Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

My UAV's back online, brother!

We're on live now.

we're in Akron, with Mr.Tolliver here.


Let me see. I wonder if I can go back while I'm recording.

I wonder if it cuts off if I leave the screen.

Because I didn't try that. Yea so...

Let's see

As you guys know..or as you can tell..

Somebody was trying to call me

I'm using a different camera today. So umm,yea..

first day back on the field. My UAV's online!

How long my UAV's gonna be online? Go over there.

Yea. My UAV's online! Is your UAV online?

Yea, I think so.

Yep. Oh yea...Uh huh

Oh,dang it looks like my thing is...I gotta fix it.

You online?

Hold on. How does this look?

That's fine.

Looked like it was trying to come down..a little bit.

It's cool..

It's good?

Yea, you good.


Yea...I gotmy new sniper rifle.

out in the battlefield.

Get this money.

Oh, speaking of money, I just made some money.

Just got a payment.

We good?

We good.

((''On the phone'')) Yea. We'll see. Just looking at some stuff right now.

((''On the phone'')) I don't know. It looks different from before.

((Clerk)) How you guys doing?


((''On the phone''))We're just looking at some shoes right now, some clothesand stuff.

((''On the phone'')) Huh? Oh yea, my UAV's definitely online. Nice and clear.

Look at these hats real quick.


Oh yea.

((''On the phone'')) Oh yea. I don't know yet. I'm about to find out real soon. What did you say?

((''On the phone'')) Just some hats right now. They have a lot of different hats.

((''On the phone'')) They don't have that many Russian hats,like the one I have. Yea.

((''On the phone''))Yep.

Hey, do you guys have like this type of hat?

((''On the phone''))No, they don't.

What did you say? Hold on.

((''On the phone'')) Oh, nah they only have..

These are the only colors you have?

((''On the phone'')) Yea, they only have like three colors like blue,black and green.

((''On the phone'')) Yea, blue,black and green.Huh? Nah, I don't know.I don't know.We'll see.Yep.

((''On the phone'')) Let me call you back.Hey, let me call you back. I'll call you back, alright?

What did you say?

How long this place been open for?


How long this place been open for?

Like 30 years, I believe.

30 years!?

Are you from Akron?

Yea, but I live in Columbus now.


Are you from here?

Ah, I live in Canton.

Oh, Canton?

We're Canton people.

Where are you from?

From South Korea.

Oh, really?

**I didn't understand what she said here**


We are....has lots of..mmm

You've been here for a long time?

14 years.

Dang, 14 years.

((Korean))Do you speak Korean?

((Korean)) Yes, I do.

((Korean)) Oh, really?


Because now I'm learning Korean.


You spoke Chinese there

((Korean)) No, I'm learning Korean

((Korean)) Ah, really?!

((Korean)) I want to practice Korean with you.

((Korean)) Really?

((Korean)) Yes.

((Korean)) The, sure **You're welcomed to do so**

((Korean)) I'm welcomed?

((Korean)) Yes

How many languages do you speak?

Um, a few of them.


I can speak Japanese, too.

((Korean)) Really?


((Japanese)) I can also speak Japanese.

((Japanese)) Oh, really?

((Japanese)) Yes

((Japanese)) Nice to meet you!

((Japanese)) Nice to meet you, too!

Wow, oh my god.

((It's because I study many languages))

((Japanese)) Oh, really?

((Japanese)) Yes.

You started on the Korean language then you started the Japanese language?

((Korean)) Not only do I study Korean, I study other languages.

((Korean)) For example,Chinese, Japanese...therefore I'm able to speak these languages.

((Korean)) My wife is from Taiwan, so...

Oh, she's from Taiwan?

So you can even speak Chinese, too?

Uh huh

How many languages?

He speaks 4 languages. He can speak Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English so..

You're a genius!Oh my god.

((Korean)) Genius?

((Korean)) Genius

((Korean)) I'm not a genius

((Korean)) Oh, you're not a genius?

((Korean)) I don't think so..

((Korean)) It's just.....

Oh you're a genius.

You asked me something?

How long did it take you to uh..

I've been studying languages since I was 18. I'm 31 now.I started Chinese when I was 18.

How long did it take you to learn that?

It depends on how much time you put in. Like for me, when I started Chinese

After 6 months I was able to speak.

6 months?

Not fluently, but I was conversational.

So what kind of job do you have right now?

((Korean)) As far a my job now, I'm a teacher.

Oh, where at?

(Korean)) At home.

((Korean)) At home?

((Japanese)) I have my own job

((Japanese)) Normally what I do is teach other people who are interested in learning a particular language.

Back on the mic here. Had a little technical difficulties there in the other store.

Hopefully the clips came out well. We'll see when I get home.

But this is the first day testing this looxcie HD camera so..

I really want to use it, man. I really want to use it..

gotta keep these UAVs online. I think my UAV went offline in the last battle.

and that's not good. And it was a really good level up, too.

Japanese and Korean so....most definitely..

((''On the phone'')) Oh yea..

Uh huh, it's over with.It's about to get serious in here.

about to get some Korean in again.

gotta get the's full..gas in the lawmower ready..

it just needs to be jump started.

it just needs to be jump started..



((French)) Mademoiselle? Is the price reasonable?

((French)) is the price reasonable?

((French)) Hey, mademoiselle? is the price reasonable?

is the price reasonable? That's what it is in French.

is the price reasonable?

what's cheap in Japanese?




Is it cheap?

Is it cheap?

What's expensive?


Yea, takai

dang...I forgot that in Korean..hmm it's been so long

((''On the phone'')) Yea, most definitely. Yep.

I'm trying to come up with something real quick to start this lawnmower.

got the gas and everything


aww yea, it's over with

where's your phone?

right here.

I'm gonna ask her

hey Moe, come here for a second.



Oh, ok..

what happened?

you know, when it was down, it took a long time to..

it was kind of choppy a little bit


like now, see how it's catching up?

I don't think it's going to affect it.

it's never like in the actual video

oh, ok

hi, I have a question. Do you guys have wave greese?

yes, we have the greese

this one or those

Oh, Eric, did you want that

Yea, that's the one, I think

that's the one? ok..

trying to start this lawnmower up

that's the only kind you have?

yea, what kind are you looking for?

I don't know what works best..

how long has this place been open for?

what about this one?

this one?

hey, this place been open for a long time?

uh huh

how long? thirty years?

over 40 years?

you said over 40 years?

over 20...


the store..

where're you from?

I'm Korean


((Korean)) Do you speak Korean?

Yes, of course.

((Korean)) Really? Of course?

((Korean)) Since I'm studying Korean now, I like to speak Korean with Koreans.

Oh, that's good.

That's it?

What did he just say to you?

what did I just say..


I only know like one word..

what did I just say?

what did he just say to you?

he loves languages, Korean, Japanese and stuff like that

You speak?


you speak anything else?


my goodness..don't be like him

how long you've been studying Korean, Moses?

oh, like two years

((Korean)) I've studied Korean for two years, but..

these days I'm learning other languages, so I don't have

much time to practice it

I had some friends in from Korea for this tournament that we do

they stayed at my house so, I had him help translate for me because

only one spoke English. He had to help out.

his Korean is good

he's pretty good?

Uh huh



I'm trying to learn, too. He just studies at home by himself so..

can you teach me?


will you teach me?

I need that money!

thank you!

you're welcome

I stepped on you? I'm sorry.

You're not getting that. You're over here playing it off like you're getting something

you're gonna um..punch somebody else in the face?

dang, I wish she was working up at the register, it would be better

it's kind of awkward walking up to that women to level up

I know

because she looks busy

you know what, maybe I should just bust the Korean out

because I already know she's Korean

just go right in her mouth..

I'm going right in your mouth

dang, this thing is in place real good.

oh, ok

you getting something here? You can go ahead and get that

nah, I'm not getting that!

look, with what?

your dog!

for your dog, man

I'm about to level up with her

I'm about to level up

I'm gonna ask her what time this place closes

I'm gonna ask her what time they close today

Oh, ok

Oh, she went in the back, damn..

excuse me. What time does this store close today?

8 o'clock

8 o'clock? Even tomorrow?

tomorrow is 12-5. Same time Sunday

same time? Oh ok

((Korean)) Thanks

you know what, you can bring it back and get your refund

nah, I aint doin' all of that

Hey, look you gotta be careful with that. You can see the recording going on

man, you know what, it never left that screen.The time's still working

you see how it didn't leave the screen?

you can't pull down the screen?

I don't understand that lag

nah, don't worry about the lag

it's not going to effect anything

oh, ok



oh, you're getting a nail clipper?

just out it over here somehwhere

nah, I'm gonna just give it to her

oh, ok

here, I'm gonna give you the money to pay for this nail clipper


Oh, just uh..I don't want this

((''On the phone'')) We're in the beauty store right now. We're almost done.Huh?About 10 minutes.

((''On the phone'')) Give us about 10 minutes



((Korean)) How are you today?

Are you speaking Korean?

Yes, I want to practice Korean.

Because I'm studying Korean now

Are you?

((Korean)) Are you well today?

((Korean)) Yes

Yes indeed...back on the microphone. About to go into this Burmese market.

Burmese market here..

he like ''man, wth yall doin'?''

this Burmese market.. here you want to take the phone?

Yea, I'll take it

((''On the phone'')) Oh! Yea..


((''On the phone'')) Yea, it's a small Burmese market, I think? New place, yep.

((''On the phone'')) What do you want? Snacks? You want some snacks?

look, strawberry cake

oh, those are good. Are those pokies?

They're like it

yea, those are...

You guys just openned up here?

This place just opened?


Oh, ok

it's like Thai, Burmese, stuff


You have all of these different asian products, so where are you guys from?

I was born in Burma, but grew up in Thailand

Oh, so you were born in Burma?

Yea, but I grew up in Thailand

Oh, that's interesting. My wife was born in Burma

she was born in Burma?


She came here when she was 8

what's her name?

Well, her last name is Pan


Yea, she has a Burmese name. She came over at 8 and ever since then, she's been..

((''On the phone'')) Let me call you back. Let me call you back, I'm in a market right now.

Does she speak Burmese?

Yea, she speaks Burmese primarily and she speaks Toisan..

((Burmese)) How are you? How are you today?

((Burmese)) I'm good

You speak Burmese?

A couple words?

((Burmese)) I can speak a bit of Burmese

Ah, that's cool.

Is he your brother?


is he your brother?


((Burmese)) He's my friend, but he doesn't speak Burmese

is your mother Burmese?

((Burmese)) No,she isn't



but now I'm learning Burmese,so I can speak a bit.

((Burmese)) You speak a bit?

((Burmese)) Yes, a bit

She was surprised that youwere speaking those words

((Burmese)) Is that so?

((Burmese)) I really like Burmese

She's not Burmese, she's curran?


In Burma they have 7 ethnic groups

Wait..((Burmese)) What's her nationality?



((Burmese)) Where is it?

Tower city

Tower city?

((Burmese)) I don't know

You speak pretty good Burmese, better than my mom..

((Burmese)) Really?


In tower Burmese, they speak different. People from Rangoon speak different

that's why when he talks to my wife sometimes, it doesn't work..

so my mom speaks tower Burmese

Tower Burmese

You speak Rangoon Burmese


((Burmese)) I want to go to Rangoon

people from tower city speak their own slang

like, people from California speak differently than people from the north


((Burmese)) VERY nice!

((Burmese)) My Burmese isn't good, but...

how do you learn Burmese? Rosetta Stone?

Haha, he said Rosetta Stone

((Burmese)) I learned at home from a book an I have a computer so...I can speak with Burmese people

he was surprised

((Burmese)) How are you?

You know, he was surprised

((Burmese)) How are you?

Let me go to the car real quick



That's mangosteem. It's like a South East Asian fruit

How did you learn Burmese language?

((Burmese)) I learn from books

((Burmese)) Oh, from books

((Burmese)) But..I speak a little bit

((Burmese)) I want to learn Burmese...I mean I like to learn Burmese, therefore..I will learn it


((Burmese)) Because I want to speak with Burmese people

((Burmese)) What's your name?

((Burmese)) My name is Moses.Nice to meet you!

((Burmese)) How long have you been learning Burmese for?

Two months

You did two months?

He just started

Yea, I just started

I've been learning English for 10 years and I can't speak very good.

Your English is good!

I had to work hard before I left Thailand

Oh, you speak Thai, too?

Yea, I speak pretty good Thai

((Thai)) You can speak Thai?

((Thai)) Good

((Thai)) You're good today

((Thai)) I like to study Thai and Lao also

((Thai)) But I think my Thai is better than my Burmese..

Because I've been studying it longer

((Thai)) I spoke Thai for 10 years

10 years?


((Burmese)) Really?

((Burmese)) Burmese is very beautiful, therefore...

right? Very beautiful. Is that right?

((Thai)) Beautiful

how do you say ''I think'' in Burmese?

Ah, so ''I think Burmese is very beautiful''?

OK, yea it goes at the end like Japanese.

The grammar is totally different than the American grammar

Yea, it's backwards. It's SOV

Oh, so it's like Japanese?

Yea, it's just like Japanese

((Burmese)) He also wants to learn Chinese and Japanese

Hold on..I forgot..

((Burmese)) Leaving already?

((Burmese)) You're going home now?

((Burmese)) Yes, I'm going home


Wow, you're going to eat all of that?


so how long has this place..

What's your name?


so you say....

what's your name?

((Burmese))My name is Moses

but my nickname is mouse

so how do you say that in Burmese?

I don't know

how do you say mouse in Burmese?

In Thai it's ''Nuu'', but what about Burmese?

So..((Burmese)) My name is mouse

it's almost like Korean. In Korean it's ''Tschwee''


Yea, in Korean they say ''Tschwee''

it's similar

So, in Burmese it's ''tcsweh''?


Yea, it's similar to Korean ''tschwee''

aaw, man you know many languages

he loves languages


I want to come back again once I get better, like in Columbus, we have a lot of Burmese

but I don't..

do you want to come to the italian center tomorrow?

they're going to start at 10

What's there?

((Burmese)) What's over there?

((Burmese)) Burmese people?


((Burmese)) A lot of them?

((Burmese)) But they speak all in Burmese


Do you know where the italian center is?

Yea, I know. It's by the gas station.

Yea. 10 o'clock

wow, you should spend the night then go...

how do you say wife?


So ((Burmese)) My wife is from Taiwan

so was I saying that right? ''friend''?



matesway ''Friend'' you can say to girls

you can't say matesway to a girl?

yea, but when you speak to a guy you say ''aneichaen''

Oh, I didn't know that..

because when we were back there talking,he was asking if we were brothers

and then I told him ''matesway'' that you were my friend

they were kind of confused

((Burmese)) I understand. Thanks

Hey Jade, you say ((Burmese)) I want to buy this

you learn Burmese now than you can go back to grandma and practice your Burmese

she doesn't want to learn

grandma and grandpa speak Burmese, Cantonese..

They will do a Burmese new year in Chinatown there in February

oh, ok

Do you guys go to the Burmese picnic every year?

yea, yea

You know this is my first time speaking with Burmese people

I mean, I spoke with his wife..

my wife is very shy

I will be back in Burma 4pm tomorrow

you're going to Burma?

Yea, tomorrow

((Burmese)) Really?

((Burmese)) You're going to Burma?

When are you coming back?

The next two months

((Burmese)) I also want to go with you

((Burmese)) How are you?

((Burmese)) I'm good

((Burmese)) I'm very good today

((Burmese)) What's your nationality?

((Burmese)) I'm Burmese

((Burmese)) I'm American, but I'm learning Burmese

((Burmese)) Just a little bit..

((Burmese)) Are there many Burmese people here?


Speak slowly

((Burmese)) I speak a little now. Since I speak a little...

speak slow

((Burmese)) What's your name?

((Burmese)) My name?

((Burmese)) Is she your sister?

((Burmese)) No?


((Burmese)) Friend?

((Burmese)) Is that so?

((Burmese)) Nice to meet you

((Burmese)) My name is mouse

((Burmese)) I don't know

((Burmese)) He studies Burmese

((Burmese)) From the books and dictionary

((Burmese)) He's your friend?

((Burmese)) Friend


((Burmese)) What's your name?

((Burmese)) If I go to Burma I certainly will speak Burmese very well.

OK, We'll be leaving now. Nice to meet you.

((Burmese)) If you have time, come again

wish your looxcie buddys luck on this journey.

you see that?

looking better at the sushi bar

you ever have Thai food before?


what you want to get?

to go order?


we need a second to take alook first

this is the regular menu, that's the sushi menu

we'll take both

you want some sushi too, man?

give me a call whenever you're ready


what kind of Thai food you've had?

Man, my wife loves Thai food, that's her favorite type of food


what do you want to get?

Nothing..that's you spending this $20-$30...

you aint gonna be hooking me into that crap

let's hit that sushi bar


you want to get the sushi at the sushi bar?

we aint gettin' no level ups aint happenin'

let's go back to the sushi bar, come on. you can take that with you

excuse me, quick question

if we wanted to order sushi, do we go up to the bar?

no, you would order it


what kind of sushi do you normally get?

if you want to sit here, I can move over

Oh, no we're trying to figure out what to eat first

appreciate it, though

I think he's still looking

Ok, I'm going to get some of this ebi(shrimp)

how many comes with this?

you may want to come back

I'll just get that one

you sure?


this place wasn't here before

busy levelin' up going on here

right there behind you

yea, I'm about to get it in

just sit down and pull up a chair

they're Chinese

I know

how do you know?

do you want the sushi or sashimi?

Which one?

Sashimi. Can you mix them up?

No, just sashimi or sushi

oh, ok, sashimi

is this your first time here?


we've been here several times

how about you guys?

First time. I didn't even know this place was here

Are you guys students?


you guys are students?


Oh, what do you study?


Polymer? Oh..

didn't you study polymer?

sounds like some sort of science..

so, where're you guys from?


Which part?


Oh Shanghai?


((Mandarin)) Do you speak Mandarin?

((Mandarin)) When we were standing over there, I heard you speaking Mandarin

((Mandarin)) So, I decided to come over here...

Where did you learn this?

((Mandarin)) I decided to come over here and practice a bit of Mandarin with you.


((Mandarin)) So, we can speak Chinese together

((Mandarin))You can speak Chinese?

((Mandarin))Yes, I can

Who's teaching you?

((Mandarin)) I'm self-taught

((Mandarin)) You're self-taught?

((Mandarin)) Yes, self-taught


You? you're gonna practice?

((Mandarin)) So how long have you guys been here for?

((Mandarin)) Two years

You hear that?

What did he say?

He said two years

two years of what?

I asked them how long they've been here for and he said two years

Oh, wow

He's a good translator

((''On the phone'')) Let me call you back. Let me call you back, I'm at a Thai restaurant right now

he studies a lot of languages..Asian languages..African languages..

((Mandarin)) Right, now I'm studying all kinds of languages, for example

((Mandarin)) The first language I started studying is Chinese then Japanese, Korean etc..

((Mandarin)) But of course, my favorite language is Chinese

((Mandarin)) Well, I mean, Mandarin or Cantonese

((Mandarin)) You can speak Cantonese, too?

((Mandarin)) Yea, I can also speak Cantonese

((Mandarin)) Can you?

((Mandaring)) I can understand

((Cantonese)) Oh, you can understand?

((Cantonese)) I can speak Cantonese, so if you can speak Cantonese..

((Cantonese)) I can speak Cantonese with you if you can understand. Is that OK?

((Cantonese)) I like to study Cantonese and other languages because..

((Cantonese)) Bruce Lee is my idol

How many languages?

((Mandarin)) Too many...perhaps up to this point, I've studied 50 languages.

((Mandarin)) He doesn't know what he's talking about...hahaha

((Mandarin)) My reason for studying Mandarin is, I have a strong connection with Chinese girls. Do you know?

Thanks. Havea goodnight.


Have you everbeen to China before?


You speak very well.You're speaking Chinese like a native


((Mandarin- CLASSICAL CHINESE)) Why did you say that?

How do you know that? From websites?

((Mandarin)) When I started learning Chinese a long time ago, I was always in those chatrooms practicing with many Chinese

((Mandarin)) Therefore, I learned, idioms, jargons, Confucious things..for example

((Mandarin)) ''Three people walking, one of them must be my teacher'' etc

((Mandarin)) Haha...clap hands..clap hands.Everyone wants to clap

You're awesome!

((Mandarin)) ÜBER COOL!

You will bevery welcomed if you go to China

((Mandarin)) Really?


((Cantonese+Shanghainese)) I also want to learn Shanghainese

((Mandarin)) I tried learning Shanghainese a long time ago, but it was hard finding textbooks....too difficult

For more infomation >> ''My UAV is Still Online!'' - Duration: 1:00:13.


The Myth of Authorit - Duration: 3:47.

The Myth of Authority

�People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people.�

Contrary to what many people assume, most of the suffering, injustice and conflict in

the world is not the result of greed, hatred or intolerance.

Instead� Most of man�s inhumanity to man is the result of one particular belief; one

irrational superstition which is shared by almost everyone, namely, the belief in authority.

History has taught us that trying to fix the world by way of government always ends in


That in the end the political process empowers the ruling class and no one else.

Constitutions don�t fix it.

Elections don�t fix it.

Once there a position of power is created, it is always the megalomaniacs and sociopaths

who will sooner or later, one way or another, get themselves into that position.

Decent people are tricked into believing that it is perfectly acceptable and righteous to

control and rob their neighbors, as long as they do it by way of voting in the political


Tyrants love it when they can get the people to cheer for their neighbors to be robbed

by way of taxation or cheer for their neighbors to be forcibly controlled by way of regulation

and legislation.

In short: the political process is designed to dupe the people into cooperating with,

and even demanding their own subjugation, and the subjugation of everyone else.

The old notion of the divine right of kings has changed into the divine right of politicians�

with similar results.

Hundreds of millions of human beings have been murdered by their own governments.

Many millions more have died in government created wars and billions more have been robbed,

harassed, terrorized and otherwise forcibly dominated and impressed by ruling classes�

Including democratically elected constitutional governments.

To create a huge all-powerful predator, which is what government always is, in the name

of stopping predators is simply INSANE.

And then the big powerful thing that you hoped would be a protector and servant of the people,

will be an oppressor and exploiter of the people.

That is what government has always been and always will be, until the people dare to let

go of the superstition

of authority.

For more infomation >> The Myth of Authorit - Duration: 3:47.


I'm back on YouTube !!! - Duration: 1:05.

Hello guys and girls like this ??

This day I warn you that on Friday upload several videos if you want banners, intros, others, logos, edited images, etc.

I can ask the requirements are in the description. And the way to contact me ok boy(Girl)

On Saturday Open video s would like I can do tutorials on how to make logos etc.

See you guys(girls)

For more infomation >> I'm back on YouTube !!! - Duration: 1:05.


Meu vídeo editado - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Meu vídeo editado - Duration: 0:54.


The Myth of Authority - tech and science - Duration: 2:43.

The Myth of Authority

�People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people.�

Contrary to what many people assume, most of the suffering, injustice and conflict in

the world is not the result of greed, hatred or intolerance.

Instead� Most of man�s inhumanity to man is the result of one particular belief; one

irrational superstition which is shared by almost everyone, namely, the belief in authority.

History has taught us that trying to fix the world by way of government always ends in


That in the end the political process empowers the ruling class and no one else.

Constitutions don�t fix it.

Elections don�t fix it.

Once there a position of power is created, it is always the megalomaniacs and sociopaths

who will sooner or later, one way or another, get themselves into that position.

Decent people are tricked into believing that it is perfectly acceptable and righteous to

control and rob their neighbors, as long as they do it by way of voting in the political


Tyrants love it when they can get the people to cheer for their neighbors to be robbed

by way of taxation or cheer for their neighbors to be forcibly controlled by way of regulation

and legislation.

In short: the political process is designed to dupe the people into cooperating with,

and even demanding their own subjugation, and the subjugation of everyone else.

The old notion of the divine right of kings has changed into the divine right of politicians�

with similar results.

Hundreds of millions of human beings have been murdered by their own governments.

Many millions more have died in government created wars and billions more have been robbed,

harassed, terrorized and otherwise forcibly dominated and impressed by ruling classes�

Including democratically elected constitutional governments.

To create a huge all-powerful predator, which is what government always is, in the name

of stopping predators is simply INSANE.

And then the big powerful thing that you hoped would be a protector and servant of the people,

will be an oppressor and exploiter of the people.

That is what government has always been and always will be, until the people dare to let

go of the superstition of authority.

For more infomation >> The Myth of Authority - tech and science - Duration: 2:43.


How to make Counter a caitlyn? | LEAGUE OF LEGENDS | Counter Champion Guide # 1 - Duration: 7:45.

I could seem to have not lived past and That we have why it changed even though

Give because they bring greater movement Quick

The truth that I think they have rank That goes to the head can be


According to sporting played by Giving account and when nobody

Russia can jump a battery has

Much to see because it had a great

Mobility has a machine that achieved Break that name

This also happens now for two or That we know the champions considered

Very good that would be the first for a

agreement You may also finally be able to

To lose life

Before asking anyone he wants

Anyone who does much harm to this Life to support a camera

But I see it as a percent rock less

Say that this option is to

Time to vote or not have the Same team that is going to throw euros

Because he said little was new

The other day did not save a change for That speaks but can maintain it

Always operative There we have not been well and I think

We'll see

For more infomation >> How to make Counter a caitlyn? | LEAGUE OF LEGENDS | Counter Champion Guide # 1 - Duration: 7:45.


Harrison Blake Apparel Review - May & June 2017 Monthly Subscription Box Unboxing - Duration: 9:18.

take it off so you can see oh snap they get stuck I take it stuck what's going

on YouTube is your favorite then subscription box guys whatever you want

to call me I'm back again and I got to hair can blink apparel packages I this

is probably the month let me try think it's probably the most amazing it's

probably made in June so let's get right into it you know I don't know if you can

see the background but you have hair too like a pair of $25 a month they also

have different other programs for like 16 dollars a month bowties and so the

$25 package you're getting you're getting one next time for accessories

and all these items usually go perfectly together so in these bags I have a whole

matching set so let's get right into them I'm out you know summer month I'm

feeling some sunglasses maybe I don't know but let's let's just see let's open

this one up first and see got on my five for you know one of my favorite favorite

favorite subscription boxes for those of you that watched my videos you would

know I can't even open this right now

summertime you know I've got a lot of packages coming in guys stay tuned I got

a lot coming up so this package is open it's what we got in here

Harrison Blake I'm a fan of the items that I get so let's see okay okay this

is tell me which month it is I do not have anything in here sometimes they

have a car telling you which month and sometimes they don't

here we go here's the card so like I said it's usually for accessories or one

necktie but from what I see I got a lot more than that so this is actually

June's check it out June 2007 and on the back I have six items in here and it

tolls at $99 so $99 for what you're paying 25 it's a great deal these

packages are great Harrison blink I definitely definitely approve always

wear stuff on my risk even whether it's a wiper there's a

Rasta Claridge's some type of bracelet they supply some good stuff so I'm gonna

just go with the first couple items let's see first thing I took out with

this snow cone looking bottle and this bottle is actually a drink shaker a four

dollar drink shaker it says Harrison blink a pair of something cool something

fun you know it's just a shaker get you know summertime nice cool go sugar four

dollars I mean not something I'm probably going to buy the store but it's

cool to get another little package this is cool I love lapel pins if you haven't

seen my other videos I always get lapel pins can see that this is a bunny head

it's like a bunny it's like a rabbit's head you know that'll look really nice

on a jacket and this right here is worth 20s which is which is about right so

this is a twenty dollars of Pelican right here and all these items are

Harrison Blake brand so we got that we have a nice floral design I like this

because it really pops in it's definitely pops it's not like a bunch of

little flowers it's some bigger flowers nice colors you know and this right here

is the for kind of pocket square value at $20 and we have a bracelet like I

said I love different bracelets and this is a wooden brick at $15 bracelet it has

has a design right here and then it also turning around some more letters on this

I don't know what it says obviously but you know it's a cool little bracelet

wouldn't look and it looks good it looks good you know it's like we're however

you want it look nice I like it just leave you off for now and then I really

like to tie a comma I like to knit ties I don't know if you have you guys ever

seen another packages I like to knit ties and Harrison Blake really nice the

flat look I like the knit ties the summer put some color on it's pink but I

wouldn't mind wearing a pink time not big on pink but it looks good with some

with the blues you know the brown so definitely definitely like that and then

I got this big old thing and it's in abran if the Harrison Blake barbecue

apron now like I said I wouldn't normally buy something like this but

is pretty cool check that out Harrison Blake top quality so I'll be stylish

like that I'll be real stylish picking up some barbecue I mean you can't beat

that that is pretty cool that's a cool item something like I said I wouldn't

buy but it's pretty damn cool I got me two cool stylish you know apron so that

like I said that Joe that's June's this is $99 this package so let's get

right into what I'm thinking is amazed oh I don't think I mentioned it yet

Santos Bob will save you five dollars okay first month so like I said $25 to

start use that code Santos five at the npos five and that's going to save you

$5 you can get all this for $20 I mean that aprons pretty cool I can't wait to

hit the barbecue come out with my custom you know my custom tapered so we have it

looks like a bunch of stuff in this one too many really go in there really going

hard in these a month so we have a hareton Blake dad hat that's kind of

cool that's not cool oh my goodness with the car down with

the pretty car were you know card in this package

oh it's with the stop alright so okay see this due to the items and this one's

right at focus focus 1 7 10 so this is me and this is for 117 and I think I'll

say I think they don't have a thing it was June and the world smell of roses

okay roses let's go outside and have some fun so this is probably outside fun

which is why you have like I've been seeing a lot of these lately like

promotional stuff it's Harrison Blanc apparel high-quality h2o so it's like a

water bottle except it's like a water bag a plastic bag so some sense you know

that's something in here and they have this value that nothing it's just a

bonus item so $117 started including this little water pot

CLR tie I used to be in the net like current I used to be in the Navy

so you know the anchors they do mean something to me so we have a very anchor

everything else I have is blue so this is life care assembly tie boom we got

some maroon or burgundy with the gray or silver anchor that's nice this is

something I never really get in any package honestly is a ring and let me

just tell you buddy that tied that tie was valued at 30 bucks

so this is a size 10 it probably does not fit well it would fit here so it's a

ring so that so we have this ring right here it's like a black gloss with it

with a silver would your silver lines going across this my full ring I've

never gotten two rings in size 10 but it fits me on this finger it's cool I mean

I will know how cool about the Rings honestly I don't know how I feel about

the ring probably the one item I'm not really too fond of right now just

because I don't really wear them and this right here is steel ring stainless

steel ring is valued at $35 that's $35 right there this is a pretty cool dad

hat or honestly it's just a regular hat that people started to call dad hats and

now they're like really popular but it's a H and it's a B it's blue and it would

actually match pretty good right now but I want to mess up my hair

but I like dad hat I'm into the dad thinks I would definitely wear this it

looks like a cool little logo has the scissor like the Harrison Blake logo so

this right here is valued at $25 am I missing anything yes we have with that

match yes this is Matt I just want to make sure if they were met like I said

so this would match because they had burgundy around it and this is like a

plaid has green gold blue and maroon so this is nice this right here this

Harrison Blake and I'm guessing this is about 30 25 $20 a pocket square and then

we have the no-show socks and there's an American flag so that that makes that's

cool you know summertime springtime so that is were seven so like I said this

is 117 may was a killer man I should open this sooner May was a killer

117 dollars worth I got tons of hair to blake stuff but des Harrison Blake for

the month of May and June 25,000 months thank you guys have a good one

surfing is too small might as we've been the brand let's

slide and already

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