Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

Hi, I'm the guest for the first episode, LuHan.

How do you feel about cooking this time?

I don't know exactly this time it was so difficult because

all of the meals were Japanese foods and salad.

But fortunately,

I am luckier to draw lot for cooking rock and roll salad,

just made the dressing, then stirred with the salad.

My dishes were quite simple.

What is the most difficult challenge?

The most difficult thing is to cut the radish silk,

not just simple cut,

have to cut it very fine like sashimi,

right, I have no idea how to cut it,

no any idea about it totally. Woo

What's the easiest dish?

I think the easiest dish should be miso soup,

teacher helped me.

The way I thought about it in my mind is

boiling the water first,

cutting shallot, and tofu,

then put the miso in it, that's all,

but in fact I missed soy bean sauce,

yes, this should be the easiest dish.

You often don't eat well, right?

I think I belong to the type who don't eat well,

it depends on the mood,

for example, if I have a business schedule, I can't eat meal at noon.

Because I may be very nervous, don't feel hungry while I am recording,

but after the recording I will be particularly hungry,

then will overeat,

so it is not right!

Should eat well, right.

What is your favorite food?

Hot pot, hot pot, hot pot,

hot pot is fantastic,

I am willing to eat hot pot for a year.

Give some advice to our audience

Hope every audience friends,

no matter how busy you work, have no time,

you should take a little time,

either ordering delivery food or having meal in restaurant,

You should eat well.

It is because your body will be healthy only if you eat well.

Physical health is top no.1,

if you don't have a physical health,

in fact, you can't do anything !

Yes, must eat well.

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan Interview @ Eat Well - Duration: 2:35.


Lance impossivel dos videogames [PT-EN-ES] - Duration: 4:25.

The crowd was astonished.

Hello YouTube people here is your friend powermafia.

Personally the subject of today is the following the video game it is filled by bids.

You play you hit You err, but sometimes an unbelievable thing happens.

an incredible bid

That incredible bid that bid that the staff get everyone like this:

ooooooooo poxa vida.

And that is what I want to talk about and it happened to me.

This is what I call impossible bidding. ,

For me to explain the impossible throw as it is impossible will not give to do again in the videogame

Then I made a scenario, which represents the game

I hope you did not laugh at me too much and I'll show you how it was

And how did it happen that the crowd was appalled.

So hug the Powermafia for you.

So I made it to be small scenario to be able to explain what happened and what happened that left the super staff amazed.

That ooooooooooooo

I was playing the game with the guys we were playing 2 players And there were a lot of people there were 6 boys playing.

So guys I was taking turns playing with my colleague the Aero Fighters game.

Another boy died and I did not die

When the situation was black I would let the bomb escape, there

The business was ugly and going to die would drop the bomb and escape.

There was an hour that could no longer escape Why had the rays of death

Around the ship, had more than a lot of shots around had no way to escape,

There I wanted to see kill

was surrounded as it had

The only thing I did when shooting saw to see catch I did so,

without moving the ship here. Here or here.

The shooting was coming

So I did it just like that. The shot passed under the wing of the ship

I stayed in the game without dying.

The staff went completely crazy with this because it was a fraction of a second the shot was here

I did it just like that

The shot passed underneath everyone saw that. The staff went crazy with that

everything good did that.......... aaaaaahahhahahaahh

nobody believed, and everyone OOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Logical After a while I died but that bid was the full bid. The impossible bid.

it was well that I was

here was surrounded you did not have to leave because you would die

here died,

the shot coming like this and it was just like this

and passed and everyone. Aaaaaaaaaaa that's it folks this was my impossible bid

For more infomation >> Lance impossivel dos videogames [PT-EN-ES] - Duration: 4:25.


WHY NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL l Why I Started YouTube - Duration: 6:15.

What's up guys and welcome back to my channel so today

I'm going to be doing a sit down video

And I'm sorry that this week's video is not a diy or challenge

Just because I am in the [middle] of finals

And I'm almost done school. So basically this video is all [about] YouTube

Why you should start Youtube but why I started youtube and basically what it does for people?

I've been wanting to do a video like this for a long [time], so it's not just like a scrap together video

But it had the idea to do something like this and since I can't really film a diy or a challenge video

I feel like this would be a great time also

I'm having a giveaway and by the time you guys see this video

It will almost be over so enter the giveaway [if] you guys are not entered already

So I want to talk about why I started youtube so I've always wanted a YouTube channel

just because the idea of being able to like produce videos and being able to

Kind of share my videos with other people seemed, so exciting to me

[I] just always wanted [to] be able to sin Phi the camera

I just being able to talk about things that I'm really passionate about and being able to share my love of creativity and Diys and

lifestyle, and I've always just

Envied people who've been able to make videos. [I] [watched] their channels

I watched their videos

And I just imagined that I would have [a] channel one day

and I would practice and I would like

Pretend that I had a youtube channel and film like fake video and I made the bold decision in the summer of 2015

To post a video and actually upload it and make it public

And it was my room tour and it was crazy the voiceover was kind of bad because it was all over the place

But overall it was a pretty good video for making my first

I have to give myself without on the back because that was actually really good and my [voiceover] was actually very nice

Usually voiceovers when you start, they're like [very] like Shaky, but mom was very calm very natural even though

I was probably really nervous filming a very shy person like don't come across as it

[maybe] but I've always been shy my entire life like I'm not the type of person that would just come up to our

Stranger and like start talking to them

I'm very reserved and if you come up [to] me, I'm going to talk to you

But I'm the type of person who doesn't speak unless I'm spoken to because I don't know that's just how [I] feel like

it's best for me you know posting videos to public and

You know basically interacting with people online is kind of a bold move but at the same time

It's still very like reserved because you're talking to people you're interacting with people

but at the same time you're [in] the comfort of your own home and

You can delete things. I mean you can't always delete things

But you have control over a lot of what you say

And you [can] like think about what you're going to say and you can just enjoy yourself. I'm sitting here in my bedroom

Yeah, I'm still like

Being public about it

if that makes sense

[so] polly like I talk so much better and

YouTuber mode than I do and like real life mode because I'm by myself right now

It's quiet, and I'm just here with my thoughts

So that's why it's such a confidence booster for me because I would not be able to talk like this in front of people

No way, [I] would not be able to do it. If I was talking to a group of people right now

I'd be shaking I wouldn't know where to look because I hate making eye contact with [people]. It's so weird

it's so weird to make eye contact [with] [people] when you're talking so like I would be looking on the floor and

It would just not be like this, so if you are a shy person

And you are trying to look for a way to get out of your comfort zone, and you're trying to

Just be very bold and get that confidence booster YouTube is the way to go you don't have to have high quality

videos at first you don't have to be this professional Youtuber at first you can [just] be yourself and

Even though I've been on YouTube for about like a year

I still feel very

true to myself and I just want to say that no one knows about my [YouTube] [channel] besides my

Immediate family my mom dad my sisters. They're pretty much the only ones who know that

I have a Youtube [channel] because I'm afraid that if people know

That I have a youtube channel like people that I interact with in person

I feel like if they know that I have a [YouTube] channel

[I'm] gonna go back to my old self like my real life self. I'm going to resort to being very nervous

[I'm] going [to] [care] what people think I'm going to be very scared and very like

closed off

And that's not how I want it the reason why I don't tell anyone about my Youtube videos in

Person is because I don't want

people in my life [to] change

what I've done

In my [youtube] life, if that makes sense, so yes, you guys know that I have a channel obviously, but no one in my life

[like] no one in my personal life

No one that

I know in person knows that I have a Youtube channel Youtube or as a small YouTuber

It's just so great being a small youtuber because you have the best of both worlds. You really do I

Have my internet in my internet life, and I do have my personal in real life when you get really big

Unfortunately you don't have that you [don't] have the best of both worlds

You don't have being able to have your personal life and your youtube life

unfortunately like the more subscribers and the bigger you get on YouTube the less like

Separated so um yeah anyways. Thank you guys so much for watching this mini video

Sorry [that] it wasn't a diy or like a challenge video or something like really interesting like that

I finals wish me luck on my finals and if you guys are out of school yet

tell me if you are out of school if [your] like about to get out of school or

Whatever something like that let me know in the comment section [below] give this video a huge thumbs up

And oh my gosh, my hair tie um subscribe to my channel enter my giveaway you know the drill and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> WHY NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL l Why I Started YouTube - Duration: 6:15.


Как научиться рано вставать и просыпаться – Как легко проснуться утром и стать жаворонком - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Как научиться рано вставать и просыпаться – Как легко проснуться утром и стать жаворонком - Duration: 4:05.


Куклы Пупсики Играют в Маски из пластилина Плей До Беби Элайв Салон Красоты Игры для девочек Зырики - Duration: 12:44.

For more infomation >> Куклы Пупсики Играют в Маски из пластилина Плей До Беби Элайв Салон Красоты Игры для девочек Зырики - Duration: 12:44.


Как научиться быстро принимать решения. Что делать, если не хватает уверенности в себе? - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Как научиться быстро принимать решения. Что делать, если не хватает уверенности в себе? - Duration: 3:48.


How to Craft a Video Script that Makes Video Editing Simple - Duration: 6:29.

So you want to start creating video content for your business, but you aren't

sure. Should you be writing a script? Should you be going off the cuff? What

should you be doing? What is even involved in a script? And how do you

write an effective script so that once people watch your video they take the

action you want them to take? Well in today's video I'm going to break down

how you can write an effective script in five different parts. Hey Savvies! Welcome

back to the Savvy Community channel. My name is Trena Little and I'm a Savvy

YouTube guest! Today I'm going to be talking to you about how to write an

effective script and the five sections you should always include in your script.

So one of the biggest questions I get is, "Should I be writing a script?" Well here's

my take on it. If you're just starting out you're probably a little

uncomfortable being on video and you don't want to make it any harder by just

turning on the camera and not knowing what it is you're going to talk about. So

by writing a script you have a guideline and you've already got all of your

thoughts together and organized them in a way that it's going to make it easier

for you to convey your content. If you are new to this you may turn on the

camera, freeze not really know what you're going to talk about or maybe you

just start rambling. That's not really going to make your video effective and

it's not really going to keep people's attention watching your video -- and that's

not what you want. You want people to watch your video the whole way through

and really get value out of your video. So let me break down how you can write

an effective script for your video content. The first thing you need to

include in your video script is a hook. So if you go back to the beginning of

this video you will see that I asked you a question. It got you engaged, it grabbed

your attention, you wanted to have your question answered. So you want to have a

hook as soon as your video starts. You don't want to have an image or a logo or

some kind of stagnant image as the first thing people see when they click on your

video you have generally three seconds till a person decides whether or not

they're going to keep watching your video and you don't want to use this

valuable time as a stagnant image. You want them to see you

and you want them to connect with you instantly in those first three seconds.

So make sure when they click on your video it's you, and you're providing a

hook to get them to continue watching your video. After your quick little hook

whether that's fifteen or thirty seconds long, then you can input a bumper. And

what I mean by a bumper is like a graphic or you know a little slideshow

of you to music really showing your brand and who you are. Kind of like you

know an intro to Friends when they sang "I'll be there for you...." that type

of intro. You want to make sure this is second because like I said those first

five seconds are so important and you want to make sure you create a instant

connection with them before you give them an opportunity to click off your video.

After that bumper then you're going to introduce yourself because somebody

watching your video may have never seen you before. So this is your quick little

elevator pitch. No more than 15 to 20 seconds I typically say my name is Trena

Little and I'm a Video Content Strategist. I let people know that I help

online entrepreneurs and that's pretty much my pitch. So if they have just found

me on YouTube they know who I am and who I service. From there, you're going to

jump right into your content and you want to make your content easily

consumable. And what I mean by that is breaking it down into points or tips

or having a clear flow with your content.

That's why writing a script makes it easier for you because you've already

been able to get your thoughts together and make sure it flows instead of you

just jumping on the video and going from A to D to B to Z... and the viewer not

really knowing where this content is going. You also want to make sure your

content is purely valuable whether that is two minutes of content or it's 11

minutes of content it needs to be purely valuable. They need to leave your video

and be able to take action. You need to provide them the content that allows

them to take the next step. The next element you need to have in your video

especially if you're planning on creating YouTube video is asking a

question. Engagement on YouTube video is huge this is how you're going to start

ranking videos. This is how you're going to get your video out to more

people and start getting higher in search results. The more people you can

get commenting on your videos shows YouTube your video has engagement

meaning it's highly valuable content. So they're going to push your video to the

top of search results. So always ask a question. Now whether it's a question

resulting to the content that you shared in your video or whether it is the plain

old question of the day like 'what's your favorite ice cream flavor let me

know in the comments below' whatever question that you asked, just make sure

you ask a question to really promote engagement in your video and be sure

that you're answering these questions once people comment on your video it

just gets traction going on your video and allows your video to get ranked

higher in YouTube. And then finally is your outro. This could pretty much be the

same thing every single video. I typically ask people if you liked this

video make sure you give it a thumbs up don't forget to share it on social media

all the social media share buttons are down below so Twitter Pinterest Facebook

so if you like this video go ahead share down below. This again just promotes

engagement with the video and gets people sharing it, gets your content out there

and it just makes your video more effective if you can get people to take

action. People don't know what it is that you want them to do unless you clearly

call it out so tell them to share the video tell them to download your opt-in.

Put the opt in link in the description box. Tell the viewer what it is you want

them to do. Don't leave them guessing. Then obviously you can have some type of

sign up. I always say thank you so much for watching my video, I appreciate the

time you took to watch this, and I'll see you next week. As simple as that! A quick

little outro. So do you have any questions about creating a script for

your videos? Let me know in the comments below I will be answering them as you

post them. If you like this video, make sure you subscribe to the Savvy

Community Channel and you share this on social media. Like I said all the social

share buttons are down below! Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How to Craft a Video Script that Makes Video Editing Simple - Duration: 6:29.


<<花雕雞麵>>有人醉到起唔到身!! - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> <<花雕雞麵>>有人醉到起唔到身!! - Duration: 5:49.


Overwatch Moments #69 - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #69 - Duration: 5:43.


🔴 7 days to die mega base Previous stream May 30 2017 - Duration: 1:39:24.

For more infomation >> 🔴 7 days to die mega base Previous stream May 30 2017 - Duration: 1:39:24.


SP4ZIES & ATHENAS SKATTJAKT | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:46.

-Wait, a dog. -A dog?

Do they have wild dogs here?

Hi and welcome to CokeTV Sweden, with me Athena and "Spuzito".

-"El Spuzito grande" -Yes.

-How are you feeling today Athena? -I'm feeling great, better than ever.

Me too, thanks for asking.

Today we're doing a new challenge. Here in Ibiza we have these special challenges...

...that the Spanish team has picked out.

-Yes, so it's not random now, it's... -No, because they liked this better...

So they want us to do this one today. So we simply just do it.

-Do you want to open it? -Yes.

-"Go on a treasure hunt!" -Yes!

-Yeah! -Fun!

-I've never been on a treasure hunt. -Me neither.

Last time I did it I was like five years old.

That's the thing, I did it when I was younger but I've never done it now when I'm older.

I wonder what they've prepared for us.

There are so many different things to do. How do we start?

It says here: "The first clue is outside the entrance". So let's go there!

-It has to be this one, right? -I'm out of breath.

-You take it, we'll read it in the car. -Okay.

-Let's go to the treasure hunt! -Bye bye house, bye bye.

-Exciting. -Mhm.

-"Go to the red arrow". -Okay.

-I don't get it. -Oh, wait!

-I received a text on the phone. -Here, I can hold it.

Ah, it all make sense, look.

-That's the red arrow. Over there! -There it is, let's go!

-Wow okay, it's right by the water. -Yes I like that! I hope we get to swim.

-Okay! -Wow, wow.

-New text Athena! Are you coming? -Yes.

-I think so. -Ehm, here.

"Find the red scarf and follow the sound of the waves".

I think we're already doing that because it sounds like... There it is! Over there!

-Where? -Okay that wasn't so hard, I like this.

Here it is.

Probably tha hardest thing we've done today.

-Okay, we've got the scarf. I guess we have to get down to the water now. We can hear the ocean. -Yes.

Now we have two choices. Either we go that way, or that way.

-That way feels better. -Yes, it feels like that's the way to the ocean.

-Wait, a dog. -A dog?

Do they have wild dogs here?

-Hello doggie! -Hey!

-Oh! -How are you?

We're good, how are you?

Perfect Swedish. Jonas, nice to meet you, nice to meet you.

I'm impressed, thank you.

-Yeah, I just learned it. -You did really good.

"Hur mår du?" Very nice pronunciation.

We have nationalities from all over the world here so we learn a couple of words.

-So where are we right now? -Well, you are in the middle of the Ibiza nature. An amazing spot.

-I think you are on a treasure hunt. -Yes.

Your next clue is, let's say, there in this amazing cave.

-Wow. -Where we're going to go.

-Are we going to climb down there? -Yeah, but it's very safe. I'm going to be with you guys.

We have the rope, we have everything for you to have a little bit of challenge and adrenaline.

-Perfect. -So are you ready?


-Oh my god. -Wow.

I feel like I'm in an action movie or something.

Oh yeah!

-Go "Spuzie". -Feels good, feels good.

-There you go! -Yes!

So far so good, right? -Right, it feels good.

-I hope that you're enjoying. -We love this.

-But I must tell you that your adventure still continues. So good luck with the next clue. -We're not getting you with us?

You keep going inside the cave and you will find it, I can't do more for you for the next clue.

-Good luck! -We will need it.

-But this... yes. -Keep going.

I made it... almost.

-It feel so good that we took of the helmets. -Yes, there in the end.

Let the head breathe a little.

Ah, nice!

This feels good, I like this.

Yeah, let's see...

-Aren't you sweaty? -Yes, so sweaty.

"Get down to find the treasure, use water-googles"

-So we are going to swim? -Yes.

Yes! What do we have?

We have a snorkel... and a mask... and fins.

Perfect. You take the big ones.

-I feel like these are for me. -Okay, let's go.


-We made it. -Yes!

Here... I'm so pale if I compare with you.

No, I'm not that tanned.

-Is it time to open it? -Yes.

Yay! Not that surprising.

-But so enjoyable, right? -Yes.

-Cheers. -Cheers.

-I think that the cave we entered was so cool. -Yeah, me too.

I got to swim around in the water, that was nice.

-You were so happy when you found the box down there. -Yes.

You were so so happy. Even though you were in the water I could see you smile, you were like...

It started to leak into the mask because I was smiling so much.

-Thank you so much for watching guys, I hope you enjoyed it. -Yes.

If you did please like it, and then you can leave a comment of what you want us to do.... time. And then it might be your... -Challenge.

-We'll. -Do. -Next. -Time.

-Oh, so synced! -Yes.

Then there is this competition, right Athena?

Exactly, you actually get the chance to win a "CokeTV Beach House experience"...

...and go to Ibiza in August with me and a lot of other European YouTubers, it's going to be great.

So cool. The only thing you have to do is to buy a Coca-Cola with this summer label.

Look under the bottle cap where you find a code, and then there is a link in the description of this video...

-...where you can compete to win the "CokeTV Beach House experience". -Yes.

Do it! We'll see you next time. We love you.

Kisses and hugs!

Oh, what happened there? One of those. I don't know what you... Bye!

You can click here to watch last weeks episode. Or you can click here to watch our last Q&A-video.

-And don't forget to subscribe! -"Subscribe".

-"Sub-scri-be" -"Prenumerera" in Swedish.

Oh well. I forgot Swedish sometimes.

-"Subscriba" -"Subscribish"


For more infomation >> SP4ZIES & ATHENAS SKATTJAKT | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:46.




A type of UFO that has never been seen before has been found and captured on film numerous

times in Puerto Rico.

Joshua P. Warren, the lead researcher said that he believes it to be a living organism

and he has given it the name of Organic UFO or OUFO.


has been leaked online after it was filmed in 2013 and it shows what seem to be flying

objects that are very strange and are slightly saucer shaped.

The objects were seen around the Rafael Hernandez Airport, where they were flying at speeds

of around 120mph.

The object was seen for around three minutes and it dipped down into the Atlantic Ocean

and was seen traveling just under the surface of the water at a speed of about 95mph.

Mainstream scientists have analysed the video and deemed it authentic.

The forage along with the results has been published on the internet in an independent

and very detailed 162 page report.


Warren said that he thinks they are living organisms as they are not too well structured

like a machine would be and they seem to interact with human beings in a new way and they seem

to appear when requested to do so.

Part of the detailed report says that on 25 April 2013 around 9.20pm local time an object

that was unknown flew across the runway of the airport in Puerto Rico at low altitude

and this caused the delay of a commercial aircraft.

It was said that there was no transponder signal alerting the tower and no communication

had been made with the tower.

It was only picked up on an infrared video by the US Customs and Border Protection aircraft.

The thermal video has since been verified to be authentic.

The analysis from the video revealed an object that was not like any natural or man-made

object and careful evaluation was made of it.

The movement, properties and even the possibility of a hoax were ruled out.

REPORT CONCLUDES OBJECT IS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN The object was said to be around three to

five feet in length and it traveled between 40mph and 120mph with a median speed said

to be around 80mph.

One of the characteristics that were found to be significant was the fact that the object

was able to travel at fast speed through the water and that speed did not vary when it

impacted the water.

On average it traveled at 82.8mph under the surface but did reach up to 95mph.

After entering the ocean it did split into two separate parts for a brief time and then

re-emerged, both of the parts kept the same speed when moving in water and air.

The conclusion of the report was that the object is of unknown origin and no explanation

can be given for there being an object that is capable of traveling at 90mph under the

surface of the water with minimal impact on entering the water, be capable of separating

into two objects and then merge or of flying without navigational lights in a residential


The full PDF report of the unknown flying object can be found below and it does make

interesting reading

for ufologists.



Flint bank boss resigns after n word rant about water crisis - politics - Duration: 2:26.

Flint bank boss resigns after n-word rant about water crisis

A bank sales manager in Flint, Michigan has resigned after a recording emerged of him

using a racial slur while blaming the city�s water problems on African-Americans.

Trends Flint water crisis

Phil Stair, a longtime employee of Genesee Land Bank, stepped down after he was recorded

telling water activist and journalist Chelsea Lyons: �Flint has the same problems as Detroit

� f*****g n*****s don�t pay their bills, believe me, I deal with them.�

Stair made the remarks while driving through Flint on the way to a restaurant with Lyons

and another friend whom he had met earlier that evening. The recording of their conversation

was later released to Truth Against The Machine.

Genesee Land Bank is Flint�s largest property owner. A non-profit organization, the firm

takes over foreclosed homes. The firm claims its mission is to �restore value to the

community by acquiring, developing and selling vacant and abandoned properties in cooperation

with stakeholders who value responsible land ownership.�

Lyons told the Flint Journal she was concerned about the Land Bank�s role in the local

property market.

�The Land Bank is taking up all of the properties in Flint� They are pushing people out of

the neighborhood,� she said.

Michele Wildman, executive director of the Land Bank, accepted Stair�s resignation


�I am deeply troubled by [the statements]. The citizens of Flint deserve to have trust

in their public officials," she said.

Concerns have grown in Flint that more homes will be foreclosed on as residents continue

to struggle with increased water bills and property taxes.

Earlier this year, the city served notices that unpaid water bills could result in property

foreclosures for more than 8,000 residents. The water, meanwhile, remains toxic

and unusable.

For more infomation >> Flint bank boss resigns after n word rant about water crisis - politics - Duration: 2:26.


EMRAH KLIP 4 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> EMRAH KLIP 4 - Duration: 5:51.


Police Car Coloring Book Fun Painting Learning Colors How to Draw Car Coloring Page - Duration: 12:38.

For more infomation >> Police Car Coloring Book Fun Painting Learning Colors How to Draw Car Coloring Page - Duration: 12:38.


Essence of Murli 09-06-2017 - Duration: 7:06.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 9th June 2017

Essence: Sweet children, your Brahmin life now is higher than the deity life,

because, at this time, you know the three worlds and also the three aspects of time. You are God's children.

Question: What is the steep climb that you children are climbing?

Answer: To change from human beings into deities is the steep climb and you are now climbing that.

It is said that if you climb, you can taste the nectar of love.

This is a very steep climb, but the wonder of it is that you climb it within a second, whereas it takes time to descend.

Question: There will be cries of victory when the urn of sin breaks. How is this symbolised on the path of devotion?

Answer: Sita is shown emerging from an urn, that is, when the urn of sin becomes full and breaks, Sita and Radhe take birth.

Song: Take us far away from this land of sin to a place of rest and comfort!

Essence for dharna: 1. You have to study the unlimited history and geography and teach others.

In order for you to be given the ornaments you have to become a pure angel.

( ornaments means imbibing virutes, knowledge, and other divine blessings in self. When we do so, we become like angels )

2. The Intellect of the Wise is only the one Father. Therefore, follow His shrimat and become wise.

Maintain the intoxication that this Brahmin life is invaluable.

Blessing: May you pass with honours by having the awareness of the one word "pass", and pass any paper fully.

( Pass has many meanings, 1) Being close to god 2) passing difficult situations 3) Not to forget 4) Bypassing etc etc )

In order to pass any paper fully, do not go into the expansion of the questions in that paper.

Do not think about why something happened, how it happened or who did it.

Instead of that, think about passing, consider the paper to be a paper and pass it.

( Like in school exam paper. We cannot afford to think why this question asked ? How come ? etc etc. We need to answer same and pass )

Simply keep the one word "pass" in your awareness that you have to pass, pass (overcome) it and remain close (paas) to the Father and you will pass with honours.

Slogan: Those who sacrifice themselves out of love for God become embodiments of success.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 09-06-2017 - Duration: 7:06.



For more infomation >> IT TESTS TO CHANGE MY SHE DOES NOT ARRIVE! IT HAS A CABLE - Duration: 1:34.


Silk Thread Jhumka Bangles (Eng Sub) - Duration: 5:40.

Hi Viewers

Let's see now how can we make Silk Thread Jhumka Bangles

and the materials required for this are.

Silk Threads

Plastic Bangles



Jhumka Base

Stone Lace

Stone Line

Flower Caps

Jump Rings

Small size gold beads

and lastly Glue

Now I have taken the silk thread in 20 strands of 1 meter size.

apply glue to one end of the silk thread and leave the other end freely

now apply glue to the inner side of the plastic bangle

stick the silk thread and press it gently to stick properly

wrap it slowly and tightly line by line without any gaps

warp the whole bangle like this as shown in the video

We have finished wrapping ..

applied glue at the end and cut the excess thread left

Its looking nice, right?

Now I am taking the Stone lace

and cut two lines from it at the length measured with respect to the bangle

And now to stick this lace, we need to apply glue to the whole bangle

apply glue like this on top middle of whole bangle as shown in the video

and stick the two line stone lace

press it gently to stick properly

stick and adjust it to come exactly in the middle of the bangle

cut the excess/extra stone lace if any.

press it like this to stick neatly

and let it dry for few minutes..

Next apply glue to the inner side of the Jhumka and

stick the silk thread( take 20 strands of 1/2 m length)

and wrap it slowly

Wrap it tightly and completely without any gaps

so that the Jhumka will look nice

as you can see jhumka wrapping has been finished now and its looking nice

apply glue at the end and cut the extra thread if any

Now take a head pin and flower cap

Insert the head pin into the flower cap like this

and then insert this head pin into Jhumka base and press it tightly

hold this end with your thumb like this and take another flower cap

and insert it towards the top of Jhumka base as shown in the video

and then insert the small size gold ball

press and hold this tightly

and cut the excess head pin as shown in the video

and then bend the remaining head pin into a round shape using Plier

Now measure the stone line as per the Jhumka base circumstance and

cut it at the measured length

and apply glue on the very edge of the Jhumka base

applied glue like this

stick the stone line gently by rotating the Jhumka base like this

adjust it to stick properly and let it dry for few minutes

Now to the bangle already designed with stone lace

we are going to wrap again with embroidery gold thread

take the embroidery gold thread in 6 strands of 1 meter length

for wrapping

apply glue to the inner side of the bangle

stick the gold color thread and

wrap the thread in-between the gaps of stone lace as shown in the video

wrap it tightly

wrap it like this till the middle of the bangle

next take the Jhumka base and insert the jump ring

Jump ring is useful for free movement of the Jhumka which will be attached to the bangle

press and close jump ring using Plier

and now I am going to insert the gold thread into the jump ring

insert like this and

continue to wrap the thread tightly to the whole bangle

complete the wrapping for whole bangle

wrapping has been completed and

as you can see our Silk Thread Jhumka Bangle is ready

the set of Jhumka Bangles will look so nice

as you can see, the Jhumka is moving freely with the help of jump ring

I have made another Jhumka bangle for the set

These are looking great, right?

They will be very attractive for wedding like occasions..

you too can try making these bangles

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