Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017


I'm joined by soon to be senior, Bella Fiorenzo

and she just finished up her final spring season with Ole Miss.

How surreal does that sound to you?

It's pretty amazing, I remember being here my freshman year

and being told that these four years were going to fly by.

And just thinking that I'm about to go into my senior season seems really crazy

and a little bit unbelievable.

But I'm just looking forward to it

and hoping that it's going to be my best year yet and just really excited

because I think we have a great team coming together.

Well you by all accounts had a very impressive spring,

taking on some tough teams.

Give us your assessment of how the spring went for the team.

It was awesome, there was a bunch of individual growth

and also a lot of team growth and I think that's what showed the most.

And the coaches brought it up a lot, they were saying that

they would tell us these critiques, or things to work on

and we would take it and work on it and then you could see it in the games

that it was really showing.

And I think there are a lot of times where we would play

and we would look back at film and we could point out these things

that we had worked on in practice and we were seeing it come together

in the games and that was really cool because it just shows that

that hard work is paying off.

And everybody is very receptive and just kept getting better and better.

What do you see as the potential of this team?

I just think that with this spring, we finally clicked,

like it was this kind of easy like, just connection that we formed

and when we were on the field we just knew each others movements,

we knew what we were going to do, we knew where to pass,

like where to look for the ball and it was very like cohesive

and I think it just worked really well.

And I think that when we bring in the new freshmen

that they are just going to fall into place and they are going to see our standards

and we are just going to hit the ground running, honestly.

You were voted as a team captain, first of all what does that mean to you?

And what do you think you bring to the team as a leader?

It's obviously a big honor to be given that trust

and to know that the coaches and my teammates look up to me as a role model

was really humbling, honestly.

I think that I kind of have a unique perspective because I started off here

and I was fighting some injuries, I came back from knee surgery

and I didn't have like the easiest path,

I wasn't always a starter in my first couple of years.

I had a lot of ups and downs and I think that

that gives me a level of relatability to my teammates

because I've been in all these different situations.

So at the end of the day I just want to be a big role model for them

I want to push them to be the best versions of themselves.

And I think if I can do that, that I know that I'm doing my job correctly.

So we talked about a lot of the excitement on the field,

but you are getting to move back into your home at Gillom,

how excited are you and the team for that?

I'm so excited, especially for the team room,

I hear that we are getting a ping pong table

so there's going to be a lot of tournaments going on and everything.

But, it's going to be awesome.

To finish my senior year in this new home, and state of the art equipment

and the video room and everything is really going to be very cool.

So I'm looking forward to it and I think it's going to be a perfect ending

to my career.

Who do you think the best ping pong player is on the team?

Well there's a little competition going on between Matt and Liza

so you better watch out, I think Liza could have the upper hand.

I trusted her abilities.

Well it was great talking to you, best of luck this fall.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> Ole Miss Soccer: Spring 2017 - Bella Fiorenzo - Duration: 3:21.


Sing Queen Karaoke, Run - Foo Fighters (Official Lyrics Video) (Full Version) - Duration: 5:24.

sing Queen Karaoke

For more infomation >> Sing Queen Karaoke, Run - Foo Fighters (Official Lyrics Video) (Full Version) - Duration: 5:24.


When I Ran Away From Home | Jenny Lorenzo - Duration: 2:49.

My mom is

obsessed with Paris, France.

When I left to Los Angeles she turned my room into a Paris room.

It is very pink and there are many Eiffel Towers.

She went for the first time alone when she was 22.

My abuela almost had a patatun.

I think I was like six or something.

I was still really young, but my sister was a baby. I don't know why

One day she decided, "I'm gonna f*ck with Jenny and I am going to speak only in French."

I didn't know French.

I only knew Spanish and English. The only thing I remembered by age six was at this meant

Le Tete. And that is because I have a dirty mind.

Okay, so, she starts talking in French to me and, of course, I'm six. Right? So to me

this is a nightmare that I'm, like, living in. ah

And, you know, my dumb fix year old head. I'm like, "my mom is gonna speak in French to me forever."

I remember, like, this one image of my mom, like, changing my sister's diapers.

She's like- *fake French gibberish*

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha croissant.

So then, I decide to run away from home.

Cause, of course, that is the only solution to this madness.

So this is super ratchet.

My way of preparing for this

dangerous journey in the streets of Westchester...

No food.

She wasn't thinking of surviving with food or water.

My grandma always an obsession.

"You have to have clean bloomers."

You have to have clean bloomers on at all times.

You know. Clean bloomers.

In case of an accident.

In case of an accident.

And God forbid you don't have clean bloomers!

I used a say Sedano's bag.

I didn't look for a suitcase. I didn't get a purse.

I just grabbed a Sedano's bag.

Probably from the drawer with a thousand bags.

And I put a bunch of bloomers in there.

I remember telling my mom, "I'm running away", and my mom, being a smartass, opens the door...

I said, "good bye!"

She's like, "go".

And I was looking through the blinds-

What do you mean? I stepped outside?!

Yeah. You were outside.

By myself?


So, but of course, you know. I wasn't gonna leave her there alone.

So I was, like, making sure she was still there. Not moving from there. Which she didn't.

I thought you were behind me and that the door was open.

No, no.

So you stuck my ass outside.

I closed the door and you stood there. And I was looking through the blinds. And then I opened.

I remember the image of, like, the empty street, and it looking really scary.

And I was like, "just kidding!"

So French is starting to look pretty good to me right now.

Of course, after her stupid prank she was like...

(heavy Cuban accent) I love you! I will never- I don't want you- I don't want you to run away!

I don't know why I'm giving you a heavier accent than what you actually have.

I know! I don't speak like that.

For more infomation >> When I Ran Away From Home | Jenny Lorenzo - Duration: 2:49.


Has This Teenager Created An Easy Way To Purify Water? - Duration: 2:24.

In a lot of the developing world,

there's harmful microorganisms in the water.

These can cause all kinds of sicknesses.

You can get, like, seriously ill and die.

I think that water is such a precious commodity

and with global climate change occurring right now,

access to water is going to be more difficult to obtain.

The thing that I thought I could have the most impact on

was providing clean water for people.

As a young person, Yash was always very curious.

Yash, as a child, he was very talkative.

He always started off with, "I have an idea."

I originally wanted to do explosive ordinance disposal,

but I couldn't do it because I'm colorblind

and you can't cut the red wire if you don't know which one is the red wire.

I want to fight.

I want to do good,

even if I'm not part of the military.

That's still something that, like, I strive to do.

I've wanted to do something with water for a long time.

The original invention was a water bottle that purifies water,

using the heat of your hand as a power source.

You have to hold, like, a water bottle anyways.

So as you hold it,

it'll power the purifier

and the ultraviolet light is what purifies the water,

by killing microorganisms in the water.

So you just hold it for a few minutes and, then, your water's purified.

Without water,

the max you're going to live, depending on what kind of climate you're in,

is three days.

If you're like a Marine on a mission,

you can definitely use the CleanBottle to, like,

get water from any stream, really any body of water you come across.

It'd be drinkable after that.

Our gear is what brings us success.

My fight's kind of an internal one.

I'm going to be living in this world for the next 70, 80, 90 years.

Like, I want it to be a world that I want to live in.

Even just helping out, like, one or two people,

that's enough positive change to, like, make

the world a better place.

For more infomation >> Has This Teenager Created An Easy Way To Purify Water? - Duration: 2:24.


Farming Simulator 17 CATERPILLAR CT660 SPREADER - Duration: 8:54.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Solid Fertilizer Truck Spreader.

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The spreader's cover do not open but you can fill it will your win production Solid Fertilizer

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 CATERPILLAR CT660 SPREADER - Duration: 8:54.





No doubt! IU singing live 'Through The Night'! [Happy Together / 2017.06.08] - Duration: 13:00.

I already mentioned this is the 500th episode.

Since you are here, can you sing a celebratory song?

- Please sing for a bit. / - Sing us a song, please.

You can congratulate us and yourself.

- That's true. / - What should I sing?

- Sing anything you want. / - Sing the chorus.

- My newest song... / - I like "Through the Night".

- Then I'll sing that. / - "Palette" is the best one.

- Sing "Palette". / - I like "Through the Night" more.

- "Palette" is the title track. / - Then...

- Be quiet. Let her sing. / - You're frustrating us.

Hey, just sing "Good Day".

- Myungsoo! / - What are you saying?

- That was out of nowhere. / - Whatever.

- Sing the high notes in three stages. / - It's four.

- It's three. / - Hyunmoo

- can sing in four stages. / - Right.

Sing the song you'd like to sing, IU.

Then I will sing a little bit of "Through the Night".

All right. Please.

(I am just like the scribbles on the sand)

(where the waves linger)

(A divine sound resonates throughout the studio.)

Gosh, this is so nice.

(Even the older men are lost in her singing.)

(Her singing skills are truly amazing.)

Let me stop here.

(Her singing skills are truly amazing.)

- This is amazing! / - IU!

(Let her be worshiped!)

- IU. / - That was great.

(The atmosphere gets heated.)

- IU! / - I was next to her when she sang.

To be honest,

it's quite late at night.

It's not easy to sing at this

- late hour. / - I felt she was whispering to me.

- I was right next to her. / - This is...

I always use earphones when I listen to her songs.

I felt as if someone was blowing air to my ears.

You can't hear the songs without them now?

- I want to hear her voice better. / - That's not it.

- Poor Yongman. / - You are...

Myungsoo is quite funny today,

but he's trash-talking today.

Why are you trying to so hard today?

Are you patronizing us since Big Mouth is here?

Forget it. IU and I are close friends.

- Hey, go now. Go on. / - Here...

Sing "Good Day" since today is a good day.


- Can you really sing us that? / - Yes.

- Thank you. / - Sing the chorus.

- Let's compete. / - If she sings it in three stages,

- you should sing it in four. / - Yes, you should.

- You should sing it too. / - I feel so impatient now.

Hyunmoo, this is the least you can do.

- Sing it in five stages. / - This is unbelievable.

("Good Day" by IU featuring Hyunmoo)

(Why does he look sad?)

♪ In one, two ♪

♪ I'm in my dream ♪

(First stage)

(Second stage)

(Third stage)

Look at him.

(Fourth stage)

One more!

(Fifth stage)

(Sixth stage)

(Seventh stage)

(After singing the song in seven stages, he gives out.)

It was nice. It was.

- What is this? / - I thought you were climbing stairs.

- Right. / - Your pitch sort of went up.

Gosh, it was challenging.

Hyeongyeong, who will you call?

If Yoonyoung comes, you just need one more friend.

That's right. Then...

- Call the guy from "Innocent Defendant". / - I should.

- Call Kijoon. / - Let me give him a call.

I really enjoyed watching that drama.

(He starred in "Innocent Defendant" with Hyeongyeong.)

(He played a psychopath)

(who brought chills to the viewers.)

(He is the genius actor, Kijoon.)

- I wanted to meet him. / - His play must be over.

I know that he is starring in a play now.

The play doesn't last all day long now, does it?

You are prettier in person.

(She calls Kijoon.)

(Just like his sweet looks,)

- The song is mellow. / - It's sweet.

(his ring back tone is mellow.)

- Hello. / - Hello.

(They can't believe what they just heard.)



- Is your play over? / - He sounds like Seokjin.

Yes, it just ended.

Really? Where are you now?

I'm in Icheon.

- Where? / - I am in Icheon.

- Icheon in Gyeonggi Province. / - I see.

When are you coming back to Seoul?

I am going to head out after I eat.

After you eat?

(She can't bring herself to ask him.)

- Why? / - Ask him to bring you vegetables.

Kijoon, do you have vegetables?

What did you say?

Can you get vegetables nearby?

Who was that?

(Sorry Kijoon...)


- Hello. / - Hello.

Hello, where are you now?

I am at Icheon Art Hall.

We are doing "I Miss You, My Friend"

for the 500th episode anniversary on Happy Together.

You and Seokjin sound similar on the phone.

Hello, this is Seokjin.

- Hello. / - Hold on.

You and I are quite similar.

Is that so?

Hello, it was so nice to talk to you.

Thank you.

I really enjoyed watching "Innocent Defendant".

Thank you.

(Formal laughter)


- You sound insincere. / - Stop talking

if you have nothing to say.

- You didn't mean it. / - You're unbelievable.

Please say a few words for our 500th episode.

I'd like to congratulate you for your 500th episode.

I once starred on the show before.

I went home after saying only a few words at that time.

You should have done what you did today.

- Star on our show and do this. / - Maybe next time

I will star on the show if you invite me.

Thank you.

- Anyway, / - Congratulations.

you must be tired now. Please get some rest.

- Please say goodbye in that tone. / - Please do so.


(He brought smiles giving up his reputation.)

- He's so funny. / - He's nice.

He's really funny.

- I didn't know he was this funny. / - He is indeed.

I agree.

- Their true colors show. / - Exactly.

Back then, the show was loved for airing stars'

natural selves which weren't seen anywhere else on TV.

DinDin, you are great since you don't have makeup on.

I agree. This shows a real side of you.

- That's right. / - IU told me I have great skin.

Does he think this is a fan gathering?

I'm glad I came here.

He's glad he came.

Do you regret coming here? Do you want to go?

- No, this is fun. / - Are you okay with this?

- Yes. / - Really?

- Byungjae? / - I don't regret, but I want to go home.

He's funny.

- Hyunmoo should call. / - This is his last chance.

Who will you call?

- You are fast at talking now. / - That was neat.

- First of all, / - You have to fill in the cabinets.

Hyunmoo, call your friend quickly.

- I'll call anyone. I'm nervous. / - Insung was here.

- I only have an hour and a half left. / - Hyunmoo.

As we informed earlier,

even if your three friends don't come,

- it will be over at midnight. / - It will be, right?

- Call your friend. / - Okay.

Even if no one comes, we will proceed as it is.

- Who are you calling? / - I'm calling Kim Jiseok.

- Who is it? / - Jiseok?

It's Jiseok.

He said he's close to Jiseok.

(In "The Rebel", he played a role of Prince Yeonsan.)

This is loud.

(His excellent performance was acclaimed.)

(He's the hottest actor now.)

(Will Jiseok answer Hyunmoo's call?)

- Jisun? / - No, it's Jiseok.

What if he doesn't answer either?

No one is answering Hyunmoo's call.

Hyunmoo, you led a wrong life.

Gosh, I'm so anxious now.

Why don't you reorganize your contacts with this?

The subtitle was "A Personality Test".

- Your friends... / - It really was.

- This is testing your personality. / - I told you so.

You saw how Insung came here when I called him?

- You are doomed. / - Why isn't he answering?

- Hyunmoo, you have failed again. / - I told you.

- Hold on. This is the last time. / - What last time?

- Give him one last chance. / - It's the last time.

- Who is it? / - Then...

- Hello? / - Kyung.

- Yes, Hyunmoo. / - Where are you?

I am in my music studio.

- It's Kyung. / - You are in Gangnam, right?

I am.

Can you spare me some time now?

Why? It's sudden.

I have to talk to you about the show. It's urgent.

- Is it about "Problematic Men"? / - Yes.

Where are you, Hyunmoo?

I am in a cafe located on the main street of Gangnam.

Can you come? It will take about 30 minutes.

Sure. Send me the address.

- All right. / - Pickled radish!

Tell him about the pickled radish!

I sort of need something.


Do you have a refrigerator in your music studio?

- Refrigerator? / - Yes. I want you

to bring some food. We should eat while we talk.

Didn't you say you were at a cafe?

Yes, but this one didn't open yet.

- I borrowed the space rather in a hurry. / - I see.

Can you bring either ham or something?

- Ham? / - Anything is fine. Yes, bring ham.



Should I buy it on the way?

Buy it on your way. I'll give you the money later.

- All right. / - I want to eat ham.

Please hurry.

- Okay. / - I'm sorry. I'll send you the address.


- Congratulations. / - At last!

You finally succeeded.

You did it.

Boah, what do you think about Hyunmoo's call?

I'm so embarrassed. Did I sound like that?

Everything aired.

- We heard it all. / - We heard you trying to be cute.

- Yes. / - It was resonant, and we heard everything.

We should give these friends a present.

(They will pick their present.)

(It's time to draw!)

Right now, we have a ticket

- to air a music video. / - Excuse me, Jaeseok.

- The gold is gone. / - It's gone missing.

(The gold disappeared?)

(Look for it closely.)

- It's over there. / - It's right here.

It's over there.

- It's here. / - I thought Insung took it.

He kept touching it.

(I'm sorry to have suspected you.)

- He played with it. / - He kept touching it.

- I thought he took it. / - The world is a scary place.

- Right. / - We can't trust anyone.

We will go in the order of the arrival time.

- Someone is here. / - Boah will...

Who is it?

Hold on.

(Is it a friend of these four hosts?)

(She came as soon as she got the call.)

(Her outfit looks casual.)

(So this friend)

(of Hyeongyeong arrives.)

Hold on. It's Yoonyoung.

She really brought bean sprouts.

Goodness, you brought bean sprouts.

(Actress Choi Yoonyoung)

(She starred in "Bread, Love and Dreams")

(and "Seoyeong, My Daughter".)

(She played the lead role in "All Is Well".)

(She is the attractive actress, Choi Yoonyoung.)

Please come this way, Yoonyoung.

- Yoonyoung. / - She really came.

It's nice to meet you.

- Boah is here. / - What is this?

- Please say hi. / - She brought bean sprouts.

She really did.

- She brought raw bean sprouts. / - Vegetables...

Since you are here, stand at the back of the line.

Wear a microphone. Yoonyoung came too.

- Let's talk afterward. / - She got bean sprouts.

All right. We will start with Boah.

- Boah, please start. / - Throw it high.

You can do it!

(She seems to be smart. What will the result be?)

- Wait. / - Goodness!


You won a ticket to star on Happy Together.

(I'm so happy.)

I'll present you this ticket to star on our show.

- You are lucky. / - Clear your schedule for Saturday.

Let's be honest.

Do you like this or a Korean pork set?

This ticket to star on Happy Together.

She's so kind.

Insung really wanted to win the ticket.

(We will see you next time...)

(IU throws a dart.)

- What is it? / - What did she win?

I think she got the cleaning duty.

(Stop already. I'm getting dizzy.)

(Fortune, come to me!)

- Music video? / - Is it?

A ticket to air a music video!

(IU is truly fortunate.)


That's the best one for you.

- Goodness. / - She has a music video.

- Yoonyoung. / - Yes?

You just got here.


It's time to pick a present!

Get one minute to promote yourself.

- Throw the dart first. / - Good luck.

Yoonyoung, is there something you want?

I didn't say hi yet, so I want to promote myself.

- One-minute self-promotion? / - I see.

- That's nice. / - She should introduce herself.

One-minute self-promotion.

All right.

(She gathers all the luck she can get this year)

(and throws the dart.)


- It's one-minute self-promotion. / - Gosh!

She did it.

(Dreams come true.)

- This is amazing. / - It is indeed.

- You won it! / - Good job!

She got it.

We will start one-minute self-promotion now.

- Dance. / - Had I known, I would have dressed up.

- Just do what you want to do. / - Dance.

- Dance! / - What should I do?

- I have time left, right? / - Yes.

(She turns into someone else.)

(She dances without any hesitation.)

(Let me introduce Yoonyoung.)

(I am the dancing queen.)

You still have 20 seconds left.

Just do some random dance moves.

(Gosh, Yoonyoung is awesome.)

You still have 13 seconds left.

I will try my best to show you great performances.

- Please look forward to them. / - Finish with dancing.

Finish it with your dance.

(She manages to finish perfectly.)

You are good.

(They are amazed.)

- Time's up. / - Time is up.

(She completely charmed them.)

(She successfully promoted herself.)

For more infomation >> No doubt! IU singing live 'Through The Night'! [Happy Together / 2017.06.08] - Duration: 13:00.


The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose - Duration: 5:04.

If you want a glimpse of Marie Curie's manuscripts,

you'll have to sign a waiver and put on protective gear

to shield yourself from radiation contamination.

Madame Curie's remains, too, were interred in a lead-lined coffin,

keeping the radiation that was the heart of her research,

and likely the cause of her death, well contained.

Growing up in Warsaw in Russian-occupied Poland,

the young Marie, originally named Maria Sklodowska,

was a brilliant student, but she faced some challenging barriers.

As a woman, she was barred from pursuing higher education,

so in an act of defiance,

Marie enrolled in the Floating University,

a secret institution that provided clandestine education to Polish youth.

By saving money and working as a governess and tutor,

she eventually was able to move to Paris to study at the reputed Sorbonne.

There, Marie earned both a physics and mathematics degree

surviving largely on bread and tea,

and sometimes fainting from near starvation.

In Paris, Marie met the physicist Pierre Curie,

who shared his lab and his heart with her.

But she longed to be back in Poland.

Upon her return to Warsaw, though,

she found that securing an academic position as a woman

remained a challenge.

All was not lost.

Back in Paris, the lovelorn Pierre was waiting,

and the pair quickly married and became a formidable scientific team.

Another physicist's work sparked Marie Curie's interest.

In 1896, Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium spontaneously emitted

a mysterious X-ray-like radiation that could interact with photographic film.

Curie soon found that the element thorium emitted similar radiation.

Most importantly, the strength of the radiation

depended solely on the element's quantity,

and was not affected by physical or chemical changes.

This led her to conclude that radiation was coming from something fundamental

within the atoms of each element.

The idea was radical

and helped to disprove the long-standing model of atoms as indivisible objects.

Next, by focusing on a super radioactive ore called pitchblende,

the Curies realized that uranium alone couldn't be creating all the radiation.

So, were there other radioactive elements that might be responsible?

In 1898, they reported two new elements,

polonium, named for Marie's native Poland,

and radium, the Latin word for ray.

They also coined the term radioactivity along the way.

By 1902, the Curies had extracted a tenth of a gram of pure radium chloride salt

from several tons of pitchblende,

an incredible feat at the time.

Later that year, Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel

were nominated for the Nobel Prize in physics,

but Marie was overlooked.

Pierre took a stand in support of his wife's well-earned recognition.

And so both of the Curies and Becquerel shared the 1903 Nobel Prize,

making Marie Curie the first female Nobel Laureate.

Well funded and well respected, the Curies were on a roll.

But tragedy struck in 1906 when Pierre was crushed by a horse-drawn cart

as he crossed a busy intersection.

Marie, devastated, immersed herself in her research

and took over Pierre's teaching position at the Sorbonne,

becoming the school's first female professor.

Her solo work was fruitful.

In 1911, she won yet another Nobel,

this time in chemistry for her earlier discovery of radium and polonium,

and her extraction and analysis of pure radium and its compounds.

This made her the first, and to this date,

only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different sciences.

Professor Curie put her discoveries to work,

changing the landscape of medical research and treatments.

She opened mobile radiology units during World War I,

and investigated radiation's effects on tumors.

However, these benefits to humanity may have come at a high personal cost.

Curie died in 1934 of a bone marrow disease,

which many today think was caused by her radiation exposure.

Marie Curie's revolutionary research

laid the groundwork for our understanding of physics and chemistry,

blazing trails in oncology, technology, medicine, and nuclear physics,

to name a few.

For good or ill, her discoveries in radiation launched a new era,

unearthing some of science's greatest secrets.

For more infomation >> The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose - Duration: 5:04.


Talking Tom and Friends | Season 2 Episode 1 - Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:31.

Our minds were erased?!


Ginger, are you getting this?

Three months ago?!


Your documentary just turned into a docu-mistery!

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends | Season 2 Episode 1 - Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:31.





When it comes comes to quantum physics, it�s very common for researchers to come across

information and results that leave them baffled, or simply don�t comply with the known laws

of physics.

The result is often more questions than answers � and that�s okay.

�We chose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain

in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics.

In reality, it contains the only mystery.�

� Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate of the twentieth century (from Dean Radin�s Entangled

Minds: Extrasensory Experiences In A Quantum Reality)

In many instances, some results can go against the long-held and ingrained belief systems

of many who hold prominent positions within modern day academia.

The idea that that we live in a �spiritual� universe, for example, has been criticized

heavily by mainstream academics.

Richard Conn Henry, a professor in the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy

at John Hopkins University, explains this problem well:

Physicists shy from the truth because the truth is so alien to everyday physics.

A common way to evade the mental Universe is to invoke �decoherence� � the notion

that �the physical environment� is sufficient to create reality, independent of the human


Yet the idea that any irreversible act of amplification is necessary to collapse the

wave function is known to be wrong: in �Renninger-type� experiments, the wave function is collapsed

simply by your human mind seeing nothing.

The Universe is entirely mental.

. . . The world is quantum mechanical: we must learn to perceive it as such.

. . .The Universe is immaterial � mental and spiritual.

Perhaps this is why most of the founding fathers of quantum physics all shared the same belief,

that consciousness is fundamental, that it precedes material reality, not the other way


Perhaps this is also why more than 20 Nobel prizewinners and a large number of eminent

minds have supported what seems to be the next step for quantum physics, which, in my

opinion, is parapsychology.

Here is a great study published in the journal Frontiers of Neuroscience titled �A call

for an open, informed study of all aspects of consciousness� that explores this thoroughly.

�The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one

decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.�

� Nikola Tesla

The Quantum Double Slit and What Consciousness Did to It

The quantum double slit experiment sheds light on what�s known as the the quantum measurement


The quantum double slit experiment involves a physical system, as well as a measuring

apparatus, which does an observation of the system.

In this experiment, tiny bits of matter (photons, electrons, or any atomic-sized object) are

shot towards a screen that has two slits in it.

On the other side of the screen, a high tech video camera records where each photon lands.

When scientists close one slit, the camera will show us an expected pattern, as seen

in the video below.

But when both slits are opened, an �interference pattern� emerges � they begin to act like


This doesn�t mean that atomic objects are observed as a wave (even though it recently

has been observed as a wave); they just act that way.

It means that each photon individually goes through both slits at the same time and interferes

with itself, but it also goes through one slit, and it goes through the other.

Furthermore, it goes through neither of them.

The single piece of matter becomes a �wave� of potentials, expressing itself in the form

of multiple possibilities, and this is why we get the interference pattern.

How can a single piece of matter exist and express itself in multiple states, without

any physical properties, until it is �measured� or �observed�?

Furthermore, how does it choose which path, out of multiple possibilities, it will take?

This quantum uncertainty is defined as the ability, �according to the quantum mechanic

laws that govern subatomic affairs, of a particle like an electron to exist in a murky state

of possibility � to be anywhere, everywhere or nowhere at all � until clicked into substantiality

by a laboratory detector or an eyeball.�

Perhaps this is why most of the founding fathers of quantum physics all spoke of something

outside of our physical realm that influences the system, factors associated with consciousness,

like measurement, observation, and intention.

The Experiment and What Happened

A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays explains how this experiment

has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature

of physical reality.

It was published by Dr. Dean Radin, who you will see in the lecture below.

He�s the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

He produced incredible results: Human intention, via meditators, was able to actually collapse

the quantum wave function.

The meditators were the �observer� in this case.

In fact, as Radin points out in his lecture, a �5 sigma� result was able to give CERN

the Nobel Prize in 2013 for finding the Higgs particle (which turned out not to be Higgs

after all).

In this study, they also received a 5 sigma result when testing meditators against non-meditators

in collapsing the quantum wave function.

This means that mental activity, the human mind, attention, intention, which are a few

labels under the umbrella of consciousness, compelled physical matter to act in a certain


�Observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it.

. . . We compel [the electron] to assume a definite position.

. . . We ourselves produce the results of the measurement.�

When it comes to the study of human consciousness, results like these remind me of a study published

by a statistics professor at UC Irvine more than a decade ago.

It showed parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those

showing a daily dose of aspirin helps prevent a heart attack.

It also showed that these results are much stronger than the research behind various

drugs like antiplatelets, for example.

Despite these findings, psi experiments are only marginally acknowledged and not even

known in the general �scientific� community, despite the fact that the evidence for psi

is stronger than for the effectiveness of popular pharmaceutical drugs!

Perhaps that�s why the U.S. government ran a program examining psi for more than two

decades, and is probably still doing so.



Google Balloons May Be Behind String of Idaho UFO Sightings - Duration: 4:03.

Google Balloons May Be Behind String of Idaho UFO Sightings

For various reasons, UFO sightings often occur in sprees or clusters.

Whether that reason is an actual increase of anomalous aerial activity, the work of

copycat hoaxers, or psychological suggestion is often up for debate.

Over the last several weeks in Idaho, a string of similar-sounding UFO sightings were reported

to NUFORC, the National UFO Reporting Center.

All of the eyewitnesses in each case reported seeing odd lights in the sky, sometimes moving


After receiving numerous calls about unexplained lights, southern Idaho news station KMVT now

reports that these lights are likely the work of Google.

Well, sort of Google.

According to a recent news statement, the lights are balloons being tested as part of

Project Loon, the initiative which aspires to offer �balloon powered internet for everyone�

by flying wi-fi-beaming balloons into rural or undeveloped areas.

Loon is currently led by X, a branch of Google�s secretive R&D wing formerly known as Google


Loon has been testing their balloons in Idaho since last year, about the same time NUFORC

began receiving large numbers of reports of lights above Idaho.

The Loon balloons currently being tested in Idaho can be tracked on flight radar here

and here.Compare the images of their balloons with this alleged UFO sighting filmed last


In Loon�s promotional images, the craft do appear quite otherworldly.

Each Loon balloon has a bulbous, illuminated orb with a long, wispy tail trailing underneath

it containing solar panels, antennae, and a host of electronics.

One of the NUFORC reports, in particular, seems to describe one of the same jellyfish-like

vehicles Google Loon is testing as it reacts to shifting winds:

Saw a bright light going really fast from the west to the east.

The craft stopped abruptly and started coming back from west to east.

It then stopped again and was zig zagging all over.

The lights would get really bright then dim.

We could almost see a tail of some sort coming from behind or around it.

Some of the details of the NUFORC reports don�t seem to match up to images or descriptions

of Google Loon balloons, however, although there are plenty of reasons why eyewitness

reports can become tainted with misperceptions or why illuminated wi-fi balloons could appear

from the ground to be something quite different entirely.

For more infomation >> Google Balloons May Be Behind String of Idaho UFO Sightings - Duration: 4:03.





Cool Slide show - Duration: 0:22.

Here is a cool slide show for my first video like and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> Cool Slide show - Duration: 0:22.


Jacque Fresco - Il denaro - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Jacque Fresco - Il denaro - Duration: 1:41.


T.O.R.N.A.P.A.R.T. - Rebirth - Duration: 2:21.

Above Life Stand!!!!

For more infomation >> T.O.R.N.A.P.A.R.T. - Rebirth - Duration: 2:21.


Paw Patrol Coloring for kids 2017♫Nursery Rhymes Part 13♫ Kids Games ♫ - Duration: 5:41.

Paw Patrol Coloring for kids 2017♫Nursery Rhymes Part 13♫ Kids Games ♫

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Coloring for kids 2017♫Nursery Rhymes Part 13♫ Kids Games ♫ - Duration: 5:41.


Replanting Solanum Pseudocapsicum - Duration: 4:16.

Hi i'm George

Today I will replant a solanum plant

or is told in Romanian (The love of love - Marul iubirii)

So I multiplied by seeds, and it looks like that

It is quite high, and took seed when I traveled to Italy

And it is time to replant it

And look how it looks, really cool

But it's toxic, and I'll replant it

I prepared the pot, and I put here the gravel in the pot

And we have to put the soil in the pot

We have to remove the plant and let's do it

Before I remove the plant from the pot, I will put the soil in the pot

Then I will remove the plant

And this is a universal flower substrate

It's even written here

And pH 5.5-6.5

And put some ground there

Look how the soil looks, very great

And we put it here

By the way, this soil has African violet, and is blooming all year round

Now we have to remove the plant from the pot

And this plant makes some red fruits

At first they are green, then yellow and red

But the fruits are poisonous, and in the fruits are seeds

So I got a fruit from italy and that's where I got this plant

And as I said, we have to remove it from the pot

And so will I do

somehow carefully

I have to put a newspaper, so as not to get dirty

Now we're gonna take it out, we put the paper

That's how I will do


Look what's going on here

The gravel at the bottom of the pot

It seems I will eliminate it

Something like that

And what will I do?

I will purify the soil by hand

To have contact the new soil with the old soil

Ready, must be planted now

It smells very strength and is toxic

It remained to put a little more ground

And we will wet, and ready

This is over

There was not much work to do

So, it's only left to get wet with the water at room temperature

And we will see how this plant will feel further

I hope to make fruits

And we will see how beautiful they will be

After I watered, the soil lay down

And I will have to add some ground

and everything will be nice

it ended, thank you for watching

leave a like, distribute this video

And I wish you a good day, we'll see you next time

bye :)

For more infomation >> Replanting Solanum Pseudocapsicum - Duration: 4:16.


Sing Queen Karaoke, I Promise - Radiohead (Official Lyrics Video) (Full Version) - Duration: 4:03.

Sing Queen Karaoke

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