Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

[HTF Theme Song]


Over The Payphone..

I Try To Keep My Cool But,

My Life Turns In Slow Motion..

Bye Bye Baby Blue..

I Wish You Could See The Wicked Truth.

Caught Up In A Rush, Its Killing You.

Screaming At The Sun, You Blow Into.

Curled Up In A Grip When We Were Us..

All I Wanna Do Is!


And I!


I like it.

Hye! Ho!

For more infomation >> Stuff Strange Never Finished - Duration: 2:02.


🚼 Lego Batman and Penguin - Batmobile Lego toys Unboxing and Review for kids fun - Duration: 7:02.

Lego Batman and Penguin - Batmobile Lego toys unboxing and review for kids fun

For more infomation >> 🚼 Lego Batman and Penguin - Batmobile Lego toys Unboxing and Review for kids fun - Duration: 7:02.


Dream League Soccer 17 #3 - 0-2 Aquecimento para o Campeonato! - Duration: 14:05.

For more infomation >> Dream League Soccer 17 #3 - 0-2 Aquecimento para o Campeonato! - Duration: 14:05.


Hal yang di Lakukan Pecinta Bis ? #KnowledgeBus - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Hal yang di Lakukan Pecinta Bis ? #KnowledgeBus - Duration: 1:58.




According to an expert in glaciology, the so-called �Great Deluge� which is documented

in the story of Noah in the Old Testament of the Bible and various folkloric tales from

all corners of the world is not just a story.

�I don�t think the biblical deluge is just a fairy tale, � says Terence J Hughes,

a retired glaciologist who once worked at the University of Maine and is now based in

South Dakota.

�I think some major flood happened all over the world, and it left an indelible imprint

on the collective memory of mankind that got preserved in these stories.�

Disturbingly, not only does Hughes believe that the Great Deluge was a real event, but

he also thinks that it is very likely that it could happen again shortly.

It is believed that the origin of a potential second Great Deluge could lie in Antarctica

where there appears to be an escalating and highly dangerous process of glacial erosion

and melting at this current time.

Observers who have traveled to the icy continent to observe the damage themselves have described

terrifying scenes where ice sheets flow downhill, and new, enormous floating ice shelves are

forming at a never before seen rate.

Scientists who are permanently based in Antarctica have reported numerous problems with their

bases because of the escalating process of melting and erosion of the existing ice shelf.

Scientists and environmentalists have been warning for years

that a

collapse of the vast but delicate portions of Antarctica�s ice sheets could raise the

sea level for the entire world in a fairly drastic way.

This could threaten the existence of a large number of low-lying islands scattered all

over the world as well as posing an existential threat to the world�s large and populous

coastal cities such as Miami, New York, and Shanghai.

For more infomation >> THE BIBLICAL DELUGE ISN'T A FAIRY TALE IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN! - Duration: 5:13.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Howard Stark 1943 Stark Expo (Scene) | HD - Duration: 3:54.

I don't see what the problem is.

You're about to be the last eligible man in New York.

You know there's three and a half million women here?

Well, I'd settle for just one.

Good thing I took care of that.

Hey, Bucky!

What'd you tell her about me?

Only the good stuff.

Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavilion

and the World of Tomorrow.

A greater world. A better world.

Oh, my God! It's starting!

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark!

I love you, Howard!

Ladies and gentlemen,

what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile

won't even have to touch the ground at all?

Yes. Thanks, Mandy.

With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology

you'll be able to do just that.

Holy cow.

I did say a few years, didn't I?

Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat these girls...

Come on, soldier.

Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a double date.

We're taking the girls dancing.

You go ahead. I'll catch up with you.

You're really going to do this again?

Well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck.

As who, Steve from Ohio?

They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you.

Look, I know you don't think I can do this.

This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war.

- I know it's a war. - Why are you so keen to fight?

- There are so many important jobs. - What do you want me to do?

Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon?

- Yes. Why not? - I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky.

Bucky, come on. There are men laying down their lives.

I got no right to do any less than them.

That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me.

Right. 'Cause you got nothing to prove.

Hey, Sarge! Are we going dancing?

Yes, we are.

Don't do anything stupid until I get back.

How can I?

You're taking all the stupid with you.

- You're a punk. - Jerk.

Be careful.

Don't win the war till I get there!

Come on, girls. They're playing our song.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Howard Stark 1943 Stark Expo (Scene) | HD - Duration: 3:54.


The Rules of Sumo Wrestling - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 5:24.

Ninh explains, the Rules of Sumo Wrestling Sumo Wrestling is Japan's oldest sport,

that is contested between two wrestlers known as Rikishi (no, not this kind of Rikishi)

and takes place in a clay ring known as a Dohyo.

The ring itself is roughly 4.5m in diameter.

The object of the game is to either force your opponent out of the ring, or make him

touch the floor with anything other than the soles of his feet.

If you manage to do either of these things, the referee will point to your side of the

Dohyo and you win the match.

Once both Sumo wrestlers touch the ground with their fists, the match begins.

You are allowed to push your opponent, slap your opponent,

grab their Mawashi or Loin Cloth, lock their limbs,

redirect them out of the ring, trip them up,

throw them out of the ring … or really throw them!

There's also things you cannot do, which will result in your instant disqualification.

You cannot punch your opponent, poke them in any sensitive area, grab around the crotch

area, and if your Mawashi comes off, you are disqualified immediately.

There is no time limit and matches can last from anything from 4 seconds to 4 minutes.

Come on Ninh, these are just fat dudes wearing diapers.

This is a joke, right?

Unfortunately this is no laughing matter.

Sumo is Japan's national sport and Rikishi devote their entire lives to training, gaining

weight and learning the art of Sumo.

They may be tubby around the mid-section, but they are strongmen, with fast reflexes

and incredible balance.

The heaviest professional can top 287kg or 633 lbs, so imagine trying to push that out

of the ring.

It's not easy and Sumo Wrestling is an incredibly difficult sport to master.

Whilst the Rules of Sumo are easy to understand, everything else around it is not.

There's a few other things you'll need to know before playing or watching Sumo.

For example: Pre-Match Ritual

Without going into too much detail, the process to start a Sumo wrestling match is a religious

ceremony that includes, cleansing their mouths, throwing salt to purify the ring, stamping

out evil spirits, showing their opponent that they want to fight fair and have no weapons,

and psyching each other out.

Mono-ii If there is a dispute as to who won the bout,

5 judges dressed in black will step into the ring to discuss the match.

This is known as 'mono-ii' and they will decide to either agree with the referee, overturn

the referee's decision, or if they still cannot decide, order a rematch and make both

Rikishi wrestle again.

Gyoji The referee in a sumo match is known as the


He is dressed in colourful robes and holds a wooden fan in his right hand, which he uses

to signal the winner.

Gyoji are ranked for superiority with the highest ranked Gyoji wearing extravagant silks

and purple robe decorations – which is the colour of Japanese nobility.

Prize Money Before some Sumo Matches, you might see these

colourful banners being paraded around the ring.

These are sponsor banners and the fee that sponsors pay acts as the prize money.

The winning Rikishi is awarded the prize in envelopes from the Gyoji.

More sponsors equals more prize money.

Tournament Sumo matches usually take place in tournaments.

Each Rikishi contests in one match every day for 15 straight days in the top division,

or 7 straight days in lower divisions.

The Rikishi with the most wins in any one tournament is proclaimed the winner.

If two Rikishi have the same record, they must fight each other to be crowned the tournament


Ranking These are the 10 ranks of Professional Sumo,

and based on your wins and losses, you could be promoted or demoted a rank based on your


If you are in the top 5 ranks, this is known as Makuuchi or the Top Division, where your

matches are televised and your starting salary is significantly higher than the bottom 5


Yokozuna The goal of every Sumo Wrestler is to reach

the rank of Yokozuna (no, not this kind of Yokozuna), but the rank of Grand Champion.

The criteria is strict, but in short, you have to be at least an Ozeki who has won 2

straight tournaments (or an equivalent performance) and have the unanimous vote of the Yokozuna

Deliberation Council of the Japan Sumo Association to be crowned a Yokozuna or Grand Champion.

You can tell who he is, as he's the one that wears this white rope during ceremonies

and there can be more than one Yokozuna at a time.

Yokozuna are treated like Gods in Japan, and they earn significant money, fame and honour

as the top sumo wrestler in the world.

If you have found this video helpful, be sure to like share and subscribe.

It takes me ages to make one of these things and good karma is very much appreciated.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter also and share this video on Reddit, but in the meantime,

Enjoy Sumo Wrestling.

Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK

For more infomation >> The Rules of Sumo Wrestling - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 5:24.


Millenium FX's Gary Pollard Talks Series 10 Monsters - The Aftershow - Doctor Who: The Fan Show - Duration: 18:45.

For more infomation >> Millenium FX's Gary Pollard Talks Series 10 Monsters - The Aftershow - Doctor Who: The Fan Show - Duration: 18:45.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Bucky Barnes Saves Steve Rogers | HD - Duration: 3:18.

O'Connell, Michael.

Kaminsky, Henry.

Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there.

Rogers, Steven.

It kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?



- What did your father die of? - Mustard gas.

He was in the 107th Infantry. I was hoping I could be assigned...

- Your mother? - She was a nurse in a TB ward.

Got hit. Couldn't shake it.

- Sorry, son. - Look, just give me a chance.

You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone.

Is there anything you can do?

I'm doing it.

I'm saving your life.

War continues to ravage Europe.

But help is on the way.

Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country.

Even little Timmy is doing his part

collecting scrap metal.

Nice work, Timmy!

Who cares?

Play the movie already!

Hey, you wanna show some respect?

Meanwhile, overseas,

our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price

of freedom is never too high.

Let's go! Get on with it!

Hey, just start the cartoon!

Hey, you wanna shut up?

Together with Allied forces, we'll face any threat,

no matter the size.

You just don't know when to give up, do you?

I can do this all day.


Pick on someone your own size.

Sometimes I think you like getting punched.

I had him on the ropes.

How many times is this?

You're from Paramus now?

You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form.

And seriously, Jersey?

You get your orders?

The 107th.

Sergeant James Barnes,

shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.

I should be going.

Come on, man.

My last night! I got to get you cleaned up.

Why? Where are we going?

The future.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Bucky Barnes Saves Steve Rogers | HD - Duration: 3:18.


Magnolia seeds have germinated - Duration: 2:19.

Hi I'm George, Germinated Magnolia seeds received from Lyn in Ireland

Hi Lyn :) and the seeds I planted in April

And then I made a video when I planted them

After that they began to germinate, not all

Because the magnolia seeds germinate very hard and

And I'm happy to have germinated some seeds, about 7-8

Kind of like, and I've stratified them for at least 3 months

And I want to show you the results

You can subscribe to Lyn's channel is up there

Here's how the magnolias from the seeds look

They grew very beautiful, these two are very beautiful

And another leaf grows, it's really cool

If Lyn would see this video She will be very happy

That she sent me the seeds of her Magnolia tree

She has a great magnolia tree

And she sent me and it is very interesting to grow magnolia from Ireland

And there are some 10 seeds germinated

At first I said that 8 are germinated, but there are actually 10 if we count

Here three, here three, six already

Seven, eight, nine

And here another one germinated

Not long ago

There are many free places, they probably will germinate a few

So we'll see until then, but it's really cool

I'm happy, I did not think they would germinate

That they are quite difficult to germinate

And that's it

We will see how they grow, but I like these two, very gorgeous

Afterward, all will be like that two

And this, and this

I hope the magnolia grows nicely

We will see further, thank you for watching

leave a like, distribute this video And subscribe to my channel

Bye :)

For more infomation >> Magnolia seeds have germinated - Duration: 2:19.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Johann Schmidt & Tesseract Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 4:13.

Open it!

Quickly, before he...

It has taken me a long time to find this place.

You should be commended.

Help him up.

I think that you are a man of great vision.

And, in this way, we are much alike.

I am nothing like you.

No, of course, but

what others see as superstition, you and I know to be a science.

What you seek is just a legend.

Then why make such an effort to conceal it?

The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room.

It is not something one buries.

But I think it is close, yes?

I cannot help you.

No. But maybe you can help your village.

You must have some friends out there. Some little grandchildren, perhaps?

I have no need for them to die.


Tree of the world.

Guardian of wisdom.

And fate, also.

And the Führer digs for trinkets in the desert.

You have never seen this, have you?

It's not for the eyes of ordinary men.


Give the order to open fire.

Fool! You cannot control the power you hold.

You will burn!

I already have.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Johann Schmidt & Tesseract Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 4:13.


Books for Kids: Hello, Universe - Duration: 6:36.

"That's the problem, people don't want to listen to their thoughts so they fill the

world with noise."

Well said.

Hi guys, it's Carrie Anne from EverythingMom and this week's book pick is perfect for middle

grade readers or tweens.

Hello, Universe.

And actually this book came in the March Owlcrate Jr. subscription box.

And I'll include a link to that unboxing sharing a little bit about the service.

So if you have a tween and you like to expose them to some really great literature and a

little bit of fun, you might want to check that out.

The book that came in the March box after my daughter read it I finally got a chance

to read it.

So the premise of this story is kind of unlikely friends and there are a number of unlikely

friends in this book.

So there's Virgil who's a bit shy and self conscious and doesn't necessarily have a lot

of friends.

There is Valencia who is deaf and because of this she doesn't necessarily fit in at

school but is Virgil's infatuation interest.

There's Kaori who is a very strong female character but she also has this, what she

believes is this second sight and this mystic power.

Something very different from the rest of her family.

And Chet who is a bit of a bully at school.

He has teased Valencia because of her hearing aids.

He constantly bugs Virgil because of his self consciousness.

So all four of these characters seem to collide in this story in a series of unusual events.

And in most cases you would say what kind of unfolds is a coincidence.

But as Kaori would say, there's no such thing as coincidence.

It's the universe speaking.

Now I'm not really a believer of fate in general but I do have this sense that what you kind

of put out there in the universe can come back to you.

So if you're kind of an angry, bitter, and just mean to people that will kind of, it

kind of eats at you and it comes back in how people interact with you.

Versus if you're more open and understanding, that you'll get a lot more of that in return.

So I really like that premise of it.

I loved too that this, the friendship that kind of evolves from these kids who aren't

necessarily friends to begin with, are very different.

An unfortunate act and something that can be pretty scary, that they are able to work

together with each other's strong suit as a team to solve the problem.

So I love that aspect of it.

A lot of stories tend to be told by a single voice, a single character.

In this particular one there are, it's told by two sometimes three voices.

Not mixing them in the chapter.

But one chapter will be from Valencia.

Another chapter will be from Kaori.

Another chapter will be from Virgil.

And I have read other books in the past that have tried to do that, tried to tell a story

from two characters' point of view, alternating chapters and I haven't always been impressed

with how that's done.

You tend to after awhile loose the character differences and they start to blend together.

Actually I found in Hello, Universe that the author did actually quite a good job.

When reading you did get a sense of, from the dialog and from behaviour, who the character


I mean, it was obviously from the title of the chapter but even when you were reading

it, you could put yourself into that mindset of that particular character.

So I thought that was done really well.

I also liked that the book has some very, like the characters were very distinct and

somewhat different.

So that depending on your child, there will be elements of either one character or all

the characters that they'll be able to relate to.

Who hasn't been in a scenario where somebody had you know picked on them.

Who hasn't been in a scenario where there's been something different about them that made

them self conscious.

Who hasn't been in a scenario where they didn't really felt like they fit with their family,

that they felt like they were kind of an outsider in certain circumstances just because they

had a different interest in things than everybody else.

And then this sort of takes place in the summer, school's just ended so this is kind of like

a great sort of kick off to summer, this little adventure.

Then from this adventure they find each other and it leaves it at that.

You're left with the imagination of how their friendship sort of unfolds over the summer

holidays and how these characters are now going to be very different when they return

to school after summer break.

Hello, Universe is a great book for tweens.

Perfect as we enter, get close to entering the summer holidays, you're looking for something

for the kids to read.

So and I also have to thank Owlcrate Jr.for introducing me or actually my daughter to

this book in the March box.

And if you're looking for a gift idea or a way to get the kids excited about reading

over the summer break, at the cottage, summer camp or just at home, you might want to check

out Owlcrate so I'll include the link to that.

Also a special code for you in case you're interested in ordering for your tween so you

can save on your first order.

That's this week's book pick.

Hello, Universe.

Perfect for tweens.

If you have an age range that you're interested in or your kids have a particular hobby or

fascination, be sure to leave it in the comments below so I can keep that in mind for future

book reviews.

Don't forget if you enjoyed this video give it a little thumbs up.

As always, you can find me here on Wednesdays talking books for kids but I'm also here sharing

mom confessions, talking family travel, and other just fun family stuff.

So, don't forget to subscribe so you know when the next video is published and until

next time.


For more infomation >> Books for Kids: Hello, Universe - Duration: 6:36.


Cherry Cheesecake Hershey's Bar flavor of NYC - Duration: 2:55.

all my snack heads would ah cheering cheesecake Hershey's chocolate bar I

should have been to this because I'd be passed by when I'm in and while I'd be

passing by the energy store but I'd be forgetting I'd be driving and it'd be

hard to park and I don't feel like getting no ticket and yeah but I finally

got it mine's right now is a little broke right

here and that's what this this decide I'm gonna eat right it just broke in

half cod is so fragile cuz I kept it in the freezer that's how I like my

chocolate bar if you do it like that big shout out to you yeah man

cherry cheesecake never done before her cheese bar mmm oh wow look you see that

and look like little cheesecake crunches that's inside the right chocolate that's

what it is it gotta be it is dope because I love cheesecake I love

cherries I love chocolate why not put them together like to taste it head go


mmm so it is like the crunch like little type of crunch and cheesecake look I

knew it is a little cheesecake flavor strawberry or cherry flavor that's in it

and I guess the other chocolate tastes like the cheesecake no this is pretty

good Wow look like complete different tastes

right here but um that's pretty good I'll give this like a three if you want

to taste it you know it's worth it they're not they're not expensive at all

they're like a dollar something um especially if you're a fan of white

chocolate I'm not a big fan of white chocolate but the white chocolate do

taste like like cheesecake and like I said the little cherry dot things in

there's like little dots but it tastes like the crunch Turner G crunch thing in

it but oh cheerio this is all right man yeah I'll give it like a three yo

Hershey's I'll get it's like a three man Yalta your top things are they banging

it ain't a fire but inside I don't know if I'll buy again but if you want to

taste it it's a good especially if you're a fan of white chocolate man I

recommend this um I do I like the cherry inside of it man well anyways man see

boys he snack thanks for watching thanks for subscribing if you didn't subscribe

yet go ahead and hit that subscribe button

oh you know what if you want to get creative with this you know what you do

buy like three of these get your favorite ice cream I say like a vanilla

ice cream or like a cheesecake that take a couple of these throw it in the

blender blended it all up you got a Hersey's flavor New York

cherry cheesecake milkshake

For more infomation >> Cherry Cheesecake Hershey's Bar flavor of NYC - Duration: 2:55.


רובי ראובני, אולפני שיר ושיר בעצמך, במשוב על סמינר אסטרטגיה מנצחת של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> רובי ראובני, אולפני שיר ושיר בעצמך, במשוב על סמינר אסטרטגיה מנצחת של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 0:46.


Giant Spider Attacks Girl Гигантский паук нападает на детей / Смотреть паук нападает на девочку - Duration: 2:43.

Giant Spider Attacks Girl

For more infomation >> Giant Spider Attacks Girl Гигантский паук нападает на детей / Смотреть паук нападает на девочку - Duration: 2:43.


ASMR Roleplay Happy Birthday | GigiASMR - Duration: 7:15.

ASMR Roleplay Happy Birthday


For more infomation >> ASMR Roleplay Happy Birthday | GigiASMR - Duration: 7:15.


Top 3 BEST Legendary Raid Primaries in Age of Triumph - Duration: 6:24.

Hi Guardians, today we will be looking at the Top 3 Best Legendary Raid Primaries that

you can get from the raids.

These guns are arguably more desirable than their Elemental Adept versions which takes

up an exotic slot , so you will need to sacrifice things like a Black Spindle, Sleeper Stimulant

or a Gjallarhorn to use an Elemental Primary.

In a high skill pve activity like a raid you are probably better off with just a legendary

primary, so let's have a look at the top 3 best legendary raid primary in the game.

In the number three spot we have the Fang of Ir Yut scout rifle from the Crota's end


This scout rifle sits in the popular 48 impact archetype similar like the hung jury, cryptic

dragon and vision of confluence.

This gun has everything you want from a good scout , it has solid base stats and is an

overall very balanced gun.

It has very solid perks like spray and play, perfect balance and third eye , which makes

it useful for any encounters in PVE but it is also useful for Pvp as well if you prefer

scouts in the crucible.

This is easily one of the best scout rifle that you can get from all the raids.

However this gun sits at the number 3 spot because despite it being an overall good scout

it does not have anything in particular that stands out compared with the other guns in

this top 3.

Thus it earns the number 3 spot.

In the number 2 spot we have the King's Fall pulse rifle the Smite of Merain.

I have here the Adept elemental primary version with the firefly perk , and the legendary

version comes with one of the four perks in the final slot , which is

Glass half full Life support

Firefly And Danger close

Out of these four Firefly is definitely the one that you want to have on your legendary

smite of merain.

This is an excellent pulse rifle for any pve activity, the gun has an healthy mag size

of 30, solid range and the recoil is very easy to manage.

Combine this with Firefly and the gun is just so nice to use in any PVE activity where you

can easily deal with large crowd of enemies.

On top of this since it is a King's Fall raid weapon it comes with the cocoon perk

which automatically reloads the gun when this is stowed, so you can switch around to your

secondary or heavy and when you switch back it will be reloaded so you can immediately

continue your fight in the game.

Definitely use this against any Taken encounters since it also has the Will of light perk which

deals bonus damage to taken enemies.

So as you can see the Smite of Merain with Firefly has solid perk options which works

very well together and it is easily the best raid pulse rifle in the game.

And thus it earns the number 2 spot.

And in the number one spot we actually have two guns.

The Vision of Confluence Scout rifle and the Fatebringer hand cannon which both can be

earned from the Vault of Glass raid.

The reason we have two guns in the number 1 spot is because they are both excellent

guns in their own territory..

The Fatebringer is an amazing hand cannon with such a great collection of perks with

Firelfy , Outlaw and explosive rounds which negates all the of weaknesses of using a hand


Traditionally hand cannons suffer from range dropoffs, slow reload and they have a low

mag size.

Having only ten rounds means that you will have trouble dealing large crowd of enemies,

however this is negated with the firefly perk.

Now you can easily deal with multiple enemies with firefly and this also procs outlaw which

means that you can have a fast reload.

And the range dropoff is kinda negated with explosive rounds which does not suffer from

range drop off which allows the fatebringer to still being able to do some damage on those

longer ranges.

So the gun is very strong on the short to medium range , however even though it has

explosive rounds you will struggle with hitting enemies which are further away, also hand

cannons has been hit with an ammo nerf so you will be looking for ammo most of the time.

This can become a problem in certain parts of the raid where you need to lock down a

specific platform or area which will not allow you to find ammo for your primary.

On the other hand we have the Vision of Confluence which is an excellent scout rifle with superb

stability and it has an high mag size 19 and it is full auto!

It is without a doubt the king of scouts in the game.

Where the Fatebringer lacks in range and ammo, the vision of confluence makes that up, since

it is a scout rifle you won't be having problems with hitting targets that are further

away and it generally does not suffer from any ammo issues as with the Fatebringer.

You have plenty of ammo to lock down a certain platform or area in the raid without the need

to search for white ammo blocks.

And that is why these two guns are in the number 1 spot , because they are both the

best gun to use depending on the situation.

If you are in a short to medium range encounters like most of the areas in the vault of glass

use the fatebringer , if you are out on an open map with targets from a far like the

King's Fall raid, there you will be better off with the Vision of confluence.

And you want to switch these two guns around as well based on the ammo needed in each encounter.

For example I would prefer to use the vision in the Vosik fight simply because there are

so many adds and you don't want to die because you ran out of ammo.

But on the other hand I would prefer the Fatebringer in the Vault of glass raid, which has more

flexibility for you to run around to get ammo since you are not forced to stay at a particular

area in comparison with the Vosik encounter.

These two guns are easily the best legendary primaries in the game and if you don't have

one yet go get it, these guns sound great, look great, and are fantastic to use.

These are truly trophies of beating the hardest activity in the game.

Let me know your thoughts on the top 3.

If there is any gun or other top 3 that you want see from me, let me know in the comment

section below.

A Like is appreciated if you enjoyed this and if want to see more destiny content with

tips and tricks, and weapon review videos then subscribe and help me get closer to that

2000 subscriber goal.

Thanks for watching guys , and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

For more infomation >> Top 3 BEST Legendary Raid Primaries in Age of Triumph - Duration: 6:24.


The Most Mind Blowing Sinking The RMS Titanic - History of The World [TheScreeNFactS] - Duration: 4:50.

Hi, Welcome to another the Screen Facts Video

In this video we are talk about

The Most Mind Blowing Sinking the RMS Titanic

History of The World

The luxury steamship RMS Titanic

sank in the front hours of April 15, 1912

off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic

after sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage

Of the 2,240 passengers and crew vis--vis

speaking board, on peak of 1,500 aimless

their lives in the grief-stricken. Titanic has inspired

countless books, articles and films

and her fable has entered the public consciousness

as a cautionary fable not quite the perils

of human hubris. Before If you're new

to visit our channel please subscribe

& give this video big thumbs up let's begin


The Royal Mail Steamer Titanic

was the product of intense competition

in the midst of opponent shipping lines

in the first half of the 20th century

In particular, the White Star Line found itself

in a scuffle for steamship primacy considering

Cunard, a venerable British unadulterated

subsequent to two standout ships

that ranked together plus the most

sophisticated and luxurious of their become dated

Cunard's Mauretania began benefits in 1907

and rapidly set a readiness baby book

for the fastest average eagerness during

a transatlantic crossing (23.69 knots or 27.26 mph)

a title that it held for 22 years

Cunard's totaling masterpiece, Lusitania

launched the related year and

was lauded for its spectacular interiors

Lusitania met its tragic cease upon May

7, 1915, taking into account than a

torpedo blazing by a German U-ship

sunk the boat, killing a propos 1,200

of the 1,959 people upon board

and precipitating the United States

dealings into World War I

Passengers traveling first class concerning

Titanic were not in the estrange afield

off from 44 percent more likely

to survive than adding together passengers

The same year that Cunard unveiled

its two magnificent liners

J. Bruce Is may, chief government of White Star

discussed the construction of three large ships

when William J. Pirrie, chairman of the

shipbuilding company Harland and Wolff

Part of a choice Olympic class of liners

each ship would doing 882 feet in length

and 92.5 feet at their broadest narrowing

making them the largest of their times

In March 1909, do something began

in the serious Harlan and Wolff

shipyard in Belfast, Ireland, regarding the second

of these three ocean liners, Titanic, and

continued nonstop for two years

On May 31, 1911, Titanic's big hull the largest

variable manmade mean in the world

at the times made its way the length

of the slipways and into the River Lagan

Lagan in Belfast. More than 100,000 people

attended the launching, which took just

on summit of a minute and went

off without a hitch


According to some hypotheses, large

was doomed from the beginning by a style

that a lot of lauded as progressive

The Olympic-class ships featured a double bottom

and fifteen watertight divider compartments

equipped with electrical watertight

doors that might be operated separately

or at the same time by a put on the bridge

It was these watertight bulkheads

that impressed Shipbuilder magazine

in a very special issue dedicated to the Olympic liners

to regard them "practically unsinkable

But the watertight compartment style

contained a flaw that was a essential

think about Titanic's sinking: whereas the individual

bulkheads were so watertight, the walls

separating the bulkheads extended solely

a couple of feet higher than the water line

thus water may pour from one compartment

into another, particularly if the ship

began to list or pitch forward

For more infomation >> The Most Mind Blowing Sinking The RMS Titanic - History of The World [TheScreeNFactS] - Duration: 4:50.


Minecraft Windows 10 - Protect Your Server With Command Blocks - Duration: 12:55.

hey GriMFreaks here and today we are going to be taking a look at eight command

block creations that you can use for your minecraft Windows 10 realms server

so before we get started I just wanted to give a shout out to LegoAidan10155

who many of these creations are inspired after so if you have a chance go check

them out on Twitter and so let's get right into this already so the first

creation we have here is the TNT G spawner so of course as you can tell by

the title what this does is D spawns the TNT after it is ignited so that is a

pretty sweet thing if you want to have that in your server and you don't want

to have like an add-on installed or whatever you can just do this very

simple command block and creation and that will just prevent people from

destroying stuff so it's a pretty simple actually and I'll leave a link of course

like I said earlier to download this world so you can see all the creations

in more detail and so this one there's a little difference between these two here

and that this one just do spawns the TNT but this one has this extra block here

which will clear the TNT from that players tear from the Eze inventory so

that is a pretty cool thing there if you don't want that person or any person in

the server to have CNC that it will actually just take it pick it out of

their inventory so if that's a pretty cool creation for your own server so now

let's move on to the anti grease spawn so this one is actually one of my

favorites and that is it's pretty awesome that you can protect your spawns

and you know people who can't destroy it or whatever so as you can see here it

works by cloning a second one that we have down here

you can see what your cloning so pretty much what you're doing is you have to

build your spawn or whatever it is that you don't want to be destroyed and so

you build it wherever and then what's like command blocks you clone it to the

actual place where you want it so we want to up here so you would you would

clone it over to your spawn or wherever and so this is just using the clone

command with a repeat command block and that's all you have to do is just clone

it over to the spot where you want it and then because it clones whenever you

destroy a block it will actually drop that block so people like if I was

mining right here it would just keep on dropping stone breaks and so that would

be like a really easy way for people just a kid stone brick so we have this

other one which just removes the drops so that will just delete whatever comes

out of a person breaking that if you get when I'm putting down you know I'm

saying already up next is the automatic shop and this one is also one of my

favorite creations although there are a few bugs with it we will see but let's

just test it out you know I got some three emeralds and one emerald gives me

64 of City and that's a pretty sweet deal I'd say so you know I gather yeah a

few stacks there I just used up to three and you can see I have the three stacks

and in creative mode that's why it also gives you this cool message here

purchase successful you every see is obsidian time 64 and so that's awesome

but one major bug with us for right now is that you can click it

one more time and it well it will still give you another

stack and that's just one little bugs I have with it but this one is a little

bit more complicated than the others although it's not really if you just

follow what we have made here pretty much this is a if-then statement like so

if the person has five the person has an emerald then it will be true and it will

give you 64 but if the person doesn't have any emeralds then it will be false

and the person purchase will be failed so that's a pretty cool thing to do with

the command blocks and you also have the successful message communion block there

so that's another very awesome creation and all I mean pretty much all of these

are like so awesome for your server if you want to actually you know have a

really good flavor with people who you might not even trust all that much and

so the next one is going to be the hidden door so this one is also really

cool walk up to the course block and there you go that's all it is you can

walk up and it will open the secret door and so what this does is pretty much

when you walk up to it this command block right here will detect that you

walked up to it and then it will trigger this one which will remove these blocks

by filling it with air and then when you get out of it this little thingy here

will trigger this one which then fills it back up with the stone breaks so that

is a very awesome thing and you can make the store like much bigger if you wanted

to or you could just really you can put it anywhere and it would just be a so

secret and it's pretty sweet so that's not very sweet one let's check out this

one next this is the anti wither pretty self-explanatory it's pretty complicated

as well but it's uh you know it's still

pretty a decent and that it's not really like all that complicated like you can

just copy it and it will work but so basically what you're doing with this

repeats command block is testing for wither and so if we just go into here

and grab some stuff we can spawn in a wither and so what it does is it will

send the weather when we make it over this one get up there

thank you it actually sends the weather right up there all the way up really

high and you can send it pretty much wherever you just want to make sure that

you keep it in range of the command blocks so basically all I did was I

cheap teleported the weather just really high in the sky and so of course it went

all the way up there and then this will say that then energy is banned

everything's identity has been do not Center something and so pretty much

because the way the game works is that the the command blocks does it doesn't

want to kill it on like the first try here like look at here

once you teleport it away then and use some time to like load up like you know

how when the wither spawns like that little bar shows up and it starts to

like a load so basically this will teleport it away from you to avoid the

danger or the threat of the weather and then and then it will teleport it again

to the same exact spot where it was before we told ported it before and then

it will kill it and then it will remove the Stars eyedrops

so that is a pretty cool creation that's why we had all the of these guys here

and repeaters and so our next one will be the jump block so this is awesome

actually and walk up the stairs and it sends you up like a little flight

let me just get all the stuff out of here yeah so this is like if you wanted

to climb a wall or something you can just walk up here and it could be like

secret to like you could just have like a little secret thing and another really

awesome part of this is that the command is so simple but you can also make this

like 100 if you want and it will send you all the way up so I thought that was

really cool and yeah so that's that's really sweet it's really simple to just

so one-line hope open in what all right there yeah all right so this is mob

protection so of course this is another pretty cool thing to protect your server

and so try to spawn that creep here we go into here and we spawn a creeper and

it automatically kills the creeper and so you could also if you wanted to I

guess you wouldn't really want to put a message on it because creepers could

spawn you know naturally but uh pretty much what it does it detects for the mob

that you want so of course this can do skeletons and zombies as well and it

detects for that and then it will kill that mob and then they'll also delete

the drops the mod drops so that people can't get them so that is a no they're

pretty cool the command block creation and the last one we have here is a

snowball and your pearl so we go check this out so snowball to see what the

kree does all righty well enderpearl snowball

and that's what it does right there oops bring the block there you you can

also go like really high to like you can go really high if you want it's not

crazy just wanna make sure that when you're thrown it that you don't go out

of the out of sight of the command block because then you can drop in the

snowball and you're able work anymore so that's kind of just be careful not to

leave the range you just want to be careful that if you're in survival of

course and yes that's pretty much just another thing I forgot to mention is

that you can overload these command blocks here with the team cheat as well

as creeper or the mob protection one and so if a too many mobs spawn or too many

T's are ignited at once then it could actually explode and so the way to

prevent that would be to just have a whole bunch of these things like right

next like next to each other and then that will prevent overloading and so I

hope this has helped you out a little bit

and make sure to subscribe if you did enjoy the video and thanks for watching

and I hope they catch you in the neck and who would know beyond the only ones

that you love we're like good did we see hard hello hello get Sibyl little Amelia

boom which they are meeting now sir langa langa langa Oh we'll wrap it over

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