Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

Secure office.

Open Lemurian Star's satellite launch file.

Access denied.

Run decryption.

Decryption failed.

Director override. Fury' Nicholas J.

Override denied. All files sealed.

On whose authority?

Fury, Nicholas J.

World Security Council.


If Nick Fury thinks he can get his costumed thugs

and S.T.R.l.K.E. commandos to mop up his mess, he's sadly mistaken.

This failure is unacceptable.

Considering this attack took place

one mile from my country's sovereign waters,

it's a bit more than that. I move for immediate hearing.

We don't need hearings, we need action.

It's this Council's duty to oversee S.H.I.E.L.D.

A breach like this raises serious questions.

Like how the hell did a French pirate

manage to hijack a covert S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel in broad daylight?

For the record, Councilman, he's Algerian.

I can draw a map if it'd help.

I appreciate your wit, Secretary Pierce.

But this Council takes things like international piracy fairly seriously.

Really? I don't.

I don't care about one boat, I care about the fleet.

If this Council is going to fall to rancour

every time someone pushes us on the playing field,

maybe we need someone to oversee us.

Mr Secretary, nobody is suggesting...

Excuse me.

More trouble, Mr Secretary?

Depends on your definition.

I work 40 floors away and it takes a hijacking for you to visit?

A nuclear war would do it, too.

You busy in there?

Nothing some earmarks can't fix.

I'm here to ask a favour.

I want you to call for a vote.

Project Insight has to be delayed.

Nick, that's not a favour,

that's a sub-committee hearing. A long one.

It could be nothing. It probably is nothing.

I just need time to make sure it's nothing.

But if it's something?

Then we'll both be damn glad those helicarriers aren't in the air.


But you got to get Iron Man to stop by my niece's birthday party.

Thank you, sir.

And not just a flyby. He's got to mingle.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | Nick Fury Visits Alexander Pierce | HD - Duration: 3:05.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Visits Peggy Carter | HD - Duration: 4:14.

A symbol to the nation.

A hero to the world.

The story of Captain America is one of honour, bravery and sacrifice.

Denied enlistment due to poor hearth,

Steven Rogers was chosen for a programme

unique in the annals of American warfare.

One that would transform him into the world's first Super-Soldier.

In this rare footage,

everyone's favourite war hero, Captain America...

Battle tested,

Captain America

and his Howling Commandos quickly earned their stripes.

taking down HYDRA, the Nazi rogue science division.

Best friends since childhood,

Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable

on both schoolyard and battlefield.

Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life

in service of his country.

That was a difficult winter.

A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line.

Steve, Captain Rogers,

he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade

that had pinned our allies down for months.

He saved over 1,000 men.

Including the man who would...

Who would become my husband, as it turned out.

Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life.

You should be proud of yourself, Peggy.


I have lived a life.

My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours.

What is it?

For as long as I can remember, I just wanted to do what was right.

I guess I'm not quite sure what that is any more.

And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders.


It's just not the same.

You're always so dramatic.

Look, you saved the world.

We rather mucked it up.

You didn't.

Knowing that you helped found S.H.I.E.L.D. is half the reason I stay.


The world has changed, and none of us can go back.

All we can do is our best.

And sometimes the best that we can do is to start over.




You're alive.

You came back.

Yeah, Peggy-

It's been so long.

So long.

Well, I couldn't leave my best girl.

Not when she owes me a dance.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Visits Peggy Carter | HD - Duration: 4:14.


CHANGES IN RAMADAN (SKIT) - Duration: 4:17.

Wake up my son! This is Ramadan, you must read The Quran



What should I wear for prayer

This is too long, while this is too short

Wearing shorts ha? Wearing shorts! Haa..?

Nevermind, nevermind

Time to listen to some music

Bismillah, Estaghfur'ALLAH, Estaghfur'ALLAH, Estaghfur'ALLAH

It's time to come and drink some juices, yooo, yoooo

My favourite! Ahh? It's empty?

What is this? What is this?

They're all empty ahhh? Even my pepsi diet

It's you again!

Finally, we could now watch some beautiful women online!

Estaghfur'ALLAH. Shall I kill you today? Shall I kill you?

Huh? How?!

Yooo, what's up, how are you doing?

Man, what the .....

Heaven are you talking about?

ALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR (Maghrib prayer - where Muslims can break their fast)

See habibi, I told you it wasn't that hard, now you'll get ajr (good deeds) for this

Yeah mom you are right. I'm sorry for what I've done InSha'ALLAH

I'll be better this Ramadan and change forever

Oh habibi inta (you're my love). I love you

I love you so much mom

For more infomation >> CHANGES IN RAMADAN (SKIT) - Duration: 4:17.


10 Ridiculous Mistakes Made By International Brands - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> 10 Ridiculous Mistakes Made By International Brands - Duration: 4:41.


Game of Thrones Season 7 CLIP 2 BREAKDOWN - Duration: 3:58.

Hello everyone.

Movie Star just posted another interview video where we get a glimpse of some behind the

scene clips of season 7.

The interviews are in Spanish, but we can still discuss the season 7 clips here.

If you have watched my set photo videos, you probably already saw of the new locations.

This video doesn't reveal as much as the last video did, but it does confirm some things.

So, let's take a look at them.

In the official trailer, we saw Dany touching the ground after arriving at the beach.

In this clip we see her rising after that, and then walking toward those gates.

We also see Grey Worm, at the beach.

They were probably filming the scene of their arrival.

And we see another angle of Dany, Missendei and Grey Worm walking up the steps of Dragonstone.

We also see the filming of the scene from the trailer where Tyrion is looking at the

dragons flying or maybe it's a scene from the battle because the background looks different.

And do you remember the scene from the trailer where we see a Dothraki Horde with Drogon

flying over them?

We already knew that Dany will be fighting the Lannisters.

One thing that is confirmed by this video is that Bronn and Jamie will be there in this

battle, AND it's possible that Jon will be there too.

Look at the background when Bronn and Jaime are speaking.

You can see a lake behind him.

In another clip, we can see Emilia talking to someone.

You can see same lake in the brackground.

And in one of Tyrion's interviews, I think I saw something like a lake and a boulder

behind him, which means Tyrion will also go to the battle with them.

We also see Jaime mounting a horse.

I can't wait to see this battle.

It's going to be awesome.

Most of Kit's interview is in a frozen place, so they must be filming in the north.

In the trailer, we saw Jon and Tormund running from someone, or rather something.

From the background of Tormund's interview, it's confirmed that they are north of the


We see some more glimpses of the locations of north of the wall and Casterly Rock.

BTW, if you'll zoom in on the Clapperboard in the North of the wall scene, you can see

Game of Thrones written on it.

I don't know what the numbers 706, 9A or 2 A means, but I did notice the three headed

dragon of House Targaryen on it.

Do you think it means anything, like Daenerys will go to the North of the wall? or am I

thinking too much on it?

What do you think?

One thing looked weird to me.

In one of Kit's interviews, the background is green.

There is no sign of snow anywhere, but we can see something white in his hair.

One possibility is that there were filming a scene with fake snow in it, OR, may be this

white stuff is supposed to be ashes?

Is it possible that Jon is present at the Battle mentioned above?

What do you think?

Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.

Today's comment shoutout goes to Dnisse, who said, "As much as they insist on showing

Daenerys as Queen, she will not sit on the Iron Throne."

I completely agree with you Dnisse.

I don't think Dany will end up on the Iron Throne.

So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 7 CLIP 2 BREAKDOWN - Duration: 3:58.



For more infomation >> COREANOS DO BLANC7 REAGINDO A GÍRIAS BRASILEIRAS - Duration: 7:41.


FISH OIL: Worth Taking? - Duration: 4:13.

We rarely ever think of something such as oils from fish to have any significant benefit

to our health.

Heck, as fitness enthusiasts, we hardly even think of supplements outside of the ones that

improve your gains.

Perhaps we should give more attention to our health, considering that our gains are all

for naught if we don't take good care of ourselves.

And with such an amazing track record, fish oil certainly should be on the top of your


So, what is fish oil, and how does it help?

The active components of fish oil are two omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid,

or EPA, and Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA.

They cannot be made the body, thus eating it is the only way to go, with fish oil being

a top source.

Fish oil's benefits for health are well-documented.

The most notable benefit is lowering blood triglycerides, especially for people currently

dealing with high lipid profiles outside of cholesterol.

There's also connections to lowering blood pressure and reducing general inflammation,

and strong evidence in aiding those dealing with severe depression.

There are also connections of DHA and improved memory formation and protecting against retinal

angiogenesis, which improves your eye health.

There are also dabs of evidence suggesting improved bone health and reduced diabetes.

Overall, the health benefits are quite miraculous to say the least.

Many believe the most important factor for taking fish oil is to lower omega-6 to omega-3


It's been shown that when omega-6 levels are abundantly higher than omega-3s, which

is the case for most Western populations, there tend to be a slew of adverse effects

ranging from asthma to cancer.

The ultimate aim is to achieve a 1 to 1 ratio.

Unfortunately, most Western diets have ratios of FIFTEEN to one or worse.

To counteract this, a good starting point on how much you should take is 250 milligrams

of EPA and DHA combined.

A more optimal amount is roughly 1 gram of EPA and 500 milligrams of DHA.

Some of the best fish sources with the least contaminants are non-predatory and non-bottom-feeding

fish such as mackerels, cods, or sardines.

And yes, it can also be obtained through non-fish sources such as flaxseeds and walnuts, but

bear in mind that you will need to consume much higher amounts to reach the recommended

EPA and DHA levels.

As great as all the health benefits might be, you probably still have one more question:

can fish oil help with your gains?

Sorry bros, but this one is pretty much a blank.

Even though there are some indication that fish oil can suppress downstream regulators

of the muscle-inhibiting myostatin, there's no study that guarantees it.

There is some research that suggest fish oil can help with muscle soreness, but only in

much higher doses than usually recommended.

Same goes for weight loss, where only rat studies saw results, but at doses that are

extremely impractical for human consumption.

And the only human trials noted minimal effects for only lean individuals or those on a calorie

restricted diet.

Which is a given to begin with.

Performance improvements are also lackluster, with no significant influence of VO2max nor

strength output.

But, the lack of fitness improvements shouldn't scare you from taking fish oil.

There's just too much on the line in terms of health that you are leaving on the table

if you choose not to get enough of your omega-3 fatty acids.

Keep your health in check, so you can keep your gains on deck.

Support PictureFit and get a hold of your own snazzy PictureFit T-Shirt or Tanktop by

clicking the link in the description.

In fact, that link will give you 20% off your entire purchase for a limited time.

For those of you that already have PictureFit apparel, come share it with me on my Instagram

account, @picturefit, of you rocking that tee and I will love you for life!

As always, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> FISH OIL: Worth Taking? - Duration: 4:13.


ব্রেকিং নিউজ...আদালতের পরিবেশ নিয়ে খালেদা জিয়ার অসন্তোষ। Bangla politics News - Duration: 1:24.

Johnny NBN feature percent Devon Khaleda Zia Sondheim National Democratic Party

NDP Easter Mafia unfunny a I'm on official quarantine or a dollar mahashiv

media focused on a longer balan dar Adal faux hawk shortcut Chara oh no near

botany on phenomena be NPK by de aquellas cosas con una razón de Havana

below mundo bokor NP nee-sama lotion occurring between union local bakery do

Native community to Mercy know it's illegal to sell an act willfully little

can make this movement very proper 54 a proper battle opening of the

distinguished in conclusion I'm against gonna be families came back

as for the vulnerabilities pepperoni properly before the significance of this

coefficient or specific information area Seco bow chicka bow is to decode Yahoo

to move Mouse capture happened on our time

For more infomation >> ব্রেকিং নিউজ...আদালতের পরিবেশ নিয়ে খালেদা জিয়ার অসন্তোষ। Bangla politics News - Duration: 1:24.


Ovejas Eléctricas - La filosofía de Nier Automata y Nietzsche (no hay spoilers) - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Ovejas Eléctricas - La filosofía de Nier Automata y Nietzsche (no hay spoilers) - Duration: 11:18.


Défense cylindrique : Pare Battage - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Défense cylindrique : Pare Battage - Duration: 10:32.


Torrent en Kodi - Duration: 19:00.

For more infomation >> Torrent en Kodi - Duration: 19:00.


Tips from Kardashev 2 Engineers, part 2 - Duration: 15:31.

For those of you just joining us, this is part two of of a collaborative episode with

Fraser Cain of Universe Today.

If you haven't already seen part one, you should head over and start there first.

Today we are looking at Kardashev-2 Construction methods, and to make things even better, Fraser

and I have been joined by artists Kevin Gill and Sergio Botero who are going to show you

some visions of what some of these projects might look like.

No with no further ado, let's return to

Tips from Type 2 engineers, already in progress.

In our last episode, we set up shades to block the light from reaching our planets.

And we did the same with dangerous radiation streaming from the Sun.

We set up a concentrated magnetic shield at the Mars-Sun L1 Lagrange point, which catches

and redirects high energy particles.

This protects a world from the Sun, but it doesn't prevent harmful cosmic rays, which

can come from any part of the sky.

Our own planet Earth has a robust magnetosphere, and it's the main reason we have air to

breath and don't absorb dangerous radiation from the Sun and space.

Places like Mars don't.

For this purpose, we created artificial magnetospheres.

We considered trying to get Mars' core spinning fast and hot so that rapid spinning molten

ferromagnetic materials would generate a protective magnetosphere.

But that was too much effort.

We didn't actually care what generated the magnetic field, we just wanted the magnetic


In the end we deployed a constellation of electromagnetic satellites around every world

exposed to space.

These satellites could do double duty, harvesting solar radiation and generating an artificial


Cosmic rays and radioactive particles from

the Sun were captured and redirected safely away from the world, allowing us to roam freely

on the surface.

Once we had made acquired the resources of every world in the Solar System, we began

our next great engineering effort.

To move and dismantle the worlds themselves.

To create the optimal configuration that gave us the most living space and the most usable


We began the construction of our Dyson swarm.

Moving planets is almost impossible.

But not completely impossible.

How do you get all that energy to move a world without melting it?

The orbital energy of Earth around the Sun is approximately 30 million, trillion, trillion


That's equal to all the energy the Sun puts out over a few months.

Of course, the Sun is slowly warming up, and

while estimates vary, it's generally accepted that in about a billion years it will have

warmed up enough that Earth would be uninhabitable.

Moving the Earth was inevitable.

To move the Earth outward to counteract the

increased solar luminosity, we needed to add orbital energy.

A lot of energy.

In Part 1 we discussed using gravity tractors

and gravitational slingshots to slowly and steadily move objects around the Solar System.

This technique works at the largest scales too.

A gravity tractor could slowly and steadily

move an entire planet if you had enough time and fuel.

Because we already had mastery of all the asteroids in the Solar System, we put them

into orbits that swept past worlds.

Each gravitational slingshot gave or stole

orbital momentum from the world, pushing it closer or farther from the Sun.

We also used orbital mirrors to bounce sunlight from the Sun.

With enough of them, deflecting their light in the same general directional while maintaining

an orbit around the planet, we could move worlds without touching them or heating them

up from the light beams.

With enough satellites to keep the net gravitational

force on the planet homogenous, we didn't have to worry about tidal heating, allowing

us to move a planet far faster.

In the future, we'll use a king-size version

of this to move the entire Solar System, using the star as the power source, called a Shkadov


We will push the Sun and every star we control into a constellation that matches our needs.

But that's a problem our Type III civilization engineers will have to worry about.

We always needed ice.

For water, for fuel and for air.

And the outer Solar System had all the ice we could ever need.

We brought comets and other icy bodies in from the outer Solar System to bring water

to the planets we're terraforming - Mars, Venus, and the large moons of the Solar System.

Pushing ice is a tricky process, but the comet

itself is the source of fuel, either liquid hydrogen and oxygen as the propellants or

using the hydrogen for a fusion torch drive.

However we have an alternative trick we can use.

We just talked about using energy beams, focused sunlight, lasers, or microwave beams to push

objects outward from the sun.

You can also move inward by reflecting the beam off at an angle, removing orbital momentum.

This lowers their orbit into the Solar System.

By setting up energy collectors on comets,

we could beam power out them, and use that energy to melt atoms into gas and accelerate

them away with a magnetic field, just like an ion drive.

This let us take high-strength lasers and microwave beams powered from the inner Solar

System and use it to tractor comets inward.

The propellant melted off the comets could carry away far more momentum than the energy

beam added, though at the cost of losing some of your mass in the process.

One by one we identified the icy bodies in

the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, installed an ice engine, and pulled them inward, to

the places we needed that water the most.

The day to day energy for our civilization comes from the Sun.

Solar collectors power the machines, computers and systems that make day-to-day life spanning

the Solar System possible.

Just as the ancient Earth civilizations used

hydrocarbons as a store of fuel, we depend on hydrogen.

We use it for our rocket fuel, to manufacture drinking water, and most importantly, for

our fusion reactors.

We always need more hydrogen.

Fortunately, the Solar System has provided

us with vast repositories of hydrogen: the giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and

Neptune all made up of at least 80% hydrogen.

But harvesting the planets for their hydrogen isn't without its challenges.

For starters, the gravity on the surface of

Jupiter is nearly 25 m/s2, which is nearly three times the surface gravity of Earth.

On top of that, Jupiter's magnetosphere produces intense radiation fields through

its entire system.

You can't spend much time near Jupiter without receiving a lethal radiation dose.

We deploy huge robotic scoopers to swoop down

into Jupiter's gravity well, skim across the upper cloud tops, funneling in as much

hydrogen as they can.

On board compressors liquefy the hydrogen, or refine it into the more energy dense metallic


The fuel is then distributed across the Solar System through the interplanetary transport


For Uranus and Neptune, where the gravity

well is less extreme, we have permanent mining stations which float in the cloud tops, harvesting

raw materials for return back to space.

These factories are a huge improvement over the more expensive scoop ships.

Smaller cargo ships ferry the deuterium, helium-3 and hydrogen up to orbit, for an energy hungry

Solar System.

In order to construct our Dyson Swarm, we will eventually need to dismantle almost all

the planets and moons in the Solar System to provide the raw materials to house countless


This process has begun, and we we have a number

of options.

For some worlds, we plan to just keep mining and refining them with robotic factories until

they are gone, but this can be quite time consuming and often we would rather do our

refining and manufacturing elsewhere.

Instead, we have set up very large mass drivers

running around the object to launch material directly towards its desired destination.

To avoid building up angular momentum inside the shrinking mass of the planetoid, we run

these giant cannons in both directions.

This prevents it spinning so fast that it tears itself apart.

There's very little gravity holding these objects together after all.

For the smaller objects that's actually

just fine.

When we want to disassemble a smaller asteroid or moon into rock and dirt for the inside

of a cylinder habitat, we construct a cylindrical shell around the asteroid, and spray material

from the asteroid onto the cylinder, giving it some spin and artificial gravity to hold

the material up, or rather down to its surface.

We spin the asteroid faster and faster until it flies apart, transferring its material

and its angular momentum to the cylinder.

With larger asteroids we send a series of cylinders past them in a chain, painting their

interiors with the material we will turn into dirt later on, until we run out of asteroid.

For full blown minor planets and moons, which

are much more massive but still fairly low in gravity and lacking an atmosphere, we pump

matter up tubes to high above the planetoid to fill freighters, get compacted into cannon

balls to be launched elsewhere, or simply pumped into rotating habitats being built


Mercury is already half consumed.

In a few more generations, it will be a distant memory.

Perhaps our greatest accomplishment is the work underway at Jupiter and Saturn.

We are now in the process of dismantling these worlds to harvest their resources.

The largest machines humanity has ever built,

fusion candles, have been deployed into the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn.

These enormous machines scoop up raw hydrogen from Jupiter to run their fusion reactors.

One side of the fusion candle fires downward, keeping the machine aloft.

The other end blasts out into space, spewing material that can be harvested from orbit.

Not only that, but these candles provide thrust,

pushing Jupiter and Saturn slowly but steadily into safer, more useful orbits for our civilization.

As we use up the hydrogen, their mass will decrease.

Uranus and Neptune will follow slowly, from farther out in the Solar System.

Eventually, eons into the future, we will

have dismantled them down to their cores.

There is more than a dozen times the mass of the Earth in rock and metal down at the

core of Jupiter.

More raw materials than any other place in the Solar System.

The long awaited construction of our fully

operational Dyson swarm will finally begin.

We'll miss the presence of Jupiter and Saturn in the Solar System, and remember them fondly,

but humanity needs room to stretch its legs.

Of course, as huge as the gas giants are compared to Earth, the Sun is far bigger, and contains

not just hydrogen and helium but thousands of planets worth of heavier elements, which

are spread around the sun, not just concentrated deep down.

Trying to scoop matter off a star is much

harder than out of gas giant, though conveniently, we can take advantage of all that energy the

Sun is giving off to power our extraction.

The material on the Sun is also ionized, so

it reacts strongly to magnetic forces, and the Sun generates a massively powerful magnetic

field too.

In fact, our Sun ejects about a billion kilograms of matter a second as solar wind.

We have a few ways to increase this flow and harvest it.

The first is called Thermal Driven Outflow.

We hover mirrors over the surface, reflecting and concentrating light down on spots on the

Sun's surface to heat it up and increase the mass being ejected.

This kicks up an eruption much like a solar flare, feeding more solar wind.

We then place a large ring of satellites around

the Sun's equator, connected to each other by a stream of ionized particles generating

a huge current, themselves running that stream off solar power.

This ring creates a powerful magnetic field pushing outward toward the Sun's poles,

and sending the super-heated matter in that direction.

Hovering over the poles further out, we have

a giant ring sucking up sunlight and generating a huge toroidal magnetic field.

All the matter we stir up on the sun and off the poles is sucked through that and slowed

down for collection.

It's a lot like the VASIMR Drive, using a magnetic nozzle, so that nothing has to

touch the ultra hot plasma.

Giant Plasma Thrusters essentially acting as the pump to gather the matter, it stays

in place using the momentum it's stealing from the particles it is slowing down, again

it's a giant plasma thruster.

We will eventually build far more of these

rings around the Sun, spaced up and down from the equator, and intermittently shut off the

power beam holding them aloft.

As all the satellites in that ring drop, building up speed, we switch the power for the beam

back on and their plummet stops and they push back up to their original position.

We do this with all the rings, in sequence, pushing much larger waves of matter toward

the poles than the Thermal Driven Outflow method provides, and we call this option the

Huff-n-Puff Method.

And there you have it, our tips and techniques to harvest all the resources from the Solar


To push and pull worlds, to heat them up, cool them down and use their raw materials

to house humanity's growing, ever expanding population.

As we nearly achieve our Type II civilization

status, and control all the energy from our Sun and all the resources of the Solar System,

we set our sights on a new goal: doing the same thing for the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

Perhaps in a few million years, we'll create

another guide for you, to help you make this transition as efficiently as possible.

Good luck!

Now, if you haven't already seen part 1,

take the link to that, and make sure to subscribe to both channels.

I wanted to thank all the Patreon supporters for both channels for their continued support

and for submitting ideas for this episode, and there were some great ones, at least half

are already tentatively scheduled for future production, but special congratulations to

Gannon Huiting who suggested this specific topic and who also is receiving one of Fraser's

meteorites as an award.

If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to like it and share it with others.

Until next time, thanks for watching, and have a great week!

For more infomation >> Tips from Kardashev 2 Engineers, part 2 - Duration: 15:31.


Memorable LGBTQ videos - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> Memorable LGBTQ videos - Duration: 10:34.


🎧「電子音樂EDM」KKBOX電子單曲2017年5月排行榜 - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> 🎧「電子音樂EDM」KKBOX電子單曲2017年5月排行榜 - Duration: 12:11.


Why NASA wants to bring potatoes to Mars - Duration: 6:30.

Why NASA wants to bring potatoes to Mars

Little do we know about the details of the trip that at some point in the future will lead the first human explorer to Mars.

However, it is quite possible that the Peruvian potato figure in the diet of this pioneering astronaut.

NASA, together with the Peruvian-based International Potato Center (CIP), is experimenting to discover how Peruvian tubers would grow on Martian soil.

To this end, they started experimental potato cultivation under conditions that simulate those of the red planet.

According to the institutions, on Earth there are few places to test better than the Pampas de la Joya desert in Peru, on the border with Chile.

"They are volcanic soils that do not contain any life forms, just like on Mars," Joel Ranck, CIP's communications chief, told BBC World.

Diet for everyone

In addition to the "Martian" landscapes, there is another reason that makes Peru the ideal place to experiment with potatoes.

"Here we have 4,500 varieties of potatoes, so Peru is a very good place to find out which one would best suit the conditions of Mars"

Says the spokesman of the CIP, an institution that is part of an international network of agricultural research centers.

In the first phase of the experiment, Julio Valdivia, a Peruvian NASA affiliated scientist, will take samples of the desert soil and deliver it to the CIP laboratories, where up to nine types of potatoes will be tested under these severe conditions.

From there, a technology developed by NASA will be used to replicate the atmospheric conditions of Mars, and see what effects they would have on plants.

The idea is to leave the astronauts with a good idea of how viable would be the agricultural colonization of the planet with this type of crop.

This is an idea that, in some way, is fashionable thanks to Hollywood.

That's exactly what makes the character of Matt Damon, an abandoned astronaut on the red planet, in the recent movie Lost on Mars.

To survive in the months leading up to the arrival of a rescue mission, he sows the tuber in Martian soil, so he can feed himself.

Joel Ranck chief of communications of the CIP, said the following sentence:

"Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, iron and zinc," says Ranck. "We do not believe that anyone should depend exclusively on one food, but the potato is very nutritious. One, boiled, delivers the vitamin C that an adult needs for one day," he explains.

According to him, there is no doubt that the potato would be an important part of the varied and balanced diet that would require the astronauts to carry out their tasks 225 million kilometers from Earth.

Frozen potato

One of the variables that worries the researchers is that the potatoes begin to germinate ahead of time.

"Estimate of travel to Mars light nine months," with CIP spokesman. And as anyone who has stored potatoes at home already knows, after a while the tubers begin to germinate. So an idea would be to freeze during a space crossing.

The experiments that seek to answer these questions will be held at CIP headquarters in Lima and other locations, including the desert.

The team of researchers and students from universities from different countries will also be integrated into the team, which would help gather the data needed for the study.

"Potatoes are the third most important crop in the world, and it is part of the diet of almost all human cultures," explains Ranck.

With global warming and desertification, it is increasingly important to find varieties that are more resistant to drought conditions, he recalls.

What do you think about this ?

Will it be that in the distant future, will we colonize Mars?

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For more infomation >> Why NASA wants to bring potatoes to Mars - Duration: 6:30.


ИНОСТРАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Нейромонах Феофан, Billy's Band, Louna #46 - Duration: 28:09.

For more infomation >> ИНОСТРАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Нейромонах Феофан, Billy's Band, Louna #46 - Duration: 28:09.


The GET RIPPED Shoulder Workout (MINI ROUTINE MAX GAINS!) - Duration: 6:10.

What's up Champ!

I'm Vince Del Monte of

Welcome back to our Unforgiven Series

where I inflict an unforgiveable amount of pain

onto you in a short time.

We don't have time to hang out here for two hours, right.

So we gotta get this done,

and we're gonna get it done

in 7 minutes, 5 exercises, back to back

This is gonna be one of the toughest

shoulder workouts you've done.

Now here's the funny thing

You're gonna be using lighter weights.

So if you think "how do I get better results with ligther weights"?

Well, try it for yourself and then talk.

Talk is cheap.

You gotta see this for yourself.

Let's get right into it.

Alright, nothing fancy about this

Dumbbells only guys

So if you're training at home,

or at a gym that's busy, and you just gotta

get in, you gotta get out,

this is your go to workout.


So Exercise Number One are

Front Lateral Raises.

You're gonna be doing 20 reps.

Now we're not gonna just rush through these.

I want you to go slow and controlled.

I want you to contract your delts every single inch of the way.

I want you to own it.


I don't want you to bounce in and out of the

end points of the movement.


Control and contract hard.


If you're swinging the weights,

you're not doing it properly.


Exercise Number Two are

Side Lateral Raises with the same weight.

I forgot to tell you that.

You gotta use the same weight for this to be effective.


So you're gonna take 10 seconds rest

between exercise one and two and you're doing

20 side lateral raises.


We're gonna be reaching for opposite walls the whole time.


We're on pace for 100 reps.

This is another Century Workout.


Third exercise we're gonna be doing standing shoulder presses.

Now I gotta teach you how to do shoulder presses properly because

a lot of you guys, what you are doing is you are

locking down your scalpula, and that's a BIG mistake.

You gotta let your scalpula move.

And if you're watching me do these Standing Overhead Shoulder Presses,

I want you reaching for the ceiling.

I want your scalpula to wing out and I want you to literally

try and touch the roof.


So let your shoulders reach, reach, reach...

and that's gonna make them really short

and that's gonna activate muscle tissue

you've been unable to trigger using heavier weights

because you've never gotten your shoulders that short.

That's why this is gonna get your better gains.

Exercise Number Four are Neutral Grip Dumbbell Presses

but I don't want you to think about pushing your hands to the ceiling,

I want you to think about pushing your elbows backwards.


So you're doing shoulder extensions.

You're not just thinking about up and down.

You're thinking about elbows back, elbows forward

Elbows back.

You're literally gonna reach your elbows

behind your head for the opposite wall behind you.

This is again gonna trigger shoulder muscle tissue

that you haven't used before because it's a range of motion

that's very hard to get into.

This is gonna blow up your shoulders.

You're gonna have a pump for like 2 hours

after this workout, and then it's gonna

lead to permanent muscle mass.

Your final exercise here.

We're going right back to Lateral Raises

again with the same weight.

You're not allowed to drop the weights.

You keep the weight the same

and as you can see here in this fifth exercise

as I'm on my way to 100 reps,

I'm using what's called rest pause.

It's an old school technique we've

taught here before.

It's just a 10 second rest and then you

continue the set until you hit your goal reps.

After those 5 exercises, you will have done

100 reps.

If you think that you can do a second set,

you didn't do it right.


You were swinging the weights too fast

You were using your trunk

You weren't contracting your muscles hard enough

Go back to the start.

Do it again.

Not today, but another day.

And try to make 100 reps feel like an eternity.

Make 100 reps feel hard.

The solution isn't more.

The solution is to make what you're doing just better.


More isn't better.

It's just longer.


You guys really gotta embrace this mindset.

Better is better.

More is not better.

One final thing.

A lot of guys can't build their shoulders because

they've been brainwashed into just thinking

heavy weights, heavy weights, heavy weights.

The heavier you go, the tendancy is actually to shift tension

away from the thing you're trying to train

because your body has to find an advantage to get

the thing up so it cheats.

But when you go with lighter weights, you actually

learn how to use your muscles properly.


And this will then trigger into better results

when you do attempt some heavier movements down the road.

But you always gotta go back to good steering,

good control, using the breaks, before you start hitting

the gas pedal.

Everybody's got it backwards in the industry.

Everybody's gas pedal.

No breaks.

No steering.

And then they wonder why they blow out their shoulders,

have horrible posture, and look ridiculous in their

30's and 40's, walking around with their shoulders

internally rotated because they never took care of themselves.

In terms of how often you do this,

that's up to you.

It's always based on principles.

It's based on the principle of you are what you can

recover from.

You should write that down.

You are what you can recover from.

If you're not recovering from your workouts,

it means you're not experiencing what's called

"the training effect".

Training is good, but training + recovery,

gives you the training effect

which is what you actually want.


You don't want just training.

You want what the effect of the training can do for you.





Stronger Shoulders.


So that's it guys.

If you're enjoying these simple, shorter, no nonsense workouts,

that are teaching you how to build muscle smarter and

not just harder,

You want a full-blown 18-week program

to put all these techniques into a structured and

progressive plan,

Check out No Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0

You can click the link on the screen here or

over here, or the link in the description,

It'll take you to a page where you can learn

how to get a program customized to your

muscle fiber type.

That's the key to really unlocking

your genetic potential.

Working with your body, and not just on your body.

Does that make sense?


Thank you so much for watching

and as always, I love your feedback so

that I can create videos that YOU want,

not what I want.

But what you need to achieve your best body.

So let me know in the comment section below

And I will see you guys next time.

Peace out.

For more infomation >> The GET RIPPED Shoulder Workout (MINI ROUTINE MAX GAINS!) - Duration: 6:10.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | 'This isn't Freedom,This is Fear' Scene | HD - Duration: 4:11.

I'm not obliged to do anything.

Those hostages could have died, Nick.

I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen.

Soldiers trust each other. That's what makes it an army.

Not a bunch of guys running around shooting guns.

Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.

Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with.

Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything.

I can't lead a mission

when the people I'm leading have missions of their own.

It's called companmentalisation.

Nobody spills the secrets, because nobody knows them all.

Except you.

You're wrong about me.

I do share.

I'm nice like that.

Insight bay.

Captain Rogers does not have

clearance for Project Insight.

Director override. Fury, Nicholas J.


You know, they used to play music.


My grandfather operated one of these things for 40 years.

Granddad worked in a nice building.

Got good tips.

He'd walk home every night, a roll of ones stuffed in his lunch bag.

He'd say, "Hi."

People would say, "Hi" back.

Time went on, the neighbourhood got rougher.

He'd say, "Hi."

They'd say, "Keep on steppin'."

Granddad got to gripping that lunch bag a little tighter.

Did he ever get mugged?

Every week some punk would say, "What's in the bag?“

What would he do?

He'd show them.

Bunch of crumpled ones, and a loaded .22 Magnum.

Yeah, Granddad loved people.

But he didn't trust them very much.

Yeah, I know.

They're a little bit bigger than a .22.

This is Project Insight.

Three next-generation helicarriers

synced to a network of targeting satellites.

Launched from the Lemurian Star.

Once we get them in the air, they never need to come down.

Continuous sub-orbital flight, courtesy of our new repulsor engines.


He had a few suggestions

once he got an up-close look at our old turbines.

These new long-range precision guns

can eliminate 1,000 hostiles a minute.

The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside his spider hole.

We're gonna neutralise a lot of threats before they even happen.

Thought the punishment usually came after the crime.

We can't afford to wait that long.

Who's "We"?

After New York, I convinced the World Security Council

we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis.

For once, we're way ahead of the curve.

By holding a gun to everyone on Earth and calling it protection.

You know, I read those SSR files.

"Greatest Generation"?

You guys did some nasty stuff.

Yeah, we compromised.

Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well.

But we did it so that people could be free.

This isn't freedom. This is fear.

S.H.I.E.L.D. takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.

And it's getting damn near past time for you to get with that programme, Cap.

Don't hold your breath.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | 'This isn't Freedom,This is Fear' Scene | HD - Duration: 4:11.


Things Die-Hard Fans Don't Even Know About The Walking Dead - Duration: 8:04.

AMC's The Walking Dead has become a staple of Sunday television, endlessly shocking and

delighting fans with its gory action and non-stop drama.

The grim apocalyptic series has gotten increasingly violent over the years, to the point that

some fans have even called it quits because of the alarming brutality, while others have

become irked by some key changes from the original comic's scenes.

But even those who've stuck around from the start still might be surprised to find out

these facts about the series.

From on-set hijinks to spoiler maintenance problems, here's what you may not know about

The Walking Dead...

Taking the lead

In a major case of Hollywood sliding doors, Andrew Lincoln almost wasn't cast as Sheriff

Rick Grimes because he'd accepted a role in another film at the time.

But life got in the way: his second child was born shortly before the film was expected

to commence production, so Lincoln decided against shooting it after all.

He told The Hollywood Reporter, "I got a friend to replace me in this movie and the next day,

this script came through from AMC.

I must have been on their radar with Frank [Darabont], and he wanted me to test.

It was incredible."

What got him to agree to take the audition to begin with, he later revealed, was the

fact that executive producer and show co-creator Frank Darabont was involved.

He believed that meant the show could have a real future that made moving his growing

family worth it.

As he told Rolling Stone, "Frank talked us into getting on that plane."

SWAT team swarm

During production on the second episode of the inaugural season, The Walking Dead's cast

and crew got an unexpected set of visitors: a SWAT team.

Mearle actor Michael Rooker was on a rooftop shooting his rifle to simulate a zombie sniper

session, but onlookers mistook his behavior for the real deal — and called in the cops.

"I saw people jump and run.

They had already dispatched the SWAT team.

The officer said, 'Please, stand down.'"

It wasn't the last time a false alarm would ring regarding the show.

In 2016, a Great Falls, Montana, family found themselves swarmed by police after neighbors

called in a possible domestic violence incident involving guns inside their home … because

they were watching the show loud enough for neighbors to think a big shootout was going


Pulling pranks

For a show with such grisly material as The Walking Dead, its stars sure know how to have

fun when the cameras aren't rolling.

Actor Norman Reedus in particular has a long-running history of pranking Andrew Lincoln and others

during production.

Some of his greatest hits from the thick history book of their prank wars include Reedus filling

Lincoln's car vents with glitter so that it exploded all over him as soon as he cranked

the A/C. Then there was the time he taught Lincoln to greet Japanese fans with the phrase

"where's the toilet" when he wanted to say "thank you for allowing me to be here."

Lincoln's been known to get him back on occasion, too, like when he put Reedus' treasured motorcycle

on a boat with a sex doll and sent it sailing to the middle of a lake.

But the best is when he gets more precise forms of payback.

"Believe me, this is the end."

AMC Easter eggs

The Walking Dead is an Easter egg lover's dream, because the show is filled with hidden

tributes to the original comics, other zombie epics, and plenty more.

AMC's sister hit Breaking Bad received some of the most clever winks and references.

For instance, there was the Heisenberg-blue meth that appeared in a bag of drugs shown

in the second season.

And let's not forget when Daryl Dixon basically described his brother's dealer — and Jesse

Pinkman fit the description to a tee.

"Merle had this dealer.

This janky little white guy.

He says 'I'm gonna kill you bitch.'"

The connections have been significant enough to even inspire some theorists to connect

the timelines of the two shows and posit a cause-and-effect relationship between Walter

White's chemical concoction and the onset of the zombie plague.

"Yeah Mr. White.

Yeah science!"

Hey, anything's possible!

The Walking Dead has still yet to explain where and why the walker infection happened.

Irking the neighbors

You might think living in a small town where one of TV's biggest hits is made would be

a treat.

But for some residents of Senoia, Georgia, the experience of becoming a mini-Hollywood

has been unpleasant at times.

As reported by ABC News, some of Senoia's natives have been annoyed by being asked to

change their activities in their hometown as a result of its proximity to the set — from

taking pictures to trimming trees, show officials have stepped in to moderate what would otherwise

be considered pretty ordinary behaviors.

"And they come out of there sayin' I need to stop, they're filming.

Uh, I said 'Well no, you just carry your happy butt right behind the wall.'"

Set attention has also spawned an army of "Walker Stalkers" — that is, fans who case

the town in hopes of catching a glimpse — which is both a business boon and a headache for

locals, especially when explosive scenes are being shot nearby one of the neighborhoods.

To compensate for the troubles, though, some families are paid a monthly stipend of $400,

and others have received in-person thanks from some of the cast.

Earning outrage

While plenty of devastating character deaths have happened on The Walking Dead over the

years, one killing in particular had commentators in a tizzy.

In the sixth season, Merritt Wever's Dr. Denise Cloyd was killed off.

And it wasn't just the fact that she died in a way that, in the comics, happened to


Instead, it was the fact that her death added to a growing trend of that season in which

lesbian characters were routinely and unceremoniously executed on various shows.

The show was immediately panned after the episode aired for playing into the "bury your

gays" trope that seemed to be so common in mainstream television in 2016.

Of the controversy, Wever herself told The Daily Beast, "I hadn't thought about it that


… I'm not sure that that's what was going on here but I understand the sentiment very


Avoiding the amputation

One of the most glaring omissions from The Walking Dead's transformation from book to

screen has been the fact that Rick's still got both of his hands.

In the comics, The Governor cuts off Rick's right hand — his shooter side, no less.

So when the Governor arrived on-screen in the third season, many readers were braced

for the inevitable.

But it never happened.

There have been a couple minor winks to the event, like Merle — a character unique to

the show — having to cut off his own hand to escape being handcuffed to a rooftop.

And then there was the time the villainous Negan threatened to cut off Carl's hand in

the seventh season.

But Rick's still working with two fully functional fists.

So what gives?

In his Reddit AMA series, the comic book's co-creator Robert Kirkman explained the decision

as a matter of practicality, and the simple of filming a TV show: saying:

"To clarify, I think cutting Rick's hand [off] when we did was GREAT for the comic.

It's just that in another medium it would be harder to pull off, we cheat in the comic

because things aren't moving.

You can't do that on the show.

You'd see Rick not being able to reload his gun, and things like that.

The CGI of cutting off Rick's hand would be expensive, but we did it with Hershel's leg

so if we felt strongly about Rick losing a hand, we'd do it."

Optimistic end game

The show may have diverged from writer Robert Kirkman's ongoing comic series in some significant

ways, but he still has a lot of creative influence on The Walking Dead production.

According to him, fans can expect the ending to both versions to be hopeful.

He said, "It's a very popular show, and [the executives at AMC] seem to want it to go for

50 seasons.

And it may go for 50 seasons, but there is definitely an end point at some point…

I see the story from beginning to end, over many, many years, so I think it's a very hopeful

story about humanity overcoming this insurmountable, apocalyptic situation.

… It's just gonna take them a long time to do it."

But until then,we'll all just enjoy the grim ride.

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