Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for your support, and your feedback all the time!

Today is a day where I can give back something to you.

As I will announce the winner of my latest giveaway,

who will get an EKEN H9 or MGCOOL Explorer Action Camera.

So let's move on and pick the winner!

I found this great website, where you can pick a winner out of YouTube Comments.

All you need to do is: Copy the link of your video,

Load the comments, then your video is shown,

and the comments are loaded.

All you need to do is press a button, to pick a winner.

Winner of my Giveaway is...

VulpesHD and he will get an EKEN H9!


I'll send you a message via YouTube, to sort out the shipping details.

Don't be sad if you didn't win, the next giveaway is already planned.

And here's a hint: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel,

so you don't miss the next giveaway!

Thanks for watching and see you soon!

For more infomation >> EKEN H9 Giveaway - Duration: 1:10.


¿Fueron estas enormes cajas de granito solido del Serapeum utilizados como portales estelares? - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> ¿Fueron estas enormes cajas de granito solido del Serapeum utilizados como portales estelares? - Duration: 4:10.


由後台到舞台 【我的生活 vlog 9.5】 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 由後台到舞台 【我的生活 vlog 9.5】 - Duration: 0:31.


Men In Black – A 20th Anniversary Looms - Duration: 6:50.

Men In Black � A 20th Anniversary Looms

July 2 of this year will mark the 20th anniversary of the release of the movie Men in Black,

which starred Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Linda Fiorentino, and Rip Torn.

It was an incredibly successful movie that pulled in close to $600 Million in box-office


Men in Black II surfaced in 2002 and made a more than respectable profit, and the third

movie in the series � Men in Black 3 � did even better, with box-office figures reaching

more than $620 Million.

Based on Lowell Cunningham�s comic book series, Men in Black, the movies most definitely

brought the MIB of UFO lore to the attention of millions of people � and all around the


The movies did something else, too: they cemented in the minds of most people the image that

the MIB are the operatives of a highly secret agency which is buried deep within the heart

of the U.S.


The reality, however, is very different.

Of course, the three Men in Black movies are meant purely as entertainment for the whole

family � which they certainly are.

But, when it comes to the real Men in Black, matters are much darker.

In fact, way darker.

And, I�m not talking about the color of the suits.

It�s ironic that the movies portrayed the Men in Black as what we might term �ufological

007�s,� as the �secret agent� angle is actually the most unlikely explanation

for the MIB.

As a quick aside, I well remember that when the first Men in Black movie hit the cinemas,

certain pompous ufologists complained and moaned that Hollywood�s MIB were far different

from the Men in Black of the real world.

Give me a break and lighten up.

Develop a sense of humor and don�t be so defensive: the movies are fiction and fun.

And that�s all they are meant to be.

And, there is nothing wrong with that.

With that said, let�s now get back to the MIB of fact, rather than of fiction.

�Men� is probably not the best or most accurate way to describe the strange creatures

that are known as the MIB.

Imagine a pale-faced or �olive�-faced character whose skin looks like plastic-meets-Botox.

On top of that, there are the odd, dark wigs that the Men in Black are described as so

often wearing.

Bulging, staring eyes are often reported.

Mumbled words, near-robotic tones, and an almost �programmed�-like nature are typical

of the gruesome MIB, too.

In some cases, the Men in Black are short in the extreme � often around only about

five-feet in height.

In contrast, however, there are those MIB who are reported to be in excess of six-and-a-half

feet in height.

An ability to control the minds of their victims is something that pops up a lot in MIB cases.

No, we�re not talking about the �Neuralyzers� of the MIB movies.

It�s more akin to a strange form of hypnosis.

And, don�t get too close to the MIB.

In fact, stay away from them whenever and wherever possible.


Because the history of MIB encounters reveals more than a few cases in which the Men in

Black appear to have �supernaturally infected� those they targeted.

As weird and menacing as it may sound, accounts of people falling sick, feeling ill, and developing

serious diseases in the aftermath of encountering the MIB are not at all uncommon.

Then, there are the paranormal overtones to the mystery, such as witnesses experiencing

strange odors in the home after the MIB have left for pastures and victims new.

Sulfur, brimstone, and �rotten eggs,� are typically the odors reported.

Users of Ouija-boards talk about encounters with the MIB, typically of the �Shadow Person�/�Hat

Man� variety.

And let�s not forget the cars of the MIB.

In the movies, they are high-tech vehicles that can outperform just about anything and

everything else on the road.

And, of course, they are black in color.

In our world, the �Cars in Black� are no less strange.

For example, they are eternally and paradoxically old, but also look brand new.

1950s-era Cadillac cars are a favorite of the MIB.

Eyewitnesses describe the cars vanishing before their eyes � becoming invisible, winking

out of existence, and even taking to the skies!

Unlike the characters portrayed by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, the real MIB have far

more than just UFOs on their minds.

Seen Bigfoot?

Maybe a lake-monster?

If you have, chances are that you just might, one day, incur the wrath of the Men in Black.

Pennsylvania-based researcher/author Stan Gordon has uncovered a number of Bigfoot-MIB


There are several reports of MIB roaming around Loch Ness, Scotland.

And, I don�t have to tell you what lurks in its darkened depths.

As all of the above collectively shows � and although we certainly have the three movies

to thank for elevating the MIB phenomenon to stratospheric levels � there are big

differences between Hollywood�s Men in Black and those who have plunged more than a few

people into states of terror and paranoia.

No doubt, when the 20th anniversary of the release of Men in Black arrives in just a

few weeks from now, we�ll see and hear much more about the MIB�

For more infomation >> Men In Black – A 20th Anniversary Looms - Duration: 6:50.


El cáncer de hígado ¿duele? - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> El cáncer de hígado ¿duele? - Duration: 1:36.


Fake Boyfriend Prank - Random Acts - Duration: 4:33.

>>Well I was supposed to introduce my boyfriend,

Brandon, to my brother Will,

but he stood me up.

I guess I'm going to have to find

someone else to fill in.

>>Ah, the old fake boyfriend gag.

I can't wait to meet him.

>>Yep, if I find my knight in shining armor,

we've got a nice gift for him.

>>Those gifts are being made right now.

Let's go check them out.



>>Hey guys.

>>Nice to meet you.

>>Nice to meet you.

>>Is this what we're going to be--

>>Giving away, Yes.

We've got some picnic essentials,

some drinks,

dinner at Bam-Bam's,

cupcakes from Sweet Tooth Fairy,

movie tickets to Megaplex,

and these cameras.

They're instant cameras and

they'll be able to put the photos

right into an album.

>>Oh my gosh,

and it even says Random Acts Instant Memories.

>>Nailed it, right?

>>Let's go.

>>Okay Emilie is a go,

everyone get ready, okay we're live.

>>Excuse me.

I'm sorry to bother you,

but this is really awkward.

This is so weird,

I'm so sorry,

would you mind pretending to be my boyfriend

for like five minutes?



>>I'm married and...


I'm so sorry.

No you're totally fine.

Sorry I didn't see his ring.


>>Nice to meet you.

>>Nice to meet you too.

>>Do you want a cracker?

>>You know what?

I would love a cracker?

You seem really nice.

Would you pretend to be my boyfriend

for like five minutes?

>>Uh, what for?

>>I'm supposed to meet my brother

and his girlfriend with this guy I've been dating

and he stood me up.

I don't know what to do,

he's already like at our table.

Would you mind coming with me

and pretending to be him?

Like, it would really help me out.

>>Yeah, if you need the help.

>>Oh my gosh, I really do.

I'm Emilie.

>>My name is Grant.

>>Hi Grant, it's nice to meet you too.

>>Seriously like a life saver.

What's your name?




Alexander, hi.

I'm Emilie.

>>Emilie, okay I'm Hunter.

>>Hi Hunter.

The guy that I was introducing my brother to,

his name is Brandon.

>>Should I be Brandon?

>>If you don't mind.

>>My brother is always teasing me,

he's always like,

"Your boyfriend doesn't really exist."

I'll totally go with whatever you say,

like if he asks you questions or anything,

I'll totally go with it.


He's right over there.

But remember that you're Brandon.


>>Will, hey!

>>Oh hey!

This is Brandon.

>>Oh my gosh.


>>How's it going?

>>I feel like I know you.

>>I'm glad you guys are finally meeting.

>>Brandon, Brandon in the flesh,

here sit over there.

>>How's your day been?

>>Ah so good.

>>I have heard a lot about you.


>>Word of warning,

I haven't liked any of her other boyfriends, so...

>>I like to intimidate her boyfriends,

but you're a pretty big dude, so...

I can't do it.

>>He's scared a couple of them off.

>>Well I hope it's not like weird,

we're like besties.

I totally forgot,

like how long ago did you guys meet?


>>About three weeks ago?


>>Still very new.

>>So where did you guys meet?

>>So, uh--

>>I want all the details man.

You got to make sure that you're in the up and up.

>>Just a class.

We uh, we met up,

it was really great, right?

>>Yeah, it was a really good class.

>>What drew you to her?

>>Her eyes.

>>My eyes.


>>So what's your favorite thing about her?

>>Her personality is great.


You have a great personality.

>>Stop that.

>>You can hug.

>>Oh no.


>>Did she tell you she does a TV show?

>>She does?

>>I do.

>>What? Get out.

>>It's called Random Acts,

have you heard of it?

>>I have not.

No, not at all.

>>Well you're actually on it right now.

You are the kindest man alive, my friend!

You will go to any lengths my friend.

Right over there is a camera.

There's one in the tree.

We got one right back there.

>>Hey what's up man?

>>You're a good sport.

>>Can we just?

Double hug you.

Oh my gosh.

Since you were so nice to help us out

>>We got you this awesome gift basket right here.

>>Oh wow, thank you so much.

>>That's what's up, guys, that's what's up!

>>That was so much fun,

and your baskets were a real hit.

>>I love that.

That was awesome.

>>You absolutely nailed it,

everybody loved them.

>>Thanks for coming out.

>>Thank you so much for having me.

>>You know what?

I'm really hungry, so,

triple date?

>>Let's go.

>>Let's get one of those baskets.

You guys, the last subscriber just ditched me.

You would save me so much embarrassment

if you could just subscribe.

It would be so easy.

It's so easy for you.

Help me out, you guys.

Subscribe. Please?

For more infomation >> Fake Boyfriend Prank - Random Acts - Duration: 4:33.


How Far Will People Go to Fit In? - Duration: 5:00.

We've all done something kind of weird to fit in.

Maybe you've lied about who you voted for or pretended you'd read a certain book

when you actually hadn't.

Or maybe, you've done something kind of like the participants in psychologist

Solomon Asch's famous studies of conformity in the 1950s,

and agreed that something was true even though you knew it wasn't.

Conformity is the tendency to change your beliefs or behaviors to match those around you

or in your culture.

Experimenters before Asch had looked at this phenomenon in cases where there was ambiguity

or no right answer to a particular problem.

But Asch wanted to know what would happen when the participant could clearly see that

one answer was the right answer.

Would they still agree with a group that was obviously making a mistake?

To test this, Asch asked groups of six to eight people to look at three vertical lines

of different heights.

For each trial, a new line would appear, called the standard line,

and the people in the group were then asked which of the three original lines was the

same height as the standard line.

The trick, though, was that in each of the 123 groups in the experiment,

only one person was actually a subject in the experiment.

The rest were confederates: pretend subjects in cahoots with Asch, who had already agreed

on what their answers would be for each trial.

For the first couple of trials, the confederates would pick the line that actually matched,

so the subject wouldn't be suspicious.

But then, on 12 of the 18 trials each subject completed, they picked an answer that was clearly wrong.

The subject, who was last to pick, had to decide: Should they say the name of the line

they knew was right, or go with what everyone else picked?

The results were kind of alarming.

37% of the time, the subjects just went with everybody else,

even though the line the group had picked was clearly not the same height as the standard line.

For comparison, when a control group looked at the lines, the subjects were able to accurately

match the heights 99% of the time.

It's kind of hard to believe, right?

You might like to think you wouldn't conform, but 75% of subjects went along with the group at least once.


Asch thought so, too.

He pointed out that it was pretty concerning that a bunch of intelligent,

well-meaning people had essentially just been convinced to call white black.

But the truth is, you probably do this kind of stuff all the time.

Haven't you ever been one of the last people to join a standing ovation, because, well,

they weren't that great,

but it seems silly not to stand up and clap with everyone else?

Or maybe you've watched a teacher explain something wrong at the front of a classroom,

but not wanted to say something, because everyone else was just nodding along.

The good news, though, is that there is plenty of evidence that we're not just a bunch of lemmings.

Asch's experiments have been replicated and expanded upon since the 1950s,

using different age groups, different genders, and different cultures.

And the results of all these studies seem to suggest that—at least in the U.S.—

the conformity effect has gotten weaker in recent years.

Asch's studies were conducted during the 1950s, a time when McCarthyism was at its

height and fitting in was a pretty high priority.

Today, on the whole, expressing your own thoughts and opinions has

become a much more important part of our culture.

This idea that culture can influence your willingness to conform is backed up by cross-cultural studies, too.

In cultures that tend to prioritize the needs of the group more, like in Japan,

rates of conformity were much higher than in more individualistic cultures, like in the U.S.

And even Asch's original experiments weren't all gloom and doom—

they also suggested that there are times when people will go against their tendency to conform.

For instance, Asch found that there was a lot of variability in whether or not individual people conformed.

A quarter of the subjects were what he called "yielding," which meant that they conformed

most of the time.

Another quarter were "independent"—those were the people who never conformed.

But about half the participants fell somewhere in between:

they might have conformed once in awhile, but they would usually stick to their guns.

Asch also found that the number of people in the majority group doesn't matter as

much as the number of people in the minority.

Adding more than three confederates didn't make people more or less likely to conform.


A single defector among the confederates was enough to completely wipe out the conformity effect.

They didn't even have to agree with the subject, they just had to have a different

opinion from the majority.

And even if that defector later left the experiment?

Just knowing that someone else disagreed with the majority was enough to keep the subject

from conforming.

So, giving a standing ovation when you don't really think the performance deserves it might

not be that big a deal.

But these studies suggest that when something seems a bit off, it might be worth speaking up.

It could be kinda scary, but you also might find out that other people agree with you …

they just didn't want to say so.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych.

To learn more about how other people's opinions can affect your own, check out our video about groupthink.

And to learn about all kinds of weird things our brains do, you can go to

and subscribe!

For more infomation >> How Far Will People Go to Fit In? - Duration: 5:00.


They Built Me a SUPER COMPUTER! - Duration: 5:30.

James yeah okay I was going on premiere but like it's really slow maybe I

shouldn't have hacked the computer together with nothing but spare parts so

we notice Origin PC is been sponsoring a whole bunch of YouTube channels lately

so we decided to reach out and see if maybe they wanted to send us computer

for the shop

surprisingly they said yes there guys guess what came in today I wonder what

this could be

mmm game capture card swinging ass record video on the laptop and let me

answer this whoa I can put out 17 amps at 20 volts heads insane but this is a

friggin beast it's got this has a Titan that too or just the 1080 yeah and she's

just a 1080 you know just a 1080 in a laptop form factor Georgian toaster whoo

it is a beat oh so if you guys haven't guessed yet

origin pcs actually sponsoring the YouTube channel and they've sent us a

laptop and a desktop which hasn't come yet but this is going to allow us to do

some awesome stuff due to the complex flow simulation with SolidWorks

for the flying like Ironman project and we'll actually be able to edit 4k video

without line to kill ourselves over premiere craft so pretty excited to have

these pcs and look at this thing that is gorgeous it's finally here

I need a hand one hand cameraman the big box who give it a bag RGB LEDs extra 10

horsepower all right going through guys

there seems to be a bag set to tighten

she got jealous that we opened it without him

that's our editor who is very jealous of the new origin PC - come out really have

audio turned on Oh plenty here guys

please you've had a long enough hope you enjoyed that video we're super grateful

to origin PC for hooking us up with this awesome hardware it's going to make such

a difference around here in the shop and it's going to allow us to focus more on

projects and less I'm waiting for a computer to catch up with our designs

heck with all this computing power maybe we can make our own AI emphasis shops I

could rival even Jarvis anyways if you guys are geek me out over the specs with

computers you can actually watch them build it for us on this video there and

here QA that I did during the livestream thanks for watching

For more infomation >> They Built Me a SUPER COMPUTER! - Duration: 5:30.


Dirty Bomb: Season 3 Start Date - Duration: 3:29.

Today marks two years of anniversary time...

We're celebrating, we've got tonnes of cupcakes here

we're gonna be chowing down, we've also got a nice big shiny cake...

Last week we celebrated two years of Dirty Bomb being free to play on Steam

We want to say a big thank you to all of you for joining us for this journey and continuing

on with us. We're now in the best and strongest position

we've ever been in and the future is very bright

In a previous dev video we let you know about a test we planned to run to improve server

performance in South America Last week we kicked off this test and we're

happy to say....well, we'll let the comments speak for themselves

If you haven't jumped in and tried the new servers out yet, please do and let us know

how they are If the test continues to do well and you utilise

the servers, we'll make the changes permanent So come on you South America!

Grab your friends, jump in game and crack some skulls!

Last week we announced our 'Dockyard Goes Live' competition where we challenged you

to make a video based on Dockyard We had a load of entries ranging from trick

jump tutorials to frag movies and we're happy to say we have our top three

In third place and receiving 5 Elite Cases we have Wassy with their super helpful trick-jump

tutorial In second place and the winner of 10 Elite

Cases is averagerussian and their overall Dockyard showcase

And taking home first place and 15 Elite Cases is GhosteyGhost and their epic frag movie

We also have an honourable mention to ragnak for the sheer amount of collat kills they


Seriously, it's double headshot o'clock Well done to everyone who entered.

What a talented bunch you are

Oh, and clear your calendars for next week as Ranked Season 3 is kicking off

on Tuesday the 13th, so get ready for new cases, new skins, new trinkets, and a brand new season

If you want to get ahead of the game on what's coming, then 'Like' our Facebook page, as

that's where we'll be posting the facts!

Hitting the Steam Store today we have three new Starter Packs available, to kickstart your Merc career.

Now's the perfect time to pick up the Mercs you've been waiting for

This week w.......This.......

Dazz3601.....Phantom.....voice lines.....


Last week the most reported issues were Quick Join Team Balance, Crafting System and

Time to Unlock Mercs For Quick Join Team Balance we expect balance

to improve once Ranked Season 3 goes live, and of course, we're still continuing our

work towards Casual Matchmaking For the Crafting System, as we said last week,

the improvements we want to make feed into a ton of others systems too and we'll talk

about those when we have updates And lastly for Time to Unlock Mercs, you can

earn Credits quite efficiently in game.

Check out Kandyrew's and LCTRGames YouTube guides on the fastest ways.

Have you tried out our updates to the South American servers yet?

If so, let us know in the comments how they're doing

Now, take a second to hit that subscribe button.

And also hit the bell to turn on notifications too!

For more infomation >> Dirty Bomb: Season 3 Start Date - Duration: 3:29.


Oddly Satisfying Video #583 (Only 0.001% Not Get Satisfied) - Duration: 10:01.

Oddly Satisfying Video #583 (Only 0.001% Not Get Satisfied)

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Video #583 (Only 0.001% Not Get Satisfied) - Duration: 10:01.


Runescape: How To Make Grinding Fun - Duration: 6:41.

What's up guys it's me Jeremy.

We're doing something a bit different today, with a video that is not going to be about

League of Legends.

Out of all of the games that has stood the test of time, probably the most iconic of

them all is Runescape.

Created in 2001 this Legenday MMO by Jagex has had over 250 million accounts created

since its release, and to this day, still has an active, healthy and growing playerbase.

And throughout time the developers have done a lot of things right and some not so much,

but there's one thing the game truly succeeds at from a game design perspective, that has

allowed it, at least in my mind, to truly stand the test of time.

Runescape as a game succeeds at making grinding fun.

Whether you are playing the modernized Runescape 3 or the classic OG Old School Runescape,

we'll be referring to both games in this video together hand-in-hand as simply Runescape,

since pretty much all of our talking points apply to both games equally.

Hundreds of Massively Multiplayer Online Games have come and gone, and the biggest fault

that these forgotten and unplayed games typically have, is that they fail to make their long-form

gameplay interesting.

The gameplay consists of killing 6 wolves to level up so that you can go on to kill

6 move wolves in a new area, gain some more levels, and kill some more wolves, until you

get bored and uninstall.

Grinding is and always will be a pretty big part of the MMO genre as a whole, and so that

aspect is typically what defines the gameplay of an MMO.

And making grinding fun is, at least on the game design side of things, is the number

one thing that has contributed to the long term success of the game as a whole.

Sure, Jagex has done a ton of other things that also contributed heavily to Runescape's

long term success, but from specifically a gameplay perspective, making their grinding

elements fun is what allowed the game to last longer than the lifetime of some of the people

watching this video.

There's quite a few ways that Runescape accomplishes this incredible feat, and it's

the culmination of all of these things together that has made the game design massively successful.

In runescape, you as a player are given complete control over what to do.

Because things are based on individual skills and definied quests and such, a player has

infinitely more opportunities and choices than you would expect in a more traditional

MMO where you start at level 1 in the zone that you stay in from level 1-10, and then

moving onto the next zone from level 10-20 and so on.

In Runescape, there is no set path, no strict levelling zones or areas, the entire world

and every part of it is open to you in some way shape or form.

Right off the bat you get to choose what you want to grind at, and that level of control

gives a lot more interest to the repetive elements, since you never feel like you are

forced to do something.

The introduction of choice already does a ton to make grinding feel less like a chore,

and much moreso like you are working towards your own set goal.

Although repetitive grinding is a massive part of runescape for sure, it never really

feels like it is forced on you the way the levelling grind might be in a more traditional

MMO where you gain experience, level up, and eventually hit the overall level cap.

As well, Runescape does an absolutely fantastic job at giving you meaningful, significant

rewards at the end of your grind.

Although the grinding aspects definitely do get tedious, you are always met at the end

with an extremely satisfying payoff.

It leaves you feeling like you worked hard on a project and ended up with something awesome,

which is a feeling that can be quite hard to come by, and not only just in gaming.

It does an amazing job of giving incredible satisfaction upon accomplishing a goal, be

it by giving you an epic item, unlocking a new and exlusive zone, or gaining access to

a new piece of gameplay, very rarely does a grind in runescape to obtain something feel

like a waste when you finish it, and by giving you a good feeling of accomplishment, you

are always left at the end feeling like the grind was worth it, and you're excited to

start on the next one.

Another aspect that Runescape introduces as well, is that they typically add in some amount

of randomness to the repetitive and boring elements.

There's loads of random stuff in the game setup to where you might be grinding for an

hour or so, and hey here's this random extra bonus reward for no reason, or maybe you randomly

get some extra XP, a nice free item, a rare drop, or if you're extremely lucky, one

of the coveted rare pets.

By introducing these random rewards to respective aspects of gameplay, things are kept a little

bit more interesting.

Along the way to your epic reward at the end, you're bound to stumble upon some nice little

bonuses, and there's also a slim chance of getting something that is super rare and

awesome too.

This randomness allows the repetitive gameplay to actually have moments that are different,

and allow the entire process to feel just a bit less repetitive overall to be enough

to not get bored along the way to reaching your goal.

The cycle of pacing between repetitive grind session to a meaningful reward, mixed in with

random elements, all while keeping the grind under the control of the player, allows you

to always be reaching for the next goal, and for things to not get too dull along the way.

Although Jagex is often praised for their heavy community involvement, consistent updates,

and constant improvements to Runescape, the game design is an aspect that goes quite underappreciated,

and overall has contributed a lot more than you might think to its long term success,

and is a great game to take inspiration from for MMO game design.

I know it wasn't a league of legends video today, but I want to try and make more of

theses video essay type things about design for video games as a whole, and Runescape

is a game I've played since elementary school, and still do to this day, so I felt it was

a great place to start with this type of content.

So let me know what you thought of this video, and I'll see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Runescape: How To Make Grinding Fun - Duration: 6:41.


Tour de Pharmacy: Official Trailer (HBO) - Duration: 1:46.

REPORTER: The 1982 cycling event of the year.

There's definitely something fishy going on.

It was a very fucked up year for bicycle riding.

-Marty Hass... Marty Hass-- -(SHOUTING)

You seem very proud of your own man.

♪ I can see... ♪

I did it with nothing but my own blood, sweat and tears,

and extra blood.

Nearly every rider was on drugs.

I'm here with Gustav Ditters.

Look like you're carrying a few extra pounds.

This is what happens when you train super hard on the bicycle.

Adrian Batton, the great French mystery.

It was my first time in public as a man.

(LAUGHING DEEPLY) What a hot chick.

And I think I nailed it.

The race... starts now!


REPORTER: The atmosphere is positively electric.

ANNOUNCER: Now being passed by an old lady.


ANNOUNCER: It's a perfect back flip!

♪ Bring it on Bring it on ♪


WOMAN: Oh, my God! He's fucking dead!


♪ Bring it on ♪

-(GROWLS) -Yeah!


Cyclists are incredible athletes as far as endurance goes,

but a great deal of them fight like little bitches.

♪ Bring it on! ♪

People dope. Yeah.

You know, this is a sport with literally hundreds of dollars on the line,

and dozens of fans that...

stakes are medium!

♪ Bring it on Bring it on ♪

For more infomation >> Tour de Pharmacy: Official Trailer (HBO) - Duration: 1:46.


Climbing The HIgh Pyramid Of Coba And See A Crocodile - Duration: 1:01.

Hello and welcome on WorldMindTravel!

Let's travel to Coba, another Maya ruins in a forest.

This site is very big, you can even rent a bike to move inside this archeological site.

You can walk and breath the nice tree's air.

There is a high pyramid that you can climb, if you have the energy.

At te top, the view is amazing!

It really worth it!

Next to the ruins there is a river.

So if you are lucky, you can see crocodiles!

Thank you for watching!

Share the video and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Climbing The HIgh Pyramid Of Coba And See A Crocodile - Duration: 1:01.


Ask for Pay Rise - Asking for more Salary! (Financial Self-Help) - Duration: 3:26.

Ninh explains, Asking for a Pay Rise So you're working at a job and you feel

that you deserve more.

You do more work than everyone else, you have more responsibility, you even do two or even

three people's other jobs.

It's really annoying when someone does less work than you and gets paid significantly

more for seemingly doing a lot less.

Now it's time to get what you deserve … here's how you ask for a pay rise.

1) If you don't ask, you don't get.

It's a common phrase, but one that's very true.

If you don't ask for a pay rise, your employer isn't just going to offer you one out of

the blue.

Many people feel embarrassed or even scared to ask for more money, but you gotta get over

the fear of asking for a pay rise.

It's your money at the end of the day.

So make a decision to at least ask.

The worst they can say is 'no'.

They can't fire you for it … well, not legally anyway.

2) Before you ask, come prepared.

Don't go in all guns blazing.

Do some research, see how much other people who do the same job role as you is earning.

If you have more than one responsibility – add that up, keep that figure in your head and

be prepared to use this figure if you're asked.

3) Justify WHY you deserve one.

Do you generate more income than your colleagues?

Do you save the company x amount of money?

Do you do the role of several people that would cost the company more, by outsourcing

or hiring separately?

When you do ask, you have to have a good reason why you deserve one … so start finding those

reasons why you deserve a pay rise and be prepared to use those when you negotiate.

4) Find a better offer … and use it against them.

It might be worthwhile applying for another job and seeing if they can offer you a better


Even if you go to the interview just to see what they can offer you, and then you can

use that against your current employer.

Play them off against each other, see if you can use a new offer to leverage a better deal

on your current employment.

It sounds a little shady, but it happens all the time.

If your current employer has any sense, they'll probably give you the pay rise anyway, just

to save the hassle of hiring someone else, training them up, and losing business whilst

they're learning the ropes.

5) Be prepared to walk.

If you do have a better offer and your current employer isn't budging, now's the time to

seriously think about jumping ship.

Look guys, life is too short to work for an employer who doesn't give a damn about you

and who won't pay you accordingly.

You might be better off, you might be worse off.

But you'll never know unless you go out there and give it a try.

If you have found this video at all helpful, please be sure to like share and subscribe.

Download my free eBook here, follow me on social media there … on a closing note – if

you don't get a pay rise, you've not got a pay rise before you asked, you've not got

a pay rise after you asked.

So it's worthwhile asking .. just be prepared.

Let me know how you get along, comments section below.

Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK

For more infomation >> Ask for Pay Rise - Asking for more Salary! (Financial Self-Help) - Duration: 3:26.


Sunday in Stornoway - Hebrides Vlog - Lauren + Peter - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Sunday in Stornoway - Hebrides Vlog - Lauren + Peter - Duration: 6:50.


Apartments Es Pujols - Formentera Formentera holidays - Duration: 3:43.


Apartments Es Pujols - Formentera holidays

Offers accommodation in Formentera

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Visit places like Playa de Ses Illetes, Raco de s'Alga, Punta Prima or Estany des Peix,

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For more infomation >> Apartments Es Pujols - Formentera Formentera holidays - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal Casa Nena Es Caló in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Casa Nena Es Calo

Offers accommodation in Formentera

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Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Sa Roqueta, La Savina, Tramuntana or is Trucadors,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Casa Nena Es Caló in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Apartments in Formentera Savin Eugenio - Duration: 3:43.


Eugenio La Sabina apartments

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Cala Saona, Es Moli Marroig, Playa de Ses Illetes or Estany des Peix,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartments in Formentera Savin Eugenio - Duration: 3:43.


Oriflame Catalogue April-May-June 2017|Oriflame Products|Oriflame Makeup Tutorial V#2 - Duration: 2:21.

Oriflame Catalogue April-May-June 2017|Oriflame Products|Oriflame Makeup Tutorial V#2

Oriflame Catalogue April-May-June 2017|Oriflame Products|Oriflame Makeup Tutorial V#2

Oriflame Catalogue April-May-June 2017|Oriflame Products|Oriflame Makeup Tutorial V#2

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