa.

So what I've noticed really helps me, whether I shave or epilate,

is exfoliating.

What's so great about the SkinSpa?

It's also an exfoliator.

So you just take the exfoliation brush, and you attach it like this.

And you're good to go.

And you can run it over your entire body.

And it's amazing, because I get a spa or the exfoliation at home.


I really feel like my skin is glowing and so healthy afterward.

So there you have it

If you want more shaving and hair removal tricks for women,

be sure to check out these other videos.

Also, I would love to hear your favorite tricks for avoiding

rash and razor burn in the comments.

For more infomation >> Want To Avoid Shaving Rash and Razor Bumps? Hair Removal Tips | Gillette Venus - Duration: 2:25.


EASY White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies | RECIPE - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> EASY White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies | RECIPE - Duration: 1:24.


¿EN QUE RANGO CAERÉ? - Posicionamiento EEN DIRECTO - PreSnasGold - Info Sorteo en Descripción - Duration: 1:43:34.

For more infomation >> ¿EN QUE RANGO CAERÉ? - Posicionamiento EEN DIRECTO - PreSnasGold - Info Sorteo en Descripción - Duration: 1:43:34.


Everything You Know About Heroin Addiction Is Wrong - Duration: 4:09.

- This is Ed.

He was a daily heroin user for over a year

before he got clean

and he is here to explain some of the ways

everyone gets heroin addiction wrong.

- It's gonna be fun.

Movies portray heroin addiction as happening instantly.

You jab that needle into your arm, and boom,

you're a skinny bass player in a grunge band.

I've literally never met anyone who was introduced

to heroin with a needle.

Most start by popping or smoking pills

and when you start using opioids you can use daily for weeks

with no withdrawal effects whatsoever.

I used to get totally wasted with my girlfriend Sally

every night and woke up every morning clear as a bell.

So it was super easy to think.

- Hey, why not use again?

- It was like drinking without a hangover.

Turns out the really bad part of heroin

isn't the physical dependency, it's the addiction.

There's a difference.

People act like addictive drugs are just

needles full of addiction gremlins.

But I didn't use heroin because of heroin,

I used it because I had serious problems

in my life that I wasn't addressing.

The gremlins were inside me all along.

Heroin helped me ignore them,

which made quitting harder because I had to face

not only withdrawal but all the crap I've been

trying to avoid in the first place.

- I can't take it, man, my arm.

My (beep) arm.

- The scene from Requiem For A Dream,

it's pretty melodramatic.

When this happened to my girlfriend

we just drained her abcess with a hot compress

and disinfected razor blade.

Blackened limb rot was so commonplace

it was practically boring.

The real danger is buying stronger heroin

than you're use to by accident.

Since there's no FDA for illegal street drugs

heroin potency is less closely monitored than, say,

orange juice pulp.

It's pretty easy to get some fire dope by accident.

That's the equivalent of ordering a latte,

but when you go to take a sip you find out

it's made of shotgun blast.

(shotgun firing)

- Ugh, casuals.

- Some people think the danger of heroin

is that you might inject some that's been cut

with Drano or something, no.

The danger of heroin is accidentally injecting heroin

that's too damn good.

So I guess it's more like ordering a latte

and accidentally getting a mocha latte, and then.

(shotgun firing)

This is getting dark.

Let's talk about my penis for a second.

Eventually I got arrested because while heroin made it hard

for me to keep a job,

it created a lot of opportunities for petty theft,

and since I couldn't get any horse in jail

I quickly discovered that one of the side effects of heroin

withdrawal is uncontrollable orgasms,

and not the good kind, the bad kind of orgasm.

Yes, those exist.

Since heroin numbs your body, getting clean involves

being hypersensitive, so I was climaxing painfully

whenever anything came into contact with my junk,

and prison is just full of stuff

you don't wanna be cumming on.

I'm clean now and my dick works again.

Withdrawal only lasts three weeks,

the physical symptoms, anyway.

After those subside only two things remain.

The first is post acute withdrawal syndrome,

which means depression, insomnia, restlessness,

overwhelming guilt, and in my case, vivid nightmares.

In one, I have a bag of dope in my hand

and I'm looking for a place to shoot up

but every time I find one I get interrupted.

The dream always ends with a needle in my arm

and just before I push off I wake up.

But the worst part is the problems that made me

turn to heroin in the first place.

They're still here.

And they actually got worse while I was high

because instead of working on them I had been

really, really high.

My point is that if I were going to give a review of heroin,

it would be negative.

♫ Ooh Ooh Oooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh

- Hey everybody, thank you for watching that.

Make sure you click the big C to subscribe,

and click one of the videos to my right

to watch other funny videos.

Make sure you click on their dumb (beep) YouTube bell

so you get notifications when we put out new videos.

And if you're still looking for something to do

call your parents, tell them you love them.

And call mine, too.

I forgot to.

For more infomation >> Everything You Know About Heroin Addiction Is Wrong - Duration: 4:09.


Jak bawiliśmy się podczas ESN2017? feat. STS - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Jak bawiliśmy się podczas ESN2017? feat. STS - Duration: 9:11.


PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2017 - BEST OF THE WEEK (Ep. 5) - Duration: 10:14.

People Are Insane 2017 - BEST OF THE WEEK (Ep. 5)

Don't forget Like and Subscribe. Thankyou very much !!!

Don't forget Like and Subscribe ... Thankyou very much !!!

Wishing you more fun with my videos !

View more videos in the description of this video!

Don't forget Like and Subscribe ... Thankyou very much !!!

For more infomation >> PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2017 - BEST OF THE WEEK (Ep. 5) - Duration: 10:14.


Trump's The Handmaid's Tale - Duration: 1:58.

- [Offered] I was asleep before.

That's how we let it happen.

When they slaughtered Congress, we didn't wake up.

When they blamed terrorists and suspended the constitution,

we didn't wake up then either.

(explosion booming) Now I'm awake.

- You girls will serve the leaders and their barren wives.

You will bear children for them.

(wordless vocalizing)

- [Woman] You're going to have a baby together.

- Oh, you are so lucky!

- She's probably deeply troubled,

and therefore great in bed.

- [Melania] We have a great relationship.

I don't think I should be scared of anything.

- It's too dangerous.

- Deliver us from evil.


- There has to be some form of punishment.

- For the woman? - Yeah.

I'm not gonna be doin' the diapers.

I may never even see the kids.

- I'm sorry. - Don't feel sorry for me.

Don't feel sorry for me.

- I will build a great, great wall.

- If we run they'll try to kill us.

- Oh, yes, of course.

- He wants to see me.

He'll want-- - Nothing surprising.

Dirty and bad stuff.

- No, ma'am. - Yes.

- It is so big.

It is so...

It's so enormous.

- Sure. - It's enormous.

- Okay. - I wish you were softer,

I wish you were nicer.

- He could do whatever he likes with it.

- He can barely get it up.

- Nobody has more respect for women than I do, nobody.

♫ Leave the dark behind

- And now they're making Ghostbusters with only women!

What's going on?

(electronic music) (squeaking)

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