Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter

biology, fertility and even gender expression

by Edward Morgan

America has become the luxury playground for pharmaceutical company moguls. As trillions

of dollars trickle through the economy, all those physicians who peddle their poisons,

along with PR and media account executives, are paid millions for mind-numbing advertising

campaigns promoting a daily dose of �ask your doctor.� But your doctor may not need

to play middleman anymore. As reported by Scientific American, trace amounts of many

pharmaceuticals have been found �in the drinking water supplies of some 40 million

Americas.� Need your ADHD medicine? Just take a sip of tap water.

In 2013 and 2014, Dr. Sylvia Lee, along with her team from The Cary Institute of Ecosystems

Studies based in Milford, New York, collected water samples from six different streams surrounding

Baltimore, Maryland. ARS Technica has reported that the researchers found 14 different drugs

in the samples, with two drugs, amphetamines and methamphetamine, discovered at all six

sites with varying levels of concentration. The amount of amphetamines, the drug well

known for its use in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), was the highest ever recorded

in surface waters, beating earlier saturation levels as measured by scientists in Spain.

Dr. Lee took the experiment a step further and created a method to test exactly how the

amphetamines would affect aquatic life. Her group built artificial streams, clean of any

toxins, and filled them with living bacteria, algae, microorganisms and aquatic insects.

Gradually, the researchers introduced D-amphetamine, the same substance found in the ADHD medications

and their six samples, and added the exact amount they had previously discovered into

their artificial streams. Within a week, algae were down 50 percent and the aquatic insects

reproduced like �they were on speed.� Additionally, the diversity of diatoms and

certain bacteria, so essential for aquatic life, were greatly diminished.

In 2012, there were 16 million people taking prescription medications with amphetamines

as a key ingredient. USA Today reports that in 2013, �American manufacturers of prescription

stimulant drugs produced 191,723 kilograms, or 211 tons of legal speed.� Amphetamines

are now also prescribed for asthma, obesity, narcolepsy and depression. And that�s just

one prescription drug leaking its way into our water supply. Add that to the enduring

remnants of the other 4.4 billion prescriptions written in 2015, which are seeping into the

�environment through sewage and cesspool systems across the country.�

Pain medication, antidepressants and cholesterol-lowering statins are the most common drugs prescribed

by doctors. Birth control pills and other hormone supplements are also widely used across

the country. When these medications enter our waterways the chemicals and compounds

contained in them do not break down easily. Fish and amphibians absorb these chemicals,

and often experience �changes in intersex development.� Chemicals from medications

have�been found in the brains tissue of fish� who swim in streams and ponds near

wastewater plant discharge stations.

Research on pharmaceuticals in the streams, as well as chemicals from personal care products,

is ongoing at the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies.

If you think the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is interested in any cleanup

effort, you may be mistaken. As reported by, the EPA decided to delay publishing

�its Final Rule for hazardous waste pharmaceuticals, proposed in September 2015, until it can adequately

address the comments received in response to the proposal� .�

That delay isn�t a concern for Big Pharma elite, who probably have an amazing water

filtration system that even takes out the fluoride, along with their mass produced toxins.

What keeps 88 percent of pharmaceutical executives up all night is not how their products are

destroying the water supply, or how they are killing the populous. What they are most concerned

about, reports is the pressure they feel to lower drug prices. Is there a

pill for that?

For more infomation >> Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter biology, fer - Duration: 6:07.


Insajder - 37 Epizoda Treca Najava - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Insajder - 37 Epizoda Treca Najava - Duration: 1:01.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Meets Dr. Abraham Erskine | HD - Duration: 4:13.

Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a double date.

We're taking the girls dancing.

You go ahead. I'll catch up with you.

You're really going to do this again?

Well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck.

As who, Steve from Ohio?

They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you.

Look, I know you don't think I can do this.

This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war.

- I know it's a war. - Why are you so keen to fight?

- There are so many important jobs. - What do you want me to do?

Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon?

- Yes. Why not? - I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky.

Bucky, come on. There are men laying down their lives.

I got no right to do any less than them.

That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me.

Right. 'Cause you got nothing to prove.

Hey, Sarge! Are we going dancing?

Yes, we are.

Don't do anything stupid until I get back.

How can I?

You're taking all the stupid with you.

- You're a punk. - Jerk.

Be careful.

Don't win the war till I get there!

Come on, girls. They're playing our song.

Wait here.

- Is there a problem? - Just wait here.

Thank you.


you want to go overseas. Kill some Nazis.

Excuse me?

Dr. Abraham Erskine.

I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve.

Steve Rogers.

Where are you from?

Queens. 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway.

Before that, Germany.

- This troubles you? - No.

Where are you from, Mr. Rogers?

Is it New Haven?

Or Paramus?

Five exams in five different cities.

That might not be the right file.

No, it's not the exams I'm interested in.

It's the five tries.

But you didn't answer my question. Do you want to kill Nazis?

Is this a test?


I don't want to kill anyone.

I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from.

Well, there are already

so many big men fighting this war.

Maybe what we need now is a little guy.

I can offer you a chance.

Only a chance.

- I'll take it. - Good.

So where is the little guy from? Actually?


Congratulations, soldier.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Meets Dr. Abraham Erskine | HD - Duration: 4:13.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Training & Flagpole Scene | HD - Duration: 3:16.

Ready, exercise!

Recruits, attention!

Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter.

I supervise all operations for this division.

What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?

I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army.

What's your name, soldier?

Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty.

Step forward, Hodge.

Put your right foot forward.

We gonna wrassle?

'Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like.

Agent Carter!

Colonel Phillips.

I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. That's good!

Get your ass up out of that dirt

and stand in that line at attention till somebody comes tells you what to do.

Yes, sir!

General Patton has said

that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men.

We are going to win this war because we have the best men.

And because they are going to get better.

Much better.

The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort

made up of the best minds in the free world.

Our goal is to create the best army in history.

But every army starts with one man.

Rogers! Get off of there!

At the end of this week, we will choose that man.

He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldier.

Rogers! Get that rifle out of the mud!

And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell.

Pick up the pace, ladies!

Let's go, let's go! Double time!

Come on! Faster! Faster!

Move! Move!

Squad, halt!

That flag means we're only at the halfway point.

First man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter.

Move, move!

Come on! Get up there!

If that's all you got, this army's in trouble!

Get up there, Hodge!

Come on! Get up there!

Nobody's got that flag in 17 years!

Now fall back into line! Come on, fall in!

Let's go! Get back into formation!

Rogers! I said fall in!

Thank you, sir.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Training & Flagpole Scene | HD - Duration: 3:16.


New Songs017 | Atif Aslam: Pehli Dafa Song (Video) | Ileana D'Cruz | Latest Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> New Songs017 | Atif Aslam: Pehli Dafa Song (Video) | Ileana D'Cruz | Latest Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 5:14.


Embrace Your Inner Weirdness 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It - Duration: 8:23.

Embrace Your Inner Weirdness 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It

By consciousreminder

�Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.� � Oscar Wilde

High school was hard.

Not so much the classes.

The classes, at least at my high school, were a breeze.

The hard part about high school was navigating the social cliques and doing anything possible,

including great leaps of effort and imagination, to not, under any circumstances, do or say

anything that would constitute the tragic and unshakable label of being weird.

I did my best to look like everyone else, and everyone else did their best to look like


We were all hiding � with each other and from each other.

Being insecure in high school I can understand.

Everyone is still growing into themselves and trying to map out their coordinates on

the spectrum of social relationships.

High schoolers are allowed to be nervous wrecks, afraid that their own shadow will make fun

of them if they trip and fall.

But after high school, when we transition into adults, shouldn�t this need for approval

go away?

My high school years are long gone but everywhere I look the social pressure to conform to the

standards and expectations of others remains.

Adults too are afraid of looking weird.

Should we be?

Throughout history, the great creators and innovators were those who were not afraid

to stand out from the crowd and risk being different.

The truth is, everyone is different.

This should be celebrated, not hidden.

Allowing yourself to be weird is good because it means you have stopped judging yourself.

And when you stop judging yourself you will stop judging others.

And when you stop judging others they will stop judging you.

But first you can�t be afraid to be different.

You can�t be afraid to be weird.

It�s okay to be weird.

Here�s why.

There is no such thing as normal.

Everyone is weird and therefore nobody is weird.

Personality exists on a spectrum.

Some people are loud, others are quiet.

Some people are creative, others are analytical.

There is no right or wrong way to be.

There is no normal; there is only natural.

What is natural to me may not be natural to you.

Don�t worry about being normal.

Find your natural.

What you think is weird is really your super power.

We all have traits that make us different.

The truth is that what makes you different is secretly your superpower.

If it seems weird, you just haven�t learned how to harness the power yet.

Instead of hiding what makes you weird, learn how to use it.

When you master your quirks you will find power within them.

What makes you weird makes you memorable.

Being normal leads to mediocre results.

Nobody pays money to see what is expected.

People pay money to see things that are unexpected and captivating.

What makes you weird makes you interesting because you have something others do not.

People won�t remember the thing you did that everybody does.

But they will remember the thing you did that only you can do.

The world needs more authenticity.

People are hungry for authenticity and realness.

Your weirdness is in high demand because it is true.

When you start living as your true self � weirdness and all � you are giving those around you

permission to do the same.

We all want to be real.

But we�re afraid to be the first one.

Your honesty and truth have great value to others.

We may not say it out loud, but we want you to be honest.

We want you to be weird.

All great art was made by weird people.

Every great creative achievement � whether in music, art, science or business � was,

by definition, different, and required a new way of thinking.

This is the creative benefit of being weird.

Embracing your weirdness gives you a new perspective.

Innovation does not happen within the status quo.

Innovation happens when outsiders challenge the status quo with weird ideas.

Resisting your weirdness makes you dark.

When we freely express ourselves � even our quirks � we feel better.

There will always be people who do not understand or appreciate our differences, but that�s


But when we hide our unique characteristics and resist our natural weirdness, we don�t

feel good.

Our personality becomes dark.

Just as a black hole results from the absence of a star, so does the rejection of our inner

light result in a dark and inverted projection of self.

Your weirdness is part of you.

It�s okay to let it shine.

Standing out is how you find your tribe.

Many people follow crowds because they don�t want to be lonely.

But standing out will not make you lonely.

When you break away from the crowd you will find others like you.

This is your tribe.

Most people never find their tribe because they are afraid of letting go of what is known.

But when you embrace your weirdness and stand up for what you believe in, you will find

those who have stood up before you, and you will serve as inspiration for those who will

stand up next.

Every new idea is weird at first.

Even the best ideas, when they are first introduced, seem weird.

A new idea is like a biological mutation.

At first it doesn�t make sense.

But eventually the biological mutation finds a purpose.

Ideas are the evolution that pushes society forward.

When Henry Ford introduced the world�s first automobile, it seemed weird and unnecessary.

�If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses,� he


Instead, Ford took a risk on an unpopular idea.

It seemed weird at the time, but who could question him now?

If you hide your truth you might regret it.

Nobody looks back on life and thinks, �I wish I had tried harder to be like everyone

else.� But if you spend your life trying to be like others, instead of being the best

version of yourself, chances are you will look back with regret and think, �I wish

I had lived without fear of being judged or misunderstood.� In the end, living your

truth is all that matters.

When you own who you are the world will conform.

There is power in self-perception.

If you see yourself as capable, others will see you as capable.

If you see yourself as incapable, others will see you as incapable.

When you own your weirdness and claim it as a strength, nobody can judge you.

The choice is yours.

Would you rather bend your focus to fit the world around you, or bend the world around

you with the power of your focus?

�When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty,

but of her weirdness.

They wanted her to change back into what she always had been.

But she had wings.� � Dean Jackson

For more infomation >> Embrace Your Inner Weirdness 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It - Duration: 8:23.


BREAKING: Ted Cruz Rises Up, DESTROYS Liberal CEO For Betraying Trump – It's PERFECT - Duration: 3:03.

This is why nobody cares when billionaires talk about climate change.

Liberal CEO Elon Musk has departed the presidential advisory council in protest of the decision

to leave the Paris Climate Agreement.

Immediately after the announcement, Texas Senator Ted Cruz blasted Musk on twitter,

writing, "In support of Paris, CA billionaires pledge to never again fly private, will only

fly commercial.

J/K–will quit symbolic councils instead."

(via Twitter).

Digging the knife in deep, Cruz reveals the emptiness of the entrepreneur's commitment

to fighting climate change, urging him to practice what he preaches.

Elon Musk is just another incredibly rich celebrity who believes it is fine to criticize

regular Americans for driving to work while he flies his private jet to go out to dinner.

The true motivation for Elon Musk is clear.

Musk is the CEO of electric car company Tesla Motors, which recently acquired the solar

energy company SolarCity.

In short, climate change is big money for Elon Musk.

The transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy will generate billions of dollars for

the supposedly selfless entrepreneur.

Elon Musk is stomping his feet and throwing a hissy fit because he did not get his way.

Instead of remaining on the counsel to keep some influence with President Trump, the liberal

CEO quit — after losing one debate.

Elon Musk clearly does not care about the environment, as he casually trots around the

globe on his brand new personal jet.

Instead, he was hoping the government would impose a carbon tax, making his businesses

more competitive.

A vocal supporter of a carbon tax, Musk once said, "All we are doing [with a carbon tax]

is trying to match the inherent subsidy for fossil fuels… on the sustainable energy


Fossil fuels are already getting a massive subsidy if you believe in global warming.

If you don't, then [the subsidy] seems really unfair.

If you do, then it is like 'oh, we are just trying to correct it.'"

If Elon Musk got his way, a carbon tax would be just another government handout offered

to the billionaire.

Taxpayers already subsidize Tesla cars, even though the majority of us could never afford

to drive one.

Every Tesla vehicle sold comes with $7,500 in federal tax rebates, and additional benefits

on the state level.

Elon Musk has only made his fortune thanks to corporate welfare.

All in all, companies owned and operated by Musk have received over $4.9 billion in government


(via LA Times)

Elon Musk has made his motivation clear.

He is unwilling to compete on a level playing field, and demands the government step in

to hold his business' hand.

Do you think President Trump should stop subsidizing Elon Musk?

Please share this news and tell us what you think!

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Ted Cruz Rises Up, DESTROYS Liberal CEO For Betraying Trump – It's PERFECT - Duration: 3:03.


Yorkshire Cosplay Con 2017 VLOG Day 1: Harley Quinn Cosplay, FAN MAIL & More!! - Duration: 13:21.

HEY GUYS its me your host SUPERSORRELL join me for day 1 of yorkshire cosplay con, this

year i had the luxury of being the interactive stage host and hosted awesome pannels by fellow

youtubers JACK PENDRAGON, MASACOKZ, CDAWGVA and much more!

This vlog also featurs some of you guys, the fans, that made today possible and came out

to see me!

thank you to the event organisers at YCC YORKSHIRE COSPLAY CON and the staff of SHEFFIELD ARENA

for an awesome first day!

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We even have some awesome LEGO builds we share and expect much much more from

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For more infomation >> Yorkshire Cosplay Con 2017 VLOG Day 1: Harley Quinn Cosplay, FAN MAIL & More!! - Duration: 13:21.


Trump cements 'America First' doctrine with Paris withdrawal - Duration: 7:13.

Trump cements 'America First' doctrine with Paris



President Trump�s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord has put the world

on notice that �America First� is not just a campaign slogan � it�s his administration�s

guiding doctrine.

Trump on Thursday delivered on a key campaign promise by announcing he will pull the U.S.

out of a 195-country agreement that former President Obama entered into less than nine

months ago.

Obama had hailed the Paris agreement as a �turning point for our planet� and the

culmination of �an intense diplomatic effort� that drew scores of countries, cultures and

governments into a pact aimed at slowing the rise in global temperatures.

Critics of Obama, including Trump, called the agreement another example of him putting

foreign interests ahead of America�s.

�We don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore, and they won�t be,�

Trump said Thursday. �I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.�

Some Trump allies inside and outside the administration made a frenzied, last-ditch push to keep the

U.S. in the Paris agreement. The pressure to save the deal came from tech

titans, business leaders, the pope, establishment Republicans, mayors, governors, international

coalitions, world leaders, family members Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, and top advisers

such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

But Trump stayed true to his campaign promise to leave the deal, delivering an emphatic

Rose Garden announcement that wouldn�t be out of place at one of his rallies.

Vice President Pence opened, declaring that Trump was �choosing to put the forgotten

men and women of America first.� EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, a top proponent of exiting the

agreement, closed out the ceremony, saying the decision to withdraw reflects Trump�s

�unflinching commitment to put America first.�

Over the course of his speech, Trump name-dropped industrial cities in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania,

three formerly blue Rust Belt states that he won on his way to his upset victory over

Democrat Hillary Clinton last year.

Trump boasted of new coal mines that would be opening soon in West Virginia and framed

the decision to exit the Paris agreement as a binary choice between putting American workers

first and past policies that �transfer jobs out of America and ships them to foreign countries.�

�As president, I can put no other consideration before the well-being of the American citizens,�

Trump said. �The Paris climate accord is an example of Washington entering into an

agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries,

leaving American workers, who I love, and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost

jobs, lower wages, shut factories and vastly diminished economic production.�

Trump�s commitment to an �America First� policy has colored everything from his �Make

America Great Again� campaign slogan to his decision to hitch his wagon to chief strategist

Stephen Bannon, a self-described �economic nationalist� who once helmed the right-wing

populist website Breitbart.

During his first week in office, Trump signed an executive order pulling the U.S. out of

the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country trade deal Obama had signed less than one

year earlier.

Trump has continually talked tough toward U.S. allies in NATO, which he at one point

called �obsolete.� In the White House and at meetings abroad, Trump has pressured

foreign leaders to contribute more of their own money to the alliance.

Speaking to world leaders at the NATO summit in Brussels last week, Trump conspicuously

declined to endorse Article 5 of the alliance, which stipulates that an attack on one is

an attack on all.

Trump�s NATO speech was conducted in front of a 9/11 memorial. Critics of the speech

noted that Article 5 has only been invoked once � after the 2001 terrorist attacks

on the United States.

Even as he has angered allies in Europe, Trump has reserved his warmest diplomatic outreach

for countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and China that were often at odds with the

Obama administration.

Prior to his overseas trip, Trump signed an executive order aimed at overhauling the H-1B

visa program for high-skilled workers, a favorite tool of tech companies, saying he believes

the system was being abused by companies looking to import cheap foreign labor.

And Trump has slapped a hefty tariff on softwood lumber coming in from Canada, essentially

starting a trade war in an effort to boost domestic timber production. ?

Trump has also talked of withdrawing the U.S. from the North American Free Trade Agreement

(NAFTA), but has yet to follow through on that threat.

Top aides, including Bannon, drafted an executive order earlier this year that would pull the

U.S. out of NAFTA. Trump has tabled that effort now, sending the trade deal to Congress for


Still, Trump�s allies have so far been thrilled by his commitment to pushing �America First�

policies. It�s a message the administration is looking to pound home.

�Thanks to president Trump's leadership, American businesses are growing again, investing

in America again, and they're creating jobs in this country instead of shipping jobs overseas,�

Pence said. �Thanks to President Donald Trump, America is back.�

Democrats, meanwhile, are aghast.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) called pulling out of the Paris deal the �abdication of

American leadership and an international disgrace.� Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called it

�abdicating America�s leadership role in the world� and a �historic mistake.�

Others cast the decision as bowing to fringe elements within the administration. Sen. Jeff

Merkley (D-Ore.) said that withdrawal was �a win for Steve Bannon and Scott Pruitt

and those who share their extremist views.�

The decision comes on the heels of Trump�s at-times turbulent first trip abroad as president.

Trump was met with warm greetings in Israel, in Saudi Arabia and at the Vatican. But his

Group of Seven and NATO meetings were frostier and exposed fissures with longtime trans-Atlantic

allies, such as Germany.

The environmental group Sierra Club accused Trump of leaving America �alone and isolated,�

cheekily arguing that the G7 should now be called the G6.

Ian Bremmer, the president of the Eurasia Group, went further.

�If you want a watershed moment beyond Trump's inauguration, American withdrawal from the

Paris accord is it,� Bremmer said. �Pax Americana is over. Welcome to the G-zero.�

For more infomation >> Trump cements 'America First' doctrine with Paris withdrawal - Duration: 7:13.


Undertale-Animation-Pain (Genocide AMV) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Undertale-Animation-Pain (Genocide AMV) - Duration: 3:25.


Como Baixar, Instalar e Configurar EMULADOR PCSX2 + BIOS + HD Atualizado 2017. - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Como Baixar, Instalar e Configurar EMULADOR PCSX2 + BIOS + HD Atualizado 2017. - Duration: 9:29.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | The Tesseract Test Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 2:44.

Are you ready, Dr. Zola?

My machine requires the most delicate calibration.

Forgive me if I seem overcautious.

Are you certain that those conductors of yours

can withstand the energy surge long enough for transference?

With this artifact

I am certain of nothing.

I fear it may not work at all.

Twenty percent.



Stabilizing at 70%.

I have not come all this way for safety, Doctor.

What was that?

I must congratulate you, Arnim.

Your designs do not disappoint.

Though they may require some slight reinforcement.

The exchange is stable.


The energy we have just collected

could power my designs. All my designs.

This will change the war.

Dr. Zola,

this will change the world.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | The Tesseract Test Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 2:44.


Evangelion OP - Cruel Angel's Thesis cover (ENGLISH) | Jordan Sweeto ✩ - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Evangelion OP - Cruel Angel's Thesis cover (ENGLISH) | Jordan Sweeto ✩ - Duration: 4:30.


Korean Grocery Store Walkthrough: Korean noodles, powders, grains, beans, and seaweed - Duration: 13:13.

Hello Everybody!

Come with me and my readers

Shawn, Lucy, Cora, Andrew, and another Andrew

I'm going to show you how to shop in a Korean grocery store

and choose the best of the best.

Let's look for Korean noodles, powders, grains, beans, and seaweed.

There are many kinds of noodles.

This are all wheat noodles.

So I'm using this really thin noodles.

It's called somyeon.

So I use this for all kinds of things: noodle soup, also spicy mixed noodles.

I always have this at home.

In my pantry.

You guys love cold noodles, in Korean: "naengmyeon."

That's my favorite noodle soup, naengmyeon.

Noodles are made with buckwheat and wheat.

And this is very chewy.

And sometimes they come with a package inside, of seasoning paste.

Or seasoning powder.

You can make broth with this powder package, and then eat it.

There are directions on how to make it

And also my website, I have a really good recipe, you can find.

This is my favorite brand.

This mul-naengmyeon has, you can feel, a liquid package inside, not powder

So easily you can mix with water.

Not only water, but add pear juice or apple juice.

Really tasty.

This is sweet potato starch noodles.

Dangmyeon. It's called dangmyeon

See? Dangmyeon.

All these noodles are made with sweet potato starch

People also call these "glass noodles"

When you make japcahe, stir fried noodles with vegetables and meat

Really tasty.

And also I make yachae hotteok

Hotteok filled with some vegetables and noodles

I use these noodles.

You can buy any brand.

This section is powders.

I always use potato starch.

It says "potato starch," easily you can find.

This is mung bean.

Mung bean jelly.

Mung bean starch.

You can see: "Mung bean starch"

When you go to a Korean restaurant, sometimes you see

square shaped jelly.

You don't know what is made with

But you buy one package, and you can make a huge amount.

Whenever I make rice cake, or sweet chewy rice cake, I use this.

Because easy and very convenient.


Yeotgireum-garu. Yeotgireum is barley malt.

Barley malt powder.

So when I make gochujang, I use this.

When I make rice punch called sikhye, I need this.

"Malt powder." You can see.

This is bean powder, soybean powder.

There are two types: raw soybean powder, and toasted soybean powder.

Toasted. Toasted on is nutty.

Usually when I make some injeolmi, Korean rice cake

coated with some nutty soybean powder

This is has to be toasted.

Sometimes my readers ask me: "Which one do I have to use?"

And this is roasted soybean powder.

You can see the difference.

Canned food.

I just use this mackerel pike.

Oops! Mackerel pike

I use this in kimchi-jjigae.

When I make kimchi stew, instead of using pork,

I sometimes use this

Or mackerel. Mackerel, we use this.

And also, what I use is golbaengi.

It's a kind of whelk, a kind of sea snail.

Really delicious and chewy and sweet, it's already cooked.

You can open it and eat it.

But sliced and mixed with noodles and spicy paste

It's Koreans' favorite dish.



Next, when I posted my recipe for curry rice

some of my Indian readers, they gave me a hard time

"Maangchi, I though that you were going to mix your own curry powder!"

No, not like that.

In Korea, there is only one product

it's curry, already packaged.

So this is Ottogi curry, my favorite.

Mild, hot, medium

Stir fry some vegetables and meat

and then later you mix this with water

and then pour this and stir together

and then make nice yellow, beautiful sauce, and you pour this on rice

Steamy rice, and then eat

Really tasty, ka-re rice.

You can make ka-re rice with this.

When I make multigrain rice I just pick up a few of these

and then I make it at home.

I use hyeonmi-chapssal, brown sweet rice

Sweet rice is glutinous rice

So brown sweet rice.

And also bori - barley.

Barley is here, you can find.

If you don't like glutinous rice

too sticky, then you can use just brown rice.

Some people ask me: "Oh Maangchi, how can you make your purple multigrain rice?"

Actually, it's black rice.

Here, black rice.

Don't use too much. Just add one tablespoon for one cup of white rice

And then color will change to a really beautiful purple color.

When the rice is done.

Good nutrients, it has.

Ok, and next, this is red beans.

Adzuki beans.

You know, I make porridge with these

I make some rice cake with these

You can find easily in a Korean grocery store.

I'm talking off, a little hot.

These are soybeans, dried soybeans.

Make meju, Korean doenjang,

Korean fermented bean paste, you gotta use.

Soybeans are very important in Korean cuisine.

And these are mung beans.

Green and small, and you can sprout very easily at home.

How to sprout mung beans, check out my website

Very easy and you will have a really really lot of fun.

Whole mung beans.

When I make bindaetteok, mung bean pancakes

I use these. Very easy! This is also mung beans

but already hulled. The skins are gone, so color is a very beautiful yellow.

So I just soak these with glutinous rice and then grind.

And then just mix with meat and vegetables and then pan fry

That's delicious, delicious bindaetteok you can make.

You know the Korean seaweed paper?

I don't like that name "weed" because such a delicious sea vegetable!

Somebody should change the name but everybody calls this seaweed

So what else can I do? I gotta follow them, right?

So anyway, this is seaweed paper.

In Korean, "gim."

You can see: "gimbap-young guun-gim"

Roasted seaweed, roasted seaweed.

This is for when you make gimbap, seaweed rice rolls, you can use this.

Or, this is not roasted.

Just dried seaweed paper.

You can make gimbap with this, too.

You just toast slightly.

And also this kind of gim is packed

so already oiled and salted.

So this is very crunchy and people call these seaweed chips.

You can just take it out and eat it.

I'm sure that you guys know this.

When you make triangle gimbap

You can use this one easily.

You can open it and there are directions inside

and you follow the directions and you can make this.

I have a recipe on my website if you want to make.

So this gim, usually I prefer not toasted one.

Untoasted, raw gim, dried gim

So I use this kind of gim.

Or sometimes when you make rice cake soup

you just toast, make it crunchy and crispy, crush this and then put this on top

of you rice cake soup, and the flavor is really enhanced.

Miyeok is very important in Korean cuisine.

You know why?

Everybody's birthday you gotta make this soup.

Miyeok soup. Miyeok-guk.

So miyeok-guk is kind of makes Koreans emotional.

In Korea, when a woman is having a baby

For one month you need to take a rest at home and keep eating miyeok-guk.

See? Miyeok.

I can open this.


I use my teeth so my readers are laughing.

No time to find scissors!

See? Look at that.

So easily breakable, like this. Right?

This is miyeok.

Dried miyeok.

Dasima, dasima, dasima...

Also here! Dasima

Always check the back.

Dried kelp.

Also, don't worry about this white stuff on the surface.

This is good, you don't have to wash before using.

Because when it's dried, all delicious umami flavor is all these things.

Us this.

- Do you prefer which kind?

Which kind? Umm...

She has a really good question, she asked me: "Which one is good dasima?"

I choose thick. This cone.

Thick and sturdy looking.

If this is thick, it has a lot of savory taste inside.

That's why I choose thick one always.

Like this. I think that's very thin.

Compared to this.

This guy looks like a dried fish.

You know? I will choose this one.

All dried vegetables. You guys came to my website, I have

more than 300 recipes so far.

I haven't used all these dried vegetables yet.

So that means that I have so many recipes not yet posted.

But gosari, probably you heard about that

because I used that in many recipes.

i gotta be violent!

[laughs] My mistake, I didn't bring my scissors today.

I brought my knife, but forgot to bring my scissors.

So this says "dried bracken."

You can use any brand.

When you see this, gosari, oh nice, beautiful, look like a boquet.

See? Gosari, very well dried.

Looks like a very thin wire.

But when it's plumped, soaked in water, boiled in hot water, and soaked

it's going to really expand a lot.

And turn into so tasty, meaty, texture.

All these dried vegetables, you don't have to keep in the refrigerator.

Keep in the pantry. Dry and cold place.

See the inside. Inside there is a lot of broken things

don't buy this.

And also this is bellflower roots.

Bellflower roots actually originally look like ginseng.

Sliced and made into strips and dried.

So this is doragi, I can soak in water several hours

After that, I can cook

Or just eat, make a salad.

Mix with Korean seasoning, really tasty.

You can also make tea with this.

Good for your cough.

When your baby is coughing, you put this with water

and keep boiling.

and then add some honey.

And then just drink.

When you choose doragi, choose think one.

I don't like really thinly sliced, shredded one.

I have to plump this by soaking in cold water

After that all delicious stuff is gone, if this is too thin.

So choose thicker one, okay?

So this is bellflower root, dried bellflower root.

My website has a really good list of Korean grocery stores worldwide.

All the information about each store was submitted by my readers.

So all information is very correct and reliable.

Check it out! If you have a Korean grocery store in your area.

Whenever I travel to a foreign country, a need to Korean cooking, I come to my own website

to see the grocery store, and then I go.

For more infomation >> Korean Grocery Store Walkthrough: Korean noodles, powders, grains, beans, and seaweed - Duration: 13:13.


Jim Carrey to Face Trial in Ex-Girlfriend's Death - Duration: 1:37.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Jim Carrey, when he's not spreading the fraudulent study that got the whole vaccine-autism myth

started could be heading to trial over the death of his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White.

According to Page Six, A Los Angeles Superior Court judge stated she will not throw out

the lawsuit against Carrey, which was brought on by White's mother and ex-husband.

Judge Deirdre Hill estimates the process will take about 20 days.

In September, it was reported that Carrey was being sued by White's ex-husband Mark

Burton for allegedly providing "highly addictive" drugs to her after obtaining them under the

alias, Arthur King.

The lawsuit claims Carrey got a hold of Percocet, Propranolol, and Ambien before passing them

to White who overdosed on them and died a few days in her Los Angeles home in Sherman


Carrey's lawyer, Raymond Boucher, filed a motion to dismiss the case saying,

"Mr. Carrey loved Ms. White dearly and so obviously it will be a very painful process

for him."

Boucher further argued "that allegations under drugs legislation were likely to fall

outside the statute of limitations and said the wrongful death claims were too vague."

Ahmed Ibrahim, representing White's mother Brigid Sweetman and Burton, is urging Judge

Hill to not delay the process any longer.

Sweetman also alleges Carrey gave White three sexually transmitted diseases and pressured

her to keep it quiet before her death in September 2015.

Page Six reports Judge Hill will make her final ruling on Carrey's motion to strike

to lawyers in due course but indicated she would side with the prosecution at least in


She set a date for the trial to start on April 26, 2018.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Jim Carrey to Face Trial in Ex-Girlfriend's Death - Duration: 1:37.


Why Hollywood Won't Cast Richard Gere Anymore - Duration: 4:15.

Once upon a time, Richard Gere was a major movie star, a heartthrob who was also well-regarded

for his dramatic skill in films like An Officer and a Gentleman and Pretty Woman.

And then he seemed to vanish from mainstream Hollywood.

Here's a look at the reasons why Hollywood won't cast Richard Gere anymore.


When Gere began his career in the late 70's and early 80's, he quickly became a critical


But over the years, critics have become less enamored with his choice of roles, with films

like Intersection, King David, The Jackal, and Amelia all getting less than stellar reviews.

That would be fine if his films were making major bank, but they aren't.

2009's Amelia earned just $19.6 million against a $40 million budget, while the 2011 thriller

The Double brought in just $3.9 million against a $13.5 million budget.

Even his 2008 Nicholas Sparks adaptation Nights in Rodanthe was a bit of a bummer, taking

in only $41 million domestically, not even close to the box office figures earned by

other Sparks films.

That's the sort of thing Hollywood definitely noticed.

He doesn't diversify

Apart from a couple of documentaries and TV movie roles long ago, Gere has almost exclusively

appeared on the silver screen since the '70s, which means he completely missed the whole

"golden age of television" wave that movie star peers like Glenn Close have latched onto.

Gere has also avoided the Broadway stage for decades, despite originally getting his start

in theater and starring in the hit film adaptation of Chicago.

There may be opportunities for Gere outside of film, but if so, he doesn't seem very interested

in them.

Religion and politics

Gere has been an active active practitioner of Buddhism since his early 20s, and he's

not shy about putting his beliefs before business.

His criticism of the Chinese government in favor of Tibetan freedom at the 1993 Academy

Awards earned him a 20 year ban from the Oscars, as well as a lifetime ban from visiting the

People's Republic of China.

"Take the Chinese away from Tibet allow these people to live as free independent people


That hasn't kept Gere from continuing his activism around what the star calls "China's

horrendous, horrendous human rights situation."

He even testified before Congress.

As a result, Gere has essentially been blacklisted from Chinese cinema, which is a problem these

days given China is expected to soon overtake America as the biggest box office in the world.

That has severely limited his opportunities, with Gere even telling The Hollywood Reporter

that one project was canceled because the Chinese director was told that if he worked

with Gere, he and his family "would never have been allowed to leave the country ever

again, and he would never work."

"Inclusive societies become great societies.

Brutalizing your own people is not a way to greatness."

Still, even without Hollywood's movie machine, Gere has plenty of other concerns to occupy

his time.

He co-founded the humanitarian non-governmental organization Tibet House and engages in a

great deal of relief work across the globe, including tribal protection efforts as well

as AIDS awareness and education campaigns.

And instead of big blockbuster parts, Gere is satisfied to pursue small budget films

with personal meaning, saying "I was successful enough in the last three decades that I can

afford to do these [smaller films] now."

Divorce drama

Gere may not be acting much because he's been too busy hashing out the details of his divorce

from former model Carey Lowell.

According to People, the couple wed in 2002, split 11 years later, and finally finalized

their divorce in October 2016.

They've spent the interim reportedly haggling over finances and custody arrangements for

their teenage son, Homer.

Gere has since been linked to Spanish socialite Alejandra Silva, who is more than 30 years

his junior.

"It's believed the duo were seeing one another for at least a year before going public with

their romance" at the Taormina Film Festival in Italy in June 2016, reported the Daily


And that may lead to even fewer major movie roles for the actor, as Radar Online reported

that Gere is "quitting Hollywood" and plans to "hightail it to Europe with his ladylove

and live a quieter life."

Turning it around

Regardless of what roadblocks his stance on China have caused him, Gere still gets work,

even if it's in films most people have never heard of.

The New York Times said he's "never been better" than he was in the comedy thriller Norman,

while Deadline wrote that his turn in the mystery-thriller The Dinner proves that he

is "in the midst of an impressive indie renaissance."

And he's even using those films to highlight his political beliefs.

"Unfortunately we have leaders that stimulate fear and that fear causes us to do really

terrible things."

So this is actually a great time to be a Gere fan - as long as you don't mind doing a little

extra work to track down the obscure films he's starring in these days.

Who needs Hollywood, right?

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why Hollywood Won't Cast Richard Gere Anymore - Duration: 4:15.


Top 10 Best Removal Spells In Hearthstone - Duration: 10:40.

Whats up guys its me Disciple!

Can you guys imagine Hearthstone with just minions?

It would probably be a pretty boring game and even more "curve-stone"ish than it's

been even in the worst metas.

Spells and weapons help add flavor and variety to the game, and especially removal let's

you interact with your opponent's board in interesting and strategic ways.

But not all removal is created equal.

That's why today we thought we'd go through our list of the ten best single target removal

spells in Hearthstone.

Our list might vary a little bit from yours, but we can promise that all these removal

spells are super strong.

Let's get to it!

First up it's Execute!

Cheap removal spells that can kill huge minions are insanely strong, since they often let

you develop your own huge threats in the same turn, creating a huge tempo swing.

Execute pretty much fits the bill on that one, and it's not too uncommon to see it

played along a solid late game control minion.

It does require a little bit of setup, and did get nerfed from it's original one mana

version, but that hasn't stopped it from appearing in tier one decks since, and it

has and always will be one of the best removal spells in

the game.

Next up we have Shield Slam!

The fact that Shield Slam can take out huge minions for just one mana is insane, and in

the past would allow for plays like Ysera or Alex along with shield slam killing their

best minion.

It does require a lot of armoring up or cards that work with it like shield slam, which

is why we haven't seen it as much of late, but once we return to more armor heavy control

warrior decks, it should be really strong again.

Either way definitely one of the best removal spells in the game.

Moving on, let's talk about Hex!

Hex let's you remove pretty much any minion in the game without triggering their deathrattle

effect if they have one, and all for the price of three mana.

There's no way any midrange shaman deck wouldn't run this card in most metas, and

it's incredibly efficient at what it does considering polymorph and similar effects

are all more expensive.

Too many Tirions have been turned into frogs over the course of Hearthstone, but we don't

expect it to stop anytime soon.

And next it's lightning bolt!

Now lightning bolt is a pretty awful removal spell if your opponent has something like

a Tirion.

But in the early game lightning bolt completely dominates, letting you kill your opponent's

early plays for just one mana while buffing things like your tunnel trogg or just letting

you develop a strong board.

Cheap removal can be just as important as expensive removal, especially if your goal

is to overwhelm the opponent early, and bolt just gives you a rate that you can't

see anywhere else, despite the fact that you pay for it with the overload later.

Not to mention it can and frequently does go face to win the game.

Up next it's entomb!

Entomb is insanely powerful since it lets you not only remove a minion regardless of

divine shield or deathrattles, but it also let's you draw that same valuable minion

later on, and puts you farther from fatigue in control mirrors.

Six mana is fairly expensive as far as removal goes, but the fact that Entomb let's you

deal so cleanly with any threat and gives you a benefit to boot is pretty insane.

Sometimes you'll have to entomb something that you won't want to draw over the other

cards in your deck, which is a bit of a drawback, but overall entomb is just insane.

Next up it's backstab!

Much like lightning bolt, the fact that backstab is such good cheap removal makes it really


However, backstab doesn't even necessarily have to be used in a more aggressive deck

like bolt, since it has a ton of synergies in rogue decks like gadgetzan auctioneer,

combo enabling, spell damage, and more.

Overall backstab is just insanely valuable for almost any rogue deck, is one of the only

good zero mana spells in the game, and actually does a pretty solid job of helping you kill

things, especially with your hero power.

Backstab will be a staple in rogue for as long as it remains unchanged.

Next let's talk about swipe!

Swipe lets druid kill decently sized minions, stabilize against aggro and token strategies,

or even pressure the opponents life total.

The one damage can also be nice against things like divine shield or just to set up good

trades across the board, and swipe is just an insane board control tool and can be tons

of value against a board full of minions.

Swipe carries the druid class hard, and although it's worse now that azure drake is gone,

it's still great and can get even better in the future.

Moving on, it's shadow word death!

Being able to remove something giant for only three mana is a really good tempo swing, and

often leads to you being able to slam a big creature or threat of your own in the same


Shadow Word Death is more expensive than something like execute or shield slam, but it also doesn't

really require any setup beyond your opponent just having a big minion, which is the type

of thing you would wanna use a removal spell on anyway.

Shadow word death is just great efficient removal for when there are a lot of big creatures

in the meta, and it will stay that way for a very long time.

Up next it's siphon soul!

Siphon is great because it's a removal spell that can kill anything, and it gains you a

little bit of life, which is almost always what you're looking for in controlling warlock

decks like handlock or renolock variants.

Siphon does suffer a little bit against deathrattles, and costing six can sometimes be annoying,

but much like entomb it deals with any big threat and has an extra bonus to boot, making

it an awesome removal spell and one of the best ones warlock has access too.


last but not least we have Implosion!

The awesome thing about Implosion back during it's reign in standard was how big of a

swing it could create, especially in combination with things like knife juggler.

Rolling a four on Implosion often put you so far ahead you won the game for sure, and

while rolling a two put you behind, a high risk high reward card is exactly what you're

looking for when you're trying to win a game and you're far behind.

The ability to just put you back in a game, as well as just the sheer value of being a

removal spell and making tokens both make Implosion one of the best removal spells in

the game, especially back when it was in standard.

Those are our thoughts on some of the best removal spells in Hearthstone, which ones

are your guys favorites?

Let us know in the comments!

And it looks like that's gonna be it from me, if you enjoyed the video drop a like,

subscribe if you want, thanks for watching, and I'll see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Removal Spells In Hearthstone - Duration: 10:40.


#FlatEarth Friday #FringeCast LIVE NOW!! TEXT, CALL OR CHAT WITH US! - Duration: 4:26:21.

For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday #FringeCast LIVE NOW!! TEXT, CALL OR CHAT WITH US! - Duration: 4:26:21.


You're Eating PB&J Wrong | Food Network - Duration: 5:39.

Peanut butter and jelly is awesome.

But peanut butter is sticky.

That means this sandwich is messy to make and hard

to swallow.

I'm going to show you how to make

a PB and J that will keep your fingers clean and go down easy.

Are you fans of peanut butter and jelly?


Are you concerned about the peanut butter

and jelly getting all over your hands?


Peanut butter kind of makes your mouth dry.

That is a real concern.

I'm here now with Peanut Butter and Company

in New York with a man who has thought deeply about PB and J.

He is Lee Zalben, the man behind Peanut Butter and Company.

Hey, Lee.

- Thanks for being here. - My pleasure.

Thanks for having me.

Now one of the issues that I run into and a lot of folks

run into when we make PB and J is that first the peanut

butter gets all of my fingers.

And second, when I close the sandwich

it squishes out everywhere.

What can I do?

I think your problem is that you

are not exercising proper peanut butter

and jelly construction form.


I have a few techniques that I can share with you.

Do we need hard hats for this?

We don't need hard hats, but I have two different techniques.

The book technique, you open the bread up like a book,

and then you close it up like a book.

And you have synchronicity on the crust on all sides.

Got it.

The border rule is that we only

spread peanut butter and jelly to about a half an inch

to the edge of the bread. - I see.

Room for expansion.


We don't want the peanut butter and jelly to seep out

and to get on our hands.

So we're going to take this and we're just

going to close up our book.

And we'll give it a little bit of a squeeze.

And you can see right here, a little bit of peanut butter

and jelly has come to the edge of the bread,

but we don't have any seepage.

That's impressive, Lee.

It came out a little bit, but none has gotten

all the way to the plate.


And now a big question from the folks at home,

this is an eternal debate.

Do you slice diagonally or vertically?

There's only one way to slice a peanut

butter and jelly sandwich, and that is diagonally.

You want to know why?

Yes, please.

Maximum peanut butter and jelly eating surface area.

That's right.

You can also survey all of your bites here.


Do you take your first bite from the hypotenuse

or from one of the acute angles?

I'm a corner guy.

I like the start at the corner.


That also reduces cheek smearage.


I can tell you are an accomplished peanut

butter and jelly eater.

That's right.

We're going to get along just fine, Lee.

Now can I show you a couple of my tips?

Absolutely, can't wait.

Peanut butter is sticky.

Can be hard to chew it, hard to swallow it, right.

What I like to do to solve that problem

is to put jelly on both sides of the bread.

I need to correct your book technique.

Oh, you're right, sorry.

Thank you, thank you sir.

Much better.

Now what that does, is that it encases

the peanut butter in the jelly and acts as a lubricant.

What do you think of that?

My peanut butter likes to just sort of be on the bread


Have you asked it?

It speaks to me.

Fair enough.

If you are in direct commune with peanut butter,

I can't challenge you on that.

But I would argue that you have not spoken to the jelly.

Now I've broken your border rule.

You have.

But I want you to try this.

OK, I have the peanut butter encased in the jelly.

All right.

I'm going to do the diagonal slice just like we agreed.


Take a look at my cross-section here.

You have jelly on both sides, you have

peanut butter in the middle.

The peanut butter is now encased.

It's going to go down and easy.

It tastes OK, even pretty good.

I don't know that it's any easier to eat or to chew.

Well, I want to take this to the next level.


Because I'm going to win you over yet.

All right.

Let me show you something else.

All right, Lee.

Well, you say no one's ever called you old fashioned,

here's your chance to prove it.

We're going to kick this thing up

to another level with a new type of PB and J

I've created called the PBB and J.

The PBB and J.

- Follow me. - All right.

We're going to start off with a bagel.

No, the extra B is not for bagel.

We'll get to that. - All right.

And we're going to scoop the bagel.

Once again, I'm going to go jelly first on both sides.

I know you don't love that, but let's

just agree to disagree for now.

All right.

But I want to make it even easier for the peanut butter

to be swallowed in an effortless manner.

I don't know that that's a complaint

that people really have.

Well, they can't say it to you because their mouths

are full of peanut butter, OK.

Again, we're not just making PB and J, we're making PBB and J.

And the other B stands for butter.

I'm going to take these little bits of the scooped up bagel

and I'm going to briefly drop them into some melted butter.

And why are we doing this?

We're doing this because butter is delicious.


And because butter acts as a lubricant.

Let's go ahead and fold the book just

like you taught me, all right.

Look at that.

You have your jelly, you have your peanut butter

is encased on both sides.

It's encased on the outside in jelly and

the inside and buttered bread.

It is warm, it is delicious it is soft, it is gooey,

it is everything that you could want.

All right.


Oh, mercy.

This sandwich scratches an itch that I didn't know I had.

I don't want itches like that.

Well, Lee Zalben, Peanut Butter and Company,

fist bump me, butter bump.

There we go.

Now I'm taking this into the streets.

I will not be denied.

Let's see what other people think.

Oh, this is delicious.

It was outstanding.

I like this one better.

Yeah, me too.


It's really juicy.

More flavor.

More flavor and juicy.

How often, how often do you hear the word

"juicy" used to describe a peanut butter and jelly?

It's easy to eat, it's soft.

It's peanut buttery.

And buttery.


Yeah, this is great.


It's a pretty good day.

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