Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

Ship my pants?

Right here?

Ship my pants? You're kidding

You can ship your pants right here

Did you hear that? I can ship my pants for free

Wow I just may ship my pants

Yeah, ship your pants

Billy, you can ship your pants too

I can't wait to ship my pants, Dad

I just shipped my pants and it's very convenient

Very convenient

I just shipped my drawers

I just shipped my nighty

I just shipped my bed

If you can't find what you are looking for in store

We'll find it at right now

And ship it to you for free

For more infomation >> Kmart Ship My Pants Ad - Duration: 0:56.


АЛЕКСЕЙ ПАНИН: "Люди, что же вы такие злые?" (08.06.2017) - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> АЛЕКСЕЙ ПАНИН: "Люди, что же вы такие злые?" (08.06.2017) - Duration: 1:16.


Пирог с ревенем и клубникой - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Пирог с ревенем и клубникой - Duration: 4:04.



- Hello everyone, it's Barry here (laughs),

well, I'm sorry, welcome to My Virgin Kitchen.

I hope you are well.

Today we are making Huevos Rancheros Tostadas

and I do apologise about the pronunciation,

I don't really care, to be honest,

it's just gonna taste blooming gorgeous

and I hope you give it a go.

Huevos Rancheros is kind of like a Mexicany-vibey breakfast

with eggs, tomatoes, avocado,

amongst other delicious things.

We have it as a Tostada, which I believe translates

to the phrase, "toasted",

so we serve it on a tortilla that is crispy

and there's a few ways we can do that,

but hey, I just wanna eat, I'm hungry,

we're gonna have a late breakfast today,

just because of you guys.

So if you wanna try this out, the full method and write-up,

that I've done on

is down in the link below and you just head over there,

there's over 1,000 video recipes now, amazing.

I'm gonna summon in my assistant today.

Hello! - Hello. (laughs)

- Mrs. Barry's at her new job,

but she has a few days off during the week,

which means she's not gone.

- No, I'm not.

- She was never really gone,

- No, (laughs) I was never really gone.

- She was just, - I can't, I still live here.

- Yeah, she was just gone to earn money,

but she's gonna help me just prepare some ingredients,

so we can just concentrate on the good stuff

and as we managed to get the Queen fixed,

we've given Michael the day off, but she is standing strong,

God Save the Queen and all that stuff.

Just before we start, massive thank you to everyone,

that is as excited as I am about the plans,

that I sort of mentioned off the last video,

the Raindrop Cake, which was kind of crazy, that thing,

so things like the Vegetarian Day, the Baking Days,

the Kids' Kitchen thing, it's all very exciting

and one thing I will say,

if you're not a massive fan of veggie things,

like some of you guys were saying stuff like that,

I used to think like that as well,

but it's only gonna be like one day a week,

so if you're like, "I know that I don't need

"to come here on Tuesdays, I'm not gonna watch that,"

but it won't just be me hosting it either.

I've got loads of cool friends and family,

that are gonna come in, and some actual vegetarians as well,

some baking experts, it's gonna be awesome!

That's it.

We were just about to start the prep...

and I've forgotten something from the shops.

- You have, you forgot the, what are they, beans?

- Refried beans.

- Refried beans.

- So Mrs. Barry is gonna go get that from the shop

and then I'm gonna do the prep.

- Yep.

- Alright, little damp cloth on there.

(rustling plastic packaging)

(chopping tomatoes)

And I'm just chopping up a tomato into little chunks.

I'm only gonna use the one actually,

we'll put this one away.

We'll also get a chilli, which I've just deseeded,

so the seeds are down there and with that,

I'm just gonna cut that up very roughly.,

so like half a chilli, that's completely optional,

you don't need to use it at all,

or you could use the whole half, I mean, the whole thing.

Coriander, so just roughly chop that.

Just gonna get rid of the seeds a minute

(water gushing from tap)

and I washed my hands as well,

'cause you do not wanna get that in your eyes.

So yeah, just roughly chop up,

this is a small iceberg lettuce,

so pretty rough with that.

So that's quite a lot of the prep done,

the other one is slicing avocado,

but I'll do that right at the end,

a bit of lime's gonna go with that.

So we've got the tomatoes, deseeded chilies,

handful of coriander and the lettuce, nice.

To make our Tostada, this is a corn tortilla

and there's three ways, I believe, you can do it.

You can either fry it, which is the traditional way,

but probably the most unhealthy,

so just in some shallow oil.

You can put it in the microwave, which has no oil

and it's very, very fast

or we can bake it in the oven, which is what we're gonna do,

it's gonna make it, rather than floppy like this,

a little bit crispier, mmm.

So we're gonna get a baking tray and two become one,

or one become two, Spice Girls, no.

I've preheated my oven to 200 C,

which is 180 C on a fan,

and I think that's gas five,

I'll let you know on the screen right now.

Get some oil, this is sunflower oil,

but you could use vegetable oil.

Little pastry brush, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah,

I feel like I'm a deejay, waka, waka, waka,

waka, waka, fresh, fresh!

DJ Tortilla, I'm sure that exists,

I mean I like him, but he's nacho your kind of music.

(doorbell ringing)

Doorbell, worktop has just arrived

for the back of our kitchen bit.

As you know, it's still a bit bodged at the moment,

so I forgot to say about that, things could be happening.

Anyhow, I've turned them over, a teeny bit more oil

and work it round, wah, wah, wah.

If you ever wanted to know what putting suntan lotion

on a tortilla is like, this is kind of it.

Oven is preheated, nice.

So, the oven's preheated, you could put it in straightaway,

but you know how much I love paprika,

little bit of that on there

and a little bit of pepper as well.

This is gonna go in the oven now

for about three to four minutes, then we'll flip it after.

Meanwhile, last thing you need to do is get two pans ready,

you're gonna have a frying pan for frying the egg,

you could always poach it, if you want, nah,

and also a saucepan just to warm up our refried beans.

Hey hey, right, so that has been actually five minutes.

They've bubbled up and they have gone a little bit crispy.

We're gonna flip it over,

repeat that for another three or four minutes.

Optional, but I love paprika.

I'm gonna get that on a T-shirt, by the way,

someone suggested that, 100%.

Alright folks, this is not gonna look that appealing,

I promise you, at first, but, boom, here we go (laughs).

These are refried beans.

I'm just gonna scrape them out of the tin now.

I only need about...

Yeah, that's gonna be enough for two,

plenty, plenty, plenty.

It does smell a little bit like cat food,

but we're just gonna warn that up

and it will be a little bit more appealing, I promise.

Oh wow, that's much more better looking,

look at you, mate,

you look like you're all dressed up for dinner now.

Sophisticated, refried beans, folks,

so we're just warming this through.

Don't burn them, nobody likes burnt things,

well actually, I do like burnt toast,

but just get it nice and warm and manoeuvrable

and hot, baby, tasty.

Fry the egg, baby.

A fried egg is one of the most beautiful-looking things

in the world, don't you think?

it's just like a cartoon eye.

Oh yes, and meanwhile, these are done.

I'm gonna be cheeky with this fried egg as well,

we're gonna have a little bit of pepper in that,

right in the egg white, just a teeny bit.

With the fried egg done, Mrs. Barry has very kindly

just sliced up the avocado for me, didn't you?

- I did.

- So, we're now gonna serve it up.

I'm gonna whack me nice lens on

and we'll just see if we can make it look nice,

if not, just know that it is nice.

- It is good.

- Oh, you get to find out.

(gasps) - Ooh.

Here we are then, folks, there's the Tostada there.

Listen, (gentle thudding) rock hard, nice and crispy,

boom, down that goes with a little bit of paprika, basing,

and then put down the lettuce,

just spread that all out on there.

I'm not sure if there's any particular order to this,

but I'm loving the colours already

and we just dump down (blowing a raspberry)

the refried beans,

which does smell incredibly like cat food still,

but I do like the taste of them,

so maybe I'm a part-time cat.

Fried egg, whay, look at that!

So we're gonna go for some avocado,

be like two, like that, just squeeze a lime on that,

just to bring it to life, some chopped tomatoes,

the chilli, that I said, you know, earlier, was optional,

just get that on there.

There, don't like that bit.

That's a bit better.

Bit of coriander, sprinkle that on there, alrighty,

and then let's give it another squeezing of the lime juice

just to give it all a bit of a zing.

This is completely optional, but I'm just gonna give it,

like a little squeeze of sour cream on top.

I like that, (grinding pepper in mill) and some pepper,

Boom Chicka Wah Wah, loving it!

I don't know about you,

but that's looking blooming gorgeous.

I'm gonna have to have a taste of that now,

are you ready, Mrs. Barry?

- [Mrs. Barry] I'm ready.

- She's ready.

Here we go folks, I'm gonna go straight through

into that egg, oh my gosh, oh, it is really crispy,

this shell, ah, come on, break, there we go, oh,

oh my gosh, can you see that egg there?

Ah, I'm gonna spin this round.

You see that egg?

Oh my gosh, eggy eggy eggy.

Let's try and get a bit of everything

then on a wedge like this.

Ah, look at that, ohh!

Ooh, mustn't forget the avocado.

There you go (laughs).

- Oh wow, OK.

- Ready?

- Yeah, this looks messy.

Oh oh, oh.

Oh, mmm.

- That good?

- That is really, really good, oh my goodness.

- Mm, oh my gosh, messy, but lush.

- Mm.

- Mm (laughs).

- That is amazing.

- Yeah?

- Oh my goodness.

- Mm.

- Ooh, I got a chillie.

- Mrs. Barry's not a fan of chillie, sorry about that.

- Ohh!

- So, there we go then, folks,

Mrs. Barry-approved and certified.

I really hope you give this recipe a try.

There's a Recipe Playlist for breakfast ideas up here

and down below too, plus loads of other recipes

on the website, so let me know down below

what you wanna see next.

Remember, subscribe for regular recipes and food fun

and that's about it, right?

- Hm-mm. - Happy?

- Mm, mm!

- [Barry] Congratulations, you made it

to the end of the video.

Here is your Pug Pause.

The dogs are very happy chilling out.

For more infomation >> HUEVOS RANCHEROS TOSTADAS - Duration: 8:44.


Welcome Deck Challenge Intro - Duration: 2:40.

Welcome Deck Upgrades

I really like to help get new players started in Magic the Gathering.

The Welcome Decks are the best first step, but what do you do next?

You upgrade, of course.

Welcome Young Mage, I'm the Rhino.

I want to help you get better at Magic.

There are 10 color combinations the Welcome Decks come in.

I could have made 10 videos, one about each combination…

But I didn't because I want you to see what 9 other people would do.

Everyone had a limit of $5 and then a total of $15 to upgrade their Welcome Deck.

Most card shops charge 10 cent for commons and 25 cent for uncommon cards.

So we used that for judging the cost of the upgrades.

Rares and mythics are often at market price.

If you are new to Magic, watch each person describe their color combination.

Learn what they picked and why.

All of these decks are currently in Standard and you can play them at Friday Night Magic.

You probably won't win first place, but you WILL have fun.

You WILL learn a lot.

If you are an old pro at Magic these are some great videos for you too.

Each is a different YouTuber that makes very different content.

Each one wants to help you get better at your game

and help you train up the next generation of competition for you.

These videos ARE for everyone.

Normally I would say "Comment below and tell me what you think."

A thumbs up would be nice.

But in this case I would rather you go to the next video.

Watch each one.

Give them a thumbs up and comment on their video.

If you want to see more, subscribe to their channel.

See you at the end, Rhino out… for now.

For more infomation >> Welcome Deck Challenge Intro - Duration: 2:40.


YouTube Dersleri - YouTube Rehber Kullanımı - YouTube Ders Videoları - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> YouTube Dersleri - YouTube Rehber Kullanımı - YouTube Ders Videoları - Duration: 0:53.





Q. A number of people/groups say a Wave is coming which will change / bring a new frequency

to humans � ( positive ). Is this the same as your �EVENT�?

Could you do a short reading / update on the event?

Timing and any other feelings?

I think the PTW know its coming and want to pull the dollar down before hand to keep us

busy / distracted.

Thank you.

I do see the Wave or Event (they in my mind are the same thing) happening.

Every time I focus on it, I hear sounds much like a baby�s heartbeat as heard through

a doppler (found an example here).

It is like the Wave is and has been coming, and the main function is to help ease our

individual vibrations to a higher density, so the collective consciousness as a whole

can elevate.

I see this transformation as a slow and gradual process because our human 3D bodies cannot

take all the energy shifts and upgrades to our frequency all at once.

It may be called a Wave or Event, but in reality, it looks to span over at least the next one

to two years (then it hear it is similar to how people will refer to a War, but in reality

it was an event spanning over several months or years).

The PTW (Powers That Were) are doing what they can to distract us to keep the vibrations


Things like false flags, negativity in media and now Hollywood (entertainment for many)

has become a source of lower vibrations.

This is because the PTW are scared, and they know that if the collective consciousness

rises, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished, and things will be seen for what they are

and NOT what they creates with illusion.

Since the PTW realize their time is slowly coming to an end they are trying to accumulate

as much wealth and power as possible in hopes that it will help to carry them forward.

This is the reason for the suppression of precious metals and I see a newer electronic

currency being created (doesn�t feel like bitcoin though).

They also see the value in resources, like oil (aka �black gold�), other minerals

and farm land (but I will say it looks like GMO companies are working frantically to try

to alleviate this concern).

And that is all I have for this reading.

Sick to your intuition, and try not to get pulled into the illusion.

Question everything, and if it feels off, it probably is.

Love and light-

For more infomation >> ARE 'WAVE X' AND THE 'EVENT' THE SAME WHAT WILL HAPPEN - Duration: 3:59.


Farming Simulator 17 BOBCAT TL 470 & Genuine Equipment - Duration: 15:03.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New Equipment For BOBCAT TL 470 Telehandler .

Updated BOBCAT TL 470 New Stickers And Refresh Skin



With WoodCutter You can crush whole trees



BOBCAT MANURE FORK 3.500l Capacity

BOBCAT SHOVEL 4.500l Capacity

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 BOBCAT TL 470 & Genuine Equipment - Duration: 15:03.


Farming Simulator 17 DEUTZ FAHR 9290 AND HOMEMADE BALE TRAILER - Duration: 28:11.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a New Tractor From NLD Farmers And a Bale Trailer.

4 Engine Setup 6 Wheel Setup Colorable Rims 60Km/h Max Speed

Required Mod [FS17] Light Addon by vertexdezign.


No Autoload . It is For Real Farmers

Ok let's start loading I'll will load bales until i get bored

NEW HOLLAND W170C Fork Cotech With Claws

I would try to load 9 bales at time

ok it is works but the trailer cannot holds the bales

I cannot push the bales because I must unfasten the belts

n nononooooo

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 DEUTZ FAHR 9290 AND HOMEMADE BALE TRAILER - Duration: 28:11.


Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today 6/8/17 ,W H news , FBI director James Comey hearing - Duration: 32:29.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today 6/8/17 ,W H news , FBI director James Comey hearing - Duration: 32:29.


Nickelodeon Games to play online 2017 ♫Pups to the Rescue, Paw Patrol ♫ Kids Games - Duration: 10:20.

Nickelodeon Games to play online 2017 ♫Pups to the Rescue, Paw Patrol ♫ Kids Games

For more infomation >> Nickelodeon Games to play online 2017 ♫Pups to the Rescue, Paw Patrol ♫ Kids Games - Duration: 10:20.


The most fashionable baby panties on a diaper - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> The most fashionable baby panties on a diaper - Duration: 9:13.


Forget Terrorism The Real Reason Behind the Qatar Crisis Is - politics - Duration: 11:13.

Forget Terrorism: The Real Reason Behind the Qatar Crisis Is Natural Gas

According to the official narrative, the reason for the latest Gulf crisis in which a coalition

of Saudi-led states cut off diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar, is because � to

everyone�s �stunned amazement� � Qatar was funding terrorists, and after Trump�s

recent visit to Saudi Arabia in which he urged a crackdown on financial support of terrorism,

and also following the FT�s report that Qatar has directly provided $1 billion in

funding to Iran and al-Qaeda spinoffs, Saudi Arabia finally had had enough of its �rogue�

neighbor, which in recent years had made ideologically unacceptable overtures toward both Shia Iran

and Russia.

However, as often happens, the official narrative is traditionally a convenient smokescreen

from the real underlying tensions.

The real reason behind the diplomatic fallout may be far simpler, and once again has to

do with a long-running and controversial topic, namely Qatar�s regional natural gas dominance.

Recall that many have speculated (with evidence going back as far back as 2012) that one of

the reasons for the long-running Syria proxy war was nothing more complex than competing

gas pipelines, with Qatar eager to pass its own pipeline, connecting Europe to its vast

natural gas deposits, however as that would put Gazprom�s monopoly of European LNG supply

in jeopardy, Russia had been firmly, and violently, against this strategy from the beginning and

explains Putin�s firm support of the Assad regime and the Kremlin�s desire to prevent

the replacement of the Syrian government with a puppet regime.

Now, in a separate analysis, Bloomberg also debunks the �official narrative� behind

the Gulf crisis and suggests that Saudi Arabia�s isolation of Qatar, �and the dispute�s

long past and likely lingering future are best explained by natural gas.�

The reasons for nat gas as the source of discord are numerous and start in 1995 �when the

tiny desert peninsula was about to make its first shipment of liquid natural gas from

the world�s largest reservoir.

The offshore North Field, which provides virtually all of Qatar�s gas, is shared with Iran,

Saudi Arabia�s hated rival.�

The result to Qatar�s finances was similar to the windfall that Saudi Arabia reaped from

its vast crude oil wealth.

The wealth that followed turned Qatar into not just the world�s richest nation, with

an annual per-capita income of $130,000, but also the world�s largest LNG exporter.

The focus on gas set it apart from its oil producing neighbors in the Gulf Cooperation

Council and allowed it to break from domination by Saudi Arabia, which in Monday�s statement

of complaint described Qataris as an �extension of their brethren in the Kingdom� as it

cut off diplomatic relations and closed the border.

In short, over the past two decades, Qatar become the single biggest natural gas powerhouse

in the region, with only Russia�s Gazprom able to challenge Qatar�s influence in LNG


To be sure, Qatar has shown a remarkable ability to shift its ideological allegiance, with

the FT reporting as recently as 2013, that initially Qatar was a staunch supporter, backer

and financier of the Syrian rebels, tasked to topple the Assad regime, a process which

could culminate with the creation of the much maligned trans-Syrian pipeline.

The tiny gas-rich state of Qatar has spent as much as $3bn over the past two years supporting

the rebellion in Syria, far exceeding any other government, but is now being nudged

aside by Saudi Arabia as the prime source of arms to rebels.

The cost of Qatar�s intervention, its latest push to back an Arab revolt, amounts to a

fraction of its international investment portfolio.

But its financial support for the revolution that has turned into a vicious civil war dramatically

overshadows western backing for the opposition.

As the years passed, Qatar grew to comprehend that Russia would not allow its pipeline to

traverse Syria, and as a result it strategically pivoted in a pro-Russia direction, and as

we showed yesterday, Qatar�s sovereign wealth fund agreed last year to invest $2.7 billion

in Russia�s state-run Rosneft Oil, even as Qatar is host of the largest US military

base in the region, US Central Command.

This particular pivot may have also added to fears that Qatar was becoming a far more

active supporter of a Russia-Iran-Syria axis in the region, its recent financial and ideological

support of Iran notwithstanding.

As a result of the tiny nation�s growing financial and political �independence�,

its neighbors grew increasingly frustrated and concerned: �Qatar used to be a kind

of Saudi vassal state, but it used the autonomy that its gas wealth created to carve out an

independent role for itself,� said Jim Krane, energy research fellow at Rice University�s

Baker Institute, quoted by Bloomberg.

Furthermore, Qatar�s natural gas output has been �free from entanglement� � and

political pressure � in the OPEC, the oil cartel that Saudi Arabia dominates.

�The rest of the region has been looking for an opportunity to clip Qatar�s wings.�

And, as Bloomberg adds, �that opportunity came with U.S. President Donald Trump�s

recent visit to Saudi Arabia, when he called on �all nations of conscience� to isolate


When Qatar disagreed publicly, in a statement the government later said was a product of

hacking, the Saudi-led retribution followed.�

To be sure, in a series of tweets, Trump himself doubled down on the �official narraitve�,

taking credit for Qatar�s isolation (perhaps forgetting that a US base is housed in the

small nation).

The cynics may be forgiven to assume that if Trump is tweeting that the reason for Qatar�s

isolation is �to end the horror of terrorism�, even as the US just signed a $100+ billion

arms deal with the single biggest supporter of terrorism in the world, Saudi Arabia, then

indeed the Trump-endorsed �narrative� is to be dismissed outright.

Which again brings us back to nat gas, where Qatar rapidly emerged as the dominant, and

lowest cost producer at a time when its neighbors started demanding the commodity on their own,

giving the tiny state all the leverage.

As Bloomberg adds �demand for natural gas to produce electricity and power industry

has been growing in the Gulf states.

They�re having to resort to higher-cost LNG imports and exploring difficult domestic

gas formations that are expensive to get out of the ground, according to the research.

Qatar�s gas has the lowest extraction costs in the world.�

Of course, with financial wealth came the need to spread political infludence: �

Qatar gas wealth enabled it to develop foreign policies that came to irritate its neighbors.

It backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in the Gaza Strip and armed factions

opposed by the UAE or Saudi Arabia in Libya and Syria.

Gas also paid for a global television network, Al Jazeera, which at various times has embarrassed

or angered most Middle Eastern governments.

And, above all, �gas prompted Qatar to promote a regional policy of engagement with Shiite

Iran to secure the source of its wealth.�

And here the source of tension emerged: because as Steven Wright, Ph.D. Associate Professor

at Qatar University told Bloomberg, �you can question why Qatar has been unwilling

to supply its neighboring countries, making them gas poor,� said Wright, the academic,

speaking by telephone from the Qatari capital Doha.

�There probably was an expectation that Qatar would sell gas to them at a discount


It did not, and instead it took a step backward in 2005, when Qatar declared a moratorium

on the further development of the North Field that could have provided more gas for local

export, adding to the frustrations of its neighbors.

Qatar said it needed to test how the field was responding to its exploitation, denying

that it was bending to sensitivities in Iran, which had been much slower to draw gas from

its side of the shared field.

That two-year moratorium was lifted in April, a decade late, after Iran for the first time

caught up with Qatar�s extraction rates.

As Qatar refused to yield, the resentment grew.

�People here are scratching their heads as to exactly what the Saudis expect Qatar

to do,� said Gerd Nonneman, professor of international relations and Gulf studies at

Georgetown University�s Doha campus.

�They seem to want Qatar to cave in completely, but it won�t call the Muslim Brotherhood

a terrorist organization, because it isn�t.

And it isn�t going to excommunicate Iran, because that would jeopardize a relationship

that is just too fundamental to Qatar�s economic development.�

* * *

Whether nat gas is the source of the Qatari isolation will depend on the next steps by

both Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Saudi Arabia, along with the United Arab Emirates and Egypt � are all highly reliant on Qatari

gas via pipeline and LNG.

According to Reuters, traders startled by the development, have begun to plan for all

eventualities, especially any upsets to piped gas supplies from Qatar to the UAE.

The UAE consumes 1.8 billion cubic feet/day of Qatari gas via the Dolphin pipeline, and

has LNG purchase agreements with its neighbor, leaving it doubly exposed to tit-for-tat measures,

industry sources and traders said.

So far flows through Dolphin are unaffected but traders say even a partial shutdown would

ripple through global gas markets by forcing the UAE to seek replacement LNG supply just

as its domestic demand peaks.

With LNG markets in bearish mood and demand weak, the UAE could cope with Qatar suspending

its two to three monthly LNG deliveries by calling on international markets, but Dolphin

piped flows are too large to fully replace.

�A drop off in Dolphin deliveries would have a huge impact on LNG markets,� one

trader monitoring developments said.

And since it all boils down to who has the most leverage as this latest regional �balance

of power� crisis unfolds, Qatar could simply take the Mutual Assured Destruction route,

and halt all pipeline shipments to its neighbors crippling both theirs, and its own, economy

in the process, to find just where the point

of �max pain� is located.

For more infomation >> Forget Terrorism The Real Reason Behind the Qatar Crisis Is - politics - Duration: 11:13.


Кулинарные уроки + Выпечка печенья. Culinary lessons + Baking cookies - Duration: 11:25.

For more infomation >> Кулинарные уроки + Выпечка печенья. Culinary lessons + Baking cookies - Duration: 11:25.


Bauknecht CTAI6640FSNE kogeplade - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Bauknecht CTAI6640FSNE kogeplade - Duration: 1:46.


Gần 18.000 lao động xuất ngoại sau sự cố Formosa - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Gần 18.000 lao động xuất ngoại sau sự cố Formosa - Duration: 1:37.


Kopia filmu Video2ZZ - 8.06 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Kopia filmu Video2ZZ - 8.06 - Duration: 3:06.


MAX, GEX OG ASTRID KØRER QUADS | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> MAX, GEX OG ASTRID KØRER QUADS | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:36.


Boil Green Banana Eat 11Kg Fat Loss After 1 Week Without Eaten - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Boil Green Banana Eat 11Kg Fat Loss After 1 Week Without Eaten - Duration: 4:25.


5 Clever Uses for Dryer Sheets - HGTV - Duration: 0:42.

[music playing]

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