Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

In this fast-paced world, we want people to reply to our emails quickly.

But we can't just write: "Hey! I need a reply. Now."

So let's start looking at models to determine what phrases work well

in personal and business email.

So what's good about this message?

Mariah gets to the point and makes her suggestion immediately.

She explains is concisely and then asks for a response.

How does she ask? Look.

Also, the time frame is clear.

She needs a response by tomorrow.

Hopefully, Carla will respond soon.

When we send email, we often need a response.

But it may or may not be urgent.

You should let the reader know, as Mariah did in her message.

Let's look at some other phrases we can use.

It's one thing to request a response.

It's another matter when you've sent an email,

but you're not sure if the person even received it.

How do you handle that situation?

Let's look at one model.

Not every email we send gets an immediate response.

If you're really counting on a reply,

you might need to send a second message, as Amy did to her babysitter.

Although you may feel frustrated over the fact that you didn't get a response yet,

you can't become impolite and writing something like: "Hello?! I'm waiting..."

That approach won't work very well.

So here are some phrases you can use

when you're not sure if your first message was received.

We've seen some personal email messages.

Now let's talk about business email.

A business email message needs to sound professional,

but "professional" doesn't mean overly formal.

A business email can be polite but friendly.

Let's look at a couple messages.

What I like about this message is that Mitchell is not laying any blame on Maya.

He's just saying, "Maybe for some reason you didn't get the message.

What can I do? Do I need to resend the message?"

Of course, we all know that an important message can end up in the spam folder.

Let people know if that's the case

so they understand your delayed response.

Maya used this apology.

Here are some other variations.

I hope you found this useful.

That's all for now. Thanks for watching and happy studies!

For more infomation >> How to Request an Email Reply - Learn to Write Well in English - Duration: 7:37.


My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.115 [ENG/2017.06.08] - Duration: 47:57.

(The hot place for designs)

(Korea's landmark DDP)

(Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Jung-gu, Seoul)

(115th class at the foreigner school)

Hello, I'm Choi Wonjeong.

Today in My Neighbor, Charles,

we're going to meet a top actress from Uzbekistan.

Dildora flies back and forth between Korea

and Uzbekistan working as an actress.

However, after living in Korea for 9 years,

she claims to have made an important decision

for her lovely daughter and husband.

Let's go see

the year long journey of Dildora.

(My Neighbor, Charles)

She has a shoot in the cold weather today.

There's a place to ride horses in Haman.

Let's ride a horse!

♪ Oppa is Gangnam style ♪


Dildora, let's go!

Ssingssing, please be good to me.

You can go up now.

She successfully gets on the horse.

You should look far ahead.

You don't just kick.

Dildora, are you trembling?

(Her confidence is rising)

She was nervous but she's relaxed now.

Let's go before the teacher finds out.

Faster! Faster!

You really should come to ride horses.

It's a blast!

- Good work. / - You too, Director.

(Dildora calls her husband after the shoot)

Hello? Did you eat, honey?

Yeah, I had bean paste stew.

Bean paste stew? From where?

A rest stop.

Are you in pain? Did you take your painkillers?

(Ansan, Gyeonggi-do)

Dildora returns home.

She goes out to make her husband a healthy meal.

(To prepare a healthy meal for her husband)


Hello, ma'am.

Ingredients for chicken ginseng soup.

- What do I add? / - Just put this in.

- This is it? / - Take this.

Milk vetch root.

What is this thing that looks like a tree branch?

It's good for fatigue and people who sweat a lot.

My husband is a cancer patient.

- Will this be okay? / - Yes.

I'm going to make chicken ginseng soup.

- Chicken ginseng soup? / - Yes.

(Buys a plump chicken!)

She picked out a nice, plump Korean chicken.

Work hard.

This will be her first time making

chicken ginseng soup since she got married.

Will she be able to do it?

Dildora moves busily now that she's home.

What's with the medical equipment?

(Recovering from his rectal cancer surgery)

It's to maintain the colostomy pouch from

her husband's cancer surgery months ago.

Every time Dildora sees the surgery scar,

she grows disheartened.

This makes her miss the happy days in the past.

(A manly, reliable Korean man)

Sanghyeok was a manly and reliable Korean man

and 22-year-old Uzbek girl, Dildora,

fell for each other and got married in 3 days.

The next year,

they gave birth to their daughter, Dasom.

The couple had a happy life.

But Sanghyeok's sudden rectal cancer

and surgery were totally unexpected.

It must be hard to do this by yourself.

Yes, it's hard to do by myself.

The size doesn't fit so it's difficult to do it alone.

This isn't easy.

My hands trembled.

I'm usually scared of hospitals.

I worry if things might worsen if germs get in.

Dildora is always worrying about her husband.

She starts cooking for her hungry husband.

The ingredients look good for her first time.

The problem is cooking.

Will she do a good job?

My dear patient, Mr. Chicken. Please don't move.

This is a colonoscopy.

Just hold still. This is a colonoscopy.

(Dasom just finished her bath)

If you take that towel off,

you'd look just like this chicken

Add the chicken once the water is boiling?

Just put it in.

- Just put it in? / - Yeah, put everything in.

The chicken.

The chicken goes in as soon as Sanghyeok spoke.

Dildora, it looks like you forgot something.

Do I have to block the hole, honey?

Do I have to block the hole in the chicken?

What do I do?

(Going into emergency surgery)

The only person to rely on is her husband.

Hold it up and spread it open.

- Skewer it shut with a toothpick. / - Toothpicks?

They seal the bird with a toothpick.

This is like surgery.

That's all you need to do.

(They get through it)

Gosh, they finally did it.

I wanted to cook you something nice.

You did everything.

All I did was skewer it shut.

Now, all that's left is just to wait for the chicken to cook.

Look at that milky looking broth.

(Savory chicken porridge)

It looks perfect.

This is the soup.

- How will it taste? / - Cheers.


- I love you, dad! / - I love you too.

(A big bite)

Looks like Dildora's chicken ginseng soup

is a big success.

Eat up and get strong, everyone.

The next day.

Dildora packs Sanghyeok's lunch,

who must leave early for work.

But what's this?

It's for my husband to drink.

Elm tree tea.

She even makes a healthy fruit smoothie.

This is honey.

Dildora wants to give Sanghyeok

healthy foods so he gets better soon.

(Such a loving father and daughter)

Despite his recent surgery,

he's heading out to work to provide for the family.

Knowing this, Dildora gives him all that she can.

I feel like my insides

are being poked with something sharp.

It aches. It throbs and it hurts.

I thought to myself that I couldn't die

because I have a family to provide for.

He has to get to his workplace by car.

Dildora drives her husband to work.

This is where Sanghyeok works.

Sanghyeok transports large containers.

He has to spend more than

half of the week inside a car.

I'll call you when I'm free.



- Be careful. / - Yeah.

I want to go with him once

to see how he works.

I worry it may too much for him.

Dildora can't stop watching

her husband leave.

(Come back home healthy)

Don't worry. He'll be fine.

(Early next morning)

(Before the sun is up)

Dildora, you're already awake?

It's only 4:30 a.m.

Is something important going on?

I have a shoot today.

She has to hurry to get to the location.


She heads for the door

carrying Dasom, who is half-asleep.

She leaves Dasom with

a close friend on days she has shoots.

It's a lot of trouble just to go to work.


Thank you!

Dasom, have fun.

Have a safe trip.

(Has a hard time saying goodbye)

Dildora finally heads to work.

Even though things are tough, she can't give up.

My husband works so hard

even though he's unwell

so I should try to work harder.

I think it could help us financially.

She has to take a train for 3 hours

to her destination.

(She has to check her script!)

As a given, she always studies her script

on her way.

She was a famous actress in Uzbekistan

but Dildora is an unknown reporter in Korea.

It wasn't easy for her to get used

to such a different lifestyle.

Being a reporter is really hard.

I have to get to the locations myself.

When I was an actress, a car came to pick me up.

The director would get me a taxi to get home.

With difficulty, she arrives at the location.


This is downtown Haman.

I hear there's a market here.

Let's go enjoy some yummy food.

Hurry and follow me.

- Welcome. / - Hello!

What will happen today?

Bibimbap, bean sprout soup.

How long have you been working at this market?

It's been over 30 years.

Are you Korean?

No, I'm a foreigner.

I'm from Uzbekistan.


Thank you.

Now that she's said hello.

- Time to eat! / - I was shivering.

The broth made my entire body feel warm.

Here comes the restaurant owner again.

She lays out a spread of food.

Why did you bring this out?

For you all to eat. You guys are working so hard.

Have a taste.

She must've been worried about Dildora,

who's a long way from her country.


Let's eat.

Dildora finally notices the spread of food.

This is the Korean love and hospitality.

- Ma'am! / - Yes?

You made so much food!

Thank you so much!

Go eat some rice. Barley rice.

Thank you so much, ma'am!

This is the first time someone

treated me like this in Korea.


Thank you, ma'am.

Don't cry!

Your makeup is coming off. Oh, no.

I just feel like crying.

My mom passed away early.

I wish she could've stayed with me better.

I always live with that sadness hidden in me.

Dildora comes back after that warm encounter.

Dildora, why are you at a hanbok shop?

I shot a movie in Uzbekistan recently.

The director wants to use

a hanbok in the movie poster.

I have to shoot the poster this week

and he told me to bring hanbok.

Dildora has a movie poster shoot

in Uzbekistan in a few days.

Wow, Dildora! You look great in hanbok.

This is it!

This is the one.

She's like a fairy.

(Sorry I couldn't protect you)

It's an important day for the couple today.

Sanghyeok is getting a checkup.

- Cold! / - I bet it is.

The checkup is to see if a second surgery is possible

for restoration of anal passage instead

of using the colostomy pouch from his first surgery.

(A nerve wrecking morning)

The couple is silent as they seem nervous.

The surgery is to add an artificial anal passage.

I have to take care of myself well for 5 years.

How so?

The cancer could relapse.

I have to see that it's gone for good.

She thought her reliable husband

would always be there by her side.

Protecting her husband against a frightening illness

is quite scary for her.

When I first heard he got cancer,

I thought cancer always resulted in death.

So it was difficult and I couldn't sleep.

After the checkup.

It still hurts.

It's because I'm not all better.

I'm still taking painkillers.

He's sensitive because he's nervous.

(They're so cold to one another)

(They finally see the doctor)

You pressed down on me

the last time I was here.

It hurts worse than that time.

Back in the day, this was a huge operation.

The scar is fine.

You don't have an infection but keep an eye on it.

Now, we'll make you defecate from the bottom.

We made it like that in case

it hurts while you healed.

The temporary anal passage will be restored.

(But Sanghyeok is still in pain)

They get good news that the surgery is possible.

But the pain from the cancer surgery

is still bothering Sanghyeok.

The painkillers I gave you works very fast.

They go to the pharmacy to buy painkillers.

- Narcotic analgesic. / - Thank you.

This medicine is for anxiety.

When my heart is racing.

It's a narcotic painkiller.

Why can't you get this in Ansan?

This is a narcotic.

I need a prescription to get this.

Without the medicine,

I wouldn't be able to work the whole day.

I always take my medicine to work.

I take the entire bottle.

(The day she goes to Uzbekistan)

Sanghyeok kisses sleeping Dasom good-bye.

Even till her last moment,

she puts her husband first.

(Sanghyeok has to spend a few days alone)

(Dildora walks her husband outside)

Have a good trip.

Alright. Be careful.

Drink your coffee in the car.


He'll catch a cold since he just took a shower.

The doctor told him not to catch a cold.

My poor husband.

Dildora's very worried about her husband.

But she still has to go.

(The mother and daughter get ready to go)

You look like a celebrity, Dasom.

(Going to Uzbekistan)

Dildora forces herself to go.

She hopes that

her husband stays healthy while they're apart.

It has never felt this difficult to leave

Korea on her way back to Uzbekistan.

Don't worry too much.

My husband is unwell

so I'm uncomfortable about leaving him behind.

But I have to for work,

that's why I feel bad.

And he said it was okay.

(Going back to being Dildora the actress)

(Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

They finally arrive in Uzbekistan.

Dildora greets her family and friends

that she hasn't seen in a long time.

I bet she really missed them.

She heads to her little sister's house

where she'll stay.

This is her pretty younger sister.

Her name is Sidora.

This is the director of Dildora's movie.

(Dildora's sister's house)

It's the first morning in Uzbekistan.

What is Dildora doing?

She gets her hair and makeup done in the morning.

Gosh, she really is an actress.

(She doesn't let go of her script)

She always tries hard when she rehearses.

Dildora studied acting at an arts university.

She was in a movie set in Korea recently.

She has become renowned for her acting skills.

Wow, her own car.

She's treated like the star that she is.

Her first schedule is to shoot

the last scene of a movie being produced.

It's an important emotional scene so she talks it out

thoroughly with the director and her co-star.

All the preparations are ready and the shoot starts!

(Dildora is already immersed in her role)

I want to die!


(She acts her heart out)

Thanks to her powerful acting,

the shoot ends just fine.

Dildora, your acting was great!

(4 p.m.)

(Dasom seems to be in a good mood)

Dasom, you're in a good mood! What's up?

Dasom has a shoot this time.

Dasom has a photo shoot

with the theme of child Janggeum.


It was hard for this magazine to get

the daughter Dildora, the famous actress.

Dasom may soon become a Hallyu star!

Her schedule goes on through the night.

The hanbok she bought in Korea

finally makes its appearance.


We don't know how to tie this.

I get it. It makes one ribbon.

This way. Like this.

It's too bad that I can't be there to help her.

(The photo she took in Korea)

This is so hard.

This is too hard for her, too.

After struggling with her outfit,

it's time to start the shoot.

(DJ Yamin, male lead)


I like this photo.

Dildora, I hope your movie is a hit.

(10 p.m.)

Her last gig is post-production dubbing.

Mister! Do it right!


Mister! Do it right!

She finishes up her last gig.

She sure worked hard today.

The next day.

Since she is here,

she decided go to her hometown to see her family.

(In the name of family)

Uzbekistan has all 4 seasons.

It's winter now

and the weather is similar to Korean winters.

It takes 6 hours by car to get from

Tashkent, the capital to Fergana, her hometown.

(A 6-hour drive from the capital Tashkent)

(Fergana is a small country village)

They've been driving a while

and it's night already.

She'll be able to see her family in the morning.

The front yard is crowded in the morning.

- Hello! / - Hello.

That's my older sister.

My beloved older sister.

Be happy.

I love you, Dildora.

(Happy time with her family)

Dildora, you have a big family.

Dildora catches up with her family.

It's very busy as so many friends and

family members come to see the star, Dildora.

(Called out again)

Who is it this time?

(Who is the guest?)

Goodness, they must be Dildora's fans.

They prepared a special gift too.

(Drawn by her fan)

He drew it?

You drew this?

Yes, I did.

I really like her. I'm a fan.

He really likes me and he's a fan.

(Dildora gets to experience her fame)

Dildora has to go back to Korea in a day.

Dildora's dad and younger brother

have prepared her favorite dish.

This is a traditional dish where

lamb and veggies are cooked in oil.

It's osh.

The spice called cumin is added

to complete the dish.

As the family spends time together,

the delicious dish is finally ready.

Look at it glisten!

She spends time with her family

over osh which she can't eat in Korea.

Could it get any happier than this?

They have so much to share

that the winter night seems all too short.

(The last day passes)

(Super-mom Dildora's dream)

(Back from being an actress to a housewife)

(Her husband was alone a few days)

Dildora is busy looking after her husband

who was alone the last few days.

It looks like she's concerned that

she didn't get to have a proper phone call with

her husband because of their busy schedule.

So Dildora prepared a special event for her husband.

Or let's make a bun like this.

She even prepared some cute props.

Finally, the guest of honor enters.

How will her husband react?

Your skirt's a bit short.

(They reveal their surprise show!)

- Ready, go! / - What are you going to do?

1, 2, 3, 4!

(Big smile)

(A cute and successful performance)

I feel great.

This is what makes life worth living.

Dad, I love you.

Dad, dad, let's go to the apartment.

Dad, I love you!

You two are so lame!

My husband can't eat properly.

He can't change his pouch alone either.

So I thought of my husband a lot when I was away.

It's the day of her first audition.

When you come to your senses, you'll wonder.

Are her lines in dialect?

It's getting cosmetic... Cosmetic surgery.

(This is hard)

Dildora calls a friend for help.

You were locked up for 30 years. You won't change.

And you can't adjust to society now that you're out.

Bet you want to go back to jail.

I'm nervous for her.

I'll go in confidently.

I'm so nervous.

(Studying the script)

It's hard enough to act in Korean

but she has to use dialect too.

That sounds tough.

(How will Dildora do?)


I'm from Uzbekistan and my name is Dildora.

I'm an Uzbek movie star.

I've been in a few movies there.

I've played the lead and supporting roles.

In Korea, I'm a housewife.

You brat!

If you come in here.

Let me do that again.

You can quit drinking,

smoking and gambling

if you put your mind to it

but this isn't the place to do it.

Once you come to your senses.

What was that?

Show us acting you're good at.

My heart hurts.

When I think of that man. My heart hurts!

(What will the judges think?)

Your line delivery can use a bit of work.

People have to be drawn into the story

but people will laugh if they see your acting.

This is a serious scene.

Dildora tries to smile

amidst all the criticism.

It hurts my pride.

I try my hardest but my Korean isn't that good.

I can't learn the lines or read them.


Hang in there, Dildora.

You have your family rooting for you.


I'm going for a drive with my husband.

We're going on a date.

My husband has work today so I'm going with him.

She was always worried about her husband.

But the air feels warm

in the truck today.

We go on dates often!

This is not a date.

We are not on a date.

This is a date.

Should I drive later?

Get your truck license.

I was worried about the working conditions.

I worried the work might be too hard for him.

But now that I saw what he did today,

he seems a bit healthier.

You can't see.

Gosh, it's nothing.

You need to be able to see well to drive.

Dildora has a dream.

She wants to become a movie star in Korea.

And she wants to always be there for her family.

Dildora will always work hard for that dream.

(One year later)

(Dildora's House, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do)

We returned to Dildora's place.

Every house with kids

is the same.

(Dildora's morning mission)

Dildora's morning call

to wake Dasom up in time for school.

- Dasom. / - Give me a massage.

- Huh? / - Give me a massage.

Dasom's dad should do this for her.

Drink all your milk.

Mom, I'm full.

Just drink the milk.

Just the milk.

You should drink a lot of milk when you are 9.

Take your medicine

after lunch today, Dasom.


What is the medicine for?

Dasom has a case of constipation.

She takes the medicine well.

You are brave.

You've all grown up.

(I'm so happy)

Do you want twin tails?

No, I want a bun.

- Just do twin tails. / - A bun.

No one can stop Dasom.

It's going to be what Dasom wants.

Instead of one bun, should I put them on the side?


Quickly, we are going to be late.

You always do that!

(Dasom wins)

Dasom is 9, an age where she's

very interested in appearance.

Her request is endless.

But, we...

(Twin tails fit me the best)

(Grow beautifully, my daughter)

It's so pretty!

It's sexy!


They finally leave for school.

Study hard, Dasom.

You have to do well in math.

Mom, I made a dance. Watch!

A random dance time on the street.


It's so hard to go to school.

- Bye. / - Do your best.

- Bye-bye. / - Go!

Study hard!

People supported us a lot

after My Neighbor, Charles.

When I went to a mart,

a woman approached me and gave me a hug.

As she hugged me, she cheered me up.

(Beginning of happiness)

A romantist who brings her husband

coffee even when she's busy, Dildora.

Thank you.

This is their 9th wedding anniversary.

However, they are deeply in love

like a newlywed couple.

They are so lovey dovey.

- You are so handsome. / - Thank you.

Sanghyeok, where are you going?


Isn't this a diaper?

Why is he getting a diaper?

I have to always carry around a diaper.

In case I leak out without knowing,

I have to change the diaper.

After an operation on the rectum

due to rectal cancer,

Sanghyeok has to carry around an artificial anus.

After the show aired,

he received a restoration surgery.

He no longer has to carry the colostomy pouch.

This is so much better.

Before, my wife had to help me.

Now, I can do it myself.

If it comes out 5 to 6 times a day,

I can just change.

Today is his medical checkup

after his second operation.


(Very nervous)

They must be very anxious.

And do you eat well?

- I eat well. / - Do you poop well?

- Yes. / - Good.

It has almost been a year with the fistula.

It's getting better.

It will constantly be getting better

for the next 2 to 3 years.

Will I eventually be able to get out of these diapers.

(Will he?)

If the progress maintains as it is,

then you will be able to.

You will get better.

I assure you.

- Things look good right now. / - Thank you.

Maintain this condition.

That's a very good news.

It's a sandwich waffle.

Dildora would not leave him alone on such a day.

They haven't been on a date for a while.

Thank god the result was good.

Now, you just have to get rid of the diaper.

Because the result is good...

If I can get rid of the diaper, I can sleep comfortably.

I really wanted to die when...

I had to wake up 8 to 9 times in the night.

But now, you sleep well.

That's because you are getting healthier.

It's a lot better now

because I only have to wake up twice.

(Thank you for being so strong)

There's more good news.

The movie which Dildora played the lead in

has released on February in Uzbekistan.

Her talented acting skill

has spiked up Dildora's popularity

even after the movie.

Are you still acting?

I quit. I'm resting right now.

(Top star Dildora's retirement announcement?)

What happened?

This is from the CCTV.

Look at this. It makes me sad.

She looks into the camera like a cat.

Because she has a hard time,

she stays alone at home.

I leave very early in the morning.

Dasom is left at home alone,

dressing herself, eating bread alone.

As an actress, due to her busy schedule,

it wasn't easy to look after Dasom.

Why do I have to live like this?

She's still a baby.


A baby needs a mom.

I needed to take care of her.

But, she looked so pitiful

being alone like that.

She left her career as an actress

and decided to be with her family.

(A mom, not an actress)

I'm so angry.

Did you know that yesterday was my birthday?

What would you know?

You don't care about me.

I can have something like this any time.

She was practicing her acting.

You had emotion?

- This was that emotion? / - Yes.

It sounds like you are just reading.

(Immersing herself into emotion)

Acting is not easy.

She tries to be in the zone again.


Can you practice like this?

After the show was aired,

Dasom developed a dream.

She saw herself in the TV and

she said she was very pretty.

So she wanted to be an actress.

Other kids...

Stop, stop, stop.

Dasom, you have to feel it more.

You try.

Because I'm a bad daughter,

I can't live like a proper human being.


Mom, you... Oh, hold on.

Mom, you don't know one more thing.

Do you know...

- What you sound like? / - What?

You don't sound like a middle-schooler.

You sound like a 4-year-old.


That's because I'm not good at Korean!

Dildora's pride has been hurt.

Please, trust me and...

Ready? Action!

Can she do better this time?

I can have it any time.

But is it so wrong to accept this doll?

I'm going to leave.

I'm going to leave!

This is Uzbekistan's top actor, Dildora.

(That evening)

Dildora has been studying Korean extremely hard.

There is a reason

why she is studying Korean again.

I have to learn Korean because of Dasom.

She goes to school

and her mom needs to be smart.

Shall we see how good you are?

The number of citizens

donating unneeded items

is increasing.

Do you know that game?

I want to be a blank blank mom to Dasom.

Very proud mom.

Dildora, your wish will come true.

(Amateur manager, Dildora)

What are all these energy drinks for?

(What are all these energy drinks for?)

1, 2, 3... There are so many.

What is she up to?

I have to cut and paste all this.

She even prepared stickers.

Today is Dasom's first shooting.

So I'm preparing these to give to the staffs.

You know? Like how they do it in dramas.

Please take good care of my daughter.

This is Son Dasom. Thank you.

I never thought I'd do something like this.

Especially in Korea.

Especially in Korea.

This is pretty hard.

(I was a top actress)

When I was a rookie, I gave out photos

but I didn't go around serving drinks

and asking for brownie points.

I only gave out photos.

If I get it, I get it. If I don't, I marry.

That's impressive, Dildora.

Today's first photo shoot is

street fashion.

This place is huge. How do I find them?

(Welcome! Is this your first time at Seokchon Lake?)

I'm dying. Let's rest.

It's not easy to find your way to the photo shoot.

When you don't know your way, always go straight.

Her limbs feel heavy due to all the drinks.

The set seems to be hidden very well.

I can't find it.



They arrive at the set after some complications.

The photo shoot has already started.

Are these all the staffs?

I prepared so much but no one's here.

(Feeling embarrassed)

Thank you so much, Director.

Dildora found a new way to

get rid of the drinks.

Have a drink. The child too.

No, it's okay.

(Ended up bringing back all the drinks)

It's finally Dasom's first photo shoot.

I'm getting nervous.

Like mother like daughter.

Dasom is very talented just like her mom.

What else should we do?

(No one has to tell her how to pose)

(Satisfied, that's my daughter)

Dasom really showed off

her charm and created a perfect photo shoot.

That's it. Good job.

- Done! / - Done!


- Thank you. / - Good job.

Thank you, Producer.

The assessment began after the photo shoot.

Oh really? Then please tell this to the producer.

It's hard because I'm a foreigner.

It's really hard being a manager.

(After the photo shoot)

To celebrate a successfully finish of the photo shoot,

they take an intimate photo.

I'm so happy.

I missed you when I was alone.

I'm so happy to come with you.

- I'm so happy. / - I'm really happy.

Thank you.

Do you regret quitting your acting career?

I don't regret it because I have Dasom.

I want to film a movie but I can't now.

I'm married now and

I also have a daughter, a family.

I hope Dasom becomes an actress.

Dildora is a reassuring supporter and a mother.

We look forward to seeing you.

(Walking on the flowery path)

After Dildora's husband got better,

Dildora's family come out for a picnic every weekend.

However, today is a special day.

(That morning)

Today is my husband's birthday.

So today, I'm going to cook the best seaweed soup

and throw a birthday party for him.

Dildora is showing off her cooking skills

she trained and practiced for her husband.

My mouth is watering just by looking at it.

It looks very delicious.

Dasom, do you like seaweed soup?

Dildora's seaweed soup.

How is the taste?

This is good. The seaweed soup is well cooked.

Is it too salty?

No, it's just right.

Dasom loves it too.

Here, honey.

This is what you call a successful birthday meal.

(Friendly and lovely)

Birthday cake is crucial during a birthday.

(Crucial dessert, cake)

Thank you!

Wow, it's red.

The wind is not helping.

- What should they do? / - It turned off.

It turned off.

They couldn't get the candles lit

but that's not a big deal.

(Computer graphic!)

A family's happiness is all that matters.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

(Super happy)

Thank you.

I will do this every birthday.

Happy birthday. I love you, old man.

I love you too.

The day continues with Dasom's special performance.

(Extremely satisfied)

He can't help but smile.

Because I was sick and busy, I didn't have the

the chance to spend time with family outside.

I should've done this more often.

They prepared my birthday so well.

I'll try to spend time with them more.

(Now that they are full, they are off to skate)

- I'm scared. / - Mom, be careful.


I have to control. Wait!

Let's go.

Let's go.

(My love, Dildora)

I reserved last time.

Yes, we will be there in about 30 minutes.

She is excited about dining out.


Let's go. Get ready quickly.

Dasom, what are we going to eat today?

Korean beef.

- Expensive Korean beef. / - You'll see.

Steak, steak.

There are no restaurants here.

A studio?

Do people dine in a studio?

Because we didn't get wedding photos,

I prepared this.


For real?

Wow, it's a wedding dress.

We have the child's one too.

Can I choose the one I like?

Yes, of course.

Sanghyeok must feel proud.

We didn't have a wedding in Korea.

When we went to someone else's place

they have wedding photos.

Every time she sees those, she seemed sad.

I also felt bad, so I prepared this for her.

- Something like this. / - Okay.

Dildora is very excited.

Thank you.

This kind of style...

I give you, the bride!

She's so beautiful.

Sanghyeok fell in love again.

Her actress aura still shines.

She is the bride of the month.

I was so happy.

Don't interview me.

I always told Sanghyeok that

I wanted to wear a wedding dress.

But something always happened.

When I first came here, I was pregnant.

The next time, my grandfather passed away.

The next time, my mother passed away.

Then Sanghyeok became sick

so I thought I'd never wear a wedding dress.

I was truly happy.

You look handsome.

You look very handsome all dressed up.

You are as handsome as Kwon Sangwu.

(Only in Dildora's eyes)

Lean your faces more.

Dildora couple's first wedding photo shoot.

They are destined to be.

Please kiss.

(Dasom is waiting for the photo shoot to be over)

What is in your hands, Dasom?

Mom and dad, I love you.

Wow, what is this?

Mom and dad, congratulations on your wedding.

Dasom prepared a handmade

thank-you letter.

Thank you so much.

I also prepared something.

This is Sanghyeok's first time writing a letter.

Dear my beloved Dildora,

This is my first time writing a letter to you.

9 years flew since we go married.

You were my nurse and Dasom's teacher.

Whenever I see you work so hard,

I felt embarrassed.

Thank you for staying by my side and marrying me.

My Dildora, I love you.

I love you too, Dasom.

It's so pretty.

- Thank you. / - It took me an hour yesterday.

Writing one letter?

I couldn't connect my words smoothly.

So I wrote multiple times.

- I'm touched. / - It took me an hour.

So much have changed in Dildora's life.

However, never forget that you will

always have your family.

Instead of becoming a brilliant actress,

Dildora wanted to become a proud mom and wife.

My Neighbor, Charles will always support you.

Best of luck, Dildora!

(Best of luck, Dildora!)

Ready, action!

It's so pretty.

Oh, it's real.

(I love you)

Be happy.

"I am marrying this woman again."

For more infomation >> My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.115 [ENG/2017.06.08] - Duration: 47:57.


Is poutine the greatest Canadian invention? | Canada 150 | 22 Minutes - Duration: 0:58.

Picture it: Quebec 1957.

What a time to be alive!

The average life expectancy had gone up,

tuberculosis was under control,

doctors had developed a polio vaccine,

and somewhere in Quebec somebody said,

"We are too healthy. Pour some gravy and cheese on those fries."

Thus, poutine was born in 1957.

And another great Canadian invention, the pacemaker,

was successfully implanted in a human in 1958.


I think not.

Here's a list of some other great Canadian inventions that make us proud.

For more infomation >> Is poutine the greatest Canadian invention? | Canada 150 | 22 Minutes - Duration: 0:58.


Reflejos - Mulan (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Reflejos - Mulan (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 3:40.


History of DOOM | 5WS (S2-EP10) - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> History of DOOM | 5WS (S2-EP10) - Duration: 4:44.


Trump Nominates Christopher Wray As New FBI Director - Duration: 9:16.

Trump Nominates Christopher Wray As New FBI Director

by Tyler Durden

The wait is finally over, and moments ago - one day ahead of James Comey's much anticipated

Congressional testimony - Trump announced that he will nominate King and Spalding litigation

partner and former DOJ Assistant AG, Christopher Wray to be the new FBI director

Here is a quick look at Wray's profile:

He's a litigation partner for King and Spalding in Atlanta and D.C., and he worked as a prosecutor

in the U.S. attorney's office in Atlanta before President George W. Bush nominated him to

be an assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice's criminal division.

He also played a key role in several high-profile cases -- Wray was Chris Christie's lawyer

during the "Bridgegate Scandal," has represented a number of Fortune 100 companies, was a major

part of the DOJ's response to the 9/11 attacks and oversaw the Enron task force.

"He's more concerned about the mission than his own personal career," said Joe Robuck,

a former FBI special agent.

Robuck worked with the FBI for 30 years and said he collaborated with Wray on a major

corruption case.

He called him a "patriot."

"A lot of people when they're in high profile cases, they're in court and are hard to work

with," he said.

"Not Chris.

He was always calm under pressure."

Amy Weil, of the Weil Law Firm, also worked with Wray for part of a few of her 25 years

in the U.S. Attorney's office in Atlanta.

She echoed Roebuck's sentiments.

"Chris is super smart," she said.

"He's an excellent lawyer, he's a nice person, people like him.

But he knows what he's doing."

Roebuck said he spoke with Wray on the phone Wednesday morning about the interview.

"It's not within his control," he said.

"Somebody else is going to make the selection, but I know that Chris would love the opportunity."

And some more details from his K&S website profile:

Christopher Wray is a litigation partner in the firm�s Washington, D.C., and Atlanta


Mr. Wray chairs the King & Spalding Special Matters and Government Investigations Practice

Group, which represents companies, audit and special committees, and individuals in a variety

of white-collar criminal and regulatory enforcement matters, parallel civil litigation, and internal

corporate investigations.

The group has been twice recognized by Law360 as �White-Collar Group of the Year� and

described as �the premier firm in this practice area� by the U.S. News & World Report/Best

Lawyers� �Best Law Firms� survey.

Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Wray served from 2003 to 2005 as the Assistant Attorney

General in charge of the U.S. Department of Justice�s (DOJ) Criminal Division, having

been nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate�s unanimous consent for

that position.

Mr. Wray helped lead the Department�s efforts to address the wave of corporate fraud scandals

and restore integrity to U.S. financial markets.

He served on the President�s Corporate Fraud Task Force and oversaw the Enron Task Force

and other major fraud investigations, both around the country and internationally.

As the Criminal Division�s head, Mr. Wray led investigations, prosecutions, and policy

development in nearly all areas of federal criminal law, including securities fraud,

healthcare fraud, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and trade sanctions violations, bank secrecy

and money laundering offenses, public corruption, intellectual property piracy and cybercrime,

and RICO.

Mr. Wray was also integral to the DOJ�s response to the 9/11 attacks and played a

key role in the oversight of legal and operational actions in the continuing war on terrorism.

At the conclusion of his tenure in 2005, Mr. Wray received the Edmund J. Randolph Award,

the Department�s highest award for public service and leadership.

Mr. Wray first joined the DOJ�s leadership as Associate Deputy Attorney General in May

2001 and was soon appointed the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General in September

of the same year, with oversight responsibilities spanning the full Department.

From 1997 to 2001, Mr. Wray served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of


As a prosecutor in Atlanta, he handled a wide variety of federal jury trials, grand jury

investigations and appeals as lead counsel.

Since returning to the firm in late 2005, Mr. Wray has led investigation matters involving

U.S. Attorneys� Offices in over twenty different districts around the country and nearly every

litigating division of the Justice Department, typically also involving parallel proceedings

by regulatory agencies and parallel class action or qui tam whistleblower litigation.

Some of Mr. Wray�s recent representations since rejoining the firm include:

Two different Fortune 100 financial institutions in a number of parallel investigations by

the Department of Justice and other agencies, such as the SEC, IRS and OCC, as well as parallel

class action litigation.

Several of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies in investigations into off-label

promotion issues by the Department of Justice and multiple U.S. Attorneys� Offices, the

FDA, HHS-OIG, Congress, and various state Attorneys General, as well as parallel False

Claims Act qui tam litigation.

A Fortune 100 healthcare company in multiple federal and state regulatory investigations

around the country.

A special committee of the board of directors of a leading technology company in conducting

an independent investigation of stock options issues.

A Fortune 100 pharmacy benefits company in parallel investigations by the Department

of Justice and SEC into stock options issues.

A leading telecommunications company in parallel Department of Justice, SEC, IRS, and Department

of Labor investigations into stock options practices.

A leading global financial institution in parallel investigations by the Department

of Justice, Manhattan District Attorney�s Office, Treasury Department�s Office of

Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), New York Federal Reserve Bank, and various domestic and foreign

regulatory agencies.

A leading global financial institution in parallel investigations by the Department

of Justice, IRS, SEC, New York Federal Reserve Bank, New York Department of Financial Services

(DFS), Congress and foreign regulatory agencies.

One of the largest global medical device manufacturers in parallel Department of Justice and SEC

investigations of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act issues.

A Fortune 100 transportation company in conducting internal investigations of Foreign Corrupt

Practices Act issues voluntarily disclosed to the Department of Justice and SEC.

Two different Fortune 250 energy companies in conducting internal investigations of Foreign

Corrupt Practices Act issues.

A leading defense contractor in qui tam litigation under the False Claims Act.

The audit committee of the board of directors of a Fortune 250 technology company in conducting

an independent investigation of revenue recognition and corporate governance issues.

The Governor of New Jersey in connection with investigations relating to the George Washington

Bridge toll lane closings.

Court-appointment as a Special Master to help the court resolve a discovery dispute between

the Department of Justice and a major healthcare company in False Claims Act litigation.

Appointment by the World Bank as the compliance consultant under a settlement with a leading

global technology company.

Mr. Wray has substantial federal appellate experience, including successful oral arguments

before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Eleventh Circuit sitting en banc and before the U.S.

Supreme Court.

Mr. Wray is also a member of the Lead Director Network, a select group of lead outside directors

from many of America�s top companies, focused on improving corporate performance and earning

shareholder trust through more effective board leadership.

He served as a law clerk to Judge J. Michael Luttig of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the

Fourth Circuit from 1992 to 1993.

Mr. Wray graduated, cum laude, from Yale University in 1989 and received his law degree in 1992

from Yale Law School, where he served as Executive Editor of the Yale Law Journal.

For more infomation >> Trump Nominates Christopher Wray As New FBI Director - Duration: 9:16.


Перезагрузка в горном Крыму. Оздоровительный курс Су Джок Благодар это Жизнь с Улыбкой! - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Перезагрузка в горном Крыму. Оздоровительный курс Су Джок Благодар это Жизнь с Улыбкой! - Duration: 3:01.



For more infomation >> WHO POPPY? İLLUMİNATİ WHAT IS RELATION WITH? DISCLOSURE!!! - Duration: 2:17.



For more infomation >> HOW TO STOP FEELING SAD | LISTEN TO YOUR FEELINGS - Duration: 2:48.


DOING EVERYTHING (closed captioned!) - Duration: 8:19.

Hey guys! It's Ivy and Maya and we don't have a song prepared for you today (SURPRISE)

so we're just gonna do something fun. "What are we going to do?" you may ask

Well we're gonna do lots of things lots of things. Lots of things! This is a video of lots of things.

Of everything. Everything. Everything in the world. We're gonna do it all! Yeah.

And for all our deaf viewers we're gonna have this video closed caption.

First we're gonna do the whisper challenge.

I love enthusiasm.

Chemistry is crazy? No no no no. CAPTAIN? Rides. Rice? Close. Rice? Ride. Rise? Ride. Riceling!

Sabertooth. Am I supposed to be saying this right now?


What you don't know is I hid the body in the back? Them back. Them back? Yes!

Oh the cow licks them back- like in return! I once. I was? Once. I want? Once. Was? Once. Will? Once. What? Once. I? Once. Whaaaaa

I'm going to the shop to buy some lemons and I'm going to chuck

I'm always in the shop, surprise! Lemons. Lumps? Lemons. Lumps! At a guy called called Tom. At the gynecologist?

Wow what a fun whisper challenge. Now we're gonna to try not to laugh!

Hey... do you have any sugar cubes I could borrow? Because I was lawning my mower- or I was mowing my lawn the other day. Wait you were "lawning your mower"?! JEREMY! For the last time

get out of my bathtub! WAPOW! NO!! See the whole thing about the pickle is it's unpredictable.

One-Word Story. Let's go. My little sister tried to kill me. That's it!

Tell mom that I'm going to leave and discover what it feels like to be a

farmer because I love farming so so much and I never really thought I could travel

across the nation and be a farmer and farm so I am going to do it now.

Stellar story! Oh great. Now I have blisters all over my body!

Wow! Pickles are so DISGUSTING! I CAN'T- Gettin a little ahead of yourself... Ow! My toe is bleeding! Someone help me!

Nevermind. It's fine. Sometimes I feel depressed. Oprah, welcome to your new nightmare! We are very

severely inclined to break the spinal cord

of you. One more time I need to be- Saturdays are for the boys. Oooh niiiice. I think this will give

me so much pleasure.

Maybe if I cut the rug then it will look perfect. And I have OCD! Honey!

It's raining! Do you want to run? Sure darlin! Let's have a rain run! Oh... okayy?

You smell like lavender and peaches. I

love kangaroos! The end! Okay so our next challenge...uh...

Hot stuff! So I'm making Ivy eat Hot Cheetos. So round one- we're each going to have one

Cheeto. Then round two- we both take to two until someone has to drink, you know?

Yeah. 3 2 1 hey guys! Oh hahaha. Oh shoot. Oh no. Three! I'm fine...totally... You look like you're in pain.

Like you stubbed your toe. My mouth is just like kind of burning... it's cool. I'm a trooper.

You have to put four in at the same time. *chewing* I don't like it. Man I miss Hot Cheetos I haven't had then in

such a long time. You miss this?! You're doing so well! I'm giving up. Oh.

That was pretty good Ivy. I made it to four. Mm-hm! Well that was about the most predictable

thing we've ever done.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this quirky random video um then- I hate myself.

If you enjoyed this video then you can like, subscribe, comment and share this video

with your friends, your family, and your enemies!

Bye guys. Have a great day. Follow our Instagrams.

We're very lonely people.

Oh! I hate you! Hola! Yo soy Miguel y yo muy- Yo es.

I've been playing with Play-Doh this whole time. Me too! That's not like that weird. We saw each other take the Play-Doh.

Do I look good? Never.

For more infomation >> DOING EVERYTHING (closed captioned!) - Duration: 8:19.


El Universo es Infinito... ¿Sí o No? - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> El Universo es Infinito... ¿Sí o No? - Duration: 5:51.


Phreak says that Tyler1 isn't totally reformed yet - Krepo steps away from casting League of Legends - Duration: 4:33.

Hey whats up guys, its League of Drama here with fresh news from the LOL community,

As some of you may know, Scarra, Voyboy, Imaqtpie, Dyrus, and Shiphtur

have joined the Echo Fox challenger series team named, Delta Fox

and for those who are curious, their contracts seem to expire on August 31

After a few days of hype, they finally do their first scrims against another team,

and that was livestreamed on Imaqtpie twitch channel

links to the scrims will be on the description down below

In other news

As explained a few episodes ago, there has been rumours that Tyler1, ex league of legends streamer

could be unbanned from League of Legends

however, according to Phreak, Tyler1 doesn't seem to be totally reformed yet:

however, according to a reddit user, there seems to be another side of the story:

"Just for another side of the coin, Tyler, just moments ago said on his subreddit that,"

"he hasn't had any punishments at all in over 10 months, including warnings."

"His Girlfriend plays from the same location,and T1 thinks that Riot presumes his girlfriend account is his account,"

"for some of you who dont know, his girlfriend is some edgy teen who does have a reputation for flaming."

"I'm not a T1 fanboy, but I don't think he's lying, No reason for him to."

In other news

This one comes from Krepo, league of legends caster,

as explained in the last episode, Krepo decided to step away from casting MSI,

after having a set of personal pictures leaked

a few days after, Krepo releases a new announcement,

he is now stepping away from casting league of legends indefinitely

"As of right now, i have decided with the support of riot, that i will be stepping down from my role as EU lcs shoutcaster,"

"for the foreseeable future."

"I will be taking an extended break, where i want to live life out of the spotlight for a while,"

"and focus on myself."

"being in a position of fame and constant scrutiny isn't easy to deal with,"

"and it has been quite the learning process for me,"

"i think its best for me to take a step back,"

"and reflect on that period of time, what i have learned and what makes me happy."

"im extremely grateful for the last few years."

"working in this amazing industry, creating happiness and even inspiring others has been a true privilege."

"i would like to thank all my coworkers who have been a pleasure to work with,"

"and most of all, the fans who have followed my career so far"

"i do not know what the future holds, maybe i will come back to casting eventually,"

"maybe i will work on the back end of e sports in a more supportive function, with less of a spotlight,"

"but right now, i need a break and hope you can all understand that."

All links in the description below.

If you enjoyed this video please dont forget to drop a like and subscribe for more drama and news from the league community,

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Phreak says that Tyler1 isn't totally reformed yet - Krepo steps away from casting League of Legends - Duration: 4:33.


Un Amante es Saludable 🙂🍆😛| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:17.

For more infomation >> Un Amante es Saludable 🙂🍆😛| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:17.


SpongeBob SquarePants | 🔥 The Floor is Lava 🔥 | Nick - Duration: 1:01.



The floor is lava!


Ah, it's a great day for the art world.

The floor is lava!


If you want to hear what real music sounds like,

then listen to this.

The floor is lava!


And my personal favorite piece is this lovely statue

from the Rebaissance Era.



Uh, uh, no.

I, uh, said flooring.

The flooring--

--is lava!


For more infomation >> SpongeBob SquarePants | 🔥 The Floor is Lava 🔥 | Nick - Duration: 1:01.


Here's My Canada: People Helping Each Other Out - Duration: 0:24.

On a very stormy day, my older brother

was in a paddleboard race and came

across a woman whose kayak had flipped

over from the intensity of the waves.

He pulled out of the race to help this woman,

flipping her kayak back around,

and helping her into it. Even though it

caused over $1,000 of damage

to his board, he still says he wouldn't

change anything about it.

This is what it means to me to be Canadian.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: People Helping Each Other Out - Duration: 0:24.


Orthopedic Medicine at Goshen Health - Nurse Practitioner FAQ with Lindsay Neff - Duration: 1:21.

(soothing music)

Lindsey Neff - My role as a nurse practitioner

at Goshen Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

is very broad. It's really based on working

with the physicians, collaborating with them

so that the patients get the best care they can get.

Going into the OR with Dr. Koronkiewicz,

helping with the joint replacements,

the knees, the hips, any fracture cares,

things like that, that I can be in there with as well.

Arthritis, I love our arthritis patients.

We get to really build a relationship

where I can see them from the beginning,

getting their X-rays, teaching them about arthritis.

What it means to have arthritis.

The treatment plans.

Going from conservative treatment

with over-the-counter medications, to injections,

to once all of those things have failed,

then we're talking surgery,

and with surgery, then we are able to go into the OR.

I can see the patients there as well.

So I already have that relationship built up with them

and able to take care of them afterwards

as well with the physician.

It really is a big part of collaborating

with the physician so I get to help the physicians

with their care, making sure that the patients

get the best that they can get

between myself and the physician.

(soothing music)

For more infomation >> Orthopedic Medicine at Goshen Health - Nurse Practitioner FAQ with Lindsay Neff - Duration: 1:21.


The Singing Men's Quartet - Dip Your Cup - Duration: 3:41.










































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