Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017


President Putin Talks About War With US, Says There Would Not Be Survivors The President

of Russia Vladimir Putin has been talking during an interview with Oliver Stone, the

film director from the US, and he admitted that if there were a war between the US and

Russia there would not be any survivors.

Putin told Stone that he did not think that anyone would survive a conflict and this was

in answer to a question about whether the US would be the dominant one in the event

of a hot war with Russia.


Putin went on to say that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is always on

the lookout for an enemy so as to justify existence.

He told Stone that the Soviet Union was no more and that there was no longer an Eastern

Bloc, so why does NATA still exist.

He then said that NATA seems to need an external foe and there is always a search for an enemy

or acts of provocation so that someone can be called an adversary.

Stone said that the election was over in the US and that Trump had been elected President

and asked Putin if he thought that there was hope for change.

Putin admitted that there was still hope for normalization of there being relations between

the US and Russia and there would continue to be hope.


STRANGELOVE US media reports suggested that to get ready for the interview, both Putin

and Stone had sat down and watched Dr. Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick, which told the story of

a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the US.

Putin had said that Kubrick had seen contemporary issues with a technical point of view but

with the idea of retaliation with a weapon that today is more dangerous, more complex

and more sophisticated.

It had been said that Stone had given Putin a copy of the DVD but then Putin found it

did not have a DVD inside and went on to say that this was a typical gift from the Americans.

The full interview with Oliver Stone and Russian President Putin is going to be shown on the

Showtime channel in four parts June 12 through 15.

For more infomation >> PUTIN NO ONE WOULD SURVIVE A HOT WAR BETWEEN US AND RUSSIA - politics - Duration: 2:33.


Scientists make SURPRISING discovery after studying DNA - Duration: 6:05.

Scientists make SURPRISING discovery after studying DNA of ancient Egyptian Mummies

Long story short?

The first ever full-genome analysis of Ancient Egyptian mummies has shown they were closely

related to populations from the Mediterranean.

Some would say this is a history changer.

Even though scientists believed that Ancient Egyptian mummies were all our of DNA, they

were wrong.

A new study has revealed fascainting�and totally unexpected�results.

According to reports, the first ever full-genome analysis of Ancient Egyptian mummies has shown

that they were more Turkish and European than Africa.

Experts studied ancient DNA from Egyptian mummies from around 1400 BC to around 400

AD finding that they shared genes with people who originate from the Mediterranean.

Experts discovered that ancient Egyptian mummies were closely related to ancient people in

the Levant, modern-day Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon.

The discovery has come as a surprise to many experts.

The sequencing success, reported in Nature Communications, �finally proves to everyone

that there�s DNA preserved in ancient Egyptian mummies,� says Albert Zink, a biological

anthropologist at the Institute for Mummy Studies in Bolzano, Italy.

According to, he participated in a 2010 study that identified DNA sequences

from 16 ancient Egyptian royal mummies, including Tutankhamun.

But that study used polymerase chain reaction, a method that efficiently finds and extracts

targeted DNA fragments but cannot always reliably distinguish between ancient DNA and modern


The researcher�s goals were to establish a comprehensive genetic database to study

the ancient past of Egypt for the first time ever.

The �history-changing� study was performed by Johannes Krause, a geneticist at the Max

Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, using state-of-the-art

sequencing methods to read stretches of any DNA present in a sample and fish out those

that resembled human DNA.

Speaking to Mail Online, Johannes Krause said: �The population history of Egypt is complex

because it is found at the ispus of Africa, the gateway to a continent, and has seen much

historical turnover, Ancient Egypt in the 1millenium BC had been dominated by many foreign


�It has been much debated whether foreign dominations such as Assyrians, Nubians, Greeks

or Romans changed the gene pool of ancient Europe, making them more or less African.

�We wanted to test that and found that there is genetic continuity between the old kingdom

and Roman period.

However in the last 1,500 years, Egypt became more genetically African, whereas the ancient

Egyptians showed almost no sub-Saharan African ancestry and high affinity to ancient Near

Eastern and European populations,� Professor Krause added.

Professor Krause�s team sampled 151 mummies from the archaeological site of Abusir and

managed to extract accurate full-genome DNA data from three ancient Egyptian mummies,

and usable segments of DNA from 90 other mummies, reports Mail Online.

The full study allowed experts to locate telltale damage patterns associated with ancient DNA,

making the new study�s results much more effective and accurate than those of any mummy

DNA studies before.

According to the Max Planck Institue for the science of human history, the study found

that ancient Egyptians were most closely related to ancient populations in the Levant, and

were also closely related to Neolithic populations from the Anatolian Peninsula and Europe.

�The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the

1,300-year time span we studied, suggesting that the population remained genetically relatively

unaffected by foreign conquest and rule,� says Wolfgang Haak, group leader at the Max-Planck-Institute

for the Science of Human History in Jena.

�In particular, we were interested in looking at changes and continuities in the genetic

makeup of the ancient inhabitants of Abusir el-Meleq.We wanted to test if the conquest

of Alexander the Great and other foreign powers has left a genetic imprint on the ancient

Egyptian population,� said Professor Alexander Peltzer, from the University

of Tuebingen.

For more infomation >> Scientists make SURPRISING discovery after studying DNA - Duration: 6:05.


Schneider Beer Forgiveness Commercial - Duration: 1:18.


We ask your forgiveness

Please forgive our immaturity

Our outbursts of tacky compliments

Forgive our browser history

Forgive our hormones taking control of us

Forgive us for thinking an open shirt is the ultimate weapon of appeal

Forgive us for opening our beers like grenades

Forgive for taking a no as a yes

For insisting on playing a guitar that doesn't exist

And please forgive us for never washing our hands


Schneider The beer with the exact maturity

For the man who's in the process

For more infomation >> Schneider Beer Forgiveness Commercial - Duration: 1:18.


Genetic Drift - Duration: 4:38.

Captions are on! Click the CC button at bottom right to turn off.

So here's a question for you.

Have you ever compared the candy you get on Halloween with your friends?

My sister and I---a bit competitive in the sport of Halloween candy hunting---we both

have preferences of what kind of candy we hoped to get in our buckets each year.

As for me, I LOVE gummy bears.

And every once in a while, someone would have them mixed in a big bucket and I remember

watching—with intense focus--- the hand that picked out the candy hoping for gummy


Getting those gummy bears was always total luck.

Total chance.

Well unless of course the entire bucket they had was actually gummy bears---but that would

not be luck---no, that would be pure bliss.

But that's never happened to me.


So why bring this up?

Well, what if instead of candy, we were talking about insects?

And they weren't in a Halloween bucket because that'd be kind of gross.

They're on the sidewalk.

And when you're scooter riding through the neighborhood on Halloween to collect candy---because

scooters may or may not be our super awesome childhood mode of transportation---you squash


Accidentally, of course, because you like insects overall.

Were the ones that survived better adapted?

Did they have some special ability to foresee events or to move your scooter away from them?

Assuming they all were just there on the sidewalk in the path of your trick-or-treating, no,

in this random event example---the survivors were not better adapted.

They were lucky.

It was chance.

And the ones that were squashed were, in this case, at the wrong place at the wrong time.

And that's what genetic drift is.

Genetic drift can change allele frequencies in a population.

Remember, alleles are a form of a gene.

But genetic drift is random.

Unlike natural selection.

Recall that in our natural selection video, organisms that have traits that result in

high fitness are able to pass those alleles to their offspring---this is where the 'survival

of the fittest' comes into play.

But not genetic drift.

With genetic drift, the organisms aren't necessarily more fit---they have just won

the game of chance.

Let's look at a representation of genetic drift known as the bottleneck effect.

I always like to remember this one by focusing on the word "bottle."

Let's say that we have a bottle here and we fill it with our Halloween candy.

If we shake out only a few of the candy pieces---does it necessarily represent the whole bottle

as far as the candy frequencies you get out?


In fact, one of the types of candy pieces isn't there--- that type is totally eliminated.

Well consider a natural disaster such as a forest fire.

The surviving organisms weren't better adapted---they were likely just in an area where they weren't

directly affected.

But the survivors don't happen to represent the original population so there is definitely

going to be a new allele frequency among the surviving population.

Bottleneck effect.

Another time to see genetic drift is when you are talking about the founder effect.

In this case you may have organisms that have founded an island or some new area.

The few organisms that arrive to start a new population do not necessarily represent the

original population that they came from.

Let's take a case where maybe some seeds that are dispersed by wind end up in a new

area that happened to be one that was perfect for their growth.

This new population grows.

Well those seeds that landed in this new area may not necessarily represent the original

population of plants from which they came from.

It's a random sample.

Founder effect.

In summary, genetic drift can make some big changes to allele frequencies and is a mechanism

for evolution.

One last thing.

Which type of population do you think would be more vulnerable to genetic drift?

A big population?

Or a small population?

If someone is just doing some intense candy hunting and by accident, scooter rides over

a few insects---look at the result in this small population versus the big population.

As you can see, this random event has the potential to cause more change from the original

in the small population.

There weren't as many representatives there in the first place.

So in many incidences of genetic drift in populations…the impact on small populations

is especially significant.

Well that's it for the amoeba sisters and we remind you to stay curious!

For more infomation >> Genetic Drift - Duration: 4:38.


[NEW] Top 3 Extreme Demons Layouts (Geometry Dash 2.1) - DexTep - Duration: 5:08.

Attention: In all these gameplays a trick called "noclip" is used to avoid the deaths, basically it is used to give a preview of the level not to verify it in itself.

For more infomation >> [NEW] Top 3 Extreme Demons Layouts (Geometry Dash 2.1) - DexTep - Duration: 5:08.


Dumb It Down - Sports - Duration: 2:10.

Sorry For The Bad Quality

For more infomation >> Dumb It Down - Sports - Duration: 2:10.



what's up guys today it's me Omar s.u s.u X and we're doing a challenge trying

to speak British challenge see I have a friend that's from England and we're

gonna give them a call and try the challenge so give me a second

I'm texting this person right now alright so as you can see this is my

friend Bella from class and I will call them right now for the challenge alright

so just give me one second all right

mmm-hmm I'm calling them right now guys it's about to be lit we just tried the

challenge to speak British accent as you say all right hello hi hi there Bella

I called to try to speak British to you I'm gonna try right now so you could

test me since you're your British speaker right all right so my name is

Billy and I'm from I'm from Manhattan what's your name what's your name is

Bella so me my friends were walking in the street to go to the meat wagon and

so we could get a couple pounds of meats and you know we pay in pound we got to

school together and I always had a problem with John John has always been a

how you say a neat breaker he's always been a pain in the ass has my British

access so far wait can you speak louder I can't hear you so you think I can't

speak but uh I think you can just

frustrating well on teller let us continue this for

the strength you know and so I'm actually questions and Pradesh and you

just add some fella how old it fella what happened with it again though what

are you not find projects Fridays no play talk me with it because I have

never tried by all right I'll help you so let's go back to the video now but I

don't have second period my wait wait let's just tell the so later okay so um

how old do you Bella hi alright Bella where are you from Bella Ireland

wait we waved we're your parents from then what I I will cut this fight doing

I'm okay

anyway England a cobbler okay Haley um cut this way hey wait plus five seconds

to eat to so Bella I just want to tell you before at this video do you like to

here in America oh my god we should be brushed so let me try to speak British

since you beat me in this game so I like cookies no can you ask me the questions

and I'll answer them British alright my favorite cookie well I like chocolate

chip cookies right she's doing really great I

think myself you don't have to lie now

because I'm from New York Pizza

okay a little too much information all right so uh what what keep asking

questions Bella

so when are you going back to England

yeah your parents there's such a delight their luxurious as you say wait wait

wait don't tell the people how many cars your dad and mom have they're rich and

what are they like Lamborghinis and

off-screen - like

what about the private jet you guys have like one or two damn you guys are crazy

y'all ballin so let's end the video Bella before I end the video I just want

to tell you that this jump young YouTube and um my stairs are gonna see this and

you have anything to say to Martez about me yeah what I think about you I think

that's it amazing what they think and I think that everything they say about you

sometimes you can actually be a big pain in the neck and the neck but here in

America we say pain in the ass yeah you're such a great influence

you're more people like you are needed in America what the hell hello I heard

something made a really loud sound like a gunshot it's like the taxis in

Manhattan right yeah so um let's end the video and have a great day take care

Bella I already know you already texted me didn't you remember yeah but yeah

bombs tell Newton from formu is gonna be on

For more infomation >> 'OMG' SPEAKING BRITISH TO MY FRIEND😂😂🙊🙊 - Duration: 8:05.


Bharwa Hari Mirch Pakoda in 2 ways Stuffed Green Chili Fritters Ramzaan Special Shaila's Dastarkhwan - Duration: 7:29.

Hello Friends, today's recipe is stuffed green chili fritters

For ingredients see Description below.

Please SUBSCRIBE my Channel. Its free.


For more infomation >> Bharwa Hari Mirch Pakoda in 2 ways Stuffed Green Chili Fritters Ramzaan Special Shaila's Dastarkhwan - Duration: 7:29.


Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017 - Duration: 1:36.

Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017

Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017

Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017

Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017

Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017

For more infomation >> Crazy Funny Video Fails Compilation 2017 - Duration: 1:36.


Eid ke liye taiyyar kare Khajoo Anjeer aur Dry Fruits ki Mithai Ramzaan Special Shaila's Dastarkhwan - Duration: 11:40.

Hello Friends, Today I will show you a very interesting recipe. It is a sweet/mithai.

For description of ingredients see below in the description box.

Please SUBSCRIBE my channel. Its free.

If you liked the recipe do press LIKE button and SHARE with your friends.

For more infomation >> Eid ke liye taiyyar kare Khajoo Anjeer aur Dry Fruits ki Mithai Ramzaan Special Shaila's Dastarkhwan - Duration: 11:40.

------------------------------------------- Protracted Withdrawal - Duration: 3:54.

Protracted Benzodiazepine withdrawal:

something that people who've gone through it can tell you is absolutely scary, brutal,

horrible - something you don't want to experience. And by definition

that is somebody who has been

experiencing withdrawal symptoms from a "benzo" for eighteen plus months. And


There's a misunderstanding around protracted withdrawal

amongst doctors, amongst patients, amongst family members of people who are going through it and

what people seem to have trouble grasping is that when you're on a benzodiazepine

for as short a period as a few weeks

that "benzo" goes into your brain and makes alterations

to your brain chemistry,

makes alterations to your body chemistry and

those are changes that your body adapts to and,

as it adapts, it learns to function that way and as it functions that way, as

time passes, it becomes more

ingrained into your physiology and

when you take that [the "benzo] away,

whether it be by a taper or by a

cold turkey, god forbid - you do not want to do that because cold-turkeying increases that risk of going protracted and

experiencing symptoms for many many months and even years for some people...which is scary and terrible,

but it's reality of the situation. It's just how it is.

So you're going into your brain and your body and you're making changes to it [by taking the "benzo"] and

when you rip that away, or take that away,

that's not something that your body can just snap and go back to functioning how it was before the drug and

that's why a taper - tapering the "benzo" - or tapering

that drug that you're on is so important because it gives your body time to

gradually adapt to the changes - to the lowering of doses - to allow your body to

not have extreme symptoms

that a cold turkey would bring and allow it to go back to functioning. So we're not talking, at this point, we're not talking about

technically "withdrawal"...

It's maybe a poor choice of words to actually say it's withdrawal -

protracted withdrawal - because doctors and a lot of people are going to be confused by, well

"you know, you've been off of it for this many months

even years, how is that withdrawal?". They think withdrawal and they think

weeks, days, weeks - whatever - and

at that point it's

damag to your brain and your body and your body is in the process of

recuperating, rewiring itself,

rebalancing neurochemistry - and that takes a long time. Your body actually takes time - looong time, a long time] to heal from that.

So, at that point it's moreso

body changing, healing, adapting to the brain damage and body damage that these drugs have done to your body.

so the

protracted with withdrawal is a very real phenomenon. It's horrible.

Unfortunately there's a

portion of people that can go that far, and it's scary and

people need to be aware that that's a possibility and that

they're not alone and that people understand. But...

always taper.

Cold-turkey increases that risk that you're going to go protracted and you do not want that!

But yeah, it's it's a real phenomenon, and it's something you don't want to experience.

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