Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

He's been dead for years.

Firs! correction, I am Swiss.

Second, look around you.

I have never been more alive.

In 1972, I received a terminal diagnosis.

Science could not save my body.

My mind, however, that was worth saving,

on 200,000 feet of databanks.

You are standing in my brain.

- How did you get here? - Invited.

It was Operation Paperclip after World War ll.

S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited German scientists with strategic value.

They thought I could help their cause.

I also helped my own.

HYDRA died with the Red Skull.

Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.

Prove it.

Accessing archive.

HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity

could not be trusted with its own freedom.

What we did not realise was that if you try

to take that freedom, they resist.

The war taught us much.

Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly.

After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded,

and I was recruited.

The new HYDRA grew.

A beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

For 70 years,

HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war,

and when history did not cooperate,

history was changed.

That's impossible. S.H.I.E.L.D. would have stopped you.

Accidents will happen.

HYDRA created a world so chaotic

that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom

to gain its security.

Once a purification process is complete,

HYDRA's new world order will arise.

We won, Captain.

Your death amounts to the same as your life.

A zero sum.

As I was saying...

What's on this drive?

Project Insight requires insight.

So, I wrote an algorithm.

What kind of algorithm? What does it do?

The answer to your question is fascinating.

Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it.

Steve, we got a bogey.

Short range ballistic.

- 30 seconds tops. - Who fired it?


I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain.

Admit it.

It's better this way.

We are, both of us,

out of time.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Dr. Arnim Zola - 'The History Of HYDRA' Scene | HD - Duration: 4:13.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Captain America & Black Widow Visit Sam Wilson - Duration: 3:54.

Hey, man.

I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low.

Everyone we know is trying to kill us.

Not everyone.

- You okay? - Yeah.

What's going on?

When I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D. I thought I was going straight.

But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA.

I thought I knew whose lies I was telling,

but I guess I can't tell the difference any more.

There's a chance you might be in the wrong business.

I owe you.

It's okay.

If it was the other way around,

and it was down to me to save your life,

now you be honest with me,

would you trust me to do it?

I would now.

And I'm always honest.

Well, you seem pretty chipper

for someone who just found out they died for nothing.

Well, guess I just like to know who I'm fighting.

I made breakfast.

If you guys eat that sort of thing.

So, the question is,

who at S.H.I.E.L.D. could launch a domestic missile strike?


Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world.

But he's not working alone.

Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.

So was Jasper Sitwell.

So, the real question is, how do the two most wanted people

in Washington kidnap a S.H.I.E.L.D. officer in broad daylight?

The answer is, you don't.

- What's this? - Call it a résumé.

Is this Bakhmala?

The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you?

You didn't say he was a Pararescue.

- Is this Riley? - Yeah.

I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs.

What did you use? A stealth chute?



I thought you said you were a pilot.

I never said pilot.

I can't ask you to do this, Sam.

You got out for a good reason.

Dude, Captain America needs my help.

There's no better reason to get back in.

Where can we get our hands on one of these things?

The last one is at Fort Meade.

Behind three guarded gates and a 12-inch steel wall.

Shouldn't be a problem.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Captain America & Black Widow Visit Sam Wilson - Duration: 3:54.


Urubici SC parte 3 - Canion Espraiado , Serra Corvo Branco e Morro do Campreste - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Urubici SC parte 3 - Canion Espraiado , Serra Corvo Branco e Morro do Campreste - Duration: 2:30.


Fact checking Trump Coal mines open, prospects bleak - Duration: 6:32.

Fact-checking Trump Coal mines open, prospects bleak

As President Trump announced on Thursday that the U.S. would leave the Paris climate agreement,

he repeatedly expressed unwavering support for the coal mining industry.

Boosting coal production, bringing back coals jobs, and killing federal climate change programs

have been among his top priorities since he took office.

�The mines are starting to open up, having a big opening in two weeks, Pennsylvania,

Ohio, West Virginia, so many places,� Trump said in his Rose Garden speech.

�A big opening of a brand new mine.

It�s unheard of.�

But across the country, coal mines aren�t starting to open as much as Trump suggests,

and the industry faces a bleak future as cheap and abundant natural gas, wind and solar power

outcompete coal.

�The decline in U.S. coal production is the result of powerful technological and market

trends that are unlikely to change anytime soon,� said Jonathan Koomey, an earth systems

and energy lecturer at Stanford University.

�Cheap natural gas, the rapid decline in the cost of solar and wind generation, and

continued flat electricity demand make it next to impossible that U.S. coal production

will significantly increase in coming years.�

Last year, U.S. coal production fell to its lowest point since 1978, falling 18 percent

in 2016 alone.

Electricity generated using coal in the U.S. has fallen 38 percent since it peaked in 2007,

according to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data.

At the same time, coal jobs are up slightly.

Nationwide, the coal mining industry employs about 51,000 workers and has added about 1,200

jobs over the last year.

Four hundred jobs were added in May, according to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report

issued on Friday.

By way of comparison, the U.S. Department of Energy, which uses a different method to

calculate energy industry employment, reported in January that coal production jobs totaled

74,000 by the end of the first quarter of 2016.

There were 373,800 solar power workers, 101, 700 wind power workers and about 812,000 oil

and gas production workers.

In raw numbers, here�s what the electric power industry�s abandonment of coal looks

like: This year, 24 coal-fired electricity generators at 14 power plants in 11 states

are expected to shut down, followed by another 22 coal generators in 2018, according to an

analysis by the global energy nonprofit Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis,

or IEEFA, released in April.

�The future of coal is bleak,� said Tom Sanzillo, IEEFA finance director.

�We expect that more coal plants will be closing and that no new ones will be built.

Coal is uncompetitive against natural gas and in many regions uncompetitive against

renewable energy.�

That doesn�t mean the coal industry won�t open any new mines at all in the coming months

or years, but they�re not likely to make much of a difference in the long-term prospects

of the coal industry, he said.

�The mines that will open are likely to be small,� Sanzillo said.

�They face stiff competition from existing players.

To me, they are highly speculative investments, more akin to gambling.�

The coal mines that are opening are tiny and many of them will be producing metallurgical

coal for the steel industry, not feeding coal-fired electric power plants for utilities.

That�s the case for the coal mines in the three states Trump cited.

Pennsylvania will soon see the opening of the Acosta Deep Mine near Somerset, Penn.,

which will produce 375,000 tons of metallurgical coal annually and employ 70 workers, according

to the Associated Press.

By comparison, the country�s largest coal mines produce more than 100 million tons of

coal each year.

Acosta�s operator, Corsa Coal, could not be reached for comment.

Four additional small metallurgical mines employing about 375 workers were set to reopen

last year in West Virginia, according to local news reports.

In Ohio, the state has granted permits to mine for coal at new and existing sites ranging

from less than 20 acres to more than 350.

The state granted three companies coal mining permits at nine sites throughout the state

since February 2016.

One of the permits was issued this year.

A spokesman for the Ohio Coal Association said he was unaware of how many mines might

open or close in the state this year.

The National Mining Association, which tracks coal mine openings and closures, declined

to provide opening and closure data.

None of the numbers regarding openings and closings are likely to matter in the long

run because electric power companies are using less and less coal to generate electricity

� the primary use of coal in the U.S.

The EIA projects that without any major climate regulations in place, coal production in the

U.S. will fall slightly this year, then over the next decade rise to 2015 levels and remain

flat through 2050.

The coal industry will have to innovate in order to stage a return to its former status

as America�s primary source of electricity, said James Van Nostrand, a law professor and

director of the Center for Energy and Sustainable Development at West Virginia University in

Morgantown, W.Va.

�There�s going to have to be a technological breakthrough that will dramatically reduce

the cost of producing coal,� he said.

�The coal guys have spent all their energy whining about a �war on coal� and Obama

and the EPA, and they haven�t innovated.

Now they�re trying to catch up.�

For more infomation >> Fact checking Trump Coal mines open, prospects bleak - Duration: 6:32.


La Caldera Squad - Lo justo & necesario (Prod. Fat Loops) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> La Caldera Squad - Lo justo & necesario (Prod. Fat Loops) - Duration: 4:08.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Captain America Is A Fugitive From S.H.I.E.L.D. - Duration: 4:09.

Before we get started,

does anyone want to get out?

Mobilise S.T.R.l.K.E. units, 25th floor.

Whoa, big guy-

I just want you to know, Cap, this isn't personal!

It kind of feels personal.

Drop the shield and put your hands in the air!

Give it up, Rogers! Get that door open!

You have nowhere to go!

Are you kidding me?

He's headed for the garage. Lock down the bridge.

Stand down, Captain Rogers. Stand down.

Repeat, stand down.

Eyes here.

Whatever your op is, bury it.

This is Level One.

Contact DOT.

All traffic lights in the district go red.

Shut all runways at BWI,

IAD and Reagan.

All security cameras in the city go through this monitor right here.

Scan all open sources,

phones, computers,

PDAs. Whatever.

If someone tweets about this guy,

I want to know about it.

With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D. is conducting

a manhunt for Captain America we deserve to know why.

Because he lied to us.

Captain Rogers has information regarding the death of Director Fury.

He refused to share it.

As difficult as this is to accept,

Captain America is a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Captain America Is A Fugitive From S.H.I.E.L.D. - Duration: 4:09.


Comércio Arriscado - Baviera, Knust, Clara Lima, Mz, CT, Chris (Prod. 1Kilo) - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Comércio Arriscado - Baviera, Knust, Clara Lima, Mz, CT, Chris (Prod. 1Kilo) - Duration: 5:19.


I Can Get It Back「AMV」▪ Uchiha Obito¹ (2017) ▪ (HD) - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> I Can Get It Back「AMV」▪ Uchiha Obito¹ (2017) ▪ (HD) - Duration: 12:00.


GRWM | Using all NEW makeup!! | Viseart, Ciate, Dior, Hourglass & more! - Duration: 28:40.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to do a get ready with

me non chatty version just talking about some makeup that are recently hauled so

this is a first impression video I have not used a lot of these products so you

will get my honest first impression opinion of these makeup products so if

you want to see how I got this look and how I feel about these new makeup items

just keep watching hey guys so I apologize for the tank top it is legit

like 110 degrees in this room because I'm upstairs I do have a window unit in

here but I cannot turn it on because it's so loud and I cannot film over it

and the hair I'm in one of those moods where I am down to do like makeup but

not hair so just gonna ignore all of that so let me just tell you what I've

done so far so far I have put on the Revlon Colorstay and mixed it with my

Marc Jacobs in number 14 this is part of my project pan and I'm trying to use it

up and yes I promise I'm gonna do an update video on that hopefully soon I

did start out with my Smashbox primer water I love love love this in the

summer it acts as my moisturizer and primer so I love this because I'm just

now starting to get like super oily for my eyebrows I went ahead and used my BH

Cosmetics HD brow pencil and now I'm going to go ahead and set with my ji

wushi powder and the reason I wanted to show this one camera cuz I wanted to

talk about this for a second I got a great question on one of my videos from

one of my longtime sweetest most supportive subbies and you know who you

are but the question really made me think and I just wanted to explain up

tallit to you all real quick because I totally get it if you're so used to

these youtubers getting free products and pushing that free product and you're

kind of like well you got it for free are you getting paid to do this even

though it doesn't say your sponsored and then now I'm saying like I'm getting

products from octa Lee and it's like I never want you all not that she

doubted me but I never want you all to think like oh she's just saying that

because it was free um because octal II works like this I'm going to go ahead

and put this powder on um octal II works like this yes they give you free product

and yes you have to do a review on that product that review does not have to be

positive you are not like locked into that whatsoever no brand contact you and

ask you that or I would not ever work with that brand or review their product

I think it's more like constructive criticism I think you know they know

they're sending this free stuff to all this you know big time youtuber chicks

and these products that are going out to smaller channels are actually going to

get constructive criticism and I say that because jebal she sent me to a

shadow palette which I was so excited about because I've never used any of

their eyeshadows and I figured you know these things sell for sixty plus dollars

they must be amazing right so I got them in and they sucked so bad and I did my

review and I said just that and then I watched some other reviews about those

palettes and people were like oh my gosh they're so beautiful and I'm like I

didn't say they weren't beautiful but you're not saying that they sucked you

know so I never ever ever have to give a positive review and I am lucky enough to

occasionally find stuff that I absolutely fall in love with and I'm

thinking oh my gosh this powder so expensive I probably wouldn't have taken

the plunge on this powder because I'm not a powder girl I'm more like a blush

and a highlight and a lipstick in an eyeshadow like I'm a color girl you know

and I just tend to go for like $6 powders instead of $65 powders so there

are occasionally times where I get to try high-end products that I really love

now her question was you know did I think it was worth it and so far I'm

semi twilly we are just now getting into the depths of summer in Kentucky

and um I'm simile and it is amazing it sets my makeup my makeup lasts forever

if I'm like wearing if I'm filming I use it if I'm going outside and I'm going to

be running a bunch of errands which I'm going to do today I'm using it just to

kind of prolong that makeup a little bit longer in the heat and everything so it

doesn't break down as quick so yes I personally think that powder is worth it

stay tuned to my channel because I will definitely give you updates as we get

into the more oily months for me but um love it love it love it but I just

wanted to put that out there because I do use a lot of octiline products and I

would never use them if I didn't like them or talk about them if I didn't like

them and there have been several products that I just didn't like so and

I'm always honest about that but this is an octa Lee product that I absolutely

love like if you will love the benefit gimme brow then you would love this it's

like a tint like the gimme brow and then it's also like the anasazi Agyei that

kind of keeps the hair in place so it's like the best of both worlds I don't

have to do two steps I just take this after I've filled in my eyebrows and set

my foundation because it my eyebrows get a little powdery so I always do this

step next I'll go in and just comb them through and it definitely like makes me

look like I have more hair which I don't and it deepens them up a little bit so

um I absolutely love this thing I have not used anything else since I got this

nothing and one day I lost it like in the mix the only thing I hate is that it

is so plain and black and sometimes I it just gets lost in all the mascara so one

morning I like lost it in the you know because all your brushes are black and

it just got lost on top of my desk and I used my gimme brow and I was like dang I

just I love this so much more so now kind of like stick it out in front so I

don't lose it so yes love love love that so what I wanted to do today was play

with the makeup that I recently hauled so

this will be less of a chatty get ready with me and more like just talking about

makeup I wanted to use all the new products and this get ready with me so

you can kind of get my first impression there's only a couple things that I've

already played with and I don't even know if I'm gonna use them right now but

um this this is the visi art 10 warm matte okay the only reason I bought this

and I would say 90% of all the Sephora things were from a gift card and that's

why I bought it I don't I was scared to spend my own

money even though I love love love the neutral matte it's just a lot of money

but I kept telling myself I'm like April you know when you do clients what

palette do you have to take and it's always my busy art like that's the one

palette that I can do any look with so I just know that I'm gonna get so much use

out of this and every time I use that palette I'm like oh my god this is so

good like so so good so anyway I think it's worth it but I hadn't even played

with it yet so we'll see together you prom my eyes with my Urban Decay primer

potion and now I'm gonna set that with that first color right here it's just a

matte cream color I think that's what I love the most about these palettes is

it's all matte so I only have to bring in like one shimmer shade and I have so

many like pressed pigments and color pop and glitter like that's easy for me to

bring in one shade um to use so yeah I just love these palettes I feel like

they just blend themselves like they basically put themselves on your eyes

and I could use all the help I can get you know so first off I want to use this

glitter pigment that my friend Lisa sent me this is the Annabelle chrome in gold

so I want to do a very warm look and then I want to use that on top so I'm

gonna go in with this one first so it's the one in between the red and orange

and I'm going to put that into my crease using my favorite brush this is the

morphe m51 4 if you have hooded lids this brush

so good so I'm just gonna put that into my crease we're gonna see how this

compares to my neutral Matt see I swear I was just using my lorac pro 3 and I

loved that palette but literally like I just went whoosh and it's like perfect

ml lorac Pro I feel like I had to sit and blend those in a little bit better

because they are super buttery and they can tend to be a little messy but these

it's like really really I don't even have to keep on blending I mean it's

just perfect shadows are just so good now I'm going to take the one right

above it so I'm just gonna blend out this and take it a little bit above what

I just put down okay so the Natasha Genova palette came out that sunset

palette and I was like okay so if I ever worked about a palette this would be it

and I kept put it in my car and then I would get back onto Sephora and I would

see it in my car or sell out you know before I got it I kept looking at it I

was like no like I just that was over a hundred dollars and I had more

experience with the visi art and I just could not bring myself to buy that

palette even though it's beautiful and I've heard a lot of people rave about it

I just couldn't do it so finally I was like April just get the one you want so

I did I'm going to take this darker Brown right here in the corner and I'm

going to go right into the crease with that color just to deepen it up a little

bit still using the same brush I'm not being

really precise because I know I'm going to go in with that gold color so just

putting that right in the crease perfect okay

I'm super glad so glad I got it okay now I'm going to take this third one over

which is just a more chocolatey Brown right there I mean they're all warm so I

don't want to say like warm they're all warm I'm going to take that one and put

it on the outer V and bring it in a little bit

next time I want to play with the red and the orange and that burgundy but

right now I know I've got to run a bunch of errands I might run into some people

I'm not trying to go too quick so I'm just putting that on the corner and

continuing it to bring it in to deepen it up a little bit and I'm going to put

the gold like inner corner I've been playing with that gold and I've noticed

now with the rose gold one if you saw that tutorial um

if not I'll put it up there but um I could like pack that on but I've been

swatching this gold one and I don't feel like you can pack this one on as much

I'm going to go back into that first color which was the third one over

second row and just run that through the crease a little bit so good I know

eighty dollars like about kills me but one day I was like looking up all the

different sizes of eyeshadow versus like how much they cost and it really is like

a big pin and when you figure it out like per shadow it's not that much money

and I know that I'll use like every color in here that's another thing is

like when you buy a palette it's like yeah like five out of the ten colors you

know this palette I would use every single color in there so I know it'll

get used I'm going to take that gold I dipped my finger in it very lightly and

I'm just going to tap this on the lid Oh

see I feel like this one it definitely gets like that creepy look so you have

to be like really light handed with this one and the rose gold just wasn't like

that so I'm gonna try to blend it out with a q-tip a little bit cuz it's just

so heavy right there and I barely had any on my hand

maybe if I ooh I'm gonna try to put my primer potion on this little q-tip so

wetting it a little bit

there we go be really careful on the other end not

put as much but I really didn't put a lot

Wow and they look even more intense on camera notice when I did the rose gold

one in real life it was really pretty but then when I went to edit my video I

was like dang like it was so pretty on film it like catches the light oh it's

so pretty so I'm gonna go back in with that little brush and just kind of blend

these two in together so there's no like breaking point oh it's so pretty okay so

I'm going to go ahead and do my other eye the wing and the lashes and then

I'll be back to do the rest of the face that palette for me it is worth every

penny I'm so glad I ended up finally taking the plunge it is been on my loves

list since it came out and I kept telling myself that I would get it

during the fall vib and then I ended up getting a gift card and I was like

that's not my money so um I just got it and I thought the worst that can happen

is I have to return it but I kind of knew ugly so I loved it so good so easy

for the Annabelle this color is just a different consistency so I was super

light handed on this one waited for it to dry and then I put like a super light

coat on top and I think it worked out great but with this one I just have to

be a little bit careful I am back to loving my Physicians Formula liner I was

really into Kat Von D and I do think those tattoo trooper liners that what

they're called you know what I'm talking about I do think they're amazing and I

love them but a couple of them dried up like super quick on me and that's the

first they've ever done it and I've used them for like three or more years so it

just killed me you know because they're like ten dollars more than these and I

can get these like bow and get one and use my Ulta coupon so I went and bought

like four of these at Tom and they're just lasting forever

they last just as long in my eyes so back to loving that for mascara I use

these two as a combo I love using two different mascaras this is the Estee

Lauder sumptuous sumptuous I can never say that extreme lash multiplying Volume

Mascara I put this on first this one is like

massive um so I just kind of coat the lashes with this first I do feel like it

gives me more length than the covergirl tease so I'll go in with that and then I

absolutely love this covergirl total tease and then I'll take this and go on

second and really get close to my line and push them up and I really do feel

like it teases the lashes and makes it look like I have lashes so those are

what I put on yeah I wanted to show you a new bronzer that I just got actually I

got two new bronzers a Becca one and an hourglass but I've used the back of one

a couple times so I wanted this to be like a first impression now

unfortunately this little guy came broken and I went ahead and threw out

like the tiny pieces that I thought there was a big chunk away so I'm going

to leave that in there but what was really cool is I called Sephora a

sweater that is ulties return policy is which I'm going to return some stuff

tonight wish me love um Sephora is like ten times a bajillion

times better so I called home and I said oh I just got my package in and this was

broken she's like okay do you want a refund her for me to ship you a new one

I was like should be a new one and she was like okay and I was like so I'm just

gonna ship this back right and she's like no you don't have to and I was like

okay I still have half of this left so I'm excited I'm gonna use it she said I

didn't have to I'm going to use my favorite Real Techniques powder brush

I've never used this and I saw um makeup by Tiffany de talking about it and she's

really fair and she said the other okay so that story is I tried the other

bronzers these are the news these are the lighting bronzers so this is new

bronze light and it's not shimmery and it's not as warm that's what she said

but that was no joke that's what Tiffany D said so I was like

oh I've always wanted to love these because I really do think that hourglass

powders are really pretty I happen to love is this the one I know I happen to

love dim light as an all-over like setting powder when you want like a

glowy skin um so I absolutely love this one but it is super pale so I was like

what if I could get this and a bronzer I'd be happy so first time at using this

I'm just gonna go down my neck but honestly when i swatched it I didn't

feel like it had enough color like my Marc Jacobs bronzer isn't that pigmented

but after I like put two layers of it on I can definitely tell that I have like a

bronzer on and I swatch this and I was like I didn't see anything on the UM

hand so yeah I really Oh No you all have to tell me if I look more bronze but I

really feel like this is just a setting powder for me let me show you on my hand

yeah there's like absolute disgust you can see it a little bit so it gives me a

little bit of color but um and it does kind of blur my pores huh but I would

want more of a bronze look you know hmm hmm I don't know I'm gonna have to keep

working with this I don't really like it as a bronzer so I'm going to go in with

my Marc Jacobs and just kind of bronze up the face but I don't hate it I just

want to be more bronzy today or in the summer period

see how that one just hmm I loves bronzers

I know you all are sick here bronzer just makes me so long

whoa much shadow love is why does Lisa know me so oh okay so I'm going to

continue to play with this I just don't think it's magical this thing is fifty

dollars and you know how I am if it ain't magical I ain't paying that

price so I'll just keep playing with that and let you know um the only blush

that I got was this new ciate blush and date night let's be honest I bought this

because of the packaging it is so precious it is cream with like a little

bow on it and it's got white silver and rose gold stars on it and that seriously

is why I bought it and then on the inside it's like this mixture of like

highlight and blush but mostly blush and the inside is just this pressure and I

got one of the darker ones because I did see this on someone's channel and they

said it really really has to be built up so I'll take a more dense brush this is

the precision Beauty blush brush I got this off a hope look like years and

years and years ago um so I don't even know where you can find it but it is

more dense than my it cosmetics brush so I've used this the last couple days and

I think you know for going to work it is absolutely perfect because usually I'm

like rushing I don't want to have to like fuss with my blush and I've loved

it it does give like a super glowy look to the skin but just be forwards if you

go any lighter than this one you have to be super petal for these to show up on

your face so another might be one or two that's actually darker than this but

like I said I mean I I like it like I love the color I think it's super pretty

on the face but and it's not like overly expensive where

I'm sitting here doing well this is $50 it better be amazing it's 20 22 ish so

for that it's worth it for me and I like it and I think it's like super easy to

use um and then I'll just kind of blend that

in a little bit I don't know it just looks really pretty on the face honestly

and it has the tiniest subtle glow to it so I like it

and the only highlight that I got is actually not from Sephora but you would

have seen this in the hall this is the Milani Sun glow strobe light in 0-3 it's

a third one over I've used this a couple times this week again you had to use a

more dense brush like I've been into this morphe r-36 because I feel like

this sheers out like my super intense highlight so I can use them for work um

but you need a more dense brush so I can't use that one I have been using my

Anasazi oh one and just I don't know I don't feel like this is like anything

magical like everyone makes it out to be which is why I was on like the extreme

hunt for these things and then I used it and I was like okay I almost want to try

0-2 because I feel like this is I don't know it's just not intense enough for me

I guess it's okay but I do feel like it kind of accentuates my texture it

doesn't really look like it's like becoming one with my skin like other

highlights that I have I just I mean I'll probably keep it because it wasn't

that expensive I just don't think it's something you need to like kill yourself

to go get you know but yeah it definitely accentuates texture so if you

have texture on your face you might want to stay away from this that way but I

love it because it's like the perfect shade of gold you know I'm just going to

go back with nothing on this blush brush and just kind of blend those two in

together so okay nothing to write home about and ninh lipstick so I have so

many lipsticks then I bought well not so many three

three which one will I use like I need a warm blowing use this one so um you all

know that oh shoot it's in that purse hubby

bought me 47 and then I had my heart set on 44 so I bought that and then I went

ahead and bought number one now this is the one with the little lip balm in the

middle it has like a little set of lips so it's got the bomb in the middle and

then the color on the outside and it is the color nude number one so I haven't

used this this is the first time I'm using it so I just want to see like how

nude it is so we shall see together I hope that thing goes all the way through

it does look like it does um this is not new I hate that early this

it does not it does not match so no I'm going to take that off okay let's do

something else I got I got options okay so I picked up this Dior lip tattoo I

wanted it when they first came out and then I was like no no not into liquid

lipsticks well I was in the store that day but one of the why sell lipsticks

and ice washed this and it went on and it was kind of ugly and I wiped it off

and then we went about our day and like halfway through the day I looked down

and had to swatch in my hand I was like what was this because I had washed my

hands I had wiped off all the swatches with like makeup remover it didn't come

off with the makeup remover or washing my hands and so at the end of the night

I looked in my hand again and that swatch was still there so I had wash my

hands for the second time and I was like what was this and Derek said something

about like it was on that first foul that you were looking at and I

remembered like all the do your stuff was a first corner the island I was like

that was that lip tattoo and I was like it was beautiful it's not a liquid

lipstick it's like a stain so what i did when i swatched it is it went on ugly

and then I wiped it off in the stain underneath was the most beautiful mauve

color I was like so in love so I ordered it

when I got home and ordered everything else so I'm going to try it the same way

I'm gonna put it on and kind of blot it off and see what happens


it just feels like water honestly

like this is what it looked like and I did not like it so let's see if it does

the same thing so i swatched it okay it's definitely more pigmented let's

just kind of blot it on the wet wipe no it didn't look like like it looked like

this and then after it like I don't know we're gonna give this we're gonna get

this time but you know what I could put over it oh dang why'd I have to take all

my Marc Jacobs school yes okay so it definitely wasn't this dark but maybe it

like passed down after well but I'm in at this covergirl Queen collection gloss

and spice latte and just put that over it it was a really pretty mom on my hand

but this isn't what I signed up for so I'm definitely gonna continue to work

with this and see how it goes so that's it guys here is the finished look I

absolutely love the eyeshadow palette love this little chrome guy the blush is

just you know it's pretty I like it um maybe they have like a better color

but I like this highlight me um in the lips lip stain in that YSL probably not

one of my favorites probably not the color I would have picked for this look

but um I hope you liked this kind of video where I do a haul and then I play

with all the new makeup for first impressions if you did don't forget to

give me a thumbs up also let me know down in the comments any new makeup that

you have tried lately that like blew your socks off I want to know what

you've been impressed by and if you're not yet subscribed to my channel please

do so I would love to have you thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in

the next one bye

For more infomation >> GRWM | Using all NEW makeup!! | Viseart, Ciate, Dior, Hourglass & more! - Duration: 28:40.


The Great Chocolate Cake | Bad Kid Snags Chocolate - Izzy Report - Duration: 2:40.

What do I smell? .....CHOCOLATE...


[Intro] Welcome to the Izzy Report

We are on operation sneak the cake away from daddy!

Right, Izabel? Yes!

So what is your plan?

So I have to sneak downstairs and put the cake and forks in my pocket.

Before my dad sees them.

I don't think the cake will fit in your pocket, so hide it under your shit by your belly. But don't crush it, or we will loose all the frosting.

Okay... Okay go!

.. Butters is going to help...


.. I think he is in the play room..

yeah, he is.

..close the gate.. close the gate!!!...

Butters.. He's already up here.

I got the cake..

[evil laugh]

No Butters you do not get to have some cake.

Unpause it please.

So I got the cake yeah!

Back up Butters.

Let's show everybody how beautiful this cake looks.

You open it because I don't know how.

Look at that beautiful cake.

Go Lock the door, hurry before daddy comes.

[Evil Laugh]

Izabel thought she locked the door. I guess you didn't lock the door Izzy.

You can open it even if its locked.

It's not very good I don't think you'll like it.

Yeah, I don't like it either.

For more infomation >> The Great Chocolate Cake | Bad Kid Snags Chocolate - Izzy Report - Duration: 2:40.


Ameo Powerbreather Swimming Snorkel Product Review - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Ameo Powerbreather Swimming Snorkel Product Review - Duration: 5:12.


Changing Birth Control Journey (Pt.1) - Duration: 5:16.

Good morning.

Um, I'm about to leave to go to the doctors.

We have three objectives for today.

The first thing at the doctors, I need her to sign

my disability parking placard form.

So I can get that.

Second, I need her to also prescribe medicine

because shocker, I have a UTI again.

Before you leave all your comments on tips

to prevent a UTI, I already know all of it.

I get chronic UTIs, so it's just something I gotta deal with.

But the main objective and the reason I am vlogging

today is I am going to be

talking with my doctor about changing my birth control.

I had made a video a bit ago

on how my current birth control, which is the patch,

has been effecting me negatively.

So I'm looking into IUDs.

I'm debating either a lower dose hormone IUD

or the copper IUD.

Which has no hormones.

But we're going to head to the metro

I think I might stop at Whole Foods

and get an energy bar.

So let's go!

I also want to point out, this is how you know

this is a disability bag.

I have my wallet, this is a headphone case.

My current birth control to show my doctor.

My water, my medicine, some bathroom wipes.

And my forms!

And my insurance cards are in here but

this is a disabled bag, for a disabled person!

(light hearted music playing)

I just got off the metro, and now I'm walking to the place.

It's like 14 minutes away.

Oh my god I have to pee so bad!

When you have a UTI and you have to pee, it's so painful.

I have to pee so bad!

But if I see like a Starbucks, I'm going to go in and go to the bathroom.

Because (makes grunting noises)

There was a Ralphs by the metro station,

so I got to use the bathroom.

(exhales) I feel so much better.

Okay, time to get to the doctor's office.

I made it! Cool, now I gotta check in.

So that last clip you saw was quite a bit ago.

It was little awkward to vlog once I got in the office.

But I will give you the whole re-cap.

So now shocker, I had a UTI.

My doctor prescribed antibiotics and then we talked about different IUDs.

We decided on Skyla, it's a little bit smaller.

Which she said would be a little less painful inserting.

She said it shouldn't mess with my mental state.

I also showed her the birth control I'm currently on,

of the patch.

And she was just like "No wonder you're having all these issues.

This has so many hormones in it."

So we decided on Skyla.

But first she wanted to do a few little tests so

along with the urine sample that I gave

for my UTI, she tested me for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

I tested negative, as I expected.

Because my partner and myself, we're both clean.

So where we are now, on the 15th

I'm going to go back in and I'm going to get a pap smear.

Because apparently I'm very overdue for a pap smear.

And then in that same appointment, I should be getting my IUD.

So that's kinda like your quick update.

I will vlog the process as well for the next appointment.

I'm not going to vlog inside the actual doctor's room.

But you'll get before and after, so we're almost there.

We're almost there, oh I forgot to mention!

Um, she took me off the patch but she has me right now on these

little chewable pills.

These are pretty gross to taste but

um, I can feel myself

returning a little bit to normal.

These still have hormones in it, but not as much as the patch.

Also a thing I learned, when you're on antibiotics

and on birth control,

you should wear a condom because

the antibiotics increases your risk of getting pregnant

a little bit more.

Even if you're on birth control.

So wrap it up're healing it up?

What the fuck? That's not it.

Alright, that is my little part one of

this birth control journey of getting an IUD.

So I'll catch up with you next week.


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