Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

11 Stages Of Awakening Each Person Has To Go Through Before Achieving Enlightenment

by Conscious Reminder

Awakened souls are instinctively drawn to each other.

When they meet, it�s an encounter like no other, because these people are able to identify

similar frequencies in no time.

If you are an awakened person, you are well aware that it�s not a problem to precisely

pinpoint, even in a bigger crowd, the people who match your vibration.

Some of them have already completed their awakening process (if that�s even possible),

but other are just at the dawn of their enlightenment journey.

When you notice someone who got stuck along the way of their awakening process, you might

feel compelled to help them out.

And it is a completely natural reaction, but it doesn�t always mean that it�s the best


So be careful with it.

Sometimes people need to go through hurdles and hardship to learn crucial karmic lessons.

The following checkpoints represent steppingstones to a better and more fulfilled life.

If you went through the process of awakening, you had probably stumbled upon most, if not

all, of these, and if not they will give you insight on the things that might follow.

Don�t rush yourself through them, take your time and pay close attention, because if you

skip any, it will get you right back at the starting point.

So, how does the awakening process work?

Awakening is a never-ending process, but there are common occurrences or checkpoints that

take place.

These events slowly transform a person�s life.

If You�re On Your Journey of Awakening, You Have to Go Through These 11 Stages:

Stage 1: Confusion

At the start you will feel a bit lost, like a ship without a compass.

Things seem monotonous, dull and lifeless, it it confuses you.

You will be at a loss for words and afraid of moving forward in life.

Stage 2: Restlessness

You are not happy with where your life is going.

It makes you feel restless and frustrated.

All of the sudden the burning desire for change that you have been trying to keep dormant

for such a long time has exploded, giving your awakening process a momentum.

The idea that your life is your own responsibility starts to come out.

You do everything to take it back into your own hands.

You realize that your own happiness is not dependent on people or any external circumstances.

Your intention to get your power back, activates your energy, your chakras, and your soul.

Awakening has begun the moment you open your eyes.

Stage 3: Epiphany

This phase is an emotional roller coaster ride.

Life is not the same anymore.

All the colors shine a bit brighter, all the smells are stronger.

You start to experience ecstatic emotions like bliss, euphoria, and freedom.

But despite all this, pain is still present.

The emotions surrounding your past confront you.

You begin to ask how you have chosen to live your life.

You start to question and challenge everything.

Stage 4: Push and Pull

There is an onset of a tug of war.

You are in a dilemma between closing your eyes and opening it.

Fear slowly creeps within you.

All because you�re not prepared for the consequences should you move forward to the

path of awakening.

The leap into the unknown is far too scary when coupled with the crumbling of things

all around you.

Everything starts to be meaningless: your life, your beliefs.

You seem to get stuck and bewildered.

You begin to notice that you are walking on shaky grounds that may explode anytime.

This is a critical moment because those who continue along this path transform, those

who don�t go back to sleep.

Stage 5: Darkness

Everything around you starts to collapse, you find yourself in the dark.

But you need to be in the dark to understand more of the light.

The state of the world may disturb you: poverty, greed, and even the state of the environment.

You wonder why this happened.

The feeling of depression leads you to wonder how you�re going to blend with the society.

The desire to be alone, to be with nature, and to be a hermit burn inside you.

You feel alone and lost because no one understands what you�re going through.

You have nothing to cling to except to seek the answer to this question: �Who Am I?�

Stage 6: Connectedness

You feel that there is no need to change the world.

You may change it by changing yourself.

You slowly feel the connectedness between you and the world.

Your focus shifts to love and gratitude.

You have the urge to research and study spirituality and all things metaphysical.

You follow that urges.

Your perception of the world changes and you realize you are sent to Earth for a higher


Stage 7: Synchronicity

You appreciate the interconnectedness of everything: nature, animals, the stars.

You feel you are a part of the universe.

As your consciousness expands, you start to see the world more deeply and more connected.

With the broadening of your intuition and psychic abilities, the equality and oneness

of all things are more plain to you.

Synchronicity starts to manifest in your life.

You realize that what shapes your reality are your thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

You slowly start to shift and change your lifestyle to support this.

Stage 8: Self Authenticity

With this new state of awareness, you feel you are one with the universe.

You get more clarity of your purpose.

The tangible things you see no longer matter to you.

You fix your focus on the greater power of energy and intention.

Your true, authentic self starts to emerge.

This authentic self is what walks you towards your higher purpose.

And your higher purpose is to share your authentic self with the world.

Stage 9: Higher Consciousness

When you find your alignment with your true, authentic self, ideas begin to fill your mind


You attract abundance through your ideas and creations.

Inspiration takes place.

You begin to see your destiny more clearly as things start to unfold.

Your life starts to transform.

Your experiences and the people around you reflect your state of higher consciousness.

The challenges along the way no longer baffle you because you are fully equipped emotionally

and spiritually.

Stage 10: Co-creation

As you continue your journey, you realize that you co-create with the Divine.

Things get better, bigger, and have more flow when you surrender and work with the Divine.

You feel the guidance while you create alongside with the Source energy.

You feel a stronger connection with your spirit guides, guardian angels, or your higher self.

Your intuition is getting a lot stronger and you even develop some psychic gifts.

Stage 11: Unconditional Love

You start to be in alignment with unconditional love as your work alongside the Divine progress.

You feel you are love, radiate love and feel love.

It becomes clear to you that this life is temporary.

And it is given to you to experience and enjoy.

In the end you come to realize that the whole process of awakening is for your greater good.

If these checkpoints resonated with you, you are walking the path

of awakening.

For more infomation >> 11 Stages Of Awakening Each Person Has To Go Through Before Achi - Duration: 9:00.


Sezon quaza #04: Rymowane Ofiary Jaskiniowych Przypływów Ryżu na Mostku42 - Duration: 15:47.

For more infomation >> Sezon quaza #04: Rymowane Ofiary Jaskiniowych Przypływów Ryżu na Mostku42 - Duration: 15:47.


BREAKING: Syrian Army Has Reached the Iraqi Border, Cutting off the Americans at al-Tanf - Duration: 19:58.

Good afternoon!

Today the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian force grouping in the Syrian Arab Republic Colonel General Sergei Surovikin is participating in briefing.

The Russian Federation continues to provide help to the Syrian population in fighting ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist groupings and taking steps to resolution of the conflict.

Thus the main efforts are focused on ensuring the cessation of hostilities in Syria.

Thanks to purposeful activity of the Russian Center for reconciliation of opposing sides

today 1,571 agreements on ceasefire have been signed the representatives of the inhabited areas.

Moreover, the number of armed formations, which had claimed to observe the ceasefire regime, is 219.

The situation has dramatically improved after signing of the Memorandum on the establishment of the de-escalation zones in the Syrian Arab Republic on May 4 in Astana.

The civil war in Syria has actually stopped.

In addition, the establishment of the Memorandum allowed to begin work on rebuilding war-torn inhabited areas.

Civilians began to return to liberated cities and towns.

Households of ordinary citizens, power supply facilities, transport hubs and roads are restored, channels for irrigation of agricultural land are filling with water.

Schools are being repaired in order to the maximum number of children could continue the learning process.

Humanitarian access to the inhabited areas located in zones of de-escalation has been renewed.

During last month 14 humanitarian convoys have been sent by the international organizations, which greatly improved the situation of the population.

After the opening of a humanitarian corridor to al-Wafidin, organized with the participation of the Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides,

humanitarian assistance from UN and International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Eastern Ghouta have started.

It is possible to reduce the prices of basic foodstuffs in the suburb of Damascus for 30-60 percent.

Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides conducted 169 humanitarian actions

in which the population received 17 tons of food, over ten and a half thousand Syrians received medical treatment.

Humanitarian demining in the areas liberated from the militants is provided.

June 2 at the Russian branch of the International anti-mine center in Aleppo was held another graduation of students.

92 Syrian sappers were sent to demine the city of Maskana and other inhabited areas in the Eastern parts of the provinces of Aleppo and Homs, recently liberated from the jihadists.

In accordance with the Memorandum the Joint working group on de-escalation has been formed and which is actively functioning.

Three meetings have been held. The map that shows areas of de-escalation and the security zones has been developed.

The draft guideline of the Joint working group has been prepared.

At the fifth International meeting on Syria in the framework of the Astana format it is expected to approve the main documents regulating the border and the procedure of control

over observation of the cessation of hostilities in the areas of de-escalation.

In order to avoid losses among the civilian population,

the operation of the withdrawal of the militants and their families from the suburbs of Damascus and Homs was carried out,

held with the participation of servicemen of the Russian Center for reconciliation of opposing sides.

Within this operation 1853 militants and 5012 members of their families have been exported from the suburbs of the Syrian Capital Bursa and Kabun in the province of Idlib.

Currently, engineers are working in these inhabited areas, checking buildings on the presence of explosive devices left militants.

Restoration of vital infrastructure and social infrastructure is held. Citizens of these areas return to civilian life.

Two-month operation for withdrawing members of illegal armed groups from al-Vaer in the suburb of Homs, is finished.

According to the agreements reached in the inhabited area Jerablus in the province of Aleppo and the city of Idlib 19,653 people, including 6,964 militants have been exported.

After the withdrawal of the militants in al-Warp, about 8 thousand civilians have returned back.

In addition, in the Northern part of the province of Damascus in the cities of Zabadani, Madaya and Bukan 2,640 former militants have settled their status, taking advantage of the Amnesty Ordinance.

The success of the political settlement of the Syrian conflict, including the creation of four zones of de-escalation,

reducing the number of violations of the cease-fire regime allowed the grouping of troops in the Syrian Arab Republic to focus on elimination of ISIS forces in the Eastern part of the country.

With the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces major successes achieved in almost all areas.

I want to note that the government forces with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces are not fighting against the Syrian opposition.

They are consistently reaching the main target – destruction of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and their affiliated terrorist groups.

At the same time, we do not see significant results of the fight against ISIS by coalition led by the United States.

Declaring the purpose of the fight against international terrorism, the coalition strikes on Syrian troops,

freely produces ISIS militants from areas of the encirclement, strengthening terrorist groups in the areas of Palmyra and Der ez-Zor.

I want to ask why are they doing this and what real purpose they serve?

Now we see that the coalition's actions only prevent the elimination of groups of ISIS by government forces.

We expect that our coalition partners would take measures to prevent such incidents and will be engaged in the fight against terrorist groups ISIS in Syria.

About the results of operations for the liberation of the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic conducted by government forces, will report Colonel General Surovikin.


In the last month, government troops and militia units are developing success in the North-East of the province of Aleppo, Palmyra, the Eastern Qalamoun and in the South of Syria,

they are moving along the Syrian-Jordanian border and the border with Iraq.

As a result, a large group of ISIS was defeated, while the enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and hardware.

During the month 109 inhabited areas and 3,922 square kilometers of territory have been liberated from the militants.

During this time, the Russian Aerospace Force aircraft performed 1,268 sorties, and destroyed 3,200 terrorist targets, including command posts, weapons depots and ammunition supply bases and training camps of militants.

In the North-East Aleppo province, the offensive along the Western Bank of the Euphrates river is rapidly developing.

Units of the Syrian armed forces and militia units knocked the ISIL militants out of the main cities such as Maccana, Ratman, Shatha and approached the city of al-Tabka.

A control over the Giro strategic important airport was taken.

The attack rate of government forces increased to 8 kilometers per day.

In total 83 settlements and more than 500 square kilometers of territory have been liberated from terrorists.

3,000 ISIS militants, including a few dozens of commanders, as well as more than 20 tanks, 7 infantry fighting vehicles, and 9 artillery guns of large caliber have been destroyed.

The command staff of the Russian force grouping in the Syrian Arab Republic closely monitore the situation in the area of Raqqa,

where we have seen how the militants freely leave the city and its suburbs.

According to reports, in early June, ISIS terrorists in the agreement with the command of Kurdish troops (members of the "Union of democratic forces")

left the inhabited areas al-Tad'ah, al-Hammam without resistance, located 19 km southwest of Raqqa and moved in the direction of PALMYRA.

Instead of eliminating terrorists responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrian citizens,

the coalition led by the United States, along with the controlled "Union of democratic forces"

collude with the leaders of ISIS who without a fight live occupied inhabited and move to those provinces where the Syrian government forces are operating.

It seems that the American party uses the ISIS to prevent the government troops from advancement under the cover of fighting against terrorism.

At the same time, certain western media agencies misinform the world community talking about harsh combat actions with the ISIS insurgents in the Raqqa province.

All the attempts of the ISIS terrorists to pass through the corridor located in the south of Raqqa are timely detected and suppressed by the reconnaissance means of the Russian Command in Syria.

On May 25, the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces eliminated a terrorists' column heading towards Palmyra.

At night, on May 29-30, another attempt of ISIS insurgents' column to leave Raqqa was stopped.

As a result, 80 terrorists, 36 vehicles, 8 fuel tanker trucks and 17 pickups with heavy armament were eliminated.

Other minor ISIS groups managed to escape and hide in well-prepared transshipment bases and caves in the Hama and Homs provinces, discovered by reconnaissance means.

They were engaged on May 30 by the Admiral Essen frigate and the Krasnodar submarine from the eastern part of the Mediterranean by means of Kalibr cruise missiles.

According to the objective monitoring data, all the assigned targets were hit.

Near Palmyra, the government troops and militia detachments successfully conducted offensive actions against ISIS groups in the north-west, east and south-east directions

pushing them out of commanding heights and expanding the security zones around the strategic highway Damascus – Palmyra and the Tifor airfield.

In the course of the combats, terrorists were dislodged from the gas field "Shaer" that caused serious damage to their economic potential depriving them from income through illegal hydrocarbon extraction.

The Syrian Army has taken hold of 3 cities and 66 important heights near Palmyra.

The government troops have approached the Araq town,

the capture of which will create conditions for further offensive towards Es-Soukhne and Deir ez-Zor.

The situation to the south-east of Palmyra has been considerably improved. The government troops have defeated the large ISIS groups to the south-west of al-Basiri.

3,200 sq. km of territory as well as 20 inhabited areas including Mkhasse, al-Basiri and al-Barda have been liberated from terrorists.

The phosphate fields have been put under control.

The offensive towards Abu-Kemal is developing successfully. The advancement constitutes 184 km.

The government troops have mopped up the al-Buda town and reached the Syrian-Iraqi border, which is 40 km to the south.

In cooperation with the Russian Centre for reconciliation of the opposing sides, the detachments of the Free Syrian Army acting to the north-east of the Dumeira town are conducting ceasefire negotiations with the authorities.

The positions of the government troops in the southern part of the Es-Suweida province have been improved.

The Syrian Armed Forces have managed to capture a number of strategic heights and communications in this region,

depriving terrorists from free transportation of reserves and cargoes in the south of the country.

However, in the course of the offensive, the government troops faced resistance of the aviation of the international US-led coalition.

The American party has put forward a groundless ultimatum not to approach the positions of the so-called New Syrian army.

They say that the government troops constitute a treat to the American bases and camps used for training of opposition combatants in the south of Syria.

As a result, the coalition aviation and combatants' checkpoints of the New Syrian army have blocked the way for the government troops,

which are defeating the ISIS groupings and carry out the control using frontier outposts along the border with Iraq to the north-east of al-Tanfa to Abu-Kemal.

This is the breach of the sovereign right of the Syrian Arab Republic to defend its borders.

The representatives of the US military command explain that government troops constitute danger for them.

There is no explanation what kind of danger is meant and where its source is.

It looks like not the ISIS terrorists, but the government troops are dangerous for the coalition.

Meanwhile the Russian command in Syria takes every effort for reconciliation of the opposing sides and providing security for the Syrian military groupings.

Despite this resistance, in the course of the offensive of the Syrian Army and the militia detachments against the ISIS positions,

they have re-taken control over 105 km of the Syrian-Jordan border.

9 frontier outposts have been installed.

Twenty-two towns have signed reconciliation agreements that means the successful termination of reconciliation process with the Druzes and the bedouin tribes.

The actions of the government troops aimed at recovering control over the Syrian-Jordan and Syrian-Iraq borders are continued.

It is to be highlighted that the Russian servicemen jointly with the Syrian government troops are taking every effort for recovering peace on the Syrian land

avoiding unnecessary violence and saving people's lives.

Along with that, any terrorists' attempts to disturb the peacemaking process will be severely suppressed.

The counterterrorist operation on the territory of Syrian Arab Republic will be continued until the complete elimination of the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra groupings.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Syrian Army Has Reached the Iraqi Border, Cutting off the Americans at al-Tanf - Duration: 19:58.



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Security stepped up ahead of Rod Stewart Chester-le-Street concert - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Security stepped up ahead of Rod Stewart Chester-le-Street concert - Duration: 2:07.


Suck My ? Live Streaming Playing Battlefield 1 - Duration: 1:18:14.

For more infomation >> Suck My ? Live Streaming Playing Battlefield 1 - Duration: 1:18:14.


Camila Cabello Said No to Singing "Closer" for the Chainsmokers - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello Said No to Singing "Closer" for the Chainsmokers - Duration: 1:14.


Minecraft Tutorial Small Buddha statue - Duration: 6:58.

Hello and welcome to a new tutorial

Someone asked me this week... Can you create a small statue that resembles Buddha for Oriental builds

So... That is what we'll do today.

I have to admit, it was a really hard thing to do. Especially because it's so small.

But in the end I came up with this adorable looking statue assuming the Buddha position.

So its... Buddha 'like'.

We'll go over how to build this in a very easy to follow tutorial by building it layer by layer.

So lets just get to building

For more infomation >> Minecraft Tutorial Small Buddha statue - Duration: 6:58.


F1 GP CANADA 2017 - Lewis Hamilton ONBOARD - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> F1 GP CANADA 2017 - Lewis Hamilton ONBOARD - Duration: 7:00.


Perfil #14 - Ramiro Mart - Nephilim (Prod. LVKS) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Perfil #14 - Ramiro Mart - Nephilim (Prod. LVKS) - Duration: 2:45.


Artistic brushes for professional oil painting – which do I need? - Duration: 4:14.

Now I'll tell you about brushes for oil painting.

They happen to be categorized by their softness.

I'll show you the difference between the hardest bristle brushes and the softest synthetic ones.

The remaining brushes fall between bristle and synthetic.

Let's start with the synthetic.

With a synthetic brush you can lay the paint in quite a thin layer,

without texture.

That is, we have a thin and smooth layer.

If you need to paint a smooth surface, and to place the paint smoothly,

you can use a synthetic brush.

Unlike the synthetic brush,

a bristle brush picks up a lot of paint,

and allows you to apply it densely.

However, with the bristle brush we can also lay paint rather transparently in a thin layer.

Using this you can vary the thickness of a paint layer on the canvas.

It can be dense or thin.

In addition to that, a bristle brush leaves

"furrows" because the bristle is hard.

The stroke happens to be very characteristic.

It looks exactly like "an oil painting".

Furthermore, using the hardness of a bristle brush, you can make

ragged strokes

With this you can paint grass blades.

Or, for example, leaves on trees.

There are also fan brushes,

and they also differ by their degree of hardness.

I don't recommend you use a synthetic fan brush, because it will wear out very fast.

It's better to use a kolinsky fan brush instead.

It's also quite soft and it fits for the goals I'll tell you about further.

With it you can smooth texture.

If you have a too strongly textured area in your painting, you can take a fan brush,

and with mere touches, without blurring or smearing the paint over the canvas,

you can easily smooth the texture.

There are also bristle fan brushes.

You can use them, for example, to paint grass.

For example, I use them to paint grass.

And I have in my personal set a new fan brush,

and an old, worn out fan brush.

The thing is, they leave different strokes.

This is a new fan brush, a bristle brush.

This is an old one. You see, it leaves fewer grass blades.

As a matter of fact, it's useful to have with you a mixture of some new

and some old, worn out, bold brushes.

Because sometimes they are really handy

for painting some details like grass blades or branches.

They can make a very interesting trail.

Write in the comments which brushes you love most and why.

Subscribe to my channel to avoid missing out on new videos. Tell me in the comments

what materials you would like to learn more about.

Open new lessons right now by clicking on the buttons,

or visit my site to see the entire list of lessons and my pictures.

If you want me to shoot more videos, become my patron on

For more infomation >> Artistic brushes for professional oil painting – which do I need? - Duration: 4:14.


Youngest Surfer Riding the Waves Kids Surfing- Izzy Report - Duration: 5:49.

Welcome to Wrightsville Beach! [North Carolina]

Into [Welcome to the Izzy Report]

Here comes a big one grab daddy!





Wahooo... Dena. Dana.. [laughing]

Here it comes.. Here it comes!!!

[Laughing] Why hello!


Your doing great Izabel.

[laughing] I think I got that on camera!

Are you little surfer chick?

Look at you swim!

Oh, here comes a huge one Izabel!

Get ready its already starting to crest!

Oh, yeah, get ready kid here it comes!

Hold on!

Wahooo! Izabel!

.... slow mo ....

For more infomation >> Youngest Surfer Riding the Waves Kids Surfing- Izzy Report - Duration: 5:49.


Skyrim SE Convert Arissa The Wandering Rogue Includes ESM Conversion - Duration: 33:58.

For more infomation >> Skyrim SE Convert Arissa The Wandering Rogue Includes ESM Conversion - Duration: 33:58.


VatikaNews 09.06.17: Papst berät über Krise in Venezuela - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> VatikaNews 09.06.17: Papst berät über Krise in Venezuela - Duration: 1:24.


Getting the Best Breast Augmentation Possible. - Duration: 3:54.

women come in with an image in their brain of what they want their breasts to

look like it may have been someone that they saw it's a fantasy breast and

sometimes I ask them to bring me a photo of their ideal breast we try to give

them what they want but there are limitations in what we can create and

one of the limitations is in size we measure the width of their breast and

the implant has to fit in that width just like your foot has to fit in your

shoe and so if the implant that they choose is too wide it will either be in

their armpit or it'll be in the middle of their chest for a uniboob and or it

will wrinkle when we put it in because it will curl up and so what we want the

implant to do is to fit into the space and within that dimension there will be

multiple choices that they have regarding size I believe that it's very

difficult to make a really large breasts shapely and so for me it's a competition

between shape versus size had you rather have a bigger breast that's maybe not

quite as shapely or do you rather have a smaller breast that's shapely really I

believe that for shape purposes the woman should choose the smallest implant

that she's willing to have regarding shape for size purposes just get what

you want but at some level bigger is less shapely and I don't know exactly

where that line is but but what we do is with photos and with conversation we try

to create a beautiful breast I can also tell you that what you get

with the breast augmentation is a bigger version of the shape that you have so

that if you come in with a shapely breasts it's very easy just to put an

implant in and you get a bigger version of a shapely breasts if you come in with

a poorly or difficult we shaped breast it's very difficult to make a shapely

breast out of an unshapely best sometimes you

have to do a lift sometimes you have to make more incisions and so there's also

the choice of scars what kind of scars are you willing to have regarding making

a beautiful shape I think the biggest concern that women have is that it's

going to be too obvious that it's a fake implant I believe that the bigger you go

the more obvious that it's going to be what I think you want to avoid is the

high implant and the domed look and the bigger you go the higher the implants

going to go look at it like you're filling up a bucket with water the more

you put in it the higher it's going to go and the higher it goes the more domed

is going to look and the higher the implants sits the lower the nipple is

going to look on the breast and so you can't have a perky looking breast with

an implant way up here at the clavicle there's what you look like an in clothes

and then there's what it looks like naked and I can tell you that if the

implant is way up here high there's no way that the nipple is going to look

perky on that breast and so what we do is we talk about all these issues and I

think the woman can choose and I think they're the best chooser because they're

the ones that has to wear it I have an opinion of course regarding what a

shapely breasts is but they're the ones that have to wear it and so they're the

ones that chose

go ahead and hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and feel

free to share with a friend you can stay up to date with the latest in

cosmetic surgery by subscribing to the Austin Weston youtube channel and for

more information on the Auston Weston Center visit our website at

or click the link in the description below

For more infomation >> Getting the Best Breast Augmentation Possible. - Duration: 3:54.


Poison Ivy (Gotham City Sirens) Casting Choices - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Poison Ivy (Gotham City Sirens) Casting Choices - Duration: 4:41.


BOOM Jeff Sessions Just Did Something For Trump That Will Have Obama Screaming - Duration: 2:21.

BOOM Jeff Sessions Just Did Something For Trump That Will Have Obama Screaming

By Emily Nowak

In yet another crackdown on Obama-era corruption, Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent out a

memo Wednesday stating that the Department of Justice (DOJ) would end an Obama administration

policy of directing large corporations to settle lawsuits by paying unrelated outside


Those payments will now go instead to either victims or the Treasury Department.

Republicans had accused Eric Holder�s Justice Department of creating �slush funds� for

liberal interest groups with the practice.

AG Sessions said of the rule change:

�When the federal government settles a case against a corporate wrongdoer, any settlement

funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people�not to bankroll third-party

special interest groups or the political friends of whoever is in power.�

He continued with:


�Unfortunately, in recent years the Department of Justice has sometimes requires or encouraged

defendants to make these payments to third parties as a condition of settlement.

With this directive, we are ending this practice and ensuring that settlement funds are only

used to compensate victims, redress harm, and punish and deter unlawful conduct.�

An example of this Obama administration practice would be when Gibson Guitar Group had to donate

to the Fish and Wildlife Foundation as part of an agreed settlement with the DOJ for illegally

importing exotic wood.

Republicans in both the House and Senate have been demanding that this practice end practically

since its inception.

Here�s one Congressman urging the corrupt policy to be put to bed:

All I can say is thank God President Trump is in charge to flush out these corrupt practices.

Obama and Eric Holder probably don�t want people to see their legacy of corruption being

dismantled, so share this story 10 million times to get the word out!

For more infomation >> BOOM Jeff Sessions Just Did Something For Trump That Will Have Obama Screaming - Duration: 2:21.


Library-A-Thon TBR [CC] - Duration: 3:41.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my TBR for the Library-a-Thon, which is happening

June 11th through June [18th].

Somehow there are three week-long reading-a-thons that are happening back to back to back for

all of June, so it's going to be a very busy reading month, not to mention VidCon in there.

But in any case, this is a read-a-thon I can really get behind because I work in a library,

and I love libraries, and libraries are kind of the best thing ever, so here we go.

I will link the announcement video down below because I'm just going to be paraphrasing

the five challenges that we have.

But even though I had a massive headache at work yesterday, I was still able to find a

book for each of the challenges, so I'm a little bit proud of myself.

The first challenge was a popular book that you meant to read, or that was on backlist

and you're finally going to get around to, and for me that is Arabella of Mars by David Levine.

I saw this ages ago on Kirsti's channel and it sounds really, really interesting.

It's kind of a steampunk-y novel where space travel was figured out back in the 15 or 16

hundreds, and this girl's been living on Mars all of her life, but her parents decide to

send her back to England, back to London, back on Earth to be kind of a refined lady

of society, and I'm super interested to see how this plays out.

The second challenge was a book by a popular that you haven't read before, and I decided

to read some Terry Pratchett, because somehow I have not read any Terry Pratchett before.

The one I picked up off the shelves is Equal Rites.

It is part of the Discworld series.

I don't know where in the Discworld series it is, uh, from my understanding you can read

the books out of order, and it will be okay (?).

I'm assuming that if you read them in order, that you get a lot more of the jokes, but

I'm hoping that this turns out okay.

In any case, the blurb on the back of this books sounded really great, so I figured I

would enjoy it.

It's basically about a wizard that dies, but before he does that, he passes something on

to the 8th son of the 8th son, not realizing that that person is actually a daughter.

So already, I kind of like this.

The third challenge is to pick up a book that you haven't seen before the library, and for

me that was All That Sang by [Lydia] Perović.

I've never heard of this before, but again the blurb on the back made me go, "yeah, I

can definitely dedicate some time to that".

Not to mention, it's teeny tiny, and considering I read really slowly, and I don't think I'll

get through all five books in this challenge, I needed something little.

The two lines on the back that convinced me to give this a try are "A visceral tale of

obsession and creativity, unrequited passions and the power of music.

A love story in which art is a foil to companionship and intellect an interlocutor of the heart."

The fourth challenge was the ask the librarian for a recommendation, but my branch is so

little that we don't have any librarians, so I went to the internet and asked one of

my favourite internet librarians for a recommendation.

Thank you, Kirsti.

After a little bit of back and forth, we settled on me reading Fairest, which is the 3.5 in

the Lunar Chronicles [series] and I'm going to read it as my audiobook for the week.

For those that know the series, this is an audiobook with the back story of Levana, who

is the evil queen who lives on the moon.

And the fifth and final challenge is read a book that you feel like reading, and for

me that is The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce.

This is the second in a duology, the first one being The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold

Fry, which I read either earlier this year or late last year, and I really, really enjoyed,

so I'm looking forward to seeing the story from her point of view.

That's it for me.

Next week I will actually be pet sitting again, so maybe I'll have more time to get through

all of this, but I'm not going to stake all my claims on getting through every single

one on this list.

But who knows?

I might surprise myself and get all the way though and then be ready for the next read-a-thon.

If you are taking part in this read-a-thon, I would love to know what you're reading,

so let me know down in the comments below.

And I will see you soon.


[outro music]

For more infomation >> Library-A-Thon TBR [CC] - Duration: 3:41.


Secter MidOne vs IG • Bloodseeker • 44K DMG — Pro Epicenter Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 1:05:37.

Secter MidOne vs IG • Bloodseeker • 44K DMG — Pro Epicenter Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> Secter MidOne vs IG • Bloodseeker • 44K DMG — Pro Epicenter Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 1:05:37.


LEISURE 2: Love Yourself (Cover) | Justin Bieber | Purpose - Duration: 3:44.

For all the times that you rain on my parade

And all the clubs you get in using my name

You think you broke my heart, oh, girl for goodness' sake

You think I'm crying on my own. Well, I ain't

And I didn't wanna write a song

'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't, But you still hit my phone up

And, baby, I be movin' on

And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, Maybe you should know that

My mama don't like you and she likes everyone

And I never like to admit that I was wrong

And I've been so caught up in my job,

Didn't see what's going on But now I know,

I'm better sleeping on my own

'Cause if you like the way you look that much

Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself

And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin' You should go and love yourself

And when you told me that you hated my friends

The only problem was with you and not them

And every time you told me my opinion was wrong

And tried to make me forget where I came from

And I didn't wanna write a song

'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't, But you still hit my phone up

And, baby, I be movin' on

And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, Maybe you should know that

My mama don't like you and she likes everyone

And I never like to admit that I was wrong

And I've been so caught up in my job,

Didn't see what's going on But now I know,

I'm better sleeping on my own

'Cause if you like the way you look that much

Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself

And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin' You should go and love yourself

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