Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

Thank you for joining me today. If you enjoyed what I shared please leave a like and a comment below. Remember to subscribe and hit the bell icon to keep you posted of my latest uploads and be a part of my mini soap making family. Happy birthday to those who will be celebration their birthdays this month. God bless.

For more infomation >> 076 One year soap making channel anniversary special - Thank you so much! 😍😍✔ - Duration: 5:15.


Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter biology, fer - Duration: 6:07.

Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter

biology, fertility and even gender expression

by Edward Morgan

America has become the luxury playground for pharmaceutical company moguls. As trillions

of dollars trickle through the economy, all those physicians who peddle their poisons,

along with PR and media account executives, are paid millions for mind-numbing advertising

campaigns promoting a daily dose of �ask your doctor.� But your doctor may not need

to play middleman anymore. As reported by Scientific American, trace amounts of many

pharmaceuticals have been found �in the drinking water supplies of some 40 million

Americas.� Need your ADHD medicine? Just take a sip of tap water.

In 2013 and 2014, Dr. Sylvia Lee, along with her team from The Cary Institute of Ecosystems

Studies based in Milford, New York, collected water samples from six different streams surrounding

Baltimore, Maryland. ARS Technica has reported that the researchers found 14 different drugs

in the samples, with two drugs, amphetamines and methamphetamine, discovered at all six

sites with varying levels of concentration. The amount of amphetamines, the drug well

known for its use in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), was the highest ever recorded

in surface waters, beating earlier saturation levels as measured by scientists in Spain.

Dr. Lee took the experiment a step further and created a method to test exactly how the

amphetamines would affect aquatic life. Her group built artificial streams, clean of any

toxins, and filled them with living bacteria, algae, microorganisms and aquatic insects.

Gradually, the researchers introduced D-amphetamine, the same substance found in the ADHD medications

and their six samples, and added the exact amount they had previously discovered into

their artificial streams. Within a week, algae were down 50 percent and the aquatic insects

reproduced like �they were on speed.� Additionally, the diversity of diatoms and

certain bacteria, so essential for aquatic life, were greatly diminished.

In 2012, there were 16 million people taking prescription medications with amphetamines

as a key ingredient. USA Today reports that in 2013, �American manufacturers of prescription

stimulant drugs produced 191,723 kilograms, or 211 tons of legal speed.� Amphetamines

are now also prescribed for asthma, obesity, narcolepsy and depression. And that�s just

one prescription drug leaking its way into our water supply. Add that to the enduring

remnants of the other 4.4 billion prescriptions written in 2015, which are seeping into the

�environment through sewage and cesspool systems across the country.�

Pain medication, antidepressants and cholesterol-lowering statins are the most common drugs prescribed

by doctors. Birth control pills and other hormone supplements are also widely used across

the country. When these medications enter our waterways the chemicals and compounds

contained in them do not break down easily. Fish and amphibians absorb these chemicals,

and often experience �changes in intersex development.� Chemicals from medications

have�been found in the brains tissue of fish� who swim in streams and ponds near

wastewater plant discharge stations.

Research on pharmaceuticals in the streams, as well as chemicals from personal care products,

is ongoing at the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies.

If you think the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is interested in any cleanup

effort, you may be mistaken. As reported by, the EPA decided to delay publishing

�its Final Rule for hazardous waste pharmaceuticals, proposed in September 2015, until it can adequately

address the comments received in response to the proposal� .�

That delay isn�t a concern for Big Pharma elite, who probably have an amazing water

filtration system that even takes out the fluoride, along with their mass produced toxins.

What keeps 88 percent of pharmaceutical executives up all night is not how their products are

destroying the water supply, or how they are killing the populous. What they are most concerned

about, reports is the pressure they feel to lower drug prices. Is there a

pill for that?

For more infomation >> Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter biology, fer - Duration: 6:07.


New Songs017 | Atif Aslam: Pehli Dafa Song (Video) | Ileana D'Cruz | Latest Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> New Songs017 | Atif Aslam: Pehli Dafa Song (Video) | Ileana D'Cruz | Latest Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 5:14.


Embrace Your Inner Weirdness 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It - Duration: 8:23.

Embrace Your Inner Weirdness 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It

By consciousreminder

�Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.� � Oscar Wilde

High school was hard.

Not so much the classes.

The classes, at least at my high school, were a breeze.

The hard part about high school was navigating the social cliques and doing anything possible,

including great leaps of effort and imagination, to not, under any circumstances, do or say

anything that would constitute the tragic and unshakable label of being weird.

I did my best to look like everyone else, and everyone else did their best to look like


We were all hiding � with each other and from each other.

Being insecure in high school I can understand.

Everyone is still growing into themselves and trying to map out their coordinates on

the spectrum of social relationships.

High schoolers are allowed to be nervous wrecks, afraid that their own shadow will make fun

of them if they trip and fall.

But after high school, when we transition into adults, shouldn�t this need for approval

go away?

My high school years are long gone but everywhere I look the social pressure to conform to the

standards and expectations of others remains.

Adults too are afraid of looking weird.

Should we be?

Throughout history, the great creators and innovators were those who were not afraid

to stand out from the crowd and risk being different.

The truth is, everyone is different.

This should be celebrated, not hidden.

Allowing yourself to be weird is good because it means you have stopped judging yourself.

And when you stop judging yourself you will stop judging others.

And when you stop judging others they will stop judging you.

But first you can�t be afraid to be different.

You can�t be afraid to be weird.

It�s okay to be weird.

Here�s why.

There is no such thing as normal.

Everyone is weird and therefore nobody is weird.

Personality exists on a spectrum.

Some people are loud, others are quiet.

Some people are creative, others are analytical.

There is no right or wrong way to be.

There is no normal; there is only natural.

What is natural to me may not be natural to you.

Don�t worry about being normal.

Find your natural.

What you think is weird is really your super power.

We all have traits that make us different.

The truth is that what makes you different is secretly your superpower.

If it seems weird, you just haven�t learned how to harness the power yet.

Instead of hiding what makes you weird, learn how to use it.

When you master your quirks you will find power within them.

What makes you weird makes you memorable.

Being normal leads to mediocre results.

Nobody pays money to see what is expected.

People pay money to see things that are unexpected and captivating.

What makes you weird makes you interesting because you have something others do not.

People won�t remember the thing you did that everybody does.

But they will remember the thing you did that only you can do.

The world needs more authenticity.

People are hungry for authenticity and realness.

Your weirdness is in high demand because it is true.

When you start living as your true self � weirdness and all � you are giving those around you

permission to do the same.

We all want to be real.

But we�re afraid to be the first one.

Your honesty and truth have great value to others.

We may not say it out loud, but we want you to be honest.

We want you to be weird.

All great art was made by weird people.

Every great creative achievement � whether in music, art, science or business � was,

by definition, different, and required a new way of thinking.

This is the creative benefit of being weird.

Embracing your weirdness gives you a new perspective.

Innovation does not happen within the status quo.

Innovation happens when outsiders challenge the status quo with weird ideas.

Resisting your weirdness makes you dark.

When we freely express ourselves � even our quirks � we feel better.

There will always be people who do not understand or appreciate our differences, but that�s


But when we hide our unique characteristics and resist our natural weirdness, we don�t

feel good.

Our personality becomes dark.

Just as a black hole results from the absence of a star, so does the rejection of our inner

light result in a dark and inverted projection of self.

Your weirdness is part of you.

It�s okay to let it shine.

Standing out is how you find your tribe.

Many people follow crowds because they don�t want to be lonely.

But standing out will not make you lonely.

When you break away from the crowd you will find others like you.

This is your tribe.

Most people never find their tribe because they are afraid of letting go of what is known.

But when you embrace your weirdness and stand up for what you believe in, you will find

those who have stood up before you, and you will serve as inspiration for those who will

stand up next.

Every new idea is weird at first.

Even the best ideas, when they are first introduced, seem weird.

A new idea is like a biological mutation.

At first it doesn�t make sense.

But eventually the biological mutation finds a purpose.

Ideas are the evolution that pushes society forward.

When Henry Ford introduced the world�s first automobile, it seemed weird and unnecessary.

�If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses,� he


Instead, Ford took a risk on an unpopular idea.

It seemed weird at the time, but who could question him now?

If you hide your truth you might regret it.

Nobody looks back on life and thinks, �I wish I had tried harder to be like everyone

else.� But if you spend your life trying to be like others, instead of being the best

version of yourself, chances are you will look back with regret and think, �I wish

I had lived without fear of being judged or misunderstood.� In the end, living your

truth is all that matters.

When you own who you are the world will conform.

There is power in self-perception.

If you see yourself as capable, others will see you as capable.

If you see yourself as incapable, others will see you as incapable.

When you own your weirdness and claim it as a strength, nobody can judge you.

The choice is yours.

Would you rather bend your focus to fit the world around you, or bend the world around

you with the power of your focus?

�When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty,

but of her weirdness.

They wanted her to change back into what she always had been.

But she had wings.� � Dean Jackson

For more infomation >> Embrace Your Inner Weirdness 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It - Duration: 8:23.


Yorkshire Cosplay Con 2017 VLOG Day 1: Harley Quinn Cosplay, FAN MAIL & More!! - Duration: 13:21.

HEY GUYS its me your host SUPERSORRELL join me for day 1 of yorkshire cosplay con, this

year i had the luxury of being the interactive stage host and hosted awesome pannels by fellow

youtubers JACK PENDRAGON, MASACOKZ, CDAWGVA and much more!

This vlog also featurs some of you guys, the fans, that made today possible and came out

to see me!

thank you to the event organisers at YCC YORKSHIRE COSPLAY CON and the staff of SHEFFIELD ARENA

for an awesome first day!

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We even have some awesome LEGO builds we share and expect much much more from

this family

friendly fun channel.

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For more infomation >> Yorkshire Cosplay Con 2017 VLOG Day 1: Harley Quinn Cosplay, FAN MAIL & More!! - Duration: 13:21.


Undertale-Animation-Pain (Genocide AMV) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Undertale-Animation-Pain (Genocide AMV) - Duration: 3:25.


Korean Grocery Store Walkthrough: Korean noodles, powders, grains, beans, and seaweed - Duration: 13:13.

Hello Everybody!

Come with me and my readers

Shawn, Lucy, Cora, Andrew, and another Andrew

I'm going to show you how to shop in a Korean grocery store

and choose the best of the best.

Let's look for Korean noodles, powders, grains, beans, and seaweed.

There are many kinds of noodles.

This are all wheat noodles.

So I'm using this really thin noodles.

It's called somyeon.

So I use this for all kinds of things: noodle soup, also spicy mixed noodles.

I always have this at home.

In my pantry.

You guys love cold noodles, in Korean: "naengmyeon."

That's my favorite noodle soup, naengmyeon.

Noodles are made with buckwheat and wheat.

And this is very chewy.

And sometimes they come with a package inside, of seasoning paste.

Or seasoning powder.

You can make broth with this powder package, and then eat it.

There are directions on how to make it

And also my website, I have a really good recipe, you can find.

This is my favorite brand.

This mul-naengmyeon has, you can feel, a liquid package inside, not powder

So easily you can mix with water.

Not only water, but add pear juice or apple juice.

Really tasty.

This is sweet potato starch noodles.

Dangmyeon. It's called dangmyeon

See? Dangmyeon.

All these noodles are made with sweet potato starch

People also call these "glass noodles"

When you make japcahe, stir fried noodles with vegetables and meat

Really tasty.

And also I make yachae hotteok

Hotteok filled with some vegetables and noodles

I use these noodles.

You can buy any brand.

This section is powders.

I always use potato starch.

It says "potato starch," easily you can find.

This is mung bean.

Mung bean jelly.

Mung bean starch.

You can see: "Mung bean starch"

When you go to a Korean restaurant, sometimes you see

square shaped jelly.

You don't know what is made with

But you buy one package, and you can make a huge amount.

Whenever I make rice cake, or sweet chewy rice cake, I use this.

Because easy and very convenient.


Yeotgireum-garu. Yeotgireum is barley malt.

Barley malt powder.

So when I make gochujang, I use this.

When I make rice punch called sikhye, I need this.

"Malt powder." You can see.

This is bean powder, soybean powder.

There are two types: raw soybean powder, and toasted soybean powder.

Toasted. Toasted on is nutty.

Usually when I make some injeolmi, Korean rice cake

coated with some nutty soybean powder

This is has to be toasted.

Sometimes my readers ask me: "Which one do I have to use?"

And this is roasted soybean powder.

You can see the difference.

Canned food.

I just use this mackerel pike.

Oops! Mackerel pike

I use this in kimchi-jjigae.

When I make kimchi stew, instead of using pork,

I sometimes use this

Or mackerel. Mackerel, we use this.

And also, what I use is golbaengi.

It's a kind of whelk, a kind of sea snail.

Really delicious and chewy and sweet, it's already cooked.

You can open it and eat it.

But sliced and mixed with noodles and spicy paste

It's Koreans' favorite dish.



Next, when I posted my recipe for curry rice

some of my Indian readers, they gave me a hard time

"Maangchi, I though that you were going to mix your own curry powder!"

No, not like that.

In Korea, there is only one product

it's curry, already packaged.

So this is Ottogi curry, my favorite.

Mild, hot, medium

Stir fry some vegetables and meat

and then later you mix this with water

and then pour this and stir together

and then make nice yellow, beautiful sauce, and you pour this on rice

Steamy rice, and then eat

Really tasty, ka-re rice.

You can make ka-re rice with this.

When I make multigrain rice I just pick up a few of these

and then I make it at home.

I use hyeonmi-chapssal, brown sweet rice

Sweet rice is glutinous rice

So brown sweet rice.

And also bori - barley.

Barley is here, you can find.

If you don't like glutinous rice

too sticky, then you can use just brown rice.

Some people ask me: "Oh Maangchi, how can you make your purple multigrain rice?"

Actually, it's black rice.

Here, black rice.

Don't use too much. Just add one tablespoon for one cup of white rice

And then color will change to a really beautiful purple color.

When the rice is done.

Good nutrients, it has.

Ok, and next, this is red beans.

Adzuki beans.

You know, I make porridge with these

I make some rice cake with these

You can find easily in a Korean grocery store.

I'm talking off, a little hot.

These are soybeans, dried soybeans.

Make meju, Korean doenjang,

Korean fermented bean paste, you gotta use.

Soybeans are very important in Korean cuisine.

And these are mung beans.

Green and small, and you can sprout very easily at home.

How to sprout mung beans, check out my website

Very easy and you will have a really really lot of fun.

Whole mung beans.

When I make bindaetteok, mung bean pancakes

I use these. Very easy! This is also mung beans

but already hulled. The skins are gone, so color is a very beautiful yellow.

So I just soak these with glutinous rice and then grind.

And then just mix with meat and vegetables and then pan fry

That's delicious, delicious bindaetteok you can make.

You know the Korean seaweed paper?

I don't like that name "weed" because such a delicious sea vegetable!

Somebody should change the name but everybody calls this seaweed

So what else can I do? I gotta follow them, right?

So anyway, this is seaweed paper.

In Korean, "gim."

You can see: "gimbap-young guun-gim"

Roasted seaweed, roasted seaweed.

This is for when you make gimbap, seaweed rice rolls, you can use this.

Or, this is not roasted.

Just dried seaweed paper.

You can make gimbap with this, too.

You just toast slightly.

And also this kind of gim is packed

so already oiled and salted.

So this is very crunchy and people call these seaweed chips.

You can just take it out and eat it.

I'm sure that you guys know this.

When you make triangle gimbap

You can use this one easily.

You can open it and there are directions inside

and you follow the directions and you can make this.

I have a recipe on my website if you want to make.

So this gim, usually I prefer not toasted one.

Untoasted, raw gim, dried gim

So I use this kind of gim.

Or sometimes when you make rice cake soup

you just toast, make it crunchy and crispy, crush this and then put this on top

of you rice cake soup, and the flavor is really enhanced.

Miyeok is very important in Korean cuisine.

You know why?

Everybody's birthday you gotta make this soup.

Miyeok soup. Miyeok-guk.

So miyeok-guk is kind of makes Koreans emotional.

In Korea, when a woman is having a baby

For one month you need to take a rest at home and keep eating miyeok-guk.

See? Miyeok.

I can open this.


I use my teeth so my readers are laughing.

No time to find scissors!

See? Look at that.

So easily breakable, like this. Right?

This is miyeok.

Dried miyeok.

Dasima, dasima, dasima...

Also here! Dasima

Always check the back.

Dried kelp.

Also, don't worry about this white stuff on the surface.

This is good, you don't have to wash before using.

Because when it's dried, all delicious umami flavor is all these things.

Us this.

- Do you prefer which kind?

Which kind? Umm...

She has a really good question, she asked me: "Which one is good dasima?"

I choose thick. This cone.

Thick and sturdy looking.

If this is thick, it has a lot of savory taste inside.

That's why I choose thick one always.

Like this. I think that's very thin.

Compared to this.

This guy looks like a dried fish.

You know? I will choose this one.

All dried vegetables. You guys came to my website, I have

more than 300 recipes so far.

I haven't used all these dried vegetables yet.

So that means that I have so many recipes not yet posted.

But gosari, probably you heard about that

because I used that in many recipes.

i gotta be violent!

[laughs] My mistake, I didn't bring my scissors today.

I brought my knife, but forgot to bring my scissors.

So this says "dried bracken."

You can use any brand.

When you see this, gosari, oh nice, beautiful, look like a boquet.

See? Gosari, very well dried.

Looks like a very thin wire.

But when it's plumped, soaked in water, boiled in hot water, and soaked

it's going to really expand a lot.

And turn into so tasty, meaty, texture.

All these dried vegetables, you don't have to keep in the refrigerator.

Keep in the pantry. Dry and cold place.

See the inside. Inside there is a lot of broken things

don't buy this.

And also this is bellflower roots.

Bellflower roots actually originally look like ginseng.

Sliced and made into strips and dried.

So this is doragi, I can soak in water several hours

After that, I can cook

Or just eat, make a salad.

Mix with Korean seasoning, really tasty.

You can also make tea with this.

Good for your cough.

When your baby is coughing, you put this with water

and keep boiling.

and then add some honey.

And then just drink.

When you choose doragi, choose think one.

I don't like really thinly sliced, shredded one.

I have to plump this by soaking in cold water

After that all delicious stuff is gone, if this is too thin.

So choose thicker one, okay?

So this is bellflower root, dried bellflower root.

My website has a really good list of Korean grocery stores worldwide.

All the information about each store was submitted by my readers.

So all information is very correct and reliable.

Check it out! If you have a Korean grocery store in your area.

Whenever I travel to a foreign country, a need to Korean cooking, I come to my own website

to see the grocery store, and then I go.

For more infomation >> Korean Grocery Store Walkthrough: Korean noodles, powders, grains, beans, and seaweed - Duration: 13:13.


#FlatEarth Friday #FringeCast LIVE NOW!! TEXT, CALL OR CHAT WITH US! - Duration: 4:26:21.

For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday #FringeCast LIVE NOW!! TEXT, CALL OR CHAT WITH US! - Duration: 4:26:21.


Глюк'оZа получила по лицу (04.06.2017) - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Глюк'оZа получила по лицу (04.06.2017) - Duration: 1:29.


3 Awesome Tricks with Glue Gun - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> 3 Awesome Tricks with Glue Gun - Duration: 8:56.


DARK SOULS 2 : LOVING ELEVATORS (Fr available) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> DARK SOULS 2 : LOVING ELEVATORS (Fr available) - Duration: 1:00.


A+A-05 Böckstein Bahnhof - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> A+A-05 Böckstein Bahnhof - Duration: 0:52.


BOOK 📚 Dima morechka . КАК ПРОШЁЛ МОЙ ДЕНЬ ? - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> BOOK 📚 Dima morechka . КАК ПРОШЁЛ МОЙ ДЕНЬ ? - Duration: 5:32.


Düzenlediğim Videom - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Düzenlediğim Videom - Duration: 4:23.



For more infomation >> 8 POPULAR FOODS YOU SHOULD NEVER EAT AGAIN - Duration: 4:39.


MEMES - Duration: 1:19.


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