Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017


Get ready to have your mind blown.

According to an experiment led by two physicists in Australia, reality doesn�t exist.

Turn on, tune in, and drop out man, because the world as you know it is all kinds of weird,

at least on a quantum level.

The experiment raises a basic question: if there is an object, when will it decide to

behave like a particle or a wave?

The mysterious behavior of light is an example.

You can see the effect even when a light shines through two narrow slits.

Light behaves as much as a particle, passing through each slot and casting direct light

on the wall behind it and as a wave, generating a pattern of interference, resulting in more

than two stripes of light.

By deducing from common sense, the object should be a wave or a particle, regardless

of how it is measured.

However, Australian scientists have been able to demonstrate what quantum physics stands

for: how this object will be measured will define whether it has assumed a behavior of

a wave, or a particle.

At the time when John Wheeler's experiment was proposed in 1978, there was no technology

available to carry out the experiment, which had beams of light returned by mirrors.

Now, however, the attempt was recreated using one hundred helium atoms scattered in a suspended

state, known as the Bose-Einstein condensate.

Then they were ejected until only one atom remained.

Then they let the atom pass through a pair of laser beams, propagating in opposite directions,

forming a pattern as if it were a grid pattern, like a solid grid that would

disperse the light.



DJI Mavic Pro Drone First Flight 4K / Attack of the KILLERWASPS (German / English Subtitles) - Duration: 10:33.

Welcome everybody to my new Vlog

i am going to meet Jascha

who you might know from my Video

about the Sony VR

and you might know him from

some of my gta episodes

He bought himself a drone

I don´t know wich one it is right now

I´ll tell you later this day

I´m on my way to the city

Drive faster

We have a big empty field there

and we are going to let the drone fly at this place

See you soon

I am scared af

Okay let´s go

It´s floating in front of us

Very precise he? Doesn´t move an inch.

Let´s check the collision system

The drone recognizes something in front of it


Now we fly in beginners mode


To let it move smoother

The reflection is to heavy i think

How does the recording works?

There´s a SD card in the drone

And it records automatically or do you have to do it manually?

It records when i push the button

I got two buttons

One for videorecording and one for taking a picture

Direct access to it

Let´s test the coming home function

where it returns by itself

I push the button now

Okay nothing happened

Maybe the drone is to near for that function

Ah no. I have to hold the button. Going home

I don´t do anything

Ahh the sun blinds me

i can´t see...

It lands right where it took off

Yeah you are right

As you heared by yourself

the drone is very noisy

so i decided to make a little voiceover

to tell you something about the data of the drone

and some features

The maximum flight high is about 1640 ft

The recording you see right here is taken

at about 330 ft to 390 ft

so there is

a long way more to go

Maximum speed is about 40mph

but you have to change

to the sports mode

But as you can imagine the accu will go low very fast then

Maximum flight time

is about 27 minutes

at an average of 15mph

The accucapacity is


You can compare it to your mobile

Mobiles got about 2400mA

So as you see the accu is very strong for its size

accordingly they are very expensive

The camera is really fantastic

the images are crystal clear

It´s an ultra HD camera at 30fps

That´s completely okay to take awesome landscape shots

everything´s fine

You can controll the drone with your mobile. Just put it in the remote.

as you saw it in the video at the beginning

Only with that remote you can reach the

maximum flight distance of

4,3 Miles. Also there are some features included.

In case of low battery the drone recognizes it

and flys with gps

to the place it took off.

So it can´t happen for example

when you are about 2 miles away with drone

that the battery gets low and the drone lands and you have just bad luck. No.

She flys back to you automatically

We testet it earlier in this video

Next big advantage

is the low weight

and the small size


You can put it easily in your backpack

to take it everywhere you want

Maybe for vacation

or same good landscape shots

take it with you

On your mobile you can see the image of the drone while flying

Of course because of the maximum range

but also pictures an videos can be taken on the mobile

in 720P

for example

if you like to send a small recording with whatsapp

and on the SD card

in the Mavic Pro

the videos are recorded

in 4k resolution


Have a look at the flys there

ey fuck off

Kill em!

What are they doing?

Dude watch it

What are they doing?

Ahh can´t focus it

Just hack them to pieces

by flying backwards a sec

i don´t want to see the rotors after you´ve done that

Fuck off

There you can see them on screen

Fucking shit

But why?

You hear that?

Dude i think that are wasps

But why should they follow a drone like that?

I think the drone doesn´t smell like one of the :D

Go away

Or maybe because of the noise?

Yeah maybe. They may think

the mavic is their new queen.

Watch the rotors

everything dirty because of the wasps

The recordings are done. I hope

you enjoyed the video

i really like the Mavic Pro

An option to buy for everyone

for vacation or just some

fantastic shots in 4k

1500€ for the drone

My only negative point about it

but good things costs money

i´m on the way to jascha

so we can

exchange our recordings

So as well as on my channel

there will be a video on his channel too

of this awesome day we had

Have a look at his channel

the link is in the description below

I think he will upload more videos

with the drone in near future

I nearly arrived at his house

so if you enjoyed the video don´t forget to like and subscribe

See you next time guys. Have a nice day

For more infomation >> DJI Mavic Pro Drone First Flight 4K / Attack of the KILLERWASPS (German / English Subtitles) - Duration: 10:33.


Redneck Rampage Rides Again Arkansas Review Trailer - Manual Enemies Walkthrough | PC Download 2 - Duration: 6:27.

Redneck Rampage Rides Again Arkansas Review Trailer - Manual Enemies Walkthrough | PC Download 2

For more infomation >> Redneck Rampage Rides Again Arkansas Review Trailer - Manual Enemies Walkthrough | PC Download 2 - Duration: 6:27.


Dirtmasters Festival 2017 - Outtakes and Randoms #11 | Bikepark Winterberg | Luis Gerstner - Duration: 3:09.

The first one was nice, but then i clipped out in the air...

Let's do Fruitinator, Fruitinator is always safe!

Get it bro!

Oh! 1,50€ bro, let's get it out!! :D

For more infomation >> Dirtmasters Festival 2017 - Outtakes and Randoms #11 | Bikepark Winterberg | Luis Gerstner - Duration: 3:09.


فهد الكندري - برنامج فسيروا - الأذن و السمع - الحلقة 08 | Fahad AlKandari - Faseero - Eps# 08 - Duration: 16:33.

"Say, "It is He who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and hearts.."

"little are you grateful."


I know that yo didn't hear me!

You won't know how people who can't hear live, unless you try living your lives.. without sounds!

Why did Allah, Almighty, make us having two ears.. not only one ear?!

and why scientist always connect between ears and knowledge..

and is it true that the ears do not sleep, when we are sleeping?!


'If it wasn't because of Allah, it wouldn't have occurred..'


'From this you will attain faith..'

We've learned Qur'an verbally, by receiving its words.

and the verses has influenced us after hearing them..


it was a reminder for whoever has a heart or who listens while he is present in mind.

What a beautiful sense!.. and what a perfect creation!!

"It is] the work of Allah, who perfected all things."

Subhan Allah, the process of hearing is very complex..

because of the multiple dynamics and the multiple systems involved..

This process is very complex.. on the contrary to what you may think!

The voice comes to the ears, before going to brain

The sound comes in the form of a mechanical energy..

and the waves of the sound enters inside the ear..

and the auricle of the ear amplifies the sound.. /Dr. Muhammad Al-Eisi, ENT Consultant, Kuwait.

and the waves are transmitted to the eardrum..

and the eardrum amplifies the sound 3 to 5 times..

then there are small ossicles..

they are very minute..

Subhan, Allah they are arranged like a lever!

like a wedge that is used to help move a load..

this to amplify the sound..

The ossicles amplify the sound about 37 time..

So, the total amplification of the received sound, will be about 40 to 50 times

Then the sound is transmitted to..

and at this stage it is a moving energy..

a mechanical energy that is amplified 50 times

then it enters inside the Cochlea.

where we can find nerve endings or filaments..

that are stimulated, leading to initiation of the flow of nervous signals..

that are transmitted along the Auditory nerve to the brain.

where it is translated to sounds

All of that.. occur in no time.. in less than a second!

the sound comes very fast and you hear it at the same time!


The process is very complex..

But, Subhan Allah, it is beautiful.

The sound travels at 770 mph.

In seven verses in Qur'an, Allah, Almighty, has mentioned his grant.. that He bestowed us by hearing.

And there are 185 verse in Qur'an that are about the grace of hearing!

Isn't that an indication that it is a great grace..

Not all the waves that come to the ears can be heard!

The ears have protection mechanisms.. or means for isolation..

All sounds that are harmful to the ears, they can't be heard

the frequency of audible sounds are between 20 to 2000 Hertz

and of sound intensity from 0 to 40 Decibel.

If the sound was within the range that we can hear it, but it is an annoying sound for the ears..

then the ear will produce a ringing sound.. a buzz to protect the ears.

In many verses in Qur'an, 'hearing' is mentioned before 'seeing'..

for example..

"and made for you hearing and vision and hearts.. "

"Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing."

They said that, one of the reasons that, 'hearing' is mentioned before 'seeing' is that..

Allah, Almighty, creates hearing abilities before seeing abilities, for the fetus.

So, the fetus inside the womb hears first..

from the fifth month of gestation!

There is a small muscle..

on the ossicle; Stapes [a middle ear ossicle].

So, when the sound is very high..

This muscle will contract..

and it pulls the Stapes..

away from the fluid inside the vestibule of the inner ear.

It is a minute muscle, that is not more than few millimeters in length!

Did you know that the ear has 3 small bones that can be placed all together on one Fils coin?!




Malleus.. Incus.. Stapes..

to feel the concept of this great grace, I went to meet with someone..

he gradually had lost the power of hearing..

then he did a surgical operation..

to have his hearing ability back.

How was your life before the operation.. what problems did you have?

How was it like?

Before doing the transplant operation..

I had a major problem with hearing..

I couldn't hear well.. from both sides..

But, one ear could hear a little..

Dr. what was the problem with this patient?

Dr. B. mer salem, Friedrich clinic, Germany

Five out of every 1,000 children have a severe hearing problem


'If it wasn't because of Allah, it wouldn't have occurred..'


Subhan Allah, each time I come to the Grand Masjid to pray Jummah Salat..

at the entrance of the Masjid I see our brothers who are unable to hear.

They come for the speech of Jummah

and they listen to the speech with the sign language..

And after Salat.. they hang around..

because some of them might have a lecture..

or a conference!

Come with me now, to visit them..

'Light.. affability.. and yearning..'

'that cures the believers from inside..'

'Its verses came to us.. as signs of truth and certainty.'

Really, I don't know how to express my delightfulness..

as now I'm with you....

I want to ask each one of you..

about circumstances that had happened with you..

with others, as family members or neighbors or relatives or other people..

as you interact with others in life..

Things that has annoyed you most and has affected you

For example, in all the Ministries.. it is in the standard legislations of Kuwait..

it is agreed that an interpreter must be there and everywhere..

But, when I'm there..

they say to me, bring an interpreter with you..

We have a law at the Supreme Council of the Disabled.

The state is supposed to provide an interpreter in all its ministries.

But, this is not available.

To find something that is special for the Disabled, in general, the Ministry of Interior is taking good care of us..

80% of matters are OK.

But the rest, as the Ministry of health..

the Court of law.. and other places..

There we can't find interpreters, they say to us, bring an interpreter with you!!

One of my family members..

she is the youngest among her sisters..

they didn't care much about her..

so, they left her doing household chores, cleaning and washing etc..

and her sisters didn't care..

because she is deaf..

she is left working in the house..

And this is wrong..

We appeal to the families and to those responsible for the care of families.

Now we want to know, How do you feel after the operation?

I've gained a new quality of life..

I can understand people better than before.

I have gained many expressions by gestures... because I feel energetic ..

Dr, what was the procedure that you did in this operation for this patient?

Hearing and balance are important for man..

for this reason, Allah, Almighty, has created our two ears..

It is important to hear from both sides..

because this will give us an idea about the orientation..

So, after hearing a sound..

and as a way for protecting ourselves from dangers..

we can recognize the source of the sound.. from front..

from behind.. right.. left..

This is a function of having two ears.

The deaf person, cannot determine the source of the sound!

And after the operation..

I became able to hear from both of my ears..

And I can respond, even if the person who is talking to me..

is behind me, or at the left side.. and so..

Now, my movements and my hearing powers have markedly improved..

And I stopped having much problems in my work..

and I don't have to focus too much as I used to do!

Before, I used to be very tense at the meetings..

for instance, to grasp all what is going on..

I am reborn again!

Subhan Allah, imagine; when we sleep..

all our senses fall asleep..

except the sense of hearing!

Allah, Almighty, has told us at Surat Al-Kahf about the long sleeping of the companions of the cave..

Allah, Almighty said:

So We cast [a cover of sleep] over their ears within the cave for a number of years.

'This is the charming eloquence..'

'This is the dazzling beauty..'

'a speech that is a miracle in excellency'

'that is revealed.. by the Trustworthy Spirit '

'This is the charming eloquence..'

'This is the dazzling beauty..'

'a speech that is a miracle in excellency'

'that is revealed.. by the Trustworthy Spirit '

The ossicles of the ear are three..

and they are the smallest bones in human body!

they are very small.. very minute..

so that if you introduce an ear probe, you might damage them all with one touch..

that's why we must take care of the ear, and never introduce any hard object inside it..


Subhan the Creator, these small bones move together by small muscles connecting them..

and they have blood supply..

and they move together smoothly ..

and they amplify the sound coming from outside..

and they serve a great function compared to their size!

If we are to compose them.. manufacture them.

So, it is very difficult to make something like them..

then, how about assembling them together, to do their swift movement..

and to amplify the received sound..

35 to 40 times!

and you are the people who would appreciate this great grace, because you've lost it.. and others have it.

Talk to me about your impression about this grace that is from Allah, Almighty..

What would you like other people to know?

I am deaf..

I have a my baby child..

my kids are normal, the first and the second..

So, when he was 6 months old, once he was crying..

I didn't hear him crying because I'm deaf..

then some one told me..

a man.. a relative of mine.. he signed to me..

he came to the door of my house..

to tell me that the baby is crying..

Alhamdulillah, he helped me with that and I took care of my child.

he can hear..

So, you see, even if we want to take care of our kids, but we can't hear them when they cry!

He is saying that..

me and my wife are deaf..

If someone knocks at my door, how would I know.. I can't hear!

Sometimes, we might need to ask for something.. to request something by phone..

sometimes we get calls..

now our kids are helping us in this respect.

Sometimes, the matters are very private..

things that I don't like to tell others about them, but I find my self have to make my children know about them..

or to tell the interpreter about them.

personal matters.

The person who can hear is having a great grace.

What would you like to tell all the people who are blessed by the ability of hearing and they are not recognizing it!

Actually, after I've regained my powers of hearing.. that made me..

feel like.. finding a thing that I didn't have from before..

I was lost.. now I'm very grateful that I can hear again.

because, now I can participate again in the community..

and I can live a new experience to appreciate the value of life again..

Subhan Allah, for His wisdom..

He created two ears for us, not only one!

because, with one ear..

we can't recognize the origin of the sound!

and from His wisdom is that; the ears can't hear the high frequency sounds.. so that we can live..

He is the Wisest, He has secured His creations, and perfected their making.

"It is He who forms you in the wombs however He wills"

"There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise."

'Before it's the right time..'

'nothing was there..'

'there was no time.. no place!'

'Allah just said to the universe; Be.. and it is!'

'Life will be beautiful..'

'If we just have reflected upon the signs given from Al-Ilah..'

'beautify your vision by.. looking at all that is made by His Hands..


'you will see how Allah has created it..'


'There is no a fault to be found..'

For more infomation >> فهد الكندري - برنامج فسيروا - الأذن و السمع - الحلقة 08 | Fahad AlKandari - Faseero - Eps# 08 - Duration: 16:33.


Amsterdam 24 by Transcend Tiny Homes 292 Sq Ft | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 7:13.


For more infomation >> Amsterdam 24 by Transcend Tiny Homes 292 Sq Ft | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 7:13.


Resolution • Faceless Void • 51K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 47:24.

Resolution • Faceless Void • 51K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> Resolution • Faceless Void • 51K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 47:24.


Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Part 40 - Chapter 3 - Testing Mods as we go! :D - Duration: 46:06.

Let's Play Skyrim Special Editio

For more infomation >> Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Part 40 - Chapter 3 - Testing Mods as we go! :D - Duration: 46:06.


10 Year Zero 400 Million No Rescue Float Unattended After 1 Month Using This Tree - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 10 Year Zero 400 Million No Rescue Float Unattended After 1 Month Using This Tree - Duration: 6:30.



For more infomation >> SPORA YENİ BAŞLAYAN İTEMLERİ - Duration: 4:13.


FÊMEA DE CANÁRIO DA TERRA CHAMANDO E PIANDO para enlouquecer seus Canários !!!! - Duration: 1:00:06.

For more infomation >> FÊMEA DE CANÁRIO DA TERRA CHAMANDO E PIANDO para enlouquecer seus Canários !!!! - Duration: 1:00:06.



Hey guys, it's me chasey poo

and today I'm doing another review

today I'm gonna be reviewing the joey

a lot of people have been asking for me to review this

for a very long time.

the joey is basically a pouch that you insert in your underwear

and you put your packer in there

so that everything holds together

um, I have previously recorded an intro but

it mysteriously disappeared so that's why

this will look different than the actual video

so please enjoy the review, now!

so they sent me two because they

have two additions. They have the ballsy one

and they have, I think it's called classy, I'm not sure.

So one of them is for bigger, if you're wearing something bigger

and it has bigger balls

and the other one is if you have smaller balls

so I'm just going to show you one, and one, and one and the other.

and then we're gonna see how it goes.

overall, my impression of this is that I really like

the way that it fits in your underwear

my only problem is the pin

so, the reason why I have a problem with this is cause you have to pin it in your underwear.

but I have found a um

a way to stop that from happening I guess

I'm just gonna show you

So, we're gonna do it with the Pierre

So, the Pierre is

pretty ballsy so we might actually have to use the other one

so you put this in

and then you put the shaft of the weiner out


because this one has a little bit of balls

you just really have to kind of squish it in there

so, it's not gonna come out all the way.

but it is gonna

there ya go

just trying to put it in

So this is how it's gonna look

So then you fold the pouch over again

and then you're gonna put this in your underwear

like this

and then, with the pouch

you're gonna take the pin that they give you

and you're gonna put the hole in

and then hole out.

and then, I'm gonna say though also,

the safety pins are actually very safe and

and they don't poke you because of this thing here.

so there ya go

fuck it looks so good, damn.


sorry, just I love looking down and looking at a bulge that

just makes me feel good

like right now I'm far away

so I don't really see my entire body but

damn, I feel like I look good! Alright?

So, these are boxers from H&M by the way, just letting you know.

and H&M no longer makes briefs, which scares me

because those are my favourite underwear so now I kinda have to go with like, these underwear

but that's fine because I have the Joey!

So this is what it looks like sideways

I guess it looks like a good bulge but listen toots, okay?

men have big weiners. Cis men have the weens

they have the big weiners so we gotta get used to it

and you can move it around like this and you can jump around

and it doesn't move at all, because it is pinned.

Now I told you that the only issue that I had with this

is that you have to pin it

So you have to literally put a hole in your elastic band

they say that you can put it at the bottom part of your elastic band

but I find it more comfortable just a little bit higher up

Now, how do you combat that?

Is that the first time that you put it in, yes you're making a hole.

But the second time, just put it in the same hole.

Alright, I know that you don't want holes all over your bands

especially for your favourite underwear


I've worn the Joey with these underwear before

and I put it in the exact same hole

So when I take it out it's not going to create this huge thing

and that makes me feel super uncomfortable, so

actually these underwear are the perfect size for this packer over here

so i really like the way, I feel like I could be a model. hm.

Alright so, this is the Archer

by the New York Toy Collective which is the same thing as the Pierre except it's cut.

So we're gonna put it in to these boxers

and this is a different, the different, what's it called? Pouch.

This is the ballsy one.


there we go

sorry I've never actually used these underwear so

I had to poke a hole to make sure that it actually did go through

ooh, it's wet.

why is it wet?

Oh because there's water down there sorry I was doing an STP review before.

Anyways, so this is what it looks like over here

um, it's, it's low.

It's very low because the ballsy one is longer

so I don't know how I feel about the length of it

if I'm being completely honest though

like, just a comfort thing but this is literally where a cis guy's penis would be

it would literally be exactly where this is right now

So this is just a comfort thing but for me I would need it to be a little bit higher up.

So what you can do is you can actually just flip this and

pin it higher up, that would be, that would work fine for these underwear

but again with this like it's not going anywhere

it's not gonna move

but I do prefer the smaller one, the striped one that I showed you before

Alright, and now I'm wearing these like, big boxers

That I feel like only people who play video games for like days

and don't move out of their uh, out of their beds like wear

Alright so this is gonna be a little bit tricky cause there's nothing like preventing it

from falling. But let's go ahead and- oh that went a lot smoother than the other one.

Jesus Christ, oh maybe I gotta find a seam to put it in so it doesn't really add a hole

Alright , there you go

Perfect! So, um this does add a little heaviness to this but

Oh my God I feel like such a cis girl right now

Like, bro. Aw fuck that looks so good

I've never actually tried them on with these boxers before

I'm doing it for the video because I only wear these boxers around the house but

like if I'm just walking around in them like

like, it feels, it feels good.

I like it

feels good

mmm mmm oh that goes between your- oh where did it go?


Okay so you do really have to um, make sure that when

you pin it you pin it to the whole thing and not just the top

cause that's what i just did

I just pinned it to the top

yeah, so anyway. So it's not too low and it's not too high.

it's like exactly where I would like it to be

Alright, so

My general impression of it is that it is really good for packing

especially if you don't want to go out there and buy packing underwear

um, and have to buy multiple packing underwear

like, five different if you don't do laundry often

because you can't wear packing underwear everyday and that's just the one issue with packing underwear

At least with this, you don't, you can just change it from underwear to underwear

which is a plus. I've never tried this swimming but apparently they say that you can go swimming with it

if you do go swimming with it though I would make sure that you're wearing shorts that have the net

just incase


and when you do pin it make sure you're pinning it to the entire thing

especially this at the bottom because I didn't do that before and it kind of

all like, fell

um, but in total I really, really, really do enjoy this

I really like this one more than the other one

the other one is a lot bigger- the "ballsy" one

it's like ballsy. Like it's too big for me

if you have a really big packer um like the real magic packer

that's 5 inch

you're not supposed to put it through a harness that has a hole

and I really wouldn't recommend doing that

but because it doesn't actually go through the entire thing

you technically could do that

but it's just, it's a little too long for me

and I don't like it when my weiner is that long

I like it when it's just closer to me and I can actually feel it

instead of like where it anatomically should be, I guess

I'm not used to the balls being so low

so low

solo cup

so. low.

anyways, I would recommend just going to the website to take a look at it and see if you think that it's worth it

in my opinion it is a very comfortable um...



um, requirement? I don't know how to explain it like

this is something that if you want a packer so bad

and you're like okay but I don't like wearing briefs

especially if you don't like wearing briefs

like, the, the like

what are those called? like the

whitey... whitey tighties

if you don't like wearing whitey tighties

like, I do I love wearing that

then something like this will be able to work for you because you are able to wear any type of boxer

that you want

especially when you're wearing this in your boxers

and then you put your pants on it's

like its, you're good to go.

you're good to go because it does, it does not show that you're

wearing anything, like it just looks

natural as if you were wearing briefs and you were just packing

if that makes any sense

anyways, let me know what you think

take a look at the website I know a lot of of people have been asking for me to do the joey review

so here's the joey review

Have a great day

Love you, bye!

For more infomation >> JOEY PACKING POUCH REVIEW [CC] - Duration: 8:39.


My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.25 [ENG/IND/2017.06.03] - Duration: 1:06:06.


Let's get married.

Marry me.

Just for a year.

(Episode 25)

What's wrong?

Why won't you say anything?

You should ask me what I mean

so I can tell you.

Explain yourself.

Marry you for just a year? What does that mean?

Thank you for not saying it's crap.

I fought hard not to say it.

I decided...

To marry you, Cha Jeonghwan.

You're like MSG I can't live without.

You're like MSG I can't live without.

I know that.

Wait. Wait a minute here.

What about me? Aren't I a femme fatale?

How could you give me up just like that?

I haven't forgiven you just yet.

Okay. I'll get back to the point.

I decided...

To marry you, Cha Jeonghwan.

I have.

I don't want to lose you.

But I'm still afraid.

I'm not sure if I can handle marriage.

Or if we'll be happy being married.

What if I'm unfit for marriage

and make you suffer and unhappy?

And what if you regret it

because of the gap between

what you dreamed of and reality?

So I want us to have a trial period.

A one-year internship period.

A one-year internship period?


When you look for a job,

you go through a trial period called an internship

to find out if you're right for the company

and if the company needs someone like you.

So when you're getting married,

which can alter your life for better or for worse,

how can you just make it official

without any fear?

It's giving up your most fundamental right,

the pursuit of happiness.

You're handing over the control

of your life to happenstance and giving up entirely.

of your life to happenstance and giving up entirely.

So like how companies decide to hire you or not

after a year of an internship,

you want to live together for a year

and then decide whether get a marriage license or not?


We will live together for a year

and evaluate each other on whether or not

we are fit to stay married,

fit to devote and invest ourselves in this marriage

fit to devote and invest ourselves in this marriage

and decide if we want to continue to stay married.

Explain it to me in detail.

I would need to make a formal presentation.

But let's wrap it up for now.

There's something more urgent.

Your parents are waiting for you to come home.

Because you changed your number and disappeared,

your mother hasn't slept a wink.

You need to go home and

put your parents' minds at ease first.

How did you know about that?

Did you see my mom?


Your mother came to see me.

She cried and begged me to find you for her.

She cried and begged me to find you for her.

And she apologized for what happened eight years ago.

She did?


So get up.

I have a duty to bring you home safe and sound.

Get in and go. I'll follow you.

Where's your mother's car?

Over there.

I'm going to be right behind you,

so don't try to escape.

How did you find me?

I remembered what you said once.

You said when we broke up eight years ago,

you went to the place we had a workshop at

and went fishing every day.

I went to every single lodging.

Which one was this?

This one was the fourth one I checked.

So if you appreciate the work I put in,

you can't disappear again.

I won't.

You're like quicksand. I can't escape from you.

I've missed you.

I thought I was going to die.

Me too.



For coming to look for me.


For being safe.

I was really worried.

Me too.

What? What is it?

Did I step on you? Sorry.

What is it?

Focus on your driving.

Stop staring at me through the rear view mirror.

Whoa. How did you know?

I know you like the back of my hand.

You'll never escape from this quicksand.


Oh my! Oh, Jeonghwan!

Jeonghwan is home?

Father, mom.

How could you?

Oh, where have you been all this time?

Are you all right? Huh? Are you?

You're not sick or anything?

I'm fine.

You're such a jerk. Oh, you're heartless.

How could you just change your number and disappear?

How can you be so heartless?

I was so worried I almost died!

I'm glad you're home.

If anything happened to you,

I was going to kill myself.

I'm so glad you're back.

Are we reunited war refugees?

- Let's sit down. Sit. / - Okay.

So, where have you been?

I was in Sokcho, fishing.

Hyeyeong came and found me.

She found you?


She said you two were worried

and insisted I come home, so I did.

If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have returned.

Mom, I heard you apologized

to Hyeyeong about eight years ago.

It's late,

but thank you for apologizing to her.

Is that all you can tell me

after coming home? Huh?

What about "I'm sorry for making you worry"

and things like that?

I'm sorry I made you worry, but...

I don't think I was wrong.

At least you're back.

You must be tired. Go take a shower.

We haven't eaten all day.

Let's eat after you take a shower.


Is that really our son?

How can he change so much?

What are you talking about?

He said he wasn't going to come home,

but he did because of her.

How could he say that to his parents

who were dying from worrying about him?

This is all that girl's fault.

How did he become so weird?

Be quiet. Don't be absurd.

We should be grateful to her for bringing him back.

You're changing your mind

now that he's back? Is that it?

He hasn't even said he's not going to Vietnam.

Go and make us something. I'm hungry.

Come in.

You took a shower?


Let's crack open a cold beer.

How did you know? I was thirsty for one of these.

Your father knows everything.


You patched things up with your girlfriend, right?

You look very happy.

Is it that obvious?

It's written on your face.

You're not going to Vietnam, are you?

No, I'm not.


But leaving home like that was wrong.

I know.

But I just couldn't understand mom.

But still, if you leave home that way,

it's like stabbing her in the heart.

You know what you mean to her.

I was always too busy,

so you were everything to her.

But she assaulted someone else's precious child.

But she assaulted someone else's precious child.

She can't justify what she did in the name of love.

She can't justify what she did in the name of love.

She already apologized for that.

You know how stubborn she is,

and she never apologizes for anything.

Why do you think she went to see

that young lady and apologized?

It's because her love for you is that deep.

I'm telling you to show

generosity as the man who has the upper hand.

Her unconditional love gave you the upper hand.

Make a bit of effort to understand

how your mom feels.

I will.

But... I know this is the wrong time to say this,

but knowing all that, what about you?

Uh, well... Your mom's cooking,

so get some rest and come down. Let's eat.

- Okay. / - Good.

Hey, Jeonghwan's not going to Vietnam.

She got back together with that young lady.

What's with the frown?

Even if he wants to marry her,

you can't object. You know that, don't you?

Mmm, that smells good.

Says who?

For the big stars, their fans send a "gift lunch"

For the big stars, their fans send a "gift lunch"

to make their stars feel proud.

Junyeong, are you busy?

If you have time, can you drive me somewhere?

Of course.

I'm on my way home right now,

and I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

Father, are you getting a large group?


I'll be your pack mule, so buy whatever you need.

We'll come back.

Should we deep-fry some squid and shrimps?


Won't you be too busy with that group?

Huh? It's not for a group.

I'm making lunch for Junghui at work.

Remember what we heard about the "gift lunch"?

Do you have any fresh squid?


If you're not too busy, can you help me?


Okay. Thanks, dad.

- Who's coming? / - A gift lunch.

Dad made enough for the whole staff.


One, two, three...


Oh! Junyeong!

You and dad made all these?

We packed plenty,

so there'll be enough to go around.


Enjoy them with the staff.

Thanks, Junyeong.

Stay and eat with us. You haven't eaten, right?

Yes, yes. Stay and eat with us.

And you can get a tour of the shoot.


No, I have to go before the traffic gets bad.

Right. The traffic's going to build up soon.

Thank you so much, Junyeong.

Thank you.


Enjoy the food.

- Bye. / - Thanks.


How did he make all these?

I'll pass them out.

You must be hungry, so you eat one.

I'll pass them out.

No, wait.

Put them down. Put them down.

Give them to me. I'll do it.

You said you can't lift heavy things.

No, I don't consider this heavy...

I'll do it.

I'll pass them out and show off.


Gift lunch!

You're the best!

Mr. Delivery Man, do you have more soup?

And do you have some water?

We're thirsty.

It's just what's in the box.


- Enjoy. / - It looks delicious.

Here you go.

Thank you.

- Enjoy. / - It looks good.

- Here. / - Thank you.

Let me have one too.

Mr. Jin.

- Here you go. / - It looks good.

I'll wait for you to finish handing them out.



I'm going to eat with Mr. An later.


Good for her.

Lunch is here.

- Thank you. / - Enjoy.

Uncle Hansu.

Did you see this?

Junghui's fans sent him gift lunch.

He must be getting more and more popular.

So he posted this photo.

Where have you been all day with the car?

I wanted to use it, but you didn't pick up.

You called me?

I'm sorry. The battery died, so I didn't know.

Was it urgent?

No, it wasn't urgent, but...

Where have you been?

I went to Paju for father.

I delivered a gift lunch to the shoot.

Gift lunch?

Yes. I went grocery shopping with father,

made lunch and delivered them.

My goodness... Lunch for all those people?

I'm sorry you had to do that.

It's fine. I did it for father.

I'm going to my room.


why do you look so upset?

Is something wrong?



What do I mean to father?

Ever since An Junghui moved in with us,

all dad cares about is him.

That's not true.

It's just that he feels really guilty.

Son, this was a hard day for you, wasn't it?

Oh, mom, I'm not saying this because I didn't like

cooking and delivering lunch.

I know you're not as proud of me as Hyeyeong.

I know you're not as proud of me as Hyeyeong.

I'm the eldest son,

but I was never good enough for the role.

I always got into trouble and brought you worry.

I studied for the civil worker's exam for 5 years,

and I know...

How much I disappointed you and father.

But mom...

When I went to the shoot today,

An Junghui looked so cool and successful.

No wonder father is proud of him.

Even if I were dad,

I'd prefer Junghui over me.

I know all that,

and I know it's all because I'm not good enough.

But mom...

I wish father would look at me

as lovingly and warmly as he looks at An Junghui.

as lovingly and warmly as he looks at An Junghui.

Father's never asked me

to have a drink with him.

And he's never asked me what I like.

To father, I've always been

the son who's not as good as his little sisters

and who brought him nothing but disappointment.

Mom, I'm sorry for saying stupid things again.

Mom, I'm sorry for saying stupid things again.

I'm really sorry, mom. I'm going to my room.

- Mother, help me with my glove. / - Glove?

Welcome, Yeongsil.

Hi. You started already?


I wonder if the cabbage is good.

Try it.

I didn't expect much, but it's pretty good.

It's been salted to perfection.

She's ready to do this by herself.

Mmm, it's good.

Take a container full.

You always gave us kimchi before.

Okay. Thank you.

Why do you look so glum?

I know. You look really down.

You are so sharp.

How come there's trouble every day, mom?

I take care of one problem and another one arises.

So? Which one was it today?



Oh my gosh! He failed again?

They announced it already?

No, mom. Don't say things like that.

Just hearing it gives me a heart attack.

Oh! Right. I take it back.

I didn't say anything. I take it back.

What's wrong with Junyeong?

I think he's felt small

ever since Junghui moved in with us.

He's a man, and he was the eldest son,

so he must feel self-conscious.

And my husband

does pay a lot of attention to Junghui.

This is all because of that jerk.

I told you over and over not to take him in.

You should've listened to your mom. Man...

Oh! That darn Hansu! I should just...

Mother, you're making her upset.

It's not as bad as your husband losing his job.

And that husband is still so childish

he thinks it's embarrassing to work part-time.

He's afraid he might work part-time forever.

He's not desperate enough?

What's Yeongsik doing right now?

I coaxed him into looking for a part-time job,

but who knows what he's doing?

Fine. You win.

I should sit in the corner and be quiet.

Hey, I'm the mother of that man.

And my only daughter

is living with her husband's illegitimate son.

Mom, you win.

You beat us all.

Oh, boy.

Why are you singing?

Hyeyeong, did something good happen?

You're seeing that producer again, aren't you?


For real?

Yes, we're getting back together.

But don't tell mom or dad yet.

So you're going to marry him?

For now... We haven't decided.

But we will soon,

so you must keep this a secret until then.

- It's Cracker. / - Cracker?

She's "Nut" and he's "Cracker."

Nut Cracker?

My lovely quicksand, goodnight.

My MSG in shining armor.

Visit me in my dreams.

You're home.

I opened the window

for some fresh air and just closed it.

- You came home late. / - Yes.

Thank you for lunch.

Don't mention it.

I saw the photo you posted online.


Excuse me...

Want to see a movie with me tomorrow? If you're free?

I'm free.

W-What kind of movie?

Anything is fine. Whatever you want to see.

Okay. I'll get the tickets.

You must be tired. Take a shower and go to bed.

Honey, you look happy.

I am.

Junghui asked me to see a movie tomorrow.

Oh, he did?

That's great.

But honey...


It's nothing. Go to bed.

You must be tired from making all that food.

Junyeong told you?

He helped me a lot. He even delivered the food.

You should've thanked him.

I did.

What kind of movies are out these days?

You don't know, do you?

We're having an American-style breakfast?

I'm trying new things out.

It's boring to have the same food every day.

Just a second. I'll make you rice.

It's okay. I'll eat these.

What's wrong? Yuju, you don't eat pancakes?

Well... Yuju has a stomach problem,

so she can't eat flour.

Really? I had no idea.

I'm so sorry.

If you had told me, I would've made you something.

It's okay, father.

Junyeong, I'm fine.

I'll eat some eggs and ham.

No. I can heat up instant rice.

It's up here.

Get the yellow croaker stew from the fridge,

- and the cucumber kimchi. / - Okay.

It's really okay, mother.

It won't take long.

Don't worry. You're pregnant so you must eat well.

Talk about overreacting.

Eat, Yuju.

Uh... Yuju's not good at getting the bones out.

Right. I'm scared of fish bones

because I can't get them out.

One always get caught in my throat.

Is it okay if Junyeong gets them out?

Yes, Hyeyeong.

When Junyeong gets them out, I'm fine.

He's amazing at getting the fish bones out.

Right. It's a match made in heaven.

So, how did it go yesterday?

What do you mean?

Didn't you take the car to go find that man?

Did you find him?

Yeah... I did and I sent him home.


What do you mean?

I found him, sent him home and went straight to work.

That's all?

You're not getting back together?

Well, we didn't talk about it.

Is it okay?


Eat up, Yuju.


These are the shoes for today's shoot.

I'm sorry it took so long.

The sponsor sent them late last night.

Okay. Let me have them.

What are they?

Huh? What's this? What's up with the size?

Don't you know my size, Ms. Kim? Look.

Oh, no. It's a size smaller.

I'm sorry. They arrived so late

that I didn't get the chance to check the size.

Should I get you another pair?

You expect me to wear those and act?

Ms. Kim, I'm not going out with my friends.

Those are for the shoot!

If the shoes are too small, I'll be uncomfortable

and unable to concentrate. Didn't you know that?

You don't, since you brought those.

I understand.

I'll go to my office, get new ones

and send them to the shoot.

Ms. Kim, what happened to your performance?

Nothing's done right the first time.

Please pay more attention to me.

This is a formal request, okay?

Send a courier. I'll receive it on location.

Are you happy now?

Because you ratted me out,

Mr. An's been nagging about everything I do.


Are you blaming me?

Why do you think he's acting like this?

Getting the wrong sized shoes happens all the time.

It's nothing to be pissed off about.

And he's never been this cranky about it before.

Then why didn't you say that in front of him?

Why are you blaming me after he left?

You still blame everyone else for your problems.

This wouldn't have happened in the first place

if you had checked the size and brought them to us.

Have you forgotten I'm your superior?

You're not complaining to me as my superior.

Excuse me, Mr. An.


About scolding Ms. Kim Yuju earlier,

it wasn't because of me, was it?

What are you talking about?

I can keep my personal feelings from business.


Why? Did Ms. Kim say something to you?

No, I just overreacted.

(Oh, My Boss Assistant Director)

Hello, sir. We're on our way.

I'm sorry, but today's shoot has been cancelled.

We must postpone it a day because of equipment issues.


Oh... Will you let us know about the change?

Yes, I'll call you back this afternoon

after we work the schedule out.

Okay. Thank you.

What should we do?

We have free time, so how about some coffee?

Postpone the interview tomorrow morning

to next week...

It'd be great if we could do the photoshoot today,

but they're booked today.

If tomorrow's shoot is all day,

can he make it to the event?

What can we push up to today?

Dermatologist's appointment.

Right! We can do that.

Hey, you have really small hands.

How do you drive with them? It's not too hard?

They're not that small.

What is it?

What? What do you mean?

I mean, you keep staring at me.

Hey, what are you wearing?

You'll catch a cold. You better not get me sick.

Okay. I'll be more careful.

If you're finished, shall we go to the dermatologist?

Take your time and eat.

Don't stuff your mouth. Drink this.

Excuse me...

How much will it be to get my freckles out?

Removing freckles is a bit costly.

Would you like to talk to a doctor?

No, maybe next time.

Why? You want your freckles removed?

No. Well... I just asked how much.

I was just wondering...

You want to do it? I'll pay for it.

No! Why would you pay for it?

It's okay.

I mean, you're my manager, and...

It's okay.

Go and get your facial.


I will apply the mask. It's cold.

Wait. How much is it to get freckles removed?

It's about $1,200 for ten sessions.

It's a bit expensive, but it works amazingly.

My manager looked like she wants to get it, right?


I had freckles before, so I know,

and it's really stressful.

It'd be great to get them removed.

In that case...

It's so expensive.

The stars have great skin because they get these.

I'm so jealous.

Huh? Mr. An's already finished?

No, not yet.

You work for Gabi Entertainment, right?


We work with Gabi Entertainment,

so the employees get a 90% discount.

Would you like to talk to a doctor?


But I'm just an intern there...

That's okay.

As long as you have an ID, you can get the discount.

How much is to get freckles removed?

It's $50 for five sessions.

$50 for five sessions?

Isn't that too cheap?

It's just for the Gabi Entertainment employees.

You can't find this price anywhere else.

It's a great chance. Why don't you do it?

I'll do it.

Go over there and wash your face.

- I'll get it ready. / - Okay.

Thank you.

Put everything on my card.

You're the first star to do this for his manager.

I'm really surprised.

Don't be. I do this kind of thing all the time.

Don't be. I do this kind of thing all the time.

I tend to look after my people,

and I'm kind and righteous.

But word just doesn't spread.

Oh, this is what should be in the articles. Right?

I know.

I've worked here for years,

but I've never met anyone like you.

You must really care for your manager.

I do.

Put it on my card.

- What is it? / - Huh?

Uh... Do I look weird?

Can you tell I got my freckles removed?

What? No, I can't.

Then why do you keep staring at me?

I didn't stare.

But... You've been doing that all day.

Hey... Didn't you say

you had to go to the office?

Remember? You're not going?

Oh, right. I'll be right back.

Call me when you're finished.

Okay. Bye!

(Total: $1,500)

Was it too much?

No, it wasn't. She's my manager.

I can do this for my manager.

But for Taebu...

I've never done anything like this for Taebu.

Judo isn't just any manager.

She's like my little sister.

Little sister...

Did I go too far?

Taebu! What are you doing here?

I was passing by, and I saw you.

Hey, sit down. I'm glad you're here. Sit.

You must be busy with your shoot.

It's not too bad.

Hey, didn't you say you have a little sister?

I do. Why do you ask?

Don't you just adore her?

Well... I seldom do.

You do? You want to do things for her?

For example, if she wants work done for her skin,

you want to pay for it, right?

Not just her skin, if I could afford it,

I'd like to get her full-body plastic surgery.

Calling her human is a stretch.

I knew it.

And you want to buy her expensive meals, right?

- Not really. / - Why? You don't?

She even steals my food.


I don't know. She always does.

By the way, why do you ask?

- You're an only child. / - Only...

Look. That's the reason. Oh, My Boss.

I have siblings on it.

Mr. An, you're amazing.

You're getting along with the intern, right?

Yes, I am.

Junghui, don't be mean to her like with me.

She's cute. She works hard.

You think she's cute, too?

She is.

She's cute, isn't she? She is?

You don't want to remove your freckles? My treat.

- What? / - My treat.

I'm saying this because you're like my brother.

Don't worry about it and tell me anytime.


You're cute too, you know.


What are you doing here?

I was just thinking.

What's that?

Oh, this...

Your mom gave me this for a part-time job,

but I'm thinking about it.

A part-time job at my age... Man...

What's wrong with part-time jobs?

Minha, will you be okay?

If your dad works part-time at a pizza place?


You're not stealing money.

You're getting paid for hard work,

so why would I be embarrassed?

Physical labor is noble.

Right. You're right, Minha.

Let me see... Dad.

Get something sweet and cheer up.

No, it's okay. I don't need money.

And hey, you don't have any money.

I don't give you a big enough allowance.

Whoa! Where did you get that much?

Minha, you're not...

Don't worry.

I made this by working.

I've been tutoring my friends.

But Minha, if your school finds out,

won't you get into trouble?

If you needed money, you should've told me.

I won't get into trouble.

I turn down all homework and graded materials.

I only do tutoring.

And I charge a reasonable price.

$2 an hour.

I do it as a kind of review.

We're actually helping each other.

You're my son,

but you're a better man than I am.

Okay. Let's go.

Let's go and make pizza.

Father, I believe in you!



(Hangaram Science High School Admission Seminar)

Science high school... Tuition must be steep.


What are you doing?


Huh? Is something wrong?


Let me go and wash my hands.


Science high school admission seminar?

Summer is coming,

so many people are paying attention to their shape.

And more people are enrolling in our courses.

In a time like this...


What are you doing after your classes today?

I have a lot to do.

You don't want to do them with me?

Not at all.

So let's help our students get

the best kind of...

Lasers just shot from your eyes.

Stop staring. People will find out!

They can't find out?

Of course not.

Why not?

Let's get coffee later.

But you can't follow me out right after this meeting.

But you can't follow me out right after this meeting.

Wait three minutes before you come.

That's it for today!

Thank you.

Something's up.

What do you mean?

You and Coach Park seem to be cozying up to each other.

I don't understand what you mean.

I'm sleepy. I should go get some coffee.

Something's fishy.


Caramel macchiato, half a shot and extra drizzle.

You have a great memory.

Why did we have to come all the way here?

Don't you have one more class?

We could've talked at the center.

Didn't you see how the instructors looked at us?

If we walk around the center together,

they'll know we're dating.

Are you saying they can't know?

Of course.

The moment they know, they'll gossip about us.

They'll say we fought, we made up...

The stars keep their dating life a secret for a reason.

It's really annoying and troublesome.

But it's more annoying and troublesome

to meet in secret like this.

You said this is your first relationship, right?


So I'm not sure.

I want to tell the world.

Of course I want to tell the world that

the handsome Coach Park is my boyfriend.

But that pleasure won't last very long

and the cost will be great.

Especially for a workplace romance.


You know more about this than I do anyway.

Teach me anything I need to know.

I'm like an information sponge, so I'm a quick learner.

Let's see... What else is there?

How about this?

"Can I hold your hand? Can I kiss you?"

You don't have to ask for permission for that.

Rookies always ask things like that.


Good job.

Actually, this is my first office romance.

My friends told me it's better to keep it a secret.

Once people start gossiping,

the couples fight and break up.

Lots of instructors have a crush on you,

so they might attack me.

- Ms. Byeon? / - Yes?

You said I can do it without asking for permission.

You sure are a quick learner.

Let's go inside before people recognize me.

Oh, okay.

How about the movie?

I got us tickets for this.

(The Tooth and the Nail)

What's wrong? You don't like action movies?

I got these because this is the most popular one.

N-No, I do like them.

I've been to the army. I'm a former sergeant.

Let's go inside.

- Let's leave. / - Okay.

You should've picked something better.

I wanted to treat you to a nice meal.

This is okay.

Let's eat.

You eat green onion, right?

No. I don't like it because it's slimy.


Then I should try this without it.

When did you come to Korea?

When I was twenty years old.

So you lived alone since you were twenty?


Why did you decide to come?

I just wanted to live in Korea.

My mom was against the idea,

but I passed the audition and got her permission.

but I passed the audition and got her permission.

Did you always want to become an actor?

Yes, since I was little.

You did?

It's not too hard?

It is.

Because I'm not good at it.

Not true. I downloaded the dramas

you did and I've been watching them.

And you're great.

You've watched them?

Of course.

I've watched "Notebook" and "How to Breathe."

And now I'm watching "101 Haengbok-dong."

And I really like it.

- You're here. / - Hi.

It looks like everyone else went home.

I'm meeting with a very important client.

Let's go.


(Marriage Internship)

I will start the presentation on marriage internships.

I will start the presentation on marriage internships.


How come you look even more beautiful tonight?

How come you look even more handsome tonight?

I should listen to your presentation, shouldn't I?

I should give my presentation, shouldn't I?

Let me start.

I'm ready.

The key to this marriage internship

is to have a one-year evaluation period.

As I told you the other day,

you get an internship when you get a job,

so we should have an internship for our marriage.

Through one year of married life,

we can evaluate if this marriage

is right for us, if we're right for each other,

if we have what it takes to

stay married to each other,

and on our one-year anniversary,

we will decide if we want to stay married.

If either one of us decides not to stay married,

we must terminate our married life.

If both of us are interested in staying married,

we can legally register our marriage.

How is it different from just living together?

It's different since we will announce our marriage.

And you want to have a wedding?

Of course.

But I want to keep it simple with just family.

Spending too much money on a wedding is ridiculous.

Then why not just report the marriage?

We should get it for the sake of sincerity

and responsibility,

and if things go south, we can get divorced.

I don't want the complex procedures and formality.

Why do we need the government's permission to divorce?

I don't like the cooling-off period,

and I hate the physical, mental

and time loss I'll suffer even more.

Maybe it's because I'm a lawyer,

but this is my life,

so why can't I get a divorce when I want to?

I understand what you mean,

but even if we get along well for one year,

we might still have problems down the road.

We're going to check

to see if there are any chances of that

during this trial period.

You don't trust me?

I don't trust myself.

You're going to be fantastic to me.

But I, Byeon Hyeyeong, might be terrible to you.

Are we having kids?

Maybe about a year after getting a marriage license,

so about two years from now?


If you agree to having kids, I don't care when.

So how do we evaluate ourselves?

We will draft a contract with

what we each want from our marriage,

and we will stick to it.

If we break it, you get one penalty point,

and when it goes above 50 points,

we can quit being married.

But if we want to, we can continue.

And after one year, upon agreement,

we can decide whether or not to go on.

But even if we part ways,

there'll be no alimony simply because

it'll be the end of our internship period.

So you want to sign a kind of prenup?

- Precisely. / - So in summary,

let's get a marriage license after a trial period.

And if we part ways, make a clean cut. Right?

I just want a safety net of sorts.

To me, marriage is still scary.

Even when your husband is Cha Jeonghwan?

Well... There are options that come with you.

You want the main product?

Like mad. So?

I don't understand

why I get so turned on when I come to your office.

For me, it was since the beach.



You MSG!

You quicksand.

Did you just swear at me?

No. It was a compliment.

You think our parents will say yes?

Oh, I thought about it,

and why don't we tell our parents we want to

get our license a little later?

Because they might object?

Well, that, too.

If we tell them we want to try this out first,

from their point of view, it might look weird.

But the bigger reason is if they find out now,

they might try to hide their true feelings,

making it hard to get a good assessment.

What are you saying?

Our parents are included in the evaluation?

Of course.

It's about our married life, so they are included.

Conflicts with each other's in-laws,

the cause and the dangers of them,

and if our families can cause trouble for us,

and if we can be good a daughter- and son-in-law.


We each announce our marriage tonight.


And you persuade your own parents.


Will your parents say no?

Probably. What about your mother?

She won't be able to say no anymore.

She already apologized to you.

I hope so.

Leave my parents to me.

Go for it.

Go for it.

I'm home.

- Hello. / - Did you have a long day?

Hi, Hyeyeong.

- Hyeyeong, have some fruit. / - Come and eat.

Maybe later.

Father, mom, I have something to tell you.

You do?

Should I tell you here?

What is it?

It's okay. Tell us here.

No, don't.

It's about marriage, isn't it? Don't say a word!


This is about marriage?

Yes. Well, I...

I'm going to marry...

No! You can't marry him!

Go ahead. What is it?

Father, mom.

I'm going to marry Hyeyeong.


That's great. I say yes.

But I'll need to meet her first.

Of course. I will introduce her to you.

I object!


Mom, you already...

Says who?

You can't marry her!

How can you think of marrying into that family?

We'll get our marriage license later.

You'll never be able to marry her!

Even if you're against it, I'm doing it.

Yuju, you're an amazing designer.

Why can't you understand me?

They're not giving me work anymore!

Rayeong, are you dating?

No, I'm not.

Ms. Byeon, don't you have a boyfriend?

I threw it long on purpose because I felt mad.

I threw it long on purpose because I felt mad.

You made me work like a dog.

Did you exchange numbers with Jin Seongjun?

What could Mr. Jin Seongjun want with me?

Hey, Judo!

For more infomation >> My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.25 [ENG/IND/2017.06.03] - Duration: 1:06:06.


Why Do Book Copyright Pages Contain "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"? - Duration: 3:47.

Hello I'm Daven Hiskey, you're watching the Today I Found Out YouTube channel.

In the video today, we're looking at why book copyright pages often have the numbers 1-10

written on them The number line, or printer's key, often seen

on the copyright page of books is simply a method of record-keeping that helps identify

the book's printing and, for some, year of printing a specific book, which may or may

not be different than the original copyright date listed elsewhere on the page.

Common examples of these number lines are as follows:

While different publishers use different conventions for these number lines, generally speaking,

the smallest number in the line indicates a books printing.

So if 1 through 10 is at the bottom of the page, it is a first printing; if the number

one has been removed, so the number line is 2 through 10, it is a second printing; and

so on.

The reason they remove a number each time instead of, say, just changing one number

has to do with the way publishers have historically printed books.

For instance, in offset printing, you can relatively easily remove something from the

printing plate, but adding a number would require creating a whole new plate.

You might have also noticed sometimes number lines are accompanied by the words First edition

but that does not necessarily mean it is the first printing; for example, the numbers 3

through 10 accompanied by the text First Edition would indicate the third printing of the first


There may be many printings of an edition, the latter of which may be defined as a single

"setting-up of type without substantial change."

So, if the author doesn't change the text of the book (like text books authors frequently

do), and the pages all stay the same, then if the publisher simply makes another round

of copies, it isn't a new edition, it's just a new printing.

If, however, the pages are substantially modified, or the book is reformatted, such as for printing

in paperback, then the printings in this new format will be a new edition.

Note, though, that it may not be designated as a second edition (or third or fourth),

and instead may be called a first paperback edition, first US edition or Penguin Classics

first edition.

Serious collectors typically consider these last inferior to the cherished first edition,

first printing.

Depending on the publisher, the number line might also indicate the year the printing

was done, as follows.

This reveals that this second printing was done in 1990.

Much like with the print run numbers, if the book is printed again the following year,

the 90 would be removed, leaving the year part of the string as 93 92 91.

Moreover, if the publisher contracts with an outside company to do the printing, that

company may be indicated in the number line as well; in this example, the number line

shows Melissa's Printing Company was hired to do a third printing in 2016.

In addition, some publishers prefer other kinds of lines; for example, Anness Publishing

uses a number line that alternates its digits as follows, and a second or fifth printing

from this publishing company would look like this.

This particular schema is used to keep the number line relatively centered over multiple

print runs.

Further demonstrating the lack of standardization across publishers for the printer's key, the

publishing giant Random House has indicated its first edition, first printing with the

words first edition but with a number line that begins with 2 as follows; however, it

uses this same number, just without the words first edition, to indicate a second printing.

So I hoped you enjoyed this video, if you did please do give it a like below and consider

sharing it with anyone you think might also enjoy it.

It really helps us out a lot.

And if you're at all interested in supporting our efforts monetarily check out our patreon

page linked below.

We've got some good perks there, including perhaps the most requested thing on this channel-

a video of Simon Whistler whistling.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Do Book Copyright Pages Contain "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"? - Duration: 3:47.


Corporate Media Can't Handle the Truth - Independent Media Can - Duration: 5:50.

Just days before the French election, then-candidate Emmanuel Macron's emails were hacked. It

had to be Russia, right?

NSA director Michael Rogers went before the Senate's Armed Forces Committee and testified

that the US saw the Russians "penetrate" French systems.

The Register gave us the headline: "JUST SO WE'RE ALL CLEAR ON THIS: RUSSIA HACKED


The New York Times, Wired, Reuters, The Telegraph, and virtually every other corporate media

outlet went into a frenzy. They did it to Hillary, now they are doing it in France – to

prop up a pro-Russian candidate.

WaPo was quick to jump on the story, publishing an op-ed that slammed WikiLeaks and called

the hacking a cold war by 21st century means.

Now, news is breaking that the head of France's government cybersecurity agency said there

is no trace of Russian Hacking in Macron's campaign and that the hack was so simple that

it could have been carried out by virtually any hacker… anywhere.

The AP reported the story – and a couple of outlets have published it. The Washington

Post has picked the story up, but good luck finding it on the front page. The New York

Times is certainly not pushing the story. Of course, they have a misleading headline:

"Putin Hints at Role of Russians in US Election Meddling" – Putin simply said that private

citizens COULD have participated in the hack. The corporate media isn't really reporting

on the story.

Likewise, you aren't seeing the corporate media holding Big Pharma or Monsanto accountable.

Monsanto even had an EPA manager working on their behalf to shut down an investigation

– but it barely made a dent in the mainstream media. Why? Because it is all about ratings

and clicks and more importantly keeping their advertisers happy.

It seems every commercial break has at least one asinine drug ad and I sure as hell have

seen a TON of Roundup ads on TV. Do you really think that the "news" is going to report

when one of their advertisers products causes cancer or has terrible side effects? That's

a rhetorical question – the answer is no.

But, when an organization like The Ring of Fire stands up to these corporate monsters

and the media they command – WE are the ones that get called "fake news." We're

the ones getting called Russian propaganda.

I'm here to tell you – we don't take our directions from the corporate world. No

advertiser is going to keep any of us here from going after the truth. If the corporate

media won't go after Nexium or Prilosec – you can bet we will. ABC News hasn't

reported on the dangers of Nexium since 2011, even though more and more information continues

to pour in. But Thom Hartmann and our own Mike Papantonio – they aren't going to

let you forget that the drug could cause kidney failure.

But, to find powerful voices like Pap or Thom or Ed Schultz, you have to turn to independent

media. Sites and channels that don't give a rats ass about pissing off an advertiser.

AstraZeneca spends over $1 billion in advertising annually. You think the MSNBC's and ABC's

of the world want to piss them off?

Of course, we're the "fake news." RT America, The Ring of Fire, The Intercept…

all work to bring you the stories that corporate media won't bring you – because we are

only concerned with the truth.

But I get it. You heard James Clapper and NPR and Marcon call RT a pro-Trump, Russian

funded propaganda arm. I mean, those folks would NEVER look for a political scapegoat

– at all.

RT America is FULL of anti-Trump, anti-corporate progressives – but that didn't stop The

Washington Post from saying:

"The station seemed to have a preference for Trump in the run-up to the 2016 campaign."

Is that a little like me saying that The Washington Post seemed to have a preference for shilling

for the CIA with any of the WikiLeaks?

But here is the point: we aren't Russian propaganda – we just won't bow to advertisers.

RT America gives people like Pap an outlet. I'm not going to apologize for that.

If you want to troll us for some imaginary Putin connection – that's fine. But, we're

just going to keep telling you the stories that corporate media won't tell you. If

you want to be in the dark – that's your problem.

For more infomation >> Corporate Media Can't Handle the Truth - Independent Media Can - Duration: 5:50.


TOP 5 Fastest Suv 2018 - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Fastest Suv 2018 - Duration: 12:51.


GG LIVE | DARK SOULS III #1 (PC) - Duration: 6:33:23.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | DARK SOULS III #1 (PC) - Duration: 6:33:23.



For more infomation >> 🔴 TRINCA FERRO 3 NOTAS COM BOI CANTANDO MUITO ! - Duration: 30:23.


5 AMAZING FUTURISTIC VEHICLES That Could Change How We Travel #16 - Duration: 10:04.

5 Amazing Futuristic Vehicles that could change how we travel.

No. 5 Toyota FCV Plus Hydrogen Fuel Cell concept car.

Having developed its Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) from concept to fully fledged production,

Toyota subsequently unveiled the FCV Plus.

In addition to being hydrogen-powered, the FCV Plus was designed to be a power source itself.

It effectively becomes a mobile power source, able to be used as a "stable source of electric

power" for the home, to feed back into the grid or to charge other cars.

Along with other components, including the drivetrain, The fuel cell stack of the FCV

Plus has been miniaturized, while still allowing it to be spacious inside.

Toyota characterizes it as being the length of a compact car with the cabin of a large

saloon, and I'm pretty sure they meant sedan because a saloon on wheels does not sound

a good idea.

The fuel efficiency of the vehicle is improved as a result of the lower weight afforded by

its smaller parts and aerodynamic design.

It is also said to be well balanced as a result of its major components being split between

both the front and rear ends.

Elsewhere, all four wheels of the FCV Plus boasts in-wheel motors, and it has near-panoramic visibility.

The Toyota FCV Plus Hydrogen Fuel Cell concept car.

No. 4: The Scorpion 3 Hoverbike

The Scorpion 3 was designed to look like a heavy-duty sport-utility motorbike combined

with flight qualities which provide speed and maneuvering.

The machine basically surfs through the air by changing altitude and direction.

The SCORPION platform is a single-seat aircraft and a unique electric-powered vessel combining

a motorcycle seat with quadcopter drone technology bringing speed agility and stability of flight

to the hands of amateur and professional navigators.

For the moment, the SCORPION platform is increasingly seen as an extreme sports instrument, yet

the vessel's transportation potential remains quite evident.

The The scorpion 3 hoverbike.

No. 3: Mini's transparent concept car.

It's impossible to miss the striking transparency of its front and spartan minimalism of its interior.

Where other cars have instrument clusters, this Mini has a single bar, which accommodates

just two components: the steering wheel, which can slide across between passengers, and that

iconic round speedometer.

A much larger circular arrangement is positioned where the engine would usually be — this

is an all-electric vehicle, because BMW firmly believes that electric cars are the future of mobility.

It's entirely about car-sharing.

The idea is that the vehicle could be called to your location with an app, arriving autonomously,

ready for your use — no need to own one.

The entire car adapts to whoever is currently using it.

The silver exterior acts as a projection screen, letting the driver change colors and patterns on the fly.

Want a Mini in solid red?

Covered in stripes or plads?

And once you have your Mini preferences set, they'll be stored in the cloud and automatically

restored to the Mini that recognizes you.

It's all a little far-out, but then again, it kind of isn't: BMW (and the auto industry

at large) have started taking car sharing very, very seriously.

The Mini's transparent concept car.


No. 2: SENSORCHESTRA - from Bosch

Discover with your own ears and eyes how sensors are accelerating cars into a new era of connectivity.

Opening up new possibilities on, and off, the road.

By tracking things like markers on the road and the distance between cars, sensors from

Bosch help keep car travel in harmony.

The apex of the experience: automated driving.

Imagine tackling tasks at home – from the comfort of your car.

Like a personal assistant with super powers, the Connected Car links to your Smart Home,

helping you tick off your to-do list.

A phone conference and you're stuck in traffic?

Colleagues need your feedback pronto?

Working on the go is simpler in the Connected Car.

Thanks to the innovative touchscreen that keeps you fully tuned in.

Sensorchestra –from Bosch

No. 1: Volocopter VC200

March 30, 2016 marked the first manned flight of the Volocopter VC 200.

The flight was totally awesome" says Alex Zosel right after his landing.

"The machine was absolutely reliable, there were no vibrations, it was tremendous."

One significant advantage of the Volocopter is its ability to be operated unmanned.

This allowed the e-volo development team to fly the new aircraft from the ground via remote

control with a special permit during the test flights.

The flight characteristics can be predetermined by altering the parameters in the control


The goal is to program the Volocopter as a sporty and agile aircraft while also preventing

unsafe flight maneuvers, no matter how aggressively the pilot operates the joystick.

I'll take two!

The Volocopter VC200

For more infomation >> 5 AMAZING FUTURISTIC VEHICLES That Could Change How We Travel #16 - Duration: 10:04.


vedavyas - Duration: 0:15.

link in description

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